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Student Instructions:

 All questions must be answered correctly to be completed satisfactorily.

 All knowledge assessments are untimed and are conducted as open

book (this means student can refer to textbooks or any resources).

 Student may handwrite/use computers to answer the questions.

 This assessment task may be completed in a classroom, at home,

learning management system (i.e. Moodle), or independent learning

 You must complete all questions unassisted by the assessor or other

personnel but may refer to reference material as needed.

Submission details

 The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your trainer. Any
variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your

 Fill out the Assessment Submission form to the documents you are
submitting to be marked.

 Please answer each question on a separate page provided and clearly

indicate the question number at the top of the page.

 The Trainer/Assessor may further prompt and question in order to

receive answers of appropriate quality or if further clarification is
required and to validate authenticity of your submitted work.

Page 2 of 173

Q1. List 3 sources of information you can use in your workplace to

obtain information on customer profile and food preferences:

Answer. Wait staff, sales history, feedback forms, complain form etc. are can
possible of information on customer profile and food preference.

Q2. What is the service style(s) and cuisine(s) used in your workplace or
any other restaurant that you have worked in? List all that apply and list
menu examples which are used for each service style or type of cuisine


Cuisine Service style Menu example

GERMAN Seasonal a la carta Rinderrroulade sauerbraten,
kartoffelpuffer Rotkraut bratwurst spätzle
FRENCH a la carte Chartuterie platter Goat cheese salad
steak and raratouille.
ITALLAN Table d hote Anti-pasty Panzanella Pasta ale siciliana
JAPANESE Plate service Salmon nigiri sushi party platter sashimi
NEPALI Table service Bhatt, Dial, Tarkari, Achaar, Dahil

Q3. Complete the following yield tests, calculating the Net yield per Kg and
the net portion cost for each commodity based on the net cost per Kg and the
portion size per kg provided.

Answer. Complete the following yield tests, calculating the Net yield per Kg
and the net portion cost for each commodity based on the net cost per Kg an

d the portion size per kg provided.

Commodit Trimmin Net Net Portions/k Net Portion

y $/kg g Yield/kg Cost/kg g Cost
$ $ $
Beans 2.95 16% 0.84 3.42 10 0.34
$ $ $
Broccoli 4.85 24% 0.76 6.01 10 0.60
$ $ $
Steak 30.00 15% 0.85 34.50 3 11.50
$ $ $
Prawns 30.00 40% 0.6 42.00 50 0.84
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$ $ $
Cheese 50.00 5% 0.95 52.50 500 0.11
$ $ $
Carrot 2.00 16% 0.84 2.32 0.1 23.20
$ $ $
Cauliflower 4.00 22% 0.78 4.88 0.1 48.80
$ $ $
Kohlrabi 5.00 32% 0.68 6.60 0.1 66.00
$ $ $
Spinach 10.60 18% 0.82 12.51 0.1 125.08
$ $ $
Onion 3.00 14% 0.86 3.42 0.05 68.40
$ $ $
Sirloin 17.00 26% 0.74 21.42 0.28 76.50
$ $ $
Pork 15.10 14% 0.86 17.21 0.25 68.86
$ $ $
Lamb 10.50 27% 0.73 13.34 0.25 53.34

4. How would the profit margins and menu type differ in a fine dining
establishment compared to a bistro or pub?
What would be cost factors you would need to consider for each of
these operations?

Page 4 of 173
Bistro, Pub Fine dining establishment
Menu type of Margins Menu and Margin
give a wider variety of fast serving food at Visitors, Customers can choose their
inexpensive rates due to simplicity of the preferences at no charge. Items typically
dishes, increased income due to fast Higher quality higher price per dish but may
delivery times and emotional state of the have a higher percentage of the food costs.
Cost Factors Cost Factors
Can be deemed cheap and tourist can only If, possible, Manageable time-consuming
come occasionally. Lack of care in and need strong management skills. Stock
preparing or executing the dishes can might run out. Can require special
easily expand. The lower cost of food is appliances.
usually much better than the portion control
and the waste. Few trained workers

Page 5 of 173
Q5. Go to the Sydney markets website and provide
an overview of the fruit and vegetables in season relevant to the month
you are undertaking this assessment. Select 3 seasonal recipes from
the recipe section on that site which could be used for a seasonal 3-
course menu.

Month: July
Vegetables Fruits
Beetroot, Broccoli, Brussels Apple, Avocados, Banana,
sprouts,Cabbage,carrots,,Cauliflower,Celeriac,celer Custard Apples, Dates,
y,Fennel,Jerusalem,artichokes,Kale,Kohlrabi,Leeks, Grapefruit, Kiwifruit, Lemons,
Onions,Parsnips,Potatoes,Pumpkin,Radicchio,Silver Mandarians, Nashi, Oranges:
beet,Spinach,Swede,Sweet potato, Turnips cara cara navel, Pomelo,
Quinces, Rhubarb, Strawberries,

Page 6 of 173
Preparation 20 mins + chilling time | Cooking 10 mins
BABY + standing time | Serves 4
CUCUMBE 3 (about 750g) free-range chicken breast fillets,
R, trimmed
AV O C A D O 3 cups salt reduced chicken stock
& 250g pkt (2 microwave cups) super grains or brown
100g baby spinach leaves
SALAD 400g baby cucumbers, cut lengthways into wedges
WITH LIME 2 just-ripe avocados, halved, deseeded and thickly
MISO sliced lengthways
DRESSING Black sesame seeds, red radish micro herbs and
pickled ginger, to serve
Lime miso dressing:
2 tbs Shiro miso paste
1/3 cup lime juice
1 tbs sesame oil
1 tbs maple syrup
STEP 1 Place chicken into a deep saucepan. Pour over
stock. Cover and bring to the boil over medium heat.
Reduce heat and gently simmer, covered and turning
once, for 6 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the
chicken in the pan, covered, for 10 minutes or until
just cooked through. Drain and chill chicken.
STEP 2 Microwave the rice following packet directions.
STEP 3 Meanwhile, to make lime miso dressing, place
all ingredients into a bowl. Whisk until smooth and well
combined. Season with black pepper to taste.
STEP 4 Shred the chicken. Arrange spinach,
cucumbers, chicken, avocado and rice in serving
bowls. Drizzle with the lime miso dressing. Sprinkle
with black sesame seeds and red radish micro-herbs.
Serve with pickled ginger.

Good for you ... AVOCADOS

Avocados are one of the few fruits that contain fat, but
it's in the form of unsaturated fat.
A source of vitamin E, a vitamin that helps protect
cells from damage due to free radicals.
A good source of vitamin C and a source of folate (a B
vitamin). Both these vitamins contribute to the normal
functioning of the body’s immune system.
Provides the B vitamins niacin (B3) and biotin, which
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both contribute to normal production of energy in the

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Prep 25 mins | Cook 55 mins | Serves 4
SPICY 1 kg large Sebago or King Edward potatoes
ROASTED 2 tbs olive oil
P O TATO 2 tsp tabasco sauce
WEDGES 1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
WITH 2 tbs lime juice
AV O C A D O Reduced fat light sour cream, to serve
2 medium ripe avocados
2 tbs lime juice
Salt and ground black pepper
TOMATO, STEP 1 Preheat oven to 220°C/200°C fan forced. Line
ROCKET & 2 baking trays with baking paper. Scrub potatoes and
CHORIZO cut lengthways into 1-2cm thick wedges. Place onto a
SPAGHETTI clean tea towel and pat dry.
STEP 2 Combine oil, tabasco, cumin, coriander and
lime juice in a large bowl. Add potatoes and toss well
to coat in mixture. Place wedges, skin side down, in a
ROAST single layer on baking trays. Bake, turning once, for
TOMATO, 50-55 minutes until crisp and golden.
CHORIZO STEP 3 Meanwhile, to make avocado dip, peel, deseed
SPAGHETTI and chop avocados. Place into a bowl. Add lime juice.
Using a fork, mash until smooth. Season with salt and
pepper to taste. Serve avocado dip with wedges and
sour cream.


A source of vitamin C, a vitamin that contributes to the

normal structure and function of blood vessels
throughout the body.
A source of dietary fibre, especially if the skin is left
on. Dietary fibre contributes to normal laxation. The
skin of potatoes also helps retain vitamins during
Provides potassium which may help balance sodium
from salty foods.

Page 9 of 173
Prep 10 mins | Cook 15 mins | Serves 4
275g stem ripe truss cherry tomatoes
Olive oil spray
8 free-range eggs
1/3 cup milk
1/4 cup finely grated parmesan + extra to serve
2 tbs butter
2 tsp olive oil
2 bunches asparagus, trimmed and cut into 2cm
1 tbs finely chopped chives
4 slices thick wholegrain toast, to serve
STEP 1 Preheat oven to 200°C/180°C fan-forced.
Place tomatoes onto a baking tray lined with baking
paper. Spray with oil. Roast for 10 minutes or until
STEP 2 Meanwhile, whisk eggs, milk and parmesan in
a bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
STEP 3 Heat 1 tbs butter and the oil in a large non-
stick frying pan over medium heat. Add asparagus and
cook, stirring often, for 3 minutes until vibrant and just
tender. Transfer to a plate. Wipe pan clean using
paper towel.
STEP 4 Melt remaining 1 tbs butter in pan over
medium heat. Add eggs, swirl around pan and cook,
without stirring, for 1 minute. Then using a spatula,
stir and fold eggs, until just beginning to set. Gently
stir through the asparagus and chives. Sprinkle with
extra parmesan. Serve with roasted tomatoes and

Good for you ... TRUSS TOMATOES

A very good source of vitamin C which contributes to

the normal functioning of the body’s immune system.
Provides potassium which may help balance the
sodium from salt.
A source of dietary fibre which helps the normal
function of the intestine.
Tomatoes are the richest food source of lycopene, a
member of the carotenoid family. Research suggests
that lycopene may play a role in the normal health of
the prostate gland. The redder the tomato, the higher
its lycopene content. Rich red tomatoes are also a
source of beta carotene which is converted into
Page 10 of 173
vitamin A in the body and is needed for vision.

Q6. Go to the Australia Tourism website wine/the-best-halal-
restaurants-in-australia.html, select 3 restaurants from 2 different states
(then click in each on “view more information”) and create 3 different
ethnic menus from the different dishes offered by restaurants which
provide a link.

Resturant-1, Menu -1


Farmers Daughters

Page 11 of 173

Lakes Entrance crude, preserved tomato

CA fresco Organics vegetables

Chargrilled O’Connor rib cap

House baked soda bread, cultured cream

Baked Baw Baw Alpine trout, mountain pepper cream, trout caviar

Sugarloaf cabbage, clam butter, Snowy River Station seagrass

Campfire Corner Inlet fish, Wattle Bank Farm oyster mushroom, local

Terramara Park venison, black garlic, beetroot & smoked parsnip

Carob, mandarin & macadamia pavlova


CA fresco Organics vegetables

Farm Style Soda Bread, cultured cream

Grilled Salad, lemon myrtle, mountain pepper

Sugarloaf Cabbage, Seaweed Vinaigrette

Wood-roasted Janet pumpkin, Maffra cheddar sauce

BBQ beetroot, preserved pine mushrooms and blueberries

Carob & mandarin pavlova

Vegan alternatives available

Restaurant -2 /Menu-2

Page 12 of 173


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Page 14 of 173
Resturant-3, Menu -3



b ig g e r



MUM’ S BANH XEO [ V/ VO] [ GF] 32. 0
[ V/ VO]



sw eets 58. 0 PER HEAD ( ENTREES + MAI NS)

s id e s



Opening Hours
151 Macquarie Street
Hobart, Tasmania
7000l enquiries & media:

Page 15 of 173
Q7. Go to the following 2 websites and identify 6 different trends for
food and beverages in Australia for 2016:

Answer-Vegetarian alternatives to go mainstream

• Less processed foods, more natural
• Sustainable practices will be necessary
• Social media is key
• Fat is no longer to be feared
• Appearance is everything
Answer-Vegetarian alternatives to go mainstream
• Less processed foods, more natural
• Sustainable practices will be necessary
• Social media is key
• Fat is no longer to be feared
• Appearance is everything
Answer-Vegetarian alternatives to go mainstream
• Less processed foods, more natural
• Sustainable practices will be necessary
• Social media is key
• Fat is no longer to be feared
• Appearance is everything
Vegetarian alternatives to go mainstream
• Less processed foods, more natural
• Sustainable practices will be necessary
• Social media is key
• Fat is no longer to be feared
• Appearance is everything
Vegetarian alternatives to go mainstream
• Less processed foods, more natural
• Sustainable practices will be necessary
• Social media is key
• Fat is no longer to be feared
• Appearance is everything
Vegetarian alternatives to go mainstream
• Less processed foods, more natural
• Sustainable practices will be necessary
• Social media is key
• Fat is no longer to be feared
• Appearance is everything

Page 16 of 173
Vegetarian alternatives to go mainstream
• Less processed foods, more natural
• Sustainable practices will be necessary
• Social media is key
• Fat is no longer to be feared
• Appearance is everything

Answer-1. Vegetarian alternatives to go mainstreams.

2.Matching diets with DNA.

3.Social media key.

4.Singal meal portion.

5.Appearence is everything.

6.Matching food with exercise programme.

Q8. Customer characteristics vary according to a wide range of factors. Give

general examples of how each of the following characteristics will impact on
your planning of menus and menu styles in an establishment:


Customer range Impact on menu planning and menu

Buying power Responses may involve a range of
methods including more traditional
methods, a range of cooking styles,
spices etc.
Responses may involve a range of
methods including more traditional
methods, a range of cooking styles,
spices etc.
Responses may involve a range of
methods including more traditional
Page 17 of 173
methods, a range of cooking styles,
spices etc.
Responses may involve a range of
methods including more traditional
methods, a range of cooking styles,
spices etc.

Reaction may include a range of

cooking methods with more
traditional preparation methods, a
kind of cooking styles, spices etc.
Gender May enter in general e.g. smaller
portions for ladies, more emphasis
on lighter Food e.g., salads often
more interest in terms of folkloric
dishes and vegetarians tyle.
Income level Responses include the potential to
spend on higher
course costs, the potential to
purchase more than a
course or, for example, an entrance
and a main
course, the potential to purchase
e.g. tasting or
multi-course menus or to spend on
better quality
food and beverage items that would
higher retail prices.
social and cultural
This requires consideration of what
may or can not
be consumed for e.g. a religious
necessity, dishes
that are more likely to be ordered by
people with a
social or cultural context and a
demographic that is
reflected within an establishment's
Page 18 of 173
service area
Responses include the potential to
spend on higher
course costs, the potential to
purchase more than a
course or, for example, an entrance
and a main
course, the potential to purchase
e.g. tasting or
multi-course menus or to spend on
better quality
food and beverage items that would
higher retail prices.
social and cultural
This requires consideration of what
may or can not
be consumed for e.g. a religious
necessity, dishes
that are more likely to be ordered by
people with a
social or cultural context and a
demographic that is
reflected within an establishment's
service area
Reacts include the probable to
spend on higher course costs, the
potential to purchase more than a
course or, for example, an entry and
a main course, the likely to purchase
e.g. tasting formulate-course menus
or to spend on better quality
food and beverage items that would
facility higher retail price
Social and cultural background needs consideration of what may or
can not
be spent for e.g. a spiritual
necessity, dishes
that are more likely to be ordered by
people with a social or cultural
context and a demographic that is
reflected within an instituting's

Page 19 of 173
service area.

Q9. Design a customer questionnaire which you can use to evaluate the
following types of menus for your practical assessment.
The questions need to be clear and objective. The questions must be rated
from e.g. 1-5 (1 is poor/5 is excellent). Allow a space at the end to permit
customers to comment.

Remember, the aim of your questions is to obtain valid feedback and to

enable you to make improvements to your menus.

 à la carte

 buffet

 cyclical

 degustation

 ethnic

 set

 table d’hôtel

 seasonal


Costumer questionnaire

Rara hotel and restaurant customer Please circle response 1 being poor and
questionnaire 5 being excellent.
Q1. The menu has a good variety of 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q2. The food is tasty and flavourful? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q3. The food is served hot and fresh? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q4The quality of food was? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q5What is your satisfaction with taste of ………..

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Q6What did you not like about our food ……………….
and service?
Q7if any comment please …………….



Page 21 of 173
1. Identifying the customer and customer preferences for creating menus.
The responses you provide for this question will form the basis of your
menus to be planned, costed and evaluated for this assessment

Provide an overview of the customers who frequent the restaurant in your

workplace. Describe the style of cuisine that is used and the menu type or
different menu types, which are being used. Provide an overview of which
entrees, main courses, desserts and specials are the best sellers and what are
the approximate price ranges for these.
Types of customers-description
This is family restaurant that cater for family who want good quality meal and good value.
It must serve some customer like parent who like some fine food and for kid who just like
children type meal. Restaurants must be affordable for family to eat there.
Cuisine styles used in the establishment
Modern Australian & International cuisine
Menu type used in the establishments
A la carte menu & buffet

Best-selling menu items Example cost

Bread/starter Garlic Bread / 4pc $8.00

Cheese Bread / 4pc $8.00

Entree Thai Style Satay Sticks $14

Soup Coconut Curry Pumpkin $12


Main Bangers & Mash $22

Children Menu Chicken Nugget & Chip $10

Dessert Apple Crumble $14

Special/Other Family Hour 5pm – 6pm Free child meal with each
adult meal

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2. Menu 1 – Plan and à la carte menu.
 Chicken Caesar Salad $14
 Grilled Haloumi & Avocado on Sourdough Bread (Vegetarian) $12
 Thai-style Satay Sticks with peanut dipping sauce $14

 Coconut Curry Pumpkin Soup (Vegetarian) $12
 Lamb shank soup $18
 Ginger soup $2

 Vegetarian Moussaka (Vegetarian) $20
 Bangers and Mash $22
 Thai Style Grilled Barramundi $28

 Apple Crumble $14
 Sticky Date Pudding with butterscotch sauce $25
 Seasonal Fruit Parfaits $9

Menu/Recipe card

Name. Chicken Caesar salad

Selling Price: $ 14.00 Cost Price: $ 2.34 Food Cost %: 17%
Preparation Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit    
Cos Lettuce 0.1 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.30
Bacon 0.05 Kg/Unit $20.00 $ 1.00
Parmesan Cheese 0.001 Kg/Unit $26.00 $ 0.03

Page 23 of 173
Caesar Salad
0.01 Kg/Unit $9.10
Dressing $ 0.09
Anchovies 0.001 Kg/Unit $50.00 $ 0.05
Chicken 0.1 Kg/Unit $8.50 $ 0.85
Croutons 0.01 Kg/Unit $2.00 $ 0.02
Kg/Unit $ -
$ -
$ 2.34
1. Mix lettuce, Caesar salad dressing, parmesan cheese, diced chicken, croutons in
a bowl
2. Plate and top with extra croutons, parmesan cheese, bacon, chicken and

Menu/recipe card

Name. Grilled haloumi& Avocado on sourdough bread

$ Cost $ Food Cost
Selling Price: 12.00 Price: 2.97 %: 25%
Preparation Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Sourdough Bread 0.1 Kg/Unit $12.00 $ 1.20
Haloumi Cheese 0.05 Kg/Unit $25.00 $ 1.25
Avocado 0.05 Kg/Unit $10.00 $ 0.50
Butter 0.001 Kg/Unit $10.00 $ 0.01
Salt & Pepper 0.001 Kg/Unit $10.00 $ 0.01
$ -
$ 2.97
1. Slice and lightly toast sourdough bread
2. Butter toast, spread mashed avocado & top with haloumi cheese
3. Grill until done.

Menu/recipe card
Name. Thai style satay stick
$ Cost $ Food Cost
Selling Price: 14.00 Price: 1.88 %: 13%
Preparation Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Chicken Thigh 0.15 Kg/Unit $9.99 $ 1.50
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Satay Sauce
0.005 Kg/Unit $12.00
Marinade $ 0.06
Peanut Dipping
0.005 Kg/Unit $15.00
Sauce $ 0.08
Skewer Sticks 5 Kg/Unit $0.05 $ 0.25
$ -
$ 1.88
1. Marinate diced chicken thigh in satay marinade.
3. Grill over charcoal until done.
4. Serve with peanut dipping sauce.

Menu/recipe card

Name. Coconut curry pumpkin soup(vegetarian)

Selling Price: $ 14.00 Cost Price: 2.47 Food Cost %: 18%
Preparation Time: 20min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Olive oil 0.005 Kg/Unit $20.00 $ 0.10
Onion 0.005 Kg/Unit $2.00 $ 0.01
Garlic 0.005 Kg/Unit $4.00 $ 0.02
Vegetable stock 0.25 Kg/Unit $1.90 $ 0.48
Coriander 0.05 Kg/Unit $1.50 $ 0.08
Coconut milk 0.2 Kg/Unit $2.00 $ 0.40
Ginger 0.01 Kg/Unit $25.00 $ 0.25
Lemongrass stalk 1 Kg/Unit $1.00 $ 1.00
Butternut pumpkin 0.09 Kg/Unit $1.50 $ 0.14
$ -
$ 2.47
Fry onion Ginger, garlic and lemon grass.
Add pumpkin and vegetable stock and boil 30 minute.
Put in blender and blend until smooth. Add coriander leaves blend.
Put in the saucepan and add coconut milk and serve

Recipe/menu card

Name. Lamb shank soup

Page 25 of 173
Selling Price: $ 18.00 Cost Price: $ 5.43 Food Cost %: 30%
Preparation Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Olive oil 0.005 Kg/Unit $10.00 $ 0.05
Lamb shanks 0.25 Kg/Unit $10.00 $ 2.50
Garlic 0.005 Kg/Unit $7.00 $ 0.04
Vegetable stock 0.25 Kg/Unit $1.90 $ 0.48
Coriander 0.005 Kg/Unit $10.00 $ 0.05
Coconut milk 0.25 Kg/Unit $2.00 $ 0.50
Ginger 0.01 Kg/Unit $25.00 $ 0.25
Carrots 0.1 Kg/Unit $1.00 $ 0.10
celery 0.01 Kg/Unit $1.50 $ 0.02
Lemongrass stalk 0.005 $40.00 $ 0.20
Butternut pumpkin 0.25 $5.00 $ 1.25
$ -
$ 5.43

Heat olive oil
 in a large saucepan and brown trimmed lamb shanks. Remove and set aside.
Add chopped onions, crushed garlic cloves, diced carrots and diced celery and cook
for 5 minutes or until lightly browned.
Return the shanks to the pan and add beef stock, water, pearl barley and chopped
fresh rosemary. Bring to the boil then reduce the heat to low and simmer, covered,
for 2 hours. Remove the shanks and cool slightly. Take the meat off the bone and
flake into pieces. Return the

Name. Vegetarian moussaka

Selling Price: $ 18.00 Cost Price: $ 1.53 Food Cost %: 9%
Preparation Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Egg plant 0.1 Kg/Unit $5.00 $ 0.50
Potato 0.1 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.30
Zucchini 0.1 Kg/Unit $6.00 $ 0.60
Olive oil 0.005 Kg/Unit $15.00 $ 0.08
extra 0.005 Kg/Unit $10.00 $ 0.05
$ -
$ -
$ 1.53
Heat oven to 400 degrees F. While oven is heating, spread eggplant slices on a large pan lined with
paper towel and sprinkle with kosher salt set aside for 20 to 30 minutes. In a large saucepan, heat olive
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oil over medium-high heat until shimmering but not smoking. In a cooking pot or large non-stick pan, heat
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil over medium heat. (If needed, place under broiler and watch very carefully till
top turns a nice golden brown.)
Remove from heat and let sit for at least 20 minutes before cutting and serving
You may need to add an extra splash of milk to thin the sauce out and get it back to its pourable

Menu/recipe Card
Name. Bangers Mash
Selling Price: $ 18.00 Cost Price: $ 2.25 Food Cost %: 13%
Preparation Time: 20 Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
vegetable oil 0.05 Kg/Unit $5.00 $ 0.25
onion 0.005 Kg/Unit $1.00 $ 0.01
Garlic cloves 0.005 Kg/Unit $35.00 $ 0.18
Flour 0.05 Kg/Unit $2.35 $ 0.12
Beef stock 0.005 Kg/Unit $30.00 $ 0.15
Potato 0.051 Kg/Unit $2.00 $ 0.10
Peas 0.15 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.45
Extra 0.5 Kg/Unit $2.00 $ 1.00
$ -
$ -
$ 2.25
Heat oil in a large skillet / fry pan over medium high heat. Add sausages and cook, turning, until
browned as much as possible all over and cooked through. Cook time will differ depending on sausage
size - mine take around 8 minutes. If you have much less, add a bit of butter or oil.
Add onion and garlic, cook until golden brown - around 4 minutes.
Add flour and mix through.
Add about 3/4 cup of beef broth and mix into the onion so it becomes a sludge. Then add remaining
beef broth and mix until combined.
Simmer, stirring, until the gravy thickens but is slightly thinner than you want - it will thicken more as you
serve it.
Serve sausages with plenty of gravy, with mashed potato and peas on the side. (Low carb option -
Creamy Cauliflower Mash)

Menu/recipe Card
Name. Thai style grilled Barramundi
Selling Price: $ 18.00 Cost Price: $ 5.93 Food Cost %: 33%
Preparation Time: 20 Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Barramundi 0.05 Kg/Unit $32.00 $ 1.60
Lime 0.001 Kg/Unit $100.00 $ 0.10

Page 27 of 173
Cilantro 0.005 Kg/Unit $400.00 $ 2.00
Coconut milk 0.165 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.50
Soy sauce 0.01 Kg/Unit $10.00 $ 0.10
Garlic 0.02 Kg/Unit $7.00 $ 0.14
Ginger 0.02 Kg/Unit $7.00 $ 0.14
Jasmine rice 0.1 Kg/Unit $10.00 $ 1.00
Shanghai bock choy 0.05 $5.00 $ 0.25
Chilli flakes 0.001 $100.00 $ 0.10
$ 5.93
Before starting, wash and dry all produce.
While you prep, preheat grill to 500°F over medium-high heat. Heat Guide for Step 3 1/4 tsp mild, 1/2 tsp
medium and 1 tsp spicy.
Add 1/4 tsp salt and 2/3 cup water (1 cup for 4 ppl) to a medium pot. Add book choy, half the ginger and 1
tbsp oil to a large bowl.
Make sauce Combine lime zest, lime juice, garlic, remaining ginger, soy sauce, half the cilantro, 1/2 tsp chili
flakes (NOTE: Reference Heat Guide), 1 tbsp sugar and 3 tbsp water in a small bowl. Grill barramundi Pat
barramundi dry with paper towels, then season with salt and pepper. Add 1 tbsp oil to the prepared foil on the
grill, then barramundi, skin-side down. Flip and cook until barramundi is opaque and cooked through, 2-3 mi.
Grill book choy Add book choy to the other side of the grill. Top with grilled book choy, then barramundi.


