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Submitted to the Kenya national examination council for the award of diploma in information
communication technology



I Boru Kalla Bilala, index number 366191010216, hereby declare that this project proposal is my
work done at friends college Kaimosi and has not been submitted to any examination body for
partial fulfillment of diploma in information communication technology but to Kenya national
examination council.

Signature supervisors name




Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1..............................................................................................................................................11
1.0 BACKGROUND OF STUDY.................................................................................................................11
1.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE CURRENT SYSTEM.........................................................................................12
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT....................................................................................................................12
1.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE NEW SYSTEM................................................................................................12
1.4 AIMS OF STUDY................................................................................................................................14
1.5 OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT...........................................................................................................14
1.6 Limitation of the Study....................................................................................................................14
1.7 Definition of Terms..........................................................................................................................15
CHAPTER 2.................................................................................................................................................16
LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................................................................................................16
2.1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................16
2.2 COMPARISON OF VARIOUS SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES....................................17
2.3. Potential of social networking sites in education...........................................................................18
2.4.1 ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................................18
2.4.2 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................18
2.4.3 HYPOTHESES DEVELOPMENT...........................................................................................19
2.5 POSITIVE IMPACT OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE ON STUDENT......................................................20
2.6 NEGATIVE IMPACTS OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE ON STUDENTS.................................................20
2.7 CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................................21
CHAPTER 3.................................................................................................................................................21
3.1 FEASIBILTY STUDY..............................................................................................................21
3.1.1 TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY............................................................................................21

3.1.2 ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY.............................................................................................22
3.1.3 OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY.......................................................................................23
3.2 SYSTEM ANALYSIS..............................................................................................................23
3.2.1 EXISTING SYSTEM........................................................................................................23
3.2.2 LIMITATIONS OF EXISTING SYSTEM........................................................................23
3.2.3 PROPOSED SYSTEM......................................................................................................24
3.2.4 ADVANTAGES OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM...................................................................25
3.2.5 INFORMATION GATHERING TECHNIQUES.....................................................................25
3.3 SYSTEM DESIGN...................................................................................................................26
3.3.1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................26
3.3.2 Objective of the system.............................................................................................................27
3.3.3 INPUT DESIGN.......................................................................................................................27
3.3.4 OUTPUT DESIGN...................................................................................................................27
3.3.5 FILE DESIGN..........................................................................................................................28
3.3.6 CONTROL DESIGN................................................................................................................28
3.3.7 PROCESS DESIGN.................................................................................................................28
3.3.8 SYSTEM FLOWCHARTS.......................................................................................................28
3.3.9 DATA MODELING.................................................................................................................28
3.3.10 DATAFLOW DIAGRAMS....................................................................................................28
3.4 DATABASE DESIGN SCHEMA.............................................................................................37
CHAPTER 4.................................................................................................................................................39
SYSTEM IMPLEMANTION.......................................................................................................................39
ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM (ERD).................................................................................................39
4.1 FILE CONVERTION............................................................................................................................42
4.2 USER TRAINING................................................................................................................................42
4.3 CHANGE OVER STRATEGIES.............................................................................................................42
4.3.1 SYSTEM CHANGEOVE R STATEGIES...............................................................................42
4.4 SYSTEM TESTING..............................................................................................................................44
OBJECTIVES OF TESTING:.......................................................................................................................45
4.5 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................................51
4.6 SYSTEM INSTALLATION....................................................................................................................52

4.7 USER MANUAL.................................................................................................................................52
CHAPTER 5.................................................................................................................................................53
5.1 CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................................53
5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................................................................53
5.3 REFERENCES.....................................................................................................................................53


TABLE 1: SNS COMPARISON.........................................................................................................................................16

TABLE 2: ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY.................................................................................................................................21
TABLE 3: QUESTIONNAIRE............................................................................................................................................24
TABLE 4: DFD DIAGRAM SYMBOLS...............................................................................................................................27
TABLE 5 :COLLEGE.........................................................................................................................................................35
TABLE 6: IMAGE............................................................................................................................................................36
TABLE 7: PRACDEMO....................................................................................................................................................36
TABLE 8: QUESTIONANSWER........................................................................................................................................36
TABLE 9: QUESTIONPAPER............................................................................................................................................37
TABLE 10: STUDENTACCOUNT......................................................................................................................................37
TABLE 11: ERD SYMBOLS..............................................................................................................................................38
TABLE 12: LOGIN...........................................................................................................................................................45
TABLE 13: REGISTRATION.............................................................................................................................................46
TABLE 14: EDIT PROFILE................................................................................................................................................46
TABLE 15: SCRAP...........................................................................................................................................................47
TABLE 16: QUESTION AND ANSWER.............................................................................................................................47
TABLE 17: PHOTOS........................................................................................................................................................47
TABLE 18: VIDEOS.........................................................................................................................................................48
TABLE 19: TUTORIALS...................................................................................................................................................49
TABLE 20: ARTICLES......................................................................................................................................................49

FIGURE 1: CONTEXT DFD...............................................................................................................................................29

FIGURE 2: TOP LEVEL DFD.............................................................................................................................................30
FIGURE 3: STUDENTS PROFILE......................................................................................................................................31
FIGURE 4: TUTORIALS...................................................................................................................................................33
FIGURE 5: ADMIN..........................................................................................................................................................34
FIGURE 6: ERD DIAGRAM..............................................................................................................................................39


I am thankful to our college Kaimosi Institute of science and Technology for considering our
project and extending help at all stages needed during our work of collecting information
regarding the project. It gives me immense pleasure to express my deep and sincere gratitude to
Madam Leah Makete. (for her kind help and valuable advice during the development of project
synopsis and for her guidance and suggestions. I would also like to thank my parents for the
financial support they have offered all through the process and also a special thanks to my course
mates for their support. i express my hearty thanks to them for their assistance without which it
would have been difficult in finishing this project synopsis and project review successfully. I
convey my deep sense of gratitude to all teaching and non-teaching staff for their constant
encouragement, support and selfless help throughout the project work. I wish to express my
profound thanks to all those who helped me in gathering information about the project.


This paper discusses about the project implementation of social networking site for teaching and
learning purposes. The type of social space available to users can provide a more personalized
and interactive experience for educative purpose. The growing demand of computer literates in
the industry makes it very important for the students to know about the practical use of
technologies that are taught in the college and also to know about the latest technology and
projects that the industry works with. Thus, a platform where students can interact with the
industry professionals would prove to be a great benefit for them. In this project a social
networking site exclusive for the college has been created whereby students, faculty and
selective people from the institutions would be able to socialize and share their knowledge. Also
it would be a hub to share information about all the ongoing activities in the college campus.
This paper describes the features implemented in this project and presents a glimpse of how the
website works.

With increase in use of social networking sites, people use various social media platform
depending on their requirements and interest. social media is a dynamic platform that can be
used in so many ways, for example to share news, entertainment, to share knowledge etc. in this
proposed project a social media platform for college campus has been created where everyone
associated with the college campus such as students, staff members, associated industry
professionals and alumni can socialize with each other and share their knowledge about
academics, projects, placements and all other activities going on in the campus.

