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Virginio - Jenny
Evons Dooley

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Contents I


1 ( U n i t1s- 2 )
TEST p.5
TEST2(Units3-4) p .1 0

TEST3(Units5-6) p .1 5

MID-TERM 1 - 6)
TEST(Units p.20

TEST4(UnitsT-8) p.25

TEST5(Unitsg-10) p30


EXITTEST(Units1 - 12) p.40

TEST1 (Units p.45

TEST2 (Units p.46

TEST3 (Units5 - 6)

LISTENING (Units1 - 6)

4 (Units
TEST p,49

TEST5 (UnitsI - 10)


p .5 1

EXIT p.52

I, ,
MARK: x4 = l0=
(Time:50 minutes) It
A. Choosethe correct item.

l'll neverforgetthefirsttimeI metMark.I wasat a party,feelinga bit bored,whenmy eyesfellon thistalle.g.

...A...youngmanin hismid-twenties.
He hadred1) ......................
hairandwasreallygoodlooking. Hewassmartly dressedin a casualwhitecotton
shirtandgrey2l ......................
trousers.Whatreallyattracted methough,washiswarm3) ..................,... smile.Of
coursemostpeoplebelievethathismoststunningfeatureis his4) greeneyes.Westartedchattingand
tookto eachotherimmediately.
Markis a kindand5) personwhowillalwayslistento youandofferhelp.He'salsoveryintelligent
and6) .....................
enough for hisage.lvlark
is really
7) ......................
as he cancomeup withnewideasallthe
time.That'swhyhe'sverygoodat hisjob,atthough he,snotreay obsessed withhis8) ......................
Marklikesreading andtravelling. As he'svery9) andlovesmeeting newpeople,he'sgotfriends
overtheyears,l'vesharedmanygoodtimeswithMark.He'soneof themost10) peoplel'veever
met,as wellas oneof my bestand mosttrustedfriends.

e.gAwell-built Bwrinkled C medium-height D permed

l Aslanting Bfreckled C pale D shoulder-length
2 Along-sleeved Bloose-fitting C low-heeled D sling-back
3Asensible Bcareful C friendly D fair
4 Aalmond-shaped Bcurly C curved D oval
5Aunderstanding Bmuscular C crooked D skinny
6Amiddle-aged Bbossy C mature D shy
7 Apolite Bbrave C patient D creative
SApractice Bcareer C position D professional
9Asociable Bfit C persuasive D accurate
l0Acheerful Brude C spoilt D calm / 1rt*t, -\
\ror1 I
B. Replacethe word in bold with a synonym.Choosefrom the words in the box below.

l'llneverforgetthe impressionNewYorkmadeon me thefirsttimeI sawit.Of courseI knew

all aboutthe famouse.g. large capitalcity from the cinemaand the booksI'd read;or so I metropolis
thought!Whoever11) says he is an experton NewYorkCityand has seeneverything thereis
to seein thisamazingly 12)interestingand excitingplace,cannotbe tellingthetruth.I couldn't
waitto 13) look around all the fantasticplacesand historical
sitesI'd heardand readso much
about.But,aboveall, I wantedto 14) becomefamiliarwith its uniqueatmosphere and energy
and to havethe secretsof NewYork 15) exposedto me.

/ uu,,t, -\
\s*os s
C. Circle the correct item.
e.g.George Hisjob isto present
1O Jane'sthinkingof goingon a three-dayflight/triplvoyageltourto Londonto see her friends.
17 Ourteachergaveus a leaflet/prospectus/brochure/handout to helpus preparefor the exam.
18 She'son holidayin a smallvillageon the southcoast/bank/shore/seaside of France.
1g We boughtticketsfor a(n)excursion/expedition/travel/sightseeing to Inskipcaves.
20 | don'ttake astrologers/astronomers/weather presenters/meteorologists seriously.How can you make
predictionsaboutthe futureby studyingthe positionsof starsand planets?
( nra,xr'
\ 5x0.5 I
D. Choosethe correct item.
e.g.Try notto any more.Everything 26 He ... of beingveryconfident
....,.the impression
fine. and reliable,
Aof B about C for D by A shows B has C gives D brings
for its pop cultureand visual 27 I cannot believe she left her
21 London'swell-known at the
amongmanyotherthings. companyto travelaround the world.
A arts B clubs C fashionD music A profession B post C vacancy D CV
22 Thisis a very club;we can'tenterunless 28 Oh, no! I'vejust hot chocolateon Mum's
we'remembers. favouritetablecloth.
A exclusiveB fabulousC uniqueD luxurious A spinned B poured C samPled D sPilt
23 Stevepreferssocialising.... ... stayinghome 29 | don'tmindbeing a plane;l'm usedto it
watchingTV. as my job involvesa lot of travelling.
A from B than C instead D to Aon Bby Cat Dwith
24 Chrisusually . her long blackhairloose. 30 I'm sure he'll be very successful.He has a real
A wears B puts C gets D takes c h a m p i o n '. s. . . . . .
25 Please,don'tgive. secret. A mentality C suPPort
Aup Bin Caway Doff B confidence D profession
/r Marks:
\ 10x0,5 /
E. Completeeachsentencewith two to five wordsincludingthe wordsin bold'

herroomat nineo'clockandsheis stillpainting.

has Annehasbeenpaintingher loom sincenineo'clock.
31 lt wasverykindof Tedto lendmehisbook.
which Tedlent............... kindof him.
32 Thewomanwaitingat the busstopis my aunt.
who The woman . at the bus stop is my aunt'
33 Thediamondringcosta lotishecouldn'tbuyit.
expensive Thediamond ringwas .............. ........ouy.
34 Thereis too little lor
coffee the sixo1us. Let'smakesomemore.
not Thereis


Areyou surethisis the housewheretheylived?


which Areyou surethisis the house

He'sratheryoungso he can'thavethe experience
old He's . . the experience
needed. t
37 The lasttime I wentto Yorkwas a yearago.
been | ....... .. for a year. I
r' -\
/ ruu,,t I
\;1 v
F. Write the unnecessary
wordson the linesprovided,or put a tick (/) it the sentence
e,g. She enteredintothe roomand turned
is correct.
40 She is alwayscomplaining about
on the lights. into everything.I can'tstandit.
Angieis usedto go to Spainevery 41 Nobodystartedeatinguntilall the
summerwhenshe was young. guestshad stillarrived.
Jerryhad beenstudyingin Milan
for threeyearsbeforeI met him.
s -\
G. Choosethe correct item.

e.g.The at seveno'clock,so we mustbe on time.

A takes B is taking C took D hastaken
42 We.. . . . . . .y. o u s h o u l dt e l lh e rt r u t h .
A wasthinking B arethinking c havethought D think
43 Annis my bestfriendlWe .. ......eachotherfor years.
A know B knew C knows D haveknown
44 Nicky to san Francisco whenthe accidenthappened.
A flies B hasflown C was flying D has beenflying
45 Tim ... a caf6at present,but he hasalreadyappliedfor a newjob.
A work B haveworked C is working D worked
46 | spoketo two people,neitherof .... .....wereSpanish.
A whom B which C who D where
47 We ..... . . . .s o m ef r i e n d sf o r d i n n e tr o n i g h tW
. o u l dy o u l i k et o j o i nu s ?
A saw B are seeing C haveseen D see
/ ltt*x, -\
\o*os )
H. Fill in the gapswith the correct word derived from the words in bold.

e.g. I lovetravellingby car becauseI can enjoythe scenery. SCENE

48 My job is reallychallenging and involvesa lot of RESPONSIBLE
49 This 19thcenturybuildingwas ....,.constructed
as a theatre. ORIGINAL
50 Theywere see us. DELIGHT
5 1 T h e r e ' sn o . . . . . . . . .f.o r w h a ty o u ' v ed o n e . JUSTIFY

/ 1tar1s-\
\+*os I
I. Read the article about Manchester.For questions 52-57. Choosethe correctanswerA, B, C or D.

Manchester is the "capital" population. Another placeto visit walkingin a city wherethere's
oF the north-west oF England. is the historicEastJeField area. so muchto see,andmuchoFit
Situated onthe eastbankoFthe w h i c h h a s t h e F i r s t r b a n is oFF
u the maintravelroutes.
Riverlrwell,it is a 1ive1y, bustling heritage parkin Britain. Hereyou But iFyou get tiredwith all
city with a large student can take a canal trip, stroll that walkingaround,you can
population. Although it wasonce a r o u n d t h e m u s e u m sa n d reFresh yourselFat one oF the
seenonlyasa duJl, industrialisedexperience the atmosphere oF many caF6bars in the city.There
place, in recent years l gth centuryManchester. is a widevariety oFhomely, o1d-
Manchester hasbecome the"in" FootballFansneednot Feel F a s h i o n eodr e v e n e c c e n t r i c
nlaceto be. lt is well-known For leFtout;theycanalwaysmakea 0 n e 5 .
its trendyclubs,its Fashlon and trip to the Old lraFFord Whatever you do,youwon't
musicnot to mentionits world M a n c h e s t eU r n i t e d M u s e u m havea dullmomentin the place
Famous Football team, which also containsa coFFee whichwasrecently awarded the
Manchester United. shopanda souvenir shop. title oF"most interesting city in
There'splentyto see in It's easyto Findyour way Europe".Despite unpopular its
Manchester and something to around thecitycentreandyou're industrialimagein the past,
suitalJ tastes. For example, you never too FarawayFroma tram Manchester is becoming more
couldhavea tasteoFthe 0rient or a bus,whichwill take you and more popular as a tourist
i n C h i n a t o w n , h o m e t o whereveryou want to go. destination nowadays.
M a n c h e s t e r 'lsa r g e C h i n e s e However,many peoplepreFer

to the article,Manchester
52 Accordrng is 55 lf you wantto havea coffeeor a drinkin the centre
A a smallcityin the north-westof England. A thereare mainlytraditional caf6bars.
B onlyknownfor its heavyindustry. B there'splentyof choicefor alltastes.
onlyif you likefootball.
C interesting C thereare only extremelymoderncaf6bars.
D a veryexcitingplacethesedays. D thereare only a few placesyou can go to.

53 lf you'reinterested
in history,
56 Whatwas Manchester likein the past?
A you can visitthe Eastlefieldarea.
A A s m a l ld u l lc i t y .
B you can go to Chinatown.
B An excitingcity to visit.
C you don'thavea big choicein Manchester.
C A cityfullof factories.
D thereare only a few 19thcenturybuildingsyou
D Tourists'mostpopulardestination
can see.
57 Whatdoes"its"in line55 referto?
54 Movingaroundthe citycentre
A Europe
and difficult.
A is ratherconfusing
B Manchester
B can onlybe doneby walking.
C tourism
C is verytiring.
D industry

D can be donein variouswavs.

J. Your teacherhas askedyou to write a compositiondescribingone of your best friends. Write your L
compositionusing the plan belowand your own ideas. (120-180words) 7
setthe scene(nameof the person,time/place
you met/sawhim/herfirst) F
Main Body :
physicalappearance (e.9.tall, slim, of mediumheight,well-built,tanned,blond hair,freckles,etc)
polite,rude,dishonest,etc) I
he/shetakespartin: hobbies,interests(e.9.cycling,going to cinema/theatre,
activities sailing,reading,etc)

aboutthe person

(Time:50 minutes)


A. Choosethe correct item.

w a s . . . A . .p. r o m p t l yb y t h ef i r eb r i g a d e .
e . g .T h eb u i l d i n g 8 There's no reason to be's just a(n)
A evacuated C extingushed . ina teacup.
B shattered D rocked A fire C rain
B storm D iceberg
1 You can't expecthim t o . . . .....e
. v e r y t h i nagn d
run off to Venezuela. I He liedto me and to . mattersworse,he
A head C tear d i d n ' ta p o l o g i s e .
B drop D rash A keep Cdo
B make D take
2 The young princewas ridingin the cool ..
night. 10 Did you read about the . earthquakein
A moonless C bitter Colombialastyear?
B burning D cruel A structural C massive
B shaken D trapped
3 Her long silk skirt . as she walkedup the
stairs. 11 The possibilityof a terroristattack hasn't been
A rustled C creaked
B whistled D struck A ruledout C blownopen
B cut out D taken off
4 The fire was due to a(n) in the electrical
wiringsystem. 12 Thegirl to the ropeand didn'tletgo until
A inhalation C spread the rescueteamarrived.
B malfunction D injury A got C clung
B nailed D burst
5 lt was when Ann left so she took an
A blazing C still residents
of the island.
B spooky D drizzling A tremor C debris
B impact D burst
the otherday.
A plot C violence A alternatively C immediately
B blurb D creature B obviously D barely

t h a nt 2 b i l l i o n .
A measuring C estimated
B recalled D situated
/ wtu,,1o.
\r+*os )


B. Replacethe words in bold with a synonym.Choosefrom the words in the box below.

Helen'sideaof an idealholidayhaschangede.g.a lot in the pastfewyears. very much I

! -

Nowadays,she'd much rathergo away in spring when most placesare not ,,

15)filled withtourists.
She has to 16) confess,though,that when she was youngershe really I
enjoyedthe noisy atmosphereand activity.Now, however,she feels rather
17) tired of all thisand all she wantsto do whileon holidayis relax.She says
that in thisway she can 18)focus her attentionon herthoughtsand herwriting.
"lt's as if I havean 19) extreme need for peaceand quiet,"Helensays.She
doesn'tevenmind beingalone,20) isolatedfromthe restof the worldfor some
time.At first,someof herfriendswere21) extremelysurprisedby the change
theysaw in her and couldhardlybelieveit was the sameperson.Nevertheless,
22) over time, they havecometo understandand acceptit.