Name: Coconut curry pumpkin soup (Vegetarian)

Selling Price: $ 18.00 Cost Price: $ 1.48 Food Cost %: 8%
Preparation Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Olive oil 0.005 Kg/Unit $15.00 $0.08
Small Onion 0.005 Kg/Unit $2.50 $0.01
Mild curry power 0.001 Kg/Unit $100.00 $0.10
Garam masala 0.001 Kg/Unit $200.00 $0.20
Vegetable stock 0 Kg/Unit $100.00 $0.00
Garlic 0.005 Kg/Unit $35.00 $0.18
Ginger 0.005 Kg/Unit $40.00 $0.20
Pumpkin 0.1 Kg/Unit $7.00 $0.70
Salt 0.005 $4.00 $0.02
 Heat olive oil over medium heat.
 Add onion and salute for about 4 minutes until soft and translucent.
 Add garlic and ginger and cook for about 1 minute until fragrant.
 Stir in vegetable stock, coconut milk, and pumpkin and bring to a boil.

Page 28 of 173
 Reduce the heat to low and simmer for approximately 20 minutes, covered.



Recipe Name. Apple crumble

Selling Price: $ 12.00 Cost Price: $ 1.32 Food Cost %:
Preparation Time:          
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Granny smith apple 0.25 Kg/Unit $ 2.00 $ 0.50
White flour 0.125 Kg/Unit $ 2.50 $ 0.31
Lemon juice 0.001 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 0.01
Ground cinnamon 0.001 Kg/Unit $ 100.00 $ 0.10
Rolled oats 0.02 Kg/Unit $ 2.00 $ 0.04
Brown sugar 0.025 Kg/Unit $ 4.00 $ 0.10
Butter 0.02 Kg/Unit $ 12.00 $ 0.24
Salt 0.005 $ 4.00 $ 0.02
$ 1.32
$ 1.32
 Preheat oven to 350F/180C.
 Peel apples, then cut into 1.5cm/ 3/5" cubes.
 Place apple in a bowl.
 Sprinkle with flour, sugar and cinnamon, then pour over lemon juice.
 Place Topping ingredients in a bowl.
And put oven 20 minute and serve


Name. • Sticky Date Pudding with butterscotch sauce

Selling Price: $ 25.00 Cost Price: $ 8.68 Food Cost %: 34%
Preparation Time:          
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Pitted dates 0.1 Kg/Unit $ 24.00 $ 2.40
Baking/Bi card
soda 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 2.00 $ 0.01
Lemon juice 0.001 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 0.01
Page 29 of 173
Ground cinnamon 0.001 Kg/Unit $ 100.00 $ 0.10
Baking power 0.01 Kg/Unit $ 2.50 $ 0.03
Plain flour 0.185 $ 3.00 $ 0.56
Brown sugar 0.04 Kg/Unit $ 4.00 $ 0.16
Butter 0.2 Kg/Unit $ 12.00 $ 2.40
Eggs $ 3.00
Salt 0.005 $ 4.00 $ 0.02
$ -
$ 8.68
 Preheat oven to 180C/350F (standard) or 160C/320F (fan/convection).
 Grease 7 pudding moulds (Note 2) with butter or grease and line a 20 cm / 8" square cake pan with
 MASHED DATES: Place dates in a bowl, sprinkle over baking soda.
 Pour over boiling water.
 Stand 10 minutes, then mash well with a potato masher (or fork) until it resembles sloppy porridge (see
video for texture / thickness).
 (Note 3) BATTER: Place butter and sugar in a bowl.
 Beat until combined and smooth.
 Add eggs, beat until incorporated.
 Add flour then sprinkle baking powder across the surface.
 Add dates, mix quickly until dates are well incorporated into the batter.
 ONE PUDDING: Pour into cake pan, smooth surface.
 Bake 35 minutes or until skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
 Pour over 1/2 cup Butterscotch Sauce, leave to soak for 10 minutes.
 BAKING INDIVIDUAL PUDDINGS: Pour batter into pudding moulds, only fill 2/3 of the way up.

Recipe/menu card

Name. • Seasonal Fruit Parfaits

Selling Price: $ 9.00 Cost Price: $ 2.41 Food Cost %: 27%
Preparation Time:          
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Strawberries, 0.1 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 1.00
Lemon juice 0.001 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 0.01
Low fat plain
yoghurt 0.2 Kg/Unit $ 7.00 $ 1.40
$ 2.41
Mash the strawberries with the lemon juice with a fork.
Combine the mashed strawberries and yoghurt in a blender.
In each parfait glass, arrange a layer of mixed fruit.
Top with yoghurt, followed by more fruit, yoghurt, and fruit.
Add some chopped nuts or muesli for a delicious way to start the day.

Page 30 of 173
B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the
courses offered including the following:

Colours Every dishes have own shiny and bright

Cooking method Every dish has individual cooking method
Delicacies It’s wonderful delicacies fantastic
Flavours All dishes and course are its own flavour
Nutritional values Its under law nutritional value in each dish
Presentation Presentation is correct and order as much as possible
Seasonally All dishes have seasonally available ingredient.
Tastes All dishes have its own taste
Textures All dishes have each own textures and feeling

C. The dishes you plan for the menu must fit the customer profile you have
described in question 1 and meet a price level that matches what you currently have
on offer in the establishment.

Answer. In the current establishment the a la cart menu entree starts from 12
goes up to 14 per meal. Soup is starts from 12 and it goes up to 18 and main
start from 20 and it goes up to 28 desserts start from 9 it’s goes up to 25.

D. Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your
chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain feedback. Document what the
feedback entailed and what you will change as a result. Attach this draft
and comments to this assessment marked “Menu 1”

Menu Chef colleagues Trainer Visitor Feedback

Entrée Tasted and perfect tasty Excellent Feedback
Chicken Caesar perfect form, email
Salad Grilled and after
Page 31 of 173
Helium & having
Avocado on food
Sourdough Bread talking
(Vegetarian)Thai- about food
style Satay Sticks direct face
with peanut to face
dipping sauce
Soup Tasted and perfect tasty Excellent Feedback
Coconut Curry perfect form, email
Pumpkin Soup and after
(Vegetarian)Lam having
b shank soup food
about food
direct face
to face
Main Tasted and perfect tasty Excellent Feedback
Vegetarian perfect form, email
Moussaka and after
(Vegetarian) having
Bangers and food
Mash Thai Style talking
Grilled about food
Barramundi direct face
to face
Dessert Apple Apple Apple Apple Feedback
Apple Crumble crumble is crumble is crumble is crumble is form, email
Sticky sour other sour other is sour other sour other and after
Date Pudding is perfect perfect is perfect is perfect having
with butterscotch food
sauce Seasonal talking
Fruit Parfaits about food
direct face
to face

I have desire to change apple crumble. In future I have plan to put Indian rice
pudding instead of apple crumble.

E. Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients
and required quantities.


Standard Recipe card

Name. Chicken Caesar salad

Selling Price: $ 14.00 Cost Price: $ 2.34 Food Cost %: 17%
Page 32 of 173
Preparation Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Cos Lettuce 0.1 Kg/Unit
Bacon 0.05 Kg/Unit
Parmesan Cheese 0.001 Kg/Unit
Caesar Salad
0.01 Kg/Unit
Anchovies 0.001 Kg/Unit
Chicken 0.1 Kg/Unit
Croutons 0.01 Kg/Unit

Standard Recipe card

Name. Grilled haloumi& Avocado on sourdough bread

$ Cost $ Food Cost
Selling Price: 12.00 Price: 2.97 %: 25%
Preparation Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code Price per unit  
Sourdough Bread 0.1 Kg/Unit
Haloumi Cheese 0.05 Kg/Unit
Avocado 0.05 Kg/Unit
Butter 0.001 Kg/Unit
Salt & Pepper 0.001 Kg/Unit
Standard recipe card

Name. Thai style satay stick

$ Cost $ Food Cost
Selling Price: 14.00 Price: 1.88 %: 13%
Preparation Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Chicken Thigh 0.15 Kg/Unit
Satay Sauce
0.005 Kg/Unit
Peanut Dipping
0.005 Kg/Unit
Skewer Sticks 5 Kg/Unit
Standard recipe card

Name. Coconut curry pumpkin soup(vegetarian)

Page 33 of 173
Selling Price: $ 14.00 Cost Price: 2.47 Food Cost %: 18%
Preparation Time: 20min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Olive oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
Onion 0.005 Kg/Unit
Garlic 0.005 Kg/Unit
Vegetable stock 0.25 Kg/Unit
Coriander 0.05 Kg/Unit
Coconut milk 0.2 Kg/Unit
Ginger 0.01 Kg/Unit
Lemongrass stalk 1 Kg/Unit
Butternut pumpkin 0.09 Kg/Unit

Standard recipe card

Name. Lamb shank soup

Selling Price: $ 18.00 Cost Price: $ 5.43 Food Cost %: 30%
Preparation Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Olive oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
Lamb shanks 0.25 Kg/Unit
Garlic 0.005 Kg/Unit
Vegetable stock 0.25 Kg/Unit
Coriander 0.005 Kg/Unit
Coconut milk 0.25 Kg/Unit
Ginger 0.01 Kg/Unit
Carrots 0.1 Kg/Unit
celery 0.01 Kg/Unit
Lemongrass stalk 0.005
Butternut pumpkin 0.25

Page 34 of 173
Standard recipe card
Name. Vegetarian moussaka
Selling Price: $ 18.00 Cost Price: $ 1.53 Food Cost %: 9%
Preparation Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Egg plant 0.1 Kg/Unit
Potato 0.1 Kg/Unit
Zucchini 0.1 Kg/Unit
Olive oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
extra 0.005 Kg/Unit

Standard recipe card

Name. Bangers Mash

Selling Price: $ 18.00 Cost Price: $ 2.25 Food Cost %: 13%
Preparation Time: 20 Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
vegetable oil 0.05 Kg/Unit
onion 0.005 Kg/Unit
Garlic cloves 0.005 Kg/Unit
Flour 0.05 Kg/Unit
Beef stock 0.005 Kg/Unit
Potato 0.051 Kg/Unit
Peas 0.15 Kg/Unit
Extra 0.5 Kg/Unit

Standard recipe card

Name. Thai style grilled Barramundi
Selling Price: $ 18.00 Cost Price: $ 5.93 Food Cost %: 33%
Preparation Time: 20 Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  

Page 35 of 173
Barramundi 0.05 Kg/Unit
Lime 0.001 Kg/Unit
Cilantro 0.005 Kg/Unit
Coconut milk 0.165 Kg/Unit
Soy sauce 0.01 Kg/Unit
Garlic 0.02 Kg/Unit
Ginger 0.02 Kg/Unit
Jasmine rice 0.1 Kg/Unit
Shanghai bock choy 0.05
Chilli flakes 0.001

Standard recipe card

Name: Coconut curry pumpkin soup (Vegetarian)
Selling Price: $ 18.00 Cost Price: $ 1.48 Food Cost %: 8%
Preparation Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Olive oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
Small Onion 0.005 Kg/Unit
Mild curry power 0.001 Kg/Unit
Garam masala 0.001 Kg/Unit
Vegetable stock 0 Kg/Unit
Garlic 0.005 Kg/Unit
Ginger 0.005 Kg/Unit
Pumpkin 0.1 Kg/Unit
Salt 0.005

Standard recipe card

Recipe Name. Apple crumble
Selling Price: $ 12.00 Cost Price: $ 1.32 Food Cost %:
Preparation Time:          
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Granny smith apple 0.25 Kg/Unit
White flour 0.125 Kg/Unit
Page 36 of 173
Lemon juice 0.001 Kg/Unit
Ground cinnamon 0.001 Kg/Unit
Rolled oats 0.02 Kg/Unit
Brown sugar 0.025 Kg/Unit
Butter 0.02 Kg/Unit
Salt 0.005

Standard recipe card

Name. • Sticky Date Pudding with butterscotch sauce
Selling Price: $ 25.00 Cost Price: $ 8.68 Food Cost %: 34%
Preparation Time:          
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Pitted dates 0.1 Kg/Unit
Baking/Bi card
soda 0.005 Kg/Unit
Lemon juice 0.001 Kg/Unit
Ground cinnamon 0.001 Kg/Unit
Baking power 0.01 Kg/Unit
Plain flour 0.185
Brown sugar 0.04 Kg/Unit
Butter 0.2 Kg/Unit
Salt 0.005

Standard recipe card

Name. • Seasonal Fruit Parfaits

Selling Price: $ 9.00 Cost Price: $ 2.41 Food Cost %: 27%
Preparation Time:          
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Strawberries, 0.1 Kg/Unit
Lemon juice 0.001 Kg/Unit
Page 37 of 173
Low fat plain
yoghurt 0.2 Kg/Unit

F. Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached
template “Yields” and calculate the net yields, and net costs.

Commodit Net Net Net Portion

y $/kg Trimming Yield/kg Cost/kg Portions/kg Cost
$ $
Beans $ 2.95 16% 0.84 3.42 10 0.34
$ $
Broccoli $ 4.85 24% 0.76 6.01 10 0.60
$ $
Steak $ 30.00 15% 0.85 34.50 3 11.50
$ $
Prawns $ 30.00 40% 0.6 42.00 50 0.84
$ $
Cheese $ 50.00 5% 0.95 52.50 500 0.11
$ $
Carrot $ 2.00 16% 0.84 2.32 0.1 23.20
$ $
Cauliflower $ 4.00 22% 0.78 4.88 0.1 48.80
$ $
Kohlrabi $ 5.00 32% 0.68 6.60 0.1 66.00
$ $
Spinach $ 10.60 18% 0.82 12.51 0.1 125.08
$ $
Onion $ 3.00 14% 0.86 3.42 0.05 68.40
$ $
Sirloin $ 17.00 26% 0.74 21.42 0.28 76.50
$ $
Pork $ 15.10 14% 0.86 17.21 0.25 68.86
$ $
Lamb $ 10.50 27% 0.73 13.34 0.25 53.34

Page 38 of 173
G. Finalise the standard recipe cards for each dish and cost each dish
based on a ‘per serve/per person’ price based on a food cost not
exceeding 34% for each dish – Adjust menu items accordingly.

Answer. Following recipe cards are based on per 1 person and food cost not
exceeding 34%

Recipe/menu card
Recipe Name: Chicken Caesar Salad
$ Cost $ Food Cost
Selling Price: 14.00 Price: 2.34 %: 17%
Time: 2 mins        
Ingredients Unit qty  Unit Quantity (1 service)  
Cos Lettuce 0.1 Kg/Unit 3.00
Bacon 0.05 Kg/Unit 20.00
Parmesan $
Cheese 0.001 Kg/Unit 26.00
Caesar Salad $
Dressing 0.01 Kg/Unit 9.10
Anchovies 0.001 Kg/Unit 50.00
Chicken 0.1 Kg/Unit 8.50
Croutons 0.01 Kg/Unit 2.00

Recipe/menu card

Page 39 of 173
Recipe Name: Grilled Haloumi & Avocado on Sourdough Bread
$ Cost $ 25
Selling Price: 12.00 Price: 2.97 Food Cost %: %

Ingredients Unit qty  Unit Qty (1 service)  

Sourdough Bread 0.1 Kg/Unit 12.00
Haloumi Cheese 0.05 Kg/Unit 25.00
Avocado 0.05 Kg/Unit 10.00
Butter 0.001 Kg/Unit 10.00
Salt & Pepper 0.001 Kg/Unit 10.00

Recipe/menu card

Recipe Name: Thai Style Satay Sticks

$ Cost $
Selling Price: 14.00 Price: 4.95 Food Cost %: 34%

Ingredients Unit qty  Unit Qty (1 service)  

$ $
Chicken Thigh 0.2 Kg/Unit 9.99 2.00
Satay Sauce $ $
Marinade 0.1 Kg/Unit 12.00 1.20
Peanut Dipping $ $
Sauce 0.1 Kg/Unit 15.00 1.50
$ $
Skewer Sticks 5 Kg/Unit 0.05 0.25

Page 40 of 173

Recipe Name: Coconut Curry Pumpkin Soup (Vegetarian)

$ Cost $ 25
Selling Price: 14.00 Price: 3.54 Food Cost %: %

Ingredients Unit qty  Unit Qty (1 service)  

$ $
Olive oil 0.005 Kg/Unit 20.00 0.10
$ $
Onion 0.1 Kg/Unit 2.00 0.20
$ $
Garlic 0.01 Kg/Unit 4.00 0.04
$ $
Vegetable stock 0.25 1.90 0.48
$ $
Coriander 0.25 1.50 0.38
$ $
Coconut milk 0.25 2.00 0.50
$ $
Ginger 0.01 25.00 0.25
$ $
Lemongrass stalk 1 1.00 1.00
Butternut $ $
pumpkin 0.4 Kg/Unit 1.50 0.60

Recipe/menu card

Recipe Name: •Lamb shank soup

Selling Price: $ 14.00 Cost Price: $ 6.04 Food Cost %: 34%
Page 41 of 173
Preparation Time:        

Ingredients Unit qty  Unit Qty (1 service)  

Olive oil 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 20.00 $ 0.10
Lamb shanks 0.25 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 2.50
Garlic 0.01 Kg/Unit $ 4.00 $ 0.04
Vegetable stock 0.25 $ 1.90 $ 0.48
Coriander 0.25 $ 1.50 $ 0.38
Coconut milk 0.25 $ 2.00 $ 0.50
Ginger 0.01 $ 25.00 $ 0.25
Carrots 0.1 $ 1.00 $ 0.10
celery 0.01 $ 10.00 $ 0.10
Lemongrass stalk 1 $ 1.00 $ 1.00
Butternut pumpkin 0.4 Kg/Unit $ 1.50 $ 0.60

Recipe/menu card

Recipe Name: •
soup • Vegetarian Moussaka (Vegetarian)
Selling Price: $ 20.00 Cost Price: $ 13.90 Food Cost 34 %:
Preparation Time:        

Ingredients Unit qty  Unit Qty (1 service)  

Egg plant 0.1 Kg/Unit $ 5.00 $ 0.50
Potato 0.1 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.30
Zucchini 0.1 $ 6.00 $ 0.60
Olive oil 0.5 $ 15.00 $ 7.50
extra $ 5.00
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

Page 42 of 173
Kg/Unit $ 13.90
Recipe/menu card

Recipe Name: •
soup •• Bangers and Mash
Selling Price: $ 22.00 Cost Price: $ 17.87 Food Cost 34%:
Preparation Time:        

Ingredients Unit qty  Unit Qty (1 service)  

vegetable oil 0.05 Kg/Unit $ 5.00 $ 0.25
onion 0.1 Kg/Unit $ 1.00 $ 0.10
Garlic cloves 0.01 $ 35.00 $ 0.35
Flour 0.05 $ 2.35 $ 0.12
extra $ 5.00
Beef stock 0.25 $ 30.00 $ 7.50
Potato 0.4 $ 2.00 $ 0.80
Peas 0.25 $ 3.00 $ 0.75
Extra $ 3.00
$ -

Kg/Unit $ 17.87
Recipe/ menu card
Name  Thai style grilled barramundi
$ Food Cost
Selling Price: $ 28.00 Cost Price: 15.87 32%:
Preparation Time:        

Ingredients Unit qty  Unit Qty (1 service)

$ $
Baramundi 0.282 Kg/Unit 20.00 5.64
$ $
Lime 0.01 Kg/Unit 100.00 1.00
$ $
Cilantro 0.01 Kg/Unit 400.00 4.00
$ $
Coconut milk 0.165 Kg/Unit 3.00 0.50
Page 43 of 173
$ $
Soy sauce 0.01 Kg/Unit 10.00 0.10
$ $
Garlic 0.02 Kg/Unit 35.00 0.70
$ $
Ginger 0.02 Kg/Unit 40.00 0.80
$ $
Jasmine rice 0.1 10.00 1.00
$ $
Shanghai bok choy 0.226 5.00 1.13
$ $
Chilli flakes 0.005 200.00 1.00

Recipe Name. • • Coconut Curry Pumpkin Soup (Vegetarian)

Selling Price: $ 12.00 Cost Price: $ 6.65 Food Cost 32 %:
Preparation Time:        

Ingredients Unit qty  Unit Qty (1 service)

Olive oil 0.01 Kg/Unit $ 15.00 $ 0.15
Small Onion 0.01 Kg/Unit $ 2.50 $ 0.03
Mild curry power 0.01 Kg/Unit $ 100.00 $ 1.00
Garam masala 0.001 Kg/Unit $ 200.00 $ 0.20
Vegetable stock 0.02 Kg/Unit $ 100.00 $ 2.00
Garlic 0.02 Kg/Unit $ 35.00 $ 0.70
Ginger 0.02 Kg/Unit $ 40.00 $ 0.80
Pumpkin 0.25 $ 7.00 $ 1.75
Salt 0.005 $ 4.00 $ 0.02
$ -
$ 6.65

Recipe/menu card

Recipe Name. Apple crumble

Selling Price: $ 12.00 Price: $ 1.32 Food Cost %: 11%

Page 44 of 173
Ingredients Unit qty  Unit Qty (1 service)  
Granny smith
apple 0.25 Kg/Unit $ 2.00 $ 0.50
White flour 0.125 Kg/Unit $ 2.50 $ 0.31
Lemon juice 0.001 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 0.01
Ground cinnamon 0.001 Kg/Unit $ 100.00 $ 0.10
Rolled oats 0.02 Kg/Unit $ 2.00 $ 0.04
Brown sugar 0.025 Kg/Unit $ 4.00 $ 0.10
Butter 0.02 Kg/Unit $ 12.00 $ 0.24
Salt 0.005 $ 4.00 $ 0.02
$ 1.32
$ 1.32

Recipe/menu card

Name. • Sticky Date Pudding with butterscotch sauce

Selling Price: $ 25.00 Cost Price: $ 8.68 Food Cost %: 34%
Preparation Time:          
Ingredients Unit qty  Unit Qty (1 service)  
90zPitted dates 0.1 Kg/Unit $ 24.00 $ 2.40
Baking/Bi card
soda 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 2.00 $ 0.01
Lemon juice 0.001 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 0.01
Ground cinnamon 0.001 Kg/Unit $ 100.00 $ 0.10
Baking power 0.01 Kg/Unit $ 2.50 $ 0.03
Plain flour 0.185 $ 3.00 $ 0.56
Brown sugar 0.04 Kg/Unit $ 4.00 $ 0.16
Butter 0.2 Kg/Unit $ 12.00 $ 2.40
Eggs $ 3.00
Salt 0.005 $ 4.00 $ 0.02
$ -
$ 8.68

Page 45 of 173
Recipe/menu card

Name. • Seasonal Fruit Parfaits

Selling Price: $ 9.00 Cost Price: $ 2.41 Food Cost %: 27%
Preparation Time:          
Ingredients Unit qty  Unit Qty (1 service)  
Strawberries, 0.1 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 1.00
Lemon juice 0.001 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 0.01
Low fat plain
yoghurt 0.2 Kg/Unit $ 7.00 $ 1.40
$ 2.41

H. Identify the dishes that feature best in terms of profitability.

Vegetarian Moussaka (Vegetarian) $20
Bangers and Mash $22

Is the best in terms of profitably, healthier, and tastiest menu?

I. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller than
size 12.

▪ Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner,

and true in its features and ingredients
▪ Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the s

Type of cuisine

Page 46 of 173
 Chicken Caesar Salad $14
 Grilled Haloumi & Avocado on Sourdough Bread (Vegetarian) $12

 Thai-style Satay Sticks with peanut dipping sauce $14

 Coconut Curry Pumpkin Soup (Vegetarian)
 Lamb shank soup
 Ginger soup

 Vegetarian Moussaka (Vegetarian)
 Bangers and Mash $22
 Thai Style Grilled Barramundi

 Apple Crumble $14
 Sticky Date Pudding with butterscotch sauce
 Seasonal Fruit Parfaits $9

J. Once implemented, obtain feedback for the success of the menu

using a method outlined in the task section above and attach the
feedback to this assessment marked “Menu 1”

Date Feedbacker Meal Complement Improvement

1july 2021 Ramadi Entrée Delicious. Reduce vinier
Caesar Salad Salad is sour.

Page 47 of 173
Grilled Helium
& Avocado on

Satay Sticks
with peanut
dipping sauce
1st July 2021 chaetal Soup Tender Reduce sugar
Coconut Curry
Pumpkin Soup Pumpkin soup
(Vegetarian) lit bit high sugar

Lamb shank
1st July 2021 Kamal Mani Dessert Cook perfectly
Apple Crumble

Sticky Date
Pudding with

Seasonal Fruit

Menu 1 assessment criteria S NS Comment

Element 1; identify customer requirement s
The type of customer relevant for the s
menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified s

Page 48 of 173
The menu types used in the establishment are s
The common popular items sold in the establishment s
are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the basis s
of comparison
Element 2: Plan menus
The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as s
per instruction relevant for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where s
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within one s
menu type provide variety and repetitions are avoided

The colours within dishes and in a menu, type are s

appealing Dishes within a menu type provide a variety
of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of different s

Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable nutritional s

balance according to Australian Healthy guidelines for
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the clientele s
identified in section
Element 3: Cost menus
Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card s
The yield test values are establishing in a yield test s
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and s
net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe card s
The correct formulas are used for each type of
The food cost for each dish does not exceed 34% s
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is s
All calculations are attached for reference as instructed s
for each menu type
Element 4: Write menu content
The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, creating s
interest Classical garnishes are used correctly
according to conventions (e.g., a

Wiener Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is s

used it must refer to pork/chicken Schnitzel “Vienna
Page 49 of 173
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly s
The correct culinary terms are used and explained s
where relevant the menu structure is correct in order

The print type/font is clearly legible s

Element 5: Evaluate menu success

The menu /dishes are evaluated using evaluation s

methods outlines in the instructions
The feedback is collated and attached the feedback is s
interpreted correctly

A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of the s

evaluation strategy

Customer surveys

Menu customer questionnaire and survey Please circle response 1 being poor and
5 being excellent.
Q1. The menu has a good variety of 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q2. The food is tasty and flavourful? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q3. The food is served hot and fresh? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q4The quality of food was? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q5What is your satisfaction with taste of Excellent
Q6What did you not like about our food Reduce sugar /Reduce vinegar
and service?
Q7if any comment please It’s marvellous. keep going forward make
Page 50 of 173
better and better.

Seeking staff suggestion for menu items

Staff name Menu item Staff suggestion

Rahami Entrée All menus are excellent
Chicken Caesar Salad this month. If something
Grilled Helium & Avocado on
wrong in future I can
Sourdough Bread
(Vegetarian)Thai-style Satay suggestion next
Sticks with peanut dipping sauce meeting.
Harvill Soup All menus are excellent
Coconut Curry Pumpkin Soup this month. If something
wrong in future I can
Lamb shank soup
suggestion next
Kanchan Magra Dessert All menus are excellent
Apple Crumble. Sticky Date this month. If something
Pudding with butterscotch sauce
wrong in future I can
Seasonal Fruit Parfaits suggestion next

1. Menu 2 – Plan a buffet menu.

1. Define the type of buffet theme or style you will plan, and include
suitable dishes typically included for such a buffet including
provisions for all courses in your buffet menu.


This buffet menu designed for Nepali community those who are living in
Australia. My aim is introduced to Nepal food to other Australian
community. Theme is best food test ever and enjoy
Per person-$31

Page 51 of 173
2.Timmure aloo.
2.jwanuko jhol
Main dish
1. Dal, Bhat, Chicken curry set.
2. Sekuwa.
3. Chatamari.

Name. Phulara
Selling Price: $ 1.50 Cost Price: $ 0.39 Food Cost %: 26%
Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Black lentil spilt 0.04 Kg/Unit $ 3.55 $ 0.14
Vegetable oil 0.06 Kg/Unit $ 4.00 $ 0.24
Tomato sauce 0.001 $ 6.00 $ 0.01
$ -
$ -
$ 0.39

1. Soak lentil for few hours or use lentil flour alternatively

2. Make paste of it using a blender

3. Heat oil in a frying pan

4. Spoon out the lentil paste

5. Deep fry it until golden brown

6. Remove from the oil and put on absorbent paper to soak extra oil hot with Badami
Dhania sauce

Page 52 of 173
Name. Timmere Aloo
Energy kcal/ 100 grams,
  9256, Protein%7.31        
Selling Cost $ Food 27
Price: $ 2.00 Price: 0.53 Cost %: %
Preparatio Servic
n Time: 20 min e 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Kg/Uni $
Potato 0.05 $1.77
t 0.09
Vegetable Kg/Uni $
0.001 $2.00
oil t 0.00
Onion Kg/Uni $
0.005 $3.00
chopped t 0.02
Ginger Kg/Uni $
0.005 $7.00
garlic paste t 0.04
Timur Kg/Uni $
0.004 $1.00
power t 0.00
Turmeric Kg/Uni $10.0 $
power t 0 0.05
Cumin Kg/Uni $10.0 $
Power t 0 0.01
Kg/Uni $10.0 $
Chilli power 0.005
t 0 0.05
Kg/Uni $20.0 $
Dry chilli 0.001
t 0 0.02
Kg/Uni $
Salt 0.005 $2.00
t 0.01
Coriander Kg/Uni $50.0 $
leaves t 0 0.25

1. Peel boiled potato, cut into cube and set aside

2. Heat the oil in a fry pan

3. Temper dry chili and reduce the heat

4. Add onion, ginger and garlic paste, turmeric, cumin, and chili powder, and Sauce for few seconds until
aroma comes from the spices

Page 53 of 173
5. Put potato in the spice and stir

6. Season it with salt and Timur and mix well

7. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot

Name. Quanti
Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  71.02 Protein% 6.66        
Selling Cost $ Cost 29
Price: $ 4.50 Price: 1.30 %: %
Preparation Servic
Time: 20 min e 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Mixed Kg/Uni $
0.05 $3.75
Beans t 0.19
Kg/Uni $
Ghee 0.005 $20.00
t 0.10
Kg/Uni $400.0 $
Bay leaf 0.001
t 0 0.40
Ginger Kg/Uni $
0.005 $7.00
garlic paste t 0.04
Coriander Kg/Uni $100.0 $
power t 0 0.20
Turmeric Kg/Uni $
0.005 $10.00
power t 0.05
Cumin Kg/Uni $
0.001 $10.00
Power t 0.01
Kg/Uni $
Chilli power 0.005 $10.00
t 0.05
Tomato Kg/Uni $
0.005 $2.00
chopped t 0.01
Kg/Uni $
Salt 0.005 $2.00
t 0.01
Coriander Kg/Uni $
0.005 $50.00
leaves t 0.25
Page 54 of 173
1. Remove any extra foreign particles from the beans and wash well

2. Put in a bowl and fill required fresh water to soak beans overnight

3. Pressure cooks until soft and tender

4. Heat the ghee in a soup pot and temper Janu and bay leaves

5. Add onion and saluté till light brown

6. Add ginger and garlic paste, turmeric, cumin, chili and coriander powder, and cook till aroma
comes from the spices but not burnt

7. Add chopped tomato and mix well

8. Pour water and add cooked beans, and stir well

9. Bring it to boil and reduce the heat, simmer for 15 to 20 minutes

10. Add salt to taste

11. Serve hot and garnish it with coriander le

Name. Jnana ko jhol

(Kcal/100 grams)
  47.63Protein% 2.60        
Selling Cost $ Food 29
Price: $ 2.00 Price: 0.58 Cost %: %
Preparation Servic
Time: 20 min e 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Janu 0.005 $3.75
Kg/Unit 0.02
$20.0 $
Ghee 0.005
Kg/Unit 0 0.10
Rice Flour 0.005 $4.00
Kg/Unit 0.02
Ginger garlic $
0.005 $7.00
paste Kg/Unit 0.04
$10.0 $
Ghee or oil 0.008
Kg/Unit 0 0.08
Turmeric 0.005 Kg/Unit $10.0 $
Page 55 of 173
power 0 0.05
$10.0 $
Timur 0.001
Kg/Unit 0 0.01
Salt 0.009 $2.00
Kg/Unit 0.02
Coriander $50.0 $
leaves Kg/Unit 0 0.25
Kg/Unit -
Kg/Unit -
Heat oil or ghee in a soup pot Temper Janu

2 tbsp 1 tbsp 2 tbsp 3 cups 1 tsp 1⁄4 tsp a pinch to taste

Add ginger garlic paste and turmeric, and fry in a low flame until aromatic flavour

Pour water and boil in a high flame

Add rice flour or rice paste and stir well

Add salt and Timur powder and cook until rice flour is cooked

Serve hot in a warm bowl as a soup

Name. Bhaat ,Daal and chicken set

Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  71.02Protein% 6.66        
Cost $ Food
Selling Price: $ 6.50 Price: 1.85 Cost %: 28%
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Rice Basmati 0.1 Kg/Unit
$4.00 0.40
$20.0 $
Ghee 0.005
Kg/Unit 0 0.10
Rice Flour 0.001 Kg/Unit $4.00 $
Page 56 of 173
Ginger garlic $
0.0058 $7.00
paste Kg/Unit 0.04
$10.0 $
Ghee or oil 0.005
Kg/Unit 0 0.05
$10.0 $
Turmeric power 0.005
Kg/Unit 0 0.05
Salt 0.005 Kg/Unit
$2.00 0.01
Coriander $50.0 $
leaves Kg/Unit 0 0.25
Mixed Daal 0.05 Kg/Unit
$5.00 0.25
Chicken 0.1 Kg/Unit
$7.00 0.70
Kg/Unit -
1. Cut everything and put separate bowl.
2. Cook in the gay’s oven or electric heater
3.Put separate bowl and serve.

Name. Chicken Sekuwa

Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  144.36Protein% 25.06        
Cost $ Food
Selling Price: $ 4.75 Price: 1.42 Cost %: 30%
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Price per
Ingredients Amount unit    
Chicken Kg/Uni $
0.1 $7.00
Boneless t 0.70
Kg/Uni $
Ghee 0.005 $20.00
t 0.10
Kg/Uni $
Rice Flour 0.008 $4.00
t 0.03
Ginger garlic Kg/Uni $
0.005 $7.00
paste t 0.04
Mustard oil 0.005 Kg/Uni $10.00 $
Page 57 of 173
t 0.05
Turmeric Kg/Uni $
0.005 $10.00
power t 0.05
Kg/Uni $
Salt 0.005 $2.00
t 0.01
Coriander Kg/Uni $
0.005 $50.00
leaves t 0.25
Cumin power 0.005 $10.00 0.05
Garam masala 0.006 $10.00 0.06
Lemon Juice 0.005 $10.00 0.05
Bamboo stick 0.005 $2.00 0.01
Yogurt 0.009 $3.00 0.03
 . Remove any excess fat and skin from the chicken Cut into 1-inch cubes and put
in a mixing bowl

 Add all the remaining ingredients and add to the chicken

 Keep in the refrigerator for about 2 hours to marinate

 Skewer in the bamboo stick 5 to 6 pieces of chicken a stick

 Directly grill it on charcoal fire

 Baste with oil on the chicken during cooking process to prevent from drying

 Serve hot two sticks per portion with salad and other suitable snacks like rice,
puffed rice, or beaten rice etc.

Name. Chatamari
Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  137.77Protein% 7.95        
Cost $ Food
Selling Price: $ 1.60 Price: 0.46 Cost %: 29%
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Rice Flour 0.05 Kg/Unit $4.00 $
Page 58 of 173
$10.0 $
Mustard oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
0 0.05
Mixed $
0.1 Kg/Unit $2.00
vegetable 0.20
Eggs 0.001 Kg/Unit $6.00 0.01
Kg/Unit -
Kg/Unit -
 Mix rice flour and water in a bowl to make a smooth batter

 Heat iron pan on the stove

 Pour approximately 60-70 ml batter on the pan and spread it

 Cover with lid and cook 4-5 minutes until well done

 Serve with curry-based meat or vegetable and Telco Chop

Name. Yomari
Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  247.48Protein% 6.8        
Cost $ Food 30
Selling Price: $ 4.50 Price: 1.34 Cost %: %
Preparation Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Kg/Uni $
Rice Flour 0.005 $4.00
t 0.02
Kg/Uni $10.0 $
Mustard oil 0.005
t 0 0.05
Black strap Kg/Uni $
0.005 $2.00
molasses’s t 0.01
Kg/Uni $
Sesame seeds 0.001 $6.00
t 0.01
Kg/Uni $
Coconut granted 0.005 10
t 0.05
Khuwa Raw Kg/Uni $10.0 $
sugar t 0 1.20
Page 59 of 173
1. Boil molasses in a pan with little water

2. Add crushed sesame seeds and coconut and mix well

3. Make as a medium thick consistency and keep aside

4. Put the rice flour in a mixing bowl

5. Add oil and boiled water and knead it well

6. Cover with dry tea cloth for about 5 minutes

7. Take half a handful of dough

8. Make oval shape and start making shapes of Yomari

9. Try it several times until you make a cone-like shape

10. Fill molasses mixture in the cone and slowly close it in the shape of Yomari i.e., conch shape with
pointed end

11. Arrange in a perforated container and steam with tightly fitting lid on
12. 12.Steam approximately 15-20 minutes or until well cooked

Name. Nepali Kheer

Energy (Kcal/100
$ Food
Selling Price: $ 3.60 Cost Price: 1.07 Cost %: 30%
Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Rice Basmati 0.051 Kg/Unit $4.00 0.20
Milk 0.06 Kg/Unit $3.00 0.18
Sugar 0.005 Kg/Unit $10.00 0.05
Almond 0.005 Kg/Unit $25.00 0.13
Cardamom 0.001 Kg/Unit 10 0.01
Cinnamon 0.005 Kg/Unit $10.00 0.05
Black paper $
0.005 Kg/Unit $10.00
power 0.05

Page 60 of 173
$100.0 $
Nutmeg 0.001
0 0.10
$300.0 $
Saffron 0.001
0 0.30
 Bring the milk to boil in a saucepan

 1 pinch few strands

 Reduce the flame and continue boiling it for 5 minutes while stirring

 Add rice and stir for a while to prevent from sticking of the rice

 Cook rice until it becomes soft and smooth

 Add sugar, saffron and almond when it starts thickening

 Add nutmeg, cardamom and black pepper powder

 Ready to serve hot or cold

B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the
courses offered including the following:

Colours All dishes have own shiny and bright

Cooking method Every dish has individual cooking method
Delicacies It’s wonderful delicacies fantastic
Flavours All dishes and course are its own flavour
Nutritional values It’s under law nutritional value in each dish
Presentation Presentation is correct and order as much as possible
Seasonally All dishes have seasonally available ingredient.
Tastes All dishes have its own taste
Textures All dishes have each own texture and feeling

C. Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your
chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain feedback. Document what the

Page 61 of 173
feedback entailed and what you will change as a result. Attach this draft
and comments to this assessment marked “Menu 2”

Menu Chef colleagues Trainer Visitor Feedback

Entrée Tasted and perfect tasty Excellent Feedback
1.Phaulara. perfect form, email
2.Timmure Aloo. and after
having food
about food
direct face
to face
Soup Tasted and perfect tasty Excellent Feedback
1.Quanti. perfect form, email
2.jwanuko jhol and after
having food
about food
direct face
to face
Main Tasted and perfect tasty Excellent Feedback
Sekuwa. perfect form, email
1. Chatamari. and after
having food
2. Dal, Bhat, talking
Chicken about food
curry set. direct face
to face

Dessert Yomari is Yomari is bit Yomari is tasty Feedback

1.Yomari bit sugar sugar bit sugar form, email
2.Kheer and after
having food
about food
direct face
to face

I have desire to change Yomari. In future I have plan to put Indian Rajbari
instead of Omari

D. Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients
and required quantities.

Page 62 of 173
Name. Phulara
Selling Price: $ 1.50 Cost Price: $ 0.39 Food Cost %: 26%
Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Black lentil spilt 0.04 Kg/Unit
Vegetable oil 0.06 Kg/Unit
Tomato sauce 0.001

Name. Timmere Aloo

Energy kcal/ 100 grams,
  9256, Protein%7.31        
Selling Cost 0.5 Food 27
Price: $ 2.00 Price: 3 Cost %: %
Preparatio Per
n Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit  
Potato 0.05 Kg/Unit
oil Kg/Unit
chopped Kg/Unit
garlic paste Kg/Unit
power Kg/Unit
power Kg/Unit
Power Kg/Unit

Page 63 of 173
Chilli power 0.005 Kg/Unit
Dry chilli 0.001 Kg/Unit
Salt 0.005 Kg/Unit
leaves Kg/Unit

Name. Quanti
Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  71.02 Protein% 6.66        
Selling Cost $ Cost
Price: $ 4.50 Price: 1.30 %: 29%
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit  
Beans Kg/Unit
Ghee 0.005 Kg/Unit
Bay leaf 0.001 Kg/Unit
garlic paste Kg/Unit
power Kg/Unit
power Kg/Unit
Power Kg/Unit
Chilli power 0.005 Kg/Unit
chopped Kg/Unit
Salt 0.005 Kg/Unit
leaves Kg/Unit

Page 64 of 173
Name. Jnana ko jhol
(Kcal/100 grams)
  47.63Protein% 2.60        
Selling Cost $ Food 29
Price: $ 2.00 Price: 0.58 Cost %: %
Preparation Servic
Time: 20 min e 1    
Ingredients Qty unit  
Janu 0.005 Kg/Unit
Ghee 0.005 Kg/Unit
Rice Flour 0.005 Kg/Unit
Ginger garlic
paste Kg/Unit
Ghee or oil 0.008 Kg/Unit
power Kg/Unit
Timur 0.001 Kg/Unit
Salt 0.009 Kg/Unit
leaves Kg/Unit

Name. Bhaat, Daal and chicken set

Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  71.02Protein% 6.66        
Cost $ Food
Selling Price: $ 6.50 Price: 1.85 Cost %: 28%
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit  
Page 65 of 173
Rice Basmati 0.1 Kg/Unit
Ghee 0.005 Kg/Unit
Rice Flour 0.001 Kg/Unit
Ginger garlic
paste Kg/Unit
Ghee or oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
Turmeric power 0.005 Kg/Unit
Salt 0.005 Kg/Unit
leaves Kg/Unit
Mixed Daal 0.05 Kg/Unit
Chicken 0.1 Kg/Unit

Name. Chicken Sekuwa

Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  144.36Protein% 25.06        
$ Food
Selling Price: $ 4.75 Cost Price: 1.42 Cost %: 30%
Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit Code    
0.1 Kg/Unit
Ghee 0.005 Kg/Unit
Rice Flour 0.008 Kg/Unit
Ginger garlic
0.005 Kg/Unit
Mustard oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
0.005 Kg/Unit
Salt 0.005 Kg/Unit
0.005 Kg/Unit
Cumin power 0.005
Garam masala 0.006
Lemon Juice 0.005
Bamboo stick 0.005
Page 66 of 173
Yogurt 0.009

Name. Chatamari
Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  137.77Protein% 7.95        
Cost $ Food
Selling Price: $ 1.60 Price: 0.46 Cost %: 29%
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit  
Rice Flour 0.05 Kg/Unit
Mustard oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
0.1 Kg/Unit
Eggs 0.001 Kg/Unit

Name. Yomari
Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  247.48Protein% 6.8        
Cost $ Food
Selling Price: $ 4.50 Price: 1.34 Cost %: 30%
Preparation Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Qty Unit  
Rice Flour 0.005
Mustard oil 0.005
Black strap Kg/Uni
molasses’s t
Sesame seeds 0.001
Coconut granted 0.005
Khuwa Raw 0.12 Kg/Uni
Page 67 of 173
sugar t

Name. Nepali Kheer

Energy (Kcal/100
$ Food
Selling Price: $ 3.60 Cost Price: 1.07 Cost %: 30%
Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit unit Code  
Rice Basmati 0.051 Kg/Unit
Milk 0.06 Kg/Unit
Sugar 0.005 Kg/Unit
Almond 0.005 Kg/Unit
Cardamom 0.001 Kg/Unit
Cinnamon 0.005 Kg/Unit
Black paper
0.005 Kg/Unit
Nutmeg 0.001
Saffron 0.001

Page 68 of 173
E. Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached
template “Yields” and calculate the net yields, and net costs.

Commodit Net Net Portions/k Net Portion

y $/kg Trimming Yield/kg Cost/kg g Cost
$ $ $
Beans 2.95 16% 0.84 3.42 10 0.34
$ $ $
Broccoli 4.85 24% 0.76 6.01 10 0.60
$ $ $
Steak 30.00 15% 0.85 34.50 3 11.50
$ $ $
Prawns 30.00 40% 0.6 42.00 50 0.84
$ $ $
Cheese 50.00 5% 0.95 52.50 500 0.11
$ $ $
Carrot 2.00 16% 0.84 2.32 0.1 23.20
$ $ $
Cauliflower 4.00 22% 0.78 4.88 0.1 48.80
$ $ $
Kohlrabi 5.00 32% 0.68 6.60 0.1 66.00
$ $ $
Spiniach 10.60 18% 0.82 12.51 0.1 125.08
$ $ $
Onion 3.00 14% 0.86 3.42 0.05 68.40
$ $ $
Sirloin 17.00 26% 0.74 21.42 0.28 76.50
$ $ $
Pork 15.10 14% 0.86 17.21 0.25 68.86
$ $ $
Lamb 10.50 27% 0.73 13.34 0.25 53.34
$ $
Potato 2.00 15% 0.85 2.30 5 $ 0.46
Page 69 of 173
$ $
Chicken 7.00 30% 0.7 9.10 0.25 $ 36.40

F. Finalise the standard recipe cards for each dish and cost each dish.
The food cost for this buffet must not exceed 30%. The cost per person
need to fit the profile of your establishment you have identified in
Question 1 of this assessment.


