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The Nervous System o One involves sensationand

perception and the other is

- a complex network of nerves and cells
concerned with integrating sensory
that carry messages to and from the brain
input, primarily with the visual
and spinal cord to various parts of the
o The first function integrates
- includes both the Central nervous
sensory information to form a
system and Peripheral nervous system.
single perception (cognition).
 The Central Nervous System is made up
of the Brain and Spinal Cord
 The Peripheral Nervous System is made
up of the Somatic and the Autonomic
Nervous Systems.

- is an organ that serves as the center of

c. Occipital Lobe
the nervous system in all vertebrate and
- is the visual processing area of the brain.
most invertebrate animals.
- It is associated with visuospatial
- located in the head, usually close to the
processing, distance and depth
sensory organs for senses such as vision.
perception, color determination, object and
- It is the most complex organ in a
face recognition, and memory.
vertebrate's body
The brain has 6 important parts:
1. Cerebrum or the cerebral hemispheres
- are the most superior part of the brain

d. Temporal Lobe
- is involved in primary auditory perception,
such as hearing, and holds the primary
auditory cortex.
- The primary auditory cortex receives
sensory information from the ears and
secondary areas process the information
into meaningful units such as speech and
a. Frontal Lobe words.
o is the part of the brain that controls
important cognitive skills in
humans, such as emotional
expression, problem solving,
memory, language, judgment, and
sexual behaviors.
o It is, in essence, the “control panel”
of our personality and our ability to -
communicate. 2. Cerebellum –
- is a major structure of the hindbrain that is
located near the brainstem.
- This part of the brain is responsible for
coordinating voluntary movements.
- It is also responsible for a number of
functions including motor skills such as

b. Parietal Lobe
o The parietal lobes are divided into
two functional regions.
balance, coordination, and posture. 6. Medulla Oblungata
- the continuation of the spinal cord within
the skull, forming the lowest part of the
brainstem and containing control centers
for the heart and lungs.
Protection of the CNS
3. Diencephalon
 Nervous Tissues are soft and delicate, even
- is a division of the forebrain (embryonic
slight pressure can injure the irreplaceable
prosencephalon), and is situated between
neurons. Nature tries to protect the brain and
the telencephalon and the midbrain
spinal cord by enclosing them within the bone
(embryonic mesencephalon).
(the skull and the vertebral column).
 There are also 3 additional protection for the

A. Meninges
There are 3 connective tissue membranes
covering the CNS:
4. Midbrain 1. Dura Mater-the outermost layer, leathery,
- The midbrain or mesencephalon is the and double layered.
forward-most portion of the brainstem and
is associated with vision, hearing, motor
control, sleep and wakefulness, arousal
(alertness), and temperature regulation.It
consists of structures that are on either
side of the third ventricle, including the
thalamus, the hypothalamus, the
epithalamus and the subthalamus.
2. Arachnoid Mater - middle, meningeal

5. Pons
- The pons is a portion of the brain stem, 3. Pia Mater- outermost layer, clings
located above the medulla oblongata and tightly to the surface of the brain.
below the midbrain.
- It is a bridge between various parts of the
nervous system, including the cerebellum
and cerebrum, which are both parts of the

B. Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)

- is a watery “broth” with components
similar to blood plasma.
- It is a clear, colorless body fluid found The spinal cord functions primarily in the
in the brain and spinal transmission of nerve signals from the motor
- It is produced by specialised cortex to the body, and from the afferent
ependymal cells in the choroid fibers of the sensory neurons to
plexuses of the ventricles of the brain, the sensory cortex.
and absorbed in the arachnoid
granulations. It is also a center for coordinating many
reflexes and contains reflex arcs that can
independently control reflexes.

C. Blood-brain Barrier (BBB)

 is a highly selective semipermeable
border of endothelial cells that prevents
solutes in the circulating blood from non-
selectively crossing into the extracellular
fluid of the central nervous system where
neurons reside. The Peripheral Nervous System
refers to parts of
the nervous system outside the brain and
spinal cord.
It includes the cranial nerves,
spinal nerves and their roots and
branches, peripheral nerves, and
neuromuscular junctions.


 The spinal cord is a long, thin, tubular

structure made up of nervous tissue,
which extends from the medulla oblongata
in the brainstem to the lumbar region of
the vertebral column. THE NERVE
 It encloses the central canal of the spinal
cord, which contains cerebrospinal fluid.  A nerve is an enclosed, cable-like bundle
of axons (the projections of neurons) in
There are 31 pairs of nerves in the Spinal the peripheral nervous system (PNS).
Cord; 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5  A nerve provides a structured pathway
sacral, and 1 coccygeal. Each pair connects that supports the electrochemical nerve
the spinal cord with a specific region of the impulses transmitted along each of the
body. axons.
 The nerve works through its nerve cell
called the Neuron.
 The neuron is the basic working unit of
the brain, a specialized cell designed to 3. Axon
transmit information to other nerve cells,
muscle, or gland cells.  An axon, or nerve fiber, is a long slender
 Neurons are cells within the nervous projection of a nerve cell, or neuron, that
system that transmit information to other conducts electrical impulses away from
nerve cells, muscle, or gland cells. the neuron's cell body or soma.
Most neurons have a cell body, an axon,  Axons are in effect the primary
and dendrites transmission lines of the nervous system,
and as bundles they help make up nerves.

 The parts of a Neuron are the following:

1. Soma or cell body

4. Myelin Sheath
 contains the nucleus and other structures
 Myelin is an insulating layer, or sheath
common to living cells. These structures
that forms around nerves, including those
support the chemical processing of the
in the brain and spinal cord.
neuron; the most important of which is the
 It is made up of protein and fatty
production of neurotransmitters.
 This myelin sheath allows electrical
impulses to transmit quickly and efficiently
along the nerve cells.

2. Dendrite
 Dendrites are appendages that are
designed to receive communications from
other cells.
 They resemble a tree-like structure,
forming projections that become
stimulated by other neurons and conduct 5. Schwann Cell
the electrochemical charge to the cell  Schwann cells are the main glial cell in the
body(or, more rarely, directly to the PNS and play an essential role in the
axons). survival and functions of neurons. In
response to nerve injury, Schwann cells
undergo rapid changes in phenotype [199] - directs the body's rapid involuntary
and their basal lamina provides a conduit response to dangerous or stressful
for axon regrowth, a critical process for situations.
nerve regeneration. - A flash flood of hormones boosts the
body's alertness and heart rate, sending
extra blood to the muscles.

2. Parasympathetic Nervous System

- is one of three divisions of the

autonomic nervous system.
- Sometimes called the rest and
digest system
- conserves energy as it slows the heart
rate, increases intestinal and gland
activity, and relaxes sphincter muscles in
CRANIAL NERVES the gastrointestinal
- The 12 pairs of the Cranial Nerves and tract.
the 31 pairs of the Spinal Nerves makes
up the Peripheral Nervous System.

The Somatic Nervous System

- is the part of the peripheral nervous

system associated with the voluntary
control of body movements via skeletal
 The Peripheral Nervous System is - consists of afferent nerves or sensory
divided into the Autonomic Nervous nerves, and efferent nerves or motor
System and the Somatic Nervous nerve.

Autonomic Nervous System

 The Autonomic Nervous System is the

motor subdivision of the PNS.
 It is a control system that acts largely
unconsciously and regulates bodily
functions, such as the heart rate,
digestion, respiratory rate, pupillary
response, urination, and sexual arousal.
 This system is the primary mechanism in 1. Afferent or Sensory Nerves
control of the fight-or-flight response. - These are sensory neurons
 This system is divided into 2; the carrying nerve impulses
Sympathetic and the Parasympathetic. from sensory stimuli toward the
central nervous system and brain.
1. Sympathetic Nervous System
- carry signals to the brain and spinal cord
as sensory
- transmits sensory gathered from the skin,
muscles and joints to the CNS.

2. Efferent or Motor Nerves

- carry impulses away from the
central nervous
- carries information from the CNS to the
muscles and glands.

Major Glands in Our Body

The Endocrine System
1. Hypothalamus
- is the collection of glands that produce 2. Pituitary gland
hormones that regulate metabolism, 3. Pineal gland
growth and development, tissue function, 4. Thyroid gland
sexual function, reproduction, sleep, and 5. Parathyroid glands
mood, among other things. 6. Adrenal glands
- It is the Second controlling system of the 7. Testes
body. 8. Ovaries
- It is also a fast-control system that uses
chemical messengers (hormones) that are
Two types of glands
released into the blood.
1. Endocrine
The 3 Main Functions of the Endocrine 2. Exocrine
System are:  Some glands have purely endocrine
1. Makes hormones that control your  Some have pure exocrine functions.
moods, growthand  Other glands are mixed glands, with both
development, metabolism, organs, and endocrine and exocrine functions
reproduction. (pancreas, gonads).
2. Controls how your hormones are
released. 1. Endocrine Glands
3. Sends t hose hormones into your
bloodstream so they can travel to other They are ductless glands and release the
body parts. substances that they make (hormones)
directly into the
Glands bloodstream.
- are organs which produces and releases
substances that perform a
specific function in the body. There are 8
major organs in our body.

