Communication Class Notes

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eek 4 taub!s frenelpler & Comimunceation Systims ty He Taub, Db» Schilling and Gr. Saha | BS tlectionic Lommuumicalion Siptims by Cr Kennedy ancl B, sais |B Mader cbiigital amd Analog Yorumunication Systems Ke BP Lathi and 0%: dimg : D> Commuriation System ky Hakim Ovenwiew of the come D> Mnbraduetion to Electionte Gemmunizakions SS Principles of Analog Gonymuntcations B> Principles 4 digital Communixattons | Black diagram of an electionic meester enter | Aittanl | fore ee Pie soume ob 7 ‘Bhannel 0 buidging tne gop tween scuree- ard deatimation . *Bheammel dees not always Imply » Pysicel medium . + a/p transducer — Borwerdts 2 non-electronic signal te electionte bigmal.. ag microphone * O/r teomsclucer — Borvents detionie signal fs non- ieee eg. speaker + tuamynilter Procyes the meMage Agnal % Pipi mer Lreit con be sent over « Receiver onbinets the menage signal roy the eany mide Aprak. Prablerns strat whannd Inbrodsees ~ Aislortion — BW en ip> Slerferemce w>Minuation 0A frequency ostet. Fy “Sample fume. of naire signal signal “dor beth, analog & Lpitel signals =a ao eee wl ae cnba al cy So even im presence of reise digital rystorns . the digits Eon be seconiineted. xt lank no enran | Beamtmison Signals Bough (TF tps ; 1 S symbel duralior [Extia condilion fer digilel ciprals] input —>| 5 geen — output x(t) Slt YD = x(t) A() —@ x(® A(t) (6) = x(6) H(E) —-@ Alb) = [pe 7? —O ¥ a Phase foxt pant vig) = [e/ ef —@ H(6)= JAB) e SHemee, —1Y(6)] = [x(6)] ] 906) 6y(6)= Ox@)* 26) dhistertionles tianyminion — 4(t)= t x(t) alt= FAD i (2ediperdent-€ 3/0 agra) sth) © ‘ilove shape auill B nat be changed Aue fo tire frewree & F 4 td. Soe, it as disterttonten . } ) qlt= kx(ttd) —@ / 4! ing FT. on both aides, V(b)= Rx(E en 42M ——O patting @ in @, we gets nie) = Ren FORE A a [HE = [kL — OSES und , 6p, (&) =~ 2b tL 5 7O Phare response is a Limear fume. & prey Et tponible for distertonles Buanvmission t FS hes since [HE] sermet be egal 10 [f] over-all frequencies 8, it take tie chanel according So ew needs, axe Safer Nem Min F Nout —— I gang Re Leto = Bo op i+ gee A(B)= _ I {H(B)] = mE then 0K << Be IE ak condi fleet $0, vf the menage signal tas Bw than fe. then all the prea. component 6 will be fave same gaim. Nemee , the amplibinde esporse “can te oblaimed wifiout distenton. 5a ec tinder ehatreonditions, Phare xeiporse “aan be cbt) wttreut | distention 2 . ee | + ediulation —sbemedulation ¢ ra Tee a Rx E> Why modulation is done? > Uhanmel anipmment-fthanrelizalion is done fer scran feo Aap So, channel is barizally.a sarge f diff. preys, Herce message (Aasebamed signal , mostly lew favs signal), reeds to be medalaled i petical Cantons) alt= (Kieran tor £ = 4AHZ, T Le 3x 108% 4R10® * 10 = 7+5km for GF = wlohe, A= 3x18 a 10x 107 = 34m i> Multxplexing — tr Ge Foam DP “51, 82.4 Stulisteccilly 5 Veter . | . GEk = channel i ‘Almilan signals . | | We choose 2 carrion pugs. Bi & Bx which Heactmcnstita capable of { pursing trraugh channel . Br BPF eg DBI — tented erated $k BPE & D2 > Bentrred -arounel “tea WD Snr improvement —det all medulalion achemes ane sofitible. of SNR. dmprovernent. Brernt-in ut system), $0, for tame Pout, the get belter SNR. ‘ ion signal modifier fetd of Le proferlies of memage signal . Jenerally,» Peete aignals are wed as cartier rignals. —_ ny Lemme: Limited signal camnel be band~Limitic , m TS hoe nopore for Anlorliontes bramsmatsion - 5 | & @)=- tanTwRC ; oF | sept) = - tan” (&) [Reeser] —l_ 2&W)x—- Ls WKbro. a ?