Name. Phulara
Selling Price: $ 1.50 Cost Price: $ 0.39 Food Cost %: 26%
Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Black lentil spilt 0.04 Kg/Unit $ 3.55 $ 0.14
Vegetable oil 0.06 Kg/Unit $ 4.00 $ 0.24
Tomato sauce 0.001 $ 6.00 $ 0.01
$ -
$ -
$ 0.39

Name. Timmere Aloo

Energy kcal/ 100 grams,
  9256, Protein%7.31        
Selling Cost $ Food 27
Price: $ 2.00 Price: 0.53 Cost %: %
Preparatio Servic
n Time: 20 min e 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Kg/Uni $
Potato 0.05 $1.77
t 0.09
Vegetable Kg/Uni $
0.001 $2.00
oil t 0.00
Onion 0.005 Kg/Uni $3.00 $
Page 70 of 173
chopped t 0.02
Ginger Kg/Uni $
0.005 $7.00
garlic paste t 0.04
Timur Kg/Uni $
0.004 $1.00
power t 0.00
Turmeric Kg/Uni $10.0 $
power t 0 0.05
Cumin Kg/Uni $10.0 $
Power t 0 0.01
Kg/Uni $10.0 $
Chilli power 0.005
t 0 0.05
Kg/Uni $20.0 $
Dry chilli 0.001
t 0 0.02
Kg/Uni $
Salt 0.005 $2.00
t 0.01
Coriander Kg/Uni $50.0 $
leaves t 0 0.25

Name. Quanti
Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  71.02 Protein% 6.66        
Selling Cost $ Cost
Price: $ 4.50 Price: 1.30 %: 29%
Preparation Servic
Time: 20 min e 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Mixed $
0.05 $3.75
Beans Kg/Unit 0.19
Ghee 0.005 $20.00
Kg/Unit 0.10
Bay leaf 0.001 $400.00
Kg/Unit 0.40
Ginger garlic 0.005 Kg/Unit $7.00 $
Page 71 of 173
paste 0.04
Coriander $
0.002 $100.00
power Kg/Unit 0.20
Turmeric $
0.005 $10.00
power Kg/Unit 0.05
Cumin $
0.001 $10.00
Power Kg/Unit 0.01
Chilli power 0.005 $10.00
Kg/Unit 0.05
Tomato $
0.005 $2.00
chopped Kg/Unit 0.01
Salt 0.005 $2.00
Kg/Unit 0.01
Coriander $
0.005 $50.00
leaves Kg/Unit 0.25

Name. Jnana ko jhol

(Kcal/100 grams)
  47.63Protein% 2.60        
Selling Cost $ Food 29
Price: $ 2.00 Price: 0.58 Cost %: %
Preparation Servic
Time: 20 min e 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Janu 0.005 $3.75
Kg/Unit 0.02
$20.0 $
Ghee 0.005
Kg/Unit 0 0.10
Rice Flour 0.005 $4.00
Kg/Unit 0.02
Ginger garlic $
0.005 $7.00
paste Kg/Unit 0.04
Page 72 of 173
$10.0 $
Ghee or oil 0.008
Kg/Unit 0 0.08
Turmeric $10.0 $
power Kg/Unit 0 0.05
$10.0 $
Timur 0.001
Kg/Unit 0 0.01
Salt 0.009 $2.00
Kg/Unit 0.02
Coriander $50.0 $
leaves Kg/Unit 0 0.25
Kg/Unit -
Kg/Unit -

Name. Bhaat ,Daal and chicken set

Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  71.02Protein% 6.66        
Cost $ Food
Selling Price: $ 6.50 Price: 1.85 Cost %: 28%
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Rice Basmati 0.1 Kg/Unit
$4.00 0.40
$20.0 $
Ghee 0.005
Kg/Unit 0 0.10
Rice Flour 0.001 Kg/Unit
$4.00 0.00
Ginger garlic $
0.0058 $7.00
paste Kg/Unit 0.04
$10.0 $
Ghee or oil 0.005
Kg/Unit 0 0.05
Turmeric power 0.005 Kg/Unit $10.0 $
Page 73 of 173
0 0.05
Salt 0.005 Kg/Unit
$2.00 0.01
Coriander $50.0 $
leaves Kg/Unit 0 0.25
Mixed Daal 0.05 Kg/Unit
$5.00 0.25
Chicken 0.1 Kg/Unit
$7.00 0.70
Kg/Unit -

Name. Chicken Sekuwa

Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  144.36Protein% 25.06        
Cost $ Food
Selling Price: $ 4.75 Price: 1.42 Cost %: 30%
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Price per
Ingredients Amount unit    
Chicken Kg/Uni $
0.1 $7.00
Boneless t 0.70
Kg/Uni $
Ghee 0.005 $20.00
t 0.10
Kg/Uni $
Rice Flour 0.008 $4.00
t 0.03
Ginger garlic Kg/Uni $
0.005 $7.00
paste t 0.04
Kg/Uni $
Mustard oil 0.005 $10.00
t 0.05
Page 74 of 173
Turmeric Kg/Uni $
0.005 $10.00
power t 0.05
Kg/Uni $
Salt 0.005 $2.00
t 0.01
Coriander Kg/Uni $
0.005 $50.00
leaves t 0.25
Cumin power 0.005 $10.00 0.05
Garam masala 0.006 $10.00 0.06
Lemon Juice 0.005 $10.00 0.05
Bamboo stick 0.005 $2.00 0.01
Yogurt 0.009 $3.00 0.03

Name. Chatamari
Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  137.77Protein% 7.95        
Cost $ Food
Selling Price: $ 1.60 Price: 0.46 Cost %: 29%
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Rice Flour 0.05 Kg/Unit $4.00 0.20
$10.0 $
Mustard oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
0 0.05
Mixed $
0.1 Kg/Unit $2.00
vegetable 0.20
Eggs 0.001 Kg/Unit $6.00 0.01
Kg/Unit -
Kg/Unit -
Page 75 of 173

Name. Yomari
Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  247.48Protein% 6.8        
Cost $ Food
Selling Price: $ 4.50 Price: 1.34 Cost %: 30%
Preparation Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Kg/Uni $
Rice Flour 0.005 $4.00
t 0.02
Kg/Uni $10.0 $
Mustard oil 0.005
t 0 0.05
Black strap Kg/Uni $
0.005 $2.00
molasses’s t 0.01
Kg/Uni $
Sesame seeds 0.001 $6.00
t 0.01
Kg/Uni $
Coconut granted 0.005 10
t 0.05
Khuwa Raw Kg/Uni $10.0 $
sugar t 0 1.20

Name. Nepali Kheer

Energy (Kcal/100
$ Food
Selling Price: $ 3.60 Cost Price: 1.07 Cost %: 30%
Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Rice Basmati 0.051 Kg/Unit $4.00 0.20
Milk 0.06 Kg/Unit $3.00 0.18
Sugar 0.005 Kg/Unit $10.00 0.05
Almond 0.005 Kg/Unit $25.00 $
Page 76 of 173
Cardamom 0.001 Kg/Unit 10 0.01
Cinnamon 0.005 Kg/Unit $10.00 0.05
Black paper $
0.005 Kg/Unit $10.00
power 0.05
$100.0 $
Nutmeg 0.001
0 0.10
$300.0 $
Saffron 0.001
0 0.30

G. Identify the dishes that feature best in terms of profitability.

Answer. Chatamari is the best feature and profitable dish in my menu.

Name. Chatamari
Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  137.77Protein% 7.95        
Cost $ Food
Selling Price: $ 1.60 Price: 0.46 Cost %: 29%
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Rice Flour 0.05 Kg/Unit $4.00 0.20
$10.0 $
Mustard oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
0 0.05
Mixed $
0.1 Kg/Unit $2.00
vegetable 0.20
Eggs 0.001 Kg/Unit $6.00 0.01
Kg/Unit -
Kg/Unit -
Page 77 of 173

H. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller

than size 12.
▪ Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner,
and true in its

features and ingredients

▪ Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the
style of cuisine

Buffet menu Per person-$31

Page 78 of 173
2.Timmure aloo.
2.jwanuko jhol
Main dish
Dal, Bhat, Chicken curry set.

I. Once implemented, obtain feedback for the success of the menu

using a method outlined in the task section above and attach the
feedback to this assessment marked “Menu 2”

Date Feedbacker Meal Complement Improvement

1july 2021 Ramadi Entrée excellent

1st July 2021 chaetal Soup Tender Reduce sugar


2.jwanuko j
1st July 2021 Kamal Mani Main dish Cook perfectly
1.Dal, Bhat,
Chicken curry
Page 79 of 173

1st July 2021 Harkle Dessert Yomari is too Reduce sugar

1.Yomari sugar

J. Which dishes were most popular? Which dishes would you

remove from the buffet in future – for which reasons?

Answer. Dal, baht and chicken curry set is the most popular. Yomari
dish will remove from my menu in future. Because of this dish it was
complain by many people.

Menu 2 assessment criteria S NS Comment

Element 1; identify customer requirement s
The type of customer relevant for the s
menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified s
The menu types used in the establishment are s
The common popular items sold in the establishment s
are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the basis s
of comparison
Element 2: Plan menus
The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as s
per instruction relevant for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where s
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within one s
menu type provide variety and repetitions are avoided

The colours within dishes and in a menu, type are s

appealing Dishes within a menu type provide a variety
of tastes
Page 80 of 173
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of different s

Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable nutritional s

balance according to Australian Healthy guidelines for
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the clientele s
identified in section
Element 3: Cost menus
Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card s
The yield test values are establishing in a yield test s
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and s
net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe card s
The correct formulas are used for each type of
The food cost for each dish does not exceed 34% s
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is s
All calculations are attached for reference as instructed s
for each menu type
Element 4: Write menu content
The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, creating s
interest Classical garnishes are used correctly
according to conventions (e.g., a

Wiener Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is s

used it must refer to pork/chicken Schnitzel “Vienna
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly s
The correct culinary terms are used and explained s
where relevant the menu structure is correct in order

The print type/font is clearly legible s

Element 5: Evaluate menu success

The menu /dishes are evaluated using evaluation s

methods outlines in the instructions
The feedback is collated and attached the feedback is s
interpreted correctly

A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of the s

evaluation strategy

Customer surveys
Page 81 of 173
Menu customer questionnaire and survey Please circle response 1 being poor and
5 being excellent.
Q1. The menu has a good variety of 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q2. The food is tasty and flavourful? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q3. The food is served hot and fresh? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q4The quality of food was? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q5What is your satisfaction with taste of Excellent
Q6What did you not like about our food Reduce sugar
and service?
Q7if any comment please It’s excellent. keep cook and serve

Seeking staff suggestion for menu items

Staff name Menu item Staff suggestion

Rahami Entrée All menus are excellent
1.Phaulara this month. If something
2.Timmure aloo wrong in future I can
suggestion next
Harvill Soup All menus are excellent
1.Quanti this month. If something
2.jwanuko j wrong in future I can
suggestion next
Kanchan Magra Main dish All menus are excellent
1.Dal, Bhat, Chicken curry set. this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next

2. Menu 3 – Plan a cyclical menu.

A. Plan a cyclical menu to run over 1 week, lunch or dinner to cater for
participants of a 1-week HACCP seminar with a company next door. The
menu must include 3 courses at a set price of $25.00 per person and a
food cost not exceeding 32%. The seminar is of a duration of 1 week
Monday to Friday and is held consecutively over 2 months.

HACCP seminar lunch for 2 months

Page 82 of 173
Cyclical menu Per person-$25/Not exceeding food cost 32%
Monday Entrée-Broccoli Tikki, Aloo Pakora
Main-Thari Wala chicken, Lamb damask
Dessert-Doughnuts with spiced filling, Vegetable mix
Tuesday Entree -Broccoli Tikki, Aloo Pakora
Main-Thari Wala chicken, Lamb damask
Dessert-Doughnuts with spiced filling, Mixed fruit
Wednesday Entrée- Broccoli Tikki, Aloo Pakora
Main- Thari Wala chicken, Lamb damask
Dessert-Doughnuts with spiced filling, Vegetable mix

Thursday Entree -Broccoli Tikki, Aloo Pakora

Main-Thari Wala chicken, Lamb damask
Dessert-Doughnuts with spiced filling, Vegetable mix

Friday Entrée- Broccoli Tikki, Aloo Pakora

Main-Thari Wala chicken, Lamb damask

Saturday Entrée- Broccoli Tikki, Aloo Pakora

Main-Thari Wala chicken, Lamb damask
Dessert-Doughnuts with spiced filling, Vegetable mix

Name. Broccoli Tikki

$ Food Cost
Selling Price: $ 4.25 Cost Price: 1.34 %: 32%
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Broccoli 0.1 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.30
Vegetable oil 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Cumin seed 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Coriander seed 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02

Page 83 of 173
Salt 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Green chillies 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Turmeric 0.005 Kg/Unit 50.00 $ 0.25
Chat masala 0.005 50.00 $ 0.25
Spring onion 0.005 10.00 $ 0.05
Fresh coriander 0.041 10.00 $ 0.41
Place potatoes with the skin on into a pan and cover with cold water and bring to the boil. Reduce the
heat and leave to cook gently until soft.
Heat a frying pan and toast the cumin and coriander seeds until they become fragrant, remove and set
to one side to cool then grind to a powder.
Heat a large frying pan and add 1 tbsp oil add the shredded broccoli. Toss to start it cooking and add
the coriander and cumin powder.
Once the broccoli has softened (about 6-7 minutes), remove the mixture from the heat and leave to
Add some of the potatoes in and mix it all together add more potatoes until the mixture has combined.
Wet your hands, to stop the mixture sticking to your fingers and take a ball mixture.
Heat a frying pan or tava and place the tikki on for 2-3 minutes until they turn a lovely brown colour.

Name. Aloo Pakora

$ Cost $ Food Cost
Selling Price: 6.50 Price: 1.99 %: 31%
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Potato 0.1 Kg/Unit 2.00 $ 0.11
Flour 0.1 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.30
Salt 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Carom seed 0.005 Kg/Unit 100.00 $ 0.50
Cumin seeds 0.002 Kg/Unit 100.00 $ 0.20
Ginger 0.005 Kg/Unit 10.00 $ 0.05
Chilli power 0.005 Kg/Unit 10.00 $ 0.05
Garam masala 0.005 Kg/Unit $ $ 0.50
Page 84 of 173
Coriander seed 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Chat masala 0.005 50.00 $ 0.25
$ -
$ 1.99

1. Mix all the dry ingredients with water and check the seasoning, adjust if

2. Peel and slice the potatoes thinly in rounds.

3. Heat oil for frying in a kadam or pan.

4. Dip each potato, slice in the batter and place it gently in hot oil - fry aloo
pakoras until they are golden and crisp.

5. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels to remove

excess oil.

6. Repeat with the remaining aloo, cooking in batches. 

7. Sprinkle with some chat masala powder and serve with a mint chutney.

Name.Thari Wala chicken

Selling Price: 4.50 Cost Price: $ 1.45 Food Cost %: 32%
Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Oil 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 20.00 $ 0.10
Onion 0.05 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.15
Garlic 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 7.00 $ 0.04
Tomato’s 0.1 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.30
Ginger 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 0.05
salt 0.002 Kg/Unit $ 2.00 $ 0.00
Turmeric 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 0.05
Chilli 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.02
Garam masala 0.005 $ 100.00 $ 0.50
Coriander leaves 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 50.00 $ 0.25

Page 85 of 173
$ -
$ 1.45
 Skin the chicken, removing any excess fat.

 Heat oil in a pan and add the onion and garlic. Fry on a high heat for a few minutes then reduce the heat
and cook gently for about 20 minutes until they turn a lovely dark golden brown. If they stick to the bottom
of the pan reduce the heat and add a dash of hot water as and when required.

 Once browned add the tinned tomatoes, ginger, salt, turmeric, coriander stalks and chopped chilli.
Increase the heat to high.

 Let the onions and tomatoes melt together creating a thick aromatic masala paste. This will take about 5-
10 minutes so be patient! Once the paste is shiny and thick add the chicken pieces and stir to coat.

 Turn the heat up and fry the chicken for 5 minutes.

 Reduce the heat to the lowest setting and put the lid on the pan. Leave to cook for 20 - 25 minutes until
the chicken is cooked and the meat is starting to fall away from the bone.

 Once cooked, add enough boiling water to just cover the chicken and cook for another few minutes then
remove from the heat.

 Stir in the garam masala, throw in the coriander and serve.

Name. Lamb Damask

Selling Price: 8.00 Cost Price: $ 2.44 Food Cost %: 31%
Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Toor Dhal split 0.06 Kg/Unit $ 3.60 $ 0.22
Masoor dal split 0.06 Kg/Unit $ 4.00 $ 0.24
Pumpkin 0.25 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.75
Onion 0.05 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.15
Mint leaves 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 0.05
Cumin seeds 0.002 Kg/Unit $ 100.00 $ 0.20
Coriander seed 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.02
Carom seed 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 100.00 $ 0.50
Fenugreek leaves 0.005 $ 14.00 $ 0.07
Coriander leaves 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 50.00 $ 0.25
$ -
$ -
$ 2.44
1. Put all the lentils, vegetables, onions and mint into a pan with 1L of water and some salt. Bring
Page 86 of 173
this to the boil and leave to simmer for 20 minutes until the lentils have cooked through.

2. Place all the dry spices into a spice grinder and blend to a fine powder.

1. Place this powder into a blender with the garlic, ginger and chillies and grind to make an
aromatic paste. Add a splash of water to loosen if require

1. Heat the oil and start to fry the diced onions until they are golden brown (approx. 20 minutes).

2. Once the onions are browned add the spice paste along with the turmeric and fry for a few
minutes until golden.

3. Add the tomatoes and tamarind then stir for about 5 minutes until the masala is thick and

4. On a high heat, stir in the lamb and coat with the masala. After about 5 minutes add the cooked
lentil mixture and leave this to simmer on a low heat for about 30-40 minutes. Make sure you
stir occasionally as this can catch the bottom of the pan.

5. Once the meat is tender check the seasoning and adjust if required.

6. Throw in the fresh coriander to serve.

Name. Doughnuts with spiced fillings

Selling Price: 2.50 Cost Price: $ 0.76 Food Cost %: 30%
Preparation Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
yeast 0.002 Kg/Unit $ 70.00 $ 0.14
Caster sugar 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 5.00 $ 0.03
plain flour 0.01 Kg/Unit $ 1.00 $ 0.01
Salt 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.02
Butter 0.05 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 0.50
Free rang egg 0.001 Kg/Unit $ 50.00 $ 0.05
Vegetable oil 0.01 Kg/Unit $ 2.00 $ 0.02
$ -
$ 0.76
1. Mix the yeast with half a teaspoon of the sugar and two tablespoons of the warm milk. Place in
a warm place to rest for 15 minutes, or until frothy.

2. Into the bowl of your stand mixer sift the flour, salt and one tablespoon of the sugar. Pour in the
yeast mix, the melted butter and the egg.

3. Start the mixer on low and pour in the milk until it has all combined and you are left with a
dough. You make not need all the milk.

4. Cover the bowl and leave to stand for I hour, or until the dough has doubled in size.

Page 87 of 173
5. On a floured work surface, knead the dough.

6. Roll out so it's about 1 inch thick then with a cutter cut out as may circles as you can get.

7. Place these on some floured parchment paper cover with a clean tea towel and leave to rise
for 30 minutes.

8. Heat the oil in a deep pan until it reaches 170-180°C (ensure it returns to this temperature in-
between cooking).

9. Gently lower the circles one at a time into the hot oil, in batches of two and fry for 3-5 minutes
or until golden-brown, and then carefully turn over. Remove from the hot oil with a slotted
spoon and place in the bowl with your vanilla sugar. Sprinkle it all over.

10. Make a small slit in the doughnut with the chopstick and fill with the filling of your choice either
with a syringe or piping bag.

1. Mix all the ingredients and set to one side.


Cardamom & Vanilla Custard

1. Place the vanilla, cardamom, egg yolks and 65g caster sugar in a bowl and mix for a few
seconds, then sift in the flour and mix again.

2. In a saucepan, slowly bring the milk just to the boil over a gentle heat. Pour the hot milk over
the yolk mixture, whisking continuously so it doesn’t curdle and return the mixture to the
saucepan. Cook gently over a medium heat, whisking constantly for about 2-3 minutes, until
very thick. Sieve the custard into a bowl. Cover the surface of the custard with cling film to
prevent a skin forming. Leave to cool, then refrigerate. Whip the cream and the 2 tbsp sugar
together until thick then fold into the chilled custard.

Cinnamon  & Chocolate Cream

1. In a medium sauté pan, whisk together egg yolks, sugar, corn flour, cocoa powder, and salt.
The mixture will be thick.

2. Slowly whisk in the milk. Place pan over medium low heat and slowly heat. Stir near constantly
so that the milk does not burn, and the eggs do not cook.

3. When mixture just comes to a boil it will quickly begin to thicken. Remove from heat and
continue whisking until thick and smooth.

4. Add chocolate, butter, and vanilla extract and stir until all melted and well incorporated.

5. Transfer hot pastry cream to a small bowl and cover with plastic wrap so the plastic wrap
touches the surface of the cream. Chill for about 2 hours.

Page 88 of 173
Raspberry & Ginger Jam

1. Mix the raspberries and sugar in a big pan with the grated the ginger and squeeze in the lemon
juice in and mix.

2. Let the jam boil on a medium heat, stir and reduce the heat to a minimum. Cook the jam for
about 30mins-1 hour the leave it too cool - makes approx. 175ml

B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the
courses offered including the following:

Colours All dishes have own shiny and bright

Cooking method Every dish has individual cooking method
Delicacies It’s wonderful delicacies fantastic
Flavours All dishes and course are its own flavour
Nutritional values It’s under law nutritional value in each dish
Presentation Presentation is correct and order as much as possible
Seasonally All dishes have seasonally available ingredient.
Tastes All dishes have its own taste
Textures All dishes have each own texture and feeling

C. Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your
chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain feedback. Document what the
feedback entailed and what you will change as a result. Attach this draft
and comments to this assessment marked “Menu 3”


Menu Chef colleagues Trainer Visitor Feedback

Entrée-Broccoli Tasted and perfect tasty Excellent Feedback
Tikki, Aloo perfect form, email
Pakora and after
having food
Page 89 of 173
about food
direct face
to face
Main-Thari Wala Tasted and perfect tasty Excellent Feedback
chicken, Lamb perfect form, email
damask and after
having food
about food
direct face
to face
Dessert- Tasted and perfect tasty Fruit mix Feedback
Doughnuts with perfect yogurt is form, email
spiced filling, verry and after
Fruits mix simple having food
yogurt have to talking
have cook about food
process direct face
dish to face

I have desire to change Fruit mix yogurt is very simple and not cook process.
In future I have plan to put Indian Rajbari instead of fruit mix yogurt.

D. Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients
and required quantities and cost these to meet the required margins set
out in A.

