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} Modelling of a Control System &Transfer Function Approach fer variation on the performance of the control ‘Show that the feedback reduces the effect of paramet performance of the control system. Also discuss bref the effect of feedback on the transient system, : = ()AS-2002 : 20 marks} — Solution: Consider an oper loc system, «(ay ar aG TGS) ence, Gedbackeduce te senetvy othe tanfe uncon fo changesin system parameters Elect otfeedbackion transient performance: 1. Feechack reduces the gain ofthe system. 2. Feedback reduces the system ime constant and thus increases response speed 3. Feedback shits the poleat he system to et 4. Feedback ntioduces the possibilty of instability 5. Feedback increases the bandwidth ofthe system. 2 _ Explain he effects of negative feedback in control systems on the following: Stability (i) External disturbances [AS-2008 : 20 marks} ‘Solution: aa For closed-loop system with negative feedback, oa as __as) a8 ' As) ~ 1+) —_| 2> WEEE Eteetical Engineering + Papert Solved Papers trical Engineering + Papert = (Stability: Negative feedback introduces the possibilty of instabily i it Tse becavse to characteristic equation of AS! may nave ats wth poitve real pans even G(s) itself is stable. . (i) External disturbances: Negative fesdback reduces the effect of external disturbances on out Consider the closed loop system with disturbances asshombeliw a 149 oe | _-1 . Tols) — GYS}H{s) Tus, foodback reduces te elect of disturbance ona system 2.3 Ifthe roots of characteristic equation ofa linear digital control system lie within unity circle in-plane, | the system is stable? [Considering A(s) = 0} _ [IAS-2008 20 marks} Solution: The charactéristc equation of ztransier function is 1+GH2)=0 + The stabilty region in z-plane corresponding to s-plane is located by mapping from s-plane to z-plane, 2transtorm is oblaried by substituting 2 = e*"in the coriesponding inipulsé train Laplace transform ‘The imaginary axis (jo) axis in the s-plane divides stable and unstable regions and the corresponding regions in z-domain can be obtained by putting s = + jo and plotting the values of ‘z' thus obtained in another complex phase called z-plane, ‘Therefore, z= etheT 2= (008 oT £/sin@1) Magritude, lzl=1 . Angle, 222207 Tus he varaion ofthe dependent variable'in the 2plane as thaindependat variable‘ vied along tHe imaginary axes in plane is given by a circle of unit radius central at origin of zplane. Let $=-a+jw [apointintheLHS.ofsplane] = 2= eb*2i8T= &-41(c0$ wT + jsin 7) lel =e" 22> 207 avand Theing positive Therefore, lzl<1 Hence ifthe roots of characteristic equation . system is stable. [region represents LH S.of s plane] of a linear contol system fe within unit circle in zplane the Fn MADE EASY Control Systems « 3 Q.4 The diagram of a speed control system Is given below: toa faa The generator e.m. is 2000 volts per field ampere. The motor e.mJ. €,, 18 1.6 volts rad-* sec. The motor torque K; is 0.5 N-m per armature ampere and the inertia of motor and load (s _ 10-*kg.m?, Assuming negligible friction, determine the transfer function a : ° a [IAS-2011 : 20 marks] Solution: soa e=1009 My tet Feta creut ‘Applying KVLin field circuit, Ye rity ~ Va(@) = Fyh(s) + slt(s) 1) Generatedemt, = Kyi; E,(3) = Kyh(s) 2) Applying KVL in armature circuit > Fi,+ Gy _ E,(s) = Ri,(s) +E,(s) _ @ Counter em of motor, Gp = Kyo Eq(8) = Kyols) Oo Developed Torque on motor, Ty= Kelp Tu(8) = Kh) © J 222 Neglecting con on eter Ty(s) = Jse(s) @) Block diagram fram above equations canbe drawnas + Kal) 1 [9 |r) | Rye sty R r as 619, Qs Solution: ee Electrical Engineering + Paper __ soted Paps a On reductioh of block ‘diagram we transfer furiction, . fs) ak ‘9. Vals) ~ (JASEKgKy | Rest. From given data we have, , K,= O5NanA K, = 2000V/A Ky= 1.5 Volts rad sec - J= 10+ Kg. m? os) 052000 -—_ > __ W(s) ~ TOF ei054-4SxOSKTOOS) ~ (O%s+0.75)(6+ 100) yey: Rik } Pyrslpuist Kuk) ote __ 108 Vq(s)_— (S+75)($-+400) ‘The transfer function of a thermocouple relating output voltage to temperature is given by Hence, transfer function is, ogee \VPRC. Put the transfer function in standard format and find the values of characterising s+ Parameters of the thermocouple. Determine the thermocouple output vollage’at t = 8s, when the therriocouple kept at ambient temperature‘of 20°C-at t=O ig taken to.a water bath kept at 80°C. [AS-2012 :3 + 4 = 7 marks) K Standard feat of vans uncon is 5g & Vs} _-d625xio+” sxt04 : ° Ts) s+0.125 (65+) For 1) = TU) 5 _ n= 2 __ T= Temperature diference between junctions >. fa) = Tx Q625XI04 _ 5, 0625x107 (1 3” 54015 0125 (Ss 540.125 : 14 20 -Fa) - Mi) = 57x 10-4(u()- eM) = Mi = ST(1- ex 104 4) V Tr cupletime constant = 8 secs. Steady sts. tof the thermocouple for T°C = STx104V T= 80°20" =60°C, Now, — T= 60°C and t= 8sec" 8 Wg'= 5x60 [1-688] x 104V ‘ =f) = 189,636 x 104'V = 18.963 mv noe ERSY 7 — __Conrol systems _« Pwned noc Determine all input output relationships ofthe system ations using the Mason's Gain formula: 16 Stat and explain the Mason's Galo formula represented bythe stot eovng nea 0a reece sy + Bly a= Bayt Ane * Bal Sheet and ee he inputs ands, and ae te tats of the system ¥ (Us. 2008 20 mata UCT Solution: | Mason's Gain Formula: The overall ransmitance (gain) C28 given below: bbe determined by a Mason's gain formula $ Pade ya TEU “Te es the Mason’ gain formula are explained below: Taste run panvarantanceclK pan rma specegineuinese wanowPu rage asserting P,nonade shouldbe encountered more than once. - ‘sis the graph deterrinant which imolves closedoop wens tovcring oops 1b = 1 [Sum of al indvival loop ransmitances} 2 = Teme op ranmitanoe produits fal possible pis NON-TOUCHING oops] * [gumotlop taraitance product fal posse wipes cl NON-TOUCHING oops] + lede bond ayisteban asa abies wine crea pa aigineher aldose ompene gaonwichale cated em the forward path under consideration. = 8 hy # get Di 7 pega as 7s oe tm VY ‘Case 1: Output is taken from x, and input is Uy & : = (9, Fanerg Aad * 8 Be % % aces and mulualinteraction between nn, oy (ais Beira + Bea) + Aire case 2 Output