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Submitted by:
Andaya, Lhian Joy A.

Cervantes, Marielle Yza G.

Dayos, Jellen O.

Manipon, Ro-anne G.

Mones, Jelyssa M.

Rabasto, Julie O.

Rabut, Maria Fe N.

Verzola, Eloisa M.

Section :

Submitted to:
Ma’am Shirley Layona
Module 2
Reflection paper on the issue of abortion

Have you ever heard “the baby isn’t fully developed so it doesn’t feel pain?”

Abortion is a topic that is very hard to talk about. While some people believe that

abortion is right others say it’s not because of how we treat the baby. But the same

question “does the baby feel pain?” “Does it go against the laws?” There are other

options that can be considered before making the choice to abort a fetus. I really

hope to talk about it more so I could understand why some people believe that

abortion is the best alternative. The Bible clearly states in Exodus 20:13, “You shall

not murder” and Proverbs 6:16-17 states, there are six things the Lord hates, seven

that are detestable to Him, haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent

blood”. By reading these verses, I really convinced that abortion is a sin. I

understand that there are cases where a woman has been raped and they had no

choice in the pregnancy, by that happen to a woman they want to abort their baby

to take away the pain they feel from what happened to them. But the baby is not to

blame for what happened to the mom of the child. We all know that we have laws

which protect newborn babies against abuse and maltreatment, and animals from

being neglected or tortured in our own homes. There are many reasons were a

woman want abortion, like the woman had raped, they are not ready to have a

baby, or it's their choice. But for me, there's no reason to abort the baby because

they have the right to see the beauty of this world. Does not mean I judge others for

the choices they make. We must think about what we will do, so that in the end we

will not regret it. The baby is blessing even yet it's not the time for that, we must

only think that we need to give them a right to see this world.
Module 2
Timeline chart on the Prenatal Development

The First Week  

Day 1  -Fertilization resulting in zygote formation  
Day 2  -Two- cell stage (30 hours or so after fertilization) 
-Four-cell stage (40 hours or so after fertilization) 
Day 3  -16- cell stage (morula) 
-Cell differentiate to Outer & Inner cell mass 
Day 4  -Blastocyst formation 
Day 4-5  -Zygote hatching from zona pellucida 
Day 6  -Decidual Reaction 
-Trophoblast cells over the embryoblast pole begin to penetrate the
uterine epithelial cells  
Day 7  - Implantation continues  
The Second Week 
Day 8  - Implantation continues  
- Tropoblast cells differentiate into two layers: syncytiotrophoblasts
& cytotrophoblasts 
- Production of hCG---+ pregnancy test  
- Bilaminar germ disk formation  
- Amnion and amniotic cavity formation begin             
Day 9  - Implantation continues 
- The original surface defect at site of implantation is closed by a
fibrin coagulum  
- Formation of exocoelomic membrane (Houser’s Membrane)
& exocoelomic cavity (Primitive yolk sac) 
- Syncytiotrophoblast shows a large number of lacunae. 
Day 11-12  - Implantation completed: blastocyst is shown completely implanted
within the endometrium, and epithelium has regenerated. 
- Lacunar spaces in syncytiotrophoblast form an inter-communicating
- Maternal capillaries are congested and dilated: sinusoids 
- Trophoblastic lacunae at the embryonic pole are in open connection
with maternal sinusoids; early uteroplacental circulation 
Day 12  - Extraembryonic mesoderm (EEM) is formed 
- Small extraembryonic cavities appear within EEM 
- EEM is split into two by the developing extra-embryonic/chorionic
cavity except at all connecting stalk 
Day 13  - Chorionic cavity enlarges rapidly 
- Large portions of the exocoelomic cavity are pinched off &
secondary yolk sac or definitive yolk sac is formed 
- Trophoblastic lacurate are presented at the embryonic &
abembryonic pole 
- Formation of primary villi: Cellular columns of cytotrophoblast with
the syncytial covering 
The Third Week  
Day 16   - Formation of Primary chorionic villi 
- Primitive streak formation  
- Gastrulation: formation of trilaminar germ disk  
- Formation of Notochord 
Day 18   - Neurulation: Formation of the neural tube by fusion of neural folds  
- Early Vasculogenesis & Angiogenesis (transitory) 
- Paraxial mesoderm gets organized into segments (somatomeres) 
Day 20  - Formation of occipital somite 
The Fourth Week  
  - Main external features are somites and pharyngeal arches 
- 28 Somites 
Day 25   - Cranial neuropore closes 
Day 28   - Crudal neuropore closes 
The Fifth Week  
  - 42-44 pairs of somites 
  - Forelimbs and hind limbs appear as paddle shaped buds  
  - Primitive umbilical cord contains Loops of developing intestine 
The Eighth Week  
  - Age of Embryo is expressed as CRL 
  - Increase in head size 
  - Primitive stages of formation of face, eyes, ears 
  - Limb buds show grooves or rays: fingers and toes can be seen  
  - Embryo appears more like “human” 
The Twelve Week 
  - Loops of developing intestine return to embryonic cavity 
  - Mature umbilical cord 

