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Nurture Cluster

Early Childhood Education and Care

Off-the-job Assessment
CHCECE003 - Provide care for children
CHCECE005 - Provide care for babies and toddlers
CHCECE007 - Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
CHCECE026 - Work in partnership with families to provide appropriate
education and care for children

Please note that all four (4) units in the Nurture Cluster are now co-
assessed. This is the only written off-the-job assessment to be completed
for all four (4) units. Please ensure that you have read the learning
materials for all four (4) units and completed the online tests for all four (4)
units prior to commencing this assessment.
□ I have read the learning resource CHCECE003
□ I have competed the online quiz for CHCECE003 (LA019635)
□ I have read the learning resource CHCECE005
□ I have competed the online quiz for CHCECE005 (LA019650)
□ I have read the learning resource CHCECE007
□ I have competed the online quiz for CHCECE007 (LA019668)
□ I have read the learning resource CHCECE026
□ I have competed the online quiz for CHCECE026 (LA019670)
□ I have attended a live/recorded Connect Session for this cluster of units
□ I have accessed the Forums for assistance with this unit (optional)

You are NOW ready to start this assessment. Good luck!

LA019636; Off-the-job Assessment; Nurture Cluster 1

© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
Assessment Summary
This assessment is ungraded. Learners will receive a Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory result in
accordance with TAFE NSW Assessment Guidelines.

All tasks must be completed to a satisfactory level to gain an overall Satisfactory result.

You should read the Learner Evidence Guide (LEG) to ensure that you have provided
satisfactory responses for all questions and tasks.

What you have to do

Read the Case study then write your answers to the questions relating to the following
topics using the information provided in the case study and your knowledge and
understanding gained from your readings of the units within the Nurture Cluster. Your
responses need to cover the following topics:

Task 1: Settling babies and toddlers into care – Bianca

Task 2: Settling Pre-schoolers in to care – George

Task 3: Developing a positive and respectful relationship with the children

Task 4: Communication and collaborative partnership with families

Case Study
Read through the case study carefully and answer the questions under each topic heading.

Natalia has just enrolled her baby, Bianca (10 months), in care at Forrest Early Learning
Centre.  George (4 years), Bianca’s brother, has been enrolled at the service for six
months and has settled in well. Natalia has been offered part time work at a local
solicitor’s office on a Tuesday and Thursday.

Bianca is generally an easy baby to care for and has slept through the night from 8 weeks
of age and goes down without too much fuss.  She is usually very happy and content
throughout the day and enjoys playing with her mother.

The infant (0-2 year old) room has three educators and eleven enrolments, including
Bianca, and operates with three primary care groups that have a primary educator
assigned to each.  Typically if any of these staff are away, the centre prioritises the use of
the same familiar casual staff where possible.

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Information from Bianca’s enrolment form

Name: Bianca Age: 10 months

Family Information:

Father: Gerard works in mining industry. Natalia and Gerard separated shortly after Bianca
was born; he moved from Sydney to Western Australia and rarely sees the children

Mother: Natalia is starting work as a part time secretary

Extended family: Gerard’s parents live in France, Natalia’s mother lives in South Australia

Sibling(s): George 4 years

Cultural background: Natalia - Australian, Gerard - French

Cultural practices: Family celebrates Easter, Birthdays, and Christmas.

Language background: English

Required hours of care Bianca and George will attend care Tuesday and Thursday 8:30 –
4:00 pm. The children will be dropped off and collected by Natalia

Food preferences: Fruit and pasta.

Particulars of persons, other than parents, authorised to collect your child:

Name: Angela Pereira

Address: 11 City Road, Adelaide, SA

Phone: 08 567 894

Relationship: Grandmother (Natalia’s mother)

Comforters:  dummy and physical contact.

Sleep routine: Bianca is breastfed just before sleep time. Bianca usually sleeps in the
morning at around 9.15 am for 30 minutes and in the afternoon at around 1pm for 60 to 90
minutes.  When tired Bianca becomes a little whiny, has difficulty coordinating movements
and will rub her eyes. Her sleep ritual involves being told “Very tired, time for bed” being
placed in her baby sleeping bag whilst being sung a lullaby ‘ten teddy bears sitting on the
wall’ and then gently rocked for a minute or two. Bianca is then placed in her cot “Very
tired, time for bed” and the adult then leaves the bedroom. Bianca responds to these
words, the song, the ritual of being put into her sleeping bag and gentle rocking as
significant bedtime cues that assist her in settling to sleep quickly. Her sleeping environment
is usually kept quiet and any curtains or blinds are closed slightly to darken the room a little.

