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Plant and Soil 252: 139–149, 2003.

© 2003 FAO. Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Endophytic nitrogen fixation in sugarcane: present knowledge and future


Robert M. Boddey1 , Segundo Urquiaga, Bruno J.R. Alves & Veronica Reis
Embrapa Agrobiologia, km 47, Estrada Antiga Rio-São Paulo, Seropédica, 23890-000, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
1 Corresponding author∗

Received 7 January 2002. Accepted in revised form 20 August 2002

Key words: endophytic bacteria, Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, Herbaspirillum spp., molybdenum, N2 -

fixation, sugarcane

In Brazil the long-term continuous cultivation of sugarcane with low N fertiliser inputs, without apparent depletion
of soil-N reserves, led to the suggestion that N2 -fixing bacteria associated with the plants may be the source of ag-
ronomically significant N inputs to this crop. From the 1950s to 1970s, considerable numbers of N2 -fixing bacteria
were found to be associated with the crop, but it was not until the late 1980s that evidence from N balance and 15 N
dilution experiments showed that some Brazilian varieties of sugarcane were able to obtain significant contributions
from this source. The results of these studies renewed the efforts to search for N2 -fixing bacteria, but this time the
emphasis was on those diazotrophs that infected the interior of the plants. Within a few years several species
of such ‘endophytic diazotrophs’ were discovered including Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, Herbaspirillum
seropedicae, H. rubrisubalbicans and Burkholderia sp. Work has continued on these endophytes within sugarcane
plants, but to date little success has been attained in elucidating which endophyte is responsible for the observed
BNF and in what site, or sites, within the cane plants the N2 fixation mainly occurs. Until such important questions
are answered further developments or extension of this novel N2 -fixing system to other economically important
non-legumes (e.g. cereals) will be seriously hindered. As far as application of present knowledge to maximise BNF
with sugarcane is concerned, molybdenum is an essential micronutrient. An abundant water supply favours high
BNF inputs, and the best medium term strategy to increase BNF would appear to be based on cultivar selection on
irrigated N deficient soils fertilised with Mo.

Introduction production rose, passing the 100 000 Mg sugar year−1

mark in about 1850. By the late 1960s, sugar produc-
The Portuguese commander Pedro Alvarez Cabral first tion was almost 5 000 000 Mg a year and this rose
sighted the coast of the land that became called Brazil gradually until the 10 million Mg mark was passed
on Easter Sunday 1500. The first colonising exped- in 1994 (Figure 1). By the mid-1970s, the Brazilian
ition brought sugarcane from Madeira in 1532 and government found itself with a rapidly growing eco-
the first sugar mill was built at São Vincente on the nomy which brought with it a large oil import bill
coast of what is now São Paulo State, in the follow- at the time of the first Middle-East oil crisis. With
ing year (Machado et al., 1987). Sugar production was support from the sugarcane producers the ‘ProÁlcool’
estimated to be approximately 10 000 Mg in 1600 and Program was launched to produce ethanol from cane
did not exceed 20 000 Mg until the start of the 19th juice as a biofuel. This program grew rapidly, so that
century (Galloway, 1989). During the 19th century today almost 5 million ha are planted to cane, over half
of which is processed to produce approximately 13 bil-
∗ FAX No: +21-2682-1230. lion litres of alcohol annually (Figure 1). All gasoline
E-mail: in Brazil, which fuels 10–12 million cars and other

Figure 1. Total area (A) in m ha planted to sugar cane in Brazil, and (B) annual production of sugar (millions of tons) and ethanol (billions of
litres) produced from sugar cane from 1972 to 2000. (Sources: FAO, IBGE and Copersucar).

