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Volume 134, 2017, pp.

DOI: 10.1642/AUK-16-162.1


Extrapair paternity and nest parasitism in two sympatric quail

Craig A. Davis,1* Jeremy P. Orange,1a Ronald A. Van Den Bussche,2 R. Dwayne Elmore,1 Samuel D.
Fuhlendorf,1 J. Matthew Carroll,1 Evan P. Tanner,1 and David M. Leslie, Jr.3
Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA
Department of Integrative Biology, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA
U.S. Geological Survey, Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Natural Resource Ecology and
Management, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA

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Current address: Department of Geography, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
* Corresponding author:
Submitted August 3, 2016; Accepted May 4, 2017; Published July 12, 2017

We conducted a comparative study of 2 closely related and sympatric species, Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus)
and Scaled Quail (Callipepla squamata), to explore the drivers of interspecific variation in alternative reproductive
strategies. Specifically, we used parentage analyses to determine rates of extrapair paternity and intraspecific brood
parasitism for each species, and evaluated possible mechanisms for explaining variation in these rates between the 2
species. During 2013–2014, we genotyped hatched (n ¼ 388 for Northern Bobwhite and n ¼ 214 for Scaled Quail) and
unhatched (n ¼ 32 for Northern Bobwhite and n ¼ 9 for Scaled Quail) eggshells from 34 Northern Bobwhite and 22
Scaled Quail nests in western Oklahoma, USA. Extrapair paternity occurred in 85% of Northern Bobwhite nests and 9%
of Scaled Quail nests. The number of sires for each nest was greater in Northern Bobwhite nests (x̄ ¼ 2.29 6 0.14 SE
sires per nest) than in Scaled Quail nests (x̄ ¼ 1.09 6 0.06 sires per nest). Intraspecific brood parasitism rates varied
considerably between Northern Bobwhite (21%) and Scaled Quail (0%). Northern Bobwhites also parasitized Scaled
Quail nests. Variation in extrapair paternity and intraspecific brood parasitism rates between the Northern Bobwhite
and Scaled Quail appeared to be related to differences in their life history strategies (r-selected vs. K-selected strategy)
as well as differences in breeding population densities.
Keywords: Callipepla squamata, Colinus virginianus, extrapair paternity, intraspecific nest parasitism, Northern
Bobwhite, reproductive strategies, Scaled Quail

Paternidad Extrapareja y Parasitismo de Nidada en dos Especies Simpátricas de Codorniz

Realizamos un estudio comparativo de dos especies cercanamente emparentadas y simpátricas (Colinus virginianus y
Callipepla squamata) para evaluar los causantes de variación intraespecı́fica en las estrategias alternativas de
reproducción. Especı́ficamente, usamos análisis de parentesco para determinar las tasas de paternidad extrapareja
(PEP) y de parasitismo de nidada intraespecı́fico (PNI) para cada especie y evaluamos los posibles mecanismos para
explicar la variación en las tasas entre especies. Durante 20132014, determinamos el genotipo de las cáscaras de
huevo eclosionadas (n ¼ 388 para C. virginianus y n ¼ 214 para C. squamata) y no eclosionadas (n ¼ 32 para C.
virginianus y n ¼ 9 para C. squamata) provenientes de 34 nidos de C. virginianus y 22 nidos de C. squamata del oeste de
Oklahoma. La PEP se presentó en el 85.3% de los nidos de C. virginianus y en el 9.1% de los nidos de C. squamata. El
número de progenitores para cada nido fue mayor en los nidos de C. virginianus (x̄ ¼ 2.29 6 0.14 [EE] progenitores por
nido) que en los de C. squamata (x̄ ¼ 1.09 6 0.06 progenitores por nido). Las tasas de PNI variaron considerablemente
entre C. virginianus (21%) y C. squamata (0%). C. virginianus también parasitó los nidos de C. squamata. La variación en
las tasas de PEP y PNI entre C. virginianus y C. squamata parecerı́a estar relacionada con las diferencias en sus
estrategias de historia de vida (estrategias r vs. K) tanto como en las diferencias en las densidades poblacionales
Palabras clave: Callipepla squamata, Colinus virginianus, estrategias reproductivas, parasitismo de nidada
intraespecı́fico, paternidad extrapareja

Q 2017 American Ornithological Society. ISSN 0004-8038, electronic ISSN 1938-4254

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812 Alternative reproductive strategies in two quail species C. A. Davis, J. P. Orange, R. A. Van Den Bussche, et al.

