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Positioning Information Privacy in
Intelligent Transportation Systems:
An Overview and Future Perspective †
Aleksandr Ometov 1, * , Sergey Bezzateev 2 , Vadim Davydov 3 , Anna Shchesniak 3 ,
Pavel Masek 4 , Elena Simona Lohan 1 and Yevgeni Koucheryavy 1
1 Tampere University, 33720 Tampere, Finland; (E.S.L.); (Y.K.)
2 Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI), St. Petersburg 190000, Russia;
3 ITMO University, St. Petersburg 191002, Russia; (V.D.); (A.S.)
4 Brno University of Technology, 60190 Brno, Czech Republic;
* Correspondence:
† This paper is an expanded version of the conference paper: Davydov, V; Bezzateev, S. Secure Information
Exchange in Defining the Location of the Vehicle. In Proceedings of the 41st IEEE International Conference
on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), Athens, Greece, 4–6 July 2018.

Received: 25 February 2019; Accepted: 26 March 2019; Published: 3 April 2019 

Abstract: Today, the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are already in deep integration phase
all over the world. One of the most significant enablers for ITS are vehicle positioning and tracking
techniques. Worldwide integration of ITS employing Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC)
and European standard for vehicular communication, known as ETSI ITS-G5, brings a variety of
options to improve the positioning in areas where GPS connectivity is lacking precision. Utilization
of the ready infrastructure, next-generation cellular 5G networks, and surrounding electronic devices
together with conventional positioning techniques could become the solution to improve the overall
ITS operation in vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication scenario. Nonetheless, effective and
secure communication protocols between the vehicle and roadside units should be both analyzed
and improved in terms of potential attacks on the transmitted positioning-related data. In particular,
said information might be misused or stolen at the infrastructure side conventionally assumed to be
trusted. In this paper, we first survey different methods of vehicle positioning, which is followed by
an overview of potential attacks on ITS systems. Next, we propose potential improvements allowing
mutual authentication between the vehicle and infrastructure aiming at improving positioning data
privacy. Finally, we propose a vision on the development and standardization aspects of such systems.

Keywords: Intelligent Transportation Systems; positioning; data privacy; authentication; GDPR

1. Introduction
Today, the technology is penetrating most of the modern digital systems [1]. Billions of
interconnected devices are already deployed, and many would join them soon in the race towards
smart interconnected world [2]. One of the promising paradigms is the utilization of Intelligent
Transportation Systems (ITS), which is driven by one of the biggest markets being automotive [3].
The technologies covered by ITS are usually split into two major groups: vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) [4,5]
and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) [6,7]. In an attempt to cover the challenges from both groups, a new
trend called vehicle-to-everything (V2X) [8,9] has recently emerged, focusing on interconnecting cars
with other surrounding objects.

Sensors 2019, 19, 1603; doi:10.3390/s19071603

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Different standardization communities are already working hard to standardize the technological
requirements, thus aiming for the same goal: to develop a unified ecosystem that would allow reliable,
fast and secure communications between vehicles and roadside infrastructure. Such technologies as
Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) in the USA [10,11] and ETSI ITS-G5 in Europe [12,13]
are actively developing aiming at being deployed in the oncoming decade. Moreover, DSRC has
recently been selected as a V2X communications technology in the USA which means that all the newly
produced cars would be equipped with a wireless IEEE 802.11p module [14] that could also be used
for positioning tasks [15]. Japan is also actively involved in equipping the vehicles with DSRC aiming
to have more than 100,000 operational by 2025 [16].
Previously, V2X development was not so widespread as smart cars were limited in numbers,
highly priced and thus inaccessible to the majority of the world’s population. In this paper, we will
focus only on the vehicular positioning privacy in an urban scenario where a conventional Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) can be affected negatively by propagation in complex environments
issues [17]. Nowadays, this problem becomes exceptionally significant due to the fast development of
vehicle use delegation [18] in the car-sharing business [19,20].
Indeed, GNSSs proved themselves to be inefficient in urban-canyon operation scenario [21]
also known as multipath interference phenomenon, caused by tall buildings blocking lines
of sight (LOS) from the receiver to the navigation satellites. Some works have proven that
no-line-of-sight (NLOS) signals could still be used for positioning if longer integration times and
data wipe-off are present [22,23].
Many solutions were proposed to mitigate the challenges of efficient vehicle location
determination. Simultaneously, operation in the city allows broad communication possibilities
due to high coverage of various wireless technologies including conventional cellular and other
heterogeneous techniques [24,25].
Overall, several radio-ranging-based cooperative positioning (CP) techniques were already
proposed to enable vehicular localization in urban environment [26]. Nonetheless, the localization
problem in conventional Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) with range measurements is often tackled
by trilateration and multilateration to some fixed or mobile anchor nodes [27].
The internode distance is commonly measured using radio-ranging or range-rating techniques
such as the time of arrival (TOA), time difference of arrival (TDOA), received signal strength (RSS),
and other techniques [28]. The infrastructure in ITS provides the nodes not only with precise positions
on the trusted infrastructure units but could also deliver regularly updated maps of the RSS based on
the devices involved. Despite common V2I infrastructure nodes, the development of cellular networks
beyond 5G would allow more precise positioning by utilizing specific synchronization signals with 5G
New Radio (5G NR) even under high mobility constrains [29].
Since vehicular positioning mostly relies on the data provided by the Location Solution
Provider (LSP), many concerns arise in regard to controlling personal information of the user [30].
Potential misuse of such sensitive data by LSP while user blindly agrees to the terms of use or even
unauthorized tracking of the vehicle may occur when relying on the ITS positioning techniques. Note,
that such situations appear even today and many security-related questions of said networks are still
open [31]. For example, U.S.-based LocationSmart company was leaking the sensitive information
about the positions of the smartphones operating under various cellular operators [32]. A similar
case was reported earlier the same month by The New York Times, the service initially used to
monitor calls from inmates and allowing to find almost any cell phone in the U.S. in seconds was
misused [33]. Note, it is possible to uniquely identify the node based on just four hours of the
monitoring while having access to the position-related data provider in 95% cases [34] based on said
digital activity ‘footprints’ [35].
From the V2X positioning perspective, researchers have proposed a considerable number of
privacy-preserving protocols for data exchange between the vehicle and the surrounding nodes [36].
Most of these protocols imply authentication of the vehicle to the trusted anchor nodes [37]. However,
Sensors 2019, 19, 1603 3 of 23

