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College of Business Administration

1ST Semester, AY 2019-2020

Course Name
Course Code Course Credits 3 Contact Hours / Week 3/week

In this course the students are introduced to the management of an organization's workforce through the design and
implementation of effective human resources policies and procedures. Current Philippine issues and practices are
Course Description
examined. Topics include the need for human resources management and its growing professionalism; human resource
planning including job design and analysis; recruitment and selection; compensation; employee development; workplace
health and safety; and employee relations.

Prerequisite (s)
Organization and Management

At the end of the semester, the student is expected to:

1. Identify the human resources needs of an organization or department.
2. Conduct a job analysis and produce a job description from the job analysis.
3. Evaluate the procedures and practices used for recruiting and selecting suitable employees.
Course Objectives 4. Assess training requirements and design a successful orientation and training program.
5. Discuss workplace health and safety programs and the roles of the employer and the employee in enforcing health and
safety policies and procedures.
6. Explain the responsibilities of management, HRM specialists, managers, and employees in managing the employment
relationship in a unionized or a non-unionized environment.


Desired Learning Outcomes(DLOs) Course Content/ Methodology / Student Output Assessment of Learning/
Timetabl Subject Matter Teaching and Learning Assessment Tool
e Activities (TLAs)

1 *Discuss the requirements of the *Overview of the course *Discussion and leveling *Identify the list of * List of expectations
course and grading system; and setting of of expectations/ requirements and how congruent to Professor’s
expectations; requirement; these will be graded expectations;

2-4 * Describe the characteristics of the I. Nature of Human * Slide presentation and * Participation in *Logical and coherent
of business organizations Resource the online video discussions explanation as to the essay
Management presentation on ethical * Short reaction paper question on the nature of
* Identify the importance of HRM sourcing, “ Howard on the “Top 10 HRM, (see Rubric A for
1. Schulz ANC interview”. Companies In The measurement)
* Explain the nature of HRM Resource Philippines…”
Management (HRM) * Online research on
* Explain why HRM is important in 2. “Top 10 companies In
business Wealth maximization The Philippines And How
and Social It’s Like To Work For
Responsibility Them”
3. https://www.ecompare
functions 10-companies-in-the-
Lecture-discussion will

* At the start of the

lesson, students will be
asked “What is the
importance of HRM?”,
“What is HRM?” and
“Why is the practice of
HRM important to

5 * Must be able to describe the II. Recruitment *Online research * Class collaborative *Essay questions
Recruitment, Hiring and Placement assignments from open exercise
1. Define Recruitment source materials about * Group case study *see Rubric A
* Explain and describe the process of the types of recruitment wherein class will
Recruitment 2. Discuss the steps in (e.g. headhunting, identify effective ways *To get at least 75% in the
Recruitment, Selecting, recruitment ads) to recruit personnel Quiz
Hiring and Placement
*Students are given .
a. Interview - Types assignments to
understand Recruitment
b. Testing – Types (e.g. * Collaborative class
intelligence test, activity on Cases related
personality test) to Recruitment

6-7 * Define and understand the training III. Training * Web based, open * Collaborative seat *Essay questions
sourced articles and work exercises
* Explain the relevance of training to 1. Definition of training library readings are *Group exercise and *see Rubric C
motivation 2. Importance of given to the class for team building
training to business initial exposure and exercises *see Rubric A
* Describe the kinds of training organizations introduction to training *Class review and
3. Kinds of training reaction on slide and *To get at least 75% in the
4. Employee * Examples of video presentations Quiz
movement recruitment methods by
a. Promotion renowned companies
b. Demotion such as Google and
c. Transfer Microsoft will be
a) Slide Presentation
b) Video Presentation

8-9 *Explain the nature of reward IV. Compensation *Online video * Collaborative *Essay questions
* The following questions must be * Define compensation presentation “You’re seatwork on strategy
answered: * Salary vs. Wage Your Child To Work formulation (e. g. *See Rubric A
What is monetary compensation? * Benefits Today At Google 2018” formulating a strategy
What is non-monetary * Compensation and will be presented to the for Grab Philippines) * get at least 75% in the
compensation? performance class. The question, * Group presentation Quiz
How to execute compensation? “Would you like to work on “Would you like to
How compensation affect at Google?” Lecture will work at Google?”
performance? follow.

*Lecture-Discussion on
the Minimum Wage Law
and Provincial Rate

10-11 *Identify components and pillars of V. Discipline * The class will watch *Collaborative *Essay questions
discipline the online video, exercise on
1. Definition of Employee Disciplining competitive analysis *See Rubric A
* Identify the aspects of organization Discipline *Assignments will be
discipline om/watch? accomplished and will *To get at least 75% in the
2.Components and v=UOuBSzG7Kws be submitted by Quiz
* identify the organizational discipline pillars of discipline students
process *The class will engage in * Group activity on
3. Organizational a mock “grievance grievance situations
Discipline Process situation.” will be given and
students will be asked
4. Approaches to * Classroom discussions to present them to the
employee discipline about application of the class
a. Positive aspects Positive and negative
b. Negative aspects aspects of discipline in
the industry

12-13 *Define motivation and explain its VI. Motivation *The class will engage in * Collaborative seat *Essay questions
importance to organizations empirical internal work
1. Definition of scanning about *Individual seat work *See Rubric B
* Explain the important theories of motivation among * Quiz
motivation Motivation school employees *Numbered list