-tne teardown trey vy TB: owe wil fave 2 condilkors ~one from |H(G)| & chen Prom 67 (w), ue choose the Lower bet “Mice copdilion tA secepectaly a inepalily Shwe is Reoresy)e Hotel » for [wl< 278 0 > fuwl> 2%B irk pnw) 4 pube aignal g(4) tand-Limniffl 6 BHE ts applic atthe impulr | dine tive “euutpuet, “ee | YW)= Go) HQw? , 48 = Go) (rt corarp) eat — drvewre FT & Y(w) gives y(t) 0 2 fun. & 9(t), exten & yb 5 k(4) + 0-00) x*(t) Ha Pare roformre do a pect bamnd-Limiled tb radians fiona aut tre OP signal “bets im nae domain on Bier, Mevrainy. “tam I/P signal be Hecovered from tie O/P without listintion 1 : sy x(w) 7000 1000 strweme FT. X(w) give tre Aime Bunetion. simel y(t) from x(t). thom i ¥(w) Prom g(t). + Be FT. en both alles & given eam, imd ¥(u3) 4 trum fromit, find y(t) implitcds: Nodular ach the seas pried Td Te cant Nand Gaede oh the LANNE sgnal /baxcdenrd Mi (nedulating Ay . Barner, welt) = Accoa(wets 8) Menage . m(X) the mediuletecl signal is, Kaas (() = & m(t) 103 (Ueto) + dry memage Aigmal ts medelleel ar a Low peus rignal « M(w) Menage signal spectium orp 0 2Re =o x(w) = KFT [m (4) 0s (we tt 0)] « = hs FT a m(t feted dey etek -do. Bmw Hr {ce Hh wer foment eel] = EB [MO he) ety (wo toe )er4?] Aight shifted A. 7 4 TUB — We “Ue F2mB We-IN6 be Gere ~ ¢@) fol op xe =We we sApfox madulation,, the disouts $rep-cmponentt af We dm cw) sect | os absent from Xu) specie « $0, subpreried eanrio . | #Unehul freq hamge im Hw) tn 06 27B. SO Bw = 258 X (ts (u,-2%8) 4 (we +2RB). 50, BW =-4RB, Hus Bw 2s -deubled . ie the fret, components from 0 fe 258 in M(us) 2s suflectig AxBae at ie im x(a). Similan for —2768 % 0 im (ws) wheel reflects ot ~by im x(w) . * touble ridehamd —sufbrened sarin (DSB-Se) modulation isacluar th eth. meduletion és Mat toe DSB=S¢ - * te hadi i ie basctamd signal , Aimee BW ts 0 Acartee newbies + + Hore is no chang & rape & spetuum after medilation. Scaling factow may Be Fron: met) mealtin xt) = mt a(t) ap ane, Oe = x (tC) [ec WOK) x(t) ¥(Oa=x(H) «(t) [torre 6 70} PU = Am(#) 202*(we tae DUO= Km(t) + & Ce) ae oma —2We 0 ae tata tan + lt) ts famed tineugh ¢ LPF where cut-off Rreg. ts equal 16 Toe BW of tie menage Aigrals thus we get tre demodulated Adgnal , © Proetical p be YB ‘Phase & cannon im emodalater + cifferent tan Liat ff meditate practical ares. thir is Recaure synchronizing tie tie is difficult thes aelrieved © Similan for freq + Ay testy equipments, = Coherent detickion, foonows medulation — Garrint ured im Aamecreceisven has Tnaiege tae aed eth » Awe freq. & phase as +e B should te chosen Auch that stn @ much higher than bre fighe freq. 1B meculating signal . BP We ts towen, then tre tivo refonser will te eloren A a rewlt xo) there will & interference affin demedulalion . ~tk 8 ok Pe Selb study — pgq—c medulalione { &AM . Examble-t Example Tone modulation | m(L) = Am 08 Wyn t- lin <€ We » Xpspase (4) = RAmOA Wnt 03d = £Am [Grr vee £03 (tg) t] - Mw) Ara] pdt WMemage signal spectrom =e Ae ew) elect ft pp am ieee spectrum mag oe \ x(w) i - ro mp Meculatil corer q dpeckiumn , a a a i) ntl Oe 0+ Om _t m(4) *{ Madtutotoon sede 42 (ince, Ferm ) * Her nonrinuseidal aes . (ar Vedulation imdex = Emax ~Emin— A Emde Emin. Emin 4 ae i tine ~ ie T stant pin ave diy. since There os oo shange of n(t) at the same time. instant. * Xpspee (t= Xpsa-se(t) + 40), = [m(t) + Ae] co gt = Eb coset —, where B(t) = me Bo the demodulation §& PSB-C & Admblor. 2, ’ Y © ty broacleast’, Aire is one thenvmittor bu mulbiple neces, . = A eu8 mie 7 pd thon, 0 simile ebrutt-tan etiack E(#) ) sincwttsy enveldpe defectar. emodutatey ) | from xpsp-e (4) Hay ancuitcs yrvelope elector [et rede | Cuatfuat- of envelope etter ts [E(D] - | Wow iis [E(t] il cr famed through « capacitor te block ots De. component Ac » Hus ae get m(t), amity a | | —_] es . | Jv y ; nef] Xpsp-s(t}— f 4 Te aes ee Zmvelohe — [EC] : , Pee WT saul Be hie O/P hut envelope letetin td ony Ge pres [E(t)) 0/P. So, we gef-emrencers nerults : 4B E(<0. | | + Advantage of envelope defeeten is frat no focal xaredrs mre srezebredt for -demedulation, © Unley othenutise specifiod , AM broadcasting 2s DSB-0, Hay Weed” for commorial fitts purposes. + dduamtage of DSB~C as that design hea seedvers . + iradiamtage of DSB-¢ ub that there 2s high rewwrung stituin Lianmillete, Hus a because exbia Power bs ured So tansmié £(4) = Accosut, ashitch is nat negds ky tre w0r. $0, Bransmission Gicioncy id lesen ie Dept shan DSB-Se. . “Under sa firced i tom autor SNR oF DSB-SC is gettin tran DsB-C, dsb would se,-almest similar JB DSB~SC i neire frowwn és lew ae, SHR ib high. | © ty broarleast, there ts One teansmittin buh mull'Ple nececnens , 4== 8 E(D= m+ Ace + Telal HF E(t 0 HA, ther, 