istaken fom and pit Up A= 1=(8+ Byte) * Ade UB THUR Bee + ea) Bie © Gage 4; Output is taken from x, and input is Up Be 1 (844+ Brera Bee) + 811 Bae . Pye Dy bys ta . My Py nay) Up Ht eithe * Bee) Free a 6» AUSTEN Electrical Engineering «Pa Q.7 The block diagram of a discrete time LTI_system ig.given below: _= Determine the transfer function H(z). — 2 ut 2) [1AS-2012 : 20 marks] Solution: a a relentes) MADE EASY Control Systems « 7 Q8 For the block diagram shown in the figure below, find the overall transfer function ofthe system, Verity the same, using signal-low graph analysis. popishe! [IAS-2012 : 20 marks} ‘Solution: Using block-diagram analysis: ap 1 : * A 6 aha peas 7 ’ 4 7 = {By moving take-off point from point 3p point 4) wo—Q-[S} Hest ae. as | IG, J 16,64 f OI TGKS 66,6, G,He# EH, | 2 é & Bg KURT electrical engineering + Paper 7 solved Papers B= 1-(Ly+h)=146,GH,+ 66 and ary eta GH, + G, Ga He OS) _ Pay _ PD 66,6, A) “a "8 * 14G,G,H,+G, GH ’ + «2.9 Forthe block diagram representation of the figure shown below, determine the system characteristic ‘equation. Is the system represented by thjs block diagram stable? \ . Rs) (s+ 1) (s+3) as) te Baca] . HAS-2012 : 10 marks) «Solution: © Given: G(s) = (s+ 1)(s-+ 3) anaTrRSy= ~~ a ers) HIeF Characteristic equations given by _ 1+ Gls) Hs) =0 Yq St Wls+3) _ me erates ~° | S465 484524 As 4920 => 2s?+ 10s+11=0 ‘This is the tequired system characteristic equation. Now, for stability: t ‘The Routh table of characteristic equation 2s*+ 10s + 11=Ois Routh table: vl2 ’ s'}10 elt ‘Since, there sign changes in fst coluan of the Routtrtable: According to Routh Hurwitz criterion, the * system is stable. Q.10 Some control Systems have more than one inputs applied at different points in the system. How do we find the response of such systems, using block diagram algebra? Illustrate your answer with the help of a simple example. (AS-2012 : 10 marks} ‘Solution: Consider a control system having more than one input applied at different points in the system as 7 7 TTUTTTT TUL ly ATT ADE ERs __Gntrol Sptems «9 The response of such sytem given by YH eM Rh Now, , Case-t, to ind ‘| ~_ Maben & = ¥ «0 Thon, 4 r a LRG | —~ —= z}— So, a Ba Hy % * 1-664, case. ote je] Mtn yi -0 Then, 4 - oy Ee} . ee GOK x LGGnmy Hence, overall responses given a5 ASIEETLIEIIN Hlectrical Engineering a x af x KH eee x %°% He G46 +G,G,He + Goth 1-6, He + Papert S| ae r ing control Using the Block diagram simpifcaion method reduce the block siagra ‘of the following eave aaguad fotae QS mm {x} an system {was 2618; 20 marks} Soliton: «a—-Q) 0 a n ~Liise7 = 110s) a @lis+ Teco Hoye Control Systems «44 tt) BARR 8y tu and Mie output equations are: Yee + 8x, + 20, Yomi raw the state transition signal flow graph and find the characteristic roots of the system. [148-2013 : 20 marks} Solution: _, Signal flow graph, (0 Here system matrix, lo. Characteristic roots of system S los -1]=0 0.2 s+3 -. = As(e+3)+2)=0 ~ = s(5?+.35+2)=0 D ‘Characteristic rots of system are Q.14 The steady-state errors for unit step input to type-O, type-1 and type-2, unity feedback systems are finite non-zero, zero and infinite respectively. - (IAS-2002 : 20 marks) Solution: (s) Eno, ai = aa RS 49 Tay as) = Seeady sateen, = mat) = fim ss) . = tim SAS) = 8a SOT AS) —_—— For unit step input. Als) = t 1 1 = fo MOTOS) * FAO K(S+ 2X84 Z5) woe Mf eee OO)= (e+ PNP) Then, nis the type of the system, 0) Fite | UT + GO) 1 | inne | Zero Infrae | Zero Type 0 Q.15 A second order system has the characteristic equation s? + 28 «,8 + @,? = Its varied, how the poles move and what are the responses forall possible cases of damping? {1AS-2008 : 12 marks} Solution: = 14 G(s) =0 So, a(s) is the characteristic equation ofa closed loop system with G(s) as the open loop transfer function. To see the variation of the roots of a(s) with & we need to draw the root locus of G(s) tuys) Gs) = 8 . (F+a,') ony (20,8) (8+ fay Xs- . G9) = § 5 ° a= «(eae ELLE CEECLCetE s am Nema ea} oe oc pit The root locus plot shows the varialon of poles with [K = 2 a, For 0 < & < 1; the poles'are’ complex conjugates, for & = 0. the poles are purely imaginary, for & = 1, the poles are real and equal and for E> 1. the poles are real and distinct. 0.16 Consider the system shown in figure where the damping ratio & = 0.6 and the natural frequency «@,= 5 radisec. Obtain the values of rise time t, peak time f,, maximum overshoot M, and setting time t,lor the 2% criterion when the system is subjected to @ unitstep input aa “8 artes | TO [IAS-2008 : 20 marks) = SS 7 7 7 7 . r mn Solution: = Given: Damping ratio, & = 06 ; Natural frequency, w, = 5 rad/sec [ To find 7 rr! (i) Rise time t, + (i) Peaktime t, r (iil) Maximum overshoot Mp {iv) Settling time 1, (for 2% criterion) ;| Now, for unit step input, closed loop transfer function is given by | As)? +2tu,s+0n (i) Peak time 1, is given by, fy 7 7 __ 20.785 see ad shitoor (i) Mowmumoventothy Hye oF gO «cote ne (@) Fo: 2% citron, the setting time i given by te ba 4 aS sec "ie, O6xS 3 Q.17 _APID control system is shown below: For K,=0 tnd the valid of K, and Ky sotal te and has a damping ratio of-0-9-and the dominant Solution: For k,=0 system tiaé no steady-state error with step input time constant of 1. UAS-20}1 : 20 marks} «2 —| (erie Ket Kps Os) _ _. Kp-tKos Ag) ~ 341+ Kp +Kos "F+Ko +18+Kp Comparing the characteristic equation with standard second order equation s+ 250,5+ af = 0. So, Time constant = = —2— Ket 5 ie Time constant = 1 23 mADE EASY Z _ Q.18 For the control system, shown in the following figure, de Control Systems +15 jetermine the steady-state error for a unit step input in terms of K and K,, where E(s) = As) - Q(s). Determine the value of K, wher steady-state error is 210 aa [x GP ara rT Solution: Als) = K, As)- Os) &{s) = K, Als) - Els) Gis) . Els) (1 + Gls) = K, Ais) K 1 a= 2 k, a > £9 = G5) Kk Les ine) = fins) = tins Gy = Tem a9. [IAS-2012 : 20 marks} So, the steady state error is zero forall non zero values of K, and K. Q.19 State and explain various test inputs in contro| systems. Solution: Various test inputs: 1. 