/ t*n, -\
\ aro.s )
you may have to changethe form.
c. choosethe correctword and completethe sentences.
e.g 'share o divide o cause . effect
a) Wouldyou liketo share a baguettewith me? I'm a) Youshouldalwaysthinkaboutthe ....
not very hungry. your actionsmay haveon others.
b) We can divide the work, so that it can be done b ) l ' d r e a l l yl i k et o f i n do u t t h e . . . . . . . . . . . o. .f
faster. his strangebehaviour. I can'tunderstand it.
23 odiscuss .chat 26 o bl ame o accuse
a) | wentout withmy friendsandwe ... a) They ....him of theft.
pleasantlyfor hours. b) I d o n ' t . . . . .h e rf o r f e e l i n gl i k et h i s .
b) There'ssomething we needto .... l'd be upsettoo.
24 o join o enjoy 27 . unsure . insecure
a) We'regoingoutfora meal.Won'tyou. a) I don'tknow.I'm rather .,.of what to do
b) 'o' onthetrip;vou'rr
rearrv b) Mary is really after what
: T: ::oi'0,,1" happened. She hasverylittleconfidence.
I Marks._\
- ' ^" r
D. Fill in the gapswith the correctpreposition/particle(s). \
,5x0.5 I

I havee.g. to say,thenewscamelikea bolt28) ......................theblue!MylittlesisterJenny,who'sstudying in

Paris,is gettingmarried29) my friendMark.Whenmy motherannouncedit to me, I lookedat her
l knewtheygot3l) ......................
witheachother,butit hadneveroccurred g2l . ...........
soclose.Tobe honest, thisistypical33).............................
mysister. She'salwaysbeensecretive andlikessurprising
people.I'm veryhappyfor themof course,becauseI lovethembothverymuch.However,it willtakeme a whileto

( r u a r t <-\s :
3 5/
\ 7x0.5 , 11

E. Fill in the gapswith the correctword derivedfrom the wordsin bold.

"You'reback!"Faysaidwithan e.g.exclamation of ioy.Brucehadbeenawaystudying for EXCLAIM

threeyearsand it was the firsttime he had managed to come home for the Christmas CELEBRATE
. Hissisterwasreally36)
35)..................,.. at thewonderful surprise. "l'mvery THRILL
happyto be here,too.Andl'vefinally passedallmy exams," Bruce said, 37) ....
.........,.. ........
I mustsaythatI hadto workveryhardand I'm absolutely 38) ... .,but EXHAUST
I'mverypleased withtheresuitsI received. ..... good!
Theywere39).......................... AMAZE

/ trlart<s:t* ' t )
\ sxo.s I
F. Completeeachsentenceusingtwo to five words,includingthe wordsin bold.
e.g."Wouldyoulikemeto giveyoua liftto school?" he saidto her
otfered He offeredto give her a liftto school.
40 "Whydon'tyouseea doctoraboutit?"Annasaidto me.

41 lt'sa pityhefailedhistest.

42 I'mstarving;I didn'tbringanyfoodwithme.
wish I'mstarving;| ............................ foodwithme.
43 lf he doesn'tdrivecarefully,he'llhavean accident.
drives He'llhavean accident carefully'
44 "Hassheanswered yourletteryet?",MumaskedOscar.
if lVum answeredhis letterYet.
45 lf younoticeanything unusual, letmeknow.
should Letmeknow .. unusual.
45 'OK,I brokethe brandnewvase,"Stevesaid.
having Steve................... brandnewvase.

/ t u ' n r , - ]'
\z*r J
wordson the lines provided,or put a tick (/) if the line is correct.
G. Write the unnecessary

Sarahandherhusband Chrishadhada frightening experience e.g.had

lor a weekagoon theirflightbackfromSwitzerland. They'dbeenflying 47 ..........................
overthe Alpsfor sometimewhenthe planestarted havingengine 48 .............."..........
trouble.Sarah panicked
andwished forshehadnever decidedto go on 49 .........................
the trip."lt'syourJault.lf you hadn'tinsisled,we'd neverhavebeen 50 ................-......-.
{lownin thatweather!" shetoldChris,buthe saidthatshewasover 51 .........................
reacting anddeniedof havingreallyinsisted in thefirstplace.Thenhe 52 .........................
askedfromherto calmdown.Heexplained thatit wasprobably nothing 53 .........................
serious andeverything wouldbe all rightin theend,addingthatthe 54 .........................
samethinghadhappened to himbeforesomeyearsago."l reallydon't 55 .........................
understand wheredo you find this courage,"Sarahreplied,but 56 ..................... y"rLa, -\
fortunately Chriswasrightandsooneverything wasbackto normal. 57 ......................
. 5.5/
\ t f*O S

H. Choosethe correctitem.

e . g .C o u l dy o us t o p. . . C . .l.i e s ?| d o n ' tb e l i e v a
e w o r dy o u Our teachersaid that the moon . smaller
say. thanthe earth.
A saying B speaking C tellingD talking A was B is being C wouldbe D is
5 8 l w i s hy o u . . . . . . . .t.o b r i n gt h e m a p .W e w o u l d n ' t My dad . me to go aheadwithmy idea.
be lostnow! A encouragedB said C claimed D suggested
A remember C haveremembered
61 lf I wereyou, I do that.
B had remembered D w i l lr e m e m b e r
A didn't B w o u l d n ' t C s h o u l d n ' tD w o n ' t
/ Marks \
\ ax0.5 /

I. Readthe article about a volcaniceruption. Six sentenceshavebeenremovedfrom it. Choosefrom the

A-F the onewhich lits eachgap (62-67)

A Afterthat,lavaand mudwill beginto eruptfromthe crater.

B At present,no publicservicesareworkingapartfromthe emergency services.
C "Hopehasn'tbeenlost.We'llall do our best,,,a memberof a rescuereamreoofted.
D At the timeof the explosion,
mostol the residentsof the areawereasleepor just gettingup for work.
E Also,a resultingmudflowin the nearbyToutleRivercausedthe riverto burstits banks.
F Expertsclaimthat the blastexploded1,300feet intothe air from the peakof the mountainand has teft
behinda 5,000footdeepcrater.

Volcanic Eruption Results in Tragedy

At around6am yesterday morning,therewas a largeexplosionat the peakof MountSt. Helen's'The
of an atom bomb,
volcaniceruption,whichcame withoutwarning,explodedwith a forcesimilarto that
The blastwas heard200 milesawayin
killingsix peopteand leavingtwenty-oneothersmissing I6rTl
Canadabut,strangely, wentunheard45 milesawayin the Vancouver area'
Accordingto geologists,thisviolenteruptionis thefirstof itskindin 32,000years.163T-l Thedevastating
Therehavebeenseveralconnectedexplosions in the
consequences of the eruptionhavebeenwidespread.
areashavebeenblackened out by ashclouds,whicharemaking attempts
region,andthe surrounding
extremely difficult.
sweptawayhouses,bridgesand cars'
164T-l The water will continueto rise
Conditionsare not expectedto improvein the nearfuture.Expertspredictthat ash
fromthe mountainfor a few days. 165T-l Thiscouldcontinuefor anotherfifteenor twenty
It will be quitesometime beforethingsget backto normalfor the residents of the area't66T-l Rescue
Despiteextremedrfficultiesand dangerous
effortsare continuingtoday in an attemptto find any survivors.
conditions, it is hopedthatthe rescueoperationwillbe carriedout successfully.
A statement the
estimating cost of the damageis to
expected be issued thisweek.

, -\
/ tttu,-t
\o*r I

J. A magazineis running a short story competition.To enter the competitionyou haveto subrnita story
startingwith the words"I wasalonein the housewatchinga thriller on TV." Write your compositionusing
the plan belowand your ovmideas.(120-150)

setthe scene(who-where-when-what)
Development(describe leadingup to themaineventandtheeventitselfin detail)
Endthestory(referto moods,consequences, feelings,



MARK: x4 =

(Time:50 minutes)
A. Choosethe correct item.

Dear Debbie,
lreceivedyour letLer aekinqfor adviceon howto e.q, ,..O,..your dieL and keepfit.
Firet of all, you haveNo be de\ermined and patientbecaueeyou can't reallyexpectto
1ee the 1) immediately.However,if's really worth the eff ort, ae chanqing your
lifeotylewill haveeignificanNreEulLEin the way you2) ......,..,,...,
with NheVreeoure7 of modern
life. You haveto find more f,imefor youreeltor else you'll end u? Lrappedin thiE couch
3) ,.,,...,,....,
I undersVandthaL it iE eaEier said Lhan done. buL you musLtry to includereqular
exerciseir your daily routinee,noV only ae a way of 4) ,..,.,.,..,....
your weiqht,but also ab a
form of protection againef, hear| atLackE in laLer life; 5) alone the emoV,ional
benetite. ExerciEinqdoee wonderaf or your maod and, if you exercieeproperly, Lherewill be
no 6)
AnoLher impoftant ehep ie Eo ?re?are your own meale rather fhan 7) whatever
iE available,whichie ueuallyjunk food, Home-cookedmeala are noL only more oatiafyinq,buL
alao hiTherin B) nuLrienloand lower in calorieEthan f aaL food.
Finally,avoid exLremeE.A chocolaLe9) avery now and then won't do you any
harm. The key to oucceee ie adoVtinq a(n) 10) diet and eLickinqLo iN.
| ,hope my advicewill be helpful.LeL me know how everyEhinq qoeo,

e.g.A increase B improve C decrease D restrict

1 A help B USeS C goods D benefits
2 A take B lack C deal D pick
3 A potato B food C era D person
4 A losing B controlling C signifying D moving
5 A come B leave C mention D let
6 A side B soul C gain D risk
7 A snatch B grab C bite D take
I A health B substance C vital D eating
9 A pinch B pint C slice D bar
10 A vast B eating C body D balanced

/ ttt"rtos-\
\ror1 )

B. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box below.There is one extra word.

helping pinch r+re,itr loaf clove desert

A : l m a d e t h i sd i s hf r o ma e . g . r e c i p eg i v e nt o m e b y A: Well,youneedtwolargetomatoes,al2l
my grandfather, whowasan excellent cook.Trysome of garlic,a bit of oil and justa 13) .. ......of
and l'm sure you'll wanta second 11) saltfor the sauce.
afterwards! B: ls that all?This dip is so tasty I could a eat whole
B : M m m !l t ' sd e l i c i o u sH. o wd o y o u m a k ei t ? 14) . . . . .o. f b r e a dw i t hi t !

( rvru,.r,,
, )
\ ax0.5 I
C. Replacethe words in bold with a synonym.Choosefrom the words in the box below.

sourfs carved regional sculpture carriedaway

WhenI wasa child,I usedto lovemydad'sstoriesaboutAfrica.He hadworkedtherefor

manyyearsbeforeI wasborn.l'd sit nextto himandaskhimto tellme aboutthetribesand
theirmysterious celebrations
honouring thee.g.spiritsof thedeadagainandagain.He'dtell souls
me aboutthe beautifullycolouredmasksthey15)shapedout of woodand my mindwould
travelto thoseamazingplaces.He and I nevergot boredof talkingaboutdifferent16) local
dancesandfestivals.In tacl,we sometimes
traditions,languages, got so 17)excitedthatwe
wouldgo on talkingfor hours,untilmy mumandmy brothergotrathertiredof listeningto us!
Needless to say,my mostprizedposssession is a smallwooden18)carvingDad gave me
( nru,.Hs'
, )
\ 4x0.5 I
D. Circle the correct item.

e.g.The carnival in a hugestadium. 22 The festivalis free;you don't haveto pay an entry/
19 A huge crowd gathered/collectedin the central entrancefee.
squareon New Year'sEve. 23 This songreminds/remembers me of thefirsttimeI
20 Shall we go and watch the carnivalprocess/ wentto Madrid.
procession? 24 Areyou surehe'llbe ableto carrythe taskon/through
21 The local peoplewere dressedin their traditional to the end?
/ lttt",,los-\
\ o'o.s l
E. Choosethe correct item.

e . g .W h o . . . B . .t.h e c o m p a n yt a k e no v e rb y w h e nh e r e t i r e d ?
A is B was C has D will
25 Let'sgo out for a walk, . we?
A won't B don't C shall D do
26 Theresidents
weremade . theirhomesby the authorities.
A leave B leaving C left D to leave
27 We'vegot .. .......cartonsof milkin the fridge.You don'tneedto buy any.
A several B plenty C hardlyany D much

A came B wouldcome C had come D come

A are Bis C have D must

A hasn't B won't C wasn't D didn't

A to tell B wastelling C to havetold D is telling

32 Herweddingdresswas designed. .......a famousfashiondesigner.
Aat B with cbv D from
33 Janicehad . as to who had phonedEli.
A some B none C no D any

/ n,1u,,1.,
A agree B to agree C agreeing D haveagreed 5
\ro*o.s |

F. Complete
with twoto fivewords,includingthewordsin bold,

written Wasthisfunnystorywrittenby Jerry?
35 I'dpreferto goto Spainratherthangoto ltaly.

36 Thesmellof bittercotfeefilledtheair.
was The air of bittercoffee.
37 Theybelieve
shewasinvolvedin thescandal.
is lt involved
in thescandal.
38 Theweatherwasso badthatwe didn'too outfor a week.
such It was .. we didn'tgo out lor a week.
Theyexpecthe willwin a gold medal.

She earnslotsof money;she can travelwherevershe wants.

so Sheearns..... .. she can travelwherevershewants.
4 1 He paidsomeoneto alterhis suitfor the wedding.

wordson the lines provided,or put a tick (/) if the sentenceis correct,
G. Write the unnecessary

e.g. Wouldn'tyou ratherto be leftalonenow? to

42 I'd ratherhavestayedin lastnight,so as I was tired.
43 Manypreparations are beeninvolvedin a Chinesewedding.
44 Louisagaveme a veryhelpfuladvice,for whichI'm grateful.
45. Sprinkleplentyof somecheeseon my pasta,please.
46 lt was such importantinformation that everyonewas surprised, / rrla,1,-\
47 Dougis in the hospitalwitha brokenleg. 3
\Gxos )

H. Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the words in bold.

I smilede.g. happilyas my bestfriend,Lin,handedme a beautifully wrappedpresent HAPPY

a n d w i s h e dm e a h a p p yb i r t h d a y .T h a n k
y o u , L i n ! "l e x c l a i m e d".W h a ti s i t ? "l a s k e d i n
48) . I pulledat the colourfulpaper. ANTICIPATE
"Well,open it and see,"laughedLin 49) . I couldn'tbelievemy CHEERFUL
eyeswhen lsaw what she had boughtme. lt was a copy of 'Festivals of the World',a
wonderfulnew book. I'm reallyinterestedin festivalsand 50) TRADITION
celebrations, especiallyones in exotic and far-awayplaces. I lovelreadingabout
51) ......festivals and findingout aboutlesswell-known celebrations, too. FAME
Thisbook was the perfectpresentfor me.

/ tttu,,1.,
\ +*o.s )
I. Readth€ article aboutHoli, For questions52-57,choosethe correctanswer:A, B, C or D.

