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Prepared by: Teacher Wilen


An expression is a sentence with a minimum of

two numbers and at least one math operation.

You are familiar with the following type of

numerical expressions:
12 + 6
3 × 12
(6 × 3) + 2
What is a variable?

In the expression 12 + b, the letter “b” is a variable.

A variable is a letter or symbol that

represents an unknown value.
Algebraic Expressions

When variables are used with other numbers,

parentheses, or operations, they create an
algebraic expressions.

a + 2
(a) (b)
3m - 6
What are coefficients?

A coefficient is the number multiplied by the

variable in an variable expression.

Algebraic Expressions Coefficient

6m + 5 6
8r + 4 8
14b - 8 14
What is a term?

A term is the name given to a number, a variable,

or a number and a variable combined by
multiplication or division.

Algebraic Expressions Terms

a + 2 a, 2

3m + 6n - 6 3m, 6n, - 6
What are constants?

A constant is a number that cannot change

its value.

In the expression: 5x + 7y - 2

The constant is - 2.

2x + 3
Example: 3a + 2b - 89

- Variables
a and b
- Coefficients
3 and 2
- Constants
- 89
- # of Terms
Example: 2n + c

- Variables
n and c
- Coefficients
- Constants
- # of Terms
Figure it out!

Identify the terms, coefficients, and


1. 12a - 6b + 4
2. 4x - 2y
3. c - 32
4. 3x + 2
Writing Algebraic Expressions
Translate word phrases into algebraic expressions.

1. c decreased by 19
c - 19
2. Sum of 138 and twice b
138 + 2b
3. t less than 202
202 - t
4. 2 times the quantity of k plus 384
2(k + 384)
5. 219 more than thrice m
3m + 219
Writing Algebraic Expressions
Translate word phrases into algebraic expressions.

6. u fewer than 320

320 - u
7. 37 and d more
37 + d
8. w subtracted from 301
301 - w
9. 50 divided by twice z
50 ÷ 2z
10. g times the sum of a and 118
g (a + 118)
Writing Algebraic Expressions
Translate word phrases into algebraic expressions.

11. Quotient of 163 and p

12. Product of r and 144
r * 144
13. 323 plus the product of 168 and t
323 + 168 *t
14. 181 times k, reduced by 116
181k - 116
15. 224 subtracted from the product of 355 and y
355 y - 224
Key words to look for:
Addition: Subtraction:
• Add • Minus
• Plus • Difference
• Sum • Subtract
• Total • Less than
• Increased by • Decreased by
• More than • Less
• Added to • Reduced by
• Fewer than
Key words to look for:
Multiplication Division
• Product • Quotient
• Times • Divide by
• Multiply by
• Multiply from
• Doubled
• Twice
• Thrice
Translate word phrases into algebraic expressions.

1. 329 fewer than thrice b

3b - 329
2. Product of 348 and s, plus 311
348 s + 311
3. j times 337, minus 355
j * 337 - 355
4. 79 fewer than the quantity 21 times a
21a - 79
5. 224 added to the product of 355 and y
224 + 355y
Writing Algebraic Expressions
Write algebraic expression using the given problems.

1. Nina drew p pictures. Ronald drew 17 fewer pictures than Nina.

p - 17
2. Devon has 30 books. Ling has b more books than Devon.
30 + b
3. Jonathan ate 57 out of g gumdrops.
g - 57
4. James has 29 buttons. He gives away b buttons.
29 - b
5. The science club has m members. The club bought 18 bumper
stickers to split among its members.
18 ÷ m
Rey earns $35 a day working after school at
the supermarket. How much will he earn in d

Write your answer as an expression.

35d or 35 x d
Kelly has some money she has already saved.
After mowing two lawns on Saturday, she adds
$40 to her savings. How much money has Kelly
saved altogether?

Let s represent the amount of money she already

has in savings.

Write your answer as an expression.

s + 40
Tickets to the aquarium cost $27 per person.
an expression to represent the total cost of
tickets for a group of people. Let n represent
the number of people in the group.

27n or 27 x n
A pizza delivery driver earns $12 an hour and
works h hours per day. He also spends $12 a
day on gas. How much money will the driver
earn in one day.

Write your answer as an expression.

12h - 12
Sarah received $55, for her birthday. She
used some of that money to buy 3 shirts
priced at m dollars each. How much money
does Sarah have left?

Write your answer as an expression.

55 – 3m
u + 21
When u = 37
u + 21
= 37 + 21
= 58
3a + c
When a = 5 and c = 12
3a + c
= 3(5) + 12
= 15 + 12
= 27
5a ( b - 10)
When a = 2 and b = 50
5a (b - 10)
= 5(2) (50 – 10)
= 10 (40)
= 400
Let’s have a activity.


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