8(0):unit impulse Laplace transform = 1 = ratep « ["=!22 2 wo enitsiep = [0°79 Laplace transl = 2 untranp = [¢ 22 3. am =| ino 1 transform = 1 Lapcewersom = fo 4 xt) unit parabolic signal = | > ‘* 0 t<0 1 Laplace transform [IAS-2013 : 10 marks] = at .20° For the conitol system: aa K f= 10" Newton m per rad/sec Re) Waa Sal | xlO%kg-m? | ‘The steady state error for Unit famp input is 0.01. Dete the value of K. * eae +t qAs-2013 3/5 marks] Solution: ‘ : Given: G(s) = zo = 0.01 (or unit ramp input) Now, &{s) = Als) - Cs) = Als) - Els) As) : : As) = — Errorsignal, &s) 7+) For unit ramp input, Als) = + 3 1 89" Figo) Steady tate ere, segs (Ne HE = Irn cts, Q.21 Braw the approximate time resporise of af uriderdampéd secénd order system subjected to unit step input disturbance in desired value for the following cases of complex conjugate poles:_ (i) with constant real part (i) with constant imaginary part (jl) with constant damping ratio In each case consider at least 2 sets of values and mention the most important feature of the response. — [IAS-2014 : 20 marks} Solution: : For second order system with unit step input, _ Os) a As) 7 +20,5+0h tot i ‘The response is given as, Output = C(t) = 1--F sin], y1=F1 + tan § ee Poles: —E0,+ jg lI-E?, Ea, — joy 1-6" (1) With constant real part The setting mes will be equal tems_ «17 Control ‘The peak times will Be equal, (Gi) With constant damping ratio, The amount af peak avershoo will stay the same. 7 = . @.22 The transfer function of a system is given as: Os) (s+3) Ais) §5+ (s+ 2) Find out the impulse respon ofthe system, Solution: _ Transfer hincton he given systems uAS-2016 | 10, maine)’ < A) _ +9), 3s HS) Fa) * Fever) ~ Gr Hs+2)" I+ WS+2) t 1 4-3] Sei sed*sloet ovo 3 3 Taking inverse Laplace transfor, 3 apt loa = singe, = [S-a9" defen (+ Impuise response = Inverse Laplace transform of transfer function) @.23 (i) Figure shows the block diagram of a control system. Find its characteristic equation. (i) Calculate its damping factor and undamped natural frequency for K = 10. (il) What should be the value of K for critical damping? (w)_ For K = 10, ind the expression for c{f) and obtain the time at which the first overshoot occurs. Also caleulate the peak overshoot magnitude, {1AS-2016 : 20 marks) Solution: K , G (+9, ak (i) Transfer function, a =, ate “WOH > Ks “Sas+8+K) a As+2s Transfer function with unity feedkabk; . G 4k K 1G” IRA IRT BAY ex [onze 4 Characteristic equation = 1 + G(s) = #a(2r hoax . (ii) Fork =10, Characteristic equation = 5? + 455+ 10 Comparing with: s+ 2Ea,5+ 0% We get, ©, = Ji radisee = 3.16 radisec— (iil) For cfitical damipiig, as, 2eredR'= 2+6 K-48K +64 =0 = Forcritical damping K = 1.37 of K= 46.62 (iv) Fork = 10, For second order-system, with unit step input, c= 1 silazre) at (og We? ° a= ob=Ba? =2.22 * First peak overshoot time, f, = Magnitude of frst peak overshoot, MADE Ens Explain the fllowing terms in reference to performance indices ln & control system. Rise time Intra square error Integral of tims mitpied squaréeror Integral absolute error ont Integral of tine multiplied absolute error | us-2016 : 10 marks) | 0 Fis time: Time requied fo a pulse tise rom 10 per centto 90 per cent ois staady-stte Integral square error: A measure of system performance formed by integrating the square ofthe *eystom error ever a fixed interval oftime, ise = [état Integral of time mutipiod square errr: mise = Jeena a I penalizes lage és more heey than smat'ones,Anayicalrackingspossible'generally., Integral absolute ero: Itis appropriate for non-monotonic step responses and is not easy to rack analytically. 5. Integral oftime mulipied absolute error: 1 Juana j Provides similar resuls as IA, puts less weight on e{) for smal’ at more for large "t 2.25 Consider the system described by: ()-( ae) Obtain the transfer function ofthe system, Solution: “| (-E Ich vn of] 4 °Comparngwitstandardequation, # = Ax(t)+ Bu(t)and y= Cx(t) + Dutt) _ [3 of] C=[1 O, D=Na « {IAS-2016 : 10 marks} eed Malhe eliad . ‘Solved Papers Wanster function = Otay) g (st o-[y 1 3 set . 3 : coat 1 1 ae 3 seal" ee pisedyed (way ae 1 foot pi Pls sal) (stay B=} 5 |p 4d ve baes ‘ 5 - a C(s!- Ay? B= [1 0) Fe pa - 45507 a Transter function, Qs) = —S_ 45847 Q.26 Consider a unity feedback system having transfer function, #3. "z, a Determine the open- +bsta loop transfer function and steady-state error coefficients. (1AS-2017 : 15 marks} Solution: Qs)__ia G Fis) * Fyaea Tog (Given tha system is unity feedback) = A146) = 7 G- ae (Open oop anterior ° -_2 ~ - © 98+) . Steady-state error coefficients: A (@)Forunit step (Position function): K,= LinG\s) = Un geeH 27 8% (©) For unitramp (Velocity function): Ky= Linsais) = ben Sach" —. () For unit parabola (Acceleration function: : = Lims?ls)= Lins? 2 $0 XS. QLEEGELEEEEERBEECELGE , as fe se FP Control systems «24 @.27 Forte system, whose open-loop transter incon i. 6s) H(s) = == £——. detemine Kwich (s+ 2F (S43) eee satisfies the following specifications: aa (Position error constant K, 2 2. (Gain margin> 3 {AS-2018 : 20 marks} Solution: : Given: Open loop transfer function (OLTF) 2s Gis)HKs) = G42F 643) To determine the valve of K (i) Poston eror constant K2 2 ‘As we know, poston error constant Ks given by K indanis So, = im —*__ St ea Esa AAs given, Kee = k = gee . $0, K22 (i) Gain margin 23 K K = GMS) = rae alead) | STs +6541 = Ge) Ha) x x TPT #60412 (16a-a8) + (12-70) For imaginary part to be ze10, 160-? = 0 - (16-0?) = 0 = . = 0.4radisec So, w= 4 radisec is phase cross-over frequency, 0. oa K K NOW CFOTATT ag ara * 5a k [UOMO = a5 Gain margin, ‘As per question, 23 100 100 = mend aK = a Ks 3333 So, the value of K satisfying above bath conditions is given by 24s Ks3333 @ (ii) Steady-state error resulting from application of unit step and unit ramp Input. " 7 [1AS-2018 : 20 marks} Solution: Given, G(s) = 32 = : His)= 1 (Unity feedback) 0 w@ | | Gs)= 72-4. Determine te Percentage overshoot resulting from application of unit step input. 