The functions of various categories of users are going to be segregated and each category of user
will have their own privileged tasks. A hierarchy of these categories of users is created such as
the principal, industry professionals, general staff, alumni and current students(in descending
order).it is inconvenient for teachers to find parent contacts information. This site will enable an
exclusive option for teachers to find a student’s parent contact with a click of a button. All the
students will be compulsorily needed to fill in their parents contact details so that it becomes
easy to contact them when they are needed, also taking into account the fact that parents contact
details are too persona for a student thus other students will be restricted from viewing them.
Students would also be restricted from viewing faculty or industry people details; instead they
will be allowed to view what is relevant to them only.

As this social networking site focuses on collaborative teaching and learning, the above research
has been done to come across the positive and negative impact of social networking site (SNs) my research I found out that Facebook was started by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 at
Harvard usage was exclusively designed for the later expanded to include
other educational institutions such as schools, universities, colleges and organizations. To add to
it there are many more benefits of SNs such as facilitation of identity exploration, facility of
social cognitive skills such as “perspective taking” and to fulfill the need for social support and

Kenya being one of the third world countries is far much behind in this era of expanding
technology. usage of Whatsapp, Facebook, twitter and Instagram is higher among college and
university students thus making the use of the social networking site for the intended audience
having a higher chance of being successful.


The current college website in place lacked all the features the researcher wanted to add to the
website that is an e-learning platform and the social media also lack frequent updation
making the website inactive.

The platforms to be used too had systems in place I.e. the social media and e-learning platform.
For example the social media platform had issues like:

I. For Whatsapp (a social media platform) the numbers of users in a group are limited to 267
users thus not suitable for a large institution.

II. On Facebook people tend to give false info about them thus making them insecure

On the other hand e-learning systems that are in place today have the following issues:

The mobile version lack features of the full program. On the new system the platform would be
made a simpler as possible to accommodate everything without fuss.


There is need for an advanced website for colleges and universities where education and
information can be passed efficiently and smoothly unlike the other system in use, the current
system lacked a lot of things I.e.

 Frequent updation of the system thus making those who are not able to access the
information in institution manually at a disadvantage.

 Whatsapp groups cannot be accessed easily if one lost their phone unless one is computer
literate enough to sync his/her for phone to a personal computer which a bit expensive to
purchase whereas the proposed web page can be accessed either over the phone or an
internet enabled computer.

 Whatsapp groups have a limited number of users thus not so suitable for a large organization
which is to be constituted into one large system.

 In the current system students cannot input a thing but rather receive outdated information,
they could not discuss on crucial matters affecting the school, share ideas or even share
notes and hold discussion groups in it.


The Kaimosi advanced college website will be constituted of three main features I.e.
1. E-learning
2. Small Social media platform
3. Normal website features
These three components will be constituted to form an advanced website whereby students can
learn, socialize and get updates on stuff going on in the school on the site.

All the integration of the website will have its own purpose to fulfill;

This part will be mostly used for study purposes. Upon signing into the system the students are
required to provide their names, admission numbers, course code and course name and their year
of study. with this all the students will be able to access only their class. Notes, timetables,
departmental announcements, exam dates and exam results. Lectures might all decide to hold
video conferences and send video, audio and text tutorials, all that is done on this platform of the
On this platform a small Facebook like social media platform will be created whereby students
can share pictures, ideas, hold chat groups, chat, comment to school and student post and many
more exciting features found on existing social media sites. There are possibilities that students
might post inappropriate stuff on the platform thus security measures should be put into place to
cub such things in future.
This platform will contain the normal college website features I.e.
 The college website notice board- this is where all the notice that affect each and every
student in the college including also the teaching and non-teaching stuff is placed
 Home page- this is where all the tabs that could be accessed by the users of the website are
put up. NOTE: each tab on the home page as its own unique codes and can only be accessed
by specific people e.g. a student in the ICT department cannot access the tab of business

This system will be web based thus can be accessed either by phone or computer with enabled
internet access. This system would handle some of the issues ignored by the current school web
page and the social networking sites in place at the moment I.e. Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Instagram and many more.

 It would be under updation frequently because the school web administrator does not have to
be the only one posting important updates on the page rather people with higher level on the
system i.e. the principal, deputy and the dean of students would be allowed to update the
information on the page.

 It can be accessed on a computer or a mobile phone if the person is a registered user of the

 Students can discuss questions with their teacher and hold group discussion, hold video
conferences and many more other features on the system unlike the current school web page.

 Students will have their own profile, accounts, passwords and they can access their exam
results, exam timetables and dates, school events and many more other information
concerning the school.


The aim of this site is to provide a single platform for students and the staffs to interact with each
other, such as discussing their queries, uploading and viewing the study materials, chatting with
each other, attending the quiz provided by the staff members, uploading their messages, images
and videos in their timeline, viewing the notice published by the staff members. The admin of the
site takes care of the activities such as adding and removing of courses, subjects, students and
staff members and publishing notices.


The proposed system will have the following objectives:

 eliminate on papers used for giving out handouts and notices by 100% because
everything will be fully automated

 increase the time taken for students to get information from the college thus students will
receive information faster

 To increase the rate of topic coverage by 50%. This would enable teachers to cover a
topic faster by giving out online notes, holding video conferences.

 To reduce tribalism by helping people socialize on social media platform by sharing

ideas, comments and posts.

1.6 Limitation of the Study

 Limited time- the time to create the proposed system was short thus making it difficult to

create an effective system

 Limited resources- tools and software's to be used to design the system were scarce thus had

to make do with the available ones

 lack of skills- some of the programming languages used to create the system

Were complex and tiresome to code them.

1.7 Definition of Terms.

SNS- abbreviation for social networking site

Mark Zuckerberg- founder of the first campus social networking site also known as Facebook

ICT- abbreviation for information communication technology

Social networking sites are the new normal all over the world. People are glued to social media sites for
almost 80% of their time 24 hours a day. This may be a disadvantage brought to us by social media but it
can also be used to do good too. Social media nowadays has evolved and people are using it to do online
marketing, learning, socializing and also getting updated and all the latest news and gossips faster and
effectively. Due to the rise of use in social media people have opted to create different platforms to
address market or get new ideas.

In accordance to this formation of different platforms, sites have been formed to accommodate these
issues, for example dating sites like cupid, marketing sites like forex, idea sharing sites like quora and
many other sites. Facebook was initially a college website created by mark Zuckerberg in which students
used to share ideas and knowledge until it evolved and became a worldwide social networking site.

Studies conducted by hyllegard, ogle, yan, and rietz (2011) sought to understand students motivation in
using Facebook and fanning , or liking, particular brands on the social networking site. The researchers
found students use this site to establish personal connections with others and use this site to create
affiliations with brands that define who they are and help them establish a sense of self (hyllegard
2011).today there are a lot of social networking sites on which students can learn on e.g. Brainly,
classhook, classroom, classroom 2.0 and many more. All these social networking sites used in learning
are all born from facebook.