Manypeopleknowaboutthe HindufestivalDiwali,as it is probablythe mostfamousone,but haveyou ever

heardof Holi?Thisis a springcelebration, connected withthe moonand - in WesternIndiaonly - withthewheat is celebrated on the dayof thefull moon,eitherin Februaryor March.
As withmostIndianfestivals, thereareregionalcustomvariations throughoutIndia.Wheremyfamilyand I live,
we alwaysbuilda bonfire.Wesortout allthe objectsassociated withwhatis notwantedfromthe previousyearso
thattheycanbethrownontothefire.YouseeourNewYearbeginsimmediately afterHoli.Wealsopreparecoloured
waterand powdersto throwat eachotheron the day.Forthis reason,it is advisablenotto wearyourbestclothes
for Holi!lt is a veryfunnythingto see,butso is thedayitself;it is dedicatedto thegod Krishnaandit is characterised
by laughterandjollity.That'swhy peoplethrowcolouredwaterand powdersin all coloursof the rainbowat each
other.Thestreetslookas if therewasan explosionin a paintfactory!
Of course,despiteitsjoyfulcharacter, thedayhasa moreserioussidetoo.Theburningof objectsin thebontire
symbolises gettingyourselfcleanand readyfor the NewYear.That'swhy peoplepay or forgivedebts,become
lriendsandforgiveeachotherand generally try to forgetand leavebehindanyfightsor anythingnegative fromthe
old year.Holiis a festivalwhichendsthe yearon a happynoteand beginsthe NewYearon a fresh,hopefulone.
It makesus all feel betterfor havingcelebratedit.


52 Accordingto the writer,Holiis 54 Holi

A not a HinduFestival. A is celebratedin differentwaysaroundIndia.
B the mostfamousHinduFestival. B is only celebratedwherethe writerlives.
C verysimilarto Diwali. C is not at all similarto otherIndianFestivals.
D lessfamousthan Diwali. D is not very popularin the area wherethe writer
53 Holiis usuallycelebrated
A whenever thereis a full moon.
55 Colouredwater
B in February or March.
A is thrownontothe bonfireby people.
C at the sametimeas Diwali.
B is usedto colourpeople'sclothes.
D in Westernlndia.
C is thrownby peopleat eachother.
D explodesfrom paintfactories.


Holiis describedas 57 Peopleburn objectsin the bonfire t

A a festivalwhichis fun but hasa seriousapsecttoo. A so thatthey can havegood luck in the new year. r
B a typicalNewYear'sDay Festival. B to celebrategod Krishna. t

C a veryseriousoccassion. C onlyfor fun.

D a reallyfunny celebrationwithoutany particular D as a symbolof leavingall bad thingsbehind.

/ lrrta,xs-\
\o*r )

J. A cookerymagazineis running a competitionto frnd the bestrecipe.Write your recipe,explaininghow to
makeyour favouritedish, usingthe plan belowand your own ideas,Write 120-180words.

Nama of dish

( to)




A. Choosethe correct word to fill in the sentences.You may have to changethe form.

e.g o socks o tights 3 o interrupt . pause

a) The model has brown tights on and brown a) Chrishatespeople . him
shoes. whenhe speaks.
b) Georgealwaysforgetswherehe's put his socks. b) Tom for a minute to think
. o skinny aboutit and thenanswered.
. famine . drought
a) Patrickusedto be really ......when
he was a studentbecausehe didn'teat much. a) Theremustbe something we cando to copewith
b) As he spendsseveralhours in the gym lifting the.. . . .i n E t h i o p i a .
weights,he'squite b) lf thereis a ... the cropswill die
. o sensitive from lackof water.
. . . . . .g. i r l ;s h eg e t s . win . gain
a) H e l e ni s s u c ha . . . . . .
hurtveryeasily. a) M y b r o t h e.r. . . . . . . . . . .t.h e g o l dm e d a fl o r
b) I don't think this was a very the 100mrace.
decision. Areyousureyougaveit enoughthought? b) Garrywason a dietas he didn'twantto ......
any weight.

/ 1tartos-\
\s*r I
B. Choosethe correct item.

e.g. Failingthe exam...D...her confidence. Sallyarrived the officehalf an hour late

A emitted c hit t h i sm o r n i n g .
B stopped D damaged Ain Bat C to D into
6 Y o us h o u l d n '.t. . . . . .h e rf o r n o ts p e a k i n tgo y o u . 9 Adamand Helendecidedto havea partyto ....
Afterall, it was yourfault. the occasion.
A accuse C chat A notice B make C mark D commit
B apologise D blame
10 I'd . the sausageson the barbequeif I
of junkfoodis .....
7 The popularity statistics wereyou.
gatheredby researchers. A boil B grill C steam D roast
A illustrated c consumed
B saturated D demanded
A novices C bodyguards
B champions D lifeguards


1 8 Angiewould neverwearthat!You know she hates I

A down B in C off D out . prints, I

A floral C florist
1 3 Thisis a rather club;I don'tthinkwe'llbe
B flower D flower's
A lively C gurgling
B exclusive D broke A awaywith C on with
B inon D up with
1 4 The bravesoldierfell to the hard groundwhen a
bullet . pasthis ear. Suewas taken . by the news!She'dnever
A rustled C creaked expectedit.
B whistled D yelled A aback B in C off D down
1 5 Why don't you take . tennis?lt will help 2 1 The plane was found into tiny pieces.
you becomefitter. How horrible!
Aup Bon Cin Dto A rocked C shattered
1 6 You may not thinkmuch of this buildingbut it is of B crashed D spread
great important. 22 As we are not sure yet, no possibilitycan be
A ancient C antique out.
B old D historical A ruled B ristricted C got D led
17 The accommodationwas rather We 23 It's difficultto . .......the atmosphere
of the old
didn'texpectto paythatmuch. city backto life.
A luxurious C overpriced A give B take C bring D set
B towering D spacious

/ trrt"rtos
\ ra*o.s )


put a tick (/).

C. Write the unnecessaryword on the lines, provided,otherwise

I receiveda letterfrom my friend lan, for whom I e.g.for

haven'tseen for a year now. He says me that he's 24
havinglots of fun in San Fransiscoand isn'tactually 25
comingback in this summeras he'd plannedto. He 26
suggestsI to go and visithim for my holiday,which 27
doesn'tsound like a bad idea; I'm actualthinking 28
about it. So, if he is free in August,I may go and stay 29
withhimfor a coupleof weeks.l'll probablygivehim a 30
ringin a few of daysand let him know. 31

/ tttu,.to,
\e*os I

D. Choosethe correct item.

e . g .S h e . . . 8 . . .a s e m i n a ro n M o n d a ys o s h e c a n ' t b e l'd ... werehonestwithme; I hatelies.

here. A prefer B like C rather D wish
A attends C attended 37 Tom needed. informationso he decided
B is attending D has attended to usethe Internet.
A something B some C an D any

A would havetold C had told I'd rather bed earlylastnight.

B willtell D mighthavetold A havegone C went
B had gone Dgo
3 3 T h e j u d g ea s k e dH e l e ni f . . . . . . . . . . . .a n y t h i n gt o
A she has C she was having A are makingit C had madeit
B did she have D she had B havemadeit D are havingit made

34 | wish| ...... . . . . m o r e f r e e t i m e t h e s e d a y s !|
reallyneeda break. to the Mayor.
A had had C havehad A w i l lb u i l d C will havebuilt
B had D was having B is beingbuilt D will havebeenbuilt

35 | ...... . . . . . .y o u h a v en o i d e aw h a t I ' m t a l k i n g 41 When he was little,he his summer

about. holidayswith his grandparents.
A am seeing B seeing C see D saw A spend C was spending
B had spend D usedto spend

s -\
/ lr,tart
\ ro*o.s )

E. Completethe sentencesusing two to five words, including the words in bold.

e.g. She'sveryyoung;she can'tget a drivinglicence.

old She'snot old enoughto get a drivinglicence.
42 Theyplayedverygood musicso everyoneenjoyedit.

made Mydad ................ to theopera.

44 Whomadealltheoreoarations?

45 lf youseesmoke,activatethefirealarm.
should Activate thefirealarm...................... .....-.......................
46 | didn'treadthe weatherforecastso I wenthiking.
wish | '
. ... ,;;;;;,;;,,;;;;;;,;*;;;il;;;";;;;;;;;;:


47 "l'msorryI spoketo youlikethaf',Alexsaidto Faye. i

Mikeis the owner.His grandparents

openedthe restaurant.
opened Mike, is the owner. I

/ lttu,,xs-\
\z*r )


F. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box below.Then mark the sentences(T) True or (F) False.

socialise explore impact revealed fast-movinq auth€f

JohnFowles,,haswrittenseveral successlul novels,butof all hisbooks,'The

Magus'willalwaysbe myfavourite.
Thestoryis set in the 1950'sandthe maincharacter is a youngmancalledNicholas. He decidesto work
abroadbecause he wantsto getawayfromhisboringlifein England. He is otfereda job on a quietGreekisland
whichhe accepts happily.
Nicholas setsoffonedayto 49) ......................the
islandanddiscovers a beautitul
whichis occupied bya strange oldmannamedConchis. Theirmeeting marksthebeginning otan experiencewhich
Nicholaswillneverforgel,andwhichwillhavea great50) on hislife.
Nicholas beginsto 51) ..............,.......
withConchis,whoclaimsto be a millionaire, amongstotherthings.As
moreand moredetailsof Conchis'lifeare52) , Nicholas becomes moreand moreconfused. and
whenidentical twinsturnup withstrange storiesabouthishost,Nicholas isn'tsurewhoto believe.
'Thelvlagus'is a mysterious
novelwitha 53) plot.I recommend it to anyonein searchof mystery

54 John Fowlesis a famousGreekWriter. 57 Nicholasdiscovers

a beautiful
old car.
55 Nicholasdecidesto workabroadbecause 58 Nicholasmeetsidentical
he is bored.
He is offereda job on a Greekmountain.

( ua,.to'-\
\ 10x1

Write your composition
G. Your teacherhasaskedyouto describea visit to a placeyouwill alwaysremernber.
using th€ plan belowand your own ideas.Write 120-180words.

of theplace,reason(s)
setthescene(nameandlocation theplace)
for choosing
Paragraph 2-3
overalllookandparticular free-time
sights,facilities, activities)




MARK: x4 =

(Time:50 minutes)

A. Choosethe correct item.
e . g .I r e a da n a r t i c l ea b o u t" b u r g l a r - . . . D h
. .o. "u s e s .
A friendship B friendliness C friend D friendly
1 lt was reportedthatthe forestwas purposelyset on fire by
A shoplifters B vandals C arsonists D thieves
2 Jennyacceptedimmediately, Shecouldn't . the opportunityof a lifetime.
A lose B have C miss D regret
3 He was sentto prisonfor .... .....his boss;she was payinghim not to revealher secret.
A stealing B pickpocketing C joyriding D blackmailing
4 Arsenalfanshopethattheirteamwiil ... ......for the finals.
A indicate B supervise C cope D qualify
5 He has nevertried. he doesn'tfancythe ideaof travelling quicklydowna river.
A snorkelling B hang-gliding c rafting D diving
6 Don'tleavethe'sa(n) invitation
to burglars,
A open B plain C sensible D simple
7 lt's reallydifficult
to tellwho'sgoingto ..... ....the game;they'rebothexcellent
A beat B win C defeat D get
I Threearmedmen . the NationarBankyesterdaymorning.
A robbed B stole C burgled D broke
/ t tu,,lo,-\
\a*os )

B. Choosefrom the words in the box below to completethe text.

Jennywasabsolutely thrilledduflngthejourney. Shedidn'tevene.g.mindtravelling in an oldvanlorthreehours

- something whichshewould9) ....havefoundreallytiring.
Theweather 1O)..................................
wasverygoodtooandshecouldn't waitto seetheplaceherfriendhadtoldherso muchabout.Shewasexpecting
paradise; thepraceshe'darways dreamtabout. Jennyisa 12)..........................
narure rover
so she'sconstantly in 13) .............. of placesunaffected by humandevelopment. To heramazement,
whentheyreached theirdestination, sherealisedthatit wasfarbetterthanshehadimagined. She14)........................
a goodlookaroundandshecouldhardlybelieve hereyes.Thefirstthingthat15)................ nereyewas
the hugewaves.Shestoodtherefor a whilejust breathingfreshair lookingat the deep bluesea and the waves

/ ttt"rtos-\
\e*r )
C. Circle the correctitem.

is a gripping
newfilmdirected PaulBriggsplaysa courageous
by SimonSteelberg. andhonest
e.g. nce I policemanwho triesto provethat his client,MarieLyness,is innocent.But suddenly,he
disappears mysteriouslyand the 17)iudge/courtreporterhasto postponethe trialfor a few days.Meanwhile,the
18)accused/prosecutor either
startsbehavingin a verystrangeway.Althoughthereis little19)evidence/sentence
way,he is determined to proveMarieguilty.Then,allof a sudden,a 20) professional/witness whoclaims
he saw the crimebeingcommitted.Of course,no one 21) suspects/convictsthat he is actuallythe one who
committeditl Willthe 22) iury/iuniordefencelawyerbelievehis story?And what will happenwhen PaulBriggs
returns?Youmustwatchthisfilm;you'llbe guaranteed a fewsurprises.

/ ruu,.L,
\o'os )

D. Fill in the gapswith the correct particle(s).

e.g. She hasfinallygrownout of herfearof flying. 25 I'm tired of your complaining

23 Did you you know that Angie and Peter broke everything!
'..''''.''? 26 My friend Ann lives in Coloradobut she grew
24 Someonebroke grandmother's . . . . . .i .n N e wY o r k .
she wasn'tin.
flat but fortunately

( nra,r,-, )
\ 4x0.5 I

E. Completeeach sentencewith two to five words, including the words in bold.

e.g.The problemwas difficult for me to dealwith. This looks reallyserious;why haven'tyou seen a
difficulty I hadditficulty(in)dealingwiththeproblem. doctoryet?
27 Mum mademe promiseI wouldn'tbe late. should You .
was 1....... . . . . . .b. Yn o w .
rate There'sno needto apologise;afterall it's my fault.
2s canyougi* '. ; il ;*n ,n, ;r"J:i:;be have You ..
mind Would .....;afterall it'smy fault.
. . . . .a h a n dw i t ht h e l u g g a g e ? Evedidn'thavetroublefixingthe car herself.
29 l'm surethe pilotwas a verybraveman. d i f f i c u l t E v ed i d n ' t . . . . . . .
been The pilot . . . . . .t.h e c a r h e r s e l f .
Why didn't you give me a ringto sayyou'dbe late?
h.';;;i ;;;;. ,n.n";"'i'J
30 'msure i:::J:" have You .
He ... ...a ringto sayyou'dbe late.
. . . .o f t h e h a r mh e h a sd o n e .
31 You took moreclotheswithyou thanyou needed.
taken You . manyclotheswithyou.
/ vtu'x, -\

word on the lines provided,otherwiseput a tick (/).
F. Write the unnecessary I

e . g .Do you remember

to havingseenher earlier? to
36 Jilldoesn'tenjoyplayinghandballand nor do I not.
37 It'sno useto cryingoversucha smallthing.
38 Elaineoughtto havebeeninformedearlieraboutthis.
39 Annaneedn'tcometo the partyif she'snot feelwell.
40 Davidadmittedhavingliedto his father,
4 1 Why don'twe stopto beingget somerestand continuelater?

s -\
/ ttrta,.t
\ 6x0.5 )

G. Fill in the gapswith the correct word derived from the words in bold.

e.g. Bankrobberieshaveincreased
alarmingly. ROB
42 Thewholeracewas a ... of courageand skill. DEMONSTRATE
43 We wouldliketo apologise
for any . causedby the delay. INCONVENIENT
44 The old ladywas ableto identifythe . .,.....who had attacked MUG
herthe previousday.
45 A lot of peopleweregladto seethatthe Paralympics
havegainedin ,.... POPULAR
overthe pastfew years.