9 ss+t 9 +4 Percentage overshoot resulting rom application of unit step input Characteristic equation is given by = 14 Gls) M{s)=0 _ - G(s) Hs) = 9 7 re ary *° = s?4+549=0 Comparing this characteristic equation with standard second order characteristic equation F + 2u,5+ of =0, we get af = 9and2u,=1 : radlsee “2x36 = bs i} 01 0.1667 Maximum peak overshoo! for unit step inputs given by Mee aii? ~ = . Mpa e mere OT! «09 5879 oF 58.79% Steady-satererorresuting fom application of uit step input and unit ramp input —As)_ , Error signal canbe given by. ES) = + arf ‘where As) = Input signal So, steady-state eroris, = ims: E(s)= lm, ae {a) For unit step input (ie. Als) = is) p xl oy Cu ane 8 gs+) {b) for unit ramp input (ie. A(s) = 1/s?) 1 sxt lin —E my a+ | Q.29 Routh-Hurwitz'and continuous fraction stability criteria tell whether the system is stable or unstable. They do not tell anything about the relative stability of the system. a) [1AS-2001 : 20 marks] “sotution: . In control system theory, the Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion is a mathematical test that is a necessary and sufficient condition for the stability of a control system. Routh-Hurwitz-and' continuous fraction stability Criteria tell whether the system is stable or unstable. Consider a closed-loop transfer function a+ Dm yS+ 0m _ BS) $ap48+a, Als) Where a's and bs are real constant and ms n. An alternative to factoring the denominator polynomial, = auh's stability criteria, determine the numberetclosed-loop poles in the right-halfofs-plane. Algorithm for applying Routh's stability Criterion: : The algorithm describe Below, like the stability citerion, requires the order of A(s) to be finite. 1... Factor out any roots at the origin to obtain the polynomial, and multiply by -1.if necessary, to obtain. ays! aS" bose Ay 18+ a= O- where a #0 anda, > 0 2... if the order of the resulting polynomial is at least two and any coefficient a, is zero or negative, the polynomial has at least orie ot with non-negative eal part. To obtain the precise number of roois with hon-negative real part, proceed as follows. Artahge the coefficient of the polynomial, and values ‘subsequently calculated from them as shownbelow: - , ' Sh em % wl a ay & . ge Oe a ve G4 & eG vt od db dh oO _ ge Fe - ~ ~ st f 2. % : by = = 4% a —. ; act . Generated until all subsequent coefficients are zero, Similarly, gross multiply the coefficient ofthe two ‘Previous rows to obtain the o,, o, etc Dia - aby 5 ‘Until the 1!" row of the array has begn completed. Missing coefficients are replaced by zeros. The resulting array is called the Routh affay. The column beginning with a iS considered to be the first column ofthe array. ce = - 3. Count the number of sign changes in the first column ofthe array Itcan be shown thal a necessary and sufficient condition for al rots of (2)to be located in the et-half plane is that athe 2,are positive ‘and all of the,coeffcient in the frst column be positive: « Routh’ stability critrian provides the answer to the question of absolute stabily Bit it does rot tell anything about the relative stability of the’ system because we do not know the exact location of roots. 0.30. The magnitude of transfer function Whose poles are only.n the left half of’ plane and whose | zer08 are mirror images ofthe poles about the ja-axis is independent of frequeficy- . UJ aS aoc 20 marks] ‘Solution: 5 6 4a by : ‘splane representation of poles and zeroes (s-Fa) qs = (S=NS=AD Transfer function, = (5+RNS+P,)... (SP,) A s=jo _ (i= PMP) (i= Py) Ue) = GaeP\GorP) ... ia+P,) > fejoy ~ Yor e Pilot At... Loree, “4 fu? +P? fo? +2... Jo? +P? ‘Thus, the magnitude is independent of frequency. j Q.31 _Routh-Hurwitz criterion is an algebraic method that provides it Sf information on the absolute stabi linear time invariant system that has a characteristic equation with constant coefficients. ve (AS-2008 : 20 marks} MADE EASY Control Systems Solution: ‘Suppose the characteristic equation of a control system is given by Gs) = ast as F A244 a, sealed We use the coetficients to form a routh array Ss [mma en oa Pm mb ? Aen h% 7 a =o ae p= MECH A For the system to be stable, each term of frst column should be positive of a, > 0. >: Q.32 Jury stability test states that if the first element of descending order polynomial, viz a, > 0, then all roots of the polynomial Q(2) are inside the unit circle if and only ifthe first element in each od-— ‘numbered row is positive inthe derived array. Solution: ee TAS-2005': 20 marks] Jury's stability test: The identification of the roots of a characteristics polynomial Q(z) = 1+ Glz) Hz) within the unit circle for determining system stability of a sampled-data control system is done by Jury's stability ceriterion consider the following 1" order polynomial of 2 2) = 2" +12" aot .taye- a >0 1. Necessary condition forthe roots ofthe above polynomial G(2) tole within a unitciscle centred at the rign of zplane are - —=a1)>0 - CP Q-1) > 0 ard lal KEESESTIE Crectrical Engineering + Papers ~__sbivedPapes The array is given in table below: Inthe array mentioned above, the elements of 2%, 4". 6"... etc upto (27-4) rows are respectively the elément of 1°, 9%, 5... etc upto (2n-~ 5) rows in reverse order. The elements of 3°, 5" .. eC upto (2n~3) rows are determined by following sécond order determines e | for 3 row, k=0, 1, .. (2-1) & ] RD ma for SP ow, k= 0,4, oc =2) for 7" row, k= 0, 1, .. (2-3) Sufficient condition for roots ofthe characteristic polynomial Q{2) to ie within a uni given by lal < lal lal > lo, lel > Ic, : lal > lagl ll > Iql with (n— 1) constraints Hence, Jury stability test states that if the first element of descending order polynomial viz a, >.0, then all roots of the polynomial (Xz) are inside the unit circle if and only if the first element in each odd- numbered row is positive in the derived array. 