In several colleges and universities in Kenya have started adopting social networking like kind of
communication to pass on information and also help learners by holding online classes, examinations and
also notes sharing. Due to current pandemic in the country right now students in renown universities
UON, KU and JKUAT hold online classes and examinations this is to avoid the spread of covid 19 among
the students. This system could be used all over the country so that students don’t miss out on classes and
opportunities to learn. Programs that are put in place by safaricom to help primary and secondary school
to learn while on holiday and during this trying times are a bit costly and thus students cant often afford
them at all thus .also the process is too tiresome as you ask a question and get an answer after 2 hours.

The proposed social networking site can be implemented in both higher and lower levels of learning so as
to shorten response time, reduce on cost and also offer learners effective learning experiences. Classes
done on the site can be saved so that students can go back and revisit what was being taught and use it as
e -revision material.


We have gone through the features of various social networking sites and made a list of some basic
functions which are or are not available in these sites. This analysis helped us to understand which social
media we can refer to in order to add our desired features. The following table provides an overall
summary for some of the most popular sites.

Facebook Twitter Google+ MySpace LinkedIn

Description Largest social A platform where Integrates Focuses on Focused on

network with people get updates Google buzz and music, art and connecting
wide appeal about Google profiles other professionals
people/organization entertainment with the
they find interesting purpose of
Privacy Privacy You can choose Privacy settings Users between Privacy
settings settings are either are highly the ages of 13- settings are
highly public(default) or customizable, 15 are highly
customizable, private account allowing users to automatically customizable,
allowing decide which private allowing
users to information to accounts. users to
decide which share with which Older users decide which
information users can choose information
to share with private or to share with
which users public account which users

Website yes Yes yes yes Yes

widgets and

Photo yes Yes yes Yes no


Video yes No yes No, but flash no

sharing can be
Chat yes No yes yes no

Private yes Yes yes yes yes

Table 1: SNS comparison

2.3. Potential of social networking sites in education

As this social networking site focuses on collaborative teaching and learning, the above mentioned
research has been done to come across the positive and negative impacts of SNSs which formed the basis
to assist us in regulating our SNS. In this research, it was found that Facebook started in the campus of
Harvard University. Its usage was exclusively designed for the members of the campus. It expanded to
include other educational institutions such as schools, universities, colleges and organization. It was also
noted that many librarians had joined Facebook for social reasons but later on it was also used for
promotion of education and library related events. To add to it, there are other psychosocial benefits of
SNS such as the facilitation of identity exploration, facility of social cognitive skills such as “perspective
taking”, and to fulfill the need for social support, intimacy, autonomy, etc.



By Prof. Dr. İbrahim akman and Assist. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem

In this study, adoption of Social Media for learning and teaching purposes has been analyzed based on a
conceptual research model. Factors included in this study have been categorized under two empirical
factors, namely, socio-demographic and utilitarian. A survey approach has been adopted for this purpose
and the least square regression techniques is used to investigate the relationships among the variables
included in the research model. The test results indicate that, except perceived awareness (PAW), all the
remaining factors have significant effect on the actual usage of SL/T.

Keywords: Social media, learning, teaching, socio-demographic, utilitarian, regression.

Social media has made a significant impact on different aspects of society over the past few decades
especially in the way people communicate and share information. Through video sharing sites, wikis,
forums, etc., social networking sites (SNS) provide an active, free and open platform for teaching and
learning to any interested user regardless of their socio-demographic characteristics such as age or gender
(Huang, Hood, & Yoo, 2013; Osatuyi, 2013). Furthermore, this platform provides the perfect medium for
personalized informal learning in the domains that the user is interested in, and increases the motivation
to continue the learning process. (Bull et al., 2008).

Yet, differences exist on SNS utilization in terms of users’ sociodemographic attributes as well as their
attitudes and behavior towards social media platforms. For example, even though no major differences
exist between different genders in the Internet usage, women prefer to use social media more whereas
men prefer to use other Internet sources in larger numbers (Kim, Sin, & Tsai, 2014). Furthermore, in their

study, Malesky and Peters (2012) show that significant disagreement exists between the faculty and
students of higher-education institutions regarding their interaction on SNSs, largely dependent on their
beliefs and attitudes.

Even though there have been numerous research on the usage of social media, there have been only a few
studies on the acceptance of social media tools in teaching and learning (Echeng & Usoro, 2014). In his
research, Tess (2013) concludes that most of the previous studies have concentrated on the effectiveness
of social media, but that there should be more empirical studies on this domain. In consequence, this
study aims to empirically investigate the adoption of social media for learning and teaching from different
sociodemographic viewpoints and perceptions. Age, gender and position constitute the socio-
demographic perspectives, whereas the perceived ease of use, usefulness, social pressure and awareness
are included in the utilitarian empirical category.

The results of the study can provide feedback to the SNS providers in developing new social media
platforms and to educators in incorporating social media into their formal learning environments the
remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The next section explains the hypotheses development in
terms of the sociodemographic and utilitarian categories followed by the research method. Then, the
descriptive and test results are explained followed by the conclusion.


The present study was performed among academics and students from higher education institutions to
investigate the impact of decision (independent) variables regarding the adoption of social media for
learning and teaching purposes (SL/T). The decision variables are grouped under two empirical categories
namely; socio-demographic and utilitarian (Figure 1). The empirical group, socio-demographic, contains
gender, age and position, whereas perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived social pressure
and perceived awareness constitute the utilitarian group. Socio-demographic
The role of the Internet has been increasing in the daily life of many people around the globe and the
studies on the Internet widely use individuals’ socio-demographic characteristics in explaining the nature
of usage. For example, in an earlier study, Taylor, Zhu, Dekkers and Marshall (2003) reported that
Internet usage pattern may have different dispersions for different gender groups. According to Kalmus,
Realo and Siibak (2011) age, experience, education level are the significant predictors of adoption of
social media. On the other hand, the nature of Internet has changed drastically with the rising popularity
of social media especially during the last decade. This phenomenon has attracted the attention of higher
education institutions. More specifically, Calisir, Atahan and Saracoglu (2013) pointed that differences
may be significantly explained by the demographic characteristics for the adoption of Social Network
Sites (SNS). This means demographic characteristics should be taken into account, as the nature and
consequences of SNS usage could be potentially different for different demographic groups. However, the
SNS trend is a relatively new one and little research has been reported on its acceptance and use in
education. Furthermore, available literature generally recognizes the obstacles and challenges for using
SL/T (Elases et al., 2016) but does not pay much attention on the sociodemographic differences in higher
education. Therefore we propose the following hypotheses. H11: Socio-demographic factor gender does
not have any influence on Actual Usage of SL/T (AU) H12: Socio-demographic factor age does not have
any influence on Actual Usage of SL/T (AU) H13: Socio-demographic factor position does not have any
influence on Actual Usage of SL/T (AU)

19 Utilitarian
The measures perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness have been extensively used in research
related to acceptance of technology (Davis, 1989; Malhotra, Heine, & Grover, 2001). With regard to the
ease of use and usefulness technology dimensions, more autonomous users seem to find the social
networking platform more difficult to use (Lane & Coleman, 2012). According to Lane and Coleman
(2012) one’s personal traits are related to one’s perceptions of technology usefulness and ease of use, and
ultimately how intensely the SN platforms are used. This also seems to be logical for the usage of SN
platforms for teaching and learning purposes. Therefore we propose following hypotheses. H21: The
utilitarian factor Perceived Ease of Use (PEU) does not have any influence on Actual Usage of SL/T
(AU) H22: The utilitarian factor Perceived Usefullness (PU) does not have any influence on Actual Usage
of SL/T (AU)