2. Importance of *Lecture-Discussion on
employee motivation the topic, plus culture of * get at least 75% in the
* Describe a company’s corporate excellence, motivation Quiz
culture and how it might affect a 3.Theories of motivation
employee motivation a. Abraham Maslow *Research activity on
b. Douglas MacGregor the culture of success in
c. Frederick Hertzberg companies (e.g. Google,

5. Corporate culture

14-15 *HR and Industry relations VII. Industry Relations: *Lecture-Discussion *Active participation in *Essay questions
*Online reading of discussions in analysis
* identify employee rights 1. Collective Bargaining articles related to CBA of CBA failure *See Rubric A
Agreement (CBA) (e.g. the fall of ___, the
* Identify responsibilities of 2. Employee and success of the Korean *Assignment *See Rubric B
employers and employees employer relationship companies)
3. Employee and worker * quiz
protection in the *Student-Centered * get at least 75% in the
Philippines Activities: The Quiz
challenges of employee
protection in the
Philippines, current
16-17 *Explain the effects of VII. Issues in Human **Student-Centered * Individual seat work *Logical and coherent
contractualization and retrenchment Resource Management Activity (e.g. the ideal and assignment explanation as to essay
office layout, students questions
* Explain the effects of discrimination 1.Employee builds the ideal office in *Participation in (see Rubric A)
discrimination class) collaboration/student
centered activity *See Rubric A
2. Contractualization
3. Sexual harassment *Class will be given
assignments and *Quiz
4. Child labor collaborative seat work *To get at least 75% in the
about labor “sweat Quiz
shpops” and “blood

* Classroom discussions
on internal analysis
application will be given
to help students
understand and
appreciate the topic

References Books:
Corpuz, C. (Third Edition) Human Resource Management. Rex Bookstore, Philippines.

Easterby-Smith, M. (2012). Management Research: SAGE, Los Angeles.

Online resources:
Fortune Magazine/
Business Week Magazine/
Instructional Materials PowerPoint, Google Classroom
Course Requirements Item Details Weight/Value
Group work
Midterm exam
Final exam TOTAL 100%
Rubrics (see attached)
Classroom Policies 1. Attendance and Punctuality
2. Class participation
3. On-time submission of requirements
Consultation Hours Every meeting


Rubric A
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Content Information clearly relates to Information somewhat relates Information vaguely relates to Information not related to the
topic indicating thorough to topic indicating some topic indicating little topic at all indicating lack/no
understanding of underlying understanding of underlying understanding of underlying understanding of underlying
concepts. concepts. concepts. concepts.
Organization Ideas are well organized. Ideas are somewhat Ideas are not well-organized and No organization at all; ideas are
organized. somewhat chaotic. not related and chaotic.
Mechanics Very minimal (1-3) grammatical, 4-7 grammatical, punctuation 8-10 grammatical, punctuation More than 10 grammatical,
punctuation or spelling errors. &/or spelling errors. &/or spelling errors. punctuation &/or spelling errors.

Rubric B
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Analysis Analysis is logical, well- Analysis is somewhat logical, Analysis is somewhat logical, but Analysis is not logical, not
organized and clearly stated. well-organized and clearly not organized and vaguely stated. organized and unclear.
Answers to Answers to questions are clear Answers to questions are clear Answers to questions are not very Answers to the questions are
questions and thorough. but lack depth. clear although some are correct. unclear and mostly incorrect.
Understanding Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates some Demonstrates vague Hardly has understanding of most
all relevant issues in the case. understanding of most of the understanding of many of the of the relevant issues in the case.
relevant issues in the case. relevant issues in the case.
Mechanics Very minimal (1-3) grammatical, 4-7 grammatical, punctuation 8-10 grammatical, punctuation More than 10 grammatical,
punctuation or spelling errors. &/or spelling errors. &/or spelling errors. punctuation &/or spelling errors.
Rubric C
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Analysis Analysis is logical, well-organized and Analysis is somewhat Analysis is somewhat Analysis is not logical, not organized
clearly stated. logical, well-organized and logical, but not organized and unclear.
clearly stated. and vaguely stated.
Answers to Answers to questions are clear and Answers to questions are Answers to questions are Answers to the questions are
questions thorough. clear but lack depth. not very clear although unclear and mostly incorrect.
some are correct.
Understanding Demonstrates understanding of all Demonstrates some Demonstrates vague Hardly has understanding of most
relevant issues in the case. understanding of most of understanding of many of of the relevant issues in the case.
the relevant issues in the the relevant issues in the
case. case.
Mechanics Very minimal (1-3) grammatical, 4-7 grammatical, 8-10 grammatical, More than 10 grammatical,
punctuation or spelling errors. punctuation &/or spelling punctuation &/or spelling punctuation &/or spelling errors.
errors. errors.


Student’s copy:

I have read the course syllabus and I understand that I have to comply with the requirements of the course and the expectations from me as a student of ______________ during the _____Semester of
SY 20___ – 20___. I am fully aware of the consequences of non-compliance with the abovementioned requirements and expectations.

Printed Name and Signature of Student

Date: ____________________

Teacher’s copy:

I have read the course syllabus and I understand that I have to comply with the requirements of the course and the expectations from me as a student of ______________during the _____Semester of
SY 20___– 20___ I am fully aware of the consequences of non-compliance with the abovementioned requirements and expectations.

Printed Name and Signature of Student

Date: __________________

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