33 Prove that for linear time invariant system for BIBO stability al he roots ofthe characteristic equation must be located in the left half of s-plane. [AS-2008 : 20 marks) Apna ayy [Canaan ype gig ‘Wo can seat ont fr (ots at eines plane, we get esponses hat are onoonstin ay See econ 28> STEEN recicaEngineering «Papert __— nas: @.34 Determine the stability of the closed-loop system whose transfer function Is ive" 10 M8) = 552s" 4 3s) + 6s" + 8543 iu 2009 : 20 marks} Solution: r ‘Characteristic equation, | : als) = 8+ 2st + 35° + 65? + 85 +3 We e508 € “Thus, thave willbe a sign change inthe first column. So, the system is unstable Q.35 The loop Transfer function of a system is given by: 7s+4 SVS) = 554 Ast + 8548) “ind the number of roots located on the imaginary ‘axis and also their values using the Routh table. s there any root on the right hand side of the s-plane? | [AS-2010 : 20 marks] ‘Solution: Characteristic equation, 1 + Gis) H(s) =0 So, + (s 442485 +8)+784+4=0 = +5824 1554 12=0 5 = 2 Number of roots located on imaginary axis = Number of roots located on right side of s-plane = 0. Hence, system is stable. 0.96 Explain how this is adopted to determine the stability of control systems? . {AS-2010 : 5 marks] Solution: . The characteristic equation ofa closed loop system is given by ‘ = 14 M9)_ O9)+Ms) Ds) Os) as) = 1+ (8) Hs) . TUTTITTTT ATT UUUVATTI Luh ove rT x & — We see that the poles of q(s) are the same as the poles of loop gain Gs) H(s). For system to be stable, 4s) ‘must no| have any 2eroes in right half s;plane. So, if we draw q(6) corresponding to Nyquist contour i.e. ‘counter that encloses the entire right half s plana, then the corresponding contour of q(s) should encircle its ‘origin in counterclockwise dection only as many times as thére are poles of G(s) H{s}in righthalf s plane, {or the closed loop system to be stable. Ithisis not so, then a(s) has zeroes in right half-plane and the , systemis urslable,. 4. Q.37-_ Using Routh-Hurwitz ci determine the maximum value of K for which the following control system is stable: X Z a Ga (+0023) 5+2) ss (1AS-2011 : 10 marks} Solution: - = Characteristic equation {5+2)(1.+0.025)+2K=0 aevaln Z)-2K =0 = As +2) (s+ 50) + 100K = 0 = AS? +52 $+ 100) + 100K =0 > S+52e+ 1008+ 100K=0 ' ‘So, Routh table is 1 00 Fis 100K _ s*| 100-100K | 10x For stability and, = _ Hence, forthe system to be stable, 0 < Kx 52, 0.38 What are the limitations’ Routh-Hurwitzertrion when used for determining system stability? What is Nyquist analysis? (AS-2012:: 6 marks] Solution: ‘The limitations of Routh-Hurwitz criterion ae as: . (i) gives no information about the relative stability ofthe system. (i) Itprovides no information on how a system can be compensated. (li) Altcoefcients of the polynomial (characteristic equation) should have same sign. they are not ofthe ‘same sign, the number of sign chariges indicate the numberof roots with positive real parts (jv) When any row of Routh-array has zero as its first element, the tabulation cannot be continued. Nyquist Analysis: Nyquist criterion is used ta identity the presence of roots of characteristic equation of a Control system in a specitied region of plane. BO > RUBS cecal enginening - Papert : In this, open loop transfer function Gs) H(s) i considered instead of closed loop characterise ‘equation 1+ G(s) His) =0. “Moreover, inspection of graphical plotof G(s) H(s) enables to gat more information than ¥ Cf Routh-Hurwitz method pertaining to stability of conta systems. 2.39 For aposition control system as shown inthe figure below, determine the range of compensator gain : K and the location of zero in left haif for which the system is stable. Kissa) 1 Gd 1s) ‘Aetual poston Solved Papers ES or NO ariswer . [IAS-2014 : 20 marks] Solution: Characteristic equation: 1 + G(s) H(s)=0 > s+) (s + 2)(s+3)+ Kis+ a) =0 => SS + 1) (2 +5846) + K(s+a)=d : = IS 45s + 654574 5546] + Kise a) =0 = JS +62 + 11846] + Ks+ a) =0 F659 + 11524 (6+ K)s4Ka=0. ‘So, Routh table is aK ' Froms’no, 2K. a Keeo From s®now, ak>0 ° = K>0 As given a> 0] From s' now, 362K k+9)-S% 50 . aeak Ce K+6 60 >0 . 7 36ak = Ke6> oe Mek (K+6)60-K) | = 0-9) 510 = a< KeGfe0-1) 36K Control Systems 4 = ag (OKIE 560-849, CMH +90) 1 360 43 A{s4-K +580 Poa ac (oe 420) 2.40 The open loop transfer function ofa unity negative feedback control sysiom fs given by @tsy=———_ (+2) (s+ 4)(s? + 65+ 25) For what value of K, will the ‘System work as an oscillator in its closed loop form? 7 [IAS-2016 : 5 marks) Solution: : ,- (8+2)(s+4)(s? +65+25) ane Characteristic equation, 14s) (s+ 2) (s+ 4}4s%+ 6s + 25) + Sf 126+ 6952 + 1985.4 K+ 200 Routh table: e sf 4 69 K+200 se} 12 198 0 | 625 K+200 <1 | Z098=12K 525 #1 K+200 For system to be oscillatory coefficient corresponding to s* row should be zero. ‘ 7995 - 12K K = 666.25 Q.41 The characteristic equation of a system is given by 14359 +408? + 208+ 100-0 - = es ‘By Routh-Hurwitz criterion, determine the number of poles of the system with Positive real parts. * : DAS-2018 : 10 marks) _ Sdlution: Giver: Characteristic equation of a systems sf +359 + 1032 + 208 + 100 = 0 Using Bout Huowitz criterion, the Routh table is “11 10 100 #}3 2 #| 2 4 37 s'|-70 # | 100 ‘According fo Routh-Huwitz criterion, there are two sign changes (ie from 1018 10-70 and 700 100)in the fist column olthe Routh table. . So, there are two poles 6 system with postive real part Hence, the system is unstable, aae At any point on the root locus with anglé condition satistiéd, the’ value of K-varlable parameter. (for this point to be a root) is obtained as k = Product of lengths of vectors from poles Product of lengths of vectors from zeros ‘ -{1AS-2004 : 20 marks] Solution: Q.43 Consider the characteristic equation = 1+ G(s) H(s) = 0 _ K(s+ Z)(s+ Z.).. — a ADH) = “CRS A). It cas be seen thatthe characteristic equation is satisfied at s = s, only when (asyesf 1, 4) ZG(s,) H(s,) = = (2q+ 1) x 180° 42) Itis given that the angle condition holds. So, - [Glas =1 Afsi+ Zils + Zal - Sit Filsi+ A s+ Zils + Za __ Product of lengths of vectors from poles © Product of lengths of vectors from zeros K Identify the correctness of the following statements. Justify your answers: (i) The root locus gives idea about system's transient behaviour. (ii) For an inherently stable second order system, all the coefficients of characteristic equation are of the same sign. (ii) A critically damped system has sustained oscillations. eee (AS-2012:3 4.443 = 10 marks] Solution: (1) _ The root locus plot shows the location of closed loop poles for various values of gan We can identity the dominant poles and by their distance from the origin, we can infer about the system's transient behaviour. (li) Characteristic equation of a second order systemiis, a8 +a,s+a,=0 So, Routh tale: Flan s|a wale Thus, for stability, all coefficients of the equation must have same sign. MADE ERSY Control Systems “« 33 (il) This statementis false Ateritcal damping, tet Consider acrtically damped system, Oe AS) © $420,584.08 For unit step input, Als) = i 2 Of) = 1x S s?