INTRODUCTION temporal scales. It also highlights the need to conduct

more comparative field-based genetic studies to better
Molecular parentage studies have revealed that many of understand mechanisms of interspecific variation in
the bird species initially thought to be socially monoga- alternative reproductive strategies.
mous exhibit a high incidence of extrapair paternity (EPP) Comparative studies that use closely related and
through extrapair copulations (Bennett and Owens 2002). sympatric species offer unique opportunities to explore
It is estimated that ,25% of all socially monogamous bird the drivers of interspecific variation in alternative repro-
species practice true genetic monogamy (Griffith et al. ductive strategies. The Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virgin-
2002). The widespread occurrence of EPP is not surprising ianus) and Scaled Quail (Callipepla squamata) are 2
given that it can result in strong sexual selection in socially closely related species (Johnsgard 1973, Gutiérrez 1993,
monogamous systems (Albrecht et al. 2006, Webster et al. Hosner et al. 2015) that co-occur at the western (Northern
2007). Although a majority of bird species engage in Bobwhite) and eastern (Scaled Quail) extremes of their

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extrapair copulations, rates of EPP may range from 0% to distributions (Dabbert et al. 2009, Brennan et al. 2014).
95% of clutches containing extrapair offspring (Arnold and Excluding areas where Northern Bobwhites and Scaled
Owens 2002). Hypotheses proposed to explain variation in Quail are sympatric, these 2 species generally inhabit quite
EPP rates among species and populations include different plant communities throughout most of their
increased breeding density and synchrony, high adult distributions. Northern Bobwhites are widely distributed
mortality rates, and reduced parental care (Mulder et al. throughout the eastern United States and tend to inhabit
1994, Wink and Dyrcz 1999, Arnold and Owens 2002, mesic, early successional shrublands (Brennan et al. 2014),
Griffith et al. 2002). Griffith et al. (2002) suggested that whereas Scaled Quail are regionally restricted to the
these hypotheses contribute to our understanding of southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico and predomi-
variation in EPP, but that they should be viewed nantly inhabit xeric, mid- to late-successional shrublands
hierarchically in explaining variation in EPP. For example, (Dabbert et al. 2009). Giuliano et al. (1998) suggested that
variation in EPP among major lineages may be due to gross Scaled Quail have adapted to inhabiting arid regions by
differences in parental care and reproductive life span, allocating more resources to self-maintenance than to
while variation in EPP between closely related species or reproduction as a strategy to increase survival and lifetime
populations of the same species may be due to contem- reproductive potential (K-selection strategy), especially
porary ecological factors and genetic benefits (Arnold and during periods of severe water deprivation. In contrast,
Owens 2002). Giuliano et al. (1998) suggested that Northern Bobwhites
Another less common mechanism resulting in EPP in allocate relatively more resources to reproduction than to
birds is intraspecific brood parasitism (IBP), whereby self-maintenance (r-selection strategy), even during peri-
females lay eggs in the nests of conspecifics. IBP has been ods of water deprivation, because they have evolved under
documented in 234 bird species and is particularly more mesic conditions. Finally, the 2 species have evolved
prevalent in precocial species (e.g., Anatidae and Galli- from 2 very different physiographic regions, with Callipe-
formes; Geffen and Yom-Tov 2001). Within precocial pla diverging in the Nearctic and Colinus diverging in
species, variation in IBP rates vary greatly from 0% to Central America south to Central Panama (Hosner et al.
50% in clutches (Arnold and Owens 2002). This variation 2015).
in IBP is likely related to fundamental differences in life Scaled Quail and Northern Bobwhite were originally
history and parental care that have occurred over considered to be socially monogamous species (Dabbert et
evolutionary history. Species with limited parental care al. 2009, Brennan et al. 2014). However, Northern
and large brood sizes may be predisposed to engage in IBP Bobwhites appear to be more flexible in their mating
(Sorenson 1992, Geffen and Yom-Tov 2001), and the behaviors as they exhibit breeding between single, mated
strongest correlate of high IBP rates is fecundity (Arnold pairs, breeding between females and multiple males, and
and Owens 2002). In contrast, variation in IBP rates breeding between males and multiple females (Faircloth
among closely related species or within populations may 2008). The multiple matings exhibited by both sexes
be a response to contemporary ecological factors such as suggest that Northern Bobwhites engage in polygamous
nest densities, nest site and resource availabilities, and nest mating, but the facts that Northern Bobwhites frequently
predation rates (Yom-Tov 1980, Eadie et al. 1988, Petrie develop pair bonds and that the duration of their pair
and Møller 1991, Robertson et al. 1992). The hierarchical bonds may last up to several months (Brennan et al. 2014)
distinction between evolutionary and contemporary fac- suggest that these multiple matings may be more
tors as drivers of variation in IBP rates and other associated with opportunities to engage in extrapair
alternative reproductive strategies such as extrapair copulations. As such, we consider it appropriate to use
copulations emphasizes the complexity and limitations of the term extrapair paternity in describing the mating
studying alternative reproductive strategies at single system of the Northern Bobwhite.