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Meals:  Bianca is beginning to self-feed using her hands and bite sized pieces of soft-cooked
food although she is used to having an adult available to support her. She likes to have an
extra spoon at meal times and will attempt to use it. Favourite foods seem to be banana,
zucchini, yoghurt and cooked pasta. Bianca is beginning to drink boiled water from a lidded,
two-handled cup. Expressed breast milk will be provided in two (2) bottles that will need to
be given to Bianca before each sleep time.

Toys and games enjoyed:  Bianca enjoys playing with objects that can be put inside each
other, e.g. stacking cups, posting boxes, pots and pans.  She also enjoys books and stories
and has a collection of cardboard books that she likes to chew and manipulate.  Another
favourite game is Round and Round the Garden and other tickle rhymes.

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Task 1. Settling babies and toddlers in to care - Bianca
Read through the information on Bianca’s enrolment form and then answer the questions

Natalia is concerned about how Bianca will settle into care and would like to have
confidence in the service. She worries:

I. Will the educators know how to read Bianca’s cues and respond to her needs?
II. Will the staff know when Bianca is tired or hungry or just in need of a cuddle?
III. Will the staff know what to do if Bianca cries after being dropped off?
IV. How will the educators communicate with me when I call and inquire about the

1. Identify strategies to address each of the four concerns above:

Concerns Strategies
I. Will the educators know how to  Show interest in Bianca’s needs likes
read her cues and respond to her and dislikes through effective
needs? enrolment and orientation process.
Good communication and
welcoming environment makes
parent comfortable.
 Ask for advice from her mother
about establishing feeding, sleeping
and toileting routines.
 Gathering information about body
cue’s from enrolment form which
ensure that educators are able to
respond promptly and appropriately
to the baby’s needs.
II. Will the staff know when she is tired  Show family your use of physical
or hungry or just in need of a contacts, recognising cues of
cuddle? hunger, tiredness, discomfort from
her routine and follow through the
gathered information during
enrolment and orientation.
III. Will the staff know what to do if  Establish a routine and rituals for
Bianca cries after being dropped arrival and departure
off?  Use her comforters (dummy)
 Again ask her mother what games
and songs Bianca enjoys and follow
through form. Engage her in a game
or activity to play
 Consistency of educators

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IV. How will the educators  Encourage Bianca’s mother to
communicate with me when I call contact centre by phone any time.
and inquire about the children?”  Discuss Bianca’s day with her, so
that she feel well informed about
what her child has been doing while
she have been away.

The only occasion when Natalia has left Bianca with another person was when a neighbour
offered to babysit. Bianca screamed for 30 minutes but settled eventually when given her
dummy and a cuddle.
2. A) List strategies to help Bianca settle in to care in your service before starting (3)
and on her first day (3)- (6 in total):

Prior to Bianca starting On Bianca’s first day

I. Establish a welcoming atmosphere I. Warmly welcome Bianca and her
and encourage the family to make Mother and introduce them with
small visits several times before Bianca’s primary caregiver and other
starting so that the family and staff. Let the caregiver take her
environment become more familiar responsibility to settle as babies’
over time. takes time to familiar with new faces.
II. Exchange information with family. II. Ensure that Bianca is given a quick
Use these visits to gain background hug and a cheerful goodbye to make
information about the baby e.g. how it an easier transition by showing her
they like to be held, to sleep, to be that her family is promoting a
fed, favourite toys, songs, comforters positive attitude in regard to the
special words or terms of service.
endearment used by the family.
III. Use social referencing – when family III. Use gentle tone to baby, provide her
visits spend time talking warmly to physical contact, stay close to make
them – the baby will watch the her feel secure, use distractions and
primary caregiver’s emotional home links such as comforters,
response to the unfamiliar person family pictures etc. helps caregiver in
and situation and feel reassured that positive interaction with Bianca on
this stranger is not a threat. her first day.

B) List 3 quality standards from the National Quality Framework which relate to
settling a child in to care. Provide the Standard, Element and Wording.