light vehicles, contains 20–22% ethanol, that totally bacteria associated with the plants (Döbereiner, 1961;
replaces other octane-enhancing additives such as tet- Ruschel et al., 1975).
raethyl lead or MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether) used in
other parts of the world. Furthermore, approximately
3 million vehicles are powered by hydrated (95%) eth- N2 -fixing bacteria isolated from sugarcane
anol (for details of the very significant environmental
advantages of this biofuel program see Boddey, 1993 Many N2 -fixing bacteria have been found to be asso-
and Macedo, 1998). ciated with sugarcane. Döbereiner and Ruschel (1958)
In the 19th century, the sugarcane was generally isolated a new species of Beijerinckia (B. fluminense)
harvested ‘green’, that is to say without burning off from the surface of sugarcane roots, and members
the trash before harvesting. Yet the immense volume of this genus were found to be particularly prevalent
of trash makes manual harvesting extremely difficult, in the sugarcane rhizosphere/rhizoplane (Döbereiner,
and for the same labour input three times more burned 1961). Subsequently, N2 -fixing Azospirillum, Azoto-
cane can be harvested than ‘green’ cane. As labour bacter, Bacillus, Derxia, Enterobacter and Erwinia
became more expensive, preharvest burning became species were isolated (Arias et al., 1978; Graciolli et
more widely practised. Since the 1940s and until re- al., 1983; Hegazi et al., 1979; Purchase, 1980; Rennie
cently, pre-harvest burning was almost universally ad- et al., 1982; Seldin et al., 1984). Unfortunately, few of
opted. Present yields of sugarcane in Brazil are about these reports list the numbers of diazotrophs present,
70 Mg ha−1 and mean fertiliser N additions, 60 kg or how this was related to plant-associated N2 -fixing
N ha−1 . With trash (senescent leaves) burned off and activity.
cane being taken to the mill/distillery between 80 and To show that there could be agronomically signi-
100 kg N ha−1 is exported from the field. This means ficant inputs of BNF to sugarcane plant proved more
that soil N reserves should become depleted. That this difficult. Ruschel et al. (1975) working in Piracicaba
did not appear to occur led some Brazilian scientists showed the incorporation of 15 N-labelled N2 gas into
to suggest that sugarcane could benefit from N2 -fixing just one sugarcane plant, and had negative results with
others. An ambitious attempt to expose a sugarcane