+20,5+02 => 7 th= 1-0 —aagt ert! ‘The response is not oscillatory. Hence proved. ae e Q.44— Determine the break-in point in the root locus of a control sygtem with G{s)FX.s) = fe 2 . , {IAS-2013.:°5 marks] Solution; The break away point is determined by a (s2#5+10). 9 ds\ s+2 - (25+ is+2)-(9°+5+10) See 0 (s+2P = 2s?4ds4+542-s?-s-10=0 — = S+4s-8=0 ‘So, break-in points are 5.464 and 1.464 Q.45 Consider a control syster*with characteristic equation, s(s + 4) (s2 + 2842) + K(s+ 1) =0 Draw complete root loci labelling all important values. Find the angles of asymptotes and the intercept of asymptotes. [AS-2016 : 10 marks} Solution: 8+4) (P+ 2542) Kis+ 1) =0 ee (8-44) (s? +2542) OUE = GS) = aye 057) 0 345 MGUY eecriateagineering « paper __ pemen - _— Solved Papers n + Number of asymptotes = P= Z=4-1=3 1802+) _ go», 190°, 300° (Since, n= 0, 1,2) P-Z . . _ Centroid = 2/24! part of poles~Ereal partof zeros P-Z Angle of departure for poles, 9= E2Poles'-£.>1, . 2010g| G(u)! =-40 10g u 201eg\Gtil Phasé = ZG(jo)= ~ia'( 285) - wot z : iy ogo 0.49 “A second order closed loop system is stable, if the open loop system has all its poles in RHS of plane": Use Nyquist Criterion to justify your answer. {1AS-2008 : 20 marks} Solution: — The Nyquist stability criterion states that if the contour Tg, of the open loop transfer function G(s) Hs) — corresponding to the Nyquist contour in the s-plane entircles the point (-1 + j0) in the counter clockwise direction as many times as the number of right half s-plane poles of G(s) Hs), the closed loop system is stable. Thus, mere existence of all open loop poles in RHS of S-PIaNe GOSS TT GuaraNTEe closed Igop stability. X Q.50._ The Nyquist plot of an all-pole second order open loop system is shown in figure. Obtain the transfer function of the system. 38> Electrical Engineering + Papert! : Solved Papers Solution: Kk The polar plot ol TT ja 7 Kis jars) GWEN by So, comparing it withthe plot given, = ke2 0 , use (2) ite =? — | Kite (3) | Th =? | ite vol | a an | 1 | * Vik = hehe d | = = 4724127, This equation has no real solution. So, there is no value of K, T, and 7, that can give us the given plot. Q.51 Explain the ‘Principle of the argument’ of the complex-variable theory. _ © (1AS-2010: 5 marks) sora ——€£ = BHZNS~Zp) -S-Za) Consider a polynomial, 99 = SNe) eet ‘Suppose we take a contour in s:plane and then get @ corresponding contour in q{s) plane. I the contour in s-plane encloses P poles and Zzer0es of q(s), then the contour in q(s) plane will encircle its oxigin (PZ) times in the counter clockwise direction. This is known as principle of argument. Q.52_ The critical point in using the Nyquist criterion is (-1, /0) in G(s)H(s) plane and not the origin {0, /0). Why? : [IAS-2010 : 5 marks) ‘Solution: Gls) Hs) = [1 + Gls) Ha] 1 ‘The contour of G(s) H{'s) corresponding to the Nyquist contour in the ‘plane is the same as contour of [1 + G(s) H(s)] dravin from the point (-1, 0). This the encirclement of the origin by the contour of 41+ G{s) H(s) is equivalent to the encirclement of point (-1, 0) by the contour of G(s) Hs). a : a Polar plot for critically stable system Pavan | cya = — KK ik -0*(14 jor) w(14 07?) 1+ oT?) Iti) - —K wVis671? TZ Sa aT imGleo) KK IimGlee!) = zeae x x 9: F048 2G(eW") n404-0 [im GiRe!) lim KK __ Am Re (14 ReAT) This system is unstable as the Nyquist plot encircles (-1, 0) twice in clockwise direction. Q.85 For the following control system with sinusoidal Input signal, determine the frequency at which the output magnitude is maximum. Rs) eal shot ro (AS-2011 : 10 marks) Solution: a9. or) TT ’ “ot aie K : 89 = Fie K ok AKT Se) = “Feat oieaFT)* afte oF) ZGlew") : x00 jim are’) 4 2G(Rei) This system is unstable as the Nyquist plot encircles (~1, 0) twice in clockwise direction. Q.55 For the following control system with sinusoidal Input signal, determine the frequency at which the =~ .output magnitude is maximum. AS) 00 weet shot ; cn oe . ‘ [IAS-2011 : 10 marks} a seltion a ot Ho) H8)= Fyi05 6900 1100 Fa H100-- 7100 (| = —t as Mill = goa" +1006" Ul « On Yi 0% — 1000" For [Hal tbe tighest, erarinaors 10 be lowe E10 ot 1007} = 0 1547 - sie approximation fhe vation of gain with requency of & control systern (Bode plot) The asymptot ‘ow. Determine the transfer function of the system. is shown bel (AS-2018 : 10 marks) 42> Gactrical Engineering « Papert : Solved Papers ‘ 20log 1G (ja)| = -2010g 10 ” t 12 we)” v2] -2009{1+ 25) og* 4 oy" wt \" so 5)” Ss) Solution; — a9) 9. As) ~ As) * Sal+eK Os) K = > Forexample, Ts}= =e ea Q.58 Explain the following™(!) Gain margin (ji) Phase margin. How are they determined from Nyquist plot and Bode plot? i {VAS-2013 : 20 marks} Solution: . (1) Gain Margin (GM): The GM is a factor by which the gain of a stable system is allowed to increase before the system reaches instability. In decibel, GM is given by OM = 20 RTL ~~" Where ja iscalqulated at the phase cross-over frequency (w,,). (i) Phase Margin (PM): The PM ofa stable system isthe amount of addtional phase bring the system to the point of instability. mae ‘The PM is given by, PM = 180+ ZG(jo) Ho, where (jw) H{ja) is calculated atthe gain cross- Ope 3° <6UHiall,_. > 190 = = 100° = Positive PM = 180°+ ZGi@) HCO, 4. Therefore systomis sable. Case-Il: fx = 1 Le. Nyquist plot cuts the negative real-axis at the unit circle. — GM = 201091 =048 and op. ZOUja) Uo... = 80" =2Hence, PM = 180°+ 2G(jo)HUja, 4 = Therefore, system is critically stable. Casoili: Ix > 1 i.e: Nyquist plot cis the negative rea-ax's outside the unit circle 1 = EM = 2069-4 =Negave andy < ye = ZG(oHial,. .,, < ABP 5 PM = 