Standard Element Wording

E.g.: Standard 6.1 Element 6.1.3 Current information about the service is
available to families.
I. Standard 6.1 Element There is an effective enrolment and
6.1.1 orientation process for families

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II. Standard 6.2 Element The expertise of families is recognised and
6.2.1 they share in decision making about their
child’s learning and wellbeing.
III. Standard 6.2 Element 6.2 Families are supported in their parenting role
and their values and beliefs about child
rearing are respected.

3. Using the information provided on the enrolment form, describe how you will develop a
nurturing relationship with Bianca to support her physical, social and emotional needs. List
the strategies using the headings in the table below:

Area Strategies to develop a nurturing

relationship with Bianca
I. Staffing and allocation of staff I need to sensitively monitor & support her
needs consistently through positive &
responsive one to one interaction which
helps to develop confidence and to feel
secure e.g. active play, reading books,
favourite songs and stacking cups etc. once
she is comfortable, I start to introduce her
to other teachers to bond and interact
with if need be a time when I am not
available to care for Bianca.
II. The physical environment My focus on creating familiar and
predictable environments. I will post her
photo with family or with her friends or
photos taken doing activities around the
room. Also ask her mother for her
transitional object that would also help her
to provide self-comfort and to build her
sense of belongingness.
III. Family involvement I will involve her mother in share decision
making e.g. provide her a sheet to write
any 4 or 5 interest area of her that she
would like us to focus on Bianca learning
IV. Supportive routines I will provide her frequent physical contact
like let her sit on lap while reading story or
song. Staying close to make her feel
secure, involve her in shared activities e.g.
find a game or activity to play that the
Bianca particularly enjoys. Will make some
simple photo books so she can look at
herself and their peers and recall past
V. Communication with the family Daily contacts with family members on
arrival and departure are a valuable time

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to exchange information about the baby’s
day, also we can communicate with family
through daily experience sheets or two
way communication books, Notice boards,
Parent letter box, Daily journals, electronic
media etc.

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Task 2. Settling George into care
George is in the preschool room (20 children with two educators). He attends on Tuesdays
and Thursdays each week. George has made friends with Michael and looks forward to
seeing him each day. He enjoys playing with the train track and the construction equipment.
As an extra-curricular activity, George plays soccer with a community group every Saturday
morning and trains every Wednesday night at a community centre near his home.

However, educators have noticed that each of the mornings George attends, he clings to
Natalia and hides behind her as she takes Bianca to the other room. Natalia often has to try
and nudge George to step out from behind her so he can greet the room teachers. George
often cries while he watches Natalia leave and runs to the window to wave goodbye as she
departs. Natalia is often seen crying by educators as she backs out of the centre parking

Using the table provided:

1. List three (3) signs of stress or distress George may be experiencing upon arrival.
2. Discuss in detail strategies you will use to address each of these signs to help settle
George when he arrives at the centre. Consider such things as
 interactions with George while the family is still present
 supporting Natalia with an unhurried separation from George
 response to George’s distress at separation
 how George’s expression of feelings and emotions are being encouraged and
 identification and response to George’s feelings being appropriate and respected
1. Signs of stress or distress 2. Strategies to address each of the
signs of stress or distress
I. Crying  Respond to George’s distress at
separation from his mother in a
calm reassuring manner.
 offer him empathy and
emotional support
 Acknowledging and respecting
his feelings and concerns with
positive interaction and comfort
him by offering physical contacts

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© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2015 (TAFE NSW – WSI), Version 1, September 2015
like cuddle. Talk to him with soft
tone, address him with his name.
 Take time to listen to him
 allowing him time and not
hurrying unnecessarily
 e.g. “I can see that you are upset
George, those are some very big
feelings you have. It’s ok to feel
upset. Would you like to give me
a hug and sit with me to have a
look on photobook or to read a
story book?”
 Implementing appropriate arrival
strategies and dealing with
separation in a calm and
reassuring manner will do much
to minimise the anxiety of both
the child and his mother.
II. Hiding behind her mother when  Make responsive approach that
she takes Bianca to the other will provide creative
room opportunities for him to express
how they feel. Establish a sense
of belongingness, sense of
 setting the environment so that
it provides security
 developing links between home
and care
 E.g. invite Natalia to come inside
and help George to build train
tracks. Or to engage him with his
friend Michael to take George