Module 2
Reflection paper on the prenatal development and the hazards that might
be encountered during this stage

When does life begin? One of the greatest blessing that a women and men
can have in life is when they have a child and watch it grow. The life of a baby starts
at the mother’s womb. The study of prenatal development however has proven to
show how does life begins. It refers to the process in which a baby develops from a
single cell after conception into an embryo and later a fetus. Prenatal development
has three stages , the first stage is germinal stage it begins at conception when the
sperm and egg cell unite in one of the two fallopian tubes, the second stage is the
embryonic stage which refers to the beginning of the third week after conception
and it plays an important role in the development of the brain, and the last stage of
prenatal development is the fetal stage which begins in the ninth week and lasts
until birth and this stage is marked by amazing change and growth. The prenatal
period is a time of tremendous growth and also great vulnerability. Some of the
hazards or dangers that can encounter is environmental risks from teratogens and
drug use, can be prevented or minimized. In other instances, genetic problems may
simply be unavoidable. Miscarriage also can be encounter in the prenatal
development. Also, mothers can encounter some genetics problem such as down
syndrome, inherited diseases and sex-chromosome problems. There are many
hazards you can encounter in prenatal development but you can avoid this if you are
taking care of yourself. Also, by educating yourself on the hazards you may
encounter during pregnancy is your first step in ensuring a happy and healthy
pregnancy. In either case, early prenatal care can help new mothers and children
cope with potential problems with prenatal development.

Module 3
Timeline chart of the physical, cognitive, and socio -emotional
development of infants and toddlers


 Holds head up with support

 Begins to push up when lying on tummy

2 months
 Makes smoother movements with arms and legs
 Holds head steady without support

 Pushes down on legs when feet are on a hard surface

4 months  Rolls over from tummy to back

 Holds and shakes toys, swings at dangling toys

 Rolls over both from stomach to back and from back to stomach

 Begins to sit with support

6 months  Supports weight on legs when standing and might bounce

 Crawls

 Sits without support

 Moves into sitting position with support

9 months  Stands, holding on to adult or furniture for support

 Pulls to stand
 Moves into sitting position without support

 Pulls up to stand and walks alone while holding onto furniture

 Takes few steps without support of adult or furniture

1 year
 Walks alone

 Runs

18 months  Pulls toys while walking

 Helps undress self

 Begins to run

 Climbs onto and down from furniture without support

 Walks up and down steps while holding on for support

2 years  Throws ball overhand

 Draws or copies straight lines and circles


 Pays attention to faces

 Begins to follow things with eyes and recognize people at a distance

2 months  Begins to act bored (cries, fussy) if activity doesn't change

 Looks around at things nearby

 Brings things to mouth

6 months  Shows curiosity about things and tries to get things that are out of


 Begins to pass things from one hand to another

 Explores things in different ways like shaking, banging, throwing

 Finds hidden things easily

 Looks at the right picture or thing when it's named

 Puts things in a container, takes things out of a container

12 months
 Knows what ordinary things are; for example telephone, brush, spoon

 Points to get the attention of others

 Scribbles on his own

 Can follow 1-step verbal commands without any gestures; for

18 months example, sits when you say "sit down"
 Finds things even when hidden under two or three covers

 Begins to sort shapes and colors

 Completes sentences and rhymes in familiar books

24 months  Plays simple make-believe games

 Follows two-step directions like, "Pick up your shoes and put them in

the closet."



 Knows familiar faces and begins to know if someone is a stranger

 Likes to play with others, especially parents or guardians

6 months  Likes to look at self in mirror

 Is shy or nervous with strangers

 Cries when Mom or Dad leaves

12 months  Has favorite things and people

 Shows fear in some situations

 Likes to hand things to others as play

 May have temper tantrums

 May be afraid of strangers

 Shows affection to familiar people

18 months  Plays simple pretend, such as feeding a doll
 Copies others, especially adults and older children

 Gets excited when with other children

24 months  Shows more and more independence

 Shows defiant behavior (doing what she or he has been told not to do)

Module 3
Reflection paper

As we have grown to where we are today, we can take a look back at the

different developmental stages we have encountered during our infancy and

toddlers stages up until now. Children grow rapidly during infancy and toddlerhood.

