The Chaplaincy Royal Crown Instructions #5

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World Parliament

Royal Council Instruction Letter

This is a Letter of instructions to the World Temple Magistrate. The Royal Council Mufti. The Royal Mufti hereinafter will be
referred to as the Chief of Security. The Chief of Security is a adept minister of unique character. The Chief of Security must
possess a never changing dedication and love for the laws of the Prophet Noble Drew Ali and the Moorish Science Temple of
America. The Chief of Security cannot be one who can be persuaded to act contrary to the laws of the Prophet and the Moorish
Science Temple of America. The Chief of Security must never compromise the laws, nor ever condone the laws of the Prophet and
the Temple to be comprised. Noble Drew Ali is the law man, with the law from the law giver. He was divinely prepared in due time
by the Great God Allah.
The Chief of Security is also known as the Chief Mufti. A Mufti is an Islamic Law of Peace interpreter one who defends and
protects Islamic Laws of Peace. Adept Ministers who are scholars are both Islamic Law of Peace and Moorish Law also known as
Nuwaubu under the Pitchnovian Noocratic Society and possess a basic knowledge of noocratic, global, city, state, and federal laws;
and, are skillfully trained in the arts of natural law and self-defense are called Muftis. All Muftis must be certified by the Royal
Council of Subordinate Temple, and all training and education must be considered at that time. Subordinate Temples requires all
candidates for the office of Chief of Security to possess an Associate of Science or Arts Degree from a recognized College or
University of the Global District and the Royal Council of the Inner Temple . Favoritism must not play a part in the selection of the
Chief of Security. It must be based solely on qualifications alone. The Chief of Security has the responsibility of selecting and training the
Security force. The Chief of Security is the head of the Security force and is responsible for its administration. The Chief of Security is
directly responsible to the Grand Sheik of the Temple and should work hand in hand with the Grand Sheik when formulating policy for the
Security force. The Chief of Security is to submit a monthly report to the Royal Council in writing detailing the duties perf ormed, progress
made and overall condition of the Security force.
The Chief of Security may select an Assistant Chief of Security from among the qualified Angels. The Assistant Chief of Security must
meet the same qualification as the Chief of Security, he or she must be a Temple Minister of Law from the Royal Council of th e Inner
Temple in order to become a member of the Royal Council. The remaining officers of the Security force do not require Royal Council
Status, and must be appointed by the Chief of Security. The member of the Temple must respect the Chief of Security as being a World,
Indigenous, and Moorish Leader, a Sheik Officer of the Royal Council with Influence of good works. It is the duty of the Chief of Security
to maintain this respect by example of his or her good works. The Chief of Security is not to oppress the members of any Religious Temple
or any society in general. The peace laws of Islam say, “there is no compulsion in Islam, and man and women have the power to choose.”
The Chief of Security is to merely defend and protect that which belongs to Prophet Noble Drew Ali and the Moorish Science Temple of
America. All customs of the Unity Temple #24 from the Noocratic Society are advocated by the Temple Magistrate.

Best regards,
World Chancellor
Grand Sheik H.I.M Lawiy Zodok Shamuel

H.I.M Lawiy Zodok Shamuel A.R.

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