plant in the field to 15 N2 by Matsui et al. (1981) was Endophytic N2 -fixing bacteria
did not demonstrate any 15 N incorporation into the
plant principally because of problems of leakage of the While this study was being conducted, efforts were
labelled gas. redoubled to investigate the populations of N2 -fixing
At Embrapa Agrobiologia in Seropédica (Rio de bacteria associated with cane plants, particularly those
Janeiro) a 15 N-aided N balance study on 4 sugarcane which had shown to benefit most from BNF in the N
varieties was performed in large pots containing 64 balance and 15 N dilution studies. Work in Brazil on
kg of soil (Lima et al., 1987). The N content of this the inoculation of Azospirillum spp. on cereal crops
soil was approximately 0.8 g kg−1 and each pot con- had suggested that bacterial strains most likely to give
tained a total of approximately 52 g N pot−1 (Table yield responses were those which managed to infect
1). In the first year, one of the cane varieties, CB the interior of the roots (Baldani et al., 1983, 1986a,
47–89, accumulated 16.5 g of N and in the second 1987). For this reason attempts were made to isolate
year a further 13.8 g N pot−1 . Including roots, this N2 -fixing bacteria from sugarcane juice and almost
variety accumulated 34.8 g of N while the soil N con- immediately a novel diazotroph, Acetobacter diazo-
tent only decreased by 6.8 g N pot−1 . Even including trophicus was discovered. This bacteria (now renamed
the 2.65 g of N pot−1 added as 15 N-labelled urea fer- as Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus) has many in-
tiliser, the large positive balance of 25.3 g N pot−1 teresting properties that separate it from other diazo-
clearly showed that there was a very large input of N trophs. In common with several other N2 -fixing bac-
apparently coming from the atmosphere via BNF. Un- teria, the organism appears as small, Gram-negative,
planted pots lost a mean of almost 10 g N pot−1 . The rods, and is aerobic showing pellicle formation in N-
fact that two other cane varieties in the same study, free semi-solid medium. While it will grow on modest
IAC 52–150 and NA 56–79, showed only small and concentrations of sucrose or glucose (e.g. 5 g L−1 ), its
statistically insignificant positive N balances demon- maximum growth rate occurs at approximately 100 g
strated that this BNF input was variety-associated. sucrose or glucose L−1 , which shows its adaptation to
The 15 N enrichment of the CB 47–89 variety was al- sugar-rich cane stems. At high sucrose concentrations,
most half that of the other three cane varieties, which the bacteria produces gluconic acid causing the pH to
confirmed the large BNF input to this variety. fall to less than 3.0 but active N2 fixation continues
The success of this pot experiment encouraged the (Stephan et al., 1991). G. diazotrophicus lacks nitrate
group to plant a larger experiment in a concrete tank reductase and can fix N2 in the presence of 20 mM
(20 × 6 × 0.8m) filled with 15 N-labelled soil with 10 NO3 − (for further genotypic and phenotypic details
varieties of sugarcane using the grass Brachiaria ar- see Baldani et al., 1997; Gillis et al., 1989; James et
recta (syn. B. radicans) as a non-N2-fixing reference al., 1994; Reis et al., 1994). What is remarkable about
plant (Urquiaga et al., 1992). Although there was a this bacterium is that while it is ideally suited to sur-
large temporal change in 15 N enrichment in soil N, vival and growth within cane tissues, it does not easily
especially in the first year, which made interpretation infect intact sugarcane plants and barely survives in
of the results difficult, by the end of the 3-year study soil (Baldani et al., 1997). So far it has only been
(plant crop followed by two ratoons) it was clear that isolated from sugarcane, elephant grass (Pennisetum
there were very large BNF inputs to several of the cane purpureum) (Döbereiner, 1988), sweet potato (Paula
varieties, especially the Saccharum spontaneum vari- et al., 1989), coffee (Jimenez-Salgado et al., 1997) and
ety, Krakatau, as well as the commercial interspecific pineapple (Tapia-Hernandez, 2000) as well as other
Saccharum hybrids SP 70–1143 and CB 45–3. These genera of the sugarcane family (Gonzalez and Bar-
latter two varieties were those that were most planted raquio, 2000). The strong preference for the internal
in Brazil at that time (1990–1992), which suggested tissues of the plants led Döbereiner (1992) to coin the
that their ability to benefit from BNF, and hence to adjective ‘endophytic’ for these diazotrophs and more
yield well on soils low in N, had brought them into recently several other species have been discovered.
favour with the cane farmers. Recently two other N2 -fixing species of Gluconaceto-
bacter (G. johannae and G. azotocaptans) have been
described associated with coffee plants (Coffea arab-
ica) in Mexico (Fuentes-Ramirez et al., 2001), but so
far these have not been found to be associated with
sugarcane. A further species of Gluconacetobacter
Table 1. Total nitrogen balance (g N pot−1 ) on four varieties of sugarcane grown in pots of 64 kg of soil. Plants grown for 10 months then
harvested and allowed to ratoon for a further 12 months. Means of 5 replicates. After Lima et al. (1987)

Cultivar N in Plant Material N in Soil

Harvest 1 Harvest 2 Roots Total Initial Final LossA BalanceB

CB 47–89 16.5 13.8 4.4 34.8 53.6 46.8 6.8 +25.3

CB 47–355 6.7 6.8 3.1 16.5 49.7 44.5 4.9 +9.0
IAC 52–150 6.6 5.0 1.9 13.5 52.7 45.1 7.6 +3.2
NA 56–79 5.7 5.4 2.0 13.0 54.2 45.8 8.4 +2.0
Unplanted - - - - 51.1 44.1 7.0 −9.7
(Tukey) 4.7 8.6 2.1 12.9 8.5 6.5 7.9 13.7
CV (%) 30.8 59.0 41.8 36.8 7.7 6.6 49.7 (6.4)C

A Loss of N from soil = (initial N in soil) – (final N in soil).

B N balance = (final N in soil + N in plant material) – (initial N in soil – 2.65 g N as 15 N-labelled urea fertiliser).
C Standard error of the mean.