protocols without mutual authentication may be vulnerable to a wide range of attacks that should be
carefully taken into consideration during the system development phase. The main contributions of
this paper can be listed as:

1. an overview of existing privacy-related V2X solutions for infrastructure-based ITS systems;

2. a modified solution for data privacy enhancement based on well-known protocol;
3. a discussion of possible cybersecurity attacks on mentioned systems;
4. an overview of present standardization and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
related activities.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. First, we survey the existing solutions for vehicular
localization in Section 2. Next, we provide an overview of the protocols that utilize additional data
from the environment/user to assist in locating the vehicle in Section 3. Further, we propose a simple
extension to said protocols in Sections 3 and 4. Next, we elaborate on potential attacks on proposed
architecture in Section 5. The last section provides future perspectives concerning standardization
aspects and concludes the paper.

2. Solutions for Spotting of Vehicles on the Road

In this section, we consider several approaches for the localization techniques and the
corresponding benefits and drawbacks. First, we list various potential ways to determine vehicle
location with a simplified representation given in Figure 1.


Cellular Public WiFi


Node-centric Human-centric

Figure 1. General example of vehicular positioning techniques.

2.1. Global Navigation Satellite Systems

One of the GNSSs is the Global Positioning System (GPS) which is a technology, network,
and service owned and maintained by the USA [38]. The GPS service provides end-users with
an opportunity to estimate their position and to retrieve globally synchronized time. Entire GPS
architecture consists of space, control, and user segments [39]. The space segment is comprised
of a constellation of 31 satellites (as of March, 2019), not including the decommissioned, on-orbit
spares. GPS satellites operate in medium Earth orbit (MEO) at an altitude of approximately
20,200 km (11,550 miles) [40]. The GPS control segment is comprised of a global network of
ground stations designed for tracking the constellation of satellites in MEO and also monitoring their
transmissions, communicating and analyzing the data. The user segment consists of end users (civilian
and military).
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The second GNSS giant is the Russian Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) which
serves the same role despite some minor differences [41]. GLONASS satellite orbits are arrayed in three
planes, separated from one another in right ascension of ascending node by 120 degrees, with eight
satellites in each plane. The number of spacecraft is 26 including 24 actively operational ones (as of
March, 2019), and the altitude is 19,100 km (11,868 miles) [42].
Finally, GNSS positioning technology widely used in the European Union is GALILEO starting
2005 [43]. GALILEO system currently has 26 operational satellites on the orbit placed in 3 orbital
planes, at 29,600 km (18,400 miles) altitude [44]. Worth to note, the GNSS system specifically utilized
in China–BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS). BDS constellation currently has 17 operational
satellites, and the number is expected to reach 35 by 2020 [45]. Nonetheless, most of the mass-produced
vehicles are already equipped with both GPS and GLONASS systems [46].
The fundamental principle of using the GNSS system is to determine the location by measuring
the timing of the reception of a synchronized signal from the navigation satellites [47,48]. Despite
almost-the-entire-globe coverage, GNSS has a number of challenges that could not be neglected.
To start with, the material penetration characteristics limit the use of GNSS in hard-reach places
such as underground parking, tunnels, etc. Next, because of the near-spherical shape of the Earth
calculating an accurate distance between two points requires the use of spherical geometry and
trigonometric math functions. However, many applications calculate an approximate distance using
simplified ones. Thus, the GNSS-based calculation of the distance between two objects can lead to
errors of 10 percent or more [49]. The most significant issue of the GNSS is its propagation in urban
environments where multipath fading has a tremendously adverse effect on the position estimation.