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Given that the Northern Bobwhite and Scaled Quail METHODS

appear to have evolved different life history strategies (r-
selection strategy vs. K-selection strategy), we would Sample Collection
expect them to exhibit different rates of EPP and IBP. We collected samples for genetic analyses from Northern
However, an examination of 2 life history characteristics Bobwhites and Scaled Quail in Beaver River Wildlife
(parental care and adult mortality) that have been Management Area (BRWMA) and Packsaddle Wildlife
hypothesized to influence rates of EPP and IBP may Management Area (PSWMA) in western Oklahoma in
suggest otherwise. For species that have a high degree of 2013–2014. BRWMA (11,315 ha) and PSWMA (7,955 ha)
male participation in parental care, EPP rates are are owned and managed by the Oklahoma Department of
hypothesized to be lower because males would be less Wildlife Conservation. Populations of Scaled Quail and
likely to raise broods that have a high proportion of Northern Bobwhite occur in BRWMA, but only Northern
offspring that are not their own (Mulder et al. 1994, Bobwhites occur in PSWMA. Adults of both sexes of
Northern Bobwhite and Scaled Quail were captured using

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Griffith et al. 2002). Male participation in the care of young
(i.e. brooding and protecting young) occurs in both Stoddard funnel traps (Stoddard 1931) from August to
species, which would suggest a low rate of EPP in both April of each year, and a 7-g necklace VHF radio-
species. In contrast, species with high adult mortality are transmitter (Advanced Telemetry Systems, Isanti, Minne-
hypothesized to exhibit high rates of EPP (Arnold and sota, USA) was attached to each captured bird. The sexes
Owens 2002). Scaled Quail and Northern Bobwhites both of each species were distinguished by distinct plumage
experience high annual mortality rates, although Scaled characteristics. During handling after capture, we collected
Quail are thought to have higher survival rates than 5–10 contour feathers from the flank of each bird and
Northern Bobwhites (Johnsgard 1973, 1988), indicating stored feathers at room temperature in individual paper
that both species may exhibit high rates of EPP, but that envelopes. Adults were tracked 5 days per week during the
rates of EPP in Scaled Quail may be lower than those in the nesting season, and a bird was determined to be nesting
Northern Bobwhite. An important contemporary factor based on daily signals being detected from the same
that may also affect variation in EPP and IBP is breeding location on consecutive days. A nonincubating male was
density (Westneat and Sherman 1997). When high determined to be the putative sire if he was located in close
breeding densities occur, opportunities to pursue extrapair proximity to the nest during nest initiation and incubation.
copulations and to engage in IBP increase as encounters After eggs hatched and precocial young abandoned the
between congeners increase. Because Northern Bobwhites nest (~12 hr after hatching), we collected the eggshells of
and Scaled Quail vary greatly in abundance based on all hatched eggs to genetically assess EPP and IBP. Samples
environmental conditions (Bridges et al. 2001, Lusk et al. were uniquely labeled and stored in individual coin
2001, Perez et al. 2002), an examination of the relationship envelopes within a larger airtight bag containing 3–4
between density and the occurrence of EPP and IBP may desiccant packets. We also collected unhatched eggs,
provide insight into the mechanisms of population stored them in uniquely labeled sealed plastic bags, and
regulation in these 2 species. froze them at 238C prior to analysis. Only successful
The overlapping distributions of Northern Bobwhites clutches (1 hatched egg) were used for genotyping and
and Scaled Quail in western Oklahoma, USA, provided us analysis.
with an opportunity to study the mating systems of 2
sympatric species that exhibit different reproductive Laboratory Protocols
strategies and life history characteristics. Specifically, we DNA was extracted using the Qiagen DNeasy Blood &
used parentage analyses to determine the rates of EPP and Tissue Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, California, USA) with
IBP for each species and evaluated possible mechanisms extraction protocols for adult contour feathers, eggshell
for explaining the variation in these rates between the 2 membranes, and embryonic tissue in unhatched eggshells
species. Our approach was to focus on both evolutionary when available (Bush et al. 2005). An alteration was made
(life history strategy, parental care investment, adult to the final step of extraction protocols for all feather
mortality rate) and contemporary factors (breeding samples by using 100 lL of Buffer AE instead of 200 lL.
density) to provide explanations for differences between Genotyping was conducted using 11 species-specific
the 2 species, if differences existed. We recognize the microsatellite loci for the Northern Bobwhite (Quail 3,
limitations of a comparative study of only 2 species, but Quail 31, Quail 44, Quail 13, Quail 30, Quail 22, Quail 23
argue that conducting a comparative study of 2 closely [Schable et al. 2004], CV-P1F3, CV-PCF5, CV-P1A7, and
related, sympatric species under the same environmental CV-P1E6 [Faircloth et al. 2009]), and 11–12 species-
conditions (e.g., weather, food resources, habitat availabil- specific loci for the Scaled Quail (C023, A014, A110, C015,
ity) can nevertheless provide useful insight into the factors C009, A114, A104, C022, A001, A022, B105, and A018
driving variation in EPP and IBP at the population level. [Orange et al. 2014]). Hatched and unhatched Scaled Quail

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814 Alternative reproductive strategies in two quail species C. A. Davis, J. P. Orange, R. A. Van Den Bussche, et al.

