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Federal Investigation Agency (FIA)
MAXIMUM MARKS:100 NAME:______________________ F/NAME:______________________
Read the passage carefully and answer the given questions.
A mother is person with magentic charm and is the uncowned queen of a house who rules her subject with majesty and power,
untainted by politics. To childish imagination she is the coitome of strength and embodiment of courage. She cherishes the fondest
hopes and wildest dreams for her childern. Her unselfish and limitiess love and generous undertaking, mould, nourish and sustain life’s
complex path from infancy to adolesconce, she lavishes her tender care night and never complains of tiredness, she lavishes her tender
care on her children, comforting and shielding them in all difficulties. At the time of sickness she spends many an anxious hour by their
bedside by keeping her watchfull eyes ever alert, no matter how much laden with sleep they may be.
Q1. How does a mother rule her subjects?
A. with love and care B. by spending may an anxious hour
C. by keeping her watchfull eyes ever alert D. with majesty and power, untainted by politics.
Q2. What do you understand by the word”untainted “ as used in the above passage?
A. untiring B. not contaminteo C. undistubed D. without selfish motive.
Q3. Select from answer choices a suitable antonym of the word “lavish” used in this passage.
A. lacking B. Boundless C. excessive D. limitiess
Q4. What do you understand by the word “epitome” as used in this passage?
A. a source B. a typical example C. an expression D. a cereator
Q5. Even when the laden with sleep, what does a mother do when a child is sick ?
A. comforting and shleding him or her
B. spends many an anxious hours by the bed side by keeping her watchful eyes ever alert
C. giving her limitiess love and affection
D. tolls from morn to night.
Q6. Select from answer choices a suitable synonym of “ sustain”
A. encourage B. keep going C. complete D. bear
Choose the word that is similar in meaning of the given words.
A. careful B. briny C. tough D. wet
A. professional B. immature C. unimaginative D. learned E. ignorant
A. unlucky B. kind C. helpful D. futile
A. opening B. pamphlet C. censor D. pin
Q11.. CHIDE:
A. unite B. fear C. record D. scold
Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word.
A. willingness B. sporadically C. praise D. augmented
A. millitant B. polite C. conical D. agitated
A. raze B. build C. resist D. relieve
A. soothing B. lazy C. exhausted D. awake
A. dry B. fruitful C. distant D. infertile
Complete the sentences by choosing the most approption
Q17. There is no harm ____________ him.
A. to meet B. to meeting C. meet D. in meeting
Q18. I enjoyed ___________ party.
A. on B. over C. the D. an
Q19. ____________the croner of the street stood a dog ___________ a shed, shivering with the cold.
A. On….. with B. over….. under C. By…. in D. At……under
Q20. Rizwan has been waiting for you__________ morning.
A. till B. from C. for D. since
Q21. Speed of sound in Dry air at 20 C is:
A. 332m/s B. 344m/s C. 356m/s D. 368m/s
Q22. The generation time of E-col is 2 min, if the division goes unchecked, after___________ hours there would be enough
bacteria to cover the face of earth.
A. 72 B. 48 C. 36 D. 24
Q23. In Cro, the oxidatin state of Cr is ;
A. +1 B. +2 C. +3 D. +4
Q24. The kind of sike inflorecence that usually bears only pistillate or staminate flowers are called as;
A. catkin B. Corymb C . Umbel D. Panicle
25. Soap is _________ in nature.
A. Alkaline B. Acidc C. Neutral D. Indicator
26. The splitting of white light into seven colors on passing through a transparent medium l ike glass prism is called as;
A. Rainbow B. Reflecting prisms C. Dispersion of light D. Refractive index
Q27. The most important potassium fertilizer is ;
A. Potassuim chloride B. Postassiom nitrate D. Potassium sulphate D. Potassium phosphate.
Q28. The pH of raniwater is :
A. 4.5-4.8 B. 5.4-5.8 C. 5.6-6. D. 7.0
Q29. The existence of an element in more than one crystalline form is called :
A. Syntropy B. Allotropy C. Allelotropy D. Allelopathy
Q30. At sea level, the mean density of the air molecule is maximum and the atmospheric pressure is ;
A. Maximum B. Minimum C. Not changed D. Minute change observed.

Q31. 9/10-4/10= ________________.

A. 5/9 B. 1 C. ½ D. 3/5
Q32. If y=16 = 24 then y=__________.
A. -8 B. 8 C. 40 D. -40
Q33. How many days are there in 2 years?
A. 765.5 B. 730 C. 882.5 D. 912.5
Q34. The height of four kids is 95cm, 110 cm, 90 cm and 105 cm, their average height will be________________.
A. 90cm B. 95cm C. 100cm D. 105cm
Q35. If a = b and 1c ̲=b, then =?
A. a B. –a C. b D. 1a
Q36. A man earns Rs. 1400a week, find his per day income.