(G. sacchari) has been isolated from pink sugarcane sorghum and sugarcane leaves with H. rubrisubalbic-
mealybugs (Saccharicoccus sacchari) and cane leaf ans and H. seropedicae. When a suspension of H.
sheaths in Queensland, Australia, but no evidence was rubrisubalbicans was injected into the leaves of a cane
presented to suggest that this species was capable of variety (B-4362) susceptible to mottled stripe, these
BNF (Franke et al., 1999). bacteria completely blocked some of the xylem vessels
Baldani et al. (1986) isolated the N2 -fixing bac- and colonised the intercellular space of the mesophyll
terium Herbaspirillum seropedicae from the roots of cells. Nitrogenase protein was observed in the centre
maize, rice and sorghum, but did not attempt to isolate of the micro-colonies using an antiserum against the
it from sugarcane. Subsequently, the bacteria known FeMoCo subunit of the enzyme (James et al., 1997).
as Pseudomonas rubrisubalbicans (Christopher and In sorghum, the metaxylem was also colonised by H.
Edgerton, 1932), a sugarcane endophyte that causes rubrisubalbicans and the nitrogenase antigen was also
mottled-stripe disease in some varieties of sugarcane, observed to associate with this bacterium (Olivares et
was shown to be closely related genetically to H. sero- al., 1997). In the genotype resistant to mottled stripe
pedicae. Most of the isolates of P. rubrisubalbicans disease, SP 70–1143, the bacterium also colonised the
were able to fix N2 and had phenotypic properties xylem, but formed clusters of 10–20 cells encapsu-
similar to those of H. seropedicae. Subsequently, lated by membranes, probably of plant origin (for a
genotyping led P. rubrisubalbicans to be reclassified more complete review of the infection and colonisa-
as Herbaspirillum rubrisubalbicans (Baldani et al., tion of endophytic diazotrophs in graminaceous plants
1996; Gillis et al., 1991). There are only a few phen- see James and Olivares, 1998).
otypic properties to differentiate between the species, While these species of Herbaspirillum show some
such as their ability to grow on meso-erythritol and N- capacity to survive in the soil, they nevertheless in-
acetylglucosamine, but they do behave differently in fect the inner tissues of sugarcane and other grasses,
their infection of plants. Both species survive poorly and hence are also classified as endophytes. Recently,
in soil, but only H. seropedicae is found in a wide there have been reports of the isolation of N2 -fixing
range of grasses and cereals (Baldani et al., 1997). To members of the genus Burkholderia from cane stems
date Herbaspirillum rubrisubalbicans has only been and roots in numbers as high as 107 viable cells g
isolated from sugarcane and Miscanthus spp. (Reis et fresh tissue−1 (Boddey et al., 1998; Robertson et al.,
al., 2000). 2000). Baldani et al. (1997) also reported that species
One aspect that differentiates these two Herbaspir- of Azospirillum (A. lipoferum, A. brasilense and A.
illum species is in their infection of sugarcane leaves. amazonense) as well as other unidentified N2 -fixing
H. seropedicae has never been isolated from natur- bacteria have been isolated from interior tissues of
ally occurring cane leaves although roots and stems sugarcane plants.
are often highly infested. James et al. (1997) and
Olivares et al. (1997) compared the inoculation of

