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Expression of making accepting and declining invitation

Sometimes, we have a situation and have to also invite some of friends to come. There are many
situations that probably happened in our daily life, such as meeting, birthday party, graduation
party etc. of course, we have to make an invitation for our guests. There will be two answers for
them who are invited by us, they may come or accept the invitation and they may not come or
decline the invitation. The situation will be divided into formal and informal. There is differences
expression that  is  use in the different context of situation.

Expression to make, accept or decline invitiation in formal situation.

Making in vitiation
Accepting invitation
·         Would you like to…?
·         I would very happy if…? ·         That’s very kind of you
·         We would be delighted if you…? ·         We’d like very much to….
·         Would you care to..? ·         What a delightful idea
·         We would be pleased if you could…? ·         With the greatest pleasure
·         Would you care to…? ·         Thank you very much for inviting me
·         It’s delightful to….

Declining invitation

·         I’m very sorry, I don’t

·         Think I can.
·         I’d like to, but ….
·         I’m afraid I’ve
·         Already promised….
·         Thank you for asking me, but ….
·         Unfortunately  , I can’t….

Expression to make, accept or decline invitiation in informal situation

Making invitation

·         Why don’t you come to… Accepting invitation

·         Like to come to …
·         Come and … ·         I would/will …
·         Shall we come to … ·         That would be very nice
·         You must come to … ·         OK,I will be there !
·         I’d like love to come.
·         All right.
·         Sure, I am coming

Declining invitation
·         Sort, I can’t.
·         I’d love to, but …
·         I don’t think I can.
·         In wish I could, but …
·         Sorry, I am very busy
·         Sorry, may be next time
·         Thank you, but I can’t
·         Sorry, I don’t think I
·         Can’t make it
·         I’m so sorry I can make it
Tugas :
1. Catat materi ini dibuku catatan kalian masing-masing!
2. Buatlah dialog dengan ketentuan dibawah ini :
a. Inviting your friend to watch the movie
b. Inviting your mom to cook your birthday cake
c. Inviting your sister to visit Tangkuban perahu mountain
d. Inviting your friend to study together
e. Inviting your classmate to swim at Ancol

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