egg samples were genotyped at 12 loci, while all adult simultaneously assign sibling relationships and parentage
Scaled Quail feather samples were genotyped at 11 loci. of offspring while accommodating genotyping error (Jones
Five percent of samples were randomly selected and and Wang 2010). Using program COLONY, individuals
blindly regenotyped to estimate the genotyping error rate within clutches were assigned to distinct genetic groupings
with program PEDANT 1.0 (Johnson and Haydon 2007). (full sibling, half-sibling, or unrelated). The ‘‘polygamous’’
One primer for each microsatellite locus was labeled option was selected for both males and females. Each
with 1 of 3 fluorescent tags (HEX, 6-FAM, and NED) and clutch was entered as a distinct group along with the
run either individually or multiplexed in a group of 2 or 3. genotype of the incubating adult. The genotype of the
The working concentration for all primer stock solutions putative mate was also included when available (n ¼ 3).
was 10 lM. Individual Polymerase Chain Reactions (PCR) The full likelihood option with ‘‘high’’ likelihood precision
were conducted in 15 lL reactions consisting of 0.5 lL was chosen along with a ‘‘long’’ length of run. Allelic
forward and reverse primers, 9.0 lL True Allele PCR dropout and genotyping error rates were conservatively set

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Premix (TA; Applied Biosystems, Foster City, California, at 0.03 at all loci based on the maximum single locus
USA), 1.0 lL bovine serum albumin (BSA; 0.1 mg mL1), genotyping error rate estimated using PEDANT 1.0
1.0 lL dH2O, and 3.0 lL DNA (5–50 ng lL1). A 20 lL (Johnson and Haydon 2007). We performed 5 replicate
reaction was used for all multiplexes of 2. These reactions runs with varying seeding numbers to verify result
consisted of 0.5 lL of forward and reverse primer 1, 0.5 lL consistency.
forward and reverse primer 2, 14.0 lL TA, 1.0 lL BSA, and The presence of Northern Bobwhite eggs within Scaled
3.0 lL DNA (5–50 ng lL1). The final 3-primer, 30 lL Quail nests was apparent due to distinct interspecific
multiplex reaction consisted of 0.5 lL of forward and differences in eggshell pigmentation, and individuals that
reverse primer 1, 0.5 lL forward and reverse primer 2, 0.5 hatched from these eggs were assumed to be a result of
lL forward and reverse primer 3, 20.0 lL TA, 1.0 lL BSA, interspecific nest parasitism. An individual was assumed to
and 6.0 lL DNA (5–50 ng lL1). have resulted from IBP when it was genetically unrelated
The thermal profile for ‘‘Quail’’ primers (Quail 3, Quail (,0.80 probability) to the incubating adult (when the
31, Quail 44, Quail 13, Quail 30, Quail 22, and Quail 23) incubating adult was a female) or the inferred maternal
consisted of 1 cycle at 958C for 12 min and 35 cycles at genotype of the majority of the offspring within the nest
948C for 40 s, 578C for 40 s, and 728C for 30 s, followed by (when the incubating adult was a male). Program
a final incubation at 728C for 4 min. The thermal profile COLONY was used to estimate the total number of sires
for all ‘‘CV’’ primers (CV-P1F3, CV-PCF5, CV-P1A7, and per clutch following the exclusion of young identified as
CV-P1E6) consisted of 1 cycle at 958C for 5 min, 35 cycles resulting from interspecific nest parasitism. All family
at 958C for 40 s, 658C for 30 s, and 728C for 90 s, 35 cycles clusters had a probability .0.80.
of 958C for 20 s, 608C for 30 s, and 728C for 90 s, and a final Additionally, we used the single-locus minimum method
incubation at 728C for 10 min. The thermal profile for all (Fiumera et al. 2001) to verify rates of multiple paternity in
Scaled Quail primers (C023, A014, A110, C015, C009, female-incubated nests, to estimate the number of sires
A114, A104, C022, A001, A022, B105, and A018) followed contributing to clutches, and to identify the proportion of
protocols described by Orange et al. (2014). nests with more than 1 sire, following the exclusion of
PCR product (0.5 lL) was added to 9.5 lL Hi-Di young identified as resulting from interspecific nest
Formamide and 0.5 lL GeneScan 400HD Rox Dye Size parasitism. For the single-locus minimum method, mater-
Standard (Applied Biosystems), and fragment analysis was nal alleles at the most informative locus were subtracted
conducted with an ABI 3130 or ABI 3730 Genetic from the gentoype of the offspring within the clutch and
Analyzer and scored using Genemapper 4.0 software the remaining paternal alleles were counted, divided by 2,
(Applied Biosystems). The number of alleles per locus, and rounded up to generate a conservative minimum
deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE), estimate of the number of sires contributing to the nest
observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosity, polymor- (Fiumera et al. 2001, Hess et al. 2012). For male-incubated
phic information content (PIC), and frequency of null Northern Bobwhite nests, following the exclusion of young
alleles were calculated using Cervus 3.0.3 (Kalinowski et al. resulting from IBP, a clutch was assumed to have more
2007). Allele frequencies were calculated using 129 adult than 1 sire when 1 offspring within the clutch was
samples (89 Northern Bobwhite and 40 Scaled Quail). genetically unrelated (,0.8 probability) to the incubating
Parentage Analysis Two-sample t-tests, or Welch’s t-tests when variances
Program COLONY 2.0 (Jones and Wang 2009) was used to were unequal (Welch 1947), were used to test for
estimate the number of sires for eggs within each nest and interspecific differences (P  0.05) in the proportion of
the number of offspring that were a direct result of IBP. young resulting from IBP and the number of sires per
Program COLONY uses a maximum-likelihood method to clutch, and to compare the number of sires between male-