Examples of Endocrine Glands

1. Anterior Pituitary
2. Thyroid
3. Adrenals  Endocrinology is the scientific study of
4. Parathyroids hormones and endocrine organs

2. Exocrine Glands Hormones are classified chemically as:

They are glands with ducts. The secretions 1. Amino acid–based, which includes:
are delivered into ducts and end up on the a. Proteins
epithelial surface.
b. Peptides
c. Amines
2. Steroids that are made from cholesterol
3. Prostaglandins which are made from
highly active lipids that act as local hormones.
Major Processes that Hormones Control
1. Reproduction
2. Growth and development
3. Mobilization of body defenses
4. Maintenance of much of homeostasis
5. Regulation of metabolism
Examples of Exocrine Glands

1. Salivary Gland HORMONE ACTION

2. Sweat Gland  Hormones affect only certain tissues or
organs (target cells or target organs).
HORMONES  For a target cell to respond, specific
protein receptors in which a hormone can
- Hormones are chemical substances
attach must be present. It then alters
secreted by endocrine cells into the
arouse cells or alter cellular activity.
extracellular fluids that regulate the
metabolic activity of other cells in the Typically, one or more of the following
body. occurs:
1. Change plasma membrane
permeability or membrane potential by
opening or closing ion channels
2. Activate or inactivate enzymes
3. Stimulate or inhibit cell division
4. Promote or inhibit secretion of a
5. Turn on or turn off transcription of
certain genes

Hormones Act by Two Mechanisms

1. Direct Gene Activation –
- used by steroid hormones and
thyroid hormone
The Chemistry of Hormones a. Steroid hormones diffuse through the
 Hormones are produced by specialized plasma membrane of target cells
cells. These Cells secrete hormones into b. Once inside the cell, the hormone enters
extracellular fluids. Blood transfers the nucleus
hormones to target sites. In target sites, c. Then, the hormone binds to a specific
hormones regulate the activity of other protein within the nucleus
cells. d. Hormone-receptor complex binds to
specific sites on the cell’s DNA
e. Certain genes are activated to transcribe 3. Neural stimuli
messenger RNA
f. New proteins are synthesized Nerve fibers stimulate hormone release. Most
are under the control of the sympathetic
B. Second-Messenger System nervous system.
- used by protein and peptide hormones Examples:
a. Hormone (first messenger) binds to a Sympathetic stimulation of the adrenal
membrane receptor medulla to release epinephrine and
b. Activated receptor sets off a series of norepinephrine
reactions that activates an enzyme
c. Enzyme catalyzes a reaction that HYPOTHALAMUS AND PITUITARY
produces a second-messenger molecule GLAND
(such as cyclic AMP, known as cAMP)
d. Oversees additional intracellular changes  Pituitary Gland
to promote a specific response in the - A pea-sized gland that hangs by a
target cell stalk from the hypothalamus in the
- It is protected by the sella turcica of
Stimuli for Control of Hormone Release the sphenoid bone.
 Negative feedback - It has two functional lobes; anterior
- Maintain hormone levels in the blood . pituitary and the posterior pituitary
- In this feedback system, a stimulus or gland.
low hormone levels in the blood will
trigger the release of more hormone.
The release of hormones stops once
an appropriate level in the blood is
The stimuli that activate endocrine glands fall
into three major categories
1. hormonal
2. humoral or 1. Anterior Pituitary Gland
3. neural. - This gland is small, controls the activity
of so many other endocrine glands.
- They are often called the “Master
1. Hormonal Stimuli Endocrine Gland”. The adrenal,
- This is the most common category of thyroid and the gonad atrophies if
stimulus. Endocrine organs are there is an hyposecretion of these
activated by other hormones. hormones.
Example: - Hypothalamus produces Releasing
Hormones and Inhibiting Hormones to
Hormones of the hypothalamus stimulate the
regulate the function of the anterior
anterior pituitary gland to secrete its
Pituitary Gland. These hormones are
hormones. Many anterior pituitary hormones
released into portal circulation, which
stimulate other endocrine organs to release
connects hypothalamus to anterior
their hormones in the blood.
pituitary gland.
2. Humoral indicates various body fluids,
such as blood and bile
Parathyroid hormone and calcitonin are
produced in response to changing levels of
blood calcium levels. Insulin is produced in
response to changing levels of blood glucose
2. Posterior Pituitary Gland
- It is not an endocrine gland as it does not  All anterior pituitary hormones are
make the hormones it releases but proteins (or peptides). They act through
instead it stands as storage for hormones second-messenger systems. Generally,
made by the hypothalamus. they are regulated by hormonal stimuli
- Stores 2 types of hormones from the and negative feedback.
1. oxytocin and 1. Growth hormone (GH)
2. anti-diuretic hormone. - GH is a general metabolic hormone.
- Its major effects are directed to growth
of skeletal muscles and long bones.
- The GH Plays a role in determining
final body size.
- It is protein- sparing and anabolic
hormone that causes amino acids to
be built into proteins.
- It also causes fats to be broken down
for a source of energy.
2. Prolactin (PRL).
- Prolactin stimulates and maintains milk
production following childbirth.
1. Oxytocin - Function in males is unknown.
- This hormone is released only during  Gonadotropic Hormones
chidbirth. It stimulates contractions of the - they are hormones that regulate
uterus during labor, sexual relations, and hormonal activity of the gonads.
breastfeeding. It also causes milk ejection - There are 2 gonadotropic hormones in
(let-down reflex) in a breastfeeding the body: FSH and LH
woman. - The Follicle-stimulating Hormone
2. Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH)
- Stimulates follicle development
- It is a chemical that inhibits urine in ovaries in women and
production (diuresis) by promoting water stimulates sperm
reabsorption by the kidneys. As a result, development in testes in men.
urine volume decreases and blood 3. The Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
pressure increases. - Triggers ovulation of an egg from the
- In large amounts, causes constriction of ovary and causes the ruptured follicle
arterioles, leading toincreased blood to produce progesterone and some
pressure (the reason why ADH is known estrogen.
as vasopressin).Alcohol drinking inhibits - Stimulates testosterone production in
ADH secretion. males.
4. Thyrotropic hormone (TH), also called
Six Anterior Pituitary Hormones Affecting Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
our Body - This hormone Influences growth and
Two Hormones affect Nonendocrine targets activity of the thyroid gland.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH).
1. Growth hormone It also regulates endocrine activity of
2. Prolactin the adrenal cortex.
Four are Tropic Hormones 4. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
3. Follicle-stimulating hormone - Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
4. Luteinizing hormone plays a large role in how your body
5. Thyrotropic hormone responds to stress.
6. Adrenocorticotropic hormone - ACTH is produced in the pituitary
gland, its production stimulates the
production and release of cortisol from
the adrenal gland.
PINEAL and THYROID GLANDS b) Triiodothyronine (T3) - conversion of
T4 at target tissues
I. Pineal Gland 2. Calcitonin
- It is small, cone shaped gland that hangs - This hormone decreases blood calcium
from the roof of the third ventricle of the levels by causing calcium deposition on
brain. bone.
- Secretes melatonin in substantial - It acts antagonistically to parathyroid
amounts. hormone.
 Melatonin is believed to trigger the - It produced by parafollicular cells found
body’s sleep/wake cycle. between the follicles.
 It is also believed to coordinate the PARATHYROID AND THYMUS
hormones of fertility in humans and to
inhibit the reproductive system until I. Parathyroid Glands
maturity occurs. - They are tiny masses on the posterior of
the thyroid.
- It secretes parathyroid hormone (PTH).
They are most important regulator of
calcium ion (Ca2+) homeostasis of the
blood. It also stimulates osteoclasts to
remove calcium from bone.
PTH - is a hypercalcemic hormone meaning it
increases blood calcium levels and it
stimulates the kidneys and intestine to absorb

II. Thyroid Gland

- This gland is found at the base of the
throat, just inferior to the Adam’s apple.
- It is a large gland consisting of two lobes
joined by a central mass or isthmus.
- It produces two hormones more calcium.
a) thyroid hormone and II. Thymus
b) calcitonin. - This hormone is located in the upper
thorax, posterior to the sternum.
- It is largest in infants and children and
decreases in size throughout adulthood.
- Thymus produces a hormone
called Thymosin which appears to be
essential for a special group of white
blood cells and the immune system.

1. Thyroid hormone
- This is often referred to as a major
metabolic hormone.
- It controls rate of oxidation of glucose to
supply body heat and chemical energy
(ATP) and is needed for tissue growth
and development.
- It decreases blood calcium levels by ADRENAL GLANDS
causing calcium deposition on bone
- It is composed of two active iodine- Adrenal Glands
containing hormones: - This gland sits on top of the kidneys like
a) Thyroxine - secreted by thyroid follicles triangular hats.
- It has 2 regions;
1. adrenal cortex and  Most of the hormones produced are
2. adrenal medulla. androgens (male sex hormones), but
some estrogens (female sex hormones)
are also formed
II. Adrenal Medulla
- It is a knot of nervous tissue.
- Produces two similar hormones or
 epinephrine or
Two Regions Composing the Adrenal Gland  norepinephrine.
1. Adrenal Cortex
- Produces 3 major groups of steroid
hormones which are collectively known as a) Epinephrine or Adrenaline
corticosteroids. They are the - It is a hormone and medication.
a) mineralocorticoids, - Adenaline is normally produced by
b) glucocorticoids, both the adrenal glands and a small
c) sex hormones. number of neurons in the medulla
A. Mineralocorticoids (mainly oblongata, where it acts as a
aldosterone) neurotransmitter involved in regulating
- They are produced in outer adrenal visceral functions (e.g., respiration).
cortex. b) Norepinephrine (Noradrenaline)
- They are important in regulating mineral
- It is a naturally occurring chemical in
(salt) content in blood, particularly sodium
the body that acts as both a stress
and potassium ions.
hormone and neurotransmitter (a
- They also regulate water and electrolyte
substance that sends signals between
nerve cells). It's released into the blood
- The target organ is the kidney.
as a stress hormone when the brain
Release of aldosterone is stimulated perceives that a stressful event has
by: occurred.
- These hormones prepare the body to
a) Humoral factors (fewer sodium ions or deal with short-term stress (“fight or
too many potassium ions in the blood) flight”) by increasing heart rate, blood
b) Hormonal stimulation (ACTH) pressure, blood glucose levels and
c) Renin and angiotensin II in response dilating small passageways of
to a drop in blood pressure lungs.
 Aldosterone production is inhibited by PANCREAS
atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), a hormone
produced by the heart when blood
pressure is too high.
B. Glucocorticoids (including cortisone
and cortisol)
- They are produced by middle layer of
adrenal cortex.
- It promotes normal cell metabolism and
help resist long-term stressors by
increasing blood glucose levels
(hyperglycemic hormone).
- It is located close to the stomach in the
- It also Anti-inflammatory properties and
abdominal cavity.
are released in response to increased
- It is a mixed gland, with both endocrine
blood levels of ACTH.
and exocrine functions.
C. Sex hormones
- The Pancreatic Islets or the Islets of
- It is produced in the inner layer of the
Langerhans produce 2 hormones;
adrenal cortex and in small amounts are
made throughout life.  Insulin and
 Glucagon.
- These hormones are antagonists that - It also helps in the implantation of an
maintain blood sugar homeostasis embryo in the uterus and helps prepare
1. Insulin breasts for lactation.
- These are produced by beta cells and
released when blood glucose levels are Testes
- The paired, oval male gonads or testes
- This hormone increases the rate of
are suspended in a sac called Scrotum
glucose uptake and metabolism by body
outside the pelvic cavity.
cells. Insulin removes sugar out of the
- It produces sperm and male sex
blood so its effect is Hypoglycemic.
hormones or androgens, such as
2. Glucagon
- Glucagon is produced by alpha cells
- Testosterone is the most important
and released when blood glucose
androgen because it is responsible for
levels are low.
adult male secondary sex characteristics.
- It stimulates the liver to release
It promotes growth and maturation of male
glucose to blood, thus increasing blood
reproductive system and is required for
glucose levels.
sperm cell production
GONADS Other Hormone-Producing Tissues and
Gonads Organs
 There are pockets of hormone-producing
cells that are found in the stomach, walls
of the small intestine, kidneys and heart.
Some hormones are also produced in the