0 Avmple sciuuit-can extract E(t) Py from xpepne (t) Mis sncuitso nvlofe defn. [07 deradeat, Cuclput of envelope detector ts JE(t)] . Sword | en Wour tes [E(B] Mette cs fared th ea / iat Lanporint'nc SD mas git mas nao Meck t5 de. Beil gmt) © 1 @ tal —— med te. esc “J ni] Sing x a rsp-s(t}— os 4 den 1 + Hus s “ants Ie o/P = ; “‘WRin auld Be tie O/P Lut envelope oletictirt dd tie pives [E(#)) 0/P. 50, we get ewroncoir desea only : 4h E(t) HD, ad athenes: GENE) onal ugitane bal of m(t). + pffcelomey ef Thanmminiion / | a ye Useful power mitt) eit Fetal Power At TE) @ taleulale 1 for Sone modulation . dso expres 9 in eum F medulalion index @= A” An pee o thon ¢ Salle, Pore xan Aend 2 mesage Alynebs, o BW B over Lhe same BW 28. f signal 2 om (Hxeswie + m. Hainue) r Single side ~tand (SSB) medulation sor tual signals, amplitude response 1s even ame phase stexporse tr adel . «We choore certain filters on Hie tramsmiltix aicle 40 traf Lower ride ands & wrmedulaled wre “ By wKo -%. Sonitis am all-pay filter, She fey. suspense umcth A Hie freq. Lincar medulalion [bey superposifion ficorem Js prove its Natielity FM/pM > Wontimeaxe madielation xo Bandwidtre eM (t= Ases(wt+ Ka (t)) Hox Py a(f) mt) Eehonentiel Hoh FH, a(t) = Lom(AT a(t)= MO = ork alt) ot FH, ar(t) = Wer &m(L) welD),z thm[Dmnin We (Pax = We + (Amare Bandusidtr = ts (Amex — Wi (D) mim Aut, pr er. | asia ure AC aignal wih sentical walucs for an(t)nan & ™(t)min | [Aut offorite polarity (mse = — m( Hin = ™ (say ) | BW Wmax ~ Wmin x = 2kmg [A xefench om sersucl foramelen] + We somnot change mp buf-we san vay K J make But small, + Bl ts Pits imelependont of the frepuency components Bresent in m(¥), + Hence, there re no side- hands in the Apecbuim Xem (415 Aue (ete &e/ Tne) ae dn complex. form, en(tl= hed (we Poke L,‘mte.4e) Xen (t)= Kel Sey (®] : | iy (Y= al eo TREE] swt where ,a[t)= /m(c) ae tin eeu (Sa ['* fhe alt) - Ret) i ketaitt) , “J e teeth [Sey (t)] Kem (0) = GEO . . mA eitet” FealO) aimee LE crete Bao a ae ee L as Bach of More farts is J 4 DSB-SC signal df a(t) os bamel-limifed f0 B, trun a%(t),.03(t) ele. are «eo and-timited 10.25%, 389 ele » the. an nB. (6) =A(B)&A (6) FTE —L . + Peeneticallys FA has imfimlte BW. Wis ts because BW atarti from clos of te 0 due fo the prownce of a(t), a(t) eke. But, practically, FM does pone freq, somponenti apts 00 -butLhey we fh negligible Intensity, | $s = 2H | Had] Arq deutalim BWEM =p (awe +2%B) [angular] ARS femt BWey 2 (ab Fe) Carson's rule ~ Dwawwubond PM. > Butension ef Uarson's sule PM 3> Jone ynedulaticl FM « FH Aignal Sinusoiclal fube ae itn = th ey *Bandusicltt ef any FA signal cam bo writin as, 7 [ BWry =2 =2 (af +)] Gevion's suelo. where, AG > freq dowalion 8 ee BENG te madulaling signal [ae = az a fs ze) where, ke > a const: me > peak value of thre medulaling signal * dor narroutband FM (NBFM), ARKCB * Bey & 2B + Hon wedeband FM (warm), AB >> B Bem ALOp Signals of commercial FM broadtensting aillora ane considered Bas WBFM Aignals. 4emeration i AM Aignals D> fenesation & 60-56 signak raw a “poriodic square wave w(t) aut, ferccel Te and samilich. I, Sind outs Liigenometics, (gues Sores expansion £ Ye io cared W(t) = a0 + E (an soseoncy tr by tinny.) athe, We = 45 : Tefa. an = =z) W(L)-cosn tae PAH 2 een a mesetide = aa! [pinnee tl SF N@eTe | ‘Atm, 2B are > E Te = sk sim UR ne Zz , for n= 15.9... bane TR? : a HB, for n=3,7,01.., ® » etheusese. by =o [. te 2 e100 furneLorl] in aye d rR [eeet gs eset fos suet “) Let, the modulating aignal be m(t), m(t) is band—Limilid 6 & He, + he multsplation of m(t) and w(t) es difpicult-Se achieve neti circuits. dy amplifier wilt. raverble ga'm can also be used bul2) vp sthteult te vendre . Saws dippicw + the aclion f m(t) fene cam be regarded a1 tie action of a suet, a ae aes m/s = BPF tuned fw P, % zr 6 BW7YKB 7 FP a) ‘BIT Here, m(t) , essentially, 1 on for Te/a2 and off for Tope. | Sule Rt a a ned Air snaitetumg ackien ts sontielled by am oletiomie alcatel ashich 2) £2, working on Lhe savor Ad buy 7 1880 Lie multpBlymng (A>, %6 Se Caseig a sd lg Oe ; EG ease iol” often fa rma Biede bubelge modulations hele Ee bie eat a Srunoptions Td), D2 ane mallchedl Parns D> dz, Dy, we matched firs . © a(t) Geralion es eat cee during the re Ralf of the caer signal (e'9 +ve 9 ~ ve), - tie fou “se fo Biased - Ptah) pals aie af the! thal amd efectinely shontect . same poten Boeuning the ve Ralf apele of 2(1), ll ten faure diodes ane reverse payedt. 