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PPT Energy Test Bank

1) P = t=

2) mgh = v = Simplify your answer.

3) Almost all of the energy that humans use ultimately comes from
a) oil
b) gas
c) the sun
d) plants, either living or fossilized
e) volcanoes

4) Calories are a measure of

a) force
b) energy
c) mass
d) weight
e) acceleration

5) About how many Calories per day does an average person with a moderate level of
activity require?
a) 600
b) 1,200
c) 2,500
d) 5,000
e) 10,000

6) If you lift a 20 N object 2 m straight up, how much work have you done on it?
a) 40 N
b) 0.1 J
c) 10 kg
d) 40 J
e) 10 J

7) If you push on a 300 kg rock with a force of 1,000 N for 10 s, and it doesn't move, how
much work have you done on the rock?
a) 0 J
b) 10,000 J
c) 300,000 J
d) 3,000,000 J
e) not enough information

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8) If you push identical boxes from the bottom of each ramp to the same height at the top,
which ramp would require you to do the most work on the box? Ignore friction.

a b c d e) all the same

9) If you drive your 1,000 kg car from sea level up to the Nu'uanu Pali lookout, which is
366 m above sea level, how much will you have increased your car's potential energy?
a) 366,000 J
b) 3,660,000 J
c) 2.73 J
d) 20.73 J
e) 0.366 J

10) What is the kinetic energy of a 4 kg rock falling through the air at 5 m/s?
a) 10 J
b) 50 J
c) 20 J
d) 200 J
e) 100 J

11) Assuming 100% efficiency, how much energy is required for a 600 N person to walk
up a 3 m high flight of stairs?
a) 200 J
b) 2,000 J
c) 1,800 J
d) 18,000 J
e) it depends how fast you go up

12) How efficient are humans at converting energy into work?

a) 5-10 %
b) 10-20 %
c) 30-40 %
d) 50-60 %
e) 70-80 %

13) If a rock falls from a cliff, at what point are its kinetic energy and its potential energy
the same? Ignore air resistance. Assume the potential energy is relative to the bottom of
the cliff.
a) just as it starts to fall
b) just before it hits the bottom
c) halfway down
d) never
e) not enough information

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14) If a 5 kg rock falls 45 m from the top of a cliff, what is its velocity at that point? Ignore
air resistance.
a) 9.5 m/s
b) 6.7 m/s
c) 21.2 m/s
d) 225 m/s
e) 30 m/s

15) In the diagram, the ball's velocity is 6 m/s, and the height of the ramp is 1 m. What will
the ball's velocity be at the top of the ramp? Ignore friction.
a) The ball won't make it to the top of the ramp.
b) 2 m/s
c) 3 m/s
d) 4 m/s
e) 5 m/s

16) In the following setup, similar to our lab activity, find the distance D the ball will travel
horizontally before it hits the floor. h = 1 m. H = 25 m. Unlike our lab, ignore friction
and rotational kinetic energy (do not use
0.66). h

17) All of the identical balls start at the same height. Which will have the highest velocity
when it reaches the bottom of its ramp? Ignore friction.

18) If a Suburban and a Miata are going the same speed, but the Suburban weighs three
times as much as the Miata, how many times more kinetic energy does the Suburban
have than the Miata?

a b c d
e) all the same

a) 1
b) 3
c) 4.5
d) 9

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e) not enough information

19) Two identical (except for color) Miatas are traveling down the road. The silver one is
going three times as fast as the white one. How many times more kinetic energy does
the silver Miata have than the white one?
a) 1
b) 3
c) 4.5
d) 9
e) not enough information

20) Two identical (except for color) Dodge Neons are traveling down the road. The blue
one is going twice as fast as the green one. If their brakes generate the same amount of
force, how many times further will the blue one go than the green one before they stop?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 8
d) 16
e) not enough information
21) A ball rolls down a curved ramp. Where is the ball's e) all the
kinetic energy the greatest? Ignore friction. same

22) How much power does it take to lift a 1,000 N load c

10 m in 20 s?
a) 5 W
b) 500 W
c) 2,000 W
d) 200,000 W
e) 5,000 W

23) The evil monkey is using a 1500 W motor to lift a 300 kg piano up 10 m. About how
long will it take him? Not that he would drop it on your head or anything…
a) 20 s
b) 2 s
c) 50 s
d) 45 s
e) 45,000 s

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24) Where do most of the Calories you consume go?

a) to fuel your brain
b) to maintain bodily functions
c) to do work on exercise activities
d) excreted as urine
e) none of the above

25) Almost all of the energy that humans use comes from

26) Calories are a measure of

27) About how many Calories per day does an average person with a moderate level of
activity require?

28) If you lift a 30 N object 4 m straight up, how much work have you done on it?

29) If you push on a car with a force of 600 N for 5 s, but you can't move it, how much
work have you done on the car?

30) If you ignore friction, which takes more work, lifting an object straight up, or sliding it
up a ramp to the same height?

31) If a 100