- The female and male gonads produce sex

- They also produce sex hormones identical
to those of adrenal cortex production.
- It is a remarkable organ formed
Ovaries temporarily in the uterus.
- It produces hormones that maintain
- The female gonads or ovaries are paired, pregnancy.
slightly larger that almond-sized organs - It produces human chorionic
are located in the pelvic cavity. gonadotropin (hCG) in addition to
- They produce eggs or ova and 2 groups estrogen, progesterone, and other
of hormones namely: hormones.
 estrogen and - The Human placental lactogen (hPL)
 progesterone. prepares the breasts for lactation. Relaxin
a. Estrogens relaxes pelvic ligaments and pubic
- Stimulate the development of secondary symphysis for childbirth.
female characteristics and maturation of
the female reproductive organs. Other Sources of Hormones are Identified
- With progesterone, it also promote breast in this Chart
b. Progesterone
- It acts with estrogen to bring about the
menstrual cycle.
2. Immune system depression
STIMULUS 3. Lower metabolic rate
SOURCE HORMONE FOR 4. Cancer rates in some areas

membrane of Prostaglandins
all body cells

2. Stomach Gastrin Food

3.Duodenum Food

4. Duodenum Secretin Food

5. Duodenum Cholecystokinin Food

6.Kidney Erythropoetin Hypoxia

7.Kidney Active Vit D3 PTH

Atrial natriuretic Stretching of

Peptide(ANP) Atria

Leptin Fatty Foods

Resistin Unknown

- In the absence of disease, efficiency of
the endocrine system remains high until
old age. Decreasing function of female
ovaries at menopause leads to such
symptoms as osteoporosis, increased
chance of heart disease, and possible
mood changes.
Developmental Aspects of the Endocrine
- Efficiency of all endocrine glands
gradually decreases with aging, which
leads to a generalized increase in
incidence of:
1. Diabetes mellitus
THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM - The nasal cavity is the interior of the
nose while the Nasal septum divides the
- is a series of organs responsible for nasal cavity.
taking in oxygen and expelling carbon - The Olfactory receptors are located in the
dioxide. mucosa on the superior surface while the
- The primary organs of the respiratory rest of the cavity is lined with respiratory
system are the lungs, which carry out mucosa, which:
this exchange of gases as we breathe. a) Moistens air
- The respiratory organs oversee the gas b) Traps incoming foreign particles
exchanges that occur between the blood c) Enzymes in the mucus destroy
and the external environment. bacteria chemically
Conchae are projections from the lateral walls
a) Increase surface area
b) Increase air turbulence within the
nasal cavity
c) Increased trapping of inhaled particles
The palate separates the nasal cavity from
Organs of the Respiratory System the oral cavity

1. Nose a) Hard palate is anterior and supported by

2. Pharynx bone
3. Larynx b) Soft palate is posterior and unsupported
4. Trachea Paranasal sinuses
5. Lungs
- They are the cavities within the
Functional Anatomy of the frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, and
Respiratory System maxillary bones surrounding the nasal
Gas exchanges between the blood and
external environment occur only in the alveoli
of the lungs:

 Upper respiratory tract includes

passageways from the nose to larynx
 Lower respiratory tract includes
passageways from trachea to alveoli
 Passageways to the lungs purify,
humidify, and warm the incoming air
Nose c) Lighten the skull
d) Act as resonance chambers for speech
- It is the only externally visible part of the
e) Produce mucus
respiratory system. its nostrils (nares) are
the route through which air enters the The Pharynx
- It is commonly called the throat.
- It is a Muscular passageway from
nasal cavity to larynx.
- It is continuous with the posterior
nasal aperture.
Three Regions of the Pharynx
1. Nasopharynx
- superior region behind nasal cavity
2. Oropharynx - Its walls are reinforced with C-shaped
- middle region behind mouth rings of hyaline cartilage, which keep the
3. Laryngopharynx trachea patent (open).
- inferior region attached to larynx - It is lined with ciliated mucosa. The Cilia
 Oropharynx and laryngopharynx serve beat continuously in the opposite direction
as common passageway for air and of incoming air so it can expel mucus
food. Epiglottis routes food into the loaded with dust and other debris away
posterior tube, the esophagus from lungs.
 Pharyngotympanic tubes open into the
nasopharynx and drains the middle ear The Main Bronchi
 Tonsils are clusters of lymphatic tissue - It is formed by division of the trachea.
that play a role in protecting the body from - Each bronchus enters the lung at the
infection. hilum (medial depression).
a. Pharyngeal tonsil (adenoid), a single - The Right bronchus is wider, shorter, and
tonsil, is located in the nasopharynx. straighter than left.
b. Palatine tonsils (2) are located in the
oropharynx at the end of the Bronchi subdivide into smaller and smaller
soft palate branches
c. Lingual tonsils (2) are found at the
base of the tongue Lungs

The Larynx - Occupies the entire thoracic cavity except

for the central mediastinum.
- Commonly called the voice box. - Apex of each lung is near the clavicle
- Located inferior to the pharynx. (superior portion). The base rests on the
- Made of eight rigid hyaline cartilages. diaphragm.Each lung is divided into lobes
- Thyroid cartilage (Adam’s apple) is by fissures:
the largest.
a. Left lung—two lobes
b. Right lung—three lobes
a. Routes air and food into proper
channels  Serosa covers the outer surface of the
b. Plays a role in speech lungs.
c. Pulmonary (visceral) pleura covers the
Epiglottis lung surface
d. Parietal pleura lines the walls of the
- a Spoon-shaped flap of elastic cartilage. thoracic cavity
- It protects the superior opening of the  Pleural fluid fills the area between layers
- it routes food to the posteriorly situated -Allows the lungs to glide over the thorax
esophagus and routes air toward the
trachea - Decreases friction during breathing

During swallowing, the epiglottis rises and  Pleural space (between the layers) is
forms a lid over the opening of the larynx. more of a potential space
The Vocal folds (true vocal cords) vibrate with The Bronchial Tree
expelled air and Allow us to speak.
- The main bronchi subdivide into smaller
The glottis includes the vocal cords and the and smaller branches.
opening between the vocal cords - The Bronchial (respiratory) tree is the
Trachea network of branching passageways. All
but the smallest passageways have
- It is commonly called the windpipe. reinforcing cartilage in the walls. Conduits
- It is a 4-inch-long tube that connects to to and from the respiratory zone.
the larynx. - The Bronchioles serves as the smallest
conducting passageways.
Respiratory Physiology
Similar to a cough, except that
Functions of the Respiratory System expelled air is directed through
nasal cavities instead or
a. Supply the body with oxygen through oral cavity. The uvula,
b. Dispose of carbon dioxide a dangling tag of tissue hanging
Respiration includes four distinct events : Sneeze from the soft palate, becomes
depressed and closes oral
Four Events of Respiration cavity off from pharynx, rooting
air through nasal cavities.
1. Pulmonary Ventilation Sneezes clear upper
- moving air into and out of the lungs respiratory passages.
(commonly called breathing)
2. External Respiration Inspiration followed by a
- gas exchange between pulmonary blood release of air in a number of
and alveoli Crying short expirations. Primarily an
emotionally induced
a. Oxygen is loaded into the blood mechanism.
b. Carbon dioxide is unloaded from
the blood
Essentially same as crying in
3. Respiratory Gas Transport terms of the air movements
produced. Also an emotionally
- transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide
induced mechanism.
via the bloodstream
4. Internal Respiration
- gas exchange between blood and tissue Sudden inspirations resulting
cells in systemic capillaries from spasms of diaphragm;
initiated by irritation of
Mechanism of Breathing Hiccups diaphragm or phrenic nerves,
which serves diaphragm. The
1. Reflect on these questions: sound occurs when inspired air
2. What happens during Inspiration? hits vocal folds of closed glottis.
3. Is Expiration a passive, active or both?

Non-respiratory Gas Movements Very deep inspiration, taken

with jaws wide open; ventilates
 Many situations other than breathing Yawn all alveoli (some alveoli may
move air into or out of the lungs may remain collapsed during normal
modify the normal respiratory rhythm. quiet breathing)
Coughs and Sneezes clear the air
passages of debris of collected mucus.
Laughing and crying reflect our emotions.
Respiratory Sounds
Examples are the following:
 Sounds are monitored with a stethoscope
MOVEMENT MECHANISM AND RESULT  Two recognizable sounds can be heard
with a stethoscope:
Taking a deep breath, closing
1. Bronchial sounds
glottis, and forcing air superiorly
- produced by air rushing through
from the lungs against glottis.
large passageways such as the
Cough Then, glottis opens suddenly,
trachea and bronchi
and a blast of air rushes
2. Vesicular Breathing Sounds
upward. Coughs act to clear the
- soft sounds of air filling alveoli
lower respiratory passageways.
External Respiration, Gas Transport, (called loading). Oxygen diffuses from
and Internal Respiration blood into tissue (called unloading)

