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1. Task Title Task Description: This provide an overview of what the task is asking you to perform

Task Location: This section defines what task applies to in the Project file. For Example, it may refer to a
starting or end point, a range of cells, specific text, or a Global setting.

Task Details: This section provides the specific task information that should be applied to the are
specified in the Task Location section

Please open skihouse.xlsx and make the following changes.


1. Hyperlink Create a hyperlink
Cell A13
• Worksheet Reference: All Mountain worksheet
• Cell Reference: Cell A18

2. Format Cells Change the formatting of number

Cell range D2:E17
• Enable the 1,000 Seperator Options

3. Cells Alignment Modify the cell alignment settings

Cell range B2:B17
• Horizontal: Left (Indent)
• Indent: 2

4. Named Range Create a named range for a group of cells

Cell range C2:C17
• Name the cell range:: “Rangename”

5. Average Find the Average Prorenence (ft)

function Cell I2
• Average formula
• Numer1: Prorenence (ft) column
• Absolute reference

6. Max function Find the Greatest Prorenence (ft)

Cell I3
• Max formula
• Abosolute Reference
7. Min function Find the Least Prorenence (ft)
Cell I4
• Min formula
• Abosolute Reference

8. Countif function Count the number of Jouda Mountain

Cell I6
• Function: Countif
• Range: Rangename
• Criteria: “Jouda Mountain”

9. Averageif Find the average Prorenence (ft) of Jouda Mountain

function Cell I7
• Function: Averageif
• Range: Rangename
• Criteria: “Jouda Mountain”
• Average_range: D2:D17

10. Insert Table Creat a table from a cell range

Cell range B1:E17

• Format table as Table style Medium 12 style

• Display First Column

11. Sort Sort data of the Table

Table B1:E17

Sort 2 columns
• Mountain Peak: A to Z
• Mountain Range: A to Z

12. Filter Filter data of the Table

Mountain Range Column
• Show only Jouda Mountain value

13. Create Chart Create chart from a cell range

Below the data
• Exclude all filterd rows
• 3-D Clustered Column Chart
• Series 1: value in Prorenence (ft) columns
• Horizontal (category) Axis Labels: Mountain Peak columns

14. Format Chart Modify Chart Style

3-D Clustered Column Chart
• Style 11

15. Chart Title Rename the title of the chart

3-D Clustered Column Chart
• Add the value: “Peak Number”


16. Cell styles Apply cell styles to the selected cell range
Cell range A1:A26
• 60% - Accent 5

17. Hide Row Make rows invisible to user

Rows: 7, 26

• Hide the rows

18. Conditional Creat a new Formatting rule

Formatting Cell range C2:C26
• Use Icon Set type: 5 Boxes
• Four filled box: Value ≥4
• Three filled box: Value ≥ 3 and <4
• Second filled box: Value <3 and ≥ 2
• One filled box: Value <2 and ≥ 1
• Type: Number
• Enable Show Icon Only

19. Insert Shape Insert Shape

Right of the data
• Vertical Scroll Shape
• Shape Style: Subtle Effect – Gold, Accent 4
• Shape fill: Green

20. Format Shape Modify text of Shape

Vertical Scroll Shape
• Modify text: “I want to climb mountain”
21. Concatenate Join text from multiple cells
Function Cell range F9:F17
• Concatenate formula
• Text1: “C”
• Text 2: Right function, text: A9, Num_chars: 1
• Text 3: Trailhead for the Mountain Class

22. Insert Add a new worksheet
Worksheet At the end of workbook
• Add a worksheet
• Rename to: “River”

23. Import Data Insert data from a text file

Cell B2

• File source: Grades 1990-2000 in MOCK TEST 3 file

• Tab-delimited

24. Change Page Change the theme color of the workbook

Layout Skihouse workbook
• Red Orange

25. File Properties Add value to document property

Subject field
• Add the value: “The Hottest River”

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