A. Rs. 490 B. Rs. 200 C. Rs. 70D. Rs. 7
Q37. A dozen eggs cost. Rs. 96 then the cost of 15 eggs will be ___________.
A. ½ B. 6 C. -1/2 D. -6
Q37. When the product of (-4) and (+3) is divided by (-2), the quotient is :
A. ½ B. 6 C. -1/2 D. -6
Q38. 6/1000 = __________________%.
A. 6 B. 60. C. 0.6 D. 0.006
Q39. What is the smallest positive number, other then 2, which, when it is divided by 3, 4, 5, will leave a remainder of 2?
A. 22 B. 42. C. 62 D. 122
Q40. Scientific notation of 0.00000316is:
A. 3.16×10 B. 3.16×10 C. 3.16×10 D. 3.16×10
Q41. Derivative of a constant number is .
A. 0 B. 1 C. × D. 1/×
Q42. Additive inverse of 1/ 5 is :
A. -5 B. 5 C. -1/5 D. 1
Q43. If cos cc = 3/5 and a lies in first quadrant, what is the value of sinc?
A. -4/5 B. 4/5 C. 12/13 D. -12/13
Q44. If ×/2<0<×, then 0 lies in _____________ quadrant.
Q45. The point (-5, 9) lies in which quadrant?
Q46. A force F =4, -2 acts through a displacement S= 3-j then work done is :
A. 14 B. 12 C. 1 D. 0
Q47. In general equation of line y=m×+c, slope is ?
A. Y ` B. m C. × D. c
Q48. Base of natural log is :
A. 10 B. e Cx D. 1
Q49. The two consecutive positive integers whose product is 156 are;
A. 13,12 B. 52,3 C. 26,6 D. 39,4
Q50. The range of data 209, 260, 270, 311 is ?
A. 311 B. 209 C. 102 D. 117
Q51. The first Session of the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan was Presided over:
A. Muhammad Ali Jinnah B. Liquat Ali Khan C. Jugindar Nath Mandal D. Khawaja Nazim ud Din.
Q52. The Provincial Administrative Chief in the Era of Hazrat Ummer (RA) was known as;
A. Governor B. Wall C. Ameer D. Naib
Q53. As of 1st December 202, _______is the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan.
A. Saleem Mandviwalla B. Sadiq Sanjrani C. Asad Qaiser D. Qasim Khan Suri
Q54. The Muslim Family Law ordinance was promulgated by :
A. Ayub Khan B. Yahya Khan C. Zulfikar Ali Bhotto D. Zia ul Haq
Q55. In 1946, the Muslim League was in favour of __________the Interim Government.
A. boycotting B. joining C. cooperating D. Indifference
Q56. The ___________phase of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CEPEC) is almost completed in 202.
A. 1st B. 2nd C. 3rd D. 4th
Q57. East Pakistan became Bangladesh on ____________1971.
A. 5 Septemeber B. 5December C. 16 December D. 21 December
Q58. The fast Summit Meeting 2019 of the Organization of Islamic Organization (OIC) was hosted by;
A. 1947 B. 1948. C. 1949 D. 1969.
Q59. The ICC cricket World Cup 2023 will be hosted by:
A. India B. Australia C. West Indies D. South Africa
Q60. Foreign policy in Pakistan is formulated by :
A. Foreign Office and President of Pakistan B. Foreign Office and Prime Minister
C. Foreign Office and Parliament D. President, Prime Minister and Chief of the Armed Forcs of Pakistan.
Q. 61. A computer that processes information in trillions of instructions per second is called:
A. Mainframe B. Mini frame C. Super computer D. Microcomputer
Q.62. One of the first mechanical calculator was:
A. ENIAC B. Pascaline C. Difference Engine D. Analytic Engine
Q. 63. The Computers that are artificial intelligence based belong to _________ generation.
A. First B. Third C. Fourth D. Fifth
Q. 64. Which of the following is NOT true about ROM?
A. It is volatile memory B. It is non-volatile memeory
C. It stores information permanently D. It is burnt at the time of manufacturing
Q. 65. Track of location of all files stored in a system is kept by:
A. Central Processing Unit B. Control Unit C. Operation System D. Primary memory
Q66. Which of the following is NOT a computer operation?
A. Thinking B. Input and Output C. Storing and retrieving D. Processing
Q67. A unique address for a file that is accessible on the internet is :
A. Hypertext Transfer Protocol B. IP address C. Universal Resource Locator D. MAC Address
Q68. The number of heading tags levels in Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is:
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8
Q69. To read information from the cheques, banks mostly use;
A. Magentic Ink Character Recognition B. Cameras C. Mouse D. Micrphones
Q 70. Main Memory is also called:
A. Cache memory B. Primary memory C. Secondary memory D. Magnetic memory
Q.71. The four sacred months mentioned in the Quran are : Muharram, Rajab, Dhu al- Hijjah, and.
A. Ramadan B. Safar C. Dhu al- Qi’dah D. Rabi’al-Awwal
Q72. Which Prophet was able to talk with animals and jinns?