I. Gas Transport Respiratory Disorders

- Gas exchanges occur as a result of I. Chronic obstructive pulmonary
diffusion. disease (COPD)
- External respiration is an exchange of - It is exemplified by chronic bronchitis and
gases occurring between the alveoli and emphysema
pulmonary blood (pulmonary gas - Shared features of these diseases
exchange). 1. Patients almost always have a history of
- Internal respiration is an exchange of smoking
gases occurring between the blood and 2. Labored breathing (dyspnea) becomes
tissue cells (systemic capillary gas progressively worse
exchange) 3. Coughing and frequent pulmonary
infections are common
Movement of the gas is toward the area of 4. Most COPD patients are hypoxic, retain
lower concentration carbon dioxide and have respiratory
acidosis, and ultimately develop
II. External Respiration
respiratory failure
 Oxygen is loaded into the blood. Oxygen
diffuses from the oxygen-rich air of the II. Chronic bronchitis
alveoli to the oxygen-poor blood of the  Mucosa of the lower respiratory passages
pulmonary capillaries. becomes severely inflamed
 Carbon dioxide is unloaded out of the  Excessive mucus production impairs
blood. Carbon dioxide diffuses from the ventilation and gas exchange
blood of the pulmonary capillaries to the  Patients become cyanotic and are
alveoli sometimes called “blue bloaters” as a
result of chronic hypoxia and carbon
III. Gas Transport in the Blood dioxide retention
 Oxygen transport in the blood. Most III. Emphysema
oxygen travels attached to hemoglobin
and forms oxyhemoglobin (HbO2).A small  Alveoli walls are destroyed; remaining
dissolved amount is carried in the plasma. alveoli enlarge
 Carbon dioxide transport in the  Chronic inflammation promotes lung
blood. Most carbon dioxide is transported fibrosis, and lungs lose elasticity
in the plasma as bicarbonate ion (HCO3–  Patients use a large amount of energy to
). A small amount is carried inside red exhale; some air remains in the lungs
blood cells on hemoglobin, but at different  Sufferers are often called “pink puffers”
binding sites from those of oxygen because oxygen exchange is efficient
 For carbon dioxide to diffuse out of blood  Overinflation of the lungs leads to a
into the alveoli, it must be released from permanently expanded barrel chest
its bicarbonate form:  Cyanosis appears late in the disease
 Bicarbonate ions enter RBC. Combine
with hydrogen ions. Form carbonic acid IV. Lung cancer
(H2CO3). Carbonic acid splits to form
water + CO2. Carbon dioxide diffuses It is the leading cause of cancer death for
from blood into alveoli. men and women. Nearly 90 percent of cases
result from smoking. It is an aggressive
IV. Internal Respiration cancer that metastasizes rapidly
 Exchange of gases between blood and  Three Common Types
tissue cells. It is An opposite reaction from 1.Adenocarcinoma
what occurs in the lungs. Carbon dioxide 2.Squamous cell carcinoma
diffuses out of tissue cells to blood 3.Small cell carcinoma
Developmental Aspects of the
Respiratory System

 Lungs do not fully inflate until 2 weeks

after birth. This change from nonfunctional
to functional respiration depends on
surfactant. Surfactant lowers surface
tension so the alveoli do not
collapse. Surfactant is formed late in
pregnancy, around 28 to 30 weeks
 Respiratory rate changes throughout life
 Newborns: 40 to 80 respirations per
 Infants: 30 respirations per minute
 Age 5: 25 respirations per minute
 Adults: 12 to 18 respirations per
 Rate often increases again in old age


 Chronically inflamed, hypersensitive

bronchiole passages
 Respond to irritants with dyspnea,
coughing, and wheezing
 Usually affects Youth and middle age
 Most respiratory system problems are a
result of external factors, such as
infections and substances that physically
block respiratory passageways

Effect of Aging
1. Elasticity of lungs decreases
2. Vital capacity decreases
3. Blood oxygen levels decrease
4. Stimulating effects of carbon dioxide
5. Elderly are often hypoxic and exhibit
sleep apnea
6. More risks of respiratory tract infection
The Cardiovascular System Chambers of the Heart
- is an organ system that conveys blood 1. Atria (right and left)
through vessels to and from all parts of - Receiving chambers
the body, carrying nutrients and oxygen to - Assist with filling the ventricles
tissues and removing carbon dioxide and - Blood enters under low pressure
other wastes 2. Ventricles (right and left)
- it is a closed tubular system in which the - Discharging chambers
blood is propelled by a muscular heart. - Thick-walled pumps of the heart
- Two circuits: - During contraction, blood is propelled
 the pulmonary and into circulation
 the systemic - consist of arterial, 3. Interatrial septum
capillary, and venous components. - Separates the two atria longitudinally
- It is composed of your HEART and 4. Interventricular Septum
BLOOD VESSELS. - Separates the two ventricles
Heart  Blood flows from the right side of the heart
to the lungs and back to the left side of the
 Is a muscular organ about the size of a heart.
fist, located just behind and slightly left of  Blood is pumped out of right side through
the breastbone the pulmonary trunk, which splits into
 Pumps blood through the network of pulmonary arteries and takes oxygen-poor
arteries and veins called the blood to lungs
cardiovascular system  Oxygen-rich blood returns to the heart
 Located in the thoracic cavity, between from the lungs via pulmonary veins
the lungs in the inferior mediastinum
 Apex is directed toward left hip and rests Systemic circulation
on the diaphragm
- Oxygen-rich blood returned to the left
 Base points toward right shoulder side of the heart is pumped out into the
Walls of the Heart aorta
- Blood circulates to systemic arteries and
1. Epicardium to all body tissues
2. Myocardium - Left ventricle has thicker walls because it
 Middle layer pumps blood to the body through the
 Mostly cardiac muscles systemic circuit
3. Endocardium
 Inner layer known as Endothelium  Oxygen-poor blood returns to the right
 Outside layer; Visceral pericardium atrium via systemic veins, which empty
blood into the superior or inferior vena
Blood Vessels cava
- Blood Vessels are tubular structures Heart Valves
carrying blood to the tissues and organs.
- There are are 3 major Types of Blood - Allow blood to flow in only one direction,
Vessels: to prevent backflow
1. Arteries transport blood and other 1. Atrioventricular (AV) valves
substances away from the heart. - between atria and ventricles
2. Veins return blood back toward the  Left AV valve: bicuspid (mitral)
heart. valve
3. Capillaries surround body cells and  Right AV valve: tricuspid valve
tissues to deliver and absorb oxygen, - Anchored the cusps in place by chordae
nutrients and other substances. tendineae to the walls of the ventricles
- Open during heart relaxation, when
blood passively fills the chambers
- Closed during ventricular contraction
2. Semilunar valves Two systems regulate heart activity
- between ventricle and artery
 Pulmonary semilunar valve 1. Autonomic nervous system
2. Intrinsic conduction system, or the
 Aortic semilunar valve
nodal system
- Closed during heart relaxation
- Sets the heart rhythm
- Open during ventricular contraction
- Composed of special nervous tissue
- Valves open and close in response to
- Ensures heart muscle depolarization in
pressure changes in the heart
one direction only (atria
Cardiac Circulation to ventricles)
- Enforces a heart rate of 75 beats per
Blood in the heart chambers does not nourish minute
the myocardium.The heart has its own
nourishing circulatory system consisting of: Components include:

a. Coronary arteries 1. Sinoatrial (SA) node

- branch from the aorta to supply - Located in the right atrium
the heart muscle with - Serves as the heart’s pacemaker
oxygenated blood 2. Atrioventricular (AV) node
b. Cardiac veins - is at the junction of the atria and
- drain the myocardium of blood
c. Coronary sinus - Atrioventricular (AV) bundle (bundle of
- a large vein on the posterior of
His) and bundle branches are in the
the heart interventricular septum.
- receives blood from
- Purkinje fibers spread within the
cardiac veins ventricle wall muscles.
Blood empties into the right atrium via the  The sinoatrial node (SA node) starts each
coronary sinus heartbeat. Impulse spreads through the
atria to the AV node. Atria contract. At the
Physiology of the Heart AV node, the impulse is delayed
briefly. Impulse travels through the AV
Heart functions as a double pump bundle, bundle branches, and Purkinje
fibers. Ventricles contract; blood is ejected
 Arteries carry blood away from the heart from the heart.
 Veins carry blood toward the heart
Double pump - rapid heart rate, over 100 beats per
 Right side works as the pulmonary circuit Bradycardia
pump - slow heart rate, less than 60 beats per
 Left side works as the systemic circuit minutes
Cardiac Cycle and Heart Sounds
Intrinsic conduction system of the heart
- refers to one complete heartbeat, in
 Cardiac muscle contracts spontaneously which both atria and ventricles
and independently of nerve contract and then relax
impulses. Spontaneous contractions  Systole - contraction
occur in a regular and continuous way.  Diastole - relaxation
 Atrial cells beat 60 times per minute.  Average heart rate is approximately 75
 Ventricular cells beat 20−40 times per beats per minute
minute. It needs a unifying control  Cardiac cycle length is normally 0.8
system—the intrinsic conduction system second
(nodal system)
Atrial diastole (ventricular filling) Stroke volume (SV)
- Heart is relaxed and pressure in heart - Volume of blood pumped by each
is low. At this point, Atrioventricular ventricle in one contraction (each
valves are open and blood flows heartbeat). About 70 ml of blood is
passively into the atria and into pumped out of the left ventricle with each
ventricles. Semilunar valves are heartbeat
Heart rate (HR)
Atrial systole
- Typically 75 beats per minute
- Ventricles remain in diastole. Atria  Cardiac output is the product of the heart
contract. Blood is forced into the rate (HR) and the stroke volume (SV)
ventricles to complete ventricular
filling.  CO = HR × SV
 CO = HR (75 beats/min) × SV (70
Isovolumetric contraction ml/beat)
- Atrial systole ends; ventricular systole  CO = 5250 ml/min = 5.25 L/min
begins. Intraventricular pressure
rises. AV valves close. For a moment, Regulation of Stroke Volume
the ventricles are completely closed - 60 percent of blood in ventricles (about 70
chambers ml) is pumped with each heartbeat.
Ventricular systole (ejection phase) Starling’s law of the heart
- Ventricles continue to - The critical factor controlling SV is how
contract. Intraventricular pressure now much cardiac muscle is stretched. The
surpasses the pressure in the major more the cardiac muscle is stretched, the
arteries leaving the heart. Semilunar stronger the contraction. Venous return is
valves open. Blood is ejected from the the important factor influencing the stretch
ventricles. Atria are relaxed and filling of heart muscle
with blood
Factors modifying basic heart rate
Isovolumetric relaxation
1. Neural (ANS) controls
- Ventricular diastole begins. Pressure
falls below that in the major - Sympathetic nervous system speeds
arteries. Semilunar valves close. For heart rate
another moment, the ventricles are - Parasympathetic nervous system,
completely closed chambers. When primarily vagus nerve fibers, slow and
atrial pressure increases above steady the heart rate
intraventricular pressure, the AV
valves open. 2. Hormones and ions
Heart sounds
- Epinephrine and thyroxine speed heart
1. Lub rate
- longer, louder heart sound caused by - Excess or lack of calcium, sodium, and
the closing of the AV valves potassium ions also modify heart
2. Dup activity
- short, sharp heart sound caused by
the closing of the semilunar valves at 3. Physical factors
the end of ventricular systole
- Age, gender, exercise, body
Cardiac output (CO)
temperature influence heart rate.
- Amount of blood pumped by each
side (ventricle) of the heart in 1 minute
Blood Vessels 4. True capillaries is a branch off a terminal
arteriole. Empty directly into a
- Blood vessels form a closed vascular postcapillary venule. Its Entrances to
system that transports blood to the capillary beds are guarded by precapillary
tissues and back to the heart. sphincters.
Arteries and arterioles. Gross Anatomy of Blood Vessels
- Vessels that carry blood away from A. Major arteries of systemic circulation
the heart:
1. Aorta - largest artery in the body. Leaves
Capillary Beds from the left ventricle of the heart
- Vessels that play a role in exchanges Regions
between tissues and blood
a. Ascending aorta
Venules and Veins - leaves the left ventricle
- Vessels that return blood toward the b. Aortic arch
heart - arches to the left
c. Thoracic aorta
Microscopic Anatomy of Blood Vessels - travels downward through the thorax
d. Abdominal aorta
Three layers (tunics) in blood vessels (except - passes through the diaphragm into
the capillaries) the abdominopelvic cavity. Arterial
branches of the abdominal
1. Tunica intima forms a friction-reducing
aorta. Celiac trunk is the first branch
of the abdominal aorta.
- Endothelium
2. Tunica Media Three branches are:
- Smooth muscle and elastic tissue
- Controlled by sympathetic nervous 1. Left gastric artery (stomach)
system. 2. Splenic artery (spleen)
3. Tunica externa forms protective outermost 3. Common hepatic artery (liver)
Superior mesenteric artery supplies most of
- Mostly fibrous connective tissue
the :
- Supports and protects the vessel.
 Small intestine and first half of the
Structural differences in Arteries, large intestine.
Veins, and Capillaries  Left and right renal arteries (kidney).
1. Arteries have a heavier, stronger,  Left and right gonadal arteries
stretchier tunica media than veins to - Ovarian arteries in females serve the
withstand changes in pressure ovaries
2. Veins have a thinner tunica media than - Testicular arteries in males serve the
arteries and operate under low pressure. testes
Veins also have valves to prevent Lumbar arteries serve muscles of the
backflow of blood. Lumen of veins is abdomen and trunk
larger than that of arteries. Skeletal
muscle “milks” blood in veins toward the e. Arterial branches of the ascending
heart. aorta
3. Capillaries have only one cell layer thick - Right and left coronary arteries serve
(tunica intima). Allow for exchanges the heart. Intercostal arteries supply
between blood and tissue. Blood flow the muscles of the thorax wall. Other
through a capillary bed is known branches of the thoracic aorta (not
as microcirculation. Form networks illustrated) supply the:
called capillary beds that consist of: - Lungs (bronchial arteries)
a. A vascular shunt - Esophagus (esophageal arteries)
b. True capillaries - Diaphragm (phrenic arteries)
f. Arterial branches of the aortic arch  Brachiocephalic veins join to form the
- Brachiocephalic trunk splits into the: superior vena cava → right atrium of heart
- Right common carotid artery
- Right subclavian artery o Azygos vein drains the thorax.
Left common carotid artery splits into the: Veins draining into the inferior vena cava
- Left internal and external carotid
arteries  Anterior and posterior tibial veins and
fibial veins drain the legs. Posterior tibial
Left subclavian artery branches into the: vein → popliteal vein → femoral vein →
external iliac vein. Great saphenous veins
- Vertebral artery
(longest veins of the body) receive
- In the axilla, the subclavian artery
superficial drainage of the legs. Each
becomes the axillary artery → brachial
common iliac vein (left and right) is
artery → radial and ulnar arteries
formed by the union of the internal and
 Inferior mesenteric artery serves the external iliac vein on its own side.
second half of the large intestine. Left and  Right gonadal vein drains the right ovary
right common iliac arteries are the final in females and right testicle in males. Left
branches of the aorta. Internal iliac gonadal vein empties into the left renal
arteries serve the pelvic organs. External vein. Left and right renal veins drain the
iliac arteries enter the thigh → femoral kidneys. Hepatic portal vein drains the
artery→ popliteal artery → anterior and digestive organs and travels through the
posterior tibial arteries. liver before it enters systemic circulation.
Major Veins of Systemic Circulation Left and right hepatic veins drain the liver.
 Arterial supply of the brain and the circle
 Superior vena cava and inferior vena cava of Willis. Internal carotid arteries divide
enter the right atrium of the into Anterior and Middle cerebral arteries.
heart. Superior vena cava drains the head These arteries supply most of the
and arms. Inferior vena cava drains the cerebrum. Vertebral arteries join once
lower body within the skull to form the basilar artery.
 Veins draining into the superior vena Basilar artery serves the brain stem and
cava. Radial and ulnar veins → brachial cerebellum. Posterior cerebral arteries
vein → axillary vein. Cephalic vein drains form from the division of the basilar artery.
the lateral aspect of the arm and empties These arteries supply the posterior
into the axillary vein. Basilic vein drains cerebrum.
the medial aspect of the arm and empties  Anterior and posterior blood supplies are
into the brachial vein. Basilic and cephalic united by small communicating arterial
veins are joined at the median cubital vein branches. Result—complete circle of
(elbow area). Subclavian vein receives: connecting blood vessels called cerebral
arterial circle, or circle of Willis.
o Venous blood from the arm via the o Hepatic portal circulation is
axillary vein formed by veins draining the
o Venous blood from skin and muscles digestive organs, which empty
via external jugular vein. into the hepatic portal vein:

 Vertebral vein drains the posterior part of 1. Digestive organs

the head. Internal jugular vein drains the 2. Spleen
dural sinuses of the brain. Left and right 3. Pancreas
brachiocephalic veins receive venous
blood from the:  Hepatic portal vein carries this blood to
the liver, where it is processed before
o Subclavian veins returning to systemic circulation
o Vertebral veins
o Internal jugular veins Physiology of Circulation
A. Vital signs BP = CO × PR
- Measurements of arterial pulse, blood
pressure, respiratory rate, and body A. Neural factors: the autonomic
temperature nervous system
B. Arterial pulse - Parasympathetic nervous system has
- Alternate expansion and recoil of a little to no effect on blood
blood vessel wall (the pressure wave) pressure. Sympathetic nervous system
that occurs as the heart beats. promotes vasoconstriction (narrowing
Monitored at pressure points in of vessels), which increases blood
superficial arteries, where pulse is pressure.
easily palpated. B. Renal factors: the kidneys
- Pulse averages 70 to 76 beats per - Kidneys regulate blood pressure by
minute at rest, in a healthy person. altering blood volume. If blood pressure
C. Blood Pressure is too high, the kidneys release water in
- The pressure the blood exerts against the urine. If blood pressure is too low,
the inner walls of the blood the kidneys release renin to trigger
vessels. The force that causes blood to formation of angiotensin II, a
continue to flow in the blood vessels. vasoconstrictor. Angiotensin II
stimulates release of aldosterone,
When the ventricles contract: which enhances sodium (and water)
reabsorption by kidneys.
 Blood is forced into elastic arteries close C. Temperature
to the heart and blood flows along a - Heat has a vasodilating effect. Cold has
descending pressure gradient. Pressure a vasoconstricting effect
decreases in blood vessels as distance D. Chemicals
from the heart increases. Pressure is high - Various substances can cause
in the arteries, lower in the capillaries, and increases or decreases in blood
lowest in the veins. pressure. Epinephrine increases heart
Measuring Blood Pressure rate and blood pressure.
E. Diet
Two arterial blood pressures are measured: - Commonly believed that a diet low in
salt, saturated fats, and cholesterol
1. Systolic prevents hypertension (high blood
- pressure in the arteries at the peak of pressure).
ventricular contraction
2. Diastolic Variations in blood pressure
- pressure when ventricles relax
Normal human range is variable.
 Expressed as systolic pressure over
diastolic pressure in millimeters of  Systolic pressure ranges from 110 to
mercury (mm Hg) For example, 120/80 140 mm Hg
mm Hg  Diastolic pressure ranges from 70 to
 Auscultatory method is an indirect 80 mm Hg
method of measuring systemic arterial  Hypotension (low blood pressure). Low
blood pressure, most often in the brachial systolic (below 100 mm Hg). Often
artery associated with illness. Acute hypotension
Effects of Various Factors on Blood Pressure is a warning sign for circulatory shock
 Hypertension (high blood
 Arterial blood pressure (BP) is directly pressure). Sustained elevated arterial
related to cardiac output and peripheral pressure of 140/90 mm Hg. Warns of
resistance. Cardiac output (CO; the increased peripheral resistance.
amount of blood pumped out of the left
Capillary exchange of gases and nutrients
ventricle per minute). Peripheral
resistance (PR; the amount of friction - Interstitial fluid (tissue fluid) is found
blood encounters as it flows through between cells. Substances move to and
vessels): from the blood and tissue cells through
capillary walls. Exchange is due to  One umbilical vein, which carries nutrient-
concentration gradients. Oxygen and and oxygen-rich blood to the fetus. Two
nutrients leave the blood and move into umbilical arteries, which carry wastes and
tissue cells. Carbon dioxide and other carbon dioxide–rich blood from the fetus
wastes exit tissue cells and enter the to placenta.
blood.  Shunts bypassing the lungs and liver are
present in a fetus.
Substances take various routes entering or
 Blood flow bypasses the liver through the
leaving the blood
ductus venosus and enters
1. Direct diffusion through membranes the inferior vena cava → right
2. Diffusion through intercellular clefts atrium of heart. Blood flow bypasses the
(gaps between cells in the capillary lungs. Blood entering right atrium is
wall) shunted directly into left atrium through
3. Diffusion through pores of fenestrated foramen ovale (becomes fossa ovalis at or
capillaries after birth). Ductus arteriosus connects
4. Transport via vesicles aorta and pulmonary trunk (becomes
ligamentum arteriosum at birth).
Fluid movements at capillary beds. Fluid
movement out of or into a capillary depends Age-related problems associated with the
on the difference between the two pressures: cardiovascular system include:

1. Blood pressure forces fluid and  Weakening of venous valves

solutes out of capillaries  Varicose veins
2. Osmotic pressure draws fluid into  Progressive arteriosclerosis
capillaries  Hypertension resulting from loss of
Blood pressure is higher than osmotic elasticity of vessels
 Coronary artery disease resulting from
pressure at the arterial end of the capillary
bed. Blood pressure is lower than osmotic fatty, calcified deposits in the vessels
pressure at the venous end of the capillary
bed. Thus, fluid moves out of the capillary at Blood
the beginning of the bed and is reclaimed at - is the fluid that carries oxygen and
the opposite (venule) end. other elements to the tissues and
carbon dioxide away from the tissues
through the heart and vascular system
of humans and other animals.