/ uu'ts -\
\+*os )

H. Choosethe correctitem.
Timwillbe thefinaisas he is about46) . an operation on'snot
veryseriousbutwe can'thelp47) sorryfor him-Timwasreallylookingforward48)
partin thisbig event.Formonthshe spentall histime49) so as to be in top formand hiscoach
believed he wascapableof 50) too.Thegoodthingis thathe refuses 51) ...........................
up and
hasalreadystartedplanninghis preparation for the nextcompetition.

e.g.A play B playing C to play D to playing

46 A to have B having C have D to having
47 A feel B to feel C feeling D to feeling
48 A take B to taking C taking D to take
49 A to practice B practising C practise D to practising
50 A winning B win C to winning D to win
51 A give B giving C to give D to giving
/ tyta,to,-\
\ o*o.s )
I. Read the article about sport. Choosefrom the list A-F the sentencewhich best summariseseachpart

A A dangerous D Sportsbecomeorganised.
B The modernworldof sport. E A varietyof sports.
C Inthebeginning, F -lOortsin ancienttimes.

The Histong of Spont %
52 stones and women would run races, but the most v
Can you imaginea worldwithoutsports?Today, popularsportof the timewas 'folkfootball',a gamewhich &
thereare manydifferentsportsto watchor to take partin,
fromquiet,gentlesportslikesnookerto thrilling,
involveda lot of violenceand very few rules,and which %
sportslike bungeejumping.Thereare sportsto suit all
often causedseriousinjuriesto its players.Among the
middle and upper classes, archery contests and
tournaments(in which two knights on horseback &,
practisedthe art of war) were the preferredsporting q
We can not be sure exactlywhen peoplebegan events.
to play sports.We knowthat childrenthroughouthistory
have alwaysusedsportsto playtogetherand havefun, Fromthe late 17thcentury,sportsbecamemore
but we don't know when adultsstartedto use sportsas organisedand startedto resemblethe games we play
physicalcontests,the way theydo today.Cavepaintings today. During the 18th and 1gth centuries,national
show picturesof men hunting,but whetherthis was for organisations were formed which made sure that rules
rt or forsurvivalis notcertain. werefollowedand arrangedregularcompetions.Modern
sport became popularall over the world and national
In ancientEgypt,Romeand Greece,sportswere games such as tennis(French)and football(English),
definitely popular.TheancientEgyptiansenjoyedhunting becameinternational sports.
and archery,and the ancientRomansloved to watch 57
chariot races, boxing, wrestlingand, of course, Thanksto the media,sportin the 21stcenturyis
gladiatorial combatsin whichmenfoughtagainstmen or as much a popularitycontest as an athleticcontest.
animals.However,it was the ancientGreekswho first Certainsportsteamsare supportedby fans all over the
took part in athleticcontests.The mostfamoussporting world, and individualathletesare seen as celebrities.
eventin the world,the OlympicGames,beganin Greece Sportshave changeda lot over the years,but they still
i n 7 7 6B . C . provideentertainment for manypeople.
Medievalsportswerenot as organisedas events
in ancienttimes.At fairsor festivals,men would liftheavy

@?' @
-4@'''44w&/'" "e"ffi


s -\
/ ttta,,t
\o*r J


J' You havedecidedto go on an organiseddaytrip to seea play in Inndon. Your friend Chris wantsto come, I

but needsmoreinformation.Usingthe notesbelow,write a letter to your friend, givingall relevantdetails ,

in the appropriatestyle.Write 120-180words.Do not includeaddresses. /

DayTripto London
. meel 6 i
o nee
d rro"{.;:;"i .:J;-,.1,,
flO f on thea,.,,e
f icket
. back
home 11 D,A
' phone.
Jtrlyc.,pl.y ur'ivr^,^sday
to book a plac. (op6+

/ tr,tartos

(Time:50 minutes)

A. Replacethe words in bold with a synonym.Choosefrom the words in the box below.

utiously prevent issue eeneervatien habitats merely participating approachesto threatening

captured forested concentrate on motivation established extinct concept

e.g. Sallyis keenon environmentalprotection.She wantsto savethe earth. conservation

1 We muststop our planetfrom beingcompletely destroyed.
2 The policemanapproachedthe bomb with care.
3 Andy is not ill. He just wantsto stayat homeand watchTV.
4 Animalsshouldbe allowedto livein theirnaturalhomes.
5 Livingon Marsis a fascinating idea.
6 Susan was too tired to pay full attentionto her Englishlesson.
7 Moreand moreanimalsare beingcaughtand put in zoos.
I The RSPCAwas set up to protectanimalsfrom cruelpeople.
I Ellenfailedto loseweightbecauseshe didn'thavethe will powerto diet.
10 Manyspeciesof wildanimalare no longerin existence.
11 The environment is a(n)topic whicheveryone shouldknowabout.
12 Tree-coveredareasare dangerof disappearing completely.
I -
13 Waterpollutionis endangeringsea life.
14 Johndoesn'tliketaking part in teamsports.
15 We needto find moreeffectivemethodsof dealingwith pqllution

( rrla,ts' -\
\ 15x1
B. Choosethe correctitem.

so she spendsa lot of timein the ...B...

e.g. Dianeis a scientist,
A gym B lab C classroom D artroom

16 causesgreatdamageto plantsas it containsdangeroussubstances.

A Deforestation B ContaminationC Ozonelayer D Acid rain


A lesson B grade C subject D degree

18 . learningencourages
childrento worktogether.
A Cooperative B Education C Life D Operating

A amount B profit C task D scheme

20 Jenny'sgettingmarried!| heardit straightfromthe mouth.

A bird's B horse's C cat's D dog's

( ua,.t
s, _ l
2 . 5l
\ 5x0.5
C. Write the unnecessary
wordson the linesprovided,or put a tick (/) it the sentence
is correct.

e.g. I'm hungry.I thinkl'll be makemyselfa sandwich.

21 Sheaskedfor my helpso as thatto finishmorequickly.
22 Marywill havebeenworkingherefor ten yearsby the end of July.
23 Thinkcarefully beforeyou willsay anything.
24 You'd bettertake a jacketin the caseit getscold.
25 l'll ringSimonfor fearhe mightforgetall aboutit.
26 Despiteof the bad weather,they managedto reachthe placesafely.

s -\
/ rrla,,t
\ 6x0.5 I

D. Fill in the gapswith the correctpreposition/particle(s).

Manypeoplefeelhappierwhentheyarewithfriendsthanwhentheyaree.g.on theirown.Theybelieve that

companybrings27) the bestin them,so theytry to spendtime2g) ......................
othersas muchas
othersthinkthat the key 29) a happytifeis to learn30) ......................
company,so thatyoucanput31) spendingtimealone.

( v a r t < s-\:
\ 5x0.5

E. Completeeach sentencewith two to five words including the words in bold.

e.g. Catsare beautiful.

Theyare also playful.
both Catsare both beautifuland playful.

32 Hedecidedto do a Master's hiscareerprospects.

degreeto improve
could Hedecided to do a Master's
degree................ ............... prospects.

33 Sheilais kindandhelo{ul.

34 Thetripwaspostponed
dueto badweather
account Thetripwaspostponed ....... conditions.

35 Hewasexhausted he didn'tgetanymoreworkdone.
result Hewasexhaustedand ..,.................. .. no moreworKoone.

36 Shemovedto Londonin orderto finda betterjob.

view Shemovedto London ......a betterjob.

37 Although
sheworkshard,shehasn'tbeengivena promotion.
working Despite.............. ........, shehasn'tbeen
givena promotion.
38 Takesomemoneywithyou;youmayneedit.
case Takesomemoneywithyou...................... ,..,......................

s -\
/ trrturt
\z*r )
F. Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the words in bold.

Kevinwatcheda documentaryon TV last was all aboutthe problems

e.g.threateningour environment. Kevinwasshockedto findout how littlehe knew THREAT
about39) . .......warmingor acid rain.He had heardthe terms GLOBE
beforebut he knew40) .. .....nothingaboutThe damagethey PRACTICAL
causeto our planet. He feelshe shoulddo something to be 41) HELP
He would liketo join an 421. .....,but he doesn'tknow ORGANISE
w h i c ho n e t o j o i n . H e h a s s e e ns o m a n y4 3 ) . . . . . . . . .i.n. ADVERTISE
newspapers and magazines thathe can'tmakeup his mind.However, he believes
thatit is aa) ....notto be environmentally awareand he is ACCEPTABLE
45) .. . thatone day everyonewill be partof a worldmovement HOPE
to save the earth.He is sure that in this time of 46) TECHNOLOGY
advances, we willfindsomeway to solvethe world'sproblems.

/ ltt"'.to,-\
\ Bxo.S I

G. Readthe article aboutendangeredspecies.For questions46-51,Choosethe correctanswerA" B. C or D.

In today'sworld,thousandsof plantsand parrotnativeto Brazil,hasbeencaptured in such

a n i m a l sa r e i n d a n g e ro F e x t i n c t i o na,n d t h e numbers Forprivate birdcolJectors thatit is almost
number oFspecies at riskincreases every year.Not extinctin the wild. In additionto this, many
a1lplantsor animalsexisting in smallnumbers are species' habitats areeliminated whenpeopleclear
e n d a n g e r eads t h e i r p o p u l a t i o m n a y n o t b e landin orderto buildon it, or whentheyintroduce
d e c r e a s i nogr t h r e a t e n eAdn
. endangere spd e c i e s domestic andnon-native animals whichovergraze
is onewhichis expected to die out withintwenty t h e v e g e t a t i o na n d e v e n p r e y o n b i r d s a n d
yearsunless specialmeasures aretakento protect mammals whicharealready at riskoFextinction.
it. Endangered animalsincludebluewhales,giant Why is it importanto save endangered
p a n d a s , o r a n g - o u t a n sr,h i n o c e r 0 s e ss,n 0 w species? Firstly,
natureis delicately balanced, and
l e o p a r d st i,g e r s a
, n d s o m es p e c i e so f c r o c o d i l e .the extinction oFonespeciesmayhavea serious
Endangered plantsinclude somespecies oFcactus. eFFecton others.Secondly,it is the FaultoF
W h y a r e t h e ab o v e s p e ci e s o F ani m a l m a n k i ntdh a ts o m a n ys p e c i easr ee n d a n g e r esdo,
endangered? Thereare,now legallimitson hunting, it is 0ur responsibllity to protectthosespecies
butnotall species areprotected by1aw.Evenwhen whilewe still can.We muststopthe huntingoF
animalsare legallyprotected, illegalhuntingFor wild animalsand the destruction oF the Forests
Fur,tusksandhorncontinues. Thoseanimals that beFore it is too is worthmakingan eFFort -
arenotkilledarecaptured andsentto zoosor sold by savingendangered specieswe couldbe saving
as pets. For example,the little blue macaw,a ourselves.

47 Accordingto the text, 50 Accordingto the authorintroducingdomestic,non-

A all plantsand animalsare expectedto die out in nativeanimals
20 years if we don't take measuresto protect A is not associatedwithendangered species.
them. B is onlydangerousin tropicalforests.
B bluewhaleshavebecomeextinct. C is the only reasonwhy somespecieshabitatsare
C more and more speciesbecome endangered destroyed.
eachyear. D may threatenthe habitatsof somespecies.
D onlyanimalspeciesare seriouslythreatened.
48 The authorwonderswhy all the speciesmentioned 5 1 Endangered animals
are in dangerbecause A willdefinitely
die out soon.
A all speciesare protectedby laws. B arean importantpartof the world'swildlife.
B huntingis not allowedeverywhere C cannot be saved because we need to save
C mostendangeredspeciesare kept in zoos. ourselves.
D illegalhuntinghas beeneliminated. D havea bad effecton others.

49 The authorusesthe bluemacawas an exampleof 52 Whatdoes "it" in line11 referto?

A birdscapturedfor the pet trade. A habitats
B a speciesthathascompletely B the littlebluemacaw
C a speciesof birdskilledby hunters. C land
D birdscapturedfor zoos. D the planet

, -\
/ vtu,.t
\o*r |

H. Your ieacherhas asled you to write a compositionon the topic:Shouideverychild lcam a foreignlanguage
at school?Wnte your compositionin an appropriatestyleusingthe plan belowand your ownideas.Write
120-180 words.
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
viewpoint1 andreason(e.9.vitalfor 21stcentury- companies - do business
becomeinternational wihforeign
clients improvejob prospects)
viewpoint2 andreason(e.9.travelabroadeasyandcheap- findholidaymoreenjoyable- communicatewithlocal
givetheopposing viewpointandreasons
* Youmayincludemoreviewpoints, moreparagraphs
andtherefore in themainbody.

MARK: :10=
(Time:50 minutes)


A. Choosethe correct item.

e.g. I was so happyI could...D...withexcitement.

