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Name: _______________________

11 Chemistry Roll #:
Time: 30Min; Marks: 17
Q1) Choose the most appropriate op on. Cu ng / overwri ng is not allowed: 17 Marks
i) Which one is not equa on of Raoult's Law:
A) ΔP = P X ∘
2 B)C = n RT v C) = X2

∘ 2 D)P = P


ii) 18 g glucose is dissolved in 90 g of water. The rela ve lowering of vapour pressure is equal to:
A) 42740 B)5.1 C)18629 D)6
iii) In H SO the oxida on number of S is:
2 4

A) 2 B)6 C)8 D)4

iv) The hybridiza on of carbon in C H is: 2 4

B)SP 2
C)SP D)dSP 3

v) The solubility product of AgCl is 2.0 × 10 mole dm . The maximum concentra on of Ag ions in the solu on is:
−10 2 −6 +

A) 2.0 × 10
 mole dm
B)1.4 × 10  mole dm C)1.0 × 10  mole dm
−5 −3
D)4.0 × 10 mole dm −10 −3 −20 −3

vi) When H Cl is added to H S aqueous solu on its ioniza on


A) Increases B)Decreases C)Remains constant D)First increases then

vii) The order of the rate of diffusion of gases N H , SO , Cl and CO is: 3 2 2 2

A) N H > SO > Cl > CO B)N H > CO > SO > Cl C)Cl > SO > CO > N H D)N H > CO > Cl > SO
3 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2

viii) The change in heat energy of a chemical reac on at constant temperature and pressure is called:
A) Enthalpy change B)Bond energy C)Heat of sublima on D)Internal energy
ix) The poten al of standard Hydrogen electrode is always fixed as:
A) 1 B)Zero C)1.5 D)2
x) Total number of bonds in C H molecule are:
2 4

A) Six B)Four C)Five D)Eight

xi) The number of bonds in nitrogen molecule is:
A) One sigma and one pi B)One sigma and two pi C)Three sigma only D)Two sigma and one pi
xii) The net heat change in a chemical reac on is same, whether it is brought about in two or more different ways in one or
several steps. It is known as:
A) Henry's law B)Joule's principle C)Hess's law D)Law of conserva on of
xiii) Which is not a state func on:
A) Energy B)Heat C)Temperature D)Volume
xiv) A solu on of glucose is 10% w/v. the volume in which one-gram mole of it dissolved will be:
A) 1dm 3
B)1.8 dm 3
C)200 cm D)900cm 3 3

xv) A substance which make the catalyst more effec ve is called:

A) Promoter B)Inhibitor C)Retarder D)Poison
xvi) The rate of reac on:
A) Increases as the reac on B)Decreases as the reac on C)Remains the same as the D)May decrease or increase as
proceeds proceeds reac on proceeds the reac on proceeds
xvii)Cathode in NiCAD cell is:
A) Ag O2 B)N iO 2 C)CdO D)Zn
11 Chemistry Name: _______________________

Roll #:
Time: 2:30Hr; Marks: 68
Q2) Write short answers of ANY EIGHT (08) of the following: 16 Marks
i) How the nature of a chemical bond is predicted with the help of electronega vity values of two bonded
ii) Why the abnormality of bond length and bond strength in H I is less prominent than that of H Cl?
iii) Why the dipole moment of SO is 1.61 D but that of SO is zero?
2 3

iv) Define ionic bond with an example.

v) How the percentage ionic character of a covalent bond is determined by dipole moment?
vi) Why is the radius of a ca on smaller than its parent atom?
vii) Explain the term enthalpy.
viii)Why is it necessary to men on the physical states of reactants and products in a thermochemical equa on of
a reac on?
ix) Define standard enthalpy of forma on with a suitable example.
x) Burning of candle is a spontaneous process. Jus fy it.
xi) What is a thermochemical equa on? What informa on does it convey? Explain with an example.
xii) Define Hess's law of constant heat summa on with one example.
Q3) Write short answers of ANY EIGHT (08) of the following: 16 Marks
i) The solubility of glucose in water is increased by . increasing the temperature. Explain.
ii) Why is the vapour pressure of a solu on less than pure solvent?
iii) What are the name of four major parts of apparatus used in Landsberger's method for eleva on of boiling
iv) One molal solu on of glucose is dilute as compared to one molar solu on of glucose. Jus fy
v) Differen ate between hydra on and hydrolysis
vi) Define "Ebullioscopic Constant" with one example.
vii) Define Pauli's Exclusion Principle with an example.
viii)Write down two defects of Rutherford's Atomic Model.
ix) What are defects in Rutherford's atomic model?
x) Jus fy that the distance gaps between different orbitals go on increasing from the lower to higher orbits.
xi) Write names of spectral series of hydrogen spectrum.
xii) Write a nuclear reac on for the decay of free neutron.
Q4) Write short answers of ANY SIX (06) of the following: 12 Marks
i) Write down two func ons of salt bridge in a galvanic cell.
ii) How fuel cells produce electricity?
iii) Write two advantages of fuel cells.
iv) Calculate oxida on number of M n in KM nO and N a M nO .
4 2 4

v) Define standard electrode poten al.

vi) How surface area affects the rate of reac on? Give one example.
vii) What are enzymes? How they act as catalyst?
viii)Differen ate between enthalpy change of reac on and energy of ac va on of reac on.
ix) Define homogenous catalysis, give two examples.

Give explanatory answers of (both parts of) ANY THREE of the following: 24 Marks
5A)Explain the molecular orbital structures of following molecules on the basis of the MOT: (i) N (Nitrogen) (ii)

O (oxygen)

5B)Write the main points of valence shell electron pair repulsion theory and explain the structure of ammonia
on the basis of this theory.
6A)Define the following with example: (i) System (ii) Non-spontaneous reac ons (iii) Surrounding (iv)
Endothermic reac ons.
6B)State first law of thermodynamics. Prove that: ΔE = q v

7A)What is the percentage ioniza on of ace c acid in a solu on in which 0.1 moles of it has been dissolved per
dm of the solu on?

7B)Calculate the pH of a buffer solu on in which 0.11 molar CH COON a and 0.09 molar ace c acid solu ons

are present. K for CH COOH is 1.85 × 10 .

a 3

8A)Define: (i) Electrode poten al. (ii) Redox reac on. (iii) Electrochemical series. (iv) Oxida on number.
8B)Balance the following equa on by oxida on number method: M nO + H Cl → M nCl + H O + Cl
2 2 2 2

9A)Define the following terms: (i) Molarity. (ii) Molality. soluble (iii) Mole frac on. (iv) Parts per million.
9B)What is Arrhenius equa on? How it can be used to calculate ac va on energy of a reac on?

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