They accomplish many milestones, including establishing a sense of trust in the

world during infancy and finding their independence in toddlerhood. Growing up is

not easy, we experience a lot of changes in different aspects of our life. From the

start of our life in this world we learned lot of new things that we are using in our

daily life. In any stages of our life, we cannot deny the fact that we really need our

parents to accomplish it all and grow more. Developmental stage is important

because it is the one that shape us for who we are now; it is a journey of every

human being to become an adult.

Module 4
Timeline chart of the physical, cognitive, and socio -emotional
development of Preschoolers

 Climbs well

 Runs easily

 Pedals a tricycle

3 years old.  Walks up and down stairs, one foot on each step

 Washes and dries hands

 Hops and stands on one foot up to 2 seconds

 Pours, cuts with supervision, and mashes own food

 Catches a bounced ball most of the time

4 years old.  Draws a person with two to four body parts

 Uses scissors
 Stands one foot for 10 seconds

 Hops, and may be able to skip

 Can do a somersault

5 years old.  Uses a fork and spoon and sometimes a table knife

 Swings and climbs


 Play make-believe with dolls, animals, and people

 Does puzzles with 3 or 4 pieces

3 years old.  Understands what “two” means
 Understands the idea of counting

 Stars to understand time

4 years old.  Remembers parts of a story
 Counts 10 or more things

 Can draw a person with at least 6 body parts

5 years old.  Can print some letters or numbers


 Copies adults and friends

 Shows affection for friends without prompting

 Takes turn in games

3 years old.  Dresses and undresses self understands the idea of “mine” and “his”

or “her”
 Enjoys doing new things

 Is more and more creative with make-believe play

 Would rather play with other children than alone

4 years old.  Cooperates with other children

 Wants to please friends

 Wants to be like friends

 More likely to agree with rules

 Likes to sing, dance, and act

 Is aware of gender
5 years old.
 Can tell what’s real and what’s make-believe

 Shows more independence

 Is sometimes demanding and sometimes cooperative

Module 4
Reflection paper

Being a young child is one of the most beautiful stages of development

for any human being. Through my own experiences and observations growing
up, I had the opportunity to observe a 3 year old girl named Angel and she is
my cousin. For this reason, I decided to observe my cousin to better
understand her physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development.
First, I observed the physical development of Angel. Every day of our lives
there is a development in our body. Every single day there is a development of
children, like their height and weight. I noticed that Angel was a child who
loved playing, jumping, throwing, swinging, and running. I also saw how she
would frequently walk up and down the stairs several times. Children who
have higher levels of physical activity during their childhood are likely to be
more active even after they mature. This is important for better health and
well-being. Preschoolers need practice their physical skills so that they can
develop better balance and it promotes healthy growth and development. It
helps build a healthier body composition, stronger bones and muscles. Our
bodies go through amazing transformations when it comes to physical growth
and development.
Second, I also observed on how the way she talk and communicate with
other people. Why is cognitive development important in Preschool? In
preschool, cognitive development is important to children to understand
problem-solving, learning questioning, number sense and working memory. It
also provides children with the means of paying attention to thinking about
the world around them. Also, it is important to foster the child’s cognitive
development as soon as he/she is born because it provides the foundation for
your child’s success in school and later in life.
Lastly, socio-emotional development is largely dependent on the
emotional well-being of every parent. Children should a growing understanding
of their place. It also expressing emotions, how to interact with peers,
engaging in meaningful relationship with others, and controlling emotions.
Module 5
Timeline chart of the physical, cognitive , and socio -emotional
development of Primary Schoolers


 Climbs well

 Runs easily
3 years old.  Pedals a tricycle

 Walks up and down stairs, one foot on each step

 Hops and stands on one foot up to 2 seconds

 Pours, cuts with supervision, and mashes own food

4 years old.  Catches a bounced ball most of the time

 Draws a person with two to four body parts

 Stands on one foot for 10 seconds or longer

 Hops, and may be able to skip

5 years old.  Can do a somersault

 Uses a fork and spoon and sometimes a table knife


 Play make-believe with dolls, animals, and people

 Does puzzles with 3 or 4 pieces

3 years old.  Understands what “two” means
 Understands the idea of counting

 Stars to understand time

4 years old.  Remembers parts of a story
 Counts 10 or more things

 Can draw a person with at least 6 body parts

5 years old.
 Can print some letters or numbers

 Copies adults and friends

 Shows affection for friends without prompting

3 years old.  Takes turn in games
 Enjoys doing new things

 Is more and more creative with make-believe play

 Would rather play with other children than alone

4 years old.  Cooperates with other children

 Wants to please friends

 Wants to be like friends

 More likely to agree with rules

5 years old.  Likes to sing, dance, and act

 Is aware of gender

Module 5
Reflection paper

Growth and development are major aspects of any creature on earth. Right

from birth to death, there are various stages through which an individual develops.
In human beings, there is development in various fronts. Since birth, a human being

