B.Tech. Degree Examination Computer Science & Engineering

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[Nov-15] UNIT-III

[EURCS-301B] 5. a) The power input to the rotor of a 3 phase, 50 Hz, 6 pole

B.Tech. Degree Examination induction motor is 80 kw. The rotor emf makes 100
complete alterations per minute. Find
Computer Science & Engineering i) Slip ii) Motor speed
III SEMESTER iii) Mechanical power developed iv) Rotor copper loss per phase
FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS AND v) Rotor resistance per phase if rotor current is 65A
vi) Torque developed 12
(Effective from the admitted batch 2013–14) OR
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 60 6. a) Derive the equation for torque developed by an induction motor.
Instructions: Each Unit carries 12 marks.
Draw a typical torque-slip curve and deduce the condition for
Answer all units choosing one question from each unit. maximum torque 8
All parts of the unit must be answered in one place only. b) A 3 phase, 4 pole, 50 Hz induction motor is running at 1440 rpm.
Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted. Determine the slip speed and slip 4

1. a) Derive the EMF equation of DC generator from its first principle 6 7. a) With a neat diagram explain the operation of shaded pole
induction motor 6
b) A 220V, 4 Poles, wave connected dc series motor has armature
b) Explain the double field revolving theory for operation of
and field resistances of 0.15 and 0.85 respectively. The
single phase induction motor 6
armature of motor has 60 conductors per pole. The flux
developed in the air gap is 20mwb. Find the speed of the motor 6 OR
OR 8. a) Explain the working principle of a split phase induction motor
in detail 6
2. a) With a neat circuit diagram, explain the procedure to conduct
Swinburne’s test 6 b) Explain the principle of operation of universal motor and also
give the characteristics and applications of universal motor 6
b) Derive the EMF equation of a transformer 6
9. a) Explain the forward and reverse bias operation and VI
3. a) Describe the method to calculate the efficiency of DC motor
characteristics of a PN junction diode 6
by brake test 6
b) Explain the operation of PNP and NPN transistor 6
b) A 400/230V, 50 Hz single phase transformer has 200 turns on
high voltage side. Find the turns ratio, transformation ratio and OR
number of turns on low voltage winding. Also find the flux
10. a) With a neat diagram explain the biasing circuit for an
developed in the core 6
enhancement type MOSFET 6
b) Explain Zener diode as a voltage regulator 6
4. a) Briefly explain about load and no load characteristics of a
1-phase transformer 8 [3/III S/115]
b) Explain about the regulation and its causes in a transformer 4

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