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and build some creative with
construction equipment and
III. Clinging to her mother  Allow time for child to adjust to
the situation
 Communicate with his mother
and other staff. It is vital that we
work closely with families.
 Positive interaction with him
during his mother presence
makes him understand that he is
 Providing an environment that
fosters and facilitates personal
interactions, use of collaborative
experiences and equipment that
needs two or more to work it.
 making time to play with and
interact with him
 providing opportunities for him
to interact with groupmates and
work in small, collaborative
 Establish sense of responsibility
 E.g. involve him in different
activities for a future event. Tell
him to participate in any activity
on that event.
 Provide experiences where
children can work through and
explore their feelings such as
creative activities, aggression

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releasing experiences, sensory
experiences, dramatic play, and

3. Settling George into care: Look back to the scenario about George above and think
about how you will set out the indoor environment to make it attractive and relevant
to George’s interests. List three (3) types of experiences you would set up in the
 Encourage him to have fun with exercise that might lead to future and life-
long interest in e.g. dancing, ball games in a group. Use soccer ball to spark
the George’s interest in a ball game.
 Involve him in science experiments e.g. seeing how far paper aeroplanes can
 Encourage him with his group to talk about the physical activity they do at
home. Let them share ideas about exciting playgrounds in the area or other
physical activity opportunities in the community.
 Organise special activity day where children bring their toy, costumes, books,
toy gadgets, sports related things, equipment toys etc. of their interest to
showcase. Or soccer day or train track building special event where he can
engage with interest.

4. Select two practices from the Australian Early Childhood Code of Ethics that guide
you in determining your response to settling George. Focus should be on, ‘In relation
to children, I will…’
Code of Ethics How does this guide you when settling

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E.g. In relation to children, I will….. Consult with the family on any special
routines to help George to settle when his
5. Respect the special relationship between family departs the centre in the morning
children and their families and incorporate
this perspective in all my interactions with
I. In relation to children, I will act in the best I must consider George’s interests and plan
interests of all children experiences accordingly by involving him
shared decision making process.
II. In relation to children, I will understand  Practice active listening to develop
and be able to explain to others how play greater understanding
and leisure enhance children’s learning,  Communicate the situation with his
development and wellbeing family and other room staff for better
strategy that how different kind of
concepts can be explored with the
children, what can we do or say to help
children explore and learn about these
concepts through play and leisure
 Ensuring others that the program has a
balance of active and passive

Task 3. Developing a positive and respectful relationship with the

George was diagnosed with a glue ear earlier this year and is due to go into hospital for an
operation to remove his tonsils and insert grommets in three weeks’ time. Natalia has talked
to George about the operation but she is concerned how he will cope with this stressful
event. Natalia will stay with George in the hospital overnight and her mother is coming to
stay for the week to look after Bianca.

List two (2) experiences or strategies that may assist George to prepare for his stay in
hospital to reduce the stress and fear that he might be experiencing and help him to
express his feelings. Include how you will encourage him to talk about his fears and
what you would say to him.

- Find out more about the George’s condition – talk to Natalia and research.

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- Talking to him within a group about the change, discussing what if sometimes
needed to go for operation of tonsils what will be going to happen and how it might
feel, encourage him by providing play opportunities to work through this situation,
e.g. setting up pretend play areas in the dramatic play area such as hospitals, doctor
surgeries. Creating all sorts of ‘real life’ meaningful play scenarios for him to
experiment with and engage in.
- Reading stories about operation experiences/moments of change. E.g. we can use
story experiences, puppets props to talk about the tonsils positively.
- Being honest with George all the time.
- Make cards, drawings, letters, videos, and photos to give him before going for
operation to make him feel encouraged and supported by all staff and children.
- Gift him a little ted from centre for his support in hospital. Etc.

