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Running head: SOCIAL STYLE 1

Social Style

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Social Style

Responding towards others appropriately could be complex at time although verbal

responses can be easily endured and make up the most direct portion for a response. On the other

hands it is non-verbal responses which most individual must be aware of. Facial gestures and

body movements are only part of a wider picture made by non-verbal responses. There are

various physical gestures which one could make both intentionally and unintentionally in

response to things. In fact, something as simple as heavy sigh could adversely change intended

response. The exact timing could be significant and sometimes be nearly as significant as

response itself. It is very crucial for responses to be delivered exactly at right moment for

ensuring it has exact meaning intended. Interrupting simply for respond for instance, might make

listener ignore the response altogether, even when response is correct in every other way. For

some, creating perfect and timely response with exact amount of verbal and non-verbal

communication need a combination of training and experience.

Another crucial part of a response is the message itself. When a listener is truly

empathetic to a speaker which needs empathy, response must easily be appropriate if handled

professionally. When listener is not empathetic it might be difficult to fake. Social style could be

set of communicative mannerisms which another individual acknowledges when it is unique for

every person. Each of the social style include responsiveness and assertiveness dimension and

are comprised of four traditional social style which are expressive, amiable, analytical and driver.

The ability of adjusting one’s social style is recognized as Style-Flexing. Both social style and

ability of style-flex impacts one’s ability to listen and communicate effectively. After completing

the worksheet of social style, I have a high responsiveness and assertiveness score making me an

expressive social style. In order to be effective leader, we must recognize individual’s social

style and learn how to communicate effectively.

Social style is classified into two dimension "Assertiveness is the capacity to make

requests; whereas responsiveness is the capacity to be sensitive to the communication of others"

(Beebe & Mottet, 2016, p.60). Responsiveness has been the capacity to be delicate when other

communicate. When we allow others to be comfortable while communicating, it allows for

effective message receipt and delivery. As a leader, it helps one to establish a trust bond which is

significant for both work field or our personal lives. Learning and knowing about social style

could be advantageous when it comes to several aspect of business world. It could be helpful

when it comes to negotiation, providing presentation and most significantly communication.

Social Style be broken down into groups and it is important to know about social style and

feature of style so one can inform others about yourself. Knowing about features one must

possibly even sell yourself during an interview. The most crucial aspect that social style assists

us with acknowledgement how we communicate how we must communicate to others.

The capacity of adapting social style has been incredibly significant and importantly

when selling and even while making friendship. Leadership has been a process by which an

individual impact other to accomplish a goal and directs the organization for making it cohesive

and coherent. It has been an ability for building confidence and zeal among individual creating

urge to be led. It inspires confidence and support among group member for attaining goals.

Social style is based upon perception of one’s behavior through others and there is no correlation

between social style and personality. There are not correct or incorrect style and no style is more

successful than another and no one style is better suited for leadership position than another.

Individual are more comfortable associating with those with similar style to themselves. It is the

reason why we could communicate more effectively if one learns how to be versatile. With the

awareness of manner, one acts or are perceived would help to determine best manner of

communication. Social style exercises could help determine a person’s level of assertiveness

along with how responsive it might be. In life everyone is continuously developing and evolving.

The manner we communicate has been an example of it. Some individual may be verbal in

communication while others may rely more upon body language and social cues.


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