'aland “b’ are £Ordidend So be benxchreutted . wit). \_] BPF fined x/P op { 48 We. BW 4xB «He wed the sane Becuitat Rx aide fox demodubalion le m(f)20stde alt= Actos Oe Di mae &[Ac amt) J corm t mY © 1 Ae is made Miny lange wempened 46 m(t). wi er of mV | nv Ms a sasulh, MUP doesnt fly a sale teontiet the keer og Dr Dis kimred according £5 te native of the fhalfrsycle of «(t)- visumption Ac»? m (+), biasing ef Dy vs sonbrellect "y the coomiin signal . * tor derived cuthuts R & ¢ dm bu envelope detector circuit sertel mectthe following conditions — D re > @eac [Re ~ sischanging time] DD re< ot +H RO ts Loo Amal, it vores wily the corvrier imatinel and ocsn tt follow the enveloBe . BRC too Longe »itdoorn't-get- enough Lime 16 follow the envelope . I matin juumps from me fet etiwr, vospeetive ip ovelofe variakon . Self sticy Ring modislatars + Gaim of 0 sat lage RE aug BIT amplifier = Be — bral tes sereet [Son] kon tewe 5S wn stan: se Garnier signal ts insedel imts are m(t) + to Rave 2 warviable gain amplifier, 4 medily the emitter hvas ay mwentorg te mmedulaling algned tho . Mee te Ve g F 3} Von : oe z ¢ amplifiers ave wed since AG ficiency + Me sBommercially » «lars highest | Dia tectifiee elcfielor Be abso used for lomedulation tf PSB~SC Signalir | Besgy am srvlofie deletion adrcuct fer On votee atprgl medulatid AM signal. ssp fencration win SSB~SC madulated signal can be expressed 0» Fallot: Xegpse(t) = m(t) meddulating sign i Ge 2 xavier freguoncy mp (t)—> minh eater ih m(t) (es =B 0 2x8 Xssp-se () , . © Only aipper aide bancls av Aue oes . WeroRB He 0 We Were BSteps & SsB-Se_dtgnal genoration using frequency selective ple DS fenerale D5B~ Se Algal aunty m(L) sind casnicn signal «(£). > Suppress unclesired Aidekand using -ofprofrcate BPr. 4 isa] atee [ fl oR > for these type If bricks amplitude nefonses, tee far Banc ends “is & air band Aleits Lrmmediatily he impulse 2 will be feise. fing. wale ei os. oie tet de etree + he Specs filter puecd te aan SSB-SC signal from x parse signal 2 nofvealisab a Cans ae = OIE = ole lence deleal $66-80 Alpnal cannot te-gencraliel wit Proctteal files. : B> Phase Shift Method Xsspase (t= m(#)sordet + my (t)aimert Both axe PSB~Se Atgnals. Hectutation simdexe wa Ham | mods etal fewer \ arcedy . valid EM stoxd — fewer Z, RAM (B) = AC RS EH Ate ONT cO8 cL [ Berjtone ; 3 es Yetal fawers Py = ag + (2EAR re ae : r AE (i+ ER (in ay gas » Hlean squared value Aignal , MD Am Lyn = Msc 08 yy eT Anegue os Powers AAC? . aed za ra Power Hfisiony @ the Banmirion, idemey, y = refuel Power ney 1, Ste era Ascful ewe £s tha a acne Aideband ower. 42 (1 @) = 242 % ar ar © Ye antenna swrent ef am MM keaadeast- ansmittor, medulated y » * & wept: of 4017. by on audio Alme wate , is WA. DL imcreas fe (th ai sett of Aimultemscus madulation by ancther simensave , Whats tre modulation inden ue t the scond taveform > beptr & adds A Aynenijnicus 16 medulalion crdece . Superhs Te =H > M04 Pre r(ir Me) : ao n * Lee I(r Ht) = iter amen hatin stvent . arréeh Ls canny Bs a modulated . oumedatatid bs Sug any Te = 10°58 A . AM . . . ‘ é vendeast pee ee aaa “Usually RF t ae ee al 23,0 Jetat i bond Boukr . . Pewsey BEES due fm (#)= Am, L0stin de Amy t0stdan, pion Ae SRY oe Am . : ¢ * Local on Ms = eS Bs Re(it Be) = het BE act pears > Yier [He tPe Fn P atoone. avventchin. tivo audio Aims waves ave Aimullameously v uvulen Aigmal 3 given 4d /24 . me Lith wine in are print, Ipte Te (Ir Het") D Meg = OFS sain, 104 = (pa Me = 643 Frequemey reforses 1 ale) om oO * dn USB tie fant | the sdesinedl band is i i ; uconaTiuels Fut DSB VSB and Tem M(w) . * Snteritional disferten 4 inbreclitced im RaxT & At es compen seticl im R: ts me tT Rc actian fects. BW= 10kHE . he fixed aarviiey fey pAea sange, ssokHe ue PIF 485eHz GAM > | gat a Becadeast