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TABLE 1. Number of samples, number of alleles, expected TABLE 2. Number of samples, number of alleles, expected
heterozygosity (He), observed heterozygosity (Ho), and polymor- heterozygosity (He), observed heterozygosity (Ho), and polymor-
phic information content (PIC) for 10 microsatellite loci used to phic information content (PIC) for 12 microsatellite loci used to
genotype Northern Bobwhites from western Oklahoma, USA. genotype Scaled Quail from western Oklahoma, USA.
No. of No. of No. of No. of
Locus samples alleles He Ho PIC Locus samples alleles He Ho PIC
Quail 3 87 24 0.929 0.851 0.919 C023 39 12 0.808 0.744 0.781
Quail 44 89 5 0.442 0.449 0.403 A014 35 7 0.774 0.600 0.730
Quail 13 89 20 0.893 0.820 0.878 A110 40 3 0.598 0.700 0.509
Quail 30 87 16 0.892 0.874 0.877 C015 39 7 0.678 0.718 0.645
Quail 22 87 12 0.889 0.908 0.873 C009 40 12 0.884 0.875 0.860
Quail 23 86 15 0.889 0.884 0.873 A114 38 12 0.829 0.895 0.801
CV-P1F3 86 12 0.827 0.837 0.805 A104 39 11 0.816 0.744 0.782
CV-PCF5 86 15 0.898 0.837 0.884 C022 39 8 0.788 0.795 0.747

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CV-P1A7 85 7 0.719 0.635 0.668 A001 39 8 0.873 0.923 0.846
CV-P1E6 82 10 0.770 0.463 0.736 A022 33 8 0.832 0.636 0.795
Mean 13.6 0.815 0.756 0.792 B105 39 5 0.751 0.846 0.699
A018 8 8 0.883 1.000 0.807
Mean 8.4 0.793 0.860 0.750

and female-incubated Northern Bobwhite nests. Only

females incubated Scaled Quail nests. Mean values are
reported 6 standard errors (SE). because deviations from HWE and a high frequency of null
alleles in the Northern Bobwhite were likely a direct result
RESULTS of the Wahlund effect (Wahlund 1928), due to the 2
geographically disjunct Northern Bobwhite populations
During 2013–2014, we collected and genotyped 223 Scaled (BRWMA and PSWMA) being analyzed as 1 population.
Quail eggshells (214 hatched, 9 unhatched) from 22 nests, Deviations from HWE were not observed when the 2
420 Northern Bobwhite eggshells (388 hatched, 32 Northern Bobwhite populations were analyzed indepen-
unhatched) from 34 Northern Bobwhite nests (BRWMA: dently. High null allelic frequencies, especially in Scaled
n ¼ 17; PSWMA: n ¼ 17), and 12 eggs from 2 parasitized Quail, were also likely a result of sampling and capture
Scaled Quail nests. The number of genotyped samples methodology because gregarious adults were captured in
within clutches ranged from 3 to 17 for Northern potentially related social groups (coveys) in autumn and
Bobwhites and from 3 to 21 for Scaled Quail. All winter.
genotyped Scaled Quail nests were incubated by females,
whereas 25 (~74%) of the Northern Bobwhite nests were Extrapair Paternity
female-incubated. A total of 89 adult Northern Bobwhite The estimated number of sires per nest and number of
and 40 adult Scaled Quail feathers were genotyped. nests with .1 sire were identical using both the single-
Parental genotypes were available for the incubating adult locus minimum (MIN) method and the COLONY method
of 53 (~95%) clutches as well as for the putative mate for 3 of analysis for Scaled Quail. Additionally, the MIN and
(~5%) clutches. COLONY methods estimated that a similar proportion of
female-incubated Northern Bobwhite nests had 1 sire
Microsatellites (MIN: 22/25 [88%]; COLONY: 24/25 [96%]; Z ¼1.04, P ¼
Allelic diversity was 5–24 alleles per locus for Northern 0.30). For the 2 clutches for which results differed between
Bobwhites and 3–12 alleles per locus for Scaled Quail analysis method, COLONY estimated that there were 2
(Tables 1 and 2). Microsatellite markers for both species sires and not 1. A significant difference was observed in
had high levels of heterozygosity, with Ho ¼ 0.449–0.908 the mean number of estimated sires per clutch between
for Northern Bobwhites and Ho ¼ 0.600–0.923 for Scaled the COLONY and MIN methods for female-incubated
Quail. The PIC was 0.403–0.919 for Northern Bobwhites Northern Bobwhite nests (MIN: x̄ ¼ 2.08 6 0.15 SE sires;
and 0.509–0.860 for Scaled Quail. One locus (Quail 31) COLONY: x̄ ¼ 2.52 6 0.11 sires; t24 ¼ 3.38, P ¼ 0.002);
had a high rate of allelic drop out and was thus excluded however, this was not unexpected as methods relying on
from further analysis. One locus (CV-P1E6) showed signs counts of paternal alleles can conservatively underesti-
of deviations from HWE. A high frequency of null alleles mate the number of sires contributing to a clutch (Sefc
was observed in 2 Northern Bobwhite loci (CV-P1A7 and and Koblmüller 2009). Therefore, further statistical
CV-P1E6) and 2 Scaled Quail loci (A014 and A022). comparisons were made using the estimates from
Nevertheless, these loci were used for subsequent analyses COLONY.