Available empirical research has shown that awareness goes along with attitude and “positive attitude
towards ICT is widely recognized as a necessary condition for the effective implementation” (Lane &
Coleman, 2012; Woodrow, 1990). In their study, Michaelidou, Siamagka, and Christodoulides (2011)
also support this view by stating that awareness is the most prominent reason for adopting SNS, which
justifies the increased importance of awareness as a reason for using SNS for educational purposes.
According to previous empirical studies, SNS use behavior tends to be motivated by various aspects of
factors including social ones (Chin, Evans, Choo, & Tan, 2015). Mazman and Usluel (2009) studied
individuals’ usage purposes of social networks with a focus on the possible differences between genders
and reported subjective norms to be one of the social factors having significant indirect influence on
adoption of SNS. Furthermore, according to Theory of Reasoned Action, humans are rational enough for
their attitudes and subjective norm (i.e. social pressure) affects their behavioral intention, which in turn
results with a high correlation to actual behavior (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975). This implies influence of
subjective norm on usage of SNS is worth investigating. Against this backdrop, the below hypotheses are
proposed. H23: The utilitarian factor perceived Social Pressure (PSP) does not have any influence on
Actual Usage of SL/T (AU) H24: The utilitarian factor Perceived Awareness (PAW) does not have any
influence on Actual Usage of SL/T (AU)


 To reduce tribalism by helping people socialize on social media platform by sharing

ideas, comments and posts.
 Increases chance of students getting jobs through links and job seeking sites found on the
social media platforms
 Information shared on social media platforms are frequently updated and are 80%
 Social networking sites have increased the rate at which information is passed thus
information shared over social media is much faster than that shared by word of mouth.


 Students waste so much time on social media sites thus making them absent minded
during classes, this could be an advantage and a disadvantage too. An advantage

because the college social networking site is about helping students learns outside a
classroom environment and a disadvantage because it may cause student miss
 Apart from the good things it also promotes bad things like cybercrimes,
pornographic material and other sorts of bad things
 Requires an active internet connection


The need for development of a campus based social networking (CBSN) is to satisfy desire of
youths especially students to socialite and also to help in developing a good academic
environment which most commonly used social networks has not been able to achieve, brought
about development of CBSN. The restriction in the sign up form will prevent any interested user
that is not based on the campus not to be able to register thereby not to be able to have access to
the use of the campus based social network. The student users’ has to be a registered student of
the institution in order to be issued a matriculation number that will allow such student to access
the system, also the institution staff will need staff identification number in order to be
registered. For the implementation, institution will be required to link the sign up page of CBSN
to the school database such that staff identification number and student matriculation number can
be compared to the one available in the school database in order to avoid graduated student from
using the system or any staff that is no longer in the service of the institution or outsiders




A feasibility study is a study done to find problems with in a system so as to decide whether
to replace it with a new one or modify the whole or keep it just the way it is. In accordance to
this, studies conducted on the current college websites show that they are less interactive
with the students and also the number of people visiting to find out what is happening is less
than the quarter of the college population. Studies also show that most current college
websites do not support e-learning
This feasibility study focuses on establishing whether the technology needed for the
proposed system is available and how this technology can be integrated within the
organization. These technologies include:
 Hardware
 Intel core i5 processor
 500gb hard disk
 Standard LED monitor

 Standard keyboard
 4gb RAM
 Software
 Windows 7/8/10 operating system
 Html 5, css3, PHP
 MYSQL database
The most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a new system. More
commonly known as cost benefit analysis, the procedure is to determine the benefits and
Savings that are expected from a candidate system and compare them with the cost. If
benefits outweigh costs, then the decision is made to design and implement the
entrepreneur must accurately weigh the cost versus benefits before taking an action.

Items Quantity Price Total

Research funds 12500 12500

Core i5 processor 1 1500 1500

Standard LED 1 2500 2500


Standard 1 2000 2000


4gb ram 1 1600 1600

500gb HDD 2 3500 7000

Operating system 2 2000 4000

Programing 3 1500 4500


Database 1 1500 1500

TOTAL 37100

Table 2: economic feasibility

It is an evaluation to determine whether the system is operationally acceptable with the students,
teachers, stakeholders and the non-teaching staff within the institution.

The current college website in place lacked all the features the researcher wanted to add to the
website that is an e-learning platform and the social media also lack frequent updation
making the website inactive.

The platforms to be used too had systems in place I.e. the social media and e-learning platform.
For example the social media platform had issues like:

I. For Whatsapp (a social media platform) the numbers of users in a group are limited to 267
users thus not suitable for a large institution.

II. On Facebook people tend to give false info about them thus making them insecure

On the other hand e-learning systems that are in place today have the following issues:

The mobile version lack features of the full program. On the new system the platform would be
made a simpler as possible to accommodate everything without fuss.


There is need for an advanced website for colleges and universities where education and
information can be passed efficiently and smoothly unlike the other system in use, the current
system lacked a lot of things I.e.

 Frequent updation of the system thus making those who are not able to access the
information in institution manually at a disadvantage.

 Whatsapp groups cannot be accessed easily if one lost their phone unless one is computer
literate enough to sync his/her for phone to a personal computer which a bit expensive to
purchase whereas the proposed web page can be accessed either over the phone or an
internet enabled computer.

 Whatsapp groups have a limited number of users thus not so suitable for a large organization
which is to be constituted into one large system.

 In the current system students cannot input a thing but rather receive outdated information,
they could not discuss on crucial matters affecting the school, share ideas or even share
notes and hold discussion groups in it.


The Kaimosi advanced college website will be constituted of three main features I.e.
4. E-learning
5. Small Social media platform
6. Normal website features
These three components will be constituted to form an advanced website whereby students can
learn, socialize and get updates on stuff going on in the school on the site.

All the integration of the website will have its own purpose to fulfill;

This part will be mostly used for study purposes. Upon signing into the system the students are
required to provide their names, admission numbers, course code and course name and their year
of study. With this all the students will be able to access only their class. Notes, timetables,
departmental announcements, exam dates and exam results. Lectures might all decide to hold
video conferences and send video, audio and text tutorials, all that is done on this platform of the
On this platform a small Facebook like social media platform will be created whereby students
can share pictures, ideas, hold chat groups, chat, comment to school and student post and many
more exciting features found on existing social media sites. There are possibilities that students
might post inappropriate stuff on the platform thus security measures should be put into place to
cub such things in future.
This platform will contain the normal college website features I.e.
 The college website notice board- this is where all the notice that affect each and every
student in the college including also the teaching and non-teaching stuff is placed
 Home page- this is where all the tabs that could be accessed by the users of the website are
put up. NOTE: each tab on the home page as its own unique codes and can only be accessed
by specific people e.g. a student in the ICT department cannot access the tab of business

This system will be web based thus can be accessed either by phone or computer with enabled
internet access. This system would handle some of the issues ignored by the current school web
page and the social networking sites in place at the moment I.e. Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, Instagram and many more.