t6cokie Leila “Usually rE amplifirr ities fio =F. +b rr eb asa filler doth a> P brr=Pi0~be] monsiderecd I be cK $c) =1000 Km KHE Aingle eck only, [te = (1000 2x 958) RHE = (910K *local orecitator tracks droge obntioar tat block with a bixcel. difference. sfenerally, Local arc, geeatir tran dereuin Greg. 4 ; Peco -verre ts sabe ture but somplenity off wire 240 super Ut Utd! be migne « % anfevmediae | * Mixer} 4 prep. cmflitir Lf Brvelope «Hence, IP amplipior 2s ased te realise the neceay selectinly against | © salectovity ~ selection of derived band of frequoncis and more sy iol Tate A undesired Prequemey hands, «pr comblifice alone wcamnet prouide desired aeleckivity against adjacent Diawnsmilting aleions om” | wie | | angle meclitlertic genuation of MB signals FM generation and demedutation . _ aeireect metirecl FH generalist matte Indinectmethrocl (Avmationg's wethiod) (Wetted for genereiion off NaFM ) Gh tis melied, Pouta neviewrtomd FH aignal b gmeratel, Huts cs then conuented fe WBFH by using freq. mulbplicalion ar stiown Gelow - Let!s stat wilh the “analytical. exprenton ef- the NBEM Aignal corvreiporling 6 tie mesage slgnal mt) wand carceey preg. c, amrpletide,| Xypey (Da Acxdstue F— Kp a(t) sim toe I~ m(H) 17] — NBFM. Ae x0sdte « Racquuomey mrucltiplives Canthes sealtzed by wartous non-linear _ fon example, A deuice I/p & O/P ane nelatrcl by tire Fellows sai git) =ax(t) +6 (ft) 4,6 9 anbibiory constants Domaine x(t) 1a FH Aigmal , xtt)= Aeosfoct or he Jmol ) =— ey —— 6 me Weel 6 enficrnce the Prequerrey , 9: NBFM & WBF — Hey difference bs the Prequeney wderdation , a a g(P=-0Ae ses(e torke (bide) +3 [feos Maren) fa + he ewes y(t) s pasted through ea BPF cenlied round 20. SPF outhut, ylit)= Phe cas * Guat +26 /Sm(cde) Gog, lewtalion of x(t) = emp [MB > peak valice of xt] " ” gt) = ake mp direct FM * She dincel gemeration of FH is quite stymple ancl Auch tan te salle a1 a Vellage toytielledt Oistee veo)? ed cater +n a veo, the cscillation free. varies Himeanly with the «ontiol voltage . We cam geneafe the’) required EM signal prom -a VCO aby maiong the j message Aignal m(t) inthe contol velleege . * Se hey dclea is B xany Lon ¢ ima tamk ciccudt- quills The { modulating voltage . Reaslance medulates at rggetamce medulatey tsa cincwul thet uses Transeatan amplifier that acts either a variable xofacifer tr an inductor, when thin Boudbteeminal neottimee is connected. acnors Lie. think -sireuit ncillafes, tie ercillatin preyuemey com be tovried by applying , Tre: “modulating agnal fe tre gate. t———»/ « vie ve t Arnfedamee & the shuutt say a Ayfothelicat voltage source « Vis paced at 4A). ! . ~ Bweent in the chreuit cs nepronntid by v, 4mpedance, p= ie | otad etree waverentoe’ 2s onsidowd as aum & dain voit and biqy cwownl Xb, 4 weld eu = suming, 14 < Teta ~ anfegak > | Ceg = @mRO 7 Squivalent cafacifmee “Gm xan be wanied with medulating veltage. Napme Zl Eps Condition Reactinee formula RC Bapasitive ¢ R XeOR Cy = 9m RC RC Onductive R © ROX beg ae RL dnductive L R XLR be =. “amR RL sapnrifive R L RAL Cog = om 7 ; R Poraclix medulafor \ ee ee : feet oy D > Varrector dod ‘ T Me hevense Beas A, Le ercittartarc sdnelhor way of realizing 2 Veo vd ty vorwy fie, rearkive components a tivned drcuit orcillaton RB Golbelt 4 on Hevettey's oxilnl Cd = —* VIFK Va eee demedutation ef FH signals Several methods —+FM-HS-AM conversion “Phase shige dincumination + Feng craning detection + Phase locke Loop (PLL) A LIL fom which shows oo Mb i een ae tetas “ Aimer magnitide nerporse san be wer) 4 “hectare ta ‘ampliliide . Ken(t) = A 20s (te tor ff ‘ Lo wer ke milf) xu lt ohifforemteectexc }+ yiity ZZ Prmvelope detector = Ate the m(4)] sim (we br 4] m(c)ae) Le AM+EM Aignal 3 FH-te-AM conversion + He initeorlansews preg, fam FIL dignalts giver hy, be = be + &e m4) scant + Hence a Bug. selector nelwork with a teamifer fume & the foom , [H@)= 4b +7 , [e>0, 0,44 consti] emt over the FH banel would ginld am 0/P o¢ inst: freq . Beceined AWS] A’) T Srvelope| =o ent Sep Aamd pas limitie . Steir used 2 make anf BPL> amd fass ! uw somplitinele of tr pus " gelf - Study e Fadiucct