Responses of sugar cane plants to inoculation with A further study on the inoculation of micro-
endophytic diazotrophs propagated sugar cane plantlets with endophytic
diazotrophs was reported by Oliveira et al. (2002).
Sugarcane is propagated vegetatively, and planting There were 8 different inoculation treatments consist-
material can either be setts (stem pieces with at least ing of strains of 5 different N2 -fixing bacteria (G.
one node) or from micro-propagated plantlets derived diazotrophicus, Herbaspirillum seropedicae, H. rub-
from meristem culture (Hendre et al., 1983). Setts risubalbicans, Azospirillum amazonense, and Burk-
are usually observed to be colonised by high numbers holderia ‘tropicalis’ [Baldani et al., 2002]), in either
of a diverse range of endophytic bacteria including mixtures or alone. After inoculation and acclimatisa-
N2 fixers (Reis Junior et al., 2000a). On the other tion of the plantlets, they were transplanted into 60 L
hand, micro-propagated plantlets can be produced free pots containing 50 kg of 15 N-labelled soil. After 400
of microbial contaminants and hence are ideal for days of growth in the open field, the plants inoculated
inoculation prior to transplanting in the field. How- with all 5 different bacterial species and those inocu-
ever, when Reis et al. (1999) inoculated live cell lated with a mixture of the two Herbaspirillum spp,
suspensions of G. diazotrophicus on to intact micro- increased dry matter yields by 35 and 26%, respect-
propagated sugar cane plantlets the bacterium failed to ively, over the non-inoculated control (DM yields,
establish within the plant tissues. These authors then respectively 645 and 599 g plant−1 ). The 15 N enrich-
developed a protocol to successfully establish high ment of the 400 day-old plants inoculated with all 5
populations of this diazotroph in micro-propagated bacterial species were significantly lower in that of
plantlets. This procedure has now been utilised to test the control plants, indicating a BNF contribution of
the effects of inoculation of G. diazotrophicus and approximately 29% of plant N to the inoculated plants.
other diazotrophs on sugarcane growth.
Sevilla et al. (2001) inoculated micro-propagated
sugar cane plantlets with the G. diazotrophicus type Importance of N2 fixation in the field
strain PAL-5 and a nifD non-N2-fixing mutant. In the
absence of a mineral N supply, plants showed signific- All the studies on quantification of BNF mentioned
ant increases in dry matter (DM) and N accumulation above used 15 N-labelled N2 gas or 15 N-labelled N
after 60 days of growth in the greenhouse. When these balance techniques were performed under controlled
plants were transplanted into the field (under irriga- conditions. There appear to be almost no long-term N
tion) for a further 4 months, plants inoculated with the balance experiments on sugarcane such as those repor-
wild-type strain yielded 40% more fresh cane stems ted on wetland rice by Walcott et al. (1977), App et al.
and 42% more leaf DM than those plants inoculated (1984) and Ventura et al. (1986). In Brazil, Oliveira et
with the nif- mutant. Some evidence suggested that al. (1994) reported a study to examine the long-term
at least part of this yield increase was due to BNF effects of pre-harvest burning on cane yield and soil
contributions. Plants 60 days after inoculation were organic matter levels. This experiment was planted in
exposed to 15 N-enriched N2 gas and those inoculated 1983 on a non-irrigated commercial plantation in Per-
with PAL-5 (or another wild-type strain PPE-4) incor- nambuco in NE Brazil. There was a significant N gain
porated significantly more than uninoculated plants or in the soil/plant system equivalent to 38 kg N ha−1
those inoculated with the nif- mutant of PAL-5. The yr−1 (31.5 g N m−2 during 9 years) in the unburned
low but significant enrichment of these latter plants if the 0–20 cm layer of the soil was taken into con-
was almost certainly due to contamination of the 15 N- sideration (Table 2). When the soil was sampled to 60
enriched N2 with traces of 15 N-enriched ammonium cm the overall N balance was higher (54.4 g N m−2 ),
used to generate the N2 . The data confirmed that but sampling the soil to a greater depth increased the
BNF was taking place in the plants which is a very variability between replicates and the difference was
encouraging step forward. However, the authors con- not statistically significant at P = 0.05.
ceded that the observed 15 N enrichment of the tissue Another technique that might be possible to apply
could possibly be explained by the enrichment N in on-farm to quantify contributions of BNF to sugarcane
the bacteria biomass and they did not prove that N is the 15 N natural abundance method. This technique
was incorporated into plant tissue. Longer term expos- for evaluating N2 fixation inputs to legumes was pi-
ure to labelled N2 gas, or the use of the 15 N dilution oneered by Shearer and Kohl (1986) and has become
technique, would be required to prove this. widely used for the quantification of BNF contribu-
Table 2. Effect of pre-harvest burning on total nitrogen balance (g N m−2 ) of the soil/plant system of field-grown sugar cane over a sequence of
the plant crop followed by 7 ratoon crops. Means of 16 replicates. After Oliveira et al. (1994)

