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ALDP Investigation Team Report

Topic I: The Raiding on Papua Traditional Council Office

Friday, (3/4) around 12.00 p.m. Papua Traditional Council Office (DAP) situated at
Waena Expo Complex approached by 3 trucks and a car (“kijang” minibus) of a security
unit of Jayapura Police). The police entered the yard around DAP’s office and started to
raid on the office by battering the front door. Some of the police officers directly entered
into the office’s rooms, taking away some books, a mini decorative flag Bintang Kejora,
bags, documents, banners, a laptop, 1 unit computer and arrested 15 activists of KNPB
(National Committee of West Papua).

Besides, the police officers also found 2 fire guns without identification of whom the
guns belong to. The weapons were found when the police started to gather the people
spotted around the office in the office’s terrace. Allegedly, the guns were seen by a
police placed on top of a backpack behind 2 civilians suspected as “the owner” namely
Mariben Kogoya and Dina Wanimbo. They all were held to Jayapura Police
Headquarters with a Dalmas truck (a large truck).

As a result of the raid, many of the office’s properties were severely broken such as 4
doors, computers, cupboards, and some other office stuffs. According to a witness who
was around the office, she was cleaning up the yard around her house located right
beside the office at 11:30 p.m. About 25 minutes later she suddenly heard police siren
where she noticed that police was already surrounded the office’s yard. The police
started to raid the office. The motive behind the raid has not been identified up to this
moment and the involvement or criminal action
alleged to the 15 people held to Jayapura Police
headquarters have not been identified as well.

There is growing information that the raid on

DAP’s office initiated by an incident occurred
along the road from Padang Bulan to Jayapura
Memorial Park (TMP) or the so-called “tikungan
ale-ale” (ale-ale curve). That morning, April 3rd, 2009, there was a quarrel around
property of land between Rasli, an entrepreneur, and some Papuan highlanders when
the land was ready to be dredged. The police, at that time, came to the location to help
pacify the dispute. When approaching the location, the police truck was shot at with an
arrow by a group of highlanders and that provoked the Police to head to DAP’s office in
front of Waena Expo to search for the agents.

According to other related sources, the incident was initiated by the apprehension of 2
student activists, Serafin Diaz who had just arrived from Sorong with KM LAbobar
(passenger ship) on the same day, April 3rd, 2009. When Serafin Diaz was arrested he
called Musa Tabuni, known as Mako Tabuni. Musa Tabuni who intended to help Diaz
was arrested also by Papua Police Criminal Reserve Unit. The apprehension of the two
activists connected to the demonstration organized by DAP and KNPB on 10 March in
Waena Expo, Abepura Post Office and Papua Parliament building. The police carried
on the action to DAP’s office to search for other activists.

Having heard about the incident, the Investigation and advocate team from ALDP and
other NGOs went to find out about the incidents to Jayapura Police Station while
assisting the 14 activists of KNPB. Papua Resort Police Chief for Criminal Reserve
gave us different chronology of the incident. He mentioned that on that day, Friday, April
3rd, 2009 there were 3 different incidents. First, the apprehension of Serafin Diaz and
Musa Tabuni at Jayapura Seaport related to their demonstration on 10 March 2009;
second, the settlement of the property of land case in Tikungan Ale-Ale; and third, the
raid on DAP’s office. According to the police chief, the three incidents are different to
each other. The police handling the dispute on the land were member of Papua Police
whereas those raiding DAP’s office were the police joint team. He said that the team
went there to carry out sweeping around Waena Expo and its surroundings as what
they did before. However, when the team arrived at the location, mass of people
crowding DAP’s office running into DAP’s office which provoked the team to move
toward DAP’s office.

In the afternoon, after the incident, the situation became tense. Rumors developed that
there would be tight sweeping through Papuan highlanders houses and university
students dormitories. Yet, what happened was 4 Dalmas truck of police security units
moved from Jayapura to Abepure. They drove around for a while in Buper Waena and
went down back to Waena Expo. The police members started to sweep any suspected
houses situated around Waena Expo, particularly the Expo stands which have been
dwelt by some Papuan highlanders. Later, the police stay on guards along the main
road in front of Waena Expo complex. The next day, April 4th, 2009, the police still
carried out patrol around the location. ”The troop will be organized to secure the area as
the general election approach” Jayapura Resort Police Chief explained when
encountered in the morning (4/4/2009). “Tonight the security will not be using sticks but
fully armed” the chief continued.