Name. Broccoli Tikki

$ Food Cost
Selling Price: $ 4.50 Cost Price: 1.34 %: 30%
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit unit Price per unit  
Broccoli 0.1 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.30
Vegetable oil 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Cumin seed 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Page 90 of 173
Coriander seed 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Salt 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Green chillies 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Turmeric 0.005 Kg/Unit 50.00 $ 0.25
Chat masala 0.005 50.00 $ 0.25
Spring onion 0.005 10.00 $ 0.05
Fresh coriander 0.041 10.00 $ 0.41

Name. Aloo Pakora

Cost $ Food Cost
Selling Price: $ 6.5 Price: 2.80 %: 31%
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Potato 0.1 Kg/Unit 2.00 $ 0.20
Flour 0.1 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.30
Salt 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Carom seed 0.005 Kg/Unit 100.00 $ 0.50
Cumin seeds 0.002 Kg/Unit 100.00 $ 0.20
Ginger 0.005 Kg/Unit 10.00 $ 0.05
Chilli power 0.005 Kg/Unit 10.00 $ 0.05
Garam masala 0.005 Kg/Unit 100.00 $ 0.50
Coriander seed 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Chat masala 0.005 50.00 $ 0.25
$ -
Page 91 of 173
$ 2.08

Name.Thari Wala chicken

Selling Price: 4.50 Cost Price: $ 1.45 Food Cost %: 32%
Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Oil 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 20.00 $ 0.10
Onion 0.05 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.15
Garlic 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 7.00 $ 0.04
Tomato’s 0.1 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.30
Ginger 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 0.05
salt 0.002 Kg/Unit $ 2.00 $ 0.00
Turmeric 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 0.05
Chilli 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.02
Garam masala 0.005 $ 100.00 $ 0.50
Coriander leavs 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 50.00 $ 0.25
$ -
$ 1.45
Name. Lamb Damask
Selling Price: 8.00 Cost Price: $ 2.44 Food Cost %: 31%
Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Toor Dhal split 0.06 Kg/Unit $ 3.60 $ 0.22
Masoor dal split 0.06 Kg/Unit $ 4.00 $ 0.24
Pumpkin 0.25 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.75
Onion 0.05 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.15
Mint leaves 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 0.05
Cumin seeds 0.002 Kg/Unit $ 100.00 $ 0.20
Coriander seed 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.02
Carom seed 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 100.00 $ 0.50
Fenugreek leaves 0.005 $ 14.00 $ 0.07
Coriander leaves 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 50.00 $ 0.25
$ -
$ -
Page 92 of 173
$ 2.44

Name. Doughnuts with spiced fillings

Selling Price: 2.50 Cost Price: $ 0.76 Food Cost %: 30%
Preparation Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
yeast 0.002 Kg/Unit $ 70.00 $ 0.14
Caster sugar 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 5.00 $ 0.03
plain flour 0.01 Kg/Unit $ 1.00 $ 0.01
Salt 0.005 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.02
Butter 0.05 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 0.50
Free rang egg 0.001 Kg/Unit $ 50.00 $ 0.05
Vegetable oil 0.01 Kg/Unit $ 2.00 $ 0.02
$ -
$ 0.76

E. Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached
template “Yields” and calculate the net yields, and net costs.
Net Net
Commodity $/kg Trimming Yeild/kg Cost/kg Portions/kg Net Portion Cost
$ $ $
Beans 2.95 16% 0.84 3.42 10 0.34
$ $ $
Broccoli 4.85 24% 0.76 6.01 10 0.60
$ $ $
Steak 30.00 15% 0.85 34.50 3 11.50
$ $ $
Prawns 30.00 40% 0.6 42.00 50 0.84
$ $ $
Cheese 50.00 5% 0.95 52.50 500 0.11
$ $ $
Carrot 2.00 16% 0.84 2.32 0.1 23.20
$ $ $
Cauliflower 4.00 22% 0.78 4.88 0.1 48.80
$ $ $
Kohlrabi 5.00 32% 0.68 6.60 0.1 66.00
$ $ $
Spinach 10.60 18% 0.82 12.51 0.1 125.08
$ $ $
Onion 3.00 14% 0.86 3.42 0.05 68.40
Sirloin $ 26% 0.74 $ 0.28 $
Page 93 of 173
17.00 21.42 76.50
$ $ $
Pork 15.10 14% 0.86 17.21 0.25 68.86
$ $ $
Lamb 10.50 27% 0.73 13.34 0.25 53.34
$ $
Potato 2.00 15% 0.85 2.30 5 $ 0.46
$ $
Chicken 7.00 30% 0.7 9.10 0.25 $ 36.40
$ $
Tomato’s 5.00 20% 0.8 6.00 0.1 $ 60.00
$ $
Green chilli 10.00 20% 0.8 12.00 10 $ 1.20

F. Identify the dishes that feature best in terms of profitability.

Answer. Lamb damask and Broccoli Tikki are the best feature and profitably.

Name. Lamb Dhansak

$ $ 31
Selling Price: 6.00 Cost Price: 1.87 Food Cost %: %
Preparation Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Toor Dhal split 0.06 Kg/Unit 3.60 $ 0.22
Masoor dal split 0.06 Kg/Unit 4.00 $ 0.24
Pumpkin 0.25 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.75
Onion 0.05 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.15
Mint leaves 0.005 Kg/Unit 10.00 $ 0.05
Cumin seeds 0.001 Kg/Unit 100.00 $ 0.10
Coriander seed 0.001 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.00
Carom seed 0.001 Kg/Unit 100.00 $ 0.10
Fenugreek leaves 0.001 14.00 $ 0.01
Coriander leaves 0.005 Kg/Unit 50.00 $ 0.25
$ -
$ -
$ 1.87
Page 94 of 173
Name. Broccoli Tikki
$ 32
Selling Price: $ 4.25 Cost Price: 1.34 Food Cost %: %
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients unit Price per unit  
Broccoli 0.051 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.15
Vegetable oil 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Cumin seed 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Coriander seed 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Salt 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Green chillies 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Turmeric 0.005 Kg/Unit 50.00 $ 0.25
Chat masala 0.005 50.00 $ 0.25
Spring onion 0.005 10.00 $ 0.05
Fresh coriander 0.041 10.00 $ 0.41

G. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller

than size 12.
▪ Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner,
and true in its features and ingredients.

▪ Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the

style of cuisine

HACCP seminar lunch for 2 months

Cyclical menu Per person-$25/Not exceeding food cost 32%
Monday Entrée-Broccoli Tikki, Aloo Pakora
Page 95 of 173
Main-Thari Wala chicken, Lamb damask
Dessert-Doughnuts with spiced filling, Vegetable mix
Tuesday Entree -Broccoli Tikki, Aloo Pakora
Main-Thari Wala chicken, Lamb damask
Dessert-Doughnuts with spiced filling, Mixed fruit
Wednesday Entree
Main- Thari Wala chicken, Lamb damask
Dessert-Doughnuts with spiced filling, Vegetable mix

Thursday Entree -Broccoli Tikki, Aloo Pakora

Main-Thari Wala chicken, Lamb damask
Dessert-Doughnuts with spiced filling, Vegetable mix

Friday Entrée- Broccoli Tikki, Aloo Pakora

Main-Thari Wala chicken, Lamb damask
Dessert-Doughnuts with spiced filling, Vegetable mix

Saturday Entrée- Broccoli Tikki, Aloo Pakora

Main-Thari Wala chicken, Lamb damask
Dessert-Doughnuts with spiced filling, Vegetable mix

H. Once implemented, obtain feedback for the success of the menu

using a method outlined in the task section above and attach the
feedback to this assessment marked “Menu 3”

Date Feedbacker Meal Complement Improvement

1july 2021 Ramadi Entrée- excellent Try to more
Broccoli perfect
Tikki, Aloo
Page 96 of 173
1st July 2021 chaetal Main- Thari Tender Reduce sugar
1st July 2021 Kamal Mani Dessert- Cook perfectly Try to more
Doughnuts perfect
with spiced
filling, Mix

I. Which dishes were most popular? Which dishes were most

profitable? What other options could you use for future cyclical menus
to reduce your food cost whilst ensuring customer satisfaction?

Answer. Lamb damask and Broccoli Tikki are the best feature and profitably
and future I will reduce Mix fruit yogurt reduce.

Name. Lamb Dhansak

$ $ 31
Selling Price: 6.00 Cost Price: 1.87 Food Cost %: %
Preparation Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Toor Dhal split 0.06 Kg/Unit 3.60 $ 0.22
Masoor dal split 0.06 Kg/Unit 4.00 $ 0.24
Pumpkin 0.25 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.75
Onion 0.05 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.15
Mint leaves 0.005 Kg/Unit 10.00 $ 0.05
Cumin seeds 0.001 Kg/Unit 100.00 $ 0.10
Coriander seed 0.001 Kg/Unit $ $ 0.00
Page 97 of 173
Carom seed 0.001 Kg/Unit 100.00 $ 0.10
Fenugreek leaves 0.001 14.00 $ 0.01
Coriander leaves 0.005 Kg/Unit 50.00 $ 0.25
$ -
$ -
$ 1.87
Name. Broccoli Tikki
$ 32
Selling Price: $ 4.25 Cost Price: 1.34 Food Cost %: %
Preparation Per
Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients unit Price per unit  
Broccoli 0.051 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.15
Vegetable oil 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Cumin seed 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02
Coriander seed 0.005 Kg/Unit 3.00 $ 0.02

Menu 3 assessment criteria S NS Comment

Element 1; identify customer requirement s
The type of customer relevant for the s
menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified s
The menu types used in the establishment are s
The common popular items sold in the establishment s
are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the basis s
of comparison

Page 98 of 173
Element 2: Plan menus
The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as s
per instruction relevant for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where s
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within one s
menu type provide variety and repetitions are avoided

The colours within dishes and in a menu, type are s

appealing Dishes within a menu type provide a variety
of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of different s

Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable nutritional s

balance according to Australian Healthy guidelines for
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the clientele s
identified in section
Element 3: Cost menus
Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card s
The yield test values are establishing in a yield test s
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and s
net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe card s
The correct formulas are used for each type of
The food cost for each dish does not exceed 34% s
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is s
All calculations are attached for reference as instructed s
for each menu type
Element 4: Write menu content
The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, creating s
interest Classical garnishes are used correctly
according to conventions (e.g., a

Wiener Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is s

used it must refer to pork/chicken Schnitzel “Vienna
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly s
The correct culinary terms are used and explained s
where relevant the menu structure is correct in order

The print type/font is clearly legible s

Element 5: Evaluate menu success
Page 99 of 173
The menu /dishes are evaluated using evaluation s
methods outlines in the instructions
The feedback is collated and attached the feedback is s
interpreted correctly

A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of the s

evaluation strategy

Customer surveys

Menu customer questionnaire and survey Please circle response 1 being poor and
5 being excellent.
Q1. The menu has a good variety of 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q2. The food is tasty and flavourful? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q3. The food is served hot and fresh? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q4The quality of food was? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q5What is your satisfaction with taste of Excellent
Q6What did you not like about our food Reduce sugar
and service?
Q7if any comment please It’s excellent. keep cook and serve

Seeking staff suggestion for menu items

Staff name Menu item Staff suggestion

Rahami Entrée- Broccoli Tikki, Aloo All menus are excellent
Pakora this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next
Harvill Main- Thari Wala chicken, All menus are excellent
Lamb damask this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next
Kanchan Magra Dessert-Doughnuts with All menus are excellent
spiced filling, Mix this month. If something
vegetable yogurt wrong in future I can
suggestion next

Page 100 of 173

3. Menu 4 – Plan a degustation menu.

Plan a degustation menu comprising of at least 5

courses and offering 2 main course options. The food cost must not
exceed 34 %. The maximum cost shall be in proportion to the client
information and current prices for meals as identified in question 1.

Per person-$50/ with wine-$70

Offering course 1- Palette Cleanser

Offering course-2- Mishri Mawa Cookie

First- Lean, Green & chicken soup
Second- Just Beet it: Beetroot with carrot tzatziki &fresh herbs
Third- Tangerine duck
Fourth: Fish, feta and olive parcels
Fifth-Kosha mango (Authentic Bengali Lamb curry)

Recipe card

Name. Palette cleanser

Selling Price: $ 1.00 Cost Price: 0.28 Food Cost %: 28%
Preparation Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
orange juice 0.05 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.15
Sugar 0.005 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.02
Lemon Juice 0.005 $10.00 $ 0.05
Salt 0.005 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.02
Mint 0.005 Kg/Unit 10 $ 0.05
$ -
$ 0.28
1. Cut the oranges in half, squeeze the juice out using a citrus juicer or a reamer, carefully saving
the scooped-out peels to be used a serving bowls.  Put these peels in the freezer.
Add sugar / honey / maple syrup or any sweetener.  Add salt, lemon juice. Mix well.
2. Transfer the juice in a glass or an ice-cream container. Cover well. Freeze it for 2 hours.
3. After 2 hours, remove from the freezer, scrape it a bit with the fork, it should break down into
Page 101 of 173
pieces. Give it a quick whizz in a food-processor/blender to make it smooth, but not for too
long as the heat of the food processor might start melting the sorbet.  If you feel the sorbet
melted a bit while in food processor, it’s ok to put it back in freezer for a little bit again, before
4. Serve it in the cute orange peel bowls or regular bowls.  Garnish with a sprig of mint.  Enjoy!

Recipe card

Name. Mishri Mawa Cookie

Selling Price: $ 4.50 Cost Price: $ 1.38 Food Cost %: 31%
Preparation Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Mishri 0.05 Kg/Unit $20.00 $ 1.00
Black cardamom 0.001 Kg/Unit $300.00 $ 0.30
Ghee 0.005 $10.00 $ 0.05
Sugar 0.01 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.03
$ -
$ 1.38

Take a heavy-bottomed pan and start boiling the milk in it. Keep stirring the pan continuously till
the milk begins to thicken.
 Step 2 Add the other ingredients

Next, add ghee, sugar and green cardamom powder to the pan. Mix everything well.
Allow it to cook for another 5-10 minutes.
 Step 3 Add the Mishra and dry fruits

When the mix in the pan appears to be cooked, turn off the flame. Allow it to cool down.
Add Mishra, pistachios and almonds to the pan. Mix everything well. Your Rajasthani
Mawa Mishri is now ready to be served.

Recipe card

Name. Lean Green Chicken soup

Selling Price: $ 11.00   $ 3.60 Food Cost %: 33%
Preparation Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Chicken Breast 0.01 Kg/Unit $7.00 $ 0.07
Celery stakes 0.001 Kg/Unit $5.00 $ 0.01
Green Beans 0.005 $3.00 $ 0.02
Peas 0.01 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.03
Page 102 of 173
Asparagus 0.091 $30.00 $ 2.73
Green onion 0.01 $20.00 $ 0.20
Garlic 0.005 $7.00 $ 0.04
Spinach 0.005 $25.00 $ 0.13
Parsley leaves 0.005 $15.00 $ 0.08
Watercress 0.005 $20.00 $ 0.10
Basil leaves 0-Jan $20.00 $ 0.10
Salt 0.005 $3.00 $ 0.02
Ground black
0.001 $100.00
paper $ 0.10
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ 3.60
Pour the chicken broth in a large pot and set over medium-high heat. Add the chicken breasts and

bring to a simmer. Cook for 15 minutes.

Add the celery, green beans, peas, asparagus, onions, garlic, salt and pepper. Simmer for 5-10

minutes until tender, then remove from heat.

Remove the chicken breasts and shred with two forks or chop into bite sized pieces. Return to the


Stir in the spinach, watercress, parsley and basil. Taste, then salt and pepper as needed.

Menu card

Name. Beetroot with carrot tzatziki &fresh herbs

Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  247.48Protein% 6.8        
Cost $ Food 32
Selling Price: $ 5.25 Price: 1.69 Cost %: %
Preparation Per
Time: 55 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Kg/Uni $
Greek yogurt 0.006 $5.00
t 0.03
Kg/Uni $
Olive oil 0.005 $11.00
t 0.06

Page 103 of 173

Kg/Uni $
Green Beans 0.005 $3.00
t 0.02
Kg/Uni $
Green onion 0.01 $20.00
t 0.20
Kg/Uni $
Garlic 0.005 $7.00
t 0.04
Kg/Uni $
Spinach 0.005 $25.00
t 0.13
Kg/Uni $
Parsley leaves 0.005 $15.00
t 0.08
Kg/Uni $
Watercress $20.00
0.004 t 0.08
Kg/Uni $
Basil leaves $20.00
0-Jan t 0.10
Kg/Uni $
Salt 0.005 $3.00
t 0.02
Ground black Kg/Uni $100.0 $
paper t 0 0.10
Kg/Uni $
Dill 0.001 t $200 0.20
Kg/Uni $
Lime juice 0.001 t $200 0.20
Kg/Uni $
Vinegar 0.005 t $10 0.05
Kg/Uni $
Sea salt 0.005 t $2 0.01
Kg/Uni $
Red beets 0.005 t 20 0.10
Celery seed 0.005 20 0.10
Paprika 1/2 tsp 0.005 20 0.10
Garlic power $
1/2 tsp 0.005 20 0.10
$ -
1. To make tzatziki, whisk together in a medium bowl the yogurt, 2 tablespoons olive oil, green
onions, parsley, 1 tablespoon dill, garlic, lime juice, and sherry vinegar. Add a generous
sprinkle of sea salt and black pepper. Taste, and add more sea salt or pepper as needed.
Cover and refrigerate for several hours, or preferably overnight. Add a pinch of sea salt
and/or a squeeze of lime just before serving.
2. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper.
3. Set scrubbed beets in a large pot of cold water and set over high heat. Once water begins to
boil, set a timer for 10 minutes. Cook beets for 10 – 12 minutes, or until beets are just fork
tender (exact cook time will vary depending on the size of the beets). Run cooked beets
Page 104 of 173
under cold water, and either with fingers or a peeler, remove the skins. Trim tops and cut
beets into 1/2-inch-thick wedges.
4. In a small bowl, combine the celery seed, paprika, garlic powder, and 1/4 teaspoon each sea
salt and pepper.
5. Toss the Chioggia beets with 1 teaspoon olive oil and half of the spice mixture and spread on
one of the baking sheets. Do the same for the red beets. Slide both baking sheets into the
oven and roast for 15 minutes. Flip each wedge, and continue roasting for another 10 – 15
minutes, or until edges are crisp but not at all burnt. I found the red beets cooked more
quickly than the Chioggia’s, so keep a close eye.
6. Toss warm roasted beets with remaining tablespoon dill and serve immediately with a big
dollop of tzatziki.

Menu card

Name. Tangerine duck

Cost $ Food
Selling Price: $ 4.50 Price: 1.45 Cost %: 32%
Preparation Per
Time: 55 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Kg/Uni $
duck 0.1 $10.00
t 1.00
Kg/Uni $
Tangerines 0.005 $10.00
t 0.05
Kg/Uni $
Sugar 0.005 $3.00
t 0.02
Kg/Uni $
onion 0.01 $3.00
t 0.03
Kg/Uni $
celery 0.005 $3.00
t 0.02
Kg/Uni $
Bay leaves 0.005 $25.00
t 0.13
Parsley Kg/Uni $
0.005 $15.00
leaves t 0.08
Kg/Uni $
Salt 0.005 $3.00
t 0.02
Black paper 0.002 $60.00
The day before, clean the ducks, remove all visible fat, and refrigerate, uncovered, overnight.
Page 105 of 173
Remove the ducks from the refrigerator and with a fork prick the skin all over without piercing the
Using your fingers, lift the skin of each duck away from the breast meat and pack the pulp under each
Cut the 2 unpeeled tangerines in half and rub the skin of the ducks all over with the cut sides of the
Squeeze out the remaining juice from the halves, add to the tangerine/sugar mixture, and stuff the
tangerine halves into the duck cavities. Pour half the remaining tangerine/sugar mixture into and over
each duck.
Stuff each duck cavity with 1/4 cup of the onions, 1/4 cup of the celery, and 2 of the bay leaves.
Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of the salt and 8 turns of the pepper over the skin and in the cavity of each duck;
Sprinkle the reserved tangerine peels around a large roasting pan and place the ducks breast side up
on a rack in the pan. Split each duck from the neck to the cavity and serve one-half duck per portion.

Menu card

Name. Fish, feta and olive parcels

Selling Price: $ 5.60 Cost Price: $ 1.92 Food Cost %: 34%
Time: 20 Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
0.01 Kg/Unit $10.00
leaves $ 0.10
Fish fillets 0.05 Kg/Unit $24.00 $ 1.20
Lemon wedge 0.005 Kg/Unit $10.00 $ 0.05
Raisins 0.01 Kg/Unit $10.00 $ 0.10
Green olives 0.008 Kg/Unit $20.00 $ 0.16
Pai nuts 0.005 Kg/Unit $20.00 $ 0.10
Fresh herbs 0.005 Kg/Unit $15.00 $ 0.08
Feta 0.005 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.02
Black paper 0.002 $60.00 $ 0.12
$ 1.92
Preheat oven to 180ºC. Cut 4 large sheets of baking paper

On each sheet arrange a pile of spinach leaves, then top with a fish fillet, lemon wedge,
raisins, olives, pine nuts, herbs and feta.

Gather up each parcel and nestle in a small ovenproof dish, drizzle oil over the ingredients
and season well. Twist the paper or tuck under to seal each package. Bake for 12-15
minutes, until cooked.


Name. Kosha mango (Authentic Bengali Lamb Curry)

Page 106 of 173

Selling Price: $ 5.60 Cost Price: $ 1.89 Food Cost %: 34%
Preparation Time: 20 Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Goat meat 0.05 Kg/Unit $10.00 $ 0.50
Yogurt 0.05 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.15
Ginger garlic paste 0.005 Kg/Unit $7.00 $ 0.04
Mustard oil 0.005 Kg/Unit $5.00 $ 0.03
Bay leaves 0.005 Kg/Unit $10.00 $ 0.05
Black cardamom 0.001 Kg/Unit $150.00 $ 0.15
Green cardamom 0.001 Kg/Unit $150.00 $ 0.15
Cinnamon 0.005 Kg/Unit $100.00 $ 0.50
tomato’s 0.002 $3.00 $ 0.01
Red chilli 0.004 $5 $ 0.02
Garam masala 0.001 $100.00 $ 0.10
Turmeric power 0.001 $100.00 $ 0.10
Salt 0.002 $3.00 $ 0.01
cumin power 0.001 $100.00 $ 0.10
$ -
$ 1.89
 Mix all the ingredients for the marinade and marinate for 3-4 hours.
 Heat mustard oil in a pressure cooker.
 When the oil is hot, add bay leaf, crushed garam masala, dry red chillies and sugar and fry for a few
 Add onion and fry until slightly browned.
 Add ginger and garlic and fry until nicely browned.
 Now add tomatoes and cook for 2 minutes.
 Add the meat pieces along with the marinade and fry for 5-6 minutes on high heat.
 Add coriander powder, turmeric powder, red chili powder, cumin powder and salt and cook for 2-3
minutes. Now add a cup of water and pressure cook until mutton is done.

 Remove the pressure cooker from heat and let the pressure release.
 Open the lid and add garam masala powder and lemon juice and mix well.
 Cook for another 3-4 minutes until the gravy is slightly thickened.
 Garnish with fresh coriander.

 Serve hot with Indian flat breads like naan, parathas or with festive rice like pilaf

B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the
courses offered including the following:

Colours All dishes have own shiny and bright

Page 107 of 173
Cooking method Every dish has individual cooking method
Delicacies It’s wonderful delicacies fantastic
Flavours All dishes and course are its own flavour
Nutritional values It’s under law nutritional value in each dish
Presentation Presentation is correct and order as much as possible
Seasonally All dishes have seasonally available ingredient.
Tastes All dishes have its own taste
Textures All dishes have each own texture and feeling

C. Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your
chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain feedback. Document what the
feedback entailed and what you will change as a result. Attach this draft
and comments to this assessment marked “Menu 4”

Menu Chef colleagues Trainer Visitor Feedback

Offering course Tasted and perfect tasty Excellent Feedback
1- Palette perfect form, email
Cleanser and after
having food
about food
direct face
to face and
Offering course- Tasted and perfect tasty Excellent Feedback
2- Mishri Mawa perfect form, email
Cookie and after
having food
about food
direct face
to face and
First- Lean, Tasted and perfect tasty Tasty Feedback
Green & chicken perfect form, email
soup and after
having food
about food
direct face
Page 108 of 173
to face and
Second-: Tasty and Tasty Excellent Tasty Feedback
Beetroot with perfect form, email
carrot tzatziki and after
&fresh herbs having food
about food
direct face
to face and
Third- Tangerine Tasty excellent Good Tasty Feedback
duck form, email
and after
having food
about food
direct face
to face and
Fourth: Fish, feta Lit a bit Tasty and Tasty and Tasty and Feedback
and olive parcels salty perfect perfect perfect form, email
and after
having food
about food
direct face
to face and
Fifth-Kosha salty salty salty salty Feedback
mango (Authentic form, email
Bengali Lamb and after
curry) having food
about food
direct face
to face and

D. Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients
and required quantities, which must reflect the portion sizes for a
degustation menu based on the number of courses provided.