Developmental Aspects of the Blood characteristics

Cardiovascular System 1. Sticky, opaque fluid
2. Heavier and thicker than water
In an embryo
3. Color range
- The heart develops as a simple tube a. Oxygen-rich blood is scarlet red
and pumps blood by week 4 of b. Oxygen-poor blood is dull red or purple
pregnancy. The heart becomes a four- 4. Metallic, salty taste
chambered organ capable of acting as 5. Blood pH is slightly alkaline, between
a double pump over the next 3 weeks. 7.35 and 7.45
6. Blood temperature is slightly higher than
Umbilical cord body temperature, at 38ºC or 100.4ºF
- Carries nutrients and oxygen from Blood transports everything that must be
maternal blood to fetal blood. Fetal carried from one place to another, such as:
wastes move from fetal blood to
maternal blood. 1. Nutrients
2. Wastes
Houses: 3. Hormones
4. Body heat
Blood volume 1. Erythrocytes
2. Leukocytes
- About 5–6 liters, or about 6 quarts, of 3. Platelets
blood are found in a healthy I. Erythrocytes (red blood cells, or
adult. Blood makes up 8 percent of RBCs)
body weight. - Main function is to carry
oxygen. Normal count is 5 million RBCs
Components of Blood
per cubic millimeter (mm3) of blood.
Blood is the only fluid tissue, a type of - RBCs differ from other blood cells
connective tissue, in the human body. because:
1. Anucleate (no nucleus)
a. Formed elements (living cells) 2. Contain few organelles; lack
b. Plasma (nonliving fluid matrix) mitochondria
When blood is separated: 3. Essentially bags of hemoglobin
 Erythrocytes sink to the bottom (45 4. Shaped like biconcave discs
percent of blood, a percentage known  Hemoglobin is an iron-bearing
as the hematocrit). Buffy coat contains protein. Binds oxygen. Each
leukocytes and platelets (less than 1 hemoglobin molecule can bind 4
percent of blood). Buffy coat is a thin, oxygen molecules. Each erythrocyte
whitish layer between the erythrocytes has 250 million hemoglobin
and plasma. Plasma rises to the top molecules. Normal blood contains 12–
(55 percent of blood) 18 g of hemoglobin per 100 milliliters
(ml) of blood.
Homeostatic imbalance of RBCs
- It is 90 percent water, straw-colored
fluid. Anemia is a decrease in the oxygen-carrying
- Includes many dissolved substances ability of the blood due to:
 Lower-than-normal number of RBCs
 Nutrients
 Abnormal or deficient hemoglobin
 Salts (electrolytes)
content in the RBCs.
 Respiratory gases
 Hormones Sickle cell Anemia (SCA) results from
 Plasma proteins abnormally shaped hemoglobin
 Waste products
II. White Blood Cells
- Plasma proteins are the most - WBCs, also called leukocytes, are an
abundant solutes in plasma. Most are important part of the immune
made by the liver. Include: system. These cells help fight
1. Albumin—an important blood buffer and infections by attacking bacteria,
contributes to osmotic pressure viruses, and germs that invade the
2. Clotting proteins—help to stem blood body. White blood cells originate in
loss when a blood vessel is injured the bone marrow but circulate
3. Antibodies—help protect the body from throughout the bloodstream.
pathogens - Crucial in body’s defense against
disease. They are complete cells, with
Blood composition varies as cells exchange nucleus and organelles. Able to move
substances with the blood. Liver makes more into and out of blood vessels
proteins when levels drop. Respiratory and (diapedesis). Respond to chemicals
urinary systems restore blood pH to normal released by damaged tissues (known
when blood becomes too acidic or as positive chemotaxis). Move by
alkaline. Plasma helps distribute body heat. amoeboid motion. Our body
has 4,800 to 10,800 WBCs per mm3
Formed Elements
of blood
 Leukocytosis ii. Eosinophils
- WBC count above 11,000 cells per - Nucleus stains blue-red. Brick-red
mm3 of blood. Generally indicates an cytoplasmic granules. Function is to
infection. kill parasitic worms and play a role in
 Leukopenia allergy attacks. 100–400 eosinophils
- Abnormally low WBC count per mm3 of blood (1–4 percent of
- Commonly caused by certain drugs, WBCs).
such as corticosteroids and anticancer iii. Basophils
agents. - Rarest of the WBCs. Large histamine-
 Leukemia containing granules that stain dark
- Bone marrow becomes cancerous blue. Contain heparin
- Numerous immature WBC are (anticoagulant). 20–50 basophils per
produced mm3 of blood (0–1 percent of WBCs)
B. Agranulocytes
Types of leukocytes i. Lymphocytes
- Large, dark purple nucleus. Slightly
1. Granulocytes larger than RBCs. Reside in lymphatic
- Granules in their cytoplasm can be tissues. Play a role in immune
stained response. 1,500–3,000 lymphocytes
- -Possess lobed nuclei per mm3 of blood (20–45 percent of
- Include neutrophils, eosinophils, and WBCs)
basophils ii. Monocytes
2. Agranulocytes - Largest of the white blood
- Lack visible cytoplasmic granules cells. Distinctive U- or kidney-shaped
- Nuclei are spherical, oval, or kidney- nucleus. Function as macrophages
shaped when they migrate into
- Include lymphocytes and monocytes tissues. Important in fighting chronic
infection. 100–700 monocytes per
List of the WBCs, from most to least
mm3 of blood (4–8 percent of WBCs)
C. Platelets
1. Neutrophils
Fragments of megakaryocytes (multinucleate
2. Lymphocytes
cells). Needed for the clotting
3. Monocytes
process. Normal platelet count is 300,000
4. Eosinophils
platelets per mm3 of blood
5. Basophils
Easy way to remember this list Hematopoiesis (Blood Cell
 Never
- Hematopoiesis is the process of blood
 Let
cell formation. Occurs in red bone
 Monkeys
marrow (myeloid tissue). All blood
 Eat
cells are derived from a common stem
 Bananas
cell (hemocytoblast). Hemocytoblasts
form two types of descendants
A. Granulocytes
a. Lymphoid stem cell, which produces
i. Neutrophils
- Most numerous WBC. Multilobed
b. Myeloid stem cell, which can produce
nucleus. Cytoplasm stains pink and
all other formed elements
contains fine granules. Function as
phagocytes at active sites of Formation of Red Blood Cells
infection. Numbers increase during
infection. 3,000–7,000 neutrophils per Since RBCs are anucleate, they are unable to
mm3 of blood (40–70 percent of divide, grow, or synthesize proteins. RBCs
WBCs). wear out in 100 to 120 days. When worn out,
RBCs are eliminated by phagocytes in the cascade. Prothrombin activator
spleen or liver. Lost cells are replaced by converts prothrombin to thrombin (an
division of hemocytoblasts in the red bone enzyme).
marrow. - Thrombin joins fibrinogen proteins into
hairlike molecules of insoluble
Rate of RBC production is controlled by a fibrin. Fibrin forms a meshwork (the
hormone called erythropoietin. Kidneys basis for a clot). Within the hour,
produce most erythropoietin as a response to serum is squeezed from the clot as it
reduced oxygen levels in the retracts. Serum is plasma minus
blood. Homeostasis is maintained by clotting proteins.
negative feedback from blood oxygen levels. - Blood usually clots within 3 to 6
Formation of White Blood Cells and minutes. The clot remains as
Platelets endothelium regenerates. The clot is
broken down after tissue repair.
WBC and platelet production is controlled by
hormones. Colony stimulating factors (CSFs) Disorders of Hemostasis
and interleukins prompt bone marrow to
I. Undesirable clotting
generate leukocytes. Thrombopoietin
a. Thrombus
stimulates production of platelets from
- A clot in an unbroken blood vessel.
It Can be deadly in areas such as the
Hemostasis lungs
b. Embolus
Hemostasis is the process of stopping the - A thrombus that breaks away and
bleeding that results from a break in a blood floats freely in the bloodstream. Can
vessel .Hemostasis involves three phases or later clog vessels in critical areas such
steps: as the brain.
1. Vascular spasms II. Bleeding disorders
2. Platelet plug formation
3. Coagulation (blood clotting) A. Thrombocytopenia
- Insufficient number of circulating
Step 1: Vascular Spasms platelets. Arises from any condition
that suppresses the bone
a. Immediate response to blood vessel marrow. Even normal movements can
injury. cause bleeding from small blood
b. Vasoconstriction causes blood vessel vessels that require platelets for
to spasm clotting. Evidenced by petechiae
c. Spasms narrow the blood vessel, (small purplish blotches on the skin).
decreasing blood loss A. Hemophilia
- Hereditary bleeding disorder. Normal
Step 2: Platelet Plug Formation clotting factors are missing. Minor
tissue damage can cause life-
- Collagen fibers are exposed by a threatening prolonged bleeding.
break in a blood vessel. Platelets
become “sticky” and cling to Blood Groups and Transfusions
fibers. Anchored platelets release
chemicals to attract more Large losses of blood have serious
platelets. Platelets pile up to form a consequences. Loss of 15 to 30 percent
platelet plug (white thrombus) causes weakness. Loss of over 30 percent
causes shock, which can be fatal
Step 3: Coagulation
Blood transfusions are given for substantial
blood loss, to treat severe anemia, or for
- Injured tissues release tissue factor
(TF). PF3 (a phospholipid) interacts
with TF, blood protein clotting factors, Blood contains genetically determined
and calcium ions to trigger a clotting proteins known as antigens. Antigens are
substances that the body recognizes as hemolysis occurs (rupture of
foreign and that the immune system may RBCs).
attack. Most antigens are foreign - Rh-related problem during pregnancy
proteins. We tolerate our own “self” - Danger occurs only when the mother
antigens. Antibodies are the “recognizers” is Rh–, the father is Rh+, and the child
that bind foreign antigens. Blood is “typed” by inherits the Rh+ factor
using antibodies that will cause blood with - RhoGAM shot can prevent buildup of
certain proteins to clump (agglutination) and anti-Rh+ antibodies in mother’s blood
The mismatch of an Rh-mother carrying an
There are over 30 common red blood cell Rh+ baby can cause problems for the unborn
antigens. The most vigorous transfusion child
reactions are caused by ABO and Rh blood
group antigens. The first pregnancy usually proceeds without
problems; the immune system is sensitized
Human Blood Groups after the first pregnancy. In a second
pregnancy, the mother’s immune system
I. ABO Blood Group
produces antibodies to attack the Rh+ blood
Blood types are based on the presence or (hemolytic disease of the newborn)
absence of two antigens:
Blood Typing
1. Type A
2. Type B Blood samples are mixed with anti-A and
a. Presence of both antigens A and B is anti-B serum. Agglutination or the lack of
called type AB agglutination leads to identification of blood
type. Typing for ABO and Rh factors is done
b. Presence of antigen A is called type A in the same manner. Cross matching—testing
for agglutination of donor RBCs by the
c. Presence of antigen B is called type B recipient’s serum, and vice versa
d. Lack of both antigens A and B is
called type O
Developmental Aspects of Blood

