Conditionals (Grammar and Exercises) Worksheet

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Zero Conditional  obvious, facts, scientific truths

IF  present present
If it rains, the floor gets wet.
Your turn:
If you (cut) _____ your finger, it (bleed)_____.
If you (put) _____ your finger on fire, it (burn) _____.
If the snake (feel) _____ threatened, it (attack) _____.

First Conditional  very likely to happen

IF  present will
If you study every day, you’ll learn faster.
Your turn:
If my friends (visit) __________ me tomorrow, I (have fun) __________.
If I (not have) __________ breakfast, I (be) __________ hungry.
If mom (see) __________ us here, she (ground) __________ us.

Second Conditional unlikely to happen, imagination, wishes

IF  past would
If I won the lottery, I would travel the world.
Your turn:
If I (not have) __________ to work tomorrow, I (visit) __________ my parents.
If I (lose) __________ my job, I (not have) __________ any money.
If I (see) __________ a spirit, I (cry) __________.

Third Conditional  change something in the past

had +past participle would have + past participle
If I hadn’t studied hard, I wouldn’t have been approved.
Your turn:
If I (be) __________approved to that position, I (get) __________ a better salary.
If they (buy) __________ that house, their kids (love) __________it.
If I (not work) __________ last week, I (travel)__________ to the beach.

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