My Succes Stoy - Dwi Liliani Enggar P - 1811020006 - U12

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.Name : Dwi Liliani Enggar P.

NIM : 1811020006

Class : Nursing 4 A/ U12

My Success Story

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb, hello my name is Dwi Liliani Enggar Puspitasari, you can me call
lily, I am 20 th years old, I want to tell you about one of success story me, since 2009 my
mother has been selling at school, selling various food, drink, and various snack he taught
and while selling, if my mother didn't have time to sell it would be replaced by my aunt.
After graduating from Junior High Schools I think do same my mother is selling but my
realize at Class 2 Senior High Schools, I try selling food product made by me, or items sold
in the online shop are resold by me, as time goes by many of people interesting about my
product is buy there I also began to be interested in promoting sales widely, besides selling I
am also active in the world of organizations making it easier for me to promote my sales, I
participated in scouting and spiritual activities, from the beginning I wanted to enter the two
organizations and finally achieved, it was an extraordinary thing thanks to the effort and
determination I was able to enter the organization, I am very proud. although preoccupied
with the number of tasks in high school and in the organization I still sell but with a rare
frequency. I made a lot of money from the results of my own hard work. I am very proud of
it, I can set aside money to save and some of the money I bought a helmet for me so it does
not bother parents, when the class meeting meeting between classes I became my class
representative for the cooking and decorating competition, there I already have a basis for the
competition, I never thought I got the 2nd place in the cooking competition and the prize I
gave to my mother as an expression of thanks for helping me to win the race, I learned from
what mother did that whatever your circumstances you can certainly do the most important
thing you are strong-willed, patient, disciplined and never give up.

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