With reference to the discovery of 2 Bareta type fire guns made in Italia, the guns were
physically looked like FN type handguns. Bareta actually uses different type of bullet
shaped like round metal. Bareta is not a standard weapon and is known as weapon for
inspection and it does not belong to any organic unit. Bareta used to be traded in black
market in the restive regions’ arsenals while the weapon is now freely ‘sold’. The
Baretas were found inside Mariben Kogoya and Dina Wanimbo’s backpacks. When
asked about this, they did not make any replies. Only then upon their arriving at
Jayapura Resort Police Station, they answered that the weapons were not of their
property, the guns were, instead, ‘left’ and they did not know to whom the weapons
belong. This statement has still been a mystery because according to what KNPB
activists once admitted, nobody is claimed to own the weapons. Mariben Kogoya and
Dina Wanimbo gave their clarifications at the police station with an intention to express
that they had nothing to do with the presence of the weapons.

In addition to the weapons, a witness from the site of the incident stated that he heard
an officer said “is that your pistol?” while pointing at the back of the two activists. That
time no resistance was seen when the raid was carried out. The activists sat anxiously
in the front terrace of the office so they did not have a chance to do anything. The
witness had a good chance to take a picture of the backpack while a police officer in
civies opened the handgun case. Other statement mentioned that when Dina and
Mariben were entering the yard of DAP’s office, a man stopped them and asked them to
take custody of a backpack laid on a table in a room at the center of the office. When
they carried the bag out of the office, they were seized; the bag was taken away where
they found two weapons.

After 15 people were held to Jayapura Resort

Police Station for interrogation, they then were
held again to Papua Police Headquarters in the
afternoon. It is not clear on how coordination in
the headquarters would have been made. Next,
they were returned to Jayapura Police Station at
night, not including Yance Mote. The next morning, several lawyers and NGOs activists
like Iwan Niode, Latifah Anum Siregar, Faisal Tura, Hamim Mustafa from ALDP,
Coordinator of Kontras Papua Harry Maturbongs, Gustaf Kawer, Pieter Ell, Jimmy Ell
and Johanis Gewab came to Jayapura Resort Police Station. The team had an
opportunity to meet with the police chief who was accompanied by the police criminal
reserve unit, J Takamuli, to discuss condition and status of the 14 people (Mariben
Kogoya,Dina Wanimbo,Charles Asso,Herad Wanimbo,Ogra Wanimbo,Terry
Setipo,Fendi Taburai,Nerius Sanimbo,Uria Kehy alias Uri (staff DAP),Leonard
Loho,Sepa pahabol,Viona Gombo,Nus Kosay dan Yohanes Elopere).

Eventually, the 14 people were freed. 2 of them, Mariben Kogoya and Dina Wanimbo,
were released out on parole with their relation to the presence of the 2 weapons. Their
belongings were returned later. 14 people including the lawyers team and NGOs team
left the police station at around 11:30 a.m., April 4th, 2009, heading to ALDP office. After
a discussion held in the office, they were companied back to DAP office whereas the
lawyers team headed to Papua Police headquarters to provide assistance to the 3 other
persons. Unfortunately, there was a meeting held between Papua Police Criminal
Reserve, investigators, and Papua Police Chief. So, the meeting between the lawyers
and the police was planned to be held on April 6th, 2009. On April 6th, 2009, the meeting
was mainly discussing things around preparation for the interrogation which was
planned to be carried out on April 7th, 2009. In fact, on Friday and Saturday, two days
before it, the three activists had already been interrogated.
Serafin Diaz, Musa Tabuni and Yance Mote known as Amoye remained in the police
prison while undertaking their interrogation at Papua Police Headquarters. Although,
Yance Mote was in fact one of the 15 people held by the time the raid on DAP office
was carried out, he is still in prison for his oration staged on 10 March 2009. Meanwhile,
Serafin Diaz has been considered by the police to process his case separately because
his investigation process will be followed up in Jakarta. In other words, Diaz will be
transferred to the State Police Headquarters. This is connected with the State Police’s
records of Diaz involvement in a number of mass mobilized actions in several places in
Java and Bali. As confirmed, KNPB activists do not know much about Diaz who is
originally from Kupang and was raised in Timor Leste.

