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Psyche 1 Teacher
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COURSE AND YEAR:______________________________________ DATE:_____________________
SUBJECT: _______________________________________________


 Concept Notes  Laboratory Report  Formal Theme  Practical Activity
 Exercise / Drill  Drawing / Art  Informal Theme  Others:

ACTIVITY TITLE: Philosophical Perspective (Modern and Post Modern Perspective)

LEARNING TARGETS: Identify the self on perspective of philosophy (part 2)
REFERENCE(S) Understanding the Self. Gazzingan et al. pp 9-14
Rene Descartes. The father of modern Philosophy. He introduced Cartesian method. Both
philosopher and mathematician. View of human nature. “I think therefore I am”. This phrase is
Descartes’ legacy he deduced that a thinker is a thing that doubts, understands, affirms, denies,
wills, refuses and also imagines and feels.
John Locke. He contended that ideas are not innate but rather the mind at birth is a “tabula rasa”
(blank slate). He stated further that, “nothing in the mind that has not first in the sense.” View on
Human Nature. Moral good depends on conformity or non-conformity of a person’s behavior
towards some law. Three laws according to Locke:
1. Law of opinion- where actions that are praiseworthy are called virtues and those that are not are
called vice.
2. Civil Law- where right actions are enforced by people in authority
3. Divine Law- set by God on the actions of man.
David Hume. Credited for giving empiricism its clearest formulation. Human mind: according to
Hume, there are two types of perceptions: 1. Impressions are immediate sensations of external
reality; 2. Ideas are recollections of these impressions. View of Human Nature. The part of human
nature is what other philosophers called the soul; Hume termed it ‘the self’. He concluded that man
does really have an idea of the so-called self because ideas rely on sense impression and people have
no sense impression of a self.
Immanuel Kant. Contrary to what empiricists believed, Kant argued that the mind is not just a
passive receiver of sense experience but rather actively participates in knowing the objects it
experience. Human nature and the Self. The experience of the self and its unity with objects is called
transcendental apperception. Kant explained that transcendental is used because people do not
experience the self directly but as a unity of all impressions that are organized by the mind through
Identify the following.
_______________1. It is a law where right actions are enforced by people in authority.
_______________2. Perceptions that are immediate sensations of external reality.
_______________3. Meaning of Tabula Rasa.
_______________4. Law set by god on the actions of man.
_______________5. He argued that the mind is not just a passive receiver.

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