Treatment N Total N in soil/plant system considering soil N content in the layer:

by crop 0–20 cm 0–60 cm
over 8 cuts
1983–1992 Na Initial Nb Final Balance Na Initial Nb Final Balance
g N m−2

Burned 58.3 365.9 354.1 –11.8 789.0 744.6 –44.4

Unburned 73.6 369.1 400.6 +31.5 774.3 828.7 +54.4
HSDc (P=0.05) 7.0 24.2 29.7 30.6 74.5 64.1 61.9
CV (%)d 14.2 8.9 10.6 (10.3)e 12.8 11.0 (20.9)e
a Initial N in soil/plant system = total N is soil at planting + added fertiliser and vinasse.
b Final N in soil/plant system = total N in soil at final harvest + total N accumulated by crop over 8 harvests + roots.
c Honest significant difference (Tukey P = 0.05).
d Coefficient of variation.
e Value in italics = standard error of mean.

tions on-farm with forage, grain and woody legumes to act as replicate blocks. In each block, samples of
(e.g. Peoples et al., 1996, 1997; Unkovich et al., the 3rd emergent leaf were taken from 30 cane plants
1994). Yoneyama et al. (1997) made a survey in Brasil, and the samples bulked for each block. Non-N2-fixing
the Philippines and Mijako (Japan), of the 15 N nat- weeds were sampled throughout the blocks and where
ural abundance of sugarcane plants in comparison with there were several samples of the same weed species
neighbouring non-N2-fixing plants (usually weeds). the whole shoots of the weeds were collected and the
At many sites, especially in Brazil, the reference plants samples again bulked by block. In some fields as many
showed higher 15 N abundance levels than the cane as 5 different weed species were found (e.g. field of
leaves, suggesting contributions from BNF. Unfortu- variety RB 72–454, UFRRJ, Campos, RJ) while in
nately, it was not possible to compare statistically the others there were only two (Table 3).
15 N abundance of the cane plants and the neighbouring The data were analysed by comparing the 4 rep-
‘reference plants’, especially as just two, and some- licate values of the 15 N abundance of each weed with
times, only one, reference plant/s were sampled. Of those of the cane samples using the Student ‘t’ test. In
the 44 cane plants samples, 32% showed 15 N abund- some cases (Sites 1 and 6), the 15 N abundance of one
ance levels which were the same as, or higher than, or more of the reference plants was not significantly
that of the weeds, suggesting that the cane was ob- higher than that of the sugarcane. In this case, we feel
taining no contribution from BNF at these sites. There that it is not possible to conclude that BNF made a
are many reasons why neighbouring plants growing in net contribution to the cane plants. Site 6 planted to
the same soils may have different 15 N abundance, and the variety SP 80–1842 and the two reference weed
BNF inputs are only one cause (Boddey et al., 2000; species were marginally, but not significantly, lower in
Handley and Scrimegeour, 1997; Högberg, 1997). 15 N abundance than the cane leaves.

In a recent study at Embrapa Agrobiologia, we For all other sites the 15 N abundance of the weed
outlined some strategies to overcome some of these species were significantly higher than of the sugarcane
problems (Boddey et al., 2001). A total of 11 estab- leaves. One limitation of this data is that the N acquisi-
lished cane fields in commercial plantations in four tion strategies of some of these weeds could lead them
different regions of Brazil were sampled. As is usual to remove N from sources in the soil which had higher
practice in Brazil, plant crops were not fertilised with 15 N abundance levels than those available to the cane