2.2. Infrastructure-Based Methods

Some vehicles are already equipped with conventional IEEE 802.11 wireless modules commonly
referred to as Wi-Fi. By using previously estimated maps together with sensed Received Signal Strength
Indicator (RSSI) along with the Base Station (or access point) Identificator (BSID), the vehicle can
approximate its location in the complex metropolitan environment, which is generally a challenging
task for GNSS [50]. This methodology would be widely used in DSRC since all of the infrastructure
nodes positions would be known forming a full map of BSIDs [51].
The main drawback of the technique is the need for continually updating the RSSI maps since the
changes in the environment (such as new roads, new trees, new buildings, etc.) affect the RSSI, and
Wi-Fi is operating in unlicensed spectrum affected by many interference sources. Therefore, the Wi-Fi
network faces changes over time, and these changes need to be monitored continuously in order to
rely on Wi-Fi positioning. Nonetheless, another drawback of using Wi-Fi for vehicular positioning is
the lack of centralized infrastructures and the difficulty to achieve a high quality of positioning system,
due to significant fluctuations in RSS of Wi-Fi APs. The advantage of using a Wi-Fi network is the
possibility to serve in the metropolitan scenario with complex GNSS propagation characteristics, where
GNSS is likely to fail. Similar issues could be encountered while utilizing any short-range wireless
technology, such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) [52] or Zigbee [53].
The other technique that could be utilized by smart cars is so-called cellular-positioning that has
been used for localization of phones over the decades. Already in 2G, the Cell-ID-based positioning
with accuracies on the order of a few hundred meters was feasible [54]. The efficiency was improved
to tens of meters in 3G using TDOA measurements. Current cellular based-solutions also make use of
Angle of Arrival (AOA) or combined AOA-TOA techniques [55].

2.3. 5G Communications as an Improvement for Positioning

The evolution of wireless communications brought us to the next frontier of positioning as
well [30]. Moving towards higher millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies (>6 GHz) as part of 5G NR
systems networks pushes towards the utilization of highly directional antennas on both transmitter
and receiver sides [56]. In mmWave frequencies higher than 30 GHz, the lower signal wavelength
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would allow for packing hundreds of antenna elements in a small area, enabling the implementation
of highly directional beamforming capabilities, thus providing better spatial reuse and, consequently,
better positioning [57]. In particular, it is achieved by utilizing massive Multiple Input Multiple
Output (MIMO) technique [58]. 5G positioning for vehicular networks represents its separate niche or
interest [59]. 5G NR is generally expected to provide an accurate positioning from a single reference
base station (BS) also form multipath components of up to 0.5 m [60], which is especially beneficial for
V2I scenarios.

2.4. Node-Centric Localization

This method enables non-instrumented vehicles to determine their locations by collecting data
from neighboring vehicles through V2V direct communications, Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR)
techniques, radars, etc. The node-centric approach specifies the routing path as a sequence of connected
nodes. Every vehicle has an opportunity to communicate and sense some or all of its neighbors as
depicted in a Fog Internet of Vehicles paradigm [61].
As an example, to localize a vehicle among its neighbors, the authors in [62] propose a distributed
algorithm that uses inter-vehicle distance estimates obtained via a radio-based ranging technology.
There are two kinds of nodes involved, namely common nodes and beacon nodes; beacon nodes can
determine their location, whereas common nodes are not location-aware. The localization process is
based on the estimation of common nodes locations. This method is beneficial for hard-to-reach places,
e.g., tunnels, underground parking. In [63,64], and in [65] the technologies of cooperative driving with
automated vehicles and intervehicle communications are shown along with the corresponding benefits.
Despite actual communication devices utilizing mmWave band, radars open another prospect for
vehicle localization, especially significant for autonomous driving since most of the vehicles of this
type are already equipped with some LIDARs and radars. Trailblazing work [66] shows the benefits
of utilizing a combination of mmWave radar together with static beacons as an indistinguishable
replacement of the GNSS system. Authors in [67] proposed and proved that utilizing omnidirectional
mmWave radar allows to reach 25 cm-level accuracy even under the effects of snowfall.

2.5. Human-Centric Localization

Human-centric localization is targeted at people carrying gadgets [68,69]. As soon as a person
starts to approach the vehicle, a gadget (smartphone, smartwatch, or augmented reality glasses) is
changing the state to pre-authentication phase [70]. From telecommunications perspective, the enablers
for such authentication are already present in current 3GPP LTE deployments [71] and ProSe service
responsible for handling those as part of Device-to-Device (D2D) communications [72]. Therefore,
the preliminary connection establishment could be automatically detected by the vehicle, and the last
known location of the hand-held device could be utilized to improve the positioning of the vehicle.
There have been numerous studies focusing on human-vehicle interaction ways of driver
identification using sitting postures were investigated in [73], the interaction between a human and
a vehicle is described in [74], and authors provide an overview of the importance of human-vehicle
interaction in autonomous vehicles in [75].
As positive aspects, we can distinguish the high accuracy in location determination owing to
the availability of base station cell IDs and, consequently, the availability of data for calculation of
the approximate vehicle location [76]. On the other hand, this method is highly dependent on the
actual availability of devices, e.g., device utilization might become impossible due to insufficient
battery power.