Page 109 of 173

Recipe card

Name. Palette cleanser

Selling Price: $ 1.00 Cost Price: 0.28 Food Cost %: 28%
Preparation Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
orange juice 0.05 Kg/Unit
Sugar 0.005 Kg/Unit
Lemon Juice 0.005
Salt 0.005 Kg/Unit
Mint 0.005 Kg/Unit

Recipe card

Name. Mishri Mawa Cookie

  % 6.8        
$ 31
Selling Price: $ 4.50 Cost Price: 1.38 Food Cost %: %
Preparation Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Mishri 0.05 Kg/Unit
Black cardamom 0.001 Kg/Unit
Ghee 0.005
Sugar 0.01 Kg/Unit

Page 110 of 173

Recipe card

Name. Lean Green Chicken soup

  % 6.8        
$ 33
Selling Price: $ 11.00   3.60 Food Cost %: %
Preparation Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unite Unit code  
Chicken Breast 0.01 Kg/Unit
Celery stakes 0.001 Kg/Unit
Green Beans 0.005
Peas 0.01 Kg/Unit
Asparagus 0.091
Green onion 0.01
Garlic 0.005
Spinach 0.005
Parsley leaves 0.005
Watercress 0.005
Basil leaves 0-Jan
Salt 0.005
Ground black

Recipe card

Name. Beetroot with carrot tzatziki &fresh herbs

Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  247.48Protein% 6.8        
Cost $ Food
Selling Price: $ 5.25 Price: 1.69 Cost %: 32%
Preparation Per
Time: 55 min Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit unit  
Greek yogurt 0.006
Olive oil 0.005 Kg/Uni
Page 111 of 173
Green Beans 0.005
Green onion 0.01
Garlic 0.005
Spinach 0.005
Parsley leaves 0.005
0.004 t
Basil leaves
0-Jan t
Salt 0.005
Ground black Kg/Uni
paper t
Dill 0.001 t
Lime juice 0.001 t
Vinegar 0.005 t
Sea salt 0.005 t
Red beets 0.005 t
Celery seed 0.005
Paprika 1/2 tsp 0.005
Garlic power
1/2 tsp 0.005

Recipe card

Name. Tangerine duck

Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  247.48Protein% 6.8        
Cost $ Food
Selling Price: $ 4.50 Price: 1.45 Cost %: 32%
Preparation 55 min Per 1    
Page 112 of 173
Time: Service
Ingredients Qty unit unit  
duck 0.1
Tangerines 0.005
Sugar 0.005
onion 0.01
celery 0.005
Bay leaves 0.005
Parsley Kg/Uni
leaves t
Salt 0.005
Black paper 0.002

Recipe card

Name. Fish, feta and olive parcels

  % 6.8        
$ 34
Selling Price: $ 5.60 Cost Price: 1.92 Food Cost %: %
Preparation Per
Time: 20 Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit unit  
0.01 Kg/Unit
Fish fillets 0.05 Kg/Unit
Lemon wedge 0.005 Kg/Unit
Raisins 0.01 Kg/Unit
Green olives 0.008 Kg/Unit
Pai nuts 0.005 Kg/Unit
Fresh herbs 0.005 Kg/Unit
Feta 0.005 Kg/Unit
Page 113 of 173
Black paper 0.002


Name. Kosha mango (Authentic Bengali Lamb Curry)

  % 6.8        
$ 34
Selling Price: $ 5.60 Cost Price: 1.89 Food Cost %: %
Preparation Time: 20 Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit unit  
Goat meat 0.05 Kg/Unit
Yogurt 0.05 Kg/Unit
Ginger Garlick paste 0.005 Kg/Unit
Mustard oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
Bay leaves 0.005 Kg/Unit
Black cardamom 0.001 Kg/Unit
Green cardamom 0.001 Kg/Unit
Cinnamon 0.005 Kg/Unit
tomato’s 0.002
Red chilli 0.004
Garam masala 0.001
Turmeric power 0.001
Salt 0.002
cumin power 0.001

E. Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached
template “Yields” and calculate the net yields, and net costs.
Net Net
Item $/kg Trimming Yield/kg Cost/kg Portions/kg Net Portion Cost
$ $ $
Beans 2.95 16% 0.84 3.42 10 0.34
$ $ $
Broccoli 4.85 24% 0.76 6.01 10 0.60
$ $ $
Steak 30.00 15% 0.85 34.50 3 11.50
$ $ $
Prawns 30.00 40% 0.6 42.00 50 0.84
Cheese $ 5% 0.95 $ 500 $
Page 114 of 173
50.00 52.50 0.11
$ $ $
Carrot 2.00 16% 0.84 2.32 0.1 23.20
$ $ $
Cauliflower 4.00 22% 0.78 4.88 0.1 48.80
$ $ $
Kohlrabi 5.00 32% 0.68 6.60 0.1 66.00
$ $ $
Spinach 10.60 18% 0.82 12.51 0.1 125.08
$ $ $
Onion 3.00 14% 0.86 3.42 0.05 68.40
$ $ $
Sirloin 17.00 26% 0.74 21.42 0.28 76.50
$ $ $
Pork 15.10 14% 0.86 17.21 0.25 68.86
$ $ $
Lamb 10.50 27% 0.73 13.34 0.25 53.34
$ $
Potato 2.00 15% 0.85 2.30 5 $ 0.46
$ $
Chicken 7.00 30% 0.7 9.10 0.25 $ 36.40
$ $
Tomato’s 5.00 20% 0.8 6.00 0.1 $ 60.00
$ $
Green chilli 10.00 20% 0.8 12.00 10 $ 1.20
$ $
Goat meat 7.00 30% 0.7 9.10 0.25 $ 36.40
Different mint $ $
herb 2.00 20% 0.8 2.40 0.1 $ 24.00

F. Identify the dishes that feature best in terms of profitability .

Answer. Lean green chicken soup is that feature best items of profitability.

Name. Lean Green Chicken soup

  % 6.8        
$ 33
Selling Price: $ 11.00   3.60 Food Cost %: %
Preparation Time: 20 min Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unite Unit code  
Chicken Breast 0.01 Kg/Unit
Celery stakes 0.001 Kg/Unit
Green Beans 0.005
Peas 0.01 Kg/Unit
Asparagus 0.091

Page 115 of 173

Green onion 0.01
Garlic 0.005
Spinach 0.005
Parsley leaves 0.005
Watercress 0.005
Basil leaves 0-Jan
Salt 0.005
Ground black

G. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller

than size 12.
▪ Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner,
and true in its

features and ingredients.

▪ Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the
style of cuisine

Per person-$50/ with wine-$70

Offering course 1- Palette Cleanser

Offering course-2- Mishri Mawa Cookie

First- Lean, Green & chicken soup
Second- Just Beet it: : Beetroot with carrot tzatziki
&fresh herbs Third- Tangerine duck
Fourth: Fish, feta and olive parcels
Fifth-Kosha mango (Authentic Bengali Lamb curry)
H. Once implemented, obtain feedback for the success of the menu
using a method outlined in the task section above and attach the
feedback to this assessment marked “Menu 4”
Page 116 of 173
Date Feedbacker Meal Complement Improvement
1july 2021 Ramadi Offering course excellent Try too more
1- Palette perfect

1st July 2021 chaetal Offering course- Tender Reduce sugar

2- Mishri Mawa
1st July 2021 Kamal Mani First- Lean, Cook perfectly Try too more
Green & chicken perfect

1july 2021 Gharial Second-: excellent Try too more

Beetroot with perfect
carrot tzatziki
&fresh herbs
Third- Tangerine
1july 2021 Hoosen Third- Tangerine Tender Try too more
duck perfect

1july 2021 Fourth: Fish, feta Cook perfectly Try too more
and olive parcels perfect

1july 2021 Harkle Fifth-Kosha good Too salty

Bengali Lamb

I.What was the feedback received, and accordingly what should be improved for a
degustation menu in the future?

Answer. Fifth kosha mango is too salty. So that in future I will eliminate this dish and
I will find another good and tasty dish.

Menu 4 assessment criteria S NS Comment

Element 1; identify customer requirement s
The type of customer relevant for the s
menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified s
The menu types used in the establishment are s
The common popular items sold in the establishment s
are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the basis s
of comparison

Page 117 of 173

Element 2: Plan menus
The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as s
per instruction relevant for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where s
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within one s
menu type provide variety and repetitions are avoided

The colours within dishes and in a menu, type are s

appealing Dishes within a menu type provide a variety
of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of different s

Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable nutritional s

balance according to Australian Healthy guidelines for
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the clientele s
identified in section
Element 3: Cost menus
Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card s
The yield test values are establishing in a yield test s
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and s
net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe card s
The correct formulas are used for each type of
The food cost for each dish does not exceed 34% s
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is s
All calculations are attached for reference as instructed s
for each menu type
Element 4: Write menu content
The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, creating s
interest Classical garnishes are used correctly
according to conventions (e.g., a

Wiener Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is s

used it must refer to pork/chicken Schnitzel “Vienna
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly s
The correct culinary terms are used and explained s
where relevant the menu structure is correct in order

The print type/font is clearly legible s

Element 5: Evaluate menu success
Page 118 of 173
The menu /dishes are evaluated using evaluation s
methods outlines in the instructions
The feedback is collated and attached the feedback is s
interpreted correctly

A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of the s

evaluation strategy

Customer surveys

Menu customer questionnaire and survey Please circle response 1 being poor and
5 being excellent.
Q1. The menu has a good variety of 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q2. The food is tasty and flavourful? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q3. The food is served hot and fresh? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q4The quality of food was? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q5What is your satisfaction with taste of Excellent
Q6What did you not like about our food Reduce sugar
and service?
Q7if any comment please It’s excellent. keep cook and serve

Seeking staff suggestion for menu items

Staff name Menu item Staff suggestion

Rahami Entrée- Broccoli Tikki, Aloo All menus are excellent
Pakora this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next
Harvill Main- Thari Wala chicken, All menus are excellent
Lamb damask this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next
Kanchan Magra Dessert-Doughnuts with All menus are excellent
spiced filling, Mix this month. If something
vegetable yogurt wrong in future I can
suggestion next

Page 119 of 173

4. Menu 5 – Plan an ethnic menu.

1. Plan an ethnic menu of your choice suitable to the customer

profile /establishment you have identified in question 1. The menu
needs to include 3 courses. The food cost must not exceed 28%.

Page 120 of 173

Types of customers-description
This is specially for Nepali ethnic menu for every nationality or group.
Cuisine styles used in the establishment
Modern Australian & International cuisine
Menu type used in the establishments
Ethnic menu

Best-selling menu items Example cost

Daal, Bhatt, mixed veg $50
curry, chicken curry, pickle

Menu/Recipe card

Name. Basmati Rice

Selling Price: $ 3.00 Cost Price: $ 0.82 Food Cost %: 27%
Preparation Time: 20 Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Rice 0.125 Kg/Unit $5.00 $ 0.63
Ghee 0.005 Kg/Unit $10.00 $ 0.05
coconut milk 0.05 Kg/Unit $2.80 $ 0.14
$ -
$ 0.82
1.Wash basmati rice 2 times.
2.Put rice in cooker, or pressure cooker with all ingredients then cook in
3.After cook serve

Menu/Recipe card

Name. Mixed Daal

Page 121 of 173
Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  247.48Protein% 6.8        
Cost $ Food
Selling Price: $ 2.50 Price: 0.59 Cost %: 24%
Preparation Time: 55 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Mixed split Kg/Uni $10.0 $
beans t 0 0.50
Kg/Uni $10.0 $
Ghee 0.005
t 0 0.05
Kg/Uni $
Onion 0.005 $2.00
t 0.01
Kg/Uni $
onion 0.01 $3.00
t 0.03
$ -
1. Wash the mixed split beans and put in slow cooker, Pressure cooker,
cover pan.
2. Fry onion with ghee then put cooked daal split beans.
3. Then serve.

Menu/Recipe card

Name. Mixed vegetable curry

  % 6.8        
$ 29
Selling Price: $ 2.00
Cost Price: 0.57 Food Cost %: %
Preparation Time: 20 Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Mixed veg with
0.05 Kg/Unit $5.00
potato’s $ 0.25
Vegetable oil 0.005 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.02
Ginger garlic paste 0.005 Kg/Unit $7.00 $ 0.04
Mustard oil 0.005 Kg/Unit $5.00 $ 0.03
tomato’s 0.002 $3.00 $ 0.01
Red chilli 0.004 $5 $ 0.02
Page 122 of 173
Garam masala 0.001 $100.00 $ 0.10
Turmeric power 0.001 $100.00 $ 0.10
Salt 0.002 $3.00 $ 0.01
Coriander leaves 0.005 $2.00 $ 0.01
$ 0.57

1. Wash all vegetable at sink then cut in small piece.
2. Fry onion with oil and put vegetable in than fry 5 minute.
3. Put all ingredients and cook 5-7 minute.
4. Then serve

Menu/Recipe card

Name. Chicken curry

Selling Price: $ 6.50 Cost Price: $ 1.78 Food Cost %: 27%
Preparation Time: 20 Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Chicken 0.2 Kg/Unit $7.00 $ 1.40
Vegetable oil 0.005 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.02
Ginger garlic paste 0.005 Kg/Unit $7.00 $ 0.04
Mustard oil 0.005 Kg/Unit $5.00 $ 0.03
tomato’s 0.005 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.02
Red chilli 0.004 Kg/Unit $5 $ 0.02
Garam masala 0.001 Kg/Unit $100.00 $ 0.10
Turmeric power 0.001 Kg/Unit $100.00 $ 0.10
Salt 0.002 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.01
Coriander leaves 0.005 Kg/Unit $2.00 $ 0.01
Potato’s 0.05 Kg/Unit $1.00 $ 0.05
$ -
$ 1.78
1.Cut chicken make piece whatever size you like.
2.Fry onion with oil and put chicken than fry 4 minute up to brown.
3. Put all ingredients and cook 5 minutes.

Menu/Recipe card

Name. Tomato pickle

Page 123 of 173

  % 6.8        
Selling Price: $ 1.50 Cost Price: $ 0.38 Food Cost %: 25%
Preparation Time: 20 Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Tomato’s 0.05 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.15
Sesame seeds 0.001 Kg/Unit $10.00 $ 0.01
Ginger garlic paste 0.001 Kg/Unit $7.00 $ 0.01
Red chilli 0.001 Kg/Unit $5 $ 0.01
Garam masala 0.001 Kg/Unit $100.00 $ 0.10
Turmeric power 0.001 Kg/Unit $100.00 $ 0.10
Salt 0.001 Kg/Unit $3.00 $ 0.00
Coriander leaves 0.001 Kg/Unit $2.00 $ 0.00
$ -
$ 0.38
Methods. 1.Fry tomato in fry pan 2 minutes.
2. Put all ingredients and cook 3 minutes
3. Then serve

B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the
courses offered including the following:

Colours All dishes have own shiny and bright

Cooking method Every dish has individual cooking method
Delicacies It’s wonderful delicacies fantastic
Flavours All dishes and course are its own flavour
Nutritional values It’s under law nutritional value in each dish
Presentation Presentation is correct and order as much as possible
Seasonally All dishes have seasonally available ingredient.
Tastes All dishes have its own taste
Textures All dishes have each own texture and feeling

Page 124 of 173

C.Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your
chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain feedback. Document what the
feedback entailed and what you will change as a result. Attach this draft
and comments to this assessment marked “Menu 5”

Menu Chef colleagues Trainer Visitor Feedback

Daal, Bhatt, Tasted Perfect tasty E If you Feedback
mixed veg curry, and put entrée, form, email
chicken curry, perfect If you put soup and and after
pickle entrée, soup dessert it having food
and dessert it will better talking
will better xcellent about food
direct face
to face and
Menu 5 assessment criteria S NS Comment
Element 1; identify customer requirement s
The type of customer relevant for the s
menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified s
The menu types used in the establishment are s
The common popular items sold in the establishment s
are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the s
basis of comparison
Element 2: Plan menus
The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as s
per instruction relevant for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where s
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within s
one menu type provide variety and repetitions are

The colours within dishes and in a menu, type are s

appealing Dishes within a menu type provide a
variety of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of s
different textures

Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable s

nutritional balance according to Australian Healthy
guidelines for adults

Page 125 of 173

The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the s
clientele identified in section
Element 3: Cost menus
Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card s
The yield test values are establishing in a yield test s
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and s
net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe s
The correct formulas are used for each type of
The food cost for each dish does not exceed 28% s
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is s
All calculations are attached for reference as s
instructed for each menu type
Element 4: Write menu content
The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, s
creating interest Classical garnishes are used
correctly according to conventions (e.g., a

Wiener Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is s

used it must refer to pork/chicken Schnitzel “Vienna
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly s
The correct culinary terms are used and explained s
where relevant the menu structure is correct in order

The print type/font is clearly legible s

Element 5: Evaluate menu success

The menu /dishes are evaluated using evaluation s

methods outlines in the instructions
The feedback is collated and attached the feedback s
is interpreted correctly

A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of s

the evaluation strategy

D.Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients
and required quantities.

Page 126 of 173

Menu/Recipe card

Name. Basmati Rice

  % 6.8        
$ 27
Selling Price: $ 3.00Cost Price: 0.82 Food Cost %: %
Preparation Time: 20 Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Rice 0.125 Kg/Unit
Ghee 0.005 Kg/Unit
coconut milk 0.05 Kg/Unit

Menu/Recipe card

Name. Mixed Daal

Energy (Kcal/100 grams)
  247.48Protein% 6.8        
0.5 Food
Selling Price: $ 2.50 Cost Price: 9 Cost %: 24%
Preparation Time: 55 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Mixed split
0.05 Kg/Unit
Ghee 0.005 Kg/Unit
Onion 0.005 Kg/Unit
onion 0.01 Kg/Unit

Menu/Recipe card

Page 127 of 173

Name. Mixed vegetable curry
Selling Price: $ 2.00 Cost Price: $ 0.57 Food Cost %: 29%
Preparation Time: 20 Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Mixed veg with
0.05 Kg/Unit
Vegetable oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
Ginger garlic paste 0.005 Kg/Unit
Mustard oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
tomato’s 0.002 Kg
Red chilli 0.004 kg
Garam masala 0.001 kg
Turmeric power 0.001 kg
Salt 0.002
Coriander leaves 0.005

Menu/Recipe card

Name. Chicken curry

Selling Price: $ 6.50 Cost Price: $ 1.78 Food Cost %: 27%
Preparation Time: 20 Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Chicken 0.2 Kg/Unit
Vegetable oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
Ginger garlic paste 0.005 Kg/Unit
Mustard oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
tomato’s 0.005 Kg/Unit
Red chilli 0.004 Kg/Unit
Garam masala 0.001 Kg/Unit
Turmeric power 0.001 Kg/Unit $100.00
Salt 0.002 Kg/Unit $3.00
Page 128 of 173
Coriander leaves 0.005 Kg/Unit $2.00
Potato’s 0.05 Kg/Unit $1.00

Menu/Recipe card

Name. Tomato pickle

  % 6.8        
Selling Price: $ 1.50 Cost Price: $ 0.38 Food Cost %: 25%
Preparation Time: 20 Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Tomato’s 0.05 Kg/Unit
Sesame seeds 0.001 Kg/Unit
Ginger garlic paste 0.001 Kg/Unit
Red chilli 0.001 Kg/Unit
Garam masala 0.001 Kg/Unit
Turmeric power 0.001 Kg/Unit
Salt 0.001 Kg/Unit
Coriander leaves 0.001 Kg/Unit

E. Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached
template “Yields” and calculate the net yields, and net costs.

Net Net
Item $/kg Trimming Yeild/kg Cost/kg Portions/kg Net Portion Cost
$ $ $
Beans 2.95 16% 0.84 3.42 10 0.34
$ $ $
Broccoli 4.85 24% 0.76 6.01 10 0.60
$ $ $
Steak 30.00 15% 0.85 34.50 3 11.50
$ $ $
Prawns 30.00 40% 0.6 42.00 50 0.84
$ $ $
Cheese 50.00 5% 0.95 52.50 500 0.11
$ $ $
Carrot 2.00 16% 0.84 2.32 0.1 23.20
Cauliflower $ 22% 0.78 $ 0.1 $
Page 129 of 173
4.00 4.88 48.80
$ $ $
Kohlrabi 5.00 32% 0.68 6.60 0.1 66.00
$ $ $
Spinach 10.60 18% 0.82 12.51 0.1 125.08
$ $ $
Onion 3.00 14% 0.86 3.42 0.05 68.40
$ $ $
Sirloin 17.00 26% 0.74 21.42 0.28 76.50
$ $ $
Pork 15.10 14% 0.86 17.21 0.25 68.86
$ $ $
Lamb 10.50 27% 0.73 13.34 0.25 53.34
Potato $ 2.00 15% 0.85 $ 2.30 5 $ 0.46
Chicken $ 7.00 30% 0.7 $ 9.10 0.25 $ 36.40
Tomato’s $ 5.00 20% 0.8 $ 6.00 0.1 $ 60.00
Green chilli $ 10.00 20% 0.8 $ 12.00 10 $ 1.20
Goat meat $ 7.00 30% 0.7 $ 9.10 0.25 $ 36.40
Different mint
herb $ 2.00 20% 0.8 $ 2.40 0.1 $ 24.00

F. Identify the dishes that feature best in terms of profitability and adjust
meet the food cost requirements set out in A.

Answer. This is ethnic Nepalis set menu so that all dish are feature best and

G. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller

than size 12.
▪ Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner,
and true in its

features and ingredients.

▪ Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the
style of cuisine


Nepali ethnic menu per person-$15.5

mixed veg curry,
Page 130 of 173
chicken curry,

H. Once implemented, obtain feedback for the success of the menu

using a method outlined in the task section above and attach the
feedback to this assessment marked “Menu 5”

Menu Chef colleagues Trainer Visitor Feedback

Daal, Bhatt, Tasted perfect If you tasty Excellent Feedback
mixed veg curry, and put entrée form, email
chicken curry, perfect soup, and and after
pickle dessert it will having food
If you put better talking
entrée about food
soup, and direct face
dessert it to face and
will better feedback
Menu 5 assessment criteria S NS Comment
Element 1; identify customer requirement s
The type of customer relevant for the s
menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified s
The menu types used in the establishment are s
The common popular items sold in the establishment s
are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the s
basis of comparison
Element 2: Plan menus
The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as s
per instruction relevant for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where s
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within s
one menu type provide variety and repetitions are

The colours within dishes and in a menu, type are s

Page 131 of 173
appealing Dishes within a menu type provide a
variety of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of s
different textures

Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable s

nutritional balance according to Australian Healthy
guidelines for adults
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the s
clientele identified in section
Element 3: Cost menus
Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card s
The yield test values are establishing in a yield test s
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and s
net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe s
The correct formulas are used for each type of
The food cost for each dish does not exceed 28% s
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is s
All calculations are attached for reference as s
instructed for each menu type
Element 4: Write menu content
The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, s
creating interest Classical garnishes are used
correctly according to conventions (e.g., a

Wiener Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is s

used it must refer to pork/chicken Schnitzel “Vienna
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly s
The correct culinary terms are used and explained s
where relevant the menu structure is correct in order

The print type/font is clearly legible s

Element 5: Evaluate menu success

The menu /dishes are evaluated using evaluation s

methods outlines in the instructions
The feedback is collated and attached the feedback s
is interpreted correctly

A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of s

the evaluation strategy

Page 132 of 173

I.What was the feedback received, and accordingly what should be
improved when planning future ethnic menus in the future?

All food is good and excellent. In future we must put some entrée, soup and
dessert. It complain about salt and chilli I will reduce chilli and salt.