nitrogen, but on these farms ratoon crops were sup- plants. This would then be wrongly interpreted as an
plied with 40–60 kg N at full leaf cover. Samples were input of BNF to the cane. In those cases where 4 or
taken towards maturity of the cane crop (usually 6– 5 different weeds were chosen (eg sites 4, 5 and 8)
7 months after the N fertiliser addition). The fields where some of the weeds were dicotyledonous and
were divided in to 4 strips, 50 m long and 10 m wide, other monocotyledonous, the fact that all weed spe-
Table 3. 15 N natural abundance of 3rd emergent cane leaves and whole weed plants taken from 11 different sugar cane plantations
(‘Usinas’) in four different states in Brazil (SP – São Paulo, MG – Minas Gerais, RJ – Rio de Janeiro, and PE – Pernambuco). Using
these data estimates have been made of the proportion of N derived from BNF by the cane plants (%Ndfa). Data from J.C. Polidoro
(2001) PhD thesis, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro

Usina/Town/ State Cane Variety - Reference plant δ 15 N(‰) % Ndfa

Growth cycle (cane plant)

São José/Macatuba/SP SP 80–1842 - – 6.80±0.23 -

2nd Ratoon Sonchus 9.17±0.30 25.9∗
Amaranthus sp. 12.92±0.07 47.4∗
Erechites 7.2 ±0.22 5.6ns
São José/Macatuba/SP RB 72–454 - 5.24±0.37 -
Plant crop Eragrotis pilosa 7.59±0.69 31.0∗
Sida rhobifolia 7.86±0.97 33.3∗
São José/Macatuba/SP RB 72–454 - 3.59±0.07 -
2nd Ratoon Emilia Sonchifolia 6.10±0.46 41.2∗
Panicum maximum 5.35±0.32 32.9∗
São José/Macatuba/SP SP 80–1842 3.34±0.12 -
Plant crop Partenium 7.22±1.02 53.7∗
Lepdium virginicum 6.13±1.24 45.5∗
Panicum maximum 11.08±0.21 69.9∗
Melinus minutifolia 11.79±0.06 71.7∗
Sítio Pedreira/Oratórios/ RB 86–7515 - 5.20±0.97 -
MG Plant crop
Sida rhobifolia 8.60±0.03 39.5∗
Melinus minutifolia 7.57±0.06 31.3∗
Eleusine indica 7.66±0.05 32.1∗
Emilia Sonchifolia 7.11±0.02 26.9∗
Sítio Pedreira/Oratórios/ SP-801–842 –Planta - 8.87±0.07 -
Lepdium virginium 7.90±0.06 −12.3ns
Bidens pilosa 8.20±0.03 −8.1ns
UFRRJ – Campos/RJ CB 45–3 - 5.33±0.22
1st Ratoon Sidrastum sp. 7.85±0.03 32.0∗
UFRRJ – Campos/RJ RB 72–454 5.34±0.24
1st Ratoon Acamthopurpureum 7.96±1.07 32.9∗
Bidens pilosa 8.06±0.27 33.8∗
Croton lobatus 9.82±0.14 45.6∗
Commelina 6.90±0.33 22.6∗
Sida rhombifolia 8.02±0.07 33.4∗

cies showed 15 N abundance values significantly higher with lower 15 N abundance levels than any of the weed
than the 15 N abundance of the cane leaves, is ex- crops would the above conclusion be false. The res-
tremely strong evidence that BNF inputs into the cane ults so far suggest that in these commercial plantations
occurred. Only if sugarcane has some almost unique between 0 and 60% of plant N was being derived from
N acquisition strategy which allows it to tap N sources plant-associated biological nitrogen fixation.
Table 3. contd.

Usina Barcelos/Campos/ RB 74–454 - 7.07±0.19

Eclipta alba 9.85±0.01 28.2∗
Ni 9.63±0.22 26.6∗
Usina Cruangi/ RB 78–4764 - 6.20±0.56
Timbaúba/ PE 1st Ratoon
Panicum maximum 7.88±0.05 21.3∗
Brachiaria mutica 9.31±0.21 24.1∗
Capim achó 12.82±0.05 51.6∗
Usina RB 83–102 - 13.20±1.36
Cruangi/Timbaúba/PE 1st Ratoon
Monordica 26.48±0.12 49.1∗
∗ Indicates that 15 N natural abundance of the reference plants was significantly different from that of the 3rd emergent leaves (bulked samples
for each block) using the student ‘t’ test at p = 0.05.
Ni = Weed species not identified.