2.6. Verifiable Multilateration

Generally, verifiable multilateration is a technique based on the measurement of the difference
in distance between two or more stations at known locations by broadcast signals at known times.
Recently, researchers have proposed a number of positioning and distance estimation techniques
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in [63,77]. This method requires to install a set of base stations controlled by a central authority,
for example, a cellular or Low-Power Wide-Area Wireless Technology (LPWA) operator. If the base
stations can uniquely compute the vehicle location using these distance bounds, and if this location
falls into the triangular pyramid formed between the verifiers, then they conclude that the vehicle
location is correct. Equivalently, only three verifiers are needed to define the vehicle location in two
dimensions; the verifiers still consider the location correct if it can be uniquely computed and if it falls
in the triangle formed between them [63].
This approach poses a number of problems, namely:

• Simultaneous reception: In this method, the vehicle communicates with at least three base stations
in order to obtain its current coordinates. Certainly, in the real world, it is impossible to get three
signals perfectly synchronized.
• Security: In the communication process, it is vital not to allow the attacker to receive the
transmitted data. In [78,79] the potential cyber-attacks specific to automated vehicles are
investigated. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a secure transfer of information between
the station and the vehicle.
• Confidence or trustability of the access nodes: Before transmitting the information, it is required
to ensure that the base station is trustworthy valid by employing mutual authentication. Some of
the approaches to mutual authentication were described in [80,81]. This problem could also be
addressed with conventional role-based models [82].
• Anonymity: In some situations, the base station is not supposed to obtain any information about
the vehicle, neither the identification nor the location. In this paper, we show several protocols
fulfilling mobile node anonymity requirement.

3. Vehicle Location Protocols Using Additional Information

Previously listed methods allow for the design of an effective hybrid system meeting the necessary
security requirements and being both accurate and fast in determining the location [83]. A number of
experiments have already been carried out, proving the benefits of such utilization [84,85].
The grouping could be done as following. As for the first strategy, we assume having ‘beacon’
and ‘common’ nodes in the system. The modification is such that the beacon node is a node where
a passenger with a smartphone is present. Furthermore, the smartphone can identify the location
more accurately due to cellular signal presence. Common nodes are the nodes where the smartphone
does not transmit any information about the location. In this case, the beacon nodes are polled to
receive it. At the same time, all vehicles monitor their surroundings for infrastructure units and
corresponding RSSI values. The protocol execution example is shown in Figure 2 for a beacon node
and a common node.
A beacon vehicle has a GNSS receiver and a list of available infrastructure access points (APs).
At this moment, a common node is location-unaware. Hence it requests the beacon node for a list of
available infrastructure APs. In the reply, the beacon node also transmits an approximate location in
addition to requested data.
Indeed, the positioning techniques as we know them today are relying on their own collected
location data. The systems of tomorrow would also rely on neighbors and infrastructure thus moving
the information security aspects to an entirely new level.
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Common Node (CN) Beacon Node (BN)

Collect RSSIs and


Approximate location

Verify if location in
permissible norm
Updated map and location

Figure 2. An illustration of communication between common and beacon nodes.

In this section, we consider possible protocols for data exchange between a vehicle not possessing
reliable location information and its surrounding roadside elements and other traffic participants
carrying location data. The crucial feature of these protocols is the presence or absence of anonymity
of the vehicle requesting location information. The anonymity of the request for location is an
essential property of the protocol, and its availability requires significant complication of the protocol.
The anonymity in this work is considered as the process of ‘hiding’ the actual vehicle location.
Generally, the localization process could be viewed as follows.

• First, the ‘indirect’ distance to the static trusted nodes obtained from the known units (cellular or
infrastructure units) is estimated. Mutual authentication also takes place during this phase.
• Next, the distances are utilized to estimate the location of the node through classical geometry by,
for example, triangulation.

We further list the potential options for securely executing the first phase.

Distance Determination without Anonymity

In 2004, authors proposed a distance-bounding protocol in [86], we further refer to it as protocol
P-04. The action here is performed between V—the vehicle, and S—the base station. Key constructs
utilized by this work are given in Table 1. The protocol is shown in Figure 3.

Table 1. Key constructs utilized in this work.

Construct Description
V Target vehicle
S Target base station
NV , NV0 , NS Random nonces
h( x ) Hashing function
id x Unique identification number
KVS Pairwise symmetric key
sigKVS ( x ) Signature by KVS
dVS Distance between nodes
tVS Time between message exchange
σ Delay in response to the base station
tVS Miscalculated time of passing the signal
F(x) Homomorphic transformation
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Vehicle (V) Base station (S)

Generate random Nv, Nv',

commit = h(Nv, Nv')
V, commit

Generate random nonce Ns

S, Ns


Measure the time tvs

between sending Ns and
receiving Nv ⊕Ns
V, Nv', sigKvs(V, Nv')

Verify if the signature is

correct and if
commit = h(Nv, Nv')

Figure 3. The distance-bounding protocol P-04 [86].