120"+ ZG{jo) Ha)... = Negative Therefore, system is unstable. GM and PM using Bode Plot: Consider the Bode plot of a control system as, = Phase cross-over frequency and a, = Gain cross-oyer frequency. ‘The gain in dB at phase cross-over frequency isthe gain margin, ‘The phase marginis given by PM = 180" 2¢ + £GUia) Ho For a stable system, both GM and PM are positive, Q.59 _Anapproximate Bode plot of magnitude for a system was obtained and is shown below. Identify the system in terms of minimum phase transfer function. [1AS-2014 ; 10 marks) ‘Myg = 66 ~20 log (1 +100)" + 20 fog (1 + 07)" — se : oft) ales) Solution: 400, = 20 log (1995.26)~201og (1+ 100 «2)!2-+ 20 og (1 + a7)" any" ae yt iat) sa *1995.26(1+ 9) tribe) 60. A-plant has open-loop transfer function, 88= aT AT OES Gs) = I Determine the complete stability information of the unity feedback closed loop system by sketching yquist path and nyquist plot. a [IAS-2014 : 10 marks] Solution: 2 GIS) = S40:1X14 058) * | 2 ° Oo" oleigyors) = Gli) = Control systems «4 i So, isis a stable system, I sate the Nyquist stability crterion, Draw the complete Nyquist plat and therefore check the stability atte czstizep aston vice opeonp vader ren tate) = ED ~ {IAS-2015 : 20 marks) Solution: a —_ = Nyquist Stability Criterion: Ihe contour Y,ofthecpenloop transfer function G(s) H(s) corresponding to A rece be put! + tbe cana cokes sion a Ty Meta reoanpal pare poe) Hoe cae bop yam sl are ere nringlNyaistctou n Ce wl rordeNQSs. The Nala recep ith ad o8 ane ee > Lui Sewies Mains EE ee : ewes E Solved Papers Mapping of |: Kw 4) GUiw) Hjay = Klin 4) (aFGo+ KP 16 [QXia) Hije)| = fl Wie Mapping of I: ; na Puting s= Ret were ovaies tom + t2~Eand in, G(s) Hs) = fo aigen0e" ie 0 varies from mo x. * Mapping of III: Inverse plot of that of Mapping-! A ng . ‘Mapping of IV: Putting s= Re! where 0 varias om ~Ft0+:5 and fim, Hew e we Then, Gls) HS) = im 9. Ovaries from x to Ano where radius is infinity So, Nyquist plot is given by (integrating mapping segments trtt-HtancH¥}-————— mg Now, number of encirclement of (-1 + /0), N=-2 Number of open-loop poles in RHS of s-plane, P= 0 So, Z=N+P ‘ = Z=-240=-2 ‘System would have two closed loop poles in RHS of splane. So system is unstable. (+ Nis taken positive in clockwise direction)_ a Se eS OEEROCESOOSERSOOSS te ype RATA MADE ERsy 62 Control Systems +. 47 62 The - Per-loop transfer function ofa unity feedback control system is given by: @s)= K it ‘(1+ 02s) (1+ 0.058) Soluti Determine the value.of K so thatthe gain Ba 1s 2048. [1AS-2015 : 10 marks] lon: aa worsens - K z oo vol 79-5 For imaginary part tobe zero, 2 a 100 = =100/4 25 Gain margin = -2000g |G/10)| K 2 = -20b0955 K logos =! Koa _ B70 K=25 0.63 For a given unstable open-loop system whose transfer function is Qs) H{s) = s+3 (s— Hen: sketch the yquist contour and nyquist plot. Comment on the stability of the closed-loop system. ANAS-2017 : 20 marks) Solution: Nyquist contour: ‘Nyquist pl Mapping of above nyquist contour on GH-plane will provide nyquist plot Above contour has fou’ segment Il WV Mapping-I: * _ 843. Sean 9 = S52 . Mapping-tt: . 0 when, : inten, when, i @ (Ho= | ! AsO | ‘Mapping-lll: s+3 2 | a -" | = £90 oa wae 4 i at 202-0" 1 fee) (+)=) Mapping-IV: } Re (R'é) = —~——=0 OHO Grey E) Ase Based on above analysis nyquist plot will be Calculation of A: Mapping of A corresponds to s = jo 3 Hence, joo) Hijo) = wie cre ot (a)(io-1) +02 30 _Me?-3)- 4a) (jo) (1+07) " alt+e?) Imaginary partis zero if w= V3, = an) f= MADE ERSY Comment on stabitty + “111A woblahave been greater tan 1. Number of enciralemenitof 1+ 0), [Number of open loop poles n AHS of =-pane, P= 1 i -poIfng, Z=N+P ~ . 20 here, Nis ake’ postive in clockwise dection. System would have 210 closed loop poles on RHS fs plane. Syatem would have boon stale. © If |A,<1, system would have been unstable. : + Hore [A =1, systems margialy sable and would have sustained os=iions Q.64 For the open-loop transfer function = G(s) H(s) PrP2>0 1 wer . ogedoop system. Skeich Nyquist pot. Gamment onthe tatty of he closed 00 tus-2018 20 mars] solution: : 1 vest vat is G{s) Hs)= —— i Pas? ivr: Open oop trariterfuneion OLTFs GIS) M)= SH eepy | HP Nyquist Plot The mapring ot Nyx contur on Gr-planie wi rove yi Pe ‘The Nyabist contoor has four segments I il and V 2s, ‘ Mapping of I: 1 Sti Mi)" Gorey or) |CXia) Hi) = * \ | Yee . Mapping of Il: puting s= Ro where @ varies rom +5 10— ce = in, bas O° ears amo eee Mapping of tl Invarse plot of that of Mapping 4 Mapping of IV: Putting & = Ho’ where 8 varies fom — 10 + * and lin, Then, G(s) H(s) = him no Comment on stability: Number of encirclement of (-1 + /0), N= 0 Number of open-loop poles in RHS of s-plane, P= 0 So, N=P-Z eZ, — - = So, the system has zero closed loop poles in RHS of s-plane for any value of p, and p,, Hence, the system is stable, a Qi ackcuse en Q.65 While alead compensator reduces system bandwidth, a lag compensator on the other hand increases the system bandwidth. : (AS-2001 : 20 marks} Solution: Lead compensator, s+t Ggag(8) = —Eia0 = of 28+ wt s+ on mave. EASY ~ a a ~~ oe — 7 plane tego mee = Bove po ed compass , it's clear from the bode | For Lag compensator: plot that lead compensation increases the system bandwidth. Its Gyy(8) = ap??? : i = 816, TT Bode plot of tag compensator as sem z ‘Thus, we can see that a lag compensation reduces system bandwidth. lus integral controllers. proportional plus derivative and proportional pl @.66 Discuss the performances of [AS-2003 : 20 marks] ~ Solution: Proportional plus derivative: o 5 1. Itincreases damping in he system. [a] ee aa 2. ttreduces setting time and hus improves wansient performance. 4, - thdoes not eliminate steady state error. 1 4. Itcan accentuale ncise in he input signal Proportional plus integral: 1. ttchanges the oder ofa system which increases the possibility of instability. ‘slate error and thus improves steady state performance. 