A gasp C pose A knocked c hit
B chuckle D scream B collided D broke
1 War seems , as the two countriescannot 10 My baby niece loves . for photographs.
reachan agreement. She'sverycute!
A sedate C imminent A posing C petrifying
B frizzy D accessible B passing D plunging
2 Steveworksas a museum.. and reallvlikes 1 1 H e t o r ea b o o ki n h a l ft o . . . . . . , . .h i ss t r e n o t h .
hisj o b . A regulate C alternate
A curator C conductor B demonstrate D conduct
B carer D usher 12 The . wereso movedat the end of the film
I don't . havingseen you before.Are you thateveryonein the cinemawas crying.
surewe'vemet? A spectators C viewers
A remind C memorise B audience D cast
B recall D forget
I wouldn'thave boughtthis shirt if it wasn'tsuch A attraction C selection
excellent . for money. B admission D eruption
A pay C worth 1 4 T h et h e m ep a r ki s . . . . . . . . .o u t s i d et h e c i t y ,o n t h e
B value D price M11 motorway.
Sally . a lot of money;her newjob is much A situated C purchased
betterpaidthanthe old one. B guaranteed D stood
A earns C wins 1 5 B u s yr o a d ss h o u l dh a v ea . . . . . . . . .s o t h a tp e p l e
B does D makes can crossthe roadsafely.
T h e m i n i m u mc a b , i s f 1 . 5 0 s, o y o u c a n ' t A pedestrian subway C roadwork
go veryfar for t3. B one-waystreet D lane
A passer-by C fare 1 6 It's a no one was injuredin the car
B gain D ticket accident.
As he was driving,he couldsee someonefollowing A policy C causeway
h i mi n t h e . . . . . . . .m. i r r o r . B theme D miracle
A dashboard C ignition
B mast D rearview
8 We went to see the Gladiaforbecausewe had read
A policies C requests
B reviews D ranging
/ ttta,.L,-\
\ 16x05 I
B. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box below.

artlflalle.rf cruise latest causeway sedate simulated lagoon eruptions

A: lf youcouldgo to anythemeparkin theworld,whichwouldyouchoose?

B: Universal
Studios, of course.I wantto seethe 17)....................... attraction,
Park.I really
fancygoingon a boat 18) ....................... througha tropicalforestand endingup in a dark
1 s ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A: Oh,no.Thatsoundsa bittoo scaryfor me!
B: HowabouttheSentosa, then.Thatmustbe fantastic.
A: Yes.Apparently it'son an island
by a 700-meter 20)......................................
B: Mm.I'd alsoloveto visitVolcanoland.
Youcango on a 21) .............. journeyto thecentreof
A: I'mnotsureI'd likeallthe22) .............
andearthquakes, though.
B: Well,in thatcase,lthinkyou'denjoythemore23) .. ridesin WaltDisney's MagicKingdom!

, -\
/ tttu,.t
\z'r )
C. Fill in the gapswith the correctpreposition/particle.

Therewastroublein thecitycentrethisafternoon whena bombwent 24) ......................

Thepolicehavegone25) ....................................
theareato try to findout exactly
whathappened. Theyarerelying
26) ......................
who maybe ableto help.Fortunately, no onewashurt,butthe policehaveasked
everyone's to prevent
co-operation thisfromhappening again.
1 rrla,,to,
\ 4x0.5

D. Fill in the gaps with the correct word derived from the words in bold.

"FallenStar"is the newcomedydirectedby is

a mysterywhy thisfilm is so e.g. successful.The plot is dull and SUCCESS
281... parts,and the characters are not CONFUSE
29)... . . . . .o r w e l l - d e v e l o p e d . CONVINCE
30) . ., it wouldbe a completewasteof time ACTUAL
to go andseethisfilm.Themost31) .. .....part EXCITE
is the interval.
Fora far more321.. .. evening,I ENJOY
suggestwatchingpaintdry as an 33)
activity. ALTERNATE 3
\ 6x0.5 )

E. Completethe sentences
usingtwo to five words,includingthe wordsin bold.

fascinated You'llfeeltascinatedby the island.
34 lf Jerrydoesn'thelpher,shewillneverfinishit in time.
helps Unless ................. ....never
finishit in time.

35 Markhasneversookento Evebefore.

36 Can'tyou do anybetterthanthis?
37 This book wasn'tas interesting
as the otherones.
the T h i sb o o k . . .a l l .
38 ThelasttimePeterwentabroadwasthreeyearsago.
been Peter.................... threeyears.
39 | didn'twritebecause I loslyouraddress. t
had lf | ...................,.... ....,lwouldhavewritten.
40 AngiefeltboredduringGreg'slecture, butshedidnt leave.
found Angie . . . . .b, u ts h ed i d n 'leave.
lI M a r k s : -\
\ 7x1
F. Choosethe correctitem.

. e g o o u t t o d i n n e rt o n i g h t ?
e . g .W h y . . . 8 . .w
A could B don't C shall D not did on yours.
41 Canyou hearthe birds .? lsn'tit beautiful? A the B than C as D very
A to sing B sing C singing D to singing 45 The other applicantis .. .......
42 Jilldenied Jane.
. to him.
A much B least C tar D less
A of lying B lying C lies D to lie
4 3 B e nN e v i si s n ' t. . . . . . .m
. ountaini n t h ew o r l d . 46 I'm sorry to say he hasn'tgot . betterat
A h i g h e tr h a n C highest maths.
B high D the highest A any B more C abit D the

/r Marks e l \
\ 6x0.5 /

G. Write the unnecessary

word on the linesprovided,otherwiseput a tick (/)

D e o rL g n n ,
ThonksJor gour letter.I om betngwriting to tetl e.g. being
g o u a t l o b o u tm y b i r t h d a gp a r t gt h e t o s tS o t u r d o gl .t 47
wos o great Jun! 48
I invitedtwentgpeopl,e and thegatl broughttovely 49
presents Jor me. The house [t lookedgreat,as I hod 50
decoratedit with bottoonsand streomers. We hod o 51
tots to eot and drink and then we danced. 52
It wos a wonderJul the partg.I wish gou had been 53
there,too. Writesoonand tetl me atl uour news. 54
s -\
/ ttrt",.t
\a*os I

below.For questions55-60choosefrom the advertisements
H. Read the advertisements A-C. Someof the
maybe chosenmorethan once.

Fl service will qetyouto.yourdestinatio: t td time'0ur :
motorbike taxi l:-::t
lf vou,rein a hurry,Mototaxi all ridden '
quick,,rf. ir.irp.i anywhere in the,cityi."". W. havetwentymotorbikes' box
oflers a carry
newservice p'ouiata *iir',l't'uth httt*' andeachbikehas
motorcvclists' Aii;"*;n;;t;;t lf youneed ''
- byexperienced youcanputyourbagir briefcase. t'rtoto,u*il' titi'ifni' 'uft andinexpensive'
on0l8l 3i2558f j
speed, callMotortaxi

tr rrxuRy
uMosrNEs {
For every specioloccosion,.for
business, t]
. or eveniustfor fun, Luxurylimosines
ond style. We hove thhtv rimosines -r".'ii'n"r"io
offer the b".t in .orfort
in .on",nig rr",
our Hollywoodmoder,with o reroxing.service, "J"ryrr,i.g
jocuzzion o*rJi Lrrrry .o.prt"rr. Try I
rimosines ".ri""
your businessond sociolneeds.We o high quorityservicefor orl
.._ op"rot"
yrv,v,v v,,),vy,'"re
ony*he." l;In ;""',
rne countryol reosonoble
01934672g93. prices.For bookings, coll 1

Whetheryou're travellingto the
Craham,sCoachesare the idealmeansof transportfor all groupoutings.
airport,to the theatre,or to the seaside, offercomfort.anl
trips'our twenty-five
;il;;;;;l.r'""i u""l'"gr, crahamsCoaches aretheperfectchoicefor educational
' fromthe Horshamareato anydestinationin thecountry'Calluson
a""af.r",orr*a" professional
0193729998372 to bookyourouting'

providesa boxfor your luggage?
requiresyou to wearprotective
includesa coffeemachine?
hasthe mostvehicles?
offercomfortfor theirpassengers?
/ tttu,lrs-\
\o*r I


L Write a review in 120-180words of a frlm you have recently seen.Use the plan below and your own ideas.

Paragraph 1
background(setting,type of story, main character)
Main Body
Paragraph 2
mainpointsof the plot
Paragraph 3


. . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . ' . . . ' .: . . ' . . . ' '

I "_'.,'-."- ---,--...


MARK: l0= t:
," ,,
(Time:50 minutes) ,f l, '
,* //
A. Choosethe correct item.

e . g .O n l ya . . . D . .o. f p e o p l ev o t e df o r h i m ,s o h e l o s tt h e I wouldn'twash this red T-shirttogetherwith the

election. whiteones;the coloursmight
A majority B feature C altitude D minority A run B spread C reappearD reduce
1 Thetrainhad brokendown,so we hadto waiton the 1 0 You'dbetteraskthe company's
tax . . He's
f o ro n eh o u r . the experton finances.
A e n g i n er o o m C platform A consultant C composer
B musterstation D port B translator D citizen
2 LittleTom was really . . . . . . . . .t o s e e h i s 1 1 In some parts tigers are huntedfor their beautiful
A alert B courageous C wise D eager A skin B cover C horn D tusk
3 Harryhas . ..,....for severalposts and is still 1 2 Lisacannot..... ...rudeness. lt makesherangry.
waitingfor a reply. A establish B ensure C tolerate D associate
A appointedB appliedC soughtD presented
1 3 Poetryclassesshouldbe includedin the school's
4 Somebody ....theirflat whilethey were on
holiday.Theytook everything. A layout B material C course D curriculum
A vandalisedB burgledC broke D stole
1 4 Passingmy examswith good gradeswas a great
5 S a m g o t i n t ot h e b i g s o f t b e d a n d . . . . . . . .f .e l l for me.
asleep. A pride C strength
A normally C extremely B fulfiment D achievement
B accidentally D promptly
1 5 Her boss agreedto give her a so she
6 Althoughwe had been warned,we neverexpected couldapplyfor a newjob.
to ..... . . .s u c hl o n gd e l a y s . A input B reference C fee D report
A depict B encouterC enthrall D capture
1 6 Water resultsin the deathof sea-life.
7 S a l l y ' sn o tt o o k e e no n . . . . . . . .f.o o ds o d o n ' tu s e A extinction C recycling
too manychillipeppers. B contamination D survival
A creamy B greasy C spicy D salty
8 The last of the filmwas definitely
the best was so moving.
A script B shot C scene D setting

/ rrla'.tos
\ ro*o.s )

B. Choosethe correct word to fill in the sentences.

e.g. o arsonist . hijacker 19 o thrilling . thrilled

a) The hijackertook controlof the planeand force a) lt was a .. performance.We
the pilotto landon a smallisland. enjoyedeveryminuteof it.
b) The arsonist who had set fire to a department b) Janewas absolutely .. at the news
storewas caughtyesterday. wedding.
of her brother's
17 ooffender oconvict . sole o unique
a) The .. has been in prison for a) Flying in a hot air balloon was a truly
twentyyears. . experience.
b) Thejudgewasforcedto sendhimto prisonas he b) Her , .. ambitionis to becomean
was a repeat actress.
18 .coach opractise 21 o enjoy o join
a) You need to .... .....a lot if you really a) Did you . yourselfat the party?
wantto improve. b) Why don't you .. us at the
b) Mary is good at swimming,so I asked her to basketballgame?
... me beforemy race.

/ 1rt",.H,
\s*r )

C. Fill in the gapswith the correct word derived from the words in bold.

e.g.Thefilmwas reallysad fullof unhappyevents. HAPPY

the criminalwas sentencedto life
22 Eventually PRISON
2 3 T h es u n s e gt a v eh i m . . . . f. o r h i s p a i n t i n g . INSPIRE
24 The ..,.onlytook abouttwo hours,so I'm not reallytired. FLY
25 We didn'tfindthe characters
in the filmvery CONVINCE
26 Raising issuesis essential.
. of environmental AWARE

-t \
\ 5x0.5 2.51
D. Write the unnecessaryword on the lines provided,or put a tick (/) if the line is correct.

Sarahis startingin a newjob today.Sheis goingto work e.g. in

part-timein a busyoffice.Althoughshe doesn'tknowanyone 27
thereyet,shewillmakefriendsquicklydespite,becauseshe 28
is a very sociablepersonwho likesworkingwith the other 29
people.Sarahhas neverbeenworkedin an officebefore,so 30
she is a littlebit nervous,but mostlyshe is to lookingforward 31
to it.Shethinkssheis goingto be enjoytravelling intothe city 32
on the train everyday, and walking along crowdedstreets. 33
Sarahlovesbeingbusy places. 34
/ tttu,t, -\
\ a*o.s I
using two to live words,includingthe word in bold.
E. Completethe sent€nces

thesuspect at the policestation.
is Thesuspectis being questioned at the policestation.
35 | don'tthinkshewasinformed abouttheburglary.
been She...................... ... .. .. abouttheburglary'
36 lshouldn'thaveentered thecompetition lwas notwellprepared
regret | ..............,............. because wellprepared.
I wasn't
37 Sallydidn'tforgivehimalthough to her.
he apologised
spite Sallydidn'tforgivehim ...................... to her.
thathe apologised
38 Emmasavedmoneyso thatshecouldtravelabroadin thesummer.
view Emmasavedmoney................. ........... in lhesummer'
39 Lynnfindsparagliding

40 Thisis themostmovingfilmI'veeverseen.
as Nootherfilml'veseen.............. .....thisone.
withmy doctortomorrow.
41 | havean appointment

/ rrrru,,ror'
,' \
\7x1 I
F. Choosethe correct item.

e.g.My father...B...alreadyworkedfor two yearsbefore

he wentto University. weeknow.
Awas Bhad Chas Dis A stops C stop
B hadstopping D wouldstop
42 Jack didn'tmentionit to Beckyin order......
A to not B not to C as not D that A finish C finishing
B to finish D havefinished
43 Everybody enjoyedthe party, ........?
A d i d n ' th e C wasn'the 5 0 M y g r a n d m o t h ei sr . . . . , . . . .k i n d a n d g e n e r o u s
B weren'tthey D didn't hey that everyonelikesher.
A very B sucha C such D so

Atf B lf not C Unless D When 51 lt ...... . e ' si n

. . h a v eb e e nT e dy o us a wi n P a r i sH
45 l'm sorrybut I can'twork harderthanthat. A can B mustn't C couldn't D may
A any B more C less D further
52 Are you surethisjacketis the sameprice
46 Larrywould rather . in lastnight.He had a that one?
terribletimeat the disco. Aof Bas C like D than
A to stay B havestayed C stayed D staying

47 Yoursisteris beautiful .....beingintelligent.
A furthermore C moreover
( u a r t < s-\:
B in additionto D as well uuJ
\ 11 x 0 . 5

G. Fill in the gapswith the wordsfrom the boxbelow.Thenmark the sentences
(T) True or (F) False.

let helptul W confidence competing branch

Thonksso muchJor gourlasttetter.l'm sorrgI didn'te.g. replr.J
but l'vebeenterribtgbusgover
the pastJewmonthsond I just haven'thod time.
thot l'm octucttgtivingand workingin Paris.f'm
Thingsare gotngver1wetlhere.I stitlcon't beLieve
so gtad I madethe decislonto l,eaveEngtondand go's beena reaLLgexcitingexpertenceso
Jar,andI think I woutdhavebeenaJoo[to mlssout on the opportunitg.Afteratt,f goneJromapart-
timejob in o [oca[Librarg
to a goodposltronin the Porls53) . .ol al,argemerchantbank,
ondJromlivingin a smotltown to livingin o big's exocttgwhat l'veatwagswanted.Ofcourse,
I know I shoutdn'tbe too optimistlc.I understondthat not evergthingis going to be perJect,
. atoneeosg,but lJeelthat my 55) .. has increased
durungmy time here
and I Jeel,surethat I con dealwith the problemslife throwsat me.
l'vemet quiteaJew peopLe
ot the bank,and mostoJthemare 56) .... and JrtendLg.
This ls good becausel'd hate hoving to work in on unJriendtgenvironment,where peopl.eare
constantlrJ57) with one onother.l'm atso graduaLl.g
learningmore about French's verg dtJferentto whot I was usedto in England,but | ltke the more rel,axed,
Wett,thot'sall mg newsJor

58 Andrewis happylivingin Paris.

59 Andrewworksin a libraryin Paris.
60 Andrewbelievesthat his lifewill be per.fect.
61 The peopleat the bankare unfriendly.
62 The Frenchlifestyleis relaxedand sociable.