First, a shared symmetric key must be generated between the vehicle and the infrastructure node
for secure exchange of information. Key generation algorithm depends on the computing power
modules installed in the vehicle and base station. Now, it is presumed that such a link has already
been established and the data exchange between the station and the vehicle takes place via the secure
medium. It is also presumed that a shared symmetric key was delivered after the devices have
established a secure link employing, for example, the well-known Diffie-Hellmann protocol. Thus,
common pairwise key KVS could be utilized for the message authentication for both vehicle and BS.
Basically, we state that correct deciphering of e = EKVS (m) and obtaining m is only feasible for the
vehicle and the BS.
The first step of the protocol for determining the distance between the base station and the vehicle
is the generation of two random nonces (NV , NV0 ). Next, it in necessary to calculate their hash function
h (commit) on the vehicle side and to send the result to the infrastructure. In turn, the BS generates one
nonce (NS ) and sends it to V. The vehicle must calculate NS ⊕ NV and return it.
The key point of the protocol is that S measures the time between sending NS and receiving
NS ⊕ NV . Using this time, the infrastructure can estimate the distance dVS to the vehicle. After that,
V communicates with the base station, sending the identification number id, NV0 and the signature
of id and NV0 , using their pairwise symmetric key KVS . Base station S verifies if the signature and
commit = h( NV , NV0 ) are correct. If all checks are correct, the base station considers the distance dVS
computed at the previous step to be reliable. Further, the received value dVS can either be sent to the
vehicle or used on a dedicated server to calculate the vehicle’s location.
In 2006, this protocol was improved in [63], further referred as P-06 protocol. The modified
strategy is shown in Figure 4. In this improved version of the protocol, only the last two steps were
modified. V sends encrypted information, its id number, NS and NV0 with the symmetric key KVS .
S decrypts the message and verifies if commit = h( NV , NV0 ).
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Vehicle (V) Base station (S)

random Nv, Nv',
commit = h(Nv, Nv')
V, commit

Generate random nonce

S, Ns


Measure the time tvs

between sending Ns and
receiving Nv ⊕Ns

Decrypt the message

and verify if
commit = h(Nv, Nv')

Figure 4. An improved distance-bounding P-06-M protocol.

Carrying out a XOR operation imposes extra computational cost; to address this problem,
we propose to modify the protocol slightly. Proposed modification is shown in Figure 5 and
detailed in [87].
This modification eliminates the necessity for XOR calculation. Should both the vehicle and the
infrastructure node require to determine vehicle location, an extra step can be added to the protocol,
namely, as S → V : EKVS (tVS , NV ).

Vehicle (V) Base station (S)

Generate random Nv,
commit = h(Nv)
EKvs(V, Nv)

Decrypt the message and

generate commitment
 commit = h(Nv)


Measure the time tvs between

sending nonce and receiving

Verify if commit = h(Nv)

Figure 5. Potential improvement of distance-bounding protocol.

The above-listed protocols assume that the vehicle is a location-unaware data transmission
initiator. We note that discussed protocols suggest vehicle authentication via Public Key Infrastructure,
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while mutual authentication is not present. The protocols should be improved to allow mutual
authentication since a malicious BS attack could be executed, thus compromising the localization
process. We propose our improvement in the next section.

4. Location Determination with Mutual Base Station Authentication

Next, we consider the modification of the described protocol that allows for ensuring the
anonymity of the vehicle while determining the distance to the base station, further referred as
P-AF-BS protocol and shown in Figure 6.

Vehicle (V) Base station (S)

Generate random Nv,
commitV = h(Nv)

EKvs(idV, Nv)

Decrypt the message and

generate commitment
 commitV = h(Nv)


Measure time tvs between

sending nonce and receiving

Verify if commitV = h(Nv)

Figure 6. Distance-bounding protocol with base station authentication.

In the previous section, we discussed the protocols for vehicle-to-base station communication by
transferring the corresponding vehicle id and location, yet this approach is vulnerable to a number
of security issues. An attacker controlling a malicious BS could gain access to the localization of any
vehicle, control its movement, or deceive the vehicle by transmitting the wrong distance, which might
lead to unpleasant consequences. Security of such a protocol might be significantly improved by not
allowing the base station access to precise vehicle location. There are two possible ways of delivering
this improvement:

• The distance is calculated on the side of the vehicle, all the operations are performed in a special
secure computing module;
• The distance is calculated on the side of the base station, while the vehicle actions are limited to
sending requests and receiving answers.

4.1. Vehicle-Centered Approach

First, we consider the case where the calculation is carried out on the vehicle side. In this case,
the vehicle needs to contact at least three BSs, calculate the time of the signal traveling to the base
station, and then, using verifiable multilateration method [63], calculate its coordinates. The P-AF-V
protocol for exchanging information with the base station is shown in Figure 7.
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Vehicle (V) Base station (S)

Generate random Nv,

commitV = h(Nv) 
EKvs(idV, Nv)

Decrypt the message and

generate commitV= h(Nv)


Random waiting
time interval  δ

Measure time tvs between

sending nonce and
receiving commitV

Verify if  
 commitV= h(Nv)

EKvs(tvs ,Nv)

Verify if NV=NV

Calculate real time

Tvs = tvs - δ

Calculate a distance
using a real time

Figure 7. A distance-bounding P-AF-V protocol with the property of anonymity (calculations are made
on the vehicle side).