 It would be under updation frequently because the school web administrator does not have to
be the only one posting important updates on the page rather people with higher level on the
system i.e. the principal, deputy and the dean of students would be allowed to update the
information on the page.

 It can be accessed on a computer or a mobile phone if the person is a registered user of the

 Students can discuss questions with their teacher and hold group discussion, hold video
conferences and many more other features on the system unlike the current school web page.

 Students will have their own profile, accounts, passwords and they can access their exam
results, exam timetables and dates, school events and many more other information
concerning the school.


The proposed system will have the following objectives:

 eliminate on papers used for giving out handouts and notices by 100% because
everything will be fully automated

 increase the time taken for students to get information from the college thus students will
receive information faster

 To increase the rate of topic coverage by 50%. This would enable teachers to cover a
topic faster by giving out online notes, holding video conferences.

 To reduce tribalism by helping people socialize on social media platform by sharing

ideas, comments and posts.


During the system analysis process information about the current system was gathered to help
the analyst determine whether a new project was needed or if to keep using the current system.
Random students within the organization were picked and they assisted in helping the analyst
find out more about the system. The information gathering technique used in this particular
project is questionnaires. The form below shows the questionnaire;

Male Female

What is your age (years)? (21- 30, 31-40, 41-50, >50, 61 or more
What is your position at the university? (Academic, student)
25Do you think that it is easy for you to use SNS for your learning/teaching activities?
Do you think you are familiar with using social media?

Do you currently use SNS for learning/teaching purposes?


3.3.1 Introduction
When the requirements document for the software to be developed is available the design
activity begins. The main aim of design process is to produce a model or representation of the
system, which can be used later to bind the system. The produced model is called design of the
system. A system design is a top down approach to minimize complexity and make a problem
manageable by subdivided it into smaller segments.

The most changing phase of the system development of life cycle is system design. It refers to
the technical specification that will be applied in implementing the candidate system. The design
phase is a translation from user oriented document to document oriented to programmers. The
potential objects are thoroughly analyzed. Class hierarchies are to check whether the system is
behaving the way it has to. There after the classes are individually tested and subsequently they
are integrated from the overall system. This level focuses on deciding which modules are needed
for system the specifications for those modules and how these modules are that interconnected.

 Logical Design:

A logical data flow diagram shows the flow of data through a transaction processing system
without regard to the time period when the data flows or the processing procedures occur.

 Physical Design:

The physical design maps out the details of physical systems, plans the system implementations,
device a test and implementation plan and specifies any new hardware and software.

3.3.2 Objective of the system
The main purpose of creating Campus Networking Site is for meeting country college students
and sharing knowledge, education related information’s, etc. It contains standard social network
content, like profiles, pictures, email and groups, and video sharing, articles, etc. Student can
create a profile, browse locations countrywide, share and collect knowledge, education related
tutorials, etc.

 Applicable document

Profile detail: It holds student profile information.

Education detail: It has education articles, tutorials, videos, photos and any other information.

Upload detail: It holds uploaded images, videos, tutorials and any other information’s.

 Functional decompositions:

• Student profile.

• Education profile.

• Education articles.

• Images, videos, etc.

• Quiz, question-answers etc..


These are the pages within the system where users had to feed in data into the system so that the
system could be able to recognize them without any problems. Examples of the input designs
within the system are:

 Sign up page
 Login page
 Profile update page


The output design is the manner in which data fed into the system during the input is processed
to give out meaningful information. This can be seen within the system whereby when one
uploads a picture from his or her phone, the picture is output on the persons’ profile wall


When a student registers with the system all the data he/she fills in the system during registration
is filed into the database where only the admin has the authority to access an keep tabs on what is
happening within the system.

This panel will only be used by the admin whereby he/she will be the overseer of the whole
system so as to make changes where necessary and to make sure that the system is not used to
pass unnecessary information or other bad materials that students tend to indulge into over social
media network.


This is where by all the process within the system takes place. It all happens in the background
normally where by when you post the admin has to approve first before it is passed on as
information. this system being a standalone system the admin views the data before approving




Some of the symbols used in data flow diagram

The process shows a transformation or

manipulation of dataflow with in a system.
A process transforms in coming data flow
Processes into outgoing data flow.

A database is a holding place for

information within the system it is
represented by an open ended narrow

External entities are outside the system but

they either supply input data into the
External entity system or use the system output. External
entities are represented by rectangle.

A dataflow shows flow of information form
source to destination a data flow
represented by a line, with arrow heads
showing the direction of the flow.

Table 4: DFD diagram symbols

 Description of the program

The customer switch diagram for online campus networking is shown in the figure below. The
input and output of this section is shown in the diagram, however no of details about the function
of the online campus networking system is given here. Using this as a starting point, a logical
DFD of the system is developed.

 Context flow diagram:

The environment in which the software used is depicted in this picture. The CFD shows the
external entity action on the software is shown here in CFD as a single process.

Student information

Add Colleges
Add courses
Result Networking


Exam Results College

Figure 1: context DFD

Top level DFD:
Top level DFD shows the functional component in the software package. Each component shown in the
top level DFD is described in the subsections of 2.3

Networking Database


Home Account Sign in Profile
Figure 2: Top level DFD

Description of the components

Functional component 1: Student Profile

Input- Student adds profile information and education details .

Process- System checks previous student account and education details.

Output- Student can view education detail and profile details.

Student Education
Logs Details

Student Education
account Database

s Profile Profile Database

Figure 3: students profile

Functional component 2: Tutorials

Input- Student uploads education articles,tutorials,images,videos ..etc.

Process- System uploads education articles,tutorials,images,videos to database.

Output- Student can view uploaded education articles,tutorials,images,videos ..etc..

Student Education
Edit Add


Updates Images/



Figure 4: tutorials

Functional component 3: Admin

Input- Admin can upload and share video tutorials, question papers, books’ etc.

Process- System uploads education tutorials, question papers, books to database.

Output- Student can view uploaded tutorials, question papers, books, etc.




Add/Edit Add/Edit

Video Questio
Tutorial Books
n paper

Video Question Book

database database database
Figure 5: Admin



A database is an inherent collection of data with some inherent meanings, designed, built, and
populated with data for a specific purpose. The following guidelines are been followed during
the database design:

 Descriptive names for the tables, columns and indexes

 Singular names for tables and columns
 Proper data type for each column
This document describes the tables that are used to design the software, its attributes, data type,
constraints, and relationship among these tables. The relationships among tables are defined via
E-R Diagram (Entity-Relationships). A diagrammatical representation of relationships between
an entity and its attributes is referred to as E-R model. ER model concentrates on the structure
of the database and design of the database. ER model is mainly used in the design of the
conceptual schema in database design. An entity may be an object with physical or conceptual
existence. The properties that are used to describe the entity are called attributes. Entities that
do not have key attributes of their own are called weak entity type. The relationship type that
relates a weak entity to its owner is called identifying relation of the weak entity type. A weak
entity type always has a total participation constraint with respect to its identifying relation.