meltiect of FH. —Arvmationg 's method SS Immunity MB Hrgle modulation 6 channel impurities Bee Problems on FH medulatres ~ deactamee modulates BS has rrequruel to frowide a maximum PBifetobebly prequerey Aouia G ySkNt for ccvvrien frequency 100 MH fox VHF bank FM Aanoain WI FET IA Weel sm cahacitive reactance modlulaton and the Limcar portion & tie Jm-Vgs cure. -lies Grom B20fts (ab tgs = a-2V) te 23046 (ab vgs = - 05 V), Mitteme gate—lorpaunce nesialunce one-tenth of goti-te.duain xecelames , Galeulate YD the values of. Gircec coflociternce amd Ineluctimec oy the hell i > mare rman apaivalont-sopacttumce froviled by fixe FET toaltetan Cmm > men. ” o nm FH modutakixr . Emax 7 max. imstentameots, fe. of a FH maclulator , fmim amine 4 ‘Wnmeadulated caruien free» ope ntanee CL frxcel capactlance cand sndattince fremt-tn the shreuit-reyechy =10, Fe =100HNt Given, Ke —L— =10, > 2KERC 2 RO = Sea Fo ie 26 “SERIO 10 OP * S Cmax = max KOKO, Cmin = Imin RC. TQ i fH preg, ib oa Le tank xtuciiit-may be tentin a, > ae one L CO bin = alee) ma : a a ° Rexel suet WEiShenee sepiot 1 39 Erttatanee Sintody, we eg AE fren = Te Mw D+@ » ¢ _ , Emanve. Bmax + J00MHE + FSANZ ~ Vemin te F min § min ~ 100M HE~ FB RHE Wrmedulaticl cawvier frer., $e RE I self -sliuely. Valuer of dome important faxametors relatiol ts commercial FM va areq. lovialion » Prog suamge, ehanel bw Merractox modulertar Bapaciteunce f a vanncder inde, Cd is given by tre following egn. 100 oS Trawg PF whore, ate represents the voltage avn the diode, Aine, fimel Riaring voltage , Vp =4V amd, > modulating signal, mt) = ovsulsio (tom x 102)¥] Cg = 250 pF Gidceutit seesomates af 1 MHz when m(tH=0, > Show that, og = io ~&2x 107 sim (ORx 03). | DP Instantimeaus preg. the escillatic sixcuits givmy by, FL(Q= @x108) + 70586 [am (10% 102 t] . SS ¥ 2 100 . i cel Vit ova Ud = 4+ O54 Aim (1ORY 03) wld = $00 x )07!? t F Uir2[ 4 +0:suain(wr not] = 100 x/o7! [1+ 10gsim (10x x103)-£] Ye ~ = 107! [9+ Ho8aim (romero) ] ‘a zs lout [1 gk x Howden (107% x703)-4 J = 107! — 9102 sim (107 x703)F x 107! — @2x107'*Aim (10% x 102) t- Schemes for FM .demedelettion — a en ee PD terenitompdementation of ths scheme oe 69 1 cam be corveizg | “ky sonstincknig an Ofraimp iffereriafon Slope acletection —Ancthion way ef dimplomenting FM~f-AM mal achime #9 Brreugh « simple ed woeeuit-felleudel by am addons abaee | SD Galaced she defection mis latter foxcklorm is pankrally overcome t® casing a Lalamced configuration (halemeed alofe. lcielton) , = n(é) . (n(é)} \ xen (t) rca “fy stem fox Smnin| FE |N Binax , OE ruven 3° / a 4 ty Baleoread Flore slate Bose lalipt aiacriminalare His method ef FH somodulation imyotves ink flase variations and detecting tre ai * Fosfre Seely Aisevimimafy- i eating free, Mantattons chong | | Pi alt) {1 7b leit ye ee tes tf lejeck Pa) Ao I Cru: fat att) fc() det t— ‘Were, moncitatle mulbnibratin, ig swad as fulre generalan . PLL (Phase Locket toch) A PLL st cllsed Loop systion uthich may be ued for FM demoduletion, the block dingram @ PLL ine a * Fen x > Vout ~ (> Fo Ven Wore the simidutly with o Aynchsomeus demaculater Hie Loop combrcses a lel a at VCO (V/F converter at used ina pep. s medilatex), Aws(ucts 6 OT trates} fas 7? 4am (B8(t) ~ Bo(t)) Baim(uet bit Seely = 6y(4) ~00(t) Pelle escillate Byco(t)= We tk C(L) Gontrel signal + He ctrbrel signal vores edmest lineal with the flare diff, anck Thugh VCO theralion, tie PLL Tracks 4. eae + Under steady Sale aoe ‘aerern rerio as alr the Aampling ale ov the may, Yen. 2 Fevsal bhv samples Fral 2 continues sinie slpnat , hardéimhil te Bie. et 4 pertedi Impulse train (t) ai ferioet Ty ‘based Fox sampling pire m(4), ain =F Ntenrg) $9 wnat impale forcion un Be ee aly exponential Howrier series exfrersion. *Ontt~al: «(= & dy etlint » where, wes BR oF mal aan Dee Lf (ty 7 Meas ty : : = “a th as felter in (BR, ca (He oC) [i aa ted ofa ; Lop Wri dros, 1 Wey pith * med f E(t) eI Ost ye a "Sup mes | a ap welt F gimest re 4 aoe | the sampled signal mg (t) tan be exPreneel a Fellows + my (£) = m/(t) «(4) + | = m(t) eS Gent) : = m(t)L S evnent ne ke | daking Hewriex Liamsforrm on eth addes one Meoy= te (nw) m (teddies M(w—nws) ne ° ashes, Mau) FT [mst] f M(ww) . ol axe ay + Sampling im tome domain leads ts eredéeity im freq domain. © * + to avid overtuffing tiveness atecieg ae of Me (Ww), Wy —~2KB> 2KB > WAY4KB > 2ABs > 4RB . 