After receiving the message nonce from the base station, the vehicle chooses a random number δ,
which determines the delay in response to the base station, waits for this time interval and sends a
commitment message to the base station afterwards. Thus, the base station does not know the random
delay time chosen by the vehicle and, therefore, does not have an ability to determine the real time tVS
of the signal passing to the vehicle and back.
Accordingly, the station transmits its miscalculated time of passing the signal tVS = tVS + δ to the
vehicle, which can, in turn, calculate the real time of the signal passing through it tVS = tVS − δ. It is
worth noting that the vehicle must quickly obtain information from at least three different stations,
calculate the distance to a particular station, and then calculate the coordinates.

4.2. Protocols of the Distance Determination Which Have the Property of Anonymity
Now, we will consider the protocol where the calculation is carried out at the station side.
The corresponding protocol is shown in Figure 8.
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Vehicle (V) Base station (S)

Generate random Nv,

commit = h(Nv) EKvs(V, Nv)

Decrypt the message and

generate commit = h(Nv)


Waiting time
interval equal δ

Measure time tvs between

sending nonce and
receiving commit

Calculate real time

tvs = tvs - δ

Calculate a homomorphic
transformation for tvs: F(tvs)


Calculate the distance


Calculate dvs=F-1(F(dvs))

Figure 8. A distance-bounding P-AF-BS protocol with the property of anonymity (calculations are
made on the base station side).

In this protocol, we use a fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) [88]. This technique is detailed
in [89,90]. We repeat all the steps (excluding the last one) from the protocol of vehicle-side distance
calculation, shifting this calculation to the side of the base station. Further, sending the result of the
homomorphic transformation F (tVS ) to the base station, where the distance to the vehicle is calculated,
or using the information received from other stations, its location is determined, the value F (dVS )
or the result of a homomorphic transformation of the coordinates of the car. After this, the received
information is delivered to the vehicle. The use of a homomorphic transformation obfuscates the
true values of tVS from the base station, and the vehicle determines the true value of the distance to
a particular station or its location in this case. This allows for avoiding complex calculations at the
vehicle side, shifting the calculation workload to the BS side.
Here, we compare the discussed protocols and also elaborate on the improved one. Further
on, n—is a message length; λ—the system security parameter. Let’s consider our protocols
and estimate three factors: number of operations, the storage space, and the complexity of
the calculations as: Random number generation—O(1); Transmission—O(1); Hashing, Encryption
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(MD5)—O(n) [91]; Signature—O(n) [91]; Verification—O(n) [91]; Measurement—O(n) [92]; Calculation

(subtraction)—O(log(n)) [92]; XOR—O(n) [93]; and Homomorphic encryption—O(λ3.5 ) [94].
From the Table 2 it can be seen that the less computationally expensive protocol is the improved
distance-bounding one because there are less operations, as it is shown in Figure 9, and only one
random nonce is stored. Of course, the last proposed protocol is the most difficult one which is mainly
due to the introduced anonymity improvement.

Table 2. The complexity evaluation.

Protocol Storage Space Complexity

Protocol-2004 (P-04) 2 random nonces; Hash value 5O(n) + 8O(1)
2 random nonces; Hash value;
Protocol-2006 (P-06) 5O(n) + 8O(1)
Symmetric keys
Random nonce; Hash value;
Modified Protocol-2006 (P-06-M) 5O(n) + 5O(1)
Symmetric keys
BS-based anonymity-focused Random nonce; Hash value;
9O(n) + 7O(1)
protocol (P-AF-BS) Symmetric keys; Interval sigma
Vehicle-based anonymity-focused Random nonce; Hash value;
2O(λ3.5 ) + 10O(n) + 9O(1)
protocol (P-AF-V) Symmetric keys; Interval sigma

Random number generation
Hash-function calculation
5 Encryption / Decryption / Signature
Number of operations


P-04 P-06 P-06M P-AF-BS P-AF-V

Figure 9. Number of different operations required per protocol.

5. Related Security and Privacy Threats

In this section, we list the attacks explicitly dangerous for location data exchange with another
nodes. Note, we further elaborate not only on the attacks explicitly related to the exchange of the data
between the vehicle and infrastructure node.
Attackers are mainly focusing on two main sides while penetrating ITS systems. First, to get
unauthorized access based on weaknesses in social engineering and/or physical protection of
infrastructure elements and onboard controllers. Second, to exploit the design of the security protocols
and communications mainly in terms of message modification or replaying previously received
messages [95]. Most of the attacks today are solved with Trusted Platform Module (TPM)-based
protection, identity-based cryptography, and short-lived key certificates.