- Type AB can receive A, B, AB, and O Sites of blood cell formation

blood - The fetal liver and spleen are early
- Type AB is the “universal recipient” sites of blood cell formation. Bone
- Type B can receive B and O blood marrow takes over hematopoiesis by
- Type A can receive A and O blood the seventh month. Congenital blood
- Type O can receive O blood defects include various types of
- Type O is the “universal donor” hemolytic anemias and
Rh blood group hemophilia. Incompatibility between
maternal and fetal blood can result in
- Named for the eight Rh antigens fetal cyanosis, resulting from
(agglutinogen D). Most Americans are destruction of fetal blood cells. Fetal
Rh+ (Rh-positive), meaning they carry hemoglobin differs from hemoglobin
the Rh antigen produced after birth. Physiologic
- If an Rh–(Rh-negative) person jaundice occurs in infants when the
receives Rh+ blood: liver cannot rid the body of
a. The immune system becomes hemoglobin breakdown products fast
sensitized and begins producing enough.
antibodies; hemolysis does not
occur, because as it takes time to Leukemias are most common in the very
produce antibodies young and very old. Older adults are also at
b. Second, and subsequent,
risk for anemia and clotting disorders.
transfusions involve antibodies
attacking donor’s Rh+ RBCs, and
Blood Circulation
- The cardiovascular system is
composed of 2 circulatory paths:
1. pulmonary circulation, the circuit through
the lungs where the body is oxygenated;
2. the systemic circulation, the circuit
through the rest of the body to provide
oxygenated blood.
The Lymphatic System lymph nodes. Return fluid to circulatory
veins near the heart. Right lymphatic duct
- is a network of tissues and organs drains the lymph from the right arm and
that help rid the body of toxins, waste the right side of the head and
and other unwanted materials. The thorax. Thoracic duct drains lymph from
primary function of the lymphatic rest of body.
system is to transport lymph, a fluid
containing infection-fighting white Lymphatic vessels are similar to veins of
blood cells, throughout the body. the cardiovascular system. They are thin-
- Consists of two semi-independent walled. Larger vessels have valves. Low-
parts: pressure, pumpless system.
1. Lymphatic vessels
Lymph transport is aided by:
2. Lymphoid tissues and organs
 Milking action of skeletal muscles
Lymphatic System Functions
 Pressure changes in thorax during
1. Transports escaped fluids from the breathing
cardiovascular system back to  Smooth muscle in walls of
the blood lymphatics
3. Plays essential roles in body defense
and resistance to disease Lymph nodes
- are small glands that filter lymph, the
Lymphatic Vessels
clear fluid that circulates through
the lymphatic system.
- They become swollen in response to
infection and tumors. Lymphatic fluid
circulates through
the lymphatic system, which is made
of channels throughout your body that
are similar to blood vessels.