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816 Alternative reproductive strategies in two quail species C. A. Davis, J. P. Orange, R. A. Van Den Bussche, et al.

TABLE 3. Extrapair paternity in Northern Bobwhite and Scaled Quail clutches in western Oklahoma, USA.
Mean no. of
No. of No. of offspring genotyped samples Mean no. of Clutches with
Species clutches genotyped per clutch sires per clutch .1 sire

Northern Bobwhite 34 420 12.0 6 0.6 2.29 6 0.14 29 (85%)

Scaled Quail 22 223 10.7 6 2.3 1.09 6 0.23 2 (9%)

No differences were observed between Northern Bob- DISCUSSION

white populations at BRWMA and PSWMA in the
number of sires per clutch (BRWMA: 2.06 6 0.16 sires; Extrapair Paternity
PSWMA: 2.53 6 0.23 sires; t32 ¼ 1.69, P ¼ 0.10), the Our result that the Northern Bobwhite population
proportion of young per nest resulting from IBP exhibited a different rate of EPP from the Scaled Quail

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(BRWMA: ~2%; PSWMA: ~3%; Welch’s t21 ¼ 0.66, P ¼ population is consistent with our hypothesis that EPP rates
0.52), or the proportion of nests with .1 sire (BRWMA: for the populations would differ. Interestingly, the EPP rate
82%; PSWMA: 88%; Z ¼ 0.48, P ¼ 0.63); therefore, these for the Northern Bobwhite was considerably higher than
samples were combined in all subsequent analyses. During that for the Scaled Quail (85% vs. 9%). The disparity in EPP
the study, Northern Bobwhites had considerably higher rate between the Northern Bobwhite and Scaled Quail
rates (.9 times) of multiple paternity (.1 sire per nest) of suggests that differences in their evolutionary history or
clutches than Scaled Quail (Z ¼ 5.60, P , 0.001; Table 3). differences in their responses to more contemporary
The mean number of sires per clutch (excluding young factors may be driving the variation in EPP rate between
resulting from interspecific nest parasitism) was greater for them. In terms of evolutionary history, adult mortality and
Northern Bobwhites than for Scaled Quail (Welch’s t44 ¼ male contribution to care of the young have received
7.69, P , 0.001; Table 3); the number of sires per clutch considerable attention toward explaining interspecific
ranged from 1 to 4 for Northern Bobwhites, while the variation in rates of EPP (Arnold and Owens 2002, Griffith
number of sires per clutch for Scaled Quail ranged from 1 et al. 2002). We hypothesized that EPP rates for both
to 2. Fifteen percent of the 34 Northern Bobwhite nests species could be high, given that Northern Bobwhites and
were sired by 1 male, 50% were sired by 2 males, 26% were Scaled Quail both typically experience high annual
sired by 3 males, and 9% were sired by 4 males. In contrast, mortality (Johnsgard 1973, 1988). During both years of
most (91%) of the 22 Scaled Quail nests were sired by 1 our study, adult mortality rates for Northern Bobwhites
male, with only 9% sired by 2 males. For Northern and Scaled Quail exceeded 50%. Moreover, socially
Bobwhites, the number of sires per clutch was greater for monogamous bird species with annual mortality rates
female-incubated nests (x̄ ¼ 2.52 6 0.15 sires) than for 50% frequently exhibit rates of EPP that exceed 40%,
male-incubated nests (x̄ ¼ 1.67 6 0.16 sires; t32 ¼ 2.91, P ¼ with some rates as high as 95% (Wink and Drycz 1999,
0.01). None of the genotyped Scaled Quail nests were Griffith et al. 2002). However, it appears that adult
incubated by males. mortality provides a potential explanation for EPP rate
only in the Northern Bobwhite. Although several studies
Nest Parasitism have shown a strong relationship between adult survival
IBP was only recorded in Northern Bobwhite nests (21%; and EPP, there is also considerable variation in EPP rates
Table 4). Northern Bobwhites also parasitized 2 Scaled (i.e. 0% to 95%) for species with high mortality, suggesting
Quail nests (9% of total Scaled Quail nests). Overall, the that the pattern is inconsistent (Wink and Drycz 1999,
mean number of offspring resulting from IBP and Arnold and Owens 2002, Griffith et al. 2002). This was
interspecific nest parasitism (Scaled Quail nests parasitized certainly the case for Scaled Quail, for which we observed a
by Northern Bobwhites) was 0.35 6 0.15 offspring per low EPP rate although the species experienced high
clutch and 0.54 6 0.38 offspring per clutch, respectively. mortality. This pattern in Scaled Quail may be explained
However, the mean number of offspring produced from by male Scaled Quail actively guarding their mates from
parasitized nests was 1.71 6 0.47 from IBP and 6.00 6 other males. Scaled Quail and other species in the genus
1.27 from interspecific nest parasitism. Additionally, in Callipepla have been reported to frequently defend their
relation to the outcome of Northern Bobwhite parasitism, mates from males encountered during the breeding season
proportionally more offspring were produced from the (Dabbert et al. 2009, Calkins et al. 2014). Additionally, the
parasitized Scaled Quail nests (interspecific nest parasit- fact that Scaled Quail in western Oklahoma occur at some
ism) than from the parasitized Northern Bobwhite nests of the lowest densities throughout their distribution (Sauer
(IBP; Table 4). et al. 2014) may also allow mate guarding to be more