Table 4. Response of sugar cane variety RB 72–454 to Mo and

Several field studies conducted in Brazil have N application on a Vertic Cambissol (Campos, Rio de Janeiro).
shown that applications of molybdenum often increase Plots size 60 m2 . Values are means of 4 replicates. Coefficient
cane yields. To investigate whether this response to of variation 14.1%. Data from J.C. Polidoro (2001) PhD thesis,
Mo is related to the Mo requirement of nitrogenase, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Seropédica, Rio de
a field experiment was performed at Campos on a N
and Mo deficient Cambissol. Using the cane variety N addition (kg ha−1 ) Molybdenum addition (g ha−1 )
RB 72–454, treatments consisted of 3 levels of N (0, 0 100 200 400
60 and 120 kg N ha−1 as ammonium sulphate) and mg fresh cane ha−1
4 levels of Mo (0, 100, 200 and 400 g Mo ha−1 as
0 47.6 53.7 56.7 61.9
sodium molybdate) applied as a foliar spray (400 L
ha−1 ). Regression analysis showed that the response to
60 51.2 56.9 72.4 65.7
120 55.3 64.4 64.2 60.0
Mo and to N were both significant (P < 0.01)(Table
4). The crop responded to both Mo and N but the ap-
plication of 100 g ha−1 of Mo alone gave the same
yield increase as 60 kg N. This cane variety is known
to yield well in soils low in available N so the con-
clusion from this study is that this high N utilisation observed N2 fixation. Added to this is the inconsistent
efficiency is at least partially due to a BNF input that variation in the capacity of different cane varieties to
is limited in this soil by molybdenum deficiency. This obtain contributions form BNF. For example, Lima et
hypothesis is now being tested by examination of the al. (1987) compared four varieties and found that IAC
15 N abundance levels of the cane plants when fertilised 52–150 yielded only a small positive N balance that
with different levels of Mo. was only one eighth of that shown by CB 47–89. In
contrast in the study of Urquiaga et al. (1992) both
varieties showed similar capacities to obtain of their N
Future applications from BNF (between 50 and 60%). It is our experience
that conditions (cane variety, N2 -fixing micro-flora,
Large and diverse populations of N2 -fixing bacteria etc.), which will guarantee agronomically significant
are associated with sugarcane. Abundant microscopic contributions of BNF cannot as yet be defined. It
evidence shows that several species can infect the may well be that complex interactions between plant
internal tissues of sugarcane. It is clear that the ex- genotype, niches appropriate for N2 fixation, selected
ploitation and improvement of BNF in sugarcane is diazotrophs to inhabit these niches and specific en-
severely hindered by the fact that there is no clear can- vironmental conditions are all necessary to stimulate
didate for ‘the’ N2 -fixing bacterium responsible for the BNF in sugarcane. Unfortunately, this is the only way

of explaining why the very considerable contributions Baldani J I, Baldani V L D, Seldin L and Döbereiner J 1986b Char-
of BNF to sugarcane that are detected in the field or acterization of Herbaspirillum seropedicae gen. nov., sp. nov., a
root-associated nitrogen-fixing bacterium. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol.
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liably ‘fix’ nitrogen. Nevertheless, certain measures L, Hoste B, Kersters K, Hartmann A, Gillis M and Döbereiner
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dey L H, Baldani J I, Oliveira E de, Dobereiner J and Hartmann
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Boddey R M 1993 ‘Green’ Energy from Sugar Cane. Chemistry and
al., 1999, Reis Junior et al., 2000b). At the present Industry (London) 17 May, No. 10, pp. 355–358.
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15 N natural abundance technique to quantify biological nitrogen
bacteria since the main contributors to the observed
BNF are not known and in all studies so far reported fixation by woody perennials Nutrient Cycl. Agroecosyst. 57,
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