3. TLincreases damping rating and hence reduces peak overshoot 4, _ Itreduces bandwidth. @.67 What do you understand raw the approximate Bode plot for a typical lead by lead. tem for a missile to introduce a lead of 35° and gain of compensator. Design a suitable control sySt 6.5 aB at 2.8 rad]s. What willbe the transfer function of this lead compensator that will satisfy the above requirement? [IAS-2004 : 20 marks] ‘a ransfer function . ‘ Solution: Lead compensator: itis 2 ype af compensator wih st? Gls) = —fiact1>0 s: has a positive phase angie forall vaives of s. I ips to increases ‘margin of stability ofa system. it also hel Now, Girl as > tan! (wt) tan (aat) = 5 . -s ae) — ar- aor Mae 97 2 orra wot » weerra 4 . dr-dat= 147840 = 4e-1 = 0(4t+ 7.840) ae = 447 84 a (Ctioll ps = 8508 = MADE ERSY Q.68 4 (2-0.25) = 1227.2 (20.2524 4.47 (1 + 1.96t)2] + 0.0625 -0.6¢ = 12 [27.2024 1.7-13.614 447 (14 3.841612 + 3.924] | P+ 0.0625—O5¢ = [27.224 1.7- 13.604 4.47 + 17172024 17.5224] P+ 0.0625 -0.5t = 12[44,37212+ 3.922 + 6.17] + 0.0625-0.5t = 44.372r4+ 3.92209 + 6.172 . 44.372tt+ 382018 + 5.1742 + 0.5¢-0.0625 =0 ~~ eoUdovaUYE t= 0.07 &=-226 ‘Transfer function of lead compensator ~ 1 StT _s+14.285 ert s-6.231 at Write the discrete forms of P, Pl and PID controllers. What are various mriethods of tuning them? Discuss in brief. 7 [AS-2004 : 20 marks) Solution: Discrete form of P-controller Ye = Ke Discrete from P-1-controlter x Be = Kole +K ly ~ at Discrete from of P-I-D controller x Ha = Kole +K Dota + Kalle net The digital P-I-D controller is usually implemented using the so called velocity form. Hae = Bea + Koll — ty) + Kile + Kall ly + hea Which is obtained by substracting u,._, from, . ‘An advantage ofthe velocity form is that there is no need to keep track of the sum, The various methods of tunning above controllers are: : 1. Reaction curve technique : This is basically an open loop techniaia aé Fa 2:Input and output plots M.Land Kare measuréd, Lot us define the following terms corresponding to figure 1 Sope.=.NV — Tine constant =< Lag Ratio R= = “Ther, the recommerided optimum setting, forP, P-1 and P-I-D controler are as Follows. P-control: P-Loontrol: P-I-Deontrol: Closed loop technique (Continuous cycling method) : For tunning the controller when the process is in under closed loop operation, there are two methodologies. This frst one, continuous cycling method isexplsined below” * ouput a Operation pint _ Fig.3 ‘The loop is closéd with the controller output connected to the actuator input. Here, the controllers first set to P-mode, thaking t,= and T, =. The proportional gain K, iis increased gradually 0 K, = Kya tithe system just starts oscilaing with.constant amplitude continuously. The output wevelormn ig plotied as shown in figure 3. The recommended optimum setting are: ‘P-control K= 05 Kya MADEERSY « 55 Pa 1 = control K, = 0.45 Kynaxs Pu L-Doontrol K, = 06 Kya $+ Closed loop techrique (Damped ofcilation method) : In many cases plants are not alowed to Undergo through substained oscilatigns ; Damped oscillation method is preferred for these cases. . Here, intially the close loop system iperated initially with low gain proportional control mode with . Output Ty=O.and T, = e. The gain s increased slowly tila decay ratio (3) * of 1/4" is obtained in the step response in the ‘output as shown in figure 4. Let K, be the proportional gain setting for obtaining 1/4” delay ratio. ‘The optimum settling for aP-1-D controller are fig4Cnroller tuning under damped oscillation technique Kye Kai ty brief the effects and limitations of single stage phase-lead compensation. {AS-2008 : 20 marks} Solution: Phase-lead comipensator:Itisa type of compensator with a transfer function, set Gls)= —E wet; 130 s+ at Effects of phase lead compensation: 1. The velocity constant K, increases. — 2 Phase margin increases. 3. Bandwidth increases. 4, Relative stability improves. 5. Gain crossover frequency increases, £— Maximum overshoot of the system decreases. S Limitation of phase lead compensation: 1. Steady state error does not improve by phase lead compensation. .70 Why are integral and derivative controllers not used in practice? [IAS-2012 : 4 marks] Solution: Integral and derivative controllers are not used alone in practice because Integral controller: : ‘+ Itslows down the response of the controller. + ILalso induces oscillations in the response of the system. Derivative controllers: * _Itisalso known as anticipatory controller since it sends @ control signalin anticipation af errrve P. Lcontrol: K, = 0.45 Kyat P-1-D control: K, = 06 Kone f 3. Closed loop techniqug (Damped oscillation method) : In many cases, plants are not allowed 10 Undergo through Substained oscillations ; Damped oscillation method is preferred for thase cases. ial control mode with "Here, intially the close loop system is operated initially with low gain proportions wg ‘The gain is increased slowly till a decay ratio (3) * of 1/4'" is obtained in the step response in the output as shown in figure 4 Let K, be the proportional gain setting for obtaining 1/4” delay ratio. ‘The optimum settling for a P-1-D controller are nsation. [1AS-2008 : 20 marks] 69 . Discuss in brief the effects and limitations-of single stage phase-lead compet Solution: Phase-lead compensator: Itis a type of compensator with a transfer function, aot G9) = Fj a SEIS i + Paper 5 Leepes 62 Blectrical Engineering + Paper-it ‘tied Popes _ 1 fava 2] © #43s+2| 3 s-1 1 fst 2 . HEAL s-1 [1 yee 2 -[Frth 3 s-1 2 2.2 = S42 S41 542 _ - eer “Hi s2 oe Se 3 2,3 Sti s+2 stl st2. Taking Laven canoe dl aston matical ar 22-26 ] «i Mae" 430% 26307 r .78 What do you mean by a state transition Matrix? State and explain properties of state transition Matrix. ‘A process control system is described by the state model: 05) aig _ — - Ye ft=6] Xand x, «Use Laplace Transform method to obtain state transition matrix 9(0) for the system. TIAS-2006 : 20 marks] Solution: State transition matric tis the matric q(0. [on eM] which drives a system from its intial state (0) to the final state (0, x10 = 400) Propertesot [6(t)= 4] 1 eo) =1 2 «0, 3 Ot +1) = MG) OG) = O16 0(t) X= A+ Bu Take Laplace transform =" 5x(5)~x(0) = AX{s) + 843) = $x (s) = AX{s) + Befs) ~ {s1-A)x(s) = Bus)

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