5.1. Security Threats

Conventional and Infrastructure-Related Attacks

Man-in-the-middle attack (MITM): (today also referred to as person-in-the-middle attack) is an
active attack where an eavesdropper can intercept and modify fully or partly the positioning signaling
Sensors 2019, 19, 1603 14 of 23

between two vehicles or between a vehicle and the terrestrial infrastructure used for positioning, such
as cellular signaling [96]. Increasing the security and authentication of the data signaling protocols is
one solution to mitigate this attack type.
Replay attack: This attack is similar to the previous one. Here, the attacker can replay the
messages traveling between vehicles or vehicles and infrastructure thus affecting the correctness
of the positioning itself instead [97].
Sybil Node (Rogue AP): This attack and hardware/software unauthorized modifications are another
active attacks, where BS or AP would transmit intentionally erroneous positioning-related data [98].
To cope with this attack type, outlier detection mechanisms need to be used [99].
Jamming attack: The attacker can be either a stationary or a moving jammer. Given the nature
of the mobility of the vehicular networks, it is rational to have a moving jammer that tracks the
desired node and causes regular interference. Utilizing spread spectrum techniques could assist
in addressing this attack. As one of the options, the Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
makes the incoherent signal period impulse-noise to the eavesdroppers. On the other hand, Direct
Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) symbolizes each data bit in the original signal by multiple bits in
the transmitted signal [100] which is also a recommended technique to resist jamming.
Passive Eavesdropping attack: In this type of passive attack, an attacker can listen to the positioning
signaling between two vehicles or between a vehicle and the infrastructure [101]. If the positioning
signaling channel is strongly encrypted – this type of attack may be mitigated.
Message modification attack: This attack is targeted at altering the message during or after
transmission (active attack) [102]. The adversary may wish to change the source or content of the
message in terms of the position or time information that had been sent and saved in its device, in
order to escape the consequences of a criminal/car accident event.
Key and/or Certificate Replication: This attack involves the system endorsement with a node of
similar identity. The execution of the attack relies on the key management or certificates replacement,
in order to forbid the identification and abuse the authorities [103].
While most of the security threats could be mitigated by employing the integration of stronger
information security systems, privacy-related attacks could not be overcome by mere modifying the
hardware/software side of the system.
Attacks Related to Distributed Operation
Congestion attacks: Generally, urban traffic congestion is considered as one of the major problems
from the vehicular systems’ operation perspective. Modern cars are already available to report
the congestion-related data either with integrated wireless modules or via hand-held user devices.
Focusing on the first case, Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) can provide timely information to
the surrounding nodes which result in more effective route selection (around a sudden traffic jam)
using the information obtained from other cars. From the information security perspective, the V2V
radio connectivity of autonomous vehicles will offer attackers opportunities to combine multiple
compromised vehicles into botnets of cars, which will lead to other serious security consequences [104].
From the infrastructure perspective, such attacks may potentially lead to incorrect traffic light
signaling. As a result, the optimization algorithm running in the ITS cloud may operate based on the
incorrect data, leading to congestion [95].
Repudiation attacks: This attack is an example of adequately tracking and recording the user actions,
which can maliciously manipulate or fake the identification of new nodes [105]. This attack is used to
modify the user’s information about the actions performed by the malicious and to register false data in
log files. It can also be used to manipulate the master data in a similar pattern involving the messages.
If this attack takes place, the data stored in the log files may be considered invalid or misleading.
Sensors 2019, 19, 1603 15 of 23

Routing Loop Attack: In this type of attack, an internal attacker receives a message, updates it and
sends it back to one of the previous forwarders (or the source) even if there is a better node in its routing
table that is available to be the next forwarder according to the routing strategy. This attack aims to
delay or prevent the delivery of a message [106]. The primary countermeasure against routing-related
attacks is by utilizing Intruder Detection techniques and excluding the node from the network [107].
Sinkhole Attack: In this type of routing attack, the attacker (already being in the system,
i.e., an internal one) attempts to announce the nodes in the network with a different location in
its beacon messages followed by drops of any other packets [108]. It results in the poisoning of the
routing tables and packet loss. The attacker may also be intellectual and analyze the captured packets
while conventional one just affects the overall system operation in a harmful way.
Wormhole Attack: This type of routing attack corresponds to cases of two terminals having a link
in between and they resend messages received by one of them to another [109]. Therefore, they can
dominate on the routing path by replaying the valid beacons from other nodes. Attackers tend to
dominate the connection so they can eavesdrop or share the network.

5.2. Privacy Threats

Unauthorized use of location data and location-based services: This threat could be considered as
unauthorized use of tolled highways pretending to have a position of a neighbor vehicle which is not
situated on a highway or unauthorized access in a car park [110].
Disclosure of unwanted information: As an example, consider a case such as if a person leaving
the house empty for a long trip by car or by boat (which may enable house burglaries); how often
an employee, supposed to be at the office, is visiting places by car (which may lead to loss of social
reputation); how often a spouse is visiting places that he/she has never mentioned to his/her relatives
(which may cause family crises), etc.
Tracking malware applications: A vehicle-installed software could contain malware to “steal”
the tracking patterns of the users inside the vehicle, i.e., the user positions and speeds in time;
such information, if sold to car dealers, could adversely affect the price of a vehicle, e.g., in function of
the types of roads where vehicle and how often it was driven, etc.
Scrambler attack: An additional measure to achieve a higher level of anonymity in vehicular
systems is the utilization of dynamically changing identifiers (from MAC to application layer),
so-called pseudonyms [111]. The effectiveness of this approach, however, is clearly reduced if specific
characteristics of the physical layer (e.g., in the transmitted signal) reveal the link between two messages
with different pseudonyms. In contrast to other physical layer fingerprinting methods, it does not rely
on potentially fragile features of the channel or the hardware but exploits the transmitted scrambler
state that each receiver has to derive in order to decode a packet, making this attack extremely robust.
The most straightforward solution is to employ a cryptographic pseudo-random number generator,
possibly seeded by a large number of entropy sources in a vehicle (e.g., engine start time, sensors
data, SNR, vehicles nearby, etc.). Another solution is the deployment of constant network-wide
scrambler values.
As compared to security threats, privacy issues always had more involvement by the actual
humans. One option to improve privacy in ITS systems is to utilize the solutions with strong
anonymity properties [112,113] or frequently changing pseudonyms [114]. Some researchers foresee
that Software-defined networking (SDN) will become an ultimate enabler for overcoming previously
listed security and privacy problems of ITS [115,116] supporting both V2V and V2I scenarios.
Sensors 2019, 19, 1603 16 of 23