Customer surveys

Menu customer questionnaire and survey Please circle response 1 being poor and
5 being excellent.
Q1. The menu has a good variety of 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q2. The food is tasty and flavourful? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q3. The food is served hot and fresh? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q4The quality of food was? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q5What is your satisfaction with taste of Excellent
Q6What did you not like about our food Reduce salt and chilli
and service?
Q7if any comment please It’s excellent. keep cook and serve

Seeking staff suggestion for menu items

Staff name Menu item Staff suggestion

Rahami Daal, Bhatt, mixed veg curry, All menus are excellent
chicken curry, pickle this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next
Harvill Daal, Bhatt, mixed veg curry, All menus are excellent
chicken curry, pickle this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next
Kanchan Magra Daal, Bhatt, mixed veg curry, All menus are excellent
chicken curry, pickle this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next
Page 133 of 173
Kamal Hasan Daal, Bhatt, mixed veg curry, All menus are excellent
chicken curry, pickle this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next
Gharial Daal, Bhatt, mixed veg curry, All menus are excellent
chicken curry, pickle this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next
Kantipur Daal, Bhatt, mixed veg curry, All menus are excellent
chicken curry, pickle this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next

Menu 5 assessment criteria S NS Comment

Element 1; identify customer requirement s
The type of customer relevant for the s
menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified s
The menu types used in the establishment are s
The common popular items sold in the establishment s
are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the s
basis of comparison
Element 2: Plan menus
The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as s
per instruction relevant for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where s
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within s
one menu type provide variety and repetitions are

The colours within dishes and in a menu, type are s

appealing Dishes within a menu type provide a
variety of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of s
different textures

Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable s

Page 134 of 173
nutritional balance according to Australian Healthy
guidelines for adults
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the s
clientele identified in section
Element 3: Cost menus
Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card s
The yield test values are establishing in a yield test s
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and s
net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe s
The correct formulas are used for each type of
The food cost for each dish does not exceed 28% s
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is s
All calculations are attached for reference as s
instructed for each menu type
Element 4: Write menu content
The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, s
creating interest Classical garnishes are used
correctly according to conventions (e.g., a

Wiener Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is s

used it must refer to pork/chicken Schnitzel “Vienna
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly s
The correct culinary terms are used and explained s
where relevant the menu structure is correct in order

The print type/font is clearly legible s

Element 5: Evaluate menu success

The menu /dishes are evaluated using evaluation s

methods outlines in the instructions
The feedback is collated and attached the feedback s
is interpreted correctly

A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of s

the evaluation strategy

5. Menu 6 – Plan a set /table d’hôtel menu.

Page 135 of 173

1. Plan a set or table d’hôtel menu of your choice suitable to the
customer profile /establishment you have identified in question 1.
The menu needs to include 3 courses and may have a choice for
each course. The food cost must not exceed 30% and could
potentially make use of any by-products you have identified in
e.g., you’re à la carte menu (Menu 1) or degustation menu (Menu 4)

Types of customers-description
This is family restaurant that cater for family who want good quality meal and good value.
It must serve some customer like parent who like some fine food and for kid who just like
children type meal. Restaurants must be affordable for family to eat there.
Cuisine styles used in the establishment
Modern Australian & International cuisine
Menu type used in the establishments

table d’hôte

Best-selling menu items Example cost

Entree Chicken Caesar salad $14

Main Vegetarian Moussaka $22

Children Menu Chicken Nugget & Chip $10

Dessert Apple Crumble $14

Special/Other Family Hour 5pm – 6pm Free child meal with each
adult meal

Page 136 of 173

table d’hôte

Entree Chicken Caesar salad $14

Crispy golden Pork belly $11

Main Vegetarian Moussaka $20

Easy Roast lamb with wild $14

garlic and rosemary
Dessert Apple Crumble $12
chocolate fondant $15

Menu/recipe card

Recipe Name: Chicken Caesar Salad

$ Cost $ Food Cost
Selling Price: 14.00 Price: 2.34 %: 17%
Time: 2 mins        

Ingredients Amount   Price per unit  

$ $
Cos Lettuce 0.1 Kg/Unit 3.00 0.30
$ $
Bacon 0.05 Kg/Unit 20.00 1.00
Parmesan $ $
Cheese 0.001 Kg/Unit 26.00 0.03
Caesar Salad 0.01 Kg/Unit $ $
Page 137 of 173
Dressing 9.10 0.09
$ $
Anchovies 0.001 Kg/Unit 50.00 0.05
$ $
Chicken 0.1 Kg/Unit 8.50 0.85
$ $
Croutons 0.01 Kg/Unit 2.00 0.02

1. Mix lettuce, Caesar salad dressing, parmesan cheese, diced chicken,
croutons in a bowl
2. Plate and top with extra croutons, parmesan cheese, bacon, chicken and


Name: Crispy Golden pork belly

serving: 0.125of
recipe, calories: 587kcal, protein: 10g, fat: 60g, sat
urated fat: 21g, sodium: 36mg, potassium: 209mg
Selling Cost $ Cost 30
Price: $ 11.00 Price: 3.34 %: %
Preparation Servic
Time: 20 min e 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Kg/U $30.
Pork belly 0.1 $3.00
nit 00
Kg/U $3.0
Table salt 0.005 $0.02
nit 0
Kg/U $10.
soy sauce 0.005 $0.05
nit 00
Kg/U $4.0
Shao rice 0.05 $0.20
nit 0
Brown Kg/U $4.0
0.005 $0.02
sugar nit 0
Kg/U $10.
Garlic 0.005 $0.05
nit 00
Using a paper towel, pat skin of pork belly until it is completely dry. Mix marinade ingredients in a bowl and
then pour into a rectangular pan that is big enough to hold the pork belly. Place pork belly into the pan,
making sure only the meat touches the marinade, and the skin stays completely dry. Place wire rack on
top of roasting pan to hold the pork belly. Place the pork belly on the wire rack. The pork belly will cook

Page 138 of 173

above the water, with the pork drippings dripping down below into the water. Make sure the pork belly is
level (if one part is lower/shorter the skin will not cook evenly. Spread 1 cup of salt evenly across the pork
belly skin. Remove pork belly and increase oven temperature to 465°F. The salt that was poured over pork
belly should have formed a crust. Remove salt crust from pork belly. Wipe off any excess salt from the
pork belly skin. Once oven has reached desired temperature, place pork belly back into oven. Bake for
another 30 minutes until skin is completely bubbly and crisp. Let pork belly cool a few minutes before
cutting and serving.

Recipe/menu card
Recipe Name: •
Minestrone soup • Vegetarian Moussaka (Vegetarian)
Selling Price: $ 20.00 Cost Price: $ 13.90 Food Cost %:29
Preparation Time:      

Ingredients     Price per unit

Egg plant 0.1 Kg/Unit $ 0 .50 $ 0.50
Potato 0.1 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.30
Zucchini 0.1 $ 6.00 $ 0.60
Olive oil 0.5 $ 15.00 $ 0.30
extra $ 0.50
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

Kg/Unit $ 13.90
Heat oven to 400 degrees F. While oven is heating, spread eggplant slices on a large pan lined with paper towel and
sprinkle with kosher salt set aside for 20 to 30 minutes. In a large saucepan, heat olive oil over medium-high heat until
shimmering but not smoking. In a cooking pot or large non-stick pan, heat 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil over medium heat. (
needed, place under broiler and watch very carefully till top turns a nice golden brown.)
Remove from heat and let sit for at least 20 minutes before cutting and serving
You may need to add an extra splash of milk to thin the sauce out and get it back to its pourable consistency

Page 139 of 173


Name: Easy Roast lamb with wild garlic and rosemary

$ $
Selling Price: 14.00 Cost Price: 4.15 Food Cost %: 30%
Preparation Time: 4 hours Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
leg of lamb 0.15 Kg/Unit $20.00 $3.00
Wild garlic 0.05 Kg/Unit $12.00 $0.60
French rosemary
0.001 Kg/Unit $20.00 $0.02
olive oil 0.02 Kg/Unit $20.00 $0.40
Vegetable stock 0 Kg/Unit $100.00 $0.00
Lemon 0.003 Kg/Unit $10.00 $0.03
Salt sea 0.005 $4.00 $0.02
Black paper 0.002 $5.00 $0.01
Plain flour 0.006 $3.00 $0.02
Lamb stock 0.005 $10.00 $0.05
1.Place The lamb in a large roasting dish that would fit easily in your fridge. Using a sharp knife,
make slits all over the lamb.

2.Using a high-powered blender (I used my Nutri Ninja) blitz together the wild garlic, rosemary,
anchovies, lemon and oil. If the mixture is a little thick, add a bit more oil.   

3.Add salt and pepper to taste, bearing in mind that you might not need much salt because
anchovies are salty.

4.Rub the wild garlic marinade all over the lamb, rubbing it into the slits you made so the marinade
penetrates the meat. Cover and leave for a minimum of two hours, or ideally overnight. 

5.When you're ready to roast the lamb, preheat the oven to 200C/180Fan/400F.

6.Pour a small amount of water into the roasting dish (this will stop the marinade from sticking to
the bottom of the tin and burning)

7.Cook the lamb for 1 hour 40 minutes for medium meat that will be blushing pink in the middle, or 2
hours for well done.  

8.Allow to rest for at least 30 minutes before carving.

Page 140 of 173


Recipe Name. Apple crumble

Selling Price: $ 12.00 Cost Price: $ 1.32Food Cost %:28
Preparation Time:          
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Granny smith apple 0.25 Kg/Unit $ 2.00 $ 0.50
White flour 0.125 Kg/Unit $ 2.50 $ 0.31
Lemon juice 0.001 Kg/Unit $ 10.00 $ 0.01
Ground cinnamon 0.001 Kg/Unit $ 100.00 $ 0.10
Rolled oats 0.02 Kg/Unit $ 2.00 $ 0.04
Brown sugar 0.025 Kg/Unit $ 4.00 $ 0.10
Butter 0.02 Kg/Unit $ 12.00 $ 0.24
Salt 0.005 $ 4.00 $ 0.02
$ 1.32
$ 1.32
 Preheat oven to 350F/180C.
 Peel apples, then cut into 1.5cm/ 3/5" cubes.
 Place apple in a bowl.
 Sprinkle with flour, sugar and cinnamon, then pour over lemon juice.
 Place Topping ingredients in a bowl.
And put oven 20 minute and serve

Menu recipe

Name: Chocolate Fondant

Kcal-581 fat-40g saturates-21g sugars-30g
  fibre-0g protion-9g salt-.55g        
Cost $ Cost 32
Selling Price: $ 15.00 Price: 4.80 %: %
Preparation Per
Time: 45 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Kg/Uni $10.0
Melted butter 0.02 $0.20
t 0
Kg/Uni $20.0
Coca power 0.025 $0.50
t 0
Good dark 0.02 Kg/Uni $20.0 $0.40
Page 141 of 173
chocolate t 0
Butter 0.025 $7.00 $0.18
Golden caster Kg/Uni
0.03 $7.00 $0.21
sugar t
Kg/Uni $30.0
egg 0.1 $3.00
t 0
Plain flour 0.1 $3.00 $0.30
Black paper 0.002 $5.00 $0.01
1.First get your moulds ready. Using upward strokes, heavily brush melted butter (use 50g in total) all over
the inside of the pudding mould. Place the mould in the fridge or freezer. Brush more melted butter over
the chilled butter, then add a good spoonful of cocoa powder into the mould. Tip the mould so the powder
completely coats the butter. Tap any excess cocoa back into the jar, then repeat with the next mould.
2.Place a bowl over a pan of barely simmering water, then slowly melt 200g good-quality
dark chocolate and 200g butter, both chopped into small pieces, together. Remove the bowl from the heat
and stir until smooth. Leave to cool for about 10 mins.
3.In a separate bowl 4 eggs and 4 egg yolks together with 200g golden caster sugar until thick and pale
and the whisk leaves a trail; use an electric whisk if you want. Sift 200g plain flour into the eggs, then beat
4.Pour the melted chocolate into the egg mixture in thirds, beating well between each addition, until all the
chocolate is added, and the mixture is completely combined to a loose cake bate
5.Tip the fondant batter into a jug, then evenly divide between the moulds. The fondants can now be
frozen for up to a month and cooked from frozen.  Chill for at least 20 mins or up to the night before. To
bake from frozen, simply carry on as stated, adding 5 mins more to the cooking time.
6.Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Place the fondants on a baking tray, then cook for 10-12 mins until
the tops have formed a crust and they are starting to come away from the sides of their moulds. Remove
from the oven, then leave to sit for 1 min before turning out.
7.Loosen the fondants by moving the tops very gently so they come away from the sides, easing them out
of the moulds. Tip each fondant slightly onto your hand so you know it has come away, then tip back into
the mould ready to plate up.
8.Starting from the middle of each plate, squeeze a spiral of caramel sauce – do all the plates you need
before you go on to the next stage.
9Sit a fondant in the middle of each plate. Using a large spoon dipped in hot water, scoop a ‘quenelle’ of
ice cream.
10Carefully place the ice cream on top of the fondant, then serve immediately. Repeat with the rest of the

B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the
courses offered including the following:

Colours All dishes have own shiny and bright

Cooking method Every dish has individual cooking method

Page 142 of 173

Delicacies It’s wonderful delicacies fantastic
Flavours All dishes and course are its own flavour
Nutritional values It’s under law nutritional value in each dish
Presentation Presentation is correct and order as much as possible
Seasonally All dishes have seasonally available ingredient.
Tastes All dishes have its own taste
Textures All dishes have each own texture and feeling

C. Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your
chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain feedback. Document what the
feedback entailed and what you will change as a result. Attach this draft
and comments to this assessment marked “Menu 6”

Menu Chef colleagues Trainer Visitor Feedback

Tasted perfect tasty Excellent Feedback
and form, email
Entrée-Chicken perfect and after
Caesar salad, having food
Crispy golden talking
Pork belly about food
direct face
to face and

Main-Vegetarian Tasted Perfect Tasty Excellent Feedback

Moussaka and form, email
Easy, Roast perfect and after
lamb with wild having food
garlic and talking
rosemary about food
direct face
to face and

Page 143 of 173

Dessert-Apple Tasted Perfect Tasty Excellent Feedback
Crumble, and form, email
chocolate perfect Apple Apple Apple and after
fondant crumble is lit crumble is crumble is having food
Apple bit sour lit bit sour lit bit sour talking
crumble is about food
lit bit sour direct face
to face and
Menu 6assessment criteria S NS Comment
Element 1; identify customer requirement s
The type of customer relevant for the s
menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified s
The menu types used in the establishment are s
The common popular items sold in the establishment s
are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the s
basis of comparison
Element 2: Plan menus
The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as s
per instruction relevant for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where s
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within s
one menu type provide variety and repetitions are

The colours within dishes and in a menu, type are s

appealing Dishes within a menu type provide a
variety of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of s
different textures

Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable s

nutritional balance according to Australian Healthy
guidelines for adults
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the s
clientele identified in section
Element 3: Cost menus
Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card s
The yield test values are establishing in a yield test s
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and s
net costs
Page 144 of 173
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe s
The correct formulas are used for each type of
The food cost for each dish does not exceed 28% s
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is s
All calculations are attached for reference as s
instructed for each menu type
Element 4: Write menu content
The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, s
creating interest Classical garnishes are used
correctly according to conventions (e.g., a

Wiener Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is s

used it must refer to pork/chicken Schnitzel “Vienna
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly s
The correct culinary terms are used and explained s
where relevant the menu structure is correct in order

The print type/font is clearly legible s

Element 5: Evaluate menu success

The menu /dishes are evaluated using evaluation s

methods outlines in the instructions
The feedback is collated and attached the feedback s
is interpreted correctly

A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of s

the evaluation strategy

I will change apple crumble in future. All complain its sour. I must reduce
lemon soon.

D.Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients
and required quantities, which must reflect the portion sizes for courses
within a menu.


Standard recipe card

Recipe Name: Chicken Caesar Salad

Page 145 of 173

$ Cost $ Food Cost
Selling Price: 14.00 Price: 2.34 %: 17%
Preparation per 1
Time: 20 min person      

Ingredients Qty unit  
Cos Lettuce 0.1 Kg/Unit
Bacon 0.05 Kg/Unit
Cheese 0.001 Kg/Unit
Caesar Salad
Dressing 0.01 Kg/Unit
Anchovies 0.001 Kg/Unit
Chicken 0.1 Kg/Unit
Croutons 0.01 Kg/Unit

 calories: 500kcal, protein: 15g, fat: 65g, saturated fat: 25g, sodium: 40mg, potassium: 200mg

Standard recipe card

Name: Crispy Golden pork belly

Selling $ Cost
Price: $ 11.00 Cost Price: 3.34 %: 30%
n Time: 20 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Pork belly 0.1Kg /unit Kg/Unit
Table salt 0.005 Kg/Unit
soy sauce 0.005 Kg/Unit
Shao rice 0.05 Kg/Unit
0.005 Kg/Unit
Garlic 0.005 Kg/Unit

Page 146 of 173

calories: 587kcal, protein: 10g, fat: 60g, saturated
fat: 21g, sodium: 36mg, potassium: 209mg

Standard recipe card

Recipe Name: •
Minestrone soup • Vegetarian Moussaka (Vegetarian)
Selling Price: $ 20.00 Cost Price: $ 13.90 Food Cost %:29
Preparation Time:      

Ingredients     Price per unit

Egg plant 0.1 Kg/Unit $ 0 .50 $ 0.50
Potato 0.1 Kg/Unit $ 3.00 $ 0.30
Zucchini 0.1 $ 6.00 $ 0.60
Olive oil 0.5 $ 15.00 $ 0.30
extra $ 0.50
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -
$ -

Kg/Unit $ 13.90
calories: 590kcal, protein: 17g, fat: 70g, saturated fat: 30g, sodium: 40mg, potassium: 220mg

Standard recipe card

Name: Easy Roast lamb with wild garlic and rosemary

Page 147 of 173
$ Food Cost
Selling Price: $ 14.00 Cost Price: 4.15 %: 30%
Preparation Time: 4 hours Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
leg of lamb Kg/Unit
Wild garlic 0.05 Kg/Unit
French rosemary
0.001 Kg/Unit
olive oil 0.02 Kg/Unit
Vegetable stock 0 Kg/Unit
Lemon 0.003 Kg/Unit
Salt sea 0.005
Black paper 0.002
Plain flour 0.006
Lamb stock 0.005
calories: 599kcal, protein: 22g, fat: 65g, saturated
fat: 29g, sodium: 35mg, potassium: 225mg

Standard recipe card

Recipe Name. Apple crumble

Selling Price: $ 12.00 Cost Price: $ 1.32 Food Cost %:28
Preparation Time:  30 min  Per service 1      
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Granny smith apple 0.25 Kg/Unit
White flour 0.125 Kg/Unit
Lemon juice 0.001 Kg/Unit
Ground cinnamon 0.001 Kg/Unit
Rolled oats 0.02 Kg/Unit
Brown sugar 0.025 Kg/Unit
Butter 0.02 Kg/Unit
Salt 0.005

Page 148 of 173

Kcal-520 fat-39g saturates-23g sugars-33g fibre-0g protion-10g salt-.55g

Standard recipe card

Name: Chocolate Fondant

Kcal-581 fat-40g saturates-21g sugars-
  30g fibre-0g protion-9g salt-.55g        
Cost $ Cost
Selling Price: $ 15.00 Price: 4.80 %: 32%
Preparation Per
Time: 45 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Kg/Uni $10.0
Melted butter 0.02 $0.20
t 0
Kg/Uni $20.0
Coca power 0.025 $0.50
t 0
Good dark Kg/Uni $20.0
0.02 $0.40
chocolate t 0
Butter 0.025 $7.00 $0.18
Golden caster Kg/Uni
0.03 $7.00 $0.21
sugar t
Kg/Uni $30.0
egg 0.1 $3.00
t 0
Plain flour 0.1 $3.00 $0.30
Black paper 0.002 $5.00 $0.01
calories: 530kcal, protein: 25g, fat: 70g, saturated
fat: 30g, sodium: 40mg, potassium: 222mg

Page 149 of 173

E. Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached
template “Yields” and calculate the net yields, and net costs.
Net Net
Item $/kg Trimming Yeild/kg Cost/kg Portions/kg Net Portion Cost
$ $ $
Beans 2.95 16% 0.84 3.42 10 0.34
$ $ $
Broccoli 4.85 24% 0.76 6.01 10 0.60
$ $ $
Steak 30.00 15% 0.85 34.50 3 11.50
$ $ $
Prawns 30.00 40% 0.6 42.00 50 0.84
$ $ $
Cheese 50.00 5% 0.95 52.50 500 0.11
$ $ $
Carrot 2.00 16% 0.84 2.32 0.1 23.20
$ $ $
Cauliflower 4.00 22% 0.78 4.88 0.1 48.80
$ $ $
Kohlrabi 5.00 32% 0.68 6.60 0.1 66.00
$ $ $
Spiniach 10.60 18% 0.82 12.51 0.1 125.08
$ $ $
Onion 3.00 14% 0.86 3.42 0.05 68.40
$ $ $
Sirloin 17.00 26% 0.74 21.42 0.28 76.50
$ $ $
Pork 15.10 14% 0.86 17.21 0.25 68.86
$ $ $
Lamb 10.50 27% 0.73 13.34 0.25 53.34
Potato $ 2.00 15% 0.85 $ 2.30 5 $ 0.46
Chicken $ 7.00 30% 0.7 $ 9.10 0.25 $ 36.40
Tomato’s $ 5.00 20% 0.8 $ 6.00 0.1 $ 60.00
Green chilli $ 10.00 20% 0.8 $ 12.00 10 $ 1.20
Goat meat $ 7.00 30% 0.7 $ 9.10 0.25 $ 36.40
Different mint
herb $ 2.00 20% 0.8 $ 2.40 0.1 $ 24.00
Meat $ 7.00 30% 0.7 $ 9.10 0.25 $36.4

F. Identify the dishes that feature best in terms of profitability and adjust
meet the food cost requirements set out in A.
Page 150 of 173
Answer. Easy Roast lamb with wild garlic and rosemary is the best in terms of
profitably. Selling price is 14 cost 4.15 food cost 30%

Name: Easy Roast lamb with wild garlic and rosemary

$ $
Selling Price: 14.00 Cost Price: 4.15 Food Cost %: 30%
Preparation Time: 4 hours Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
leg of lamb 0.15 Kg/Unit $20.00 $3.00
Wild garlic 0.05 Kg/Unit $12.00 $0.60
French rosemary
0.001 Kg/Unit $20.00 $0.02
olive oil 0.02 Kg/Unit $20.00 $0.40
Vegetable stock 0 Kg/Unit $100.00 $0.00
Lemon 0.003 Kg/Unit $10.00 $0.03
Salt sea 0.005 $4.00 $0.02
Black paper 0.002 $5.00 $0.01
Plain flour 0.006 $3.00 $0.02
Lamb stock 0.005 $10.00 $0.05

G. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller

than size 12.
▪ Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner,
and true in its

features and ingredients.

▪ Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the
style of cuisine

Page 151 of 173

table d’hôte

Entree Chicken Caesar salad $14

Crispy golden Pork belly $11

Main Vegetarian Moussaka $20

Easy Roast lamb with wild $14

garlic and rosemary
Dessert Apple Crumble $12
chocolate fondant $15

H. Once implemented, obtain feedback for the success of the menu

using a method outlined in the task section above and attach the
feedback to this assessment marked “Menu 6”

Menu 6assessment criteria S NS Comment

Element 1; identify customer requirement s
The type of customer relevant for the s
menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified s
The menu types used in the establishment are s
The common popular items sold in the establishment s
are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the s
basis of comparison
Element 2: Plan menus
The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as s
per instruction relevant for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where s
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within s
one menu type provide variety and repetitions are
Page 152 of 173
The colours within dishes and in a menu, type are s
appealing Dishes within a menu type provide a
variety of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of s
different textures

Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable s

nutritional balance according to Australian Healthy
guidelines for adults
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the s
clientele identified in section
Element 3: Cost menus
Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card s
The yield test values are establishing in a yield test s
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and s
net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe s
The correct formulas are used for each type of
The food cost for each dish does not exceed 28% s
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is s
All calculations are attached for reference as s
instructed for each menu type
Element 4: Write menu content
The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, s
creating interest Classical garnishes are used
correctly according to conventions (e.g., a

Wiener Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is s

used it must refer to pork/chicken Schnitzel “Vienna
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly s
The correct culinary terms are used and explained s
where relevant the menu structure is correct in order

The print type/font is clearly legible s

Element 5: Evaluate menu success

The menu /dishes are evaluated using evaluation s

methods outlines in the instructions
The feedback is collated and attached the feedback s
is interpreted correctly

Page 153 of 173

A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of s
the evaluation strategy

I.What was the feedback received, and accordingly what needs to be

improved when planning future set or table d’hôte menus in the future?

Answer. Apple crumble is lit bit sour. Next time we must put another dish.

Customer surveys

Menu customer questionnaire and survey Please circle response 1 being poor and
5 being excellent.
Q1. The menu has a good variety of 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q2. The food is tasty and flavourful? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q3. The food is served hot and fresh? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q4The quality of food was? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q5What is your satisfaction with taste of Excellent
Q6What did you not like about our food Reduce veneer
and service?
Q7if any comment please It’s excellent. keep cook and serve

Seeking staff suggestion for menu items

Staff name Menu item Staff suggestion

Rahami Chicken Caesar salad All menus are excellent
this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next
Harvill Crispy golden Pork belly All menus are excellent
this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next
Kanchan Magra Vegetarian Moussaka All menus are excellent
this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next

Page 154 of 173

Kamal Hasan Easy Roast lamb with wild garlic All menus are excellent
and rosemary this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next
Gharial Apple Crumble All menus are excellent
this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next
Kantipur chocolate fondant All menus are excellent
this month. If something
wrong in future I can
suggestion next

6. Menu 7 – Plan a seasonal menu.

1. Plan a seasonal menu, relevant to the time of the year/month and

the region where you undertake this assessment. Your menu may
include e.g. dishes for a game season, fresh berries in season, in
conjunction with dishes paired to new wines released or similar.
Your menu needs to comprise of a selection of speciality dishes
using seasonal produce as a specials menu or a complete menu
using at least 4 courses.