Database name: Collegenetworking

Table name: - college

Field Type Null Description

collegeid bigint(10) No Id of the college
collegename varchar(50 No Name of the college
collegelocation varchar(50 No Location of the college
Table 5 :college

Table name: - image

i y es
e p c
l e ri
d p
I b NI

m i m
g g a
i i g
d n e
t Id
I v NN
m a a
a r m
g c e
n h of
a a th
m r e
e ( i
2 m
0 a
) g
I v NI
m a m
g r a
c c g
a h e
t a c
e r at
g ( e
o 2 g
r 0 or
y ) y
D v NI
e a m
s r a
c c g
r h e
i a d
p r es
t ( cr
i 5 ip
o 0 ti
n ) o
U v NP
p a at
l r h

o c of
a h th
d a e
i r i
m ( m
a 2 a
g 5 g
e ) e

Table 6: Image

Table name: - pracdemo

Field Type Null Description

videoid bigint(8) No Video Id
videoname varchar(25) No Name of the video
videosection varchar(25) No Section of the video
videosubject varchar(25) No Video subject
uploadvideo varchar(25) No Path of the video
description varchar(50) No Brief description of the video
Table 7: pracdemo

Table name: - questionanswer

Field Type Null Description

qid bigint(8) No Question Id
questio varchar(50) No Question
answer varchar(70) No Correct answer
option1 varchar(70) No Option 1
option2 varchar(70) No Option 2
option3 varchar(70) No Option 3
option4 varchar(70) No Option 4
visible varchar(25) No If value of visible is true then user can answer for
this question otherwise not.
Table 8: Questionanswer

Table name: - questionpaper

Field Type Nul Description

paperid bigint(8) No Question Paper Id
Papernam varchar(25) No Question paper name

subject varchar(20) No Subject name
section varchar(20) No Student Section name
descriptio varchar(50) No Brief description of Question paper
upload varchar(50) No Path of the file
uploadtext Text No Uploaded text file
Table 9: Questionpaper

Table name: - studentaccount

Field Type Nul Description

id bigint(8) No Student Account Id
firstname varchar(25) No Student First name
lastname varchar(25) No Student Last name
email varchar(30) No Student Email Id
password varchar(30) No Password
confirmpasswor varchar(30) No Confirmation password
iam varchar(10) No Gender
dob Date No Date of Birth
Table 10: Studentaccount



This is a process whereby the system is put in place either to replace or modify the current
system in place so that the users can familiarize with it. Through this process the college social
networking system can be implemented so that the students can be familiar with the system and
also the teaching and non-teaching staff too. A sample of the college fraternity could be trained
so that they can help others catch up.


The Entity Relationship Diagram depicts the various relationships among entities, considering
each object as an entity. Entity is represented as ellipse and relationship is represented as
decision or diamond box. It depicts the relationship between data objects.

Entity: - The thing, which we want to store information. Entity is a elementary basic building
block of storing information about business process. An entity represents an object defined
within information systems about which you want to store information.

Attributes: - Descriptor of the entity. Attributes are elementary pieces of information attached to
an entity.

Relationship: - A relationship is a named connection or association between entities or used to

relate two or more entities with some common attributes.

Types of Relationships:

 One to One
 One to many
 Many to one
ER (Entity-Relationship Diagram) and Database design
The database for our system and its design using ER diagrams is shown in the figure bellow.
Some of the conventions while designing the E-R Diagram are shown below.

Symbol Convention




Key Attribute

Table 11: ERD symbols

1 M

1 1 1

Lname Lastname Id
1Password Password Fname

Teacher R/ship Email-Id

Email M

Image Image

R/ship R/ship
1 Id

Notice Username


Figure 6: ERD diagram R/ship Notice



The data file within the system is stored in a database whereby MySQL is used. This stores all
the data that is inputIdinto the system. The Text
coding language usedDate
is Php version 7.4.2, JavaScript
and HTML5, all this combined make up the current system and help in the management too.


The users of the system have to be trained so that after the implementation of the system users
don’t have issues using the this section a sample number of students and the staff
(teaching and non-teaching) would be taken as to be trained how the system functions and how
they could be able to use it without any problems. The system administrators also need to be
trained on how to make sure the system runs smoothly, efficiently and error free so that the users
may not be inconvenienced while using the system at all.


After acquiring a computer system you are required to change from the old system to the newly
acquired system in a process called system changeover. It involves replacing the old system with
a new system.

General activities carried out during system change overs are;

Replacing of old hardware system with new ones

If the new system may not be supported by the old hardware systems there would be need
for new ones
Training users
System and other relevant administrators should be trained on hoe the new system
Conversion of data
If the old and the new system use different data types then you will be required to convert
the data from the old format to the new once


Parallel changeover

It involves running both the new system and the hold system concurrently until you are confident
that the new system is working effectively with low risk. The strategy assures a rollback to the
old system in case something goes wrong with the new system. The strategy also allows user
time to familiarize with new system and gain confidence to use it

Parallel changeover



The main shortcoming of this strategy is that it over strains resources because they are required
in both systems. It requires large storage capacity to accommodate both systems. User will be
required to do double entry of data, both in the old and new systems. It is also difficult to
compare the two systems and how they output data because they may be completely different.
Another problem comes in determining for how long you should run the old system before
replacing it completely

Direct changeover

In direct changeover the old system is replace on time with a new system. It is mostly used when
the risk of losing data from the old system is significantly low or if the system has most the
functions that are new. It uses less resource because only one system is running.

Direct changeover



With this system if something happens with the new system then it means no going back to the
old system because it is no more. Users are not confident enough to use system on initial day of
system implementation hence they operate relatively slow on the operation involved.

Pilot changeover

It means choosing a specific location or branch of the organization and implementing the system
in that branch first. The branch (location) where the system is first test before it is implemented
in the whole organization is called pilot site. It allow to test the system on a small scale on all it
functionality and make any changes necessary to avoid any problems when later it is rolled on all
organization branches.

Pilot changeover

The strategy is used as alternative to parallel change over because it cost less and it almost
achieves the same results.

Phase changeover

Phased involves implementing a module of the system at a time until the whole system is
implemented. It combines the parallel and direct change over strategies. The module can be a
functional part of the system or a specific subsystem. Each sub system is implemented until it
succeeds that when the next one is implemented. It means in case the new system fail then it is
only that part that is affected and not the whole system.

The main challenge is that before the whole system is implemented it may take long time.


In conclusion different strategies are used at different time depending with the organization
circumstances at that particular time. During the implementation of this college social
networking system the system administrator suggests it would be better to use parallel change it
would be cost effective and errors within the system can be detected at an early stage and
corrected before any further problems.


Testing is the process of running a system with the intention of finding errors. Testing enhances
the integrity of a system by detecting deviations in design and errors in the system. Testing aims
at detecting error-prone areas. This helps in the prevention of errors in a system. Testing also
adds value to the product by conforming to the user requirements.

The main purpose of testing is to detect errors and error-prone areas in a system. Testing
must be thorough and well-planned. A partially tested system is as bad as an untested
system. And the price of an untested and under-tested system is high.

The implementation is the final and important phase. It involves user-training, system
testing in order to ensure successful running of the proposed system. The user tests the
system and changes are made according to their needs. The testing involves the testing of
the developed system using various kinds of data. While testing, errors are noted and
correctness is the mode.


The objectives of testing are:

 Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding errors.