6. Discussion and Future Perspectives

This section provides an overview of the future development of privacy strategies in positioning
from EU regulations perspective in addition to conclusions of this work.
Recently introduced General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) policy broadly states that profiling
and processing the location information of an individual could be done concerning personal aspects
which are naturally related to person’s movement and location data. According to [117], it could be
done only when EU law regulations or the Member States demands or allows it, or “with the explicit
consent of the data subject.” Thus, tracking and monitoring the data of the user’s vehicle also falls
within this regulation. However, the definition of personal location data should be treated more carefully
especially for cases when the identifiability of the said individual could be established. This way,
the GDPR aspects related to the protection of personal data also should be taken into consideration
while operating with personal location data.
In the ITS case and focusing on conventional GNSS systems, all the supported systems are
controlled by the authorities, namely military for GPS and GLONASS and, in contrast, civilian Galileo
in EU, which makes the implementation of GDPR more complicated. In order to overcome this issue,
European Telecommunications Institute (ETSI) is actively developing a standard EN 303 413 [118]
aiming to overcome the interoperability of those systems. However, the corresponding questions
remain unclear from the telecommunications side especially while speaking about 5G [119].
Moreover, location-related data may be stored in the environments potentially not controlled by
the operators themselves [120].
Industrial giants, such as Huawei, already rise the question on how to address the challenges of
private positioning in future networks [121]. One of the fundamental principles to be followed is by
following the GDPR Article 25, i.e., to implement a privacy-by-design approach to achieve privacy
from the commencement of the system perspective.
Aiming to achieve the above-mentioned, we have shown different location estimation techniques
for ITS scenario in this paper. We analyzed the existing protocols for the information exchange between
the vehicle and the base station during the localization process. Subsequently, we presented an
improved protocol for the data exchange, where much attention was paid to the security of signaling
information transmission. Using the modified protocol, the vehicle can also rely on the location data
without disclosing the identity, and thus the privacy could be generally improved.
In real life, the selection of the protocol highly depends on the application needs. If the system
architect wants to have maximum anonymity, it is recommended to utilize the modified protocol, but
it is the most difficult one for implementation. The optimal option is to use a protocol with a property
of anonymity but BS-based. The complexity is not much higher compared to others, and there are no
complex operations.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.B., V.D., P.M. and A.S.; methodology, S.B. and V.D.; software, V.D.;
validation, A.O., P.M. and A.S.; formal analysis, E.S.L.; investigation, A.S.; resources, A.O.; writing—original
draft preparation, S.B. and V.D.; writing—review and editing, A.O., A.S., P.M. and E.S.L.; visualization, A.O.;
supervision, S.B., E.S.L. and Y.K.; project administration, S.B. and A.O.; funding acquisition, S.B., E.S.L. and Y.K.
Funding: This work was supported by the Academy of Finland (project #313039—PRISMA) and the work of the
second author is supported by the Academy of Finland under a personal grant. The described research was also
supported by the National Sustainability Program under grant LO1401. The described research was partially
financed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Czech Republic project No. FV20487.
Acknowledgments: For the research, the infrastructure of the SIX Center was used.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the
study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to
publish the results.
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The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:

5G 5th generation cellular networks

AOA Angle of Arrival
AP Access Point
BDS BeiDou Navigation Satellite System
BLE Bluetooth Low Energy
BSID Base station identificator
CP Cooperative positioning
DSRC Dedicated Short Range Communications
DOS Denial of Service Attack
D2D Device-to-Device communications
EN European Union
ETSI European Telecommunications Institute
FHE Fully homomorphic encryption
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
GPS Global Positioning System
ITS Intelligent Transportation Systems
ITS-G5 Intelligent Transport Systems operating in the 5 GHz frequency band
LoS Lines of sight
LPWA Low-Power Wide-Area Wireless Technology
LSP Location Solution Provider
LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging
MANET Mobile ad hoc network
MEO Medium Earth orbit
MITM Man-in-the-middle attack
MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output
NR New radio
RSS Received signal strength
RSSI Received signal strength indicator
TDOA Time difference of arrival
TPM Trusted Platform Module
TOA Time of arrival
VANET Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network
V2I Vehicle-to-infrastructure paradigm
V2V Vehicle-to-vehicle paradigm
V2X Vehicle-to-everything paradigm
XOR Exclusive OR operation

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