/ lrlt"rtos-\
\ro*1 J

H. Somefaulty equipmenthasbeendeliveredto your ollice.Write a letter of 120-180wordsin an appropriate
styleto th€ managercomplainingand requestingthat the matter be givenimrnediateattention.Usethe
plan belowand your own ideas.Do not includeany addresses.

for writing(complainaboutprinter- had problemswithit - causedconsiderable
reason(s) inconvenience)

development of the subject(papergetsstuck - haveto startprintingall overagain;printermissesout lines/moves
partsof the text - what is printedmakesno sense/looks very untidy;printerprintscoloursin wrong places-
graphics lookmessyandunprofessional; wordsprintedlookblurred- difficult to read)
closingremarks - hopematterwillbe resolved- replacement
disappointed supplied)

Name: Date:

Class: Mark:
(Ti me: 7 mi nu t es)

You will hear a conversationbetweenBernard and Alice about the right clothes to wear for an
interview.Mark the statementsas true (T) or false (F). t

1 A l i c ei s s u r p r i s e da t B e r n a r d ' sc h o i c eo f c l o t h e s . tr tr
2 Bernardwore informalclothesbecauseof what the a d h a d s a i d . T T
3 Bernard'sinterviewwas very relaxed. u T
4 B e r n a r da n d A l i c ea g r e et h a t b o t h m e n a n d w o m e ns h o u l dw e a ra s u i t . T T
5 A l i c ew o r e i n f o r m acl l o t h e sf o r h e r i n t e r v i e w . T I
6 A l i c eb e l i e v e dt h a t h e r c l o t h e sw e r et h e r e a s o ns h e d i d n ' tg e t t h e j o b . T T

/ Marks:__ \

N a me : Date:

UIASS: Mark:
(Time:7 minutes)

For eachquestion,circleA, B or C.
Youwill heara radiointerviewwith a volcanologist.

1 T h e m o s ts t r i k i n gt h i n ga b o u tv o l c a n o e si s t h e f a c t t h a t
A t h e yc a nk i l la l a r g en u m b e or f p e o p l ev e r yq u i c k l y '
B y o u n e v e rk n o ww h e nt h e yw i l le r u p t .
C t h e yh a v ee n o r m o uP s ower.

2 The ideathat the moonaffectsvolcaniceruptionsis

A old.
B recent.
C impossible.

M o u n tE t n ai s c a l l e dt h e " F r i e n d l yG i a n t "b e c a u s e
A i t i s v e r yb i g .
B everyone hasheardof it.
C i t r a r e l yk i l l sp e o p l e .

M o u n tE t n ah a s k i l l e d
A 73people.
B 69people.
C 3 , 0 0 0p e o p l e .

M o u n tF u j ii n J a p a ni s t h e
A 2 ' dv o l c a n o n t h a ts i t e .
B 1 " v o l c a n o n t h a ts i t e .
C 3'ovolcanoon thatsite.

The first volcanoto havethe name"Vulcanus"was

A Vesuvius.
B M o u n tE t n a .
C M o u nF t uji.

/ Mar t <s:

Name: Date:

Class: Mark:

(Time:7 minutes)

Listen to a woman talking to a friend and for each question,fill in the missing information on the


Type of l) Thai

Date and time of visit: Wednesday24 October 2003


S e r v i c eA
: l i t t l e2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Staff:3) ... ..,..and helpful

Food: Excellent - hot and 4) colourful,beautifullypresented


Atmosphere: 5) comfortable - soft music in the background '::,,:.,.

t :

D6cor: Too 6) ..
Price: reasonable :
Thank you for your co-operation!

/ 1rtart<s:

W*:m#ffi,;,# 'rAW.

N am e : Date:

ula55: Mark:
(Time: 7 minutes)

You will hear a conversationbetweenVincent and his sister, Catherine, about a party. Mark the
sentencesbelow as true (T) or false (F).


1 C a t h e r i n ea n d V i n c e n ft e e lt h e s a m ew a y a b o u t m e e t i n gn e w p e o p l e . tr tr
2 T h e w o m a nt a l k i n gt o C a t h e r i n eh a d l o n g s t r a i g h tb l o n d eh a i r . T T
3 V i n c e n t h i n k st h e w r i t e rs h o u l dh a v eg i v e nh i m a c h a n c et o s p e a k . T tr
4 T h e m a n f r o m t h e f l o o d e dv i l l a g ew a s r e s c u e db y t h e p o l i c e . T T
5 V i n c e n te n j o y e dh e a r i n ga b o u tt h e g r a d u a t i o nc e r e m o n y . il T
6 V i n c e n tm e t o n e n i c e p e r s o na t t h e e n d o f t h e e v e n i n g . T T


Name: Date:

Class: Mark:

(Time: 7 minutes)

Youwill hear a conversation

betweenGemmaand Bill aboutdifferentsports.Mark the sentences
as true (T) or false(F).

1 T h e r ea r e l o t s o f g i r l si n B i l l ' sb r o t h e r ' sw e i g h t l i f t i ncgl a s s . T T
2 G e m m ad o e s n ' tl i k et h e l a r g em u s c l e so f w e i g h t l i f t i ncgh a m p i o n s . tr T
3 A t t h e s t a r t ,B i l lt h i n k sd i v i n gm i g h tb e a p o s s i b i l i t y . tr T
4 G e m m ad i d n ' tk n o wt h a t B i l ld i s l i k e st h e w a t e r . T T
5 B i l ll o v e st h e i d e ao f g o i n gh a n g - g l i d i n g . T n
6 l n t h e e n d , t h e y b o t h a g r e et o t r y h a n g - g l i d i n g . T T


Name: Date:

Class: Mark:

(Time: 7 minutes)

You will hear a school student talking to her parents about an Open Day at her school.For each
question,fill in the missing information in the numberedspace.

I t ' s y o u r E n v i r o n m e n t . .P. R O T E C Tl T !

Y o u a r e i n v i t e dt o a n O p e n d a y o n t h e E n v i r o n m e n t

A t : B e e c hH i l l S c h o o l

O n : S a t u r d a y1 ) . . .

F r o m 1 0 - 0 0t o 2 0 - 0 0

E v e n t si n c l u d e :

A d o c u m e n t a rfyi l ma b o u t2 )

A w o r k s h o pe n t i t l e d":H o w 3 ) . . . . a n dw h y "

A N a t u r eW a l k :J o i nT e dH a m i l t oann df i n do u t a b o u t
"Waysto protectour naturalenvironment"
( S i g nu p N O W !p l a c e sa r e 4 ) . . . ,.,.....)

A 5) . . b y D r L y n d aP o t t e r
" W h a tc a n W E d o t o h e l p ? "a t 1 9 - 0 0

l n f o r m a t i o snt a n dw i t h b o o k sa n d 6 ) . . . . a b o u tt h e
e n v i r on m e n t
A s k o u r e x p e r t sa n y q u e s t i o ny o u w a n t .

F o r f u r t h e ri n f o r m a t i o nc,o n t a c tM r s E l i z a b e t hM c M a s t ear t 6 3 9 4 7 8 ,

/ M a r k s :- \


Name: Date:

Class: Mark: I

(Time: 7 minutes)

You will hear a travel agenttalking to a customeron the phone.For eachquestion,fill in the
missinginforrnationin the customer's notes.

Margale- English

."."' Channel
*'-'"*- Herne 8ay Ramsgaq;,
YP //" Qanerbury
'bfli.liloo., o'la
Folkstone Termindl

Service Tunn€l


€*"ffi D o v e r C a l a i ee v e r y 1 ) 112 hours pals


q*ffi : - 1 5 a m I ;;;;
( f r o m O o v e rE cutuiu,;?Y; :;\*o t /

./zl Boulogne-sur.Mer

{*"ffi Q

C*,* W
(**ffi Cheapeoa t r o u n d2 ) f , - but neeI Lo book300Nlll
(-ffi F r o m G a | w i c k( 5 ) . , f l i q h | e )a n d H e a t h r o w( e c h e d u l e d
(^w f l iq h r e )
i*s* 4) v i a C h a n n el lu n n e l
(*aS | ,r^:
L Ve r v n a t T n o u r (5-15am 7- 4 O ? m )
TakeZ aroundo) .
h n r r r Ja
I t V V l

fr& 9t ationai
e*-g 7a r i e : G a r e d u N o r /
L o n d o n6: ) , . .
?^'ffi T r i c e : n o t rv e r y d i f t e r e n Tf,r o n p l a n e

/ M a r r s-: \

Name: Date:


(Time: 7 minutes)

You will hear a conversationbetweena mother and her son about preparing for exams,Mark the
statementsbelow as true (T) or false (F).

1 R i c h a r dt h i n k st h a t l a s t - m i n u tset u d y i n gi s b e s t . T T
2 L a u r at h i n k st h a t a r e v i s i o nt i m e t a b l ei s a g o o d i d e a . n T
3 W i t h h i s p r e s e n ts y s t e m ,R i c h a r dw i l l b e a b l et o r e v i s ee v e r y t h i n g . T T
4 R i c h a r da g r e e st h a t h i s p r e s e n tl i f e s t y l ei s c r a z y . I n
5 Coffeeand chocolatehelp Richardto work better. n T
6 R i c h a r dh a s b e e n e x e r c i s i n g tr tr

/ Mo,k, -
u )\

Keyto Tests
T E S T1 ( U n i t s1 - 2 ) TEST2(Units3-4)
1D 3C 5A 7 D 9A A1 B 4 B 7 C 1OC 138
2 B 4 A 6C 88 1OA 2
11 A
12 C
148 t
1 1 c laim st o be
1 2 liv ely
1 4 e x p e ri e n c e
15 revealed 15 crow ded 19
1 3 ex plor e 16 admit 20
i ntense
cut off

17 fed up w i th 21 startled
16 trip 1 9 e x c u rs i o n 1B concentrate 22 eventually t
1 7 handout 20 astrologers
18 coast 23 a) chatted b) discuss

24 a) j oi n b) enjoy
D21 A 23D25C27829A 25 a) effects b) cause
22A 24A26C28D30A 26 a) accused b) blame
27 a) unsure b) insecure
31 . . .m e his book,w h i c hw a s ...
32 . . .who is wait in g... 28 out of 30 in 32 to 34 over
33 . . .t oo ex pens i vfo e r h e rto ... 29 to 31 on 33 of
34 . . .not enoughco ffe e...
35 . . .i n w h i c ht h e y. . . 35 celebrations 37 relieved 39 amazingly
36 . . .not old enou g hto h a v e... 36 thrilled 38 exhausted
37 . . .hav en'been t to Yo rk...
F40 ...suggestedI see a doctor/(my) seeinga doctor...
F38 is 39,/ 40 / 4 1 s ti l l 41 ...he had not fai l ed...
G42 D 44 C 46 A 42 ...w i shI had broughtsome...
43D45C478 43 ...unl esshe dri ves...
44 ...askedOscari f she had ...
48 responsibility 50 delighted 45 ...shouldyou noticeanything/if you shouldnotice
49 originally 51 justification anythi ng...
46 ...admitted(to)/having brokenthe ...
G 47 for 51 / 55 before
(Suggestedanswer) 48/52of 56 do
It was my first day at secondaryschool and I was 49 for 53 from 57/
feelingvery nervousas I walkedinto the classroom.Then 50 been 54 /
my eyes fell on Rachel,and I knew everythingwould be
a l ri ght . 58B 59D 60A 61 B
She was tall and slim with with long, straightbrown
hair.Shewas wearinga dark blueskirtand a whiteblouse. | 62 D 64E668
WhatI reallynoticedthough,was herfriendlysmileand her 63F 65467C
soft browneyes.
Rachelis a very livelygirl who is alwayslookingfor J (Suggestedanswer)
adventure.She loves playingjokes on peopleand has a I was alonein the housewatchinga thrilleron TV. lt was
greatsenseof humour. late at night and there was a terriblestorm going on
Rachelloves sports and was captainof the hockey outsi de.
teamat school.Shealsoenjoysmusicand spendsa lot of Suddenly,I hearda noise,Someonewas tappingat the
her sparetime playingthe guitaror the drums. livingroomwindow.I wonderedwho could be outsidemy
Overthe years,Racheland I havebecomevery good house at this time of night.Perhapsit was a dangerous
friendsand havehad manygood timestogether.She is one criminal,or a frighteningmonster.
of the most interestingpeopleI've ever met and I hope we Thetappinggrewlouderand I feltveryscared.I switched
will alwaysbe friends. off the televisionand crept slowlytowardsthe window.I
told myselfto be brave.I would look outsideand if there
was a dangerousman there,I would call the policeand
then hide under my bed until they arrived.Nervously,I
grabbedthe curtainand pulledit back.I screamedas I saw
the angry face at the window,then openedthe window
wideto let in my cat,Felix,who I had leftoutsidein the rain.

