Young Leaders

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VOICES I Project Toolkit

D efine Your Role

I'm the youngest on the team, so I had to

Young :t , prove my competence and earn the team's

trust overtim e.
A t first, an older member on my team wouldn't listen
or provide any relevant status updates to me, because
she didn't like the fact th a t I was the same age as her last-

born child. She couldn't comprehend why I was in charge.
I told her it's nothing personal and we shouldn't have any
issues if I'm able to verify her work. She agreed, but still
was reluctant.
I told my boss about my challenges and suggested I
Establishing a track record as a proven give a presentation about what project managers do to
leader while supervising staff members of ensure work gets done. After explaining the differences

varied ages can present unique management and benefits of our roles, she understood i was there to

challenges. We asked practitioners: help the team and not to impose power on them. She has
since changed her demeanor to me."
What are your best tips fo r
leading a team as a young —Yewande Akin, CAPM, information technology project

project manager? manager, Fiserv, Sugar Land, Texas, USA

Focus on the Outcom e

As a young project manager, I achieve
outcomes and deliverables through
IP influence rather than a directive
leadership style.
When a new project manager who was 20 years my
senior joined my project, he viewed me as his apprentice.
Though 1was accountable for the project controls and he
was accountable as the project manager, he was under
the impression he would be teaching me about project
management and leadership. That was okay because,
for me, it's good to gain insight into various project
management approaches from various
project managers.
We had some heated discussions, but once I
understood his needs and he understood my capabilities,
we developed a working relationship and earned each
other's respect."

—Chris Booth, CAPM, project management cadet, BHP

Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance, Moranbah, Australia

Be Assertive
Listen to w hat your team is te llin g you
and, more im portantly, w hat they're not
te llin g you.
I was once selected to manage a change management
project instead of one of my colleagues, who had more


Leadership Gap
According to Deloitte's 2015 M illennial Survey, there are large gaps between w hat m ille n n ia l perceive as the
priorities o f th e ir organization's senior leaders, and w hat th e y would prioritize as leaders.

Meeting short-term financial goals Employee growth and development H What

m illennial
as leaders

W hat they
Personal income/rewards Employee well-being believe their
current leaders

than 25 years of experience in the organization. I had I remember the first steering comm ittee meeting I
less than five years experience and was about 30 years attended w ith the director of one o f my previous projects.
his junior. When we arrived, the attendees assumed I was her personal
During the project, he was not actively disruptive. But assistant. Then I conducted the main project initiation
he wasn't fully engaged, either. The last straw was when presentation. Showing them my understanding o f the project
I discovered that I had been operating on incomplete dynamics and how I handled the questions that followed
information because he wasn't actively working with me. earned me the respect of the team. From that point on, I
To resolve the issue, I invited him out to lunch. I told worked well w ith the project team."
him i fe lt he was contributing the bare m inimum and
wasn't supporting me. I said I fe lt he was setting me up —Rethabile Thaba, CAPM, PMP, project manager, iSchoolAfrica,
to fail and I couldn't let that happen. We either needed Johannesburg, South Africa
to work things out together or I was going to be forced
to take action that would ensure the success of
the project. Build Trust
He admitted having feelings of resentment and we I've found that establishing a work
had a very meaningful discussion. We left the restaurant environment built on trust is the key to
w ith a tenuous agreement to better support each other. success. Ensure that your team members feel
Your Place
It didn't happen overnight, but we slowly began to trust comfortable approaching you w ith questions and concerns W h a t are y o u r
each other." about a project. leadership secrets
At a previous employer, the culture was less friendly to fo r y o u n g p ro je ct
—Andrea Emrick, CAPM, project manager, Alberta Bone managers? W h a t
younger workers. But at a relatively young age, I was tasked
d iffic u ltie s did you
and Joint Health Institute, Calgary, Alberta, Canada with training and supporting a group of mostly older program
face and h o w did
and project managers on the rollout of a new piece of software. yo u solve them ?
To earn my colleagues' trust, I went above and beyond Share y o u r tip s on
Show Your Chops to resolve their problems. More importantly, I was open and th e PMI Project,
All good leaders prepare themselves for honest with them. When I didn't know something, I quickly Program and P ort­
fo lio M anagem ent
some resistance. It's im portant to take found someone who did. It worked for me because I set clear
Linkedln G roup.
charge from day one to set the tone for expectations and followed through.
relationship and communication management for the Never give up. Every project w ill have difficult moments,
rest o f the project. My approach has always been to but it's during these trying times your teammates need you
focus on the work at hand, acknowledge th a t every most—so keep pushing."
team member contributes value to the project and
maintain basic principles o f respect and hum ility in —Kristen Wypych, CAPM, project manager, Igloo Software,
executing the project. Kitchener, Ontario, Canada PM

JULY 2 0 1 5 PM NETW ORK 21

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