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C. A. Davis, J. P. Orange, R. A. Van Den Bussche, et al. Alternative reproductive strategies in two quail species 817

TABLE 4. Occurrence of intraspecific and interspecific nest parasitism (NP) in Northern Bobwhite and Scaled Quail nests in western
Oklahoma, USA.
No. of nests parasitized No. of offspring resulting from NP
No. of offspring
Species No. of nests Intraspecific Interspecific genotyped Intraspecific Interspecific
Northern Bobwhite 34 7 (21%) 0 408 12 (3%) 0
Scaled Quail 22 0 2 (9%) 235 0 12 (9%)
Interspecific nest parasitism was from Northern Bobwhites parasitizing Scaled Quail nests.

effective against cuckoldry because putative mates will our study site, Northern Bobwhites are considerably more
likely encounter fewer other males. abundant than Scaled Quail; 2.19 6 0.13 males per point
Given that both Northern Bobwhite and Scaled Quail and 3.17 6 0.23 males per point were recorded for

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males have been documented assisting with the care of Northern Bobwhite in 2013 and 2014, respectively,
broods (Dabbert et al. 2009, Brennan et al. 2014), we compared with 0.07 6 0.02 males per point and 0.10 6
hypothesized that EPP rates could be low for both species. 0.02 males per point for Scaled Quail in 2013 and 2014,
Male participation in brood care is highly variable and respectively (K. Andersson personal communication).
inconsistent among individuals and between the 2 species. Given the large disparity in breeding densities between
For example, the duration of the pair bond in Northern Northern Bobwhites and Scaled Quail, we would expect
Bobwhites can range from 2–3 weeks to several months, breeding densities to potentially be an important contem-
and male participation in brood care can range from porary factor explaining differences in EPP rates between
limited involvement due to the male abandoning the the species. During our study, the higher breeding densities
female for other breeding opportunities to the male of Northern Bobwhites likely facilitated higher rates of EPP
assuming sole responsibility for care (i.e. incubating the in this species in our study area compared with Scaled
eggs and brooding and protecting the young; Burger et al. Quail, who likely had low encounter rates with other
1995, DeMaso et al. 1997, Brennan et al. 2014). Male congeners at their lower breeding densities, which likely
Scaled Quail exhibit similar variation in participation in contributed to their lower EPP rates.
care to male Northern Bobwhites, but they rarely incubate
eggs and are the sole parent less frequently (Dabbert et al. Intraspecific Brood Parasitism
2009). The fact that male contribution to care in both IBP is not a common reproductive strategy in galliform
species is similarly variable, yet EPP rates were quite species; among all Galliformes, IBP has been documented
different between the 2 species during our study, is in just 11% of species (Geffen and Yom-Tov 2001). The
somewhat perplexing. However, our results seem to incidence of IBP has not been well documented for
suggest that this relationship is complex and not easily Northern Bobwhites and Scaled Quail. In one of the few
disentangled for Northern Bobwhites and Scaled Quail. studies to have examined IBP in the Northern Bobwhite,
First, the variable levels of participation in care by male Faircloth (2008) reported an overall IBP rate of 28%, and
Northern Bobwhites may have contributed to the high noted that IBP rates varied from 5% to 35% over a 3-yr
levels of EPP. We found that the number of sires for male- period. Our results, which were similar to those of
incubated Northern Bobwhite nests was significantly lower Faircloth (2008), further confirm that Northern Bobwhite
than for female-incubated nests, which suggests that the engage in IBP. Additionally, we found that Northern
level of male participation (i.e. incubation vs. participation Bobwhites engage in interspecific brood parasitism as 2
in brood rearing) and investment influences EPP (Orange Scaled Quail nests contained Northern Bobwhite eggs. No
2015). Second, other evolutionary mechanisms or con- observations of Scaled Quail engaging in IBP have been
temporary factors may be more important contributors to documented (Dabbert et al. 2009), and our results also
the variation in EPP than male contribution to care. suggest that Scaled Quail may not engage in this behavior.
Within our study area, the breeding densities of Overall, IBP is more common in birds that have
Northern Bobwhites and Scaled Quail differed consider- precocial young (Rohwer and Freeman 1989, Geffen and
ably. Scaled Quail densities in western Oklahoma are at Tom-Tov 2001). Two factors that contribute to the high
their lowest within their distribution, while Northern incidence of IBP in precocial species are large clutch sizes,
Bobwhites occur at densities near their peak within their which increase the period during which clutches are more
distribution (Sauer et al. 2014). In fact, Northern Bobwhite susceptible to parasitism, and high nest densities, which
densities are as much as 5 to 10 times greater than Scaled increase the opportunity for nests to be discovered and
Quail densities in the region (Sauer et al. 2014). parasitized (Geffen and Tom-Tov 2001). For the Northern
Furthermore, based on whistle count data collected from Bobwhite, large clutch sizes and high nest densities likely