goes through various stages of development. There are various developments that

occur at this tender age. Chief among these developments is physical development

that entails the acquisition of the motor skills.Children in the schooling years are

usually at a stage where they acquire the motor skills, both gross and fine skills. In

looking at the child’s developmental needs, it is worth noting that there are also

some environmental factors that dictate how the development occurs. Child

characteristics play a major role. This is where the abilities and capacities of the

child determine how the child develops. There are also family characteristics such

as parenting which determine the kind of person that the child becomes. A proper

upbringing environment ensures healthy kids. Lastly, there are the community

characteristics where the societal issues determine what gets into the child as it


Children in early childhood are physically growing at a rapid pace. If you want

to have fun with a child at the beginning of the period, ask them to take their left

hand and use it to go over their head to touch their right ear. They cannot do it. Their

body proportions are such that they are still built very much like an infant with a

very large head and short appendages. By the time the child is five years old though,

their arms will have stretched, and they head is becoming smaller in proportion to

the rest of their growing bodies. They can accomplish the task easily because of

these physical changes.

Module 6
Matrix of the similarities and differences of the various types of screening
programs and assessment instruments and tests.
Module 6
Matrix showing a list of available resources agencies and organizations and
the services they offer


 Youth programs and services can be offered
by churches, schools, government agencies and
nonprofit organizations. Youth programs are
targeted to children and young adults. Sponsored
activities are designed to engage young people and
provide them with opportunities to interact with their
peers in a supervised environment. Youth programs
YOUTH may focus on one activity or offer many choices.
SERVICES They all promote youth development through social,
educational and recreational activities. Programs
may also address issues that tend to affect young
adults such as teen pregnancy, substance abuse
and educational counseling. Programs sometimes
choose a focus for their services such as
intervention, prevention or leadership skills 
 The Head Start Program provides education, health
and nutrition services to children from low-income
families. Head Start also provides services to the
parents of children who qualify. The program is
funded by the federal government. Each local center

HEAD START is independently operated by a local non-profit or

public school organization. The application process
 PROGRAM is also handled by each local Head Start Program.
Head Start provides services to both parents and
children that promote the physical, social, emotional
and cognitive development of each child. 
 Community mental services treat and provide
support for individuals with mental disorders. The
services may be provided in a residential setting;
residents avoid psychiatric hospital placement.
Mental health services can include housing with
SERVICES supervision, self-help groups, individual therapy and
group therapy. Some locations are operated as day
centers or clubhouses. A community mental health
service may also provide ancillary services such as
primary medical care 
 NGOs often provide people with important welfare
services, such as medical care, education and
access to credit. This is known as 'service delivery'.
Sometimes NGOs provide services for free, other
times they charge users. NGOs' services can make a
major difference to people's lives: if people lack
medical care, then a qualified doctor can be the
difference between life and death (or between
crippling hospital fees and a quick recovery). Service
GOVERNMENT delivery is not normally a long-term solution to
ORGANIZATION poverty. It does not always change the basic
structures that create and reinforce poverty. It can
be paternalistic, not helping people to recognize and
solve their own problems. It can also be expensive
and hard to replicate at a national or international
level. Service delivery needs to be carefully planned,
normally through existing local political or social

Module 6
Reflection paper about the red flags, developmental delays and
irregularities in the child’s development

A child's failure to reach speech and language milestones as expected may

be a "red flag," or warning, meaning a speech and language development problem.
If your child does not reach developmental milestones on schedule, it does not
necessarily mean there is a problem. But he or she should be evaluated by a health
professional. So if you see or observe your child with delay any milestone you should
consult with the professional to know and be aware about the progress of your
baby. It is important to observe the progress of a baby so that they can grow
normally and prevent any abnormality within their milestone. If a mother or father
ignored the growth and milestone of their baby they will never know if the
progresses of their baby are normal. Because any delay has a big impact to the
development of a child, like to their speech if a child can’t hear clearly, there are
some tendency that they are having a hard time to pronounce or understand some
words. Also with their walking stage if a child was delayed her/his stage on walking
period they must be consult with the professional so that they can see if there’s a
problem within their child. Indeed, red flags shouldn’t be ignore because it can give
a big impact of a child development and if a parents already notice some delay with
their child they should consult with the professional so that they will be aware to
their children milestone and development.

Module 6
Reflection paper on the legislative acts and public policies related to child
development, prevention, early identification, and appropriate
intervention programs

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