The food cost shall not exceed 31% for any dish, and the menu
should be in line with the characteristics you have provided in
Question 1 of this assessment.

Page 155 of 173

6. Menu 7 – Plan a seasonal menu.

2. Plan a seasonal menu, relevant to the time of the year/month and

the region where you undertake this assessment. Your menu may
include e.g. dishes for a game season, fresh berries in season, in
conjunction with dishes paired to new wines released or similar.
Your menu needs to comprise of a selection of speciality dishes
using seasonal produce as a specials menu or a complete menu
using at least 4 courses.

The food cost shall not exceed 31% for any dish, and the menu
should be in line with the characteristics you have provided in
Question 1 of this assessment.

Page 156 of 173

Types of customers-description
This is seasonal restaurant that cater for all who want good quality meal and good value.
It must serve some customer like parent who like some fine food and for kid who just like
children type meal. Restaurants must be affordable for family to eat there.
Cuisine styles used in the establishment
Modern Australian & International cuisine
Menu type used in the establishments
Seasonal menu

Best-selling menu items Example cost

Entree Salt cured sea bass 16.50
soup Courgette, leeks & goat’s $8
cheese soup

Main Peach hand pies $4.70

Children Menu Chicken nugget $10

Dessert Summer apricot Victoria $8.5

Special/Other Family Hour 5pm – 6pm Free child meal with each
adult meal

Seasonal Menu Month July Goulburn Australia

Entree Salt-Cured Sea bass Tostadas (callo de lobina) $16.50
soup Courgette, Leek& goat’s cheese soup $8
Main Peach hand pies $4.70

Summer Bean Salad with Potlikker Vinaigrete $9.50

Dessert Summer Apricot Victoria Sponge $8.5


Name: Salt -cured Sea Bass Tostadas (Calloo de Lobina)

Page 157 of 173
Selling Price: $ 16.50 Cost Price: $ 5.16 Food Cost %: 31%
Preparation Time: 45 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Skinless striped Kg/Unit $15.00 $0.00
sea bass fillet 0.1 Kg/Unit $20.00 $2.00
Lime juice 0.001 Kg/Unit $20.00 $0.02
Worcestershire Kg/Unit $20.00 $0.00
sauce 0.005 Kg/Unit $20.00 $0.10
soy sauce 0.005 Kg/Unit $10.00 $0.05
sugar 0.05 Kg/Unit $6.00 $0.30
Tomato paste 0.05 Kg/Unit $7.00 $0.35
hot sauce 0.005 $7.00 $0.04
Black paper 0.002 $20.00 $0.04
cucumber 0.05 $3.00 $0.15
Avocado 0.09 $20.00 $1.80
Red onion 0.005 $3.00 $0.02
Corn tostadas 0.015 $20.00 $0.30
Kcal-304, Fat-16g, Saturates-5g, Carbs-20g, sugar-6g, Fibre-8g, Protein-16g salt-1,1g
Gently toss until fish is evenly coated. Add ice, and fold gently with a rubber spatula until salt
dissolves and ice starts to melt and pool on bottom of bowl, about 5 minutes. Cover with plastic
wrap, and refrigerate until fish is firm, about 1 hour, folding gently every 15 to 20 minutes. Whisk
together lime juice, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, sugar, tomato paste, hot sauce, black
pepper, and piquing chile in a bowl until tomato paste dissolves and ingredients are fully combined.

Thinly slice 1 cucumber to equal 1 cup and set aside. Dice remaining cucumber to equal 1 cup and
set aside. Add red onion, diced cucumber, and remaining dressing. Stir gently to combine.

Top evenly with sliced cucumber, avocado pieces, and a drizzle of the reserved dressing.

Menu/recipe card
Name: Peach hand pies
Selling Price: $ 4.70 Cost Price: $ 1.45 Food Cost %: 31%
Preparation Time: 45 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Peaches 0.05 Kg/Unit $2.00 $0.10
sugar 0.05 Kg/Unit $7.00 $0.35
brown sugar 0.05 Kg/Unit $7.00 $0.35
Page 158 of 173
salt 0.005 Kg/Unit $3.00 $0.02
Cinnamon ground 0.005 Kg/Unit $20.00 $0.10
leamon juice 0.001 Kg/Unit $20.00 $0.02
Vanilla 0.005 Kg/Unit $20.00 $0.10
Tomato paste 0.05 Kg/Unit $7.00 $0.35
hot sauce 0.005 $7.00 $0.04
Flour 0.009 $3.00 $0.03
Egg 0 $20.00 $0.00
Kcal-304, Fat-16g, Saturates-5g, Carbs-20g,sugar-6g, Fibre-8g,Protein-16g salt-1,1g
Gently stir until the fish is evenly coated. Add ice and knead gently with a rubber spatula until the salt
dissolves and the ice begins to melt and settle on the bottom of the bowl, about 5 minutes. Cover
with cling film and refrigerate until fish is firm, about 1 hour, folding gently every 15 to 20 minutes. Whisk
together lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, sugar, ketchup, hot sauce, black pepper, and
piquing pepper in a bowl until tomato paste has dissolved, and ingredients are fully combined.

Thinly slice 1 cucumber by 1 cup and set aside. Slice the remaining cucumber by 1 cup

and set aside. Add the shallot, diced cucumber and remaining sauce. Stir gently to combine.

Toss with sliced cucumber, avocado pieces, and some reserved dressing.

Menu /Recipe
Name: Summer Bean Salad with Potlikker Vinaigrete
Selling Price: $ 9.50 Cost Price: $ 2.85 Food Cost %: 30%
Preparation Time: 45 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Chicken stock 0.05 Kg/Unit $7.00 $0.35
olive oil 0.005 Kg/Unit $7.00 $0.04
salt 0.005 Kg/Unit $3.00 $0.02
black paper 0.005 Kg/Unit $20.00 $0.10
ham 0.009 Kg/Unit $7.00 $0.06
Red paper 0.005 Kg/Unit $20.00 $0.10
Thawed frozen lima 0.05 Kg/Unit $20.00 $1.00
corn 0.05 $7.00 $0.35
Haricots verts 0.005 $8.00 $0.04
fava beans 0.015 $20.00 $0.30
Vinegar 0.005 $5.00 $0.03
tomato’s 0.09 $3.00 $0.27
chopped dill 0.005 $20.00 $0.10
parsley 0.005 $20.00 $0.10
Page 159 of 173

Kcal-304, Fat-16g, Saturates-5g, Carbs-20g, sugar-6g, Fibre-8g, Protein-16g salt-1,1g

Mix gently until the fish is evenly coated. Add ice and gently fold with a rubber spatula until the salt dissolves
and the ice begins to melt and settle to the bottom of the bowl, about 5 minutes. Cover with plastic wrap and
refrigerate until fish is firm, about 1 hour, gently folding every 15 to 20 minutes. Whisk together lime juice,
Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, sugar, tomato paste, hot sauce, black pepper and piquing pepper in a bowl
until the tomato paste dissolves and that the ingredients are completely combined.Thinly slice 1 cucumber to
equal 1 cup and set aside. Dice the rest of the cucumber to make 1 cup and set aside. Add the red onion,
diced cucumber and remaining dressing. Stir gently to combine.Top evenly
with cucumber slices, avocado chunks and a drizzle of the reserved dressing.

Name: Courgette, leek & goat's cheese soup

Selling Price: $ 8.00 Cost Price: $ 2.36 Food Cost %: 30%
Preparation Time: 8 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
leeks 0.1 Kg/Unit $2.00 $0.20
olive oil 0.005 Kg/Unit $7.00 $0.04
courgettes 0.1 Kg/Unit $3.00 $0.30
vegetable power 0.005 Kg/Unit $20.00 $0.10
spinach 0.1 Kg/Unit $3.00 $0.30
goat cheese 0.04 Kg/Unit $30.00 $1.20
basil 0.005 Kg/Unit $5.00 $0.03
omega seed mix 0.005 $20.00 $0.10
whole grain rye bread 0.05 $2.00 $0.10
Kcal-304, Fat-16g, Saturates-5g, Carbs-20g, sugar-6g, Fibre-8g, Protein-16g salt-1,1g
 STEP 1

Heat the oil in a large pan and fry the leeks for a few mins to soften. Add the courgettes, then cover the
pan and cook for 5 mins more. Pour in the stock, cover and cook for about 7 mins.
 STEP 2

Add the spinach, then cover the pan and cook for 5 mins so that it wilts. Take off the heat and blitz until
smooth with a hand blender. Add the goat’s cheese and basil, then blitz again.
 STEP 3

If you're making this recipe as part of our two-person Summer Healthy Diet Plan, spoon half the soup
into two bowls or large flasks, then cool and chill the remainder for another day. Reheat in a pan or
microwave to serve. If serving in bowls, scatter with some extra basil leaves and the seeds, and eat with
the rye bread.


Page 160 of 173

Name: Summer Apricot Victoria sponge
$ Food Cost
Selling Price: $ 8.50 Cost Price: 2.73 %: 32%
Preparation Per
Time: 35 min Service 1    
Ingredients Amount unit Price per unit  
Unsalted butter 0.05 Kg/Unit $7.00 $0.35
Sugar 0.005 Kg/Unit $7.00 $0.04
egg Kg/Unit $3.00 $0.00
flour 0.09 Kg/Unit $2.00 $0.18
Baking power 0.005 Kg/Unit $7.00 $0.04
sea salt 0.005 Kg/Unit $10.00 $0.05
Milk 0.005 Kg/Unit $5.00 $0.03
Apricot 0.05 $15.00 $0.75
canned apricot 0.05 $15.00 $0.75
lemon 0.005 $10.00 $0.05
double cream 0.05 $5.00 $0.25
vanilla pod 0.05 $5.00 $0.25
Kcal-587, Fat-37g, Saturates-23g, Carbs-55g, sugar37g, Fibre-2g, Protein-6g salt-0.7g
 STEP 1

 Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Butter and line the base and sides of two 20cm
sandwich tins.

 STEP 2

 Beat the butter and sugar together in a large bowl with an electric whisk for 8-10 mins, or until
pale and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Sift in the flour,
baking powder and salt, and fold in using a large metal spoon. Add just enough of the milk to
create a dropping consistency.

 STEP 3

 Divide the batter between the prepared tins and smooth the tops with a spatula. Bake on the
middle shelf of the oven for 25-30 mins, or until golden and firm to the touch. Leave to cool
slightly in the tins, then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

 STEP 4

 Meanwhile, make the filling. Spoon the conserve into a small pan and stir in the apricots and
whole thyme sprigs. Warm over a low heat for 2 mins until loosened, then transfer to a
heatproof bowl and leave to cool and infuse for 1-2 hrs.

 STEP 5

Page 161 of 173

 Whip the cream with the icing sugar and vanilla until the mixture just holds its shape (be careful
not to overwhip – see tip, below).

 STEP 6

Remove and discard the whole thyme from the conserve mixture and stir in the thyme leaves.
Spread the mixture over one of the sponges, then top with the vanilla whipped cream and
sandwich with the remaining sponge. Dust the cake with some icing sugar. Will keep in the
fridge for up to three days.

B. The dishes must provide a balanced variety on offer and within the
courses offered including the following:


Colours All dishes have own shiny and bright

Cooking method Every dish has individual cooking method
Delicacies It’s wonderful delicacies fantastic
Flavours All dishes and course are its own flavour
Nutritional values It’s under law nutritional value in each dish
Presentation Presentation is correct and order as much as possible
Seasonally All dishes have seasonally available ingredient.
Tastes All dishes have its own taste
Textures All dishes have each own texture and feeling

C. Draft ideas for each of the dishes listed in A., present these to your
chef/colleagues or trainer and obtain feedback. Document what the
feedback entailed and what you will change, accordingly. Attach this
draft and comments to this assessment marked “Menu 7”

Menu Chef colleagues Trainer Visitor Feedback

Entrée Tasty perfect tasty Excellent Feedback
Salt-Cured Sea form, email
bass Tostadas and after
(callo de lobina) having food
about food
direct face
to face and

Page 162 of 173

Courgette, Tasty perfect tasty Excellent
Leek& goat’s
cheese soup
Main Tasty perfect tasty Excellent Feedback
form, email
Peach hand and after
pies having food
Summer Bean about food
Salad with direct face
Potlikker to face and
Vinaigrete feedback
Summer Apricot Tasty perfect Tasty Excellent Feedback
Victoria Sponge form, email
More and after
sugar having food
about food
direct face
to face and
Menu 7 assessment criteria S NS Comment
Element 1; identify customer requirement s
The type of customer relevant for the s
menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified s
The menu types used in the establishment are s
The common popular items sold in the establishment s
are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the basis s
of comparison
Element 2: Plan menus
The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as s
per instruction relevant for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where s
The methods of cookery used for the dishes within one s
menu type provide variety and repetitions are avoided

The colours within dishes and in a menu, type are s

appealing Dishes within a menu type provide a variety

Page 163 of 173

of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of s
different textures

Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable s

nutritional balance according to Australian Healthy
guidelines for adults
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the clientele s
identified in section
Element 3: Cost menus
Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card s
The yield test values are establishing in a yield test s
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and s
net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe card s
The correct formulas are used for each type of
The food cost for each dish does not exceed 28% s
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is s
All calculations are attached for reference as s
instructed for each menu type
Element 4: Write menu content
The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, creating s
interest Classical garnishes are used correctly
according to conventions (e.g., a

Wiener Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is s

used it must refer to pork/chicken Schnitzel “Vienna
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly s
The correct culinary terms are used and explained s
where relevant the menu structure is correct in order

The print type/font is clearly legible s

Element 5: Evaluate menu success

The menu /dishes are evaluated using evaluation s

methods outlines in the instructions
The feedback is collated and attached the feedback is s
interpreted correctly

A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of the s

evaluation strategy

Page 164 of 173

I must reduce sugar in dessert item by suggestion of respected people.

D.Establish standard recipe cards for each dish, listing the ingredients
and required quantities.

Answer –


Name: Salt -cured Sea Bass Tostadas (Calloo de Lobina)

Selling Price: $ 16.50 Cost Price: $ 5.16 Food Cost %: 31%
Preparation Time: 45 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code
Skinless striped Kg/Unit
sea bass fillet 0.1 Kg/Unit
Lime juice 0.001 Kg/Unit
Worcestershire Kg/Unit
sauce 0.005 Kg/Unit
soy sauce 0.005 Kg/Unit
sugar 0.05 Kg/Unit
Tomato paste 0.05 Kg/Unit
hot sauce 0.005
Black paper 0.002
cucumber 0.05
Avocado 0.09
Red onion 0.005
Corn tostadas 0.015

Kcal-304, Fat-16g, Saturates-5g, Carbs-20g, sugar-6g, Fibre-8g, Protein-16g salt-1,1g

Menu/recipe card
Name: Peach hand pies
Selling Price: $ 4.70 Cost Price: $ 1.45 Food Cost %: 31%
Preparation Time: 45 min Per Service 1    
Page 165 of 173
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Peaches 0.05 Kg/Unit
sugar 0.05 Kg/Unit
brown sugar 0.05 Kg/Unit
salt 0.005 Kg/Unit
Cinnamon ground 0.005 Kg/Unit
Leamon juice 0.001 Kg/Unit
Vanilla 0.005 Kg/Unit
Tomato paste 0.05 Kg/Unit
hot sauce 0.005
Flour 0.009
Egg 0

Kcal-304, Fat-16g, Saturates-5g, Carbs-20g, sugar-6g, Fibre-8g, Protein-16g salt-1,1g

Menu /Recipe card

Name: Summer Bean Salad with Potlikker Vinaigrete

Selling Price: $ 9.50 Cost Price: $ 2.85 Food Cost %: 30%
Preparation Time: 45 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Chicken stock 0.05 Kg/Unit
olive oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
salt 0.005 Kg/Unit
black paper 0.005 Kg/Unit
ham 0.009 Kg/Unit
Red paper 0.005 Kg/Unit
Thawed frozen lima 0.05 Kg/Unit
corn 0.05
Haricots verts 0.005
fava beans 0.015
Vinegar 0.005
tomato’s 0.09
chopped dill 0.005
parsley 0.005

Page 166 of 173

Kcal-304, Fat-16g, Saturates-5g, Carbs-20g, sugar-6g, Fibre-8g, Protein-16g salt-1,1g

Standard recipe card

Name: Courgette, leek & goat's cheese soup
Selling Price: $ 8.00 Cost Price: $ 2.36 Food Cost %: 30%
Preparation Time: 8 min Per Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
leeks 0.1 Kg/Unit
olive oil 0.005 Kg/Unit
courgettes 0.1 Kg/Unit
vegetable power 0.005 Kg/Unit
spinach 0.1 Kg/Unit
goat cheese 0.04 Kg/Unit
basil 0.005 Kg/Unit
omega seed mix 0.005
whole grain rye bread 0.05

Kcal-304, Fat-16g, Saturates-5g, Carbs-20g, sugar-6g, Fibre-8g, Protein-16g salt-1,1g


Name: Summer Apricot Victoria sponge

$ Food Cost
Selling Price: $ 8.50 Cost Price: 2.73 %: 32%
Preparation Per
Time: 35 min Service 1    
Ingredients Qty unit Unit code  
Unsalted butter 0.05 Kg/Unit
Sugar 0.005 Kg/Unit
egg Kg/Unit

Page 167 of 173

flour 0.09 Kg/Unit
Baking power 0.005 Kg/Unit
sea salt 0.005 Kg/Unit
Milk 0.005 Kg/Unit
Apricot 0.05
canned apricot 0.05
lemon 0.005
double cream 0.05
vanilla pod 0.05

Kcal-587, Fat-37g, Saturates-23g, Carbs-55g, sugar37g, Fibre-2g, Protein-6g salt-0.7g

E. Establish a yield test sheet for all ingredients, using the attached
template “Yields” and calculate the net yields, and net costs.

Trimmin Net Net Portions/k Net Portion

Item $/kg g Yield/kg Cost/kg g Cost
$ $ $
Beans 2.95 16% 0.84 3.42 10 0.34
$ $ $
Broccoli 4.85 24% 0.76 6.01 10 0.60
$ $ $
Steak 30.00 15% 0.85 34.50 3 11.50
$ $ $
Prawns 30.00 40% 0.6 42.00 50 0.84
$ $ $
Cheese 50.00 5% 0.95 52.50 500 0.11
$ $ $
Carrot 2.00 16% 0.84 2.32 0.1 23.20
$ $ $
Cauliflower 4.00 22% 0.78 4.88 0.1 48.80
$ $ $
Kohlrabi 5.00 32% 0.68 6.60 0.1 66.00
$ $ $
Spinach 10.60 18% 0.82 12.51 0.1 125.08
$ $ $
Onion 3.00 14% 0.86 3.42 0.05 68.40
$ $ $
Sirloin 17.00 26% 0.74 21.42 0.28 76.50
$ $ $
Pork 15.10 14% 0.86 17.21 0.25 68.86
Page 168 of 173
$ $ $
Lamb 10.50 27% 0.73 13.34 0.25 53.34
$ $
Potato 2.00 15% 0.85 2.30 5 $ 0.46
$ $
Chicken 7.00 30% 0.7 9.10 0.25 $ 36.40
$ $
Tomato’s 5.00 20% 0.8 6.00 0.1 60.00
$ $ $
Green chilli 10.00 20% 0.8 12.00 10 1.20
$ $ $
Goat meat 7.00 30% 0.7 9.10 0.25 36.40
Different mint $ $ $
herb 2.00 20% 0.8 2.40 0.1 24.00
$ $
Meat 7.00 30% 0.7 9.10 0.25 $36.4

F. Cost each dish and identify the profitability of each menu item. Make
adjustment s to meet the requirements set out in A.

Best-selling menu items Example cost

Entree Salt cured sea bass $16.50
soup Courgette, leeks & goat’s $8
cheese soup

Main Peach hand pies $4.70

Children Menu Chicken nugget $10

Dessert Summer apricot Victoria $8.5

G. Write the menu using an attractive font of your choice, no smaller

than size 12.
Page 169 of 173
▪ Ensure each dish is described accurately and in an appealing manner,
and true in its

features and ingredients.

▪ Use correct culinary terms, language and grammar relevant to the
style of cuisine

Seasonal Menu Month August Goulburn Australia

Entree Salt-Cured Sea bass Tostadas (callo de lobina)
soup Courgette, Leek& goat’s cheese soup $8
Main Peach hand pies $4.70
Summer Bean Salad with Potlikker Vinaigrete
Dessert Summer Apricot Victoria Sponge $8.5

H. Once implemented, obtain feedback for the success of the menu

using a method outlined in the task section above and attach the
feedback to this assessment marked “Menu 7”

Menu 7 assessment criteria S NS Comment

Element 1; identify customer requirement s
The type of customer relevant for the s
menu/establishment is identified
The cuisine style (s) are identified s
The menu types used in the establishment are s
The common popular items sold in the establishment s
are identified
An indicative pricing structure is provided for the basis s
of comparison
Element 2: Plan menus
The menu contains the number of dishes/choices as s
per instruction relevant for the menu type
The dishes provided use a seasonal variety where s

Page 170 of 173

The methods of cookery used for the dishes within one s
menu type provide variety and repetitions are avoided

The colours within dishes and in a menu, type are s

appealing Dishes within a menu type provide a variety
of tastes
Dishes within a menu type provide a variety of s
different textures

Main dishes or menus provide an acceptable s

nutritional balance according to Australian Healthy
guidelines for adults
The dishes / menu type is/are suitable for the clientele s
identified in section
Element 3: Cost menus
Each commodity is listed in a standard recipe card s
The yield test values are establishing in a yield test s
The correct methods are used to calculate yields and s
net costs
Each dish is costed in the standards recipe card s
The correct formulas are used for each type of
The food cost for each dish does not exceed 28% s
The profitability/maximum for each dish or menu is s
All calculations are attached for reference as s
instructed for each menu type
Element 4: Write menu content
The menu/dish is written in an appealing way, creating s
interest Classical garnishes are used correctly
according to conventions (e.g., a

Wiener Schnitzel must use veal; if pork or chicken is s

used it must refer to pork/chicken Schnitzel “Vienna
The key features in each dish/menu are clearly s
The correct culinary terms are used and explained s
where relevant the menu structure is correct in order

The print type/font is clearly legible s

Element 5: Evaluate menu success

The menu /dishes are evaluated using evaluation s

methods outlines in the instructions
The feedback is collated and attached the feedback is s
interpreted correctly
Page 171 of 173
A sales analysis ids performed where this is part of the s
evaluation strategy

What was the feedback received, and accordingly what needs to be

improved or changed?

Answer. All the process of project and dish excellent. I must reduce sugar in
dessert items.

Customer surveys

Menu customer questionnaire and survey Please circle response 1 being poor and
5 being excellent.
Q1. The menu has a good variety of 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q2. The food is tasty and flavourful? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q3. The food is served hot and fresh? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q4The quality of food was? 1 2 3. 4. 5.
Q5What is your satisfaction with taste of Excellent
Q6What did you not like about our food Reduce sugar
and service?
Q7if any comment please It’s excellent. keep cook and serve

Seeking staff suggestion for menu items

Staff name Menu item Staff suggestion

Rahami Entrée-Salt-Cured Sea bass Tostadas All menus are excellent this
(callo de lobina) month. If something wrong in
future I can suggestion next
Harvill Soup-Courgette, Leek& goat’s cheese All menus are excellent this
soup month. If something wrong in
future I can suggestion next
Kanchan Magra Main-Peach hand pies All menus are excellent this
month. If something wrong in
Summer Bean Salad with Potlikker future I can suggestion next
Vinaigrete meeting.
Kamal Hasan Dessert-Summer Apricot Victoria Sponge All menus are excellent this

Page 172 of 173

month. If something wrong in
future I can suggestion next

Page 173 of 173

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