A. Prophet Adam (A.S) B. Prophet Ibraheem (A.S) C. Prophet Sulaiman (A.S) D. Prophet Daniyal (A.S)
Q73. Which companion of Prophet (PBUH) was awarded with the title of “The sword of Allah”?
A. Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A) B. Umar Farooque (R.A) C. Ali Al-Murtaza (R.A) D. Khalid bin Waleed (R.A)
Q74. What was the name of Imam Bukhari (R.A)?
A. Muhammad bin Ismaeel B. Muhammad Ismaeel C. Muhammad Ibraheem D. Ismaeel bin Ibraheem
Q75. The Cave of Hira is in the ________________ mountain.
A. As-Safa B. Sil C. Uhud D. An-Noor
Q76. The heads of Zakat are .
A. 6 B. 7 C. 8 D. 9
Q77. Which country is called the “Land of Prophets”?
A. Saudi Arabia B. Iraq C. Syria D. Palestine
Q78. Saha Satta” (or Kutub al-Sittah are ___________books of Hadith.
A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8
Q79. Allah says, “Wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are mothers of the believers’’ in Surah.
A. Aal-e-Imraan B. Yaseen C. Muhammad D. Ahzaab
Q80. The “Battle of Yermuk” was fought between Muslims and.
A. Romans B. Jews C. Irains D. Buddhist
Q81. FIA was constituted as an Agency to conduct inquiry into and investigate the offences specified in:
A. Pakistan Penal Code (XLV of 1860) in respect of criminal offecne but not for cases of civil natrue.
B. The Schedule, including an attempt or conspiracy to commit, and abetment, of any such offence.
C. Crimes cognizable in violation of the law of the land, or those in ontraventin of a jirga agreement.
D. None of these.
Q82. As per FIA Act, 1947, The Superintedence of the Agency shall vest in the :
A. Federal Governments B. Provincial Government C. Federal and Provinical govT jointly. D. None of these.
Q83. The members of the Agency have powers to:
A. Forceful entry into a roost of criminals. B. Use of corporal punishment for investigation
C. Search, arrest of persons and seizure of property D. None of these.
Q84. The members of the Agency have such duties, privileges and liablities as:
A. The officers of a Provinicial Police have in relation to the investigation of offences under the Code.
B. The officers of a military unit have in relation to military personnel charged with an offence.
C. The officers of Railways, Shipping and Aviation in respect of disorderly passengers on board.
D. None of these.
Q85. A member of the Agency not below the rank of a Sub-Inspector may, for the purposes of any inquiry or investigation
under this Act, exercise any of the powers of :
A. The Assistant Commissioner or Magistrate under Section 35 of PPC his area of duty.
B. An officer-in charge of a Police Station in any area in which he is for the time being.
C. A unit commander of a regiment of armed forces in the area of deployment of the unti.
Q. 86. FIA Act means.
A. Federal inquiry Agency Act B. Federal investigation Agency Act C. Federal investigation Agency Act. D. None
of these.
Q87. Who can be deemed to be a public prosector?
A. Assistant Director Legal. B. Deputy Director Law C. Both & b D. None of these.
Q88. The Federal Government may amend the schedule of FIA Act.
A. Without notification in the Official Gazette B. By notification in the Official Gazette.
C. By verbal direction D. None of these.
Q89. Indeminty provision of FIA Act is given in section.
A. 8 B. 8-A C. 8-B D. none of these.
Q90. Superintendence of Agency has been given in Section.
A. 5 B. 4 C. 6 D. None of these
Q91. Administration of Agency is provided under section.
A. 4 B. 8 C. 10 D. None of these.
Q92. The Superintendence of Agency can be done by.
A. District Judge B. DIG C. Federal Govt D. None of these.
Q93. Arrest without warrant can be made by the;
A. Member of Agency B. Police only C. Director General only D. None of these.
Q94. Police Station includes any place declared as Police Staton.
A. Specially only B. General as well as specially. C. Locally only D. None of these.
Q95. A member of Agency may make an order for not transferring property under investigation.
A. Verbally B. In writing C. Both & b D. None of these.
Q96. The contravention of order under Section-5 of FIA Act is punishable with rigoruous imprisonemt of .
A. 1year B. 3years C. 4years D. None of these.
Q97. Delegation of Powers has been provided in Section ____________ of FIA Act.
A. 7-A B. 7-B C. 7 D. None of these.
Q98. The terms and conditions of service of the Director General FIA.
A. Can be provided in the Rules. B. Cannot be provided in the Rules.
B. Can be partially provided in the Rules. D. None of these.
Q99. Rewards may be given for commendable services to:
A. Members of Agency only. B. Director General only. C. Members as well as public D. None of these.
Q100. The Pakistan Special Police Establishment Ordinance 1348.
A. Has been repealed by FIA Act. B. Has not been repealed by FIA Act.
C. Cannot be repealed FIA Act. D. None of these.

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