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818 Alternative reproductive strategies in two quail species C. A. Davis, J. P. Orange, R. A. Van Den Bussche, et al.

facilitated the occurrence of IBP. The mean clutch size for ary factors (Arnold and Owens 2002). However, we also
Northern Bobwhites during our study was 12 eggs, and recognize the difficulty of disentangling the role of a
clutch size ranged from 6 to 18 eggs, which is typical for species’ evolutionary history from the role of contemporary
Northern Bobwhites. A closer examination of clutch sizes factors in explaining differences in EPP and IBP, and
showed that 71% of IBP occurred in clutches that therefore have not made inferences beyond the scope of
contained .12 eggs and no IBP occurred in clutches that our study.
contained ,11 eggs. Moreover, the 2 Scaled Quail nests
that were parasitized by Northern Bobwhites contained 18
and 21 eggs. Although we did not determine nest densities
or the spatial distribution of nests, the high breeding We thank J. Groendyke for providing the Groendyke graduate
population density of Northern Bobwhites also suggests fellowship. We also thank M. Judkins, E. Thacker, W. Storer, C.
that nest densities were high. Crisswell, S. Wayment, M. Richins, K. Schultz, and all of our
great technicians for their assistance with this project. Any use

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The large difference in IBP rate (21% vs. 0%) between
the Northern Bobwhite and Scaled Quail can be explained of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes
by differences in nest densities between the 2 species. only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Govern-
Specifically, female Northern Bobwhites likely had greater ment.
opportunities to encounter nests to parasitize compared Funding statement: Funding was provided by the Pittman-
with Scaled Quail. However, the fact that we did not Robertson Federal Aid to Wildlife Restoration Act under
project W-161-R (F11AF00069) of the Oklahoma Department
document IBP in Scaled Quail or Scaled Quail parasitizing
of Wildlife Conservation and Oklahoma State University,
Northern Bobwhite nests suggests another explanation. It
administered through the Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and
is possible that, for a species that evolved in an arid Wildlife Research Unit (Oklahoma Department of Wildlife
environment, the time and energetic costs and risks of Conservation, Oklahoma State University, U.S. Geological
searching for host nests may be too high. The fact that Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Wildlife
Scaled Quail have adopted a strategy of allocating more Management Institute cooperating). Additional funding was
resources to self-maintenance than to reproduction provided by the Bollenbach Endowed Chair in Wildlife
(Giuliano et al. 1998) suggests that the costs of engaging Management and Groendyke Chair in Wildlife Conservation.
in IBP in an arid environment may be too high. Further None of the funders had any input into the content of this
research needs to explore the relationship between Scaled manuscript nor required their approval of the manuscript
Quail reproductive strategies and life history strategies, before submission or publication.
especially at the core of their distribution. Ethics statement: Capture and sample collection protocols
were reviewed and approved by Oklahoma State University’s
Conclusions Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUP #AG-
Despite being closely related, the Northern Bobwhite and 13-2 and ACUP #AG-11-22). The Oklahoma Department of
Scaled Quail rely upon completely different reproductive Wildlife Conservation provided permission to conduct
research in both study sites.
strategies. EPP and IBP rates were 85% and 21% for the
Author contributions: J.P.O., C.A.D., and R.A.V.D.B. con-
Northern Bobwhite, respectively, and 9% and 0% for the
ceived, designed, and performed the experiments; J.P.O.
Scaled Quail, respectively. Based on our understanding of
analyzed the data; J.M.C. and E.P.T. contributed materials;
each species’ life history attributes, it appears that and C.A.D., J.P.O., D.M.L., R.D.E., and S.D.F. wrote the paper.
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The Auk: Ornithological Advances 134:811–820, Q 2017 American Ornithological Society

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