Keyto Tests

I gaveFelixsomemilk
I felta littlefoolishbut veryrelieved. MID- TERMTEST(Units1 - 6)
and we curledup togeheron the sofa. I was glad of the
companyand Felixwas happyto be safeindoors. 1a ski nny b muscul ar
2a sensitive b sensi bl e
3a interrupting b paused
TEST3(Units5-6) 4a fami ne b drought
5a w on b gai n
1D 3A 5D 7 B 9D
2 C 4 B 6A BClOD 6D 108 14B18A22A
'13 pinch 7A 11 C 15A19C23C
11 helping 1 2 clove 14 loat BB 12A 16D20A
9C 138 17 C 21 C
c15 carved 1 7 carriedaway
1 6 r egional 1 8 s c u l p tu re c24 me 26 i n 28 actual 30 /
25 27 to 29/31of
D19 gathered 22 entrance
20 processron ZJ re m i n d s D32 A 35C 3BA 41 D
2 1 costumes 24 th ro u g h 33 D 36C 39D
34 B 378 40D
E25 C 27 A 298 31833C
26 D 28 A 30D 32C348 E42 ,..suchgood musi cthateveryone ...
43 ...mademe go w i thhi m/mademe accompany him
F 35 . . .r at herg o to S p a i nth a n... 44 ...w ereal lthe preparati ons made...
36 . . .wasf ille dw i thth e s m e l l.. 45 . . .s h o u l dy o us e e. . .
37 . . .is belie v e th
d a ts h ew a s ... 4b ...w i shI had read...
38 . . .s uc hba d w e a th eth r a t ... 47 ... apologised to Fayefor speaking/having spoken
39 . . .is ex pe c te dto w i n ... 48 ...whosegrandparents openedthe restaurant
40 . . .s o m uc hm o n e yth a t...
41 . . . had hiss u i ta l te re d... F49 explore 53 fast-moving 57F
50 impact 54 F 587
G42 SO 44 a 46/ 51 socialise 55 T
43 oeen 45 s o me 4 7 th e 52 revealed 56 F

H48 anticipation 50 traditional G (Suggestedanswer)

49 cheerfully 5 1 fa m o u s I willalwaysrememberthe firsttime I visitedLeedsCastle,
in Maidstone, was a sunnyday at the end of May
152 D54 A 56A and I was on a school outing with my Historyclass. I
53 855 c 57 D expectedto be bored,but I soon realisedthat LeedsCastle
is not onlyveryinteresting, but alsoextremelybeautiful.
J (Suggestedanswer) The Castleis made of stone and was built around900
CHO CO L ATBEISC U IT C A KE yearsago. lt standson two smallislandsin the middleof a
I ngr edient s : lakeand is surroundedby trees,hillsand parkland.lnside
1 t in c ondens e d mi l k the castleis an amazingcollection of medievalfurniture,
2509richtea biscuits and ornaments. I enjoyedlookingat themall and imagining
1009but t er kingsand queensusingthem hundredsof yearsago.
1759chocolate In the castlegrounds,there are plentyof thingsto do.
509 mixednutsand raisins Thereis a fantasticflowergardenand a wood garden,but
Preparation: my favouriteplace was the is enormousand I
1) Putthe biscuitsintoa plasticbag and hit them with a walkedaroundin it for hours beforeI found the centre!|
r ollingpin u n ti lth e ya re b ro k e ni n tos ma l lpi eces. alsoenjoyedhavinglunchin FairfaxHall,the 17thcentury
2) Break the chocolateinto pieces and put it in a barnwhichhas beenmadeintoa restaurant.
saucepanwith the butterand condensedmilk. Heat LeedsCastleis a wonderfulplacewhich I hope to visit
gently,stirringconstantly, untilmelted. againsoon.Thereis so muchto seeand do there.I thinkit
3) Add the crushedbiscuitsand the mixed nuts and is the perfectplacefor a day out.
raisinsand mixwell,untilcompletelycoveredwiththe
4) Pourthe mixtureintoa greasedplasticcontainerand
refrigerate for at leastfour hours,or overnight.
5) Cut intosquareswitha sharpknifeand storein an air-
t ightc onta i n e r.

Keyto Tests

TEST4(UnitsT-81 TEST5(Units9-10)
A1 C 3D 5C 7 B A 1 prevent 9 motivation
2 C 4 D 6A BA 2 cautiously 10 extinct
3 merely 11 issue
9 normally 12 keen 15 caught 4 habitats 12 forested
10 forecast 13 search 1 6 c ra s h i ng 5 concept 13 threateni ng
'1 1
uns poilt 1 4 to o k 6 concentrateon 14 participating
7 captured 15 approaches to
17 judge 19 evidence 2 1 s u s p ects B established
1B prosecutor 20 witness 22 jury
B 16 D 17 C 18 A 19 D 20 B
D 23 up 24 into 25 about 26 up
21 that 23 will 25 /
27 . . .was m adet o p ro m i s e... 22 / 24 the 26 o{
28 . . . y o um i n dg i v i n gm e . . .
29 . . .m us thav eb e e n... 27 out 29 to 31 uo with
30 . . .c an' tbe awa re... 28 with 30 to
31 . . .needn' hav t eta k e n...
32 . . .s houldhav es e e na d o c to r... 32 thathe coul di mprove...
33 . . .don' thav et o a p o l o g i s e .,. 33 ...not onl yki ndbut al so...
34 ... have(any)difficulty(in)fixing... 34 ...on accountof bad w eather...
35 . . .s houldhav eg i v e nm e ... 35 a resul het got ...
36 ...w i tha vi ewto fi ndi ng...
36 not 38,/40/ 37 ... (her)w orki nghard...
37 to 3 9 fe e l 41 beinq 38 ...i n caseyou need...

G 42 demonstration 44 mugger 39 gl obal 43 advertisements

43 inconvenience 45 popularity 40 practically 44 unacceptable
41 hel pful 45 hopeful
46447C48849850A51C 42 organisation 46 technological

52E53C54F55A56D578 G47 C 49A 51 B

488 50D 52C
D earChr is , (Suggestedanswer)
How are you? l'm writingto giveyou the information you Learninga foreignlanguagehasbeena partof the school
asked for about the day trip to London.I'm glad you're curriculumfor yearsand I believethat it shouldremainso
thinkingof comingwith us. lt'sgoingto be a greatday out. for a varietyof reasons.
Firstly,you shouldknowthatwe aremeetingat 6amat the In the firstplace,offeringforeignlanguagesin schoolsis
railwaystation.I know that'svery early,but we want to be vitalfor childrengrowingup in the twenty-first century.As
in Londonby nineo'clock.You will need t30 for the train more and more compani es become i nternat ional,
ticketand t10 for the theatretickets,as well as spending employerswill expect their staff to speak at least one
moneyf or lunc h,s o u v e n i rs
a n ds h o p p i n g . foreign languagein order to do businesswith foreign
Secondly,you wantedto know what time we would get clients.Learninga foreignlanguagein schoolimprovesa
h o m e.W ell,we hop eto b e b a c k h o meb y 1 1 p m. I hope child'sjob prospectsin laterlife.
that'snot too latefor you. In additionto this,travellingabroadis now much easier
Finally,if you decidethat you definitelywant to join us, and cheaperthan ever before.Many people choose to
you must phoneMr Copleyby Thursdayto book a place. spendthei rhol i daysi n a forei gncountryand w i l lfi ndt heir
H i s phonenum beri s 0 1 2 0 46 9 7 3 6 1a n d h e w i l l b e there holidayfar moreenjoyableif theyare ableto communicate
everyday untilsix o'clock. withthe localpeople lf childrenlearna foreignlanguagein
I hopetheseplanssuityou becauseit wouldbe greatif we schooltheywill be ableto spendpleasantholidaysabroad.
could all go to Londontogether.Writesoon and let me On the other hand, learninga foreignlanguagemay be
knowwhatyou decide. confusingfor a child,as they mayfind it difficultto learnnew
Love, wordsand to keepthe foreignlanguageseparatefrom their
Sh ir ley own. Childrenare under a lot of oressureat school and
learninga foreignlanguagemayadd to theirproblems.

Keyto Tests

To sum up, I believethat,althoughit can be hardworkfor EXITTEST(Units1 - 15)

a childto learna foreignlanguage, the advantages outweigh
the disadvantages. In today'sworld,childrenneed all the 1C 5D 9A 13 D
skillsthey can get in orderto find a successfulcareer,and 2D 6B 10A 14 D
speakinga foreignlanguageis a skillwhichis valuableboth 3B 7C 11 A 15 B
professionallyand socially. 4B BC 12C 16 B

17 a convi ct b offender
TEST6 (Units11 -12) 1B a practise b coach
19 a thrilling b thri l l ed
A 1C 5A 98 13C
20 a uni que b sole
2A6C10A 14A join
21 a enjoy b
3 B 7 D 11 B 15A
4 B BB 12 B 16D
c 22 i mpri sonment 24 flight 26 awareness
23 inspiration 25 convincing
B 17 latest 20 causeway 23 sedate
18 c r uis e 2 1 s i m u l a te d
27 ,/ 29 the 31 to 33 ,/
19 lagoon 2 2 e ru p ti o n s
28 despite 30 been 32 be 34 being
C 24 off 25 through 26 on 27 for
35 ... can'thavebeeninformed...
36 ... regrethavingentered/entering the competition
D 28 confusing 31 exciting
37 ...i n spi teof the fact...
29 convincing 32 enjoyable
38 ...
...w i tha vi ewto travel l i ng
30 Actually 33 alternative
39 ... is fascinated by ...
40 ...w asas movi ngas ...
E 34 . . .J er r yhel p sh e r,s h ew i l l ...
41 seei ngmy doctor...
35 . . .f ir s tt im eM a rkh a ss p o k e n...
36 . . .t he bes tyo u c a n ...
428 45A 48D 51 C
37 ...wasthe leastinteresting of ...
43D 468 49A 528
38 . . .has n' tbe e na b ro a dfo r ...
44c 478 50D
39 . . .hadn' tlos ty o u ra d d re s s,..
40 . . .f oundG r e g ' sl e c tu reb o ri n g
G 53 branch 56 helpful
54 let 57 competing
F41C43D 45D
55 confidence
42844C 46A
58T 59F 60 F 61 F 62 T
G 47 the 49/ 51 a 5 3 the
48a 50 it 52/54/
I am writingto complainabout the printerwhich your
H55 A 578 59B
companydelivered to my officeon Monday17thFebruary.
56A 588 60c
I havehad severalproblemswith this pieceof equipment
and havebeencausedconsiderable inconvenience.
I (Suggestedanswer)
'Shakespeare Firstly,paper often gets stuck insidethe printer,and it
in Love' is a wonderfulromanticcomedy
takesa lot of time and effortto get the paperout.Afterthat,
set in 16th century London.Joseph Fiennesplays the
I haveto startprintingall overagain,so a good dealof time
starringroleas the world'smostfamouswriter.
is wastedas a resultof this fault,Furthermore, the printer
ThestorybeginswithShakespeare havingproblemswithhis
sometimesmissesout lines,or movespart of the text,so
newplay.Hedoesnotknowwhatto writeaboutuntilhe meets
thatwhatis printednot onlymakesno sense,but alsolooks
Viola,a beautifulgirl playedby GwynethPaltrow.Violaloves
thetheatreand wantsto be an actor.However,womenarenot
In additionto this,the printeroftenprintscoloursin the
allowedto act,so shedressesup as a boy.Shakespeare asks
wrongplaces,Coloursare printedtoo low,too high,or too
herto playRomeoin his new play,but he doesn'tknowthat
far to the leftor right.Thismakesour graphicslook messy
she is the girlwho is givinghimthe rdeasfor hiswork.
'Shakespeare and unprofessional. Whatis more,the wordsprintedby this
in Love'is a very amusingand interesting
pieceof equipmentalwayslookblurredand aresometimes
storybasedon an hasa cleverplotand the
difficultto read.
actingis brilliant.The sceneryand costumesare authentic
All in all, I am extremelydisappointed with this printerand
and the film is verywell-made.
its poor performance. I hopethatthis matterwill be resolved
I recommend'Shakespearein Love' to anyone who
quicklyand thata replacement willbe promptlysupplied.
enjoysfunny, is a brilliantfilmand is well
J. Stewart