 A Successful test case is one that uncovers an as- yet-undiscovered error.

The various types of testing on the system are:

1. Unit Testing.

2. Integration Testing

3. System testing
4. User Acceptance Testing

Unit Testing:
Unit testing focuses efforts on the smallest unit of software design. This is known as
module testing. The modules are tested separately. The test is carried out during
programming stage itself. In this step, each module is found to be working satisfactory as
regards to the expected output from the module.

Integration Testing:
Data can be lost across an interface. One module can have an adverse effect on another,
sub functions, when combined, may not be linked in desired manner in major functions.
Integration testing is a systematic approach for constructing the program structure, while
at the same time conducting test to uncover errors associated within the interface. The
objective is to take unit tested modules and builds program structure. All the modules are
combined and tested as a whole.

System Testing:

System testing is the stage of implementation. This is to check whether the system works
accurately and efficiently before live operation commences. Testing is vital to the success
of the system. The candidate system is subject to a variety of tests: on line response,
volume, stress, recovery, security and usability tests. A series of tests are performed for
the proposed system is ready for user acceptance testing.

User Acceptance Testing:

User acceptance of a system is the key factor for the success of any system. The system
under consideration is tested for the user acceptance by constantly keeping in touch with
the prospective system users at the time of developing and making changes whenever

 Validation:
At the culmination of the integration testing, Software is completely assembled as
a package. Interfacing errors have been uncovered and corrected and a final series
of software test begin in validation testing. Validation testing can be defined in
many ways, but a simple definition is that the validation succeeds when the
software functions in a manner that is expected by the customer. After validation
test has been conducted, one of the three possible conditions exists.

a) The function or performance characteristics confirm to specification and are


b) A deviation from specification is uncovered and a deficiency lists is created.

c) Proposed system under consideration has been tested by using validation test and
found to be working satisfactory.

Output Testing:

After performing the validation testing, the next step is output testing of the proposed
system, since no system could be useful if it does not produce the required output in a
specific format. The output format on the screen is found to be correct; the format was

designed in the system design time according to the user needs. For the hard copy also;
the output comes as per the specified requirements by the user. Hence output testing did
not result in any correction for the system.


Sl Input Values Test case Conditional being checked Result


1 Email Empty Please Enter valid Username Successful

3 Email Already Login ID should be unique Successful

Exists or

4 Password Empty Please Enter valid Password Successful

5 Password If wrong Enter Password Successful


6 Password Length Length should be less than or equal Successful

to 10 character
Table 12: Login


Sl Input Values Test case Conditional being checked Result


1. First Name Empty It must not be empty Successful

2 Last Name Empty Last Name must not be empty Successful

3 Email Empty Enter valid Email ID. Successful

4 Password Empty Enter valid Password. Successful

5 Password Length Minimum 8 characters required Successful

6 Confirm Empty Password and confirmation Successful

Password password must be same

7 Date Of Select Enter valid Username and Successful

Birth Password.
Table 13: Registration

Edit Profile:

Sl Input Values Test case Conditional being checked Result


1. First Name Null First Name must not be empty Successful

2 Last Name Empty Last Name must not be empty Successful

3 City Empty City must not be empty Successful

4 State Empty state must not be empty Successful

5 Pin code Empty PIN code must not be empty Successful

6 Country SELECT Please select country Successful

7 High School Empty High School must not be empty Successful

8 College SELECT Please select college Successful

9 Course Empty Course must not be empty Successful

Table 14: Edit profile


Sl Input Values Test case Conditional being checked Result


1. To Address Null Please select To address Successful

2 Subject Null Subject must not be empty Successful

3 Message Null Please enter message in text Successful

Table 15: Scrap

Question and Answers:

Sl Input Values Test case Conditional being checked Result


1. Question null Please add Question. Successful

2 Options null Please Enter Options. Successful

3 Answer Select Please Select valid answer Successful

Table 16: Question and answer


Sl Input Values Test case Conditional being checked Result


1. Image Title Null Image title must not be empty Successful

2 Add Image BROWSE Please browse image Successful

3 Delete Image Select Please select image to delete Successful

Table 17: Photos


Sl Input Values Test case Conditional being checked Result


1. Video Title Null Video title must not be empty Successful

2 Add Video BROWSE Please browse video Successful

3 Delete Video Select Please select video to delete Successful

Table 18: Videos


Sl Input Values Test case Conditional being checked Result


1. Subject Empty Please enter Subject name Successful


2 Section Empty Please enter section Successful

3 Description Empty Please enter Description Successful

4 Upload BROWSE Please upload documents Successful


5 Tutorials Empty Please add tutorials or upload Successful


6 Practical Empty Please enter Practical Subject Successful

Subject Name

7 Section Empty Please enter section Successful

8 Description Empty Please enter Description Successful

9 Upload BROWSE Please upload Video Tutorials Successful

Table 20: Articles Tutorial

10 Download Select Please select tutorials to Successful

Tutorial download
Table 19: Tutorials


S Input Values Test case Conditional being checked Result

1. Article Title Empty Please enter Title for article Successful

2 Subject Empty Please enter Subject name for Successful

Name article

3 Section Empty Please enter section Successful

4 Article Empty Please add articles Successful


Almost every new system requires one to have updates software and hardware components. This
is due to the change in technology almost every new day. The everyday evolving technology
makes it harder for system administrators to keep up. Other factors such as the cost and
efficiency of the new system as compared to the old system are also a factor to consider during

acquirement of a new hardware and software components. Or the college networking system the
components to be acquired are;

 Hardware
These are the tangible parts of the system or rather the equipment’s used to store
and maintain the software parts of the system
 Intel core i5 processor
 500gb hard disk
 Standard LED monitor
 Standard keyboard
 4gb RAM
 Software
These are the intangible parts of the system, they are the core of the system, and
without them the entire processes fail.
 Windows 7/8/10 operating system
 Html 5, css3, PHP
 MYSQL database
 Xammp server


This is the act of making the system ready for execution. Because the process for each program
varies and each computer too. They often come with an installer. In this case the installer is
Xammp and any Google chrome browser. The system is installed in the following order;

1. Copy the project files into local disk c where the server file that is Xammp is, the project
should be copied into the folder htdocs in Xammp.
2. Run the Xammp server and start Apache and MySQL module.
3. Open the Google chrome browser and search http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
4. in the dashboard click on http://localhost/phpmyadmin/server_databases.php
5. Create the database with the name exact as the one in your project files and then click on
import to import your database of the system.
6. Create another tab and search localhost/Kaimosi social net system




By creating this website for college, it is aimed to strengthen the communication among users
and make campus life more lively and exciting by combining academics and cultural activities.
This social media platform will become an asset for the campus and can be used for various
productive purposes. This social networking site can be further expanded to all the engineering
colleges in the city whereby all engineering students and faculties Would be able to connect and
share their knowledge with each other. Also efforts can be taken to incorporate links to various
journals which students and teachers can use to publish their papers and also get an access to
other research papers. An android application can be developed as well which would enable
users to access this social media through their mobile devices.