Lymph consists of excess tissue fluid and

plasma proteins carried by lymphatic
vessels. If fluids are not picked up, edema
occurs as fluid accumulates in
tissues. Lymphatic vessels (lymphatics)
pick up excess fluid (lymph) and return it
to the blood
Lymphatic vessels (lymphatics) form a
one-way system. Lymph flows only toward
the heart
Lymph nodes filter lymph before it is
Lymph capillaries weave between tissue returned to the blood.
cells and blood capillaries. Walls overlap
to form flaplike minivalves. Fluid leaks into Harmful materials that are filtered :
lymph capillaries. Capillaries are anchored
to connective tissue by filaments. Higher  Bacteria
pressure on the inside closes  Viruses
minivalves. Fluid is forced along the  Cancer cells
vessel.  Cell debris
Lymphatic collecting vessels Defense cells within lymph nodes
Collect lymph from lymph a. Macrophages
capillaries. Carry lymph to and away from
- engulf and destroy bacteria, viruses, bacteria and other foreign
and other foreign substances in lymph pathogens. Tonsillitis results when the
b. Lymphocytes tonsils become congested with
- respond to foreign substances in bacteria
Peyer’s patches
Most lymph nodes are kidney-shaped,
less than 1 inch long, and buried in - Found in the wall of the small
connective tissue. Surrounded by a intestine. Similar lymphoid follicles are
capsule. Divided into compartments by found in the appendix. Macrophages
trabeculae: capture and destroy bacteria in the
a. Cortex (outer part) contains follicles
- collections of lymphocytes. Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue
- Germinal centers enlarge when (MALT)
antibodies are released by plasma - Acts as a sentinel to protect
cells respiratory and digestive tracts
b. Medulla (inner part) contains - Includes:
phagocytic macrophages.  Peyer’s patches
Flow of lymph through nodes  Tonsils
 Appendix
 Lymph enters the convex side through
afferent lymphatic vessels. Lymph flows Body Defenses
through a number of sinuses inside the
node. Lymph exits through efferent Two mechanisms that make up the
lymphatic vessels. Because there are immune system defend us from foreign
fewer efferent than afferent vessels, flow materials
is slowed.
 Several other lymphoid organs contribute 1. Innate ( nonspecific ) defense system
to lymphatic function (in addition to the - Mechanisms protect against a variety
lymph nodes) of invaders. Responds immediately to
 Spleen protect body from foreign materials.
2. Adaptive (specific) defense system
 Thymus
- Fights invaders that get past the
 Tonsils
innate system. Specific defense is
 Peyer’s patches required for each type of invader. The
 Appendix highly specific resistance to disease
is immunity.
Spleen  Immunity—specific resistance to disease
- Located on the left side of the  Immune system is a functional system
abdomen. Filters and cleans blood of rather than an organ system in an
bacteria, viruses, debris. Provides a anatomical sense
site for lymphocyte proliferation and  Innate body defenses are mechanical
immune surveillance. Destroys worn- barriers to pathogens (harmful or disease-
out blood cells. Forms blood cells in causing microorganisms) and include:
the fetus. Acts as a blood reservoir. 1. Body surface coverings
 Intact skin
Thymus  Mucous membranes
2. Specialized human cells
- Found overlying the heart. Functions
3. Chemicals produced by the body
at peak levels only during youth
- Small masses of lymphoid tissue deep
to the mucosa surrounding the
pharynx (throat). Trap and remove
Surface Membrane Barriers Functions of the Inflammatory
- Surface membrane barriers, such as
the skin and mucous membranes, a. Prevents spread of damaging
provide the first line agents
of defense against the invasion of b. Disposes of cell debris and
microorganism pathogens through
- Protective secretions produced by phagocytosis
these membranes. Acidic skin c. Sets the stage for repair
secretions inhibit bacterial growth.
Sebum is toxic to bacteria Process of the Inflammatory Response
- Mucus traps microorganisms. Gastric
juices are acidic and kill 1. Neutrophils migrate to the area of
pathogens. Saliva and tears contain inflammation by rolling along the
lysozyme (enzyme that destroys vessel wall (following the scent of
bacteria. chemicals from inflammation)
2. Neutrophils squeeze through the
Internal Defenses: Cells and capillary walls by diapedesis to sites of
Chemicals inflammation
3. Neutrophils gather in the precise site
 Cells and chemicals provide a second of tissue injury (positive chemotaxis)
line of defense. They are natural killer and consume any foreign
cells and phagocytes. It is an material present
inflammatory response. It uses
chemicals that kill pathogens. It also Phagocytes
induces fever.
A. Natural killer (NK) cells - Cells such as neutrophils and
 Lyse (burst) and kill cancer cells, macrophages engulf foreign material
virus-infected cells by phagocytosis. The phagocytic
vesicle is fused with a lysosome, and
 Release chemicals
called perforin and granzymes to enzymes digest the cell’s contents.
- Antimicrobial proteins enhance innate
degrade target cell content
B. Inflammatory Response defenses by:
1. Attacking microorganisms directly
- Triggered when body tissues are
2. Hindering reproduction of
- Four most common indicators
- Most important types
(cardinal signs) of acute inflammation
1. Redness 1. Complement proteins
2. Heat 2. Interferon
3. Pain
I. Antimicrobial Proteins:
4. Swelling (edema)
Complement Proteins
- Damaged cells release inflammatory
- Complement refers to a group of at
chemicals such as:
a. Histamine least 20 plasma proteins that circulate
b. Kinin in the plasma. Complement is
- These chemicals causes blood
activated when these plasma proteins
vessels to dilate, capillaries to encounter and attach to cells (known
as complement fixation). Membrane
become leaky and Phagocytes and
white blood cells to move into the area attack complexes (MACs) as a result
(called positive chemotaxis) of complement fixation. It will then
produce holes or pores in cells. Pores
allow water to rush into the cell then
the cell bursts (lyses).
II. Antimicrobial Proteins: Interferons
- Interferons are small proteins
secreted by virus-infected cells. 2. Cellular Immunity
Interferons bind to membrane - cell-mediated immunity
receptors on healthy cell surfaces - Targets virus-infected cells, cancer
to interfere with the ability of viruses to cells, and cells of foreign grafts
- Antigens are any substance capable
 Abnormally high body temperature is a of exciting the immune system and
systemic response to invasion by provoking an immune response. Two
microorganisms types; self and non self
 Hypothalamus regulates body - The antigens that do not originate in
temperature at 37ºC (98.6ºF) your body are called non-self
 The hypothalamus thermostat can be antigens. Immune cells called
reset higher by pyrogens (secreted by lymphocytes recognize non-self
white blood cells) antigens and
 High temperatures inhibit the release produce antibodies that bind
of iron and zinc (needed by bacteria) specifically to each antigen.
from the liver and spleen
 Fever also increases the speed of Examples of common nonself antigens
repair processes
a. Foreign proteins provoke the
Adaptive Body Defenses strongest response
b. Nucleic acids
c. Large carbohydrates
- Adaptive body defenses are the
d. Some lipids
body’s specific defense system, or
e. Pollen grains
the third line of defense.
f. Microorganisms (bacteria, fungi,
- Immune response is the immune
system’s response to a threat.
Antigens are targeted and destroyed
by antibodies.
- Three aspects of adaptive defense
1. Antigen specific - The antigens on your own cells are
known as self-antigens,
- the adaptive defense system
recognizes and - Human cells have many protein and
acts against particular foreign carbohydrate molecules. Self-antigens
substances. do not trigger an immune response in
2. Systemic us. The presence of our cells in
- immunity is not restricted to
another person’s body can trigger an
the initial infection site. immune response because they are
3. Memory foreign. Restricts donors for
- the adaptive defense system
recognizes and mounts a - Haptens, or incomplete antigens, are
stronger attack on previously not antigenic by themselves. When
encountered pathogens they link up with our own proteins, the
immune system may recognize the
Two Arms of the Adaptive Defense combination as foreign and respond
System with an attack. Found in poison ivy,
animal dander, detergents, hair dyes,
1. Humoral Immunity cosmetics
- antibody-mediated immunity
- Provided by antibodies
present in body fluids.
Cells of the Adaptive Defense Major types of cells behaving as APC's
System: An Overview 1. Dendritic cells
Crucial cells of the adaptive system 2. Macrophages
3. B lymphocytes
A. Lymphocytes
- respond to specific antigens When they present antigens, dendritic
 B lymphocytes (B cells) produce cells and macrophages activate T cells,
antibodies and oversee humoral which release chemicals.
immunity Humoral (Antibody-Mediated)
 T lymphocytes (T cells) constitute
Immune Response
the cell-mediated arm of the
adaptive defenses; do not make  B lymphocytes with specific receptors
antibodies bind to a specific antigen. The binding
B. Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) event sensitizes, or activates, the
- help the lymphocytes but do not lymphocyte to undergo clonal
respond to specific antigens selection. A large number of clones is
1. Lymphocytes produced (primary humoral response)
- Arise from hemocytoblasts of bone  Most of the B cell clone members
marrow. Whether a lymphocyte (descendants) become plasma cells
matures into a B cell or T cell depends  Produce antibodies to destroy
on where it becomes antigens
immunocompetent.  Activity lasts for 4 or 5 days
2. Immunocompetence  Plasma cells begin to die
- The capability to respond to a specific  Some B cells become long-lived
antigen by binding to it with antigen- memory cells capable of mounting a
specific receptors that appear on the rapid attack against the same antigen
lymphocyte’s surface. T cells develop in subsequent meetings
immunocompetence in the thymus (secondary humoral response). These
and oversee cell-mediated cells provide immunological memory.
immunity. Identify foreign
antigens. Those that bind self- Active Immunity
antigens are destroyed. Self-tolerance
is important part of lymphocyte - Occurs when B cells encounter
“education”. antigens and produce
antibodies. Active immunity can be:
 B cells develop immunocompetence  Naturally acquired during
in bone marrow and provide humoral bacterial and viral infections
immunity. Immunocompetent T and B  Artificially acquired from
lymphocytes migrate to the lymph vaccines
nodes and spleen, where encounters Passive immunity
with antigens occur. Differentiation from
naïve cells into mature lymphocytes is - Occurs when antibodies are obtained
complete when they bind with from someone else. Naturally
recognized antigens. Mature acquired from a mother to her fetus or
lymphocytes (especially T cells) in the breast milk. Artificially acquired
circulate continuously throughout the from immune serum or gamma
body globulin (donated
antibodies). Immunological memory
Antigen-presenting cells (APCs)
does not occur. Protection is short-
lived (2–3 weeks)
- Engulf antigens and then present
fragments of them on their own Monoclonal Antibodies
surfaces, where they can be
recognized by T cells. - Antibodies prepared for clinical testing
for diagnostic services. Produced from
descendants of a single cell 1. Neutralization: antibodies bind to specific
line. Exhibit specificity for only one sites on bacterial exotoxins or on viruses
antigen. that can cause cell injury
2. Agglutination: antibody-antigen reaction
Examples of Uses for Monoclonal that causes clumping of cells
Antibodies 3. Precipitation: cross-linking reaction in
a. Cancer treatment which antigen-antibody complex settles
b. Diagnosis of pregnancy out of solution
c. Treatment after exposure to
Cellular (Cell-Mediated) Immune
hepatitis and rabies
Antibodies (immunoglobulins, Igs)
 Main difference between two arms of
- Constitute gamma globulin part of the adaptive response
blood proteins. Soluble proteins  B cells secrete antibodies
secreted by activated B cells (plasma  T cells fight antigens directly
cells). Formed in response to a huge  Like B cells, immunocompetent T cells are
number of antigens activated to form a clone
 Like B cells, immunocompetent T cells are
Antibody structure
activated to form a clone by binding a
- Four polypeptide chains, two heavy recognized antigen. Unlike B cells, T cells
and two light, linked by disulfide are unable to bind to free
bonds to form a T- or Y-shaped antigens. Antigens must be presented by
molecule. Each polypeptide chain has a macrophage, and double recognition
a variable (V) region and a constant must occur. APC engulfs and presents the
(C) region. Variable regions form processed antigen in combination with a
antigen-binding sites, one on each protein from the APC
arm of the T or Y. Constant regions
Different Classes of Effector T Cells
determine the type of antibody formed
(antibody class) 1. Helper T cells
2. Cytotoxic T cells
Antibody classes
T cells must recognize nonself and self
- Antibodies of each class have slightly
through the process of antigen presentation
different roles and differ structurally
and functionally.  Nonself—the antigen fragment
presented by APC
Five major immunoglobulin classes
(MADGE)  Self—coupling with a specific
glycoprotein on the APC’s surface
1. IgM—can fix complement at the same time
2. IgA—found mainly in secretions,
such as mucus or tears Cytotoxic (killer) T cells
3. IgD—important in activation of B - Specialize in killing infected
cell cells. Insert a toxic chemical
4. IgG—can cross the placental (perforin or granzyme). The perforin
barrier and fix complement; most enters the foreign cell’s plasma
abundant antibody in plasma membrane. Pores now appear in
5. IgE—involved in allergies the target
cell’s membrane. Granzymes
Antibody Function (protein-digesting enzymes) enter
and kill the foreign cell.
- Antibodies inactivate antigens in a
number of ways. Complement Helper T cells
fixation: chief antibody ammunition
- Recruit other cells to fight
used against cellular antigens.
invaders. Interact directly with B
cells bound to an antigen, prodding Types of Allergies
the B cells into clone
production. Release cytokines, a. Immediate (acute) Hypersensitivity
chemicals that act directly to rid the - Seen in hives and anaphylaxis.
body of antigens. Due to IgE antibodies and
histamine. Anaphylactic
Regulatory T cells shock is systemic, acute allergic
response and is rare
- Release chemicals to suppress the b. Delayed hypersensitivity
activity of T and B cells. Stop the - Reflects activity of T cells,
immune response to prevent macrophages, and cytokines.
uncontrolled activity. A few Symptoms usually a
members of each clone are ppear 1–3 days after contact with
memory cells antigen. Allergic
contact dermatitis (poison
Organ Transplants and Rejection
ivy, cosmetics)
Major Types of Transplants, or Grafts
Autoimmune Diseases
 Autografts
- Occurs when the body’s self-
- tissue transplanted from one site to
tolerance breaks down. The body
another on the same person
produces auto-antibodies and
 Isografts sensitized T lymphocytes that
- tissue grafts from a genetically attack its own tissues. Most forms
identical person (identical twin)
of autoimmune disease result from
 Allografts the appearance of formerly hidden
- tissue taken from a person other self-antigens or changes in the
than an identical twin (most structure of self-antigens, and
common type of graft) antibodies formed against foreign
 Xenografts antigens that resemble self-
- tissue taken from a different animal antigens
species (never successful)
Examples of Autoimmune Diseases
Blood group and tissue matching is done
to ensure the best match possible. 75% 1. Rheumatoid arthritis
match is needed to attempt a graft. Organ - destroys joints
transplant is followed by 2. Myasthenia gravis
immunosuppressive therapy to prevent - impairs communication between
rejection nerves and skeletal muscles
3. Multiple sclerosis
Disorders of Immunity - white matter of brain and spinal
cord is destroyed
The Most Important Disorders of the
4. Graves’ disease
Immune System
- thyroid gland produces excess
1. Allergies thyroxine
2. Autoimmune diseases 5. Type I diabetes mellitus
3. Immunodeficiencies - destroys pancreatic beta cells,
resulting in deficient insulin
Allergies production
6. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
- Allergies, or hypersensitives, are
- affects kidney, heart, lung, and skin
abnormal, vigorous immune
7. Glomerulonephritis
responses. The immune system
- severe impairment of kidney
overreacts to an otherwise
function due to acute inflammation
harmless antigen, and tissue
damage occurs.
- May be congenital or acquired.
Severe combined
immunodeficiency disease (SCID)
is a congenital disease. AIDS
(acquired immune deficiency
syndrome) is caused by a virus
that attacks and cripples the helper
T cells. Result from abnormalities in
any immune element. Production
or function of immune cells or
complement is abnormal.

Developmental Aspects of the

Lymphatic System and Body
Lymphatic vessels form by budding off
from veins. Lymph nodes present by fifth
week of development. The thymus and
the spleen are the first lymphoid organs to
appear in the embryo. Other lymphoid
organs are poorly developed before
birth. The immune response develops
around the time of birth
The ability of immunocompetent cells to
recognize foreign antigens is
genetically determined. Stress appears to
interfere with normal immune
response. Efficiency of immune response
wanes in old age, and infections, cancer,
immunodeficiencies, and autoimmune
diseases become more prevalent

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