Key to ListeningTests (
rt .
1T 2 T 3F 4 T 5 F 6T lt

1B 2 A 3C 4 A

5 C 6B
1 restaurant 4 spicy r'
2 slow 5 relaxtng |!
3 friendly 6 colourful

1F 2 F 3T 4 F 5 F 6T


1F 2 T 3F 4 F 5 6T

1 25thOctober 4 limited
2 air pollution 5 talk
3 t o r ec y c le 6 l e a fl e ts


1 fourhours 4 Eurostar
2 ninety 5 three
3 c har t er 6 Wa te rl o o

1F 2 T 3F 4 T 5T 6F

Tapescriptsto ListeningTests

ListeningTest 1 ListeningTest2

A : ... and l ' d l i keto w el comeD r Joe P urdvof the Inst it utfeor
A: S o y ou didn' tge t th e j o b ?
S ci enti fiR c esearch ...
B: No...
B : T h a n ky o u . . .
A: Haveyou any ideawhatwentwrong?
A : D r P urdy,w hat w oul dyou say i s the most str ikingt hing
B: W ell. . . it was m y c l o th e s...
A: Whatdid you wear?
B : Well,volcanoesare a very powerfulnaturalphenomenon.
B: A pairof jeans a , j a c k e t,n o ti e ...
And of coursethey can causea villagewith hundredsof
A: What?lt wasa teachingjob in a boys'school!Whyon earth
peopleto disappearin seconds.But for me, what is most
didn' tv ou weara s u i t?
amazingaboutthem is the fact that they can eruptat any
B: Well,you see,the ad saidthatthe schoolhasa veryrelaxed
ti me,w i thoutanyw arni ng...
at m os pher e. S o l th o u g h tth a ta s u i tw o u l db e to o formal...
A: Y e s . . .
A: O h d e a r. . .
B : But now scientistsare workingon the idea that volcanic
B: But when I arrived the headmaster and the otherteach-
eruoti ons are rel atedto the moon...
ers weredressedveryformally.Everyone was in darksuits
A : The moon?C anthi sbe oossi bl e?
andties.I feltterrible. Theatmosphere in the interview room
B : Well,they think that the moon may effectvolcanicerup-
c er t ainly was n' tr e l a x e d... b e l i e v eme !
ti ons.For exampl e, a vol canoi s morel i kel yto er uptwhen
A: But did the interview itselfgo okay?
therei s a ful lmoon.Thi si s a veryol d i dea,but i t hasnever
B: Y es ,it did. B utt h e yj u s t d i d n ' tl i k emy a p p e a ra nce. A t the
end of the interview theytold me thattheywerelookingfor
A : I s e e. . .
someonemore seriousand responsible. Can Vou believe
A : B ut not al l vol canoes are danoerous ki l l ers...
B : Really?
A: That ' st er r ible. . . b u t c l o th e sa rew h a tp e o p l es e e ...
A : TakeMountEtna,in Sicily.Everybodyhas heardof Mount
B: M m m m. . .s o do y o uth i n ka ma ns h o u l da l w a y sw eara sui t
E tna.l t' s cal l edthe ' Fri endl yGi ant"not
, becauseit 's big -
to an interview?
thoughit is - but becauseits lavamovesveryslowly.This
A: Y es . . . well . . . a su i t ... o r a j a c k e ta n d tro u s e rs... but you
gi vespeopl eti meto escape.l t' snota ki l l ervol ca no. . .even
s houldalway sw e a ra ti e ...
thoughit looksterribleduringits eruptions
B: I s uppos ey ou' r eri g h t...
B : Oh, I di dn' tknowthatabouti ts l ava.
A: lt ' st hes am ef or w o me nre a l l y...a s u i t...o r a s k i r tandj ack-
A : It'strue.Also,peoplehaverecordedthe deathscausedby
et .F unny. . .y oure x p e ri e n cth e i sm o rn i n gre m i n dsme of an
MountEtnafor overthreethousandyears,and it has only
interview I had ...yearsago. lt was a similarexperience bul
killedseventy-three peoplein all that time.That'snot very
the oppositeproblem
many when you think about it, thoughtherewas a large
B: Whatdo you mean?
eruptionin sixteensixty-nine... but nobodyrecordedany
A: Well ... this was an interviewwith a computercompany.I
dressedvery formally.I wore a navy suit and a striped
B : A m a z i n g. . .
blous e.I want e dto l o o kre l i a b l e,..
A: Volcanoesare alwayschanging... for example,the cone,
B: So whathappened?
that'sthe channelthe lavaflowsthrough,can closeup and
A: Oh!Thiswasan Americancompany...and the interviewers
a new cone can form. A new cone is actuallya new vol-
wereall dressedvery informally. One of themwas wearing
j eansand t r aine rs... cano. On the site of MountFuji in Japan,therewere two
othervolcanoestherebeforethe presentone ...
B: Ohno! /
B : A mazi ng!
A: S o . . .y ou c an im a g i n eh o wl fe l t:e m b a rra s s e... d a nd over-
A : Mount Fuji is actuallya very popularplace for tourists,
i ncl udi ngthe Japanese.l t has aboutfour hun dr edt hou-
B: Did you get the job?
sand visitorsa year.In the summer,therecan be twenty
A: No. Whentheytold me I hadn'tgot the job, they saidthat
thousanda day ,..
they were lookingfor someonemore relaxedand informal
B : And can you tell us aboutthe word "volcano" itself?
A : Yes it comes from the ltalianword "vulcano"which
means"burningmountain", and that comesfrom the Latin
' V ul canus"A. l l " burni ngmountai ns"l,i ke V es uvius
MountFi j i ,w eregi venthi sname,but the name"Vulcanus"
wasfirstgivenby the Romansto MountEtnabecausethey
thoughtthati t w asthe homeof the god V ul canu s. . .

Tapescriptsto ListeningTests

ListeningTest3 Test

Ye s... I wentt o T heS m i l i n gB u d d h al a s tn i g h t.Mmmm . The C : It was quitea good party,wasn'tit?

Smi l i n gB uddha,t he ne w T h a i re s ta u ra ntht a t' sj u s t o p ened. V : Y es...thoughtherew erel otsof peopl ew e di dn' tknow.l'm
The peoplewho run it are from Thailandand there are no not that keen on going around introducingmyself to
Europeandishesat all.I'd nevertastedThaicookingbefore,so srrangers...
it was a new experience for me. I took Derekbecausehe was C : Oh, l enjoynewfaces... and everyonewas veryfriendly...
interested to see what it was like.Whenwe arrived,they wel- V : Theycertainlywere!| heardenoughpeople'slifestoriesto
comed us immediately and took us to our table.The service lastme a lifetimel
wa sa lit t les low. . .but e v e ry th i negl s ew a sv e ryp l e a s a nt, so i t c: Oh, therewas one womanwho told me all abouther sum-
didn'tseemto matterreally. The staffwereveryfriendlyand mer hol i day...i n greatdetai l.,.
h e l p ful,W e didn' tm indw a i ti n gb e tw e e nc o u rs e sAn . dw e w ere V: Wasthatthe womanwithshortblondehair?Shetold me ...
delightedwiththe food ... you knowhow we both likehot and C : N o, she had l ong strai ghtbrow nhai r ... she w as wear ing
sp i cydis hesNo . . . .notve ryh o t ...a n d i t w a sre a l l yc o l o urful ... bi g greenearri ngs...
it was a pleasureto look at ... it was almosta shameto eat it! Yes!| knowwho you mean!Did you meetthe writer?A tall
And therewas soft musicin the backgroundwhichcreateda manw i thcurl ygreyhai r...
relaxingand comfortable atmosphere... ThaimusicI suppose C : No, was he interesting to talkto?
,.. i t was v er ydif f er en... t b u t i t w a s v e ryq u i e t.I re a l l yd i sl i ke V : W el l ,he di d mostof the tal ki ng!H e tol d me the entir eplot
l o u dm us icin a r es t au ra nWe t. s ta y e du n trlrt c l o s e d...o h unti l of his latestnovel... an adventurestoryset in Nicaragua. I
a ro u ndm idnightI s upp o s eA. n d th e d e c o r...w e l l... i t w astra- coul dn'gett a w orcii n edgew ays...
d i ti o nalT hai,whic hm e a n sth a ti t w a s v e ryc o l o u rfu Il .thought C : A man was tellingme aboutthe narrowescapehe'd had
that maybeit was a bit much.You see,we re lust not usedto w henhi svi l l agew asfl oodedl astw i nter...
th a tki n dof t hing.A ny w a yi,t w a s re a s o n a b ipyrrc e d... a round V : W ow !
twentypoundseachfor a three-course meal I thinkthat'svery C : Yes ... the policewere travellingaround in small boats
re a sonable . . .andv er yg o o dv a l u efo r mo n e y .E s p e c ra lw l yhen checkingeveryonewas all right.Thisman was trappedon
yo u cons idert he quali tyo f th e fo o d .. a n d th e s e rv i c e and the roofof his housefor fifteenhours,but he was eventual-
th e a tm os pher e. I f illedi n o n e o f th e c o mme nfo t rm sa n dthats l y rescuedby the Fi reB ri gade...
whatI wrotereally.I mean,thisis a verygood restaurant you V : Anotherwoman was talkingto me about her daughter's
s h o u l dt r y i t s o m e t i m e . . . graduationceremony:the partybeforehand... then every-
thi ngaboutthe ceremony...the speeches...w hatthe st u-
dentsdid. She just couldn'tsee that I wasn'tinterested in
this at all. I mean ... l've neverevenmet any of thesepeo-
p l e. . .
C : Dearme! You didn'thaveverygood luck,drd you?
V : Well,just beforethe end of the party,I met this niceyoung
w oman.W e w eretal ki ngaboutcooki ng.S he' sj ustdonea
Mediterranean Cookerycourse.When I told her I was a
chef,she was veryinterested ...
C : I see!Wellnow ... (fade)

to Listening

ListeningTest4 ListeningTest5

B: Yes . . . lt hink it ' sa g re a ti d e afo r u s to ta k eu p a newsport Student:Hi, Mum! Hi, Dad! Look at this leaflet!We'rehaving
together!My brother'sjust joined a weightlifting class . an Open Day at's goingto be all aboutthe environ-
what aboutthat? ment.I think it will be very interesting.Thereare all kindsof
G : Weightlifting?'s on Saturdaythe twenty{ifthof October.
B : Y es . . . it c ouldbe re a l l yg o o d .I' d l i k eto d e v e l o pmy mus- Our Geographyteacher,that's Mr Solomon,he's organising
cles.Whatdo you think? the whole thing really,though he's getting lots of help of
G : Ar ey oujok ing?G i rl sd o n ' td o w e i g h tl i fti n g ! course.He was tellingus all aboutit this morning... and look-
B : Oh yestheydo. My brothersaidthatthereweresomegirls ing for volunteers.He's going to show a documentaryfilm
i n his c las s. . . no t ma n y ,m i n d... about air pollution.And our Scienceteacher,Miss Hopkins,
G : But it couldbe verydangerous, and bad for yourheart.Not she's runninga workshop,that means people have to do
to mentionthe restof you ... thingsand talk,not just listen.She'scallingit: "Howto recycle
B : M m m m. . .it nee d n 'bt e d a n g e ro u si f,y o u ' rec a re f ulA . ndof and why".We all haveto bring in thingsyou can recycle,like
coursegirlsdon't liftveryheavyweights... cans,and newspapers and cardboardboxes.And she'sgoing
G : I thinktheseweightlifting championslookhorrible, withtheir to show what actuallyhappensto theseduringthe recycling
h u g em u s c l e s. . .u g h ! process.And they'veinvitedTed Hamilton, the horticulturalist,
B: f laughingl O h I d o n ' tth i n kl ' l lg o th a tfa r ... to leada walkaroundthe'sall aboutprotecting our nat-
G : Oh Bill!I reallydon'tlikebeingconfinedindoors.I preferto uralenvironment. I'd say that will be very popular,and places
be outside,movingaround.Whataboutsomethinglikediv- are limited,so I've put our threenamesdown for that. I hope
ing? | mean,we live near the sea. There'sa divingclub you want to go! Then in the eveningthere'sa specialguest.
b e s i d et h e h a r b o u r . .J. u s tt h i n ka b o u ti t . . . g l i d i n gp a s ta l l What'sher name?Oh yes ... DoctorLyndaPotter.She'sa well-
thosebrightlycolouredfishand sea plants... knownenvironmentalist. She'sgoingto givea talk abouthow
B: But this isn'texactlythe Caribbean! And you need expen- everyonecan do something. Yes ...the titleof hertalkis: "What
siveequipment, likea wet suit,an oxygentank ... can WE do to help?".I thinkthat'sa good idea.Peopleoften
G : B u ty o u d o n ' th a v et o b u yi t . . . y o uc a nr e n ti t . . . think,"Oh,there'snothingI can do".And our Historyteacher,
B : A ny way . . ldon'
. t l i k eth e w a te r.I d o n ' ts w i mv e ryw el l... Mrs O'Leary,she'sin chargeof the information stand.There'll
G : Oh, of course.I'd forgottenthat.Well,anothersport I was be booksand leaflets aboutthe environment. And she'sorgan-
thinkingaboutis hang-gliding, A friendof minestartedit a isinga team of environmental specialists who will be able to
few weeksago,and shejust lovesit ... answerpeople'squestions.That'sgood, isn't it? | think it's
B: Hang- gliding? goingto be a really .. [fade]
G : Obviouslyit can be dangeroustoo. I mean,you haveto
jump off the tops of mountains, and you haveto know all
about the winds and air currents,and you need a lot of
B: But it soundsreallyexciting!
G : My friendsaysshe feelslikea bird ... it'sso graceful.
Thoughyou'reneverquitesurewhereyou'regoingto land

B: Soundsgreat!Do you wantto giveit a go?

G : Why not? Let'sask .. [fade]

to Listening

ListeningTest6 ListeningExitTest

So yo u ' r egoingt o P ar i si n Ma rc hW . h e rew i l ly o u b e travel l i ng M: Here'sanothermug of coffee.Do you know it's alreadya
from?CentralLondon?Fine.lf you werethinkingof takingthe quarterto midnight?
car, the quickestway by boat is betweenDoverand Calais. S : Thanks,Mum.I don' tknoww hy I al w aysseemto e nd up
There'sa sailingeveryfour hours.The crossingtakesabout studyingat the last minute.I know it's silly,and it's not a
o n ea n d a halfhour s. . .l o n g e ri n b a dw e a th e r. T i m e s ?W el l for
, good idea.Crammingin facts late at night untilthe early
example,there'sa sailingfrom Doverat eight fifteenin the nours...
morning,and one backfrom Calaisat four o'clockin the after- M: Whatyou needis a revisiontimetable. You know,a month
noon. or so beforethe examsstart,you shouldsit downand plan
Wi thth os es ailingsy ou m a k eth e m o s to f y o u rti mei n Pari s.l f all the work you haveto do, and how muchyou are going
you'renot takingthe car, thereare plentyof flightsbetween to do eachday. lf you did that,you wouldn'tend up work-
Londonand Paris.The cheapestreturnfare is about ninety i ng i n the mi ddl eof the ni ght. .
pounds.lf you wantedsomethingaroundthatpriceyou'dneed S : the momentI' mj uststudyi ng thethi ngst hat
ty y e s e rea resome
to b o oks oon.l' lljus tc h e c ka v a i l a b i l i... I thinkare likelyto comeup. Threeor fourfor eachsubject.
seatsleft.Some of thoseflightsare from Gatwick,and some A groupof us got togetherand di scussed thi s...
are from Heathrow.Yes ... the charterflightstend to go from M: B ut i s thatnot a hugeri sk?
Gatwick,and the scheduledflightsgo from Heathrow.So it's S : Y es,of coursei t i s ... but I haven' gott ti me to covert he
usuallycheaperto go from Gatwick,But it takeslongerto get w h o l ec o u r s e. . .
to Ga t wic kO . f c our s eth e o th e ro p ti o ni s th e tra i n...y e s ... go M: A nd you know ,the w ayyou' redoi ngthi ngsat the m om ent
wi thEur os t ar v iat heCh a n n eTl u n n e lT. h e re ' so n efro mL ondon is crazy.Not just from the work pointof view ... but every-
to Pariseveryhalfhour,from a quarterpastfivein the morning thi ng S tudyi ngl ate,getti ngup l ate,not eati ngprop er ly. . .
untiltwentyto eightin the's an extremelycomfort- S : Y ou' reri ght.A nd l ' m dri nki ngfar too much coffee,and
able way to travel,very luxurious,very smooth.The journey probablyeatingtoo muchchocolate too, but theymakeme
ta ke saboutt hr eehour s T . h e re ' sa s i m i l asr e rv i c efro mPari s.. feelwideawake,so l'm ableto studybetter...
ye s i t' s an am az ings e rv i c el.t d o e s n ' tre a l l yta k e a n y longer M: That'sbecausethey'restimulants. Howdo youfeelafterthe
th a n th e plane.T he s ta ti o n sy, e a h .In P a rrsy o u a rri v eat the effecthas worn off?
Ga redu Nor d. . . and in L o n d o ny o u a rri v ea t Wa te rl o o Stati on. S: Well . I supposeI just keeptakingmore.But it'sveryhard
bothverycentral.There'snot much priceditference erther to get to sleepafterwards, and almostimpossible to get up
i n t h e m o r n i n g. . .
M: Y ou needproperrest... and exerci se. W henw as the last
timeyou wentfor a jog ... or evenwentfor a walk?And you
haven'tbeento basketball practicefor weeks!lf your body
is in such bad shape how can you expectyour mind to
work properly?
S: Yes,I know | [fade]


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