3 (Fs >2B : Min -aampling nate te vsconbuuet Hie: signee, 2S 1 "Practical igmels wie. mostly Lmehimificl amd nat-bandalimifed in 4 ABuct sense « 1 : “generating dompulse Brain x mot-feritle. practically, so we cure. Get, all ieee aidth fle tiain that gives ae e Pie * Akiasing — $ signed sampled af a nate p< 28, distortion acu in the necontruchd dignal due Ie aliasing , ‘Anti-aliasing exam fille, — She fraclcat signal s farce treveugh a IPP, tf make te signal Sand-Llimited, frackcally. be G LPF = 4 . ‘ecomstruction —“m(t) = &(m(n Ts), A(t) yo om(t) 23 2 fume 6B 20+ admples amd" Impulse reponse of tin filter ted for seconsbuickion « Weg ysist sompling Hheorem 0 Aipnal +s bandlimifd f6 B Ne, them at cambe completely ; srecontturcted from it samples taken ata uniformn nate nat len trom 28 Hz. . . Haw) / LPF (far sreconstinelion) decantation big Ben oy ehh cccmahanlion for emia, dive yn oy POM ‘handlimitid te Be) rueprcsntid by 2 se of samnfles 2 ‘ ne at “infigen 9 i Anat oe eae ) > Reconatctid atgnal x()= Ex (nts) Aine (28f — Reconstr Cir caffe Fa ay \ pa Cn aah a tele eth l pa “PWM — pulse Width Wedulation — taldlt, tf te foulsea im the saiceiy jee rain ste Xaried tm accordance ak te oncling singe manage Aignal. Ali . digital tommanication teantee TT ‘Sowiee emecden “anal “lock * Source emeacler o's cu enema. redtndansin sin tus 3/p ‘itieut- enmfromésing suprasentadon of at hitstnct cl a ent eral fo ein mesioge signal, + Bhomnel encoder és areal Js coment seunce coclenond snl chemnel redéuted| Aen redundancies” 4 occaurnt fer ie charinel meine on wand maintains relics (omsaciel Tredundlaey adeler) ly be Be aystim. + due fe maiit:, shamnil tinin- detominiite’, Weiveform bi Yechont gues +fulse Code Meclulation (Pen) + delta Medulalion (dM) + differonlial Pube Gade Aedutlation( Dé cH) S Block Won am ef PCM. qranbieo~ + Laur, frdawe, wantieakin i RN on wm | pemeincie | pom tem, des Euroa ces dineute time PCH ayste Bente inet * siete aonplilide Jignat Analog t : . Eneaden al da sapter sampling, ime ts discrete. tut amplitiele 48 sombmuous. S eisai itm Jo make Bie ampliliiele south. aa * Quemtization may be defimest ay a Process ef. Bromsforming sainplea fm(n7s)}. of a Aasctame Adgnal m(t), rab Lime infowals = nTs Inte .o scl of liscrete. ampletucles , tedken fiom ae binite.acb of mplitiuds.. ” tutu wave Outkut mine ” L-_ soe A Input wave. ae ( | + two Zifes ob uanttraon Somidtrsed.' > midrine | ‘her. uniform sellitee & Ae values of infut ase wowe , a fired value of oulfut wave ts ebteuncel . + Reprerentation tevela — the 0/p values — x(n") ~[Buantreer] +xq (nT) + Lecinion infirwals— tre 1/p sinfowals * Becirion treveshrolds | + Step atte — Gop s/w 2 nefresuntation Levels | * Uniform qambiver = the afipatze o firced . | Won- uniform quamlizer — Hre alep size ty keying . * Quambization evan — iff. tf 1/P & 0/p ampilitile . 7 2/P wewe G <— 0/P wave@) < Lif bwD £@ nee asprin 2 is Lamsfoumed inl) Melis, © + Sine imivous ooriplilitde nange Coenen ‘ vie Frreugh quantization, freee, The infu sample. B the quailicer sam never be *covered at The receivers; sequence . + To quantif: tie polity of tee seconsBucctecl stgnral at te heceiver, a al, we wie dignalnto- quantization ratio (SNR2), difimed ay 4 suatio of Aignal Power Sé tie quantization reise power. * quantization nelse — Intraduceel by Te duning quantization. \ Wen-unifoum quantization + dor umifform quantizer, quantivation enix 7, vs conaiclereel as a | sandom variable which Fellows uniform, Liitibulion . Sott Prebability| density fumetion 8 exfrersedl ar follaws — s FalDedin Ages d » thes rfreunts aff size | Homer, mean and vartamcarh qyrartization ever B given 0, | E[a]=0 “lL, wee leds Bt ae | eae 460 bade Gry plan fo mofrermt the st of alirencte amplitides (2. amplittioes al! the output te ywantizor) by 2 particular stp discrete events called coding - Objective -> Yo