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Task 4. Communication and Collaborative Partnerships with the family
The service has a communication book, which is sent home with each parent. Upon arrival
to the centre, parents place their communication book in a basket for staff members to
review during the day. Natalia has placed a request that the educators call her during the
day in order to inform her if the children are settled and happy. Natalia also wants to know
what educational program is in place for George who will be starting school the following

1. What information would you ask Natalia about George’s physical and emotional


- What is your George’s favourite food?
- Which food he dislike?
- Do you want him to toilet train? Or does he need assistance while using toilet?
- What are the sleep routine of your child?
- Does he have comforters?
- Ask about his self-help skills. E.g. can he dress himself?
- Does the child have any allergies or medical action plans we need to be aware of?
- Would you like some information on separation anxiety?
- How would you describe your child temperament?
- Would you like to share information or concerns that will help us to understand your
child better?
- Let us know if he gets upset on certain things and situations.
- Is he coping up with any change?

2. What would you let Natalia know in relation to his day at your service?

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- Start with he had good day, then let her know the routine time he spent in care. E.g.
rest timing (like He sleep from 12:30 pm to 1: 45 pm), He finished all his breakfast
and lunch today.
- He was little frustrated before taking rest today but was alright after rest.
- Let Natalia know what play experiences interest George and what opportunities will
be offered in the coming days.
- show her some pictures to share information on activities about George.

3. List three (3) strategies you would use to develop a positive relationship with Natalia
while supporting her children’s transitions into care.

- A welcoming environment is an essential factor in making Natalia feel comfortable in

a setting. Have an open-door policy so that she always feel welcome to visit if she is
able and if she wish. Encourage her to phone throughout the day to check on their
child. I might put up posters around the service to remind educators and families of
the importance of communicating for the best interests of the child. Using respectful
tone also helps to make her feel comfortable as well.
- The documentation about each child’s program and progress should be available to
Natalia through emails, by using child care apps etc. and discussed with her on a
regular basis as well.
- I will make some decisions through consultation and collaboration with Natalia in
daily practices to extend and enrich children’s learning
- Sharing skills is an important way for families to participate and share parts of their
lives such as cooking with children, teaching a dance, teaching words in another
language. I will encourage her to share her skills and expertise that will also help in
building positive relationship.
- Guide her as she settle their children for the day by having her participate in some
sort of routine or ritual each day. This will help the child feel more secure and will
also help her to get more involved in the service. E.g. Nappy changing on arrival is a
good way to start the day for the child, parent and staff members.

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4. How would you respond to Natalia’s concerns if she told you about her separation
with Gerard?

- Private space- consider a private space needs be utilised for a meeting.

- Active listening- For making her feel comfortable and secure, she need to feel as
though she is being listened to respectfully.
- Being stay neutral supporting her by acknowledge her feelings.
- Ask her about how to meet their children needs in this context, e.g. Have you told
about this separation to George? What kind of support you want for George from
- Open communication can be beneficial discuss the issue at hand and find a possible
- Maintain the confidentially by not expressing it with other room staff.
- Supporting agencies- recommend her to consult to supporting agencies in this
context so that they can help and assist her.

Quality Area 6 in the National Quality Framework relates to Collaborative Partnerships with
families and communities. Element 6.3.1 states: Links with relevant community and support
agencies are established and maintained.

5. Find and describe two (2) organisations in your own area which would be useful to
recommend to Natalia in order to provide ongoing support to the family in this
context. Use direct quotes with the page and web address to refer to when possible.
Name of Organisation Web address Description
E.G. Raising Children Raising Children Network is
Network the complete parenting
resource for all stages from
pregnancy to newborns to
teens. We offer research-
based content on hundreds
of topics for children and
I. BaptistCare - Women's A 9 week support group
Counselling and Family program for women who
Services are presently in or have
been in an abusive
relationship. As well as
Counselling services for
individual or couples

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II. Barnardos Auburn - The Family Support
Family Support and Program works with
Preservation Program families that have children
living at home between 0-
12 years of age. The service
provides; Home visiting,
Parenting support and
education, Budgeting and
household management,
Nutritional education,
Practical assistance,
Support at appointments
(court, health, school),
Group work, Referrals to
other agencies or programs
within Barnardo. The
support is reviewed every
three months and is
designed to empower
families to make long-term
meaningful changes. The
aim of the program is to
keep children safe, reduce
parental stress and
strengthen families.

Assessment checklist

Case study
I have completed the following:
☒Task 1, Question 1, 2 (A&B), 3
☒Task 2, Question 1, 2, 3, 4
☒Task 3
☒Task 4, Question 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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I have:
☒ Read the Learner Evidence Guide to ensure that I have provided
Satisfactory responses for all questions and tasks.

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