How 3D Printing Is Changing The Trophy Business

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How 3D Printing Is Changing the Trophy Business

We all may have come across a trophy in either a school competition, a school fair, in sports
competitions, and many other places. These trophies have become a good way of motivating
employees, sports teams, and students. That is why the manufacture of trophies using 3D
printing technology is a step up in the trophy business.

<h2>3D Industries Awards</h2>

The 3D industry has become very big and because of this, there have been creation awards for
the best 3D Printed awards. This has become an impact on the manufacturing industry because
it is where all 3D printing industries showcase what they can deliver.

<h2>Why you should choose 3D Printing?</h2>

The use of 3D printing has a wide range of benefits. We will look at each of them in-depth. Here
are some of the reasons why I would advise you to adopt the use of 3D for making awards.

 The flexibility of the design

Before 3D printing came into the market, making complex designs was difficult. This has been
made easier because some of the restrictions that the traditional manufacture of trophies faced
do not apply to 3D printing. The trophy industry is now able to make trophies of new shapes
and different sizes.

 Rapid Prototyping

The prototyping process of production has been increased as a result of 3D printing. With the
traditional manufacturing processes, stages of production would take a long period but with 3D
this time spent on production has been significantly reduced.

 Different materials can now be used

The incorporation of 3D printing in the trophy industry has allowed a wide range of materials to
be used. The materials that can now be used include glass, graphite, carbon fiber, metal, paper,
and powders. These are just a few among several materials that can be used.

 3D printing has lowered the cost of manufacture

At the moment, the manufacture of trophies can be very expensive. This is because of the
material that is being used and the complexity of the design in place. With the use of 3D
printing, this cost can be reduced significantly.

 Exact designs on demand

What you order is what you get. With 3D printing, the machine is very precise in its production,
this means the design you go with is the same as what you will get. This makes the trophy look
as appealing as it was meant to.

 Awards have become common.

3D printing has made it easy for awards to be accessed. This is because their manufacture has
become easy. Awards have also become affordable. As a result of the two reasons, awards have
become common.

<h2>How the 3D industry has negatively impacted the Industry</h2>

Despite all the positive impacts that 3D printing has had on the trophy industry, it also comes
with its negative effects. Let's look at a few of these.

 There is a limitation of the awards that can be made

The 3D printers that are currently in the industry have small printing chambers. This means that
the size of the awards being made is restricted to a certain size. In case there will be a need for
any big awards, this will demand separate printing and this can be costly.

 Delamination

When a 3D printer is printing something, it does this in layers. As a result of this kind of printing,
the printed object can easily fracture along the layers it was made from. This kind of printing
makes awards very fragile.

 Creation of fake awards.

With the accuracy of 3D printers, there has been an increase in counterfeit awards. This has
made it difficult to distinguish between fake and real ones. This has made the value and
prestige of having an award will diminish.

Do you have an idea of your own and a design in mind? Click on this site and find an online
trophy maker that will get you the best results. Just reach them with your hard copy of the
design you have in mind.

<h2>Conclusion </h2>

3D printing is one way to create a perfect product at a good price and very fast. If you are
looking for an effective way to get an award manufactured, the advantages of using 3D
outweigh the disadvantages. Click on the site above for more information on how to get a 3D
printed award.

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