provide robustness PCM tiamsmiled, dati against chamnd reise, listantion amd’ inlornemce.. alte railed code element/ symbol i | Bodeword - 4 set of the dircrete events -ureel ‘ Arsen : Each tf re. -discnehe amflebices see Sa castes + Cadeword ength = R bits Wo. of quantizer nefresentition Level = L. “be 2k bin encacling a Re tog t bits o/P cs 18 | ir Torkiqueu Quant: a c we : Eohage —| Eocene} Pet Bharineh] Gortnuows —_ o/P smal LPF tedeceder Hime Stgeeralive rapes P, (at regular. intorials along the Lamrminion Lome ts impor ve" Habustiion g Pen dala against chamncl nase, dislartion andl Unlefernce. : : th —| Amplifier > Yo boast ate ath jsteigte ~ % sombemsale. Liming creuit te extinct the clock fulre from the suger e signed ection deen makes in ab eae danas . ieee “We sample tire rccecvid signal when SNR mens To recluce rey, oi ‘e Ault Regenerative rsBeators tal im the Prevention of accumulation repli ect oan spa dis ropsdal bekaninan oo * Omvmunicatton chanmel . ohsee Ts = * igitet Heite Atanelond (sing post) *Metceatgnal ds sonsidered ‘tbe Aemnellimiled fe Astin 3+4 & He. Heres, the Nyquist sampling nate fy for sampling doles signal, $5% (oxau)hhe = bg dpe : 4 + Boral practical farfioses, voice slgnal 44 dampled ata nate of 9 Ne, whaih BAU ghtly Aighan Iran tee Myquiit-nale | ‘% “Bosh tame wanted using « quatro shih ede each gant ae aonflitide by § buts. ° 1 Mente fie Eitaale Ry fer digtil vice using Por as given ty, A Sex Re = & -tils/samBle x $000 samples/s WM ene ar 000 its /s 1 \/ k YY Kbps ie ‘ i I\s Lifferenteal Palie Serle Modulation (oPem) " "te Te | Tonks DPCM iF sequence . (7 Bre Spat (rex cde dat) : ; BPM Ls eatimnate of J." alps (eee em observed that, When voice signal eo Asm Bled ata ale, wick’ | A "D eghily Ligh hen Wqutt nals opie ee efacont-aanpla| | ‘aur igh Aowel of cerelation. ge we mgatatn 4% ye Berit similar | ronan Frege x * good R (nt) crea eet tein Rs) = Yonulaion conf. | Me seme \ , wat] ctr 4 La Septal nerriabd nals serelatior cof for speud signal oy 3% ~~ wuts correlation fumetion of Lhe stationary proc x(t), Ree) = E[X(E) xe] wn . thie Ts = plage d= (25s xG0) ef Ta) «2 —f sample} - @q(nTs) N “ u(nTa) Quantizer Breeder | > (mit R(T) H o(£1s) Andécets the quantization evren for the RK sample, ism , 4 (ATA) = &p (KTa) +2 (RTs) 6 Bint) Bvt) LG Pumectutater ofp 7 +[Becedex 3E me) [erp 28) snalog o/p Praclectex]_| ( K (nT) . | | \s 3 R(nts) > + In Tx 5 Sevetter the. Infutu(£%») fe ste predictor ws, u(KTs) = (RTs) + _ (ATs) = (RTA) + €p (RT) +9 (BTA) we = x(k) + 1 (KTA) ep(Rta)= KN A/p J quamtier= (Rta) - A(R) (KT a) = fredéetvon vf KY L/P sémnfle x (KTS) 24 (KT) = yuantizer oP fey R™ Preclickion evier ( welep(eta)] 1 where ) = [tar G XIRTD 7 [von ep (RTs) leer Wr 9(RTA) ; ae ft fom 3 the eile goon (64) Tis ain't for els edt, hh ak. tka). Re dog Bem , SUR 8 ot frcferty 9 quantizer. Usually 2 Lnear or amigo quanbszen ted Bor Aimplicity i, DPcH «ede. f reid Celt. Meditation (DM) : 8H we sample a hand-Lemiticl signal aba role much Aammpling sabes the ache cont samples sheulel have thfon aceasta At Svaaonhle eoplilide. dp. ill be sexy dmall. DH wating abit DPCM scheme. the. 1mbit wantien equivalent tt a Livoloyel somporatir (also called asa Kernel Limiter), (Bla) = x(k) — K(Rta) = «x (RT)— a(R] 2! “hn DM, the Predict Black! 3 blaced by se amit tay black ven EM) oferty alk meen, re > Meduulatan ofp Aeewmutetin Mime o/P U(Ata)= x(Rta) re(Rra) (simular te d?CM) 0/? levels § a I-Ait quantizer, b= afip size 14 ane Ne ofr Levels AR(RTs) *Bonelition fox avaicling Aloe overland — ‘ ¥ df am YP a i om SF at's a Bl fe psn pert ade(t) es i < St, une Wmatng conditth on Ru ‘2 Ie 74 2 oveleaing -tignal x(t) ‘Adaptive DH Shp Atte adept ite tre Gbeihanadoty cm (avm) sdapitove eee , Blas ~ dest . e err ( 4) R ; at ae (Ig) Pee eS Pe In ssB,4f Brey & mal, Po = inf, CO) ee | fegari M(ws]* = aL [Mwy )rded = Emit) DSB =e P. | + Popular tn digital tommuniealtin as. ruulteploring Tcbmnigue’ stay be sonsidercel as 0 peor of tnequency Bixirion Null plering’ tags for. mulbflering evetalsignalr in amalog

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