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In this section all the codes used to run the system a sample are listed as follows;






header("Location: profile.php");


$logres = $con->query("SELECT * FROM stuacc WHERE email='$_POST[username]' AND

password='$_POST[pass]' ");

if($logres->fetch_assoc() == 1)

$_SESSION["logid"] = $_POST["username"];

header("Location: profile.php");


$_SESSION["logfa"] = "Invalid username or password";



<div class=container>

<!-- head -->

<?php include("loghead.php"); ?>

<!-- navigation menu -->

<?php include("menu.php"); ?>

<div style="padding: 10px; text-align: left;">

<!-- body content -->

<table cellpadding=10 width=100%>


<td height=400 valign=top>

<form method="post" action="login.php">

<table width="100%" border="1">


<th height="25" colspan="2" align="center" scope="col"><font size="3" color="#996600">Login Page



echo "<br>";

echo $_SESSION["res"];


echo "<br>";

echo $_SESSION["logfa"];


echo "<br>";

echo "Please Enter User Name And Password";



<td height="44"><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; Email Id</strong></td>

<td><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="username" size="30" value="">




<td height="48"><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; Password</strong></td>

<td><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;<input name="pass" type="password" id="pass" value="" size="30">




<td height="23" colspan="2" align="center"><strong><a href="forgot1.php">Forgot Password</a></strong></td>



<td height="60" colspan="2" align="center">

<input name="logiin" type="submit" id="logiin" value="Click Here to Login">









<?php include("footer.php"); ?>








<div class=nav>

<a class=nav_text href="index.php">Home</a>

<a class=nav_text href="">Sign Up</a>

<a class=nav_text href="login.php">Login</a>

<a class=nav_text href="imgage.php">Photos</a>

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<a class=nav_text href="Questionpaper.php">Tutorials</a>

<a class=nav_text href="articles.php">Articles</a>

<a class=nav_text href="logout.php">Logout</a>



<div class=head><div style="padding-top: 50px"><div style="background-image: url(images/logo.png); background-repeat: no-

repeat; height: 80px;"> <div style="position: relative; left: 100px; top: -20px; text-align: left;">

<table width=83% >


<td width="48%" style="text-align: left; font: 25px arial; color: #000000;">Kaimosi net<br></td>

<td width="52%" align=right>









$result = $con->query("SELECT * FROM profile ORDER BY RAND()");


header("Location: profile.php");


while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))

$img[$i] = $row["image"];

$uid[$i] = $row["userid"];



<script language="javascript">

function reg()

ml =;

pos1 = ml.indexOf("@")

pos = ml.indexOf(" ")

pos2 = (pos1+1)

server = ml.substring(pos2);

server_pos = server.lastIndexOf(".")

reqtype = server.substring(server_pos+1)

type_end = reqtype.substring(reqtype.length-1)


alert("Please enter first name");


return false;

else if(document.registration.lname.value=="")

alert("Please enter last name");


return false;

else if(ml == "");;

alert("Email cannot be blank");

return false;

else if(ml.indexOf("@")==-1);;

alert("The Email Address must contain '@' sign");

return false;

else if(pos1<1)


alert("Email address cannot start with '@' sign");

return false;

else if(ml.indexOf(".")==-1);;

alert("The Email Address must contain '.' sign");

return false;

else if(pos!=-1);;

alert("The Email Address cannot contain spaces");

return false;

else if(server.indexOf("@")!=-1);;

alert("A valid Email must contain only one '@' sign");

return false;

else if(server.indexOf(".")==0);;

alert("There should some text between '@' and '.' sign");

return false;

else if(reqtype=="");;

alert("Email Id should end with character(like .com,.net,.org)");

return false;

else if(type_end.toUpperCase()<"A" || type_end.toUpperCase()>"Z");;

alert("Email Id should not end with number or symbol");

return false;

else if(document.registration.pass.value=="")

alert("Please enter password");


return false;

else if(document.registration.pass.value.length<8)

alert("The minimum length of the password is 8 characters...");



return false;

else if(document.registration.pass.value != document.registration.cpass.value)

alert("Password and confirm password is not matching");



return false;

else if(document.registration.Date.value=="DD")

alert("Please select Date");


return false;

else if(document.registration.month.value=="Month")

alert("Please select Month");


return false;

else if(document.registration.Year.value=="Year")

alert("Please select Year");


return false;


return true;




$result1 = $con->query("SELECT * FROM college");



$sql="INSERT INTO stuacc (firstname,lastname,email,password,confirmpassword,iam,dob)



if (!$con->query($sql))

die('Error: ' . mysqli_error());


$_SESSION["res"] = "User Registered Successfully...";

header("Location: login.php");



<div class=container>

<!-- head -->

<?php include("head.php"); ?>

<!-- navigation menu -->

<?php include("menu.php"); ?>

<div style="padding: 10px; text-align: left;">

<!-- body content -->

<table cellpadding=10 width=100%>


<td width="70%">

<img src="images/pic.png" width="518" height="137" border="0" alt="">

<h2>Meet New Friends </h2>

<table width=100%>

<tr valign=top align=center>

<td><a href=""><img src="<?php echo $img[0] ; ?>" width="100" height="150" border="0"


<td><a href=""><img src="<?php echo $img[1] ; ?>" width="100" height="150" border="0"


<td><a href=""><img src="<?php echo $img[2] ; ?>" width="100" height="150" border="0"


<td><a href=""><img src="<?php echo $img[3] ; ?>" width="100" height="150" border="0"




<h2>About Us</h2>

The Campus networking website is an online community designed to make your Campus life more active and
stimulating. The Campus network can help you maintain existing relationships with college students and share pictures and
messages, and establish new ones by reaching out to people you've never met before, and also using this site user can share
Knowledge's, education related books, question/answer, etc. </td>

<td width="30%" valign="top"><img src="images/imaa.png" width="100%" height="199"><br>

<h2>Register Free</h2>

<table width="208" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">

<form id="registration" name="registration" method="post" action="index.php" onSubmit="return reg()">


<td width="59">First Name</td>

<td width="91"><input name="fname" type="text" id="fname" value="" size="20"></td>



<td>Last Name</td>

<td><input name="lname" type="text" id="lname" value="" size="20"></td>




<td><input name="email" type="text" id="email" value="" size="20"></td>




<td><input name="pass" type="Password" id="pass" size="20"></td>




<td><input name="cpass" type="Password" id="cpass" size="20"></td>



<td>I am</td>


<input name="gen" type="radio" value="Male" checked="checked" />


<input type="radio" name="gen" value="Female" />




<td colspan="2">DOB&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

<select name="Date" >



for($i=1; $i<= 31; $i++)

echo "<option value='$i'>$i</option>";



<select name="month">


<option value="01">Jan</option>

<option value="02">Feb</option>

<option value="03">Mar</option>

<option value="04">Apr</option>

<option value="05">May</option>

<option value="06">Jun</option>

<option value="07">Jul</option>

<option value="08">Aug</option>

<option value="09">Sep</option>

<option value="10">Oct</option>

<option value="11">Nov</option>

<option value="12">Dec</option>


<select name="Year">

<option value="Year">Year</option>


for($i=1975; $i< 2011; $i++)

echo "<option value='$i'>$i</option>";





<td><input class=button type="submit" name="button2"









<?php include("footer.php")


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