According to what Diaz confirmed when ALDP met him on 6 April 2009 in Papua Police
Headquarters, he came to Jayapura on 19 January 2009 from Surabaya. He has been a
student of a university in Denpasaar since 2002 and has known and joined Papuan
activists who have studied in Java and Bali since around 2006 particularly when the anti
Freeport demonstration was staged. When he arrived in Jayapura, Diaz who has been
nicknamed “the General” also appointed to become an orator of the demonstration held
on 10 March 2009 in front of Jayapura Court Building by the time Buktar Tabuni was
undergoing his trial. That time, some activists who saw him once questioned about his
background. Diaz presence reminded people to a man called Maman, an activist who
appeared for the first time when hunger strike was staged around Papua Parliament’s
building and his presence at the trial on Abepura case in Makasar and he has been
active since then. He was last seen at the demonstration on 16 March 2006 then he
disappeared since then. Serafin Diaz was arrested under the warrant
SP.HAN/17/IV/09/DITRESKRIM, Musa Tabuni was arrested under the warrant
SP.HAN/18/IV/09/DIRESKRIM and Yance Mote was arrested under the warrant
SP.HAN/19/IV/09/DIRESKRIM on a charge of Article 106 and 160 of the Criminal Code,
(subversive and provocative actions).
That afternoon, 4 April 2009, secretary of DAP
accompanied by Iwan Niode, SH and KNPB
activists held a press conference to give
clarification of the incident and the spreading
rumors. Secretary of DAP, Leonard Imbiri, firmly
stressed that the raiding on DAP office has proved
that such law enforcement action have gone
against the prevailing regulations because he did not see any obvious reasons behind
the raid. DAP does not also have any program to bring in weapons and official
documents issued by DAP are documents that are certified by DAP, other than that
does not belong to DAP. In the meeting with Jayapura Police Criminal Reserve Unit
Chief and Cendrawasih Post (Cepos) Press members, Chairman of ALDP, Latifah
Anum Siregar, said that’…news published in Cepos has to be put back in line for the
sake of positions and common interests of all parties…”. She also asked Jayapura
Police to clarify the heart of the problem.

Chairman of DAP, Forcorus Yaboisembut, stated to Cepos on 6 April 2009 that the raid
to DAP office was a swindle and set up because DAP as public institution has outwardly
been speaking about Human Rights violence occurred in Papua. ”Such action is not
new since DAP has already been considered as a dangerous organization to the unity
of the Republic of Indonesia.” .Forcorus also asked Papua Police to return all facilities
and other properties of DAP seized. ”Any items which categorized as crime can be
seized as evidence whereas those which not of it should be returned…’.

The incidents on April 3rd, and 4th 2009 have raised several questions around ownership
of the two handguns which are still mystery as well the incident at DAP office. Was it an
ambush, a raid or a sweeping? If it is connected to incidents at Jayapura seaport and
tikungan ale-ale (ale-ale curve), the raid should have applied a standard procedure that
is showing a raid warrant accompanied by head of neighborhood association. If no
connection can be made to the two incidents mentioned aforementioned, what strong
judgement can be made for the police apparatuses to move toward DAP office,
following certain activities of traffic raid and not a regular sweeping. Speaking of
sweeping, activities or impacts involved would not be “severely performed” as seen by
the time the police departed from DAP office. They broke the office’s doors which were
all locked, they damaged the office’s tables, cupboards, and they took away the office
computer’s hard disk, CPU, even a motorcycle owned by an office guard.

Whatever it was, a sweeping, a raid or an ambush has to be made clear and

accountable. Yet, the cause it bore has downgraded the image and position of DAP.
Even a national private TV station, RCTI, later on that day, April 4th, 2009, reported that
there were 17 members of Papuan Free Movement (OPM) apprehended and smuggled
weapons. Is it part of the scenario?

After the raid on the office, KNPB activists went back to DAP office. DAP office has
been used by KNPB activists as their meeting spot since it was removed from Theys’
cemetery. At least 10-15 people are in the office every day and the number is increased
at night. By DAP, KNPB is given only a room, the rest of the office are for things such as
backpacks and books which put in a room in the middle of the office whereas the other
rooms are locked. They also have set up a tent attached to the back yard of the office.
Waena Expo and the surroundings have previously been a place for Papuans who are
from Papua highlands and most of them dwell the former expo stands. The presence of
KNPB activist is expanded since there have been campaigns and mass mobilizations of
Papuan highlanders. Thus, it is very obvious to see the increasing number of Papuan
highlanders in the place. For the sake of security during the election, sweepings and
patrols had still been carried out at the neighborhoods. KNPB activists apparently did
not want to remain silent. Then, on April 7th, 2009 they repeated the same action in front
of Waena Expo. However, after the many terrors launched around the Election Day on
April 9th, 2009, DAP office seemed had been abandoned by KNPB activists.

During the Election, violence escalated in Papua. In Wamena, on the same date, April
3rd, 2009, several detentions were carried out to 2 activists and 1 student, namely
Matius Wuka, Ronny Marian and Andre Wetipo(a third grade high school student of
SMU YPK Wamena). The next day they were released. The incidents which have
begun in the beginning of January 2009 with an attack to police post at Tingginambut,
Mimika and several places including Nabire on April 7th, 2009 surely raised a question
of what really was happening. This seems strange because perpetrators in
Tingginambut, including that on August 9th, 2008 in Wamena and other locations have
not been captured even revealed. On the other hand, however, DAP whose activities
have been suspected as part of separatist actions, following some of its activities which
have been dragged to legal processes, easily speculated by police.

Topic II: The Election and Terrors

Situations nearing and after the Election Day in Papua, especially Jayapura have been
marked by many terrors. At least they were started on April 8th, 2009, at around 14:00
when a homemade bomb located around Muara Tami Bridge exploded. Later, 2 bombs
were discovered around the same site. At 21.00 5 non Papuans were badly tortured in
Wamena and 3 of them died whereas 2 of them are under medical treatment. This
action was set up again on April 12th, 2009 causing one “ojek” (a motorcyclist giving ride
with charge) to die. There were cuts around the victim’s face and head. In Biak, around
22.00, oil tank number 11 owned by Pertamina, the state owned oil and gas company,
was burst into flames and went on for about one hour. The incident consumed tens of
houses and killed a 4 year old child. At around 24:00 it was informed that there was an
armed fight between Indonesian police and an unidentified armed group at the police
post in Wutung, the border village between Indonesia and PNG.

At down Thursday, April 9th, 2009, Abepura Precinct Police was attacked by an
unidentified armed group. An ALDP team which carried the investigation in the police
station informed that night many police officers both in uniforms and civies stood on
guards and made thorough inspection to anybody who came and went around Abepura
road. During the police search, the perpetrators who escaped were had been divided
into two groups. A man at the back line was shot to death at the side of Sumber
Makmur Department Store Building and upon his burial no relatives were seen to come.
At 03:00 a.m. the rector’s building of Cenderawasih University (1st floor) in Waena was
in flames. When the surrounding residents aimed to assist extinguishing the fire, they
were prevented by certain security officers. Besides, there was a fire armed contact
between Indonesian armed force and TPN/OPM in Tingginambut post in Puncak Jaya
at around 24.00. In the night, nearing to the Election Day, April 9th, 2009, tight security
was seen on guards, fully armed, around Abepura, Waena and in front of student
dormitories. In Skyline, in the afternoon, a truck of garrison headed up to the residence
of community of Papuan highlanders.

April 12th, 2009, at Lingkaran Abepura, 3 bombs were found at 7:30 by 3 city cleaning
service workers when they were cleaning a garbage collection, not far from Abepura.
The homemade bombs comprised of a long plastic pipe with 25 cm in length and 11 cm
in diameter, a sheath made of wood with a picture of Bintang Kejora (the morning star
flag) were found. A night before, it was reported that there was an explosion in Ayapo
Street, behind Sumber Makmur Department Store. It was not clear whether it was or not
a bomb explosion. News spread that the explosion came from a burning bottle of

On April 13th, 2009, that night, around 19.30, 3 civilians were suffering tortures at
around Perumnas III. The perpetrators loomed immediately and stubbed the victims
from behind then they disappeared. The space between one victim and the other victim
was at any distance that the police believed the perpetrator was the same person. The
agent of the stubbing painted his body and face with dark color. The event initiated by
an issue of another burning of Cenderawasih University campus. That time, 2 units of
fire fighters’ car were heading quickly to the site from Jayapura. Not very long, 4 police
pick-ups followed the fire fighter’s cars which once used for securing the Election as
well as troops truck. Having arrived at the location, it was known later that it was just a
rumor. On April 14th, April 2009, Papua General Election Commission was burning. A
temporary allegation was that there was a short circuit following the recent blackout
from Abepura to Jayapura.

Telecommunication network was really bad since the night of April 8th, 2009.
Meanwhile, any types of terror messages were spread around whether to families,
friends or there was indeed somebody who intentionally sent the messages to provoke
public anxiety. For example there was an issue that Youtefa traditional market, Multi
Grocer in Abe Pantai would be burned or blasted or a mass attack to public dwellings.
As a result of it, residents at every corner of neighborhood were ready any time to make
alert signal, stayed up all night long while moving around bringing cudgel and machetes.
In some student dormitories, military, police and head of a neighborhood urged every
head of neighborhood association to inform members of the neighborhood to not ‘stay
alert in bed and be vigilant.’ Imagine if every resident heard of such command at around
22.00 at night, the intensity of public anxiety and panic would increase accordingly.

Students domiciling in dormitories around Abepura and Waena had to flee to their
relatives. Several rental houses around Abepura and Waena looked empty. A resident
of Waena who moved to his relatives who live in the police brigade dormitory in Kotaraja
said that even in the police complex, people were panic. One even said ‘just open the
arsenal..’ at around 21:00 on April 9th, 2009. Light circuits around the police dwelling
complex were shut down. At around 19:30, residents domiciling Cigombong housing
complex who were attentively attending ballots count were also stunned by an issue
that the complex would be attacked. Everybody ran back home with fear while lights
were turned on when men were stood on guard in front of houses with machetes and
cudgels. Not long after that, a truck of police brigade came to the location and parked at
a field in the complex which escalated the situation.

A series of actions following each other successively has apparently affected the public
psychological conditions. The spread of terrors have intensified the fear of the
community of Papua, especially Jayapura. As a result of the unpleasant incidents
specifically those started on April 9th, 2009, many balloting station did not do the ballots
count. Ballot boxes were directly secured in district offices. Opportunities for balloting
witnessing were not accessible since verification to the balloting should be made,
including writing official record of the balloting. The tense during balloting could not be
avoided and led to some quarrels and fights. In the meantime, there was an allegation
that ballot boxes had been stolen by head of Buper Waena’s balloting station who
allegedly was trying to vote with the ballots by himself during that night with candles, not
including many other related cases.

There was a suspicion that this chaotic situation was part of a scenario of certain parties
to win the General Election. If in the past a mass of people were mobilized directly
toward a balloting station, now it was put into practice by provoking riots at balloting
stations. This was carried out through the doer came to balloting stations with a
motorcycle or a car, some people would ran toward people crowding a balloting station
while shouting or informing the people that there had been an attack at a location so
residents of the balloting station became panic and ran haphazardly. Ballot boxes then
taken to particular places if they were not taken directly to the Local Election

Based on investigation carried out by ALDP Investigation Team, this condition was also
resulted from residents’ fear of seeing a group of people getting out from a car where
they were in fact part of a legislative candidate success team who were in the location
to monitor the number of voters of their candid. When they left the place, residents
started to develop assumptions. Residents guessed if the car would come back with a
large group of people this would provoke fear and forced them run away leaving their
balloting station as what happened in Cigombong Kotaraja and Entrop.

The recent General Election has become the worst election throughout any general
elections done previously in Indonesia, specifically Papua. In relation to the general
election, 2 institutions are at least held responsible for the disorder. First, it should be
directed to the General Election Commission at all extent. As the general election
approached, it had already been seen that many regulations and policies had been
issued by the commission which were not sensible and it totally did not weigh on any
risks it might take as well as possible changes happening at the implementation,
including solutions when encountering deadlock mechanisms. Take, for example,
ballots which were allowed to be counted at a local election committee instead of at a
balloting station because of insufficient time allocation. Ironically, why the election
commission limited the election period while simulations carried out previously had
shown that the election period of 07.00-12.00 was not applicable even up to 24.00. This
is because there were many parties and legislative member candidates participated in
the election which might have needed longer time. The general election commission’s
stand had caused control over political parties to be weak. Moreover, imagine if it was
done to Indonesian legislative member candidate ballots which had to be sent directly to
the central general election commission.

Second, there were also many eligible voters who were not registered to the voters’ list.
In Jogja, Papuan students and residents who claimed for their rights to vote did not get
any chance to vote, neglecting why their names were not listed. In TPS 1 (balloting
station), Perumnas I Waena, (in Yapis High School yard), an official of the balloting
committee said “just wait to join the presidential election” to a lady who reported that
she was not listed on the voters’ list. The woman replied,”I’ll be happy to vote for the
president of Papua. You guys please vote for the president of Indonesia”. Another
incident was in Boven Digul Regency. In the regions, 2 balloting stations were
established particularly for District of Mandobo. The regent, the deputy regent and
several heads of SKPDs (Local Government Administration Unit) participated in the
election and voting went on even though it should be ended by 12:00 noon. Initially,
there were 600 ballots but later about 250 ballots were added to the total which
increased the number of ballots to 850. It turned out then that Democratic Party gained
an absolute ballots count in every single balloting station at the district.

Third, the failure was also held to security institutions, especially police. This is directed
to police officers who were standing on guards at balloting stations who also contributed
to creating the panicking and chaotic situations. Before the election was held, security
had already carried out simulation on security system in terms of handling riot during
election with outstanding methods. However, it was police who first to run away when
the real unpleasant condition happened. Police should have built good communication
to send and receive any information around a growing rumor so it could ease residents’
panic at balloting stations. It is also awkward, on one hand, to see that police was not
able to react quickly when hearing on a growing. On the other hand, police was ready in
place at certain places of incidents. Who was there behind the spread of those issues?
Was police also “the victim” of the occurrences?

Ironically, the police was successful when they tamed the bombs, identified source of
the burning of one of Uncen’s building, found 2 handguns during the raid on DAP office.
However, they could not identify who has masterminded the many incidents and what
was the motif. Besides, terrors occurred recently both in Wamena and Jayapura seem
to be targeted to a particular group, targeting to Papuan highlanders. This is marked by
tight security around dormitories where students from Papua highlands are dwelling.
Students dwelling Ninmin dormitory (a type of such dormitory) was a target of the police
sweeping and detention upon the attack on Abepura precinct police. Tight security was
also seen held around the dwellings of Papuan highlanders in Waena Expo and Skyline.
Non Papuans residents in Wamena moved to stay in Wamena Military District
Command and Police headquarters.

Such occurrences have caused civilians to be the victims of terrors. The stubbing of
civilians has shown that a terror can be addressed to any body. News broadcasted
through local radios and written in local newspapers has escalated public fear which
has impeded public activities. Unfortunately, it was on April 15th, 2009, that the public
could hear from an opinion of the higher civil authority of the province, “I am really
concerned with and disappointed by these incidents” the Governor mentioned in Cepos
dated 15 April 2009. ”I have to head to Jakarta to report on the recent condition in
Papua” he said. Reporting the cases to the president seems to be more important that
taking effective steps dealing with the problems, for example, organizing meetings with
any security components mainly police institution. The governor could also at least
mandate it to the vice governor. Yet, upon his departure, the vice governor gave his
comment on the situation and held a meeting with any local authorities. Chairman of
Papua Traditional Parliament stated that efforts made by security apparatuses to unveil
the actor of the terrors either individual or group should be well carried out persuasively.
If it is taken care in military methods, a chance to bring innocent civilians to suffer is
unavoidable. It is unwise to make immediate conclusion that actor of the terrors is an
individual from Papua Free Movement Organization (OPM) since any types of
statement issued should be based on strong evidence, (Cepos, 15 April 2009).

What was really happening? What and who was the target of the general election 2009?
How are the raid on DAP office, outlaw apprehension of Markus Haluk, stigmatization
toward Papuan highlanders and the Free Papuan Movement Organization related to the
people captured without comprehensive and accurate investigation? Or are there other
parties involved in setting up the scenario? Could it be possible for the issue of
boycotting the general election– campaigned by KNPB – to attract any other scenarios
other than that of KNPB join in? These various incidents seem to wait for each other to
play each scenario which could be organized by more than one group for more than one
interest. Up to this time, the police has not been able to reveal the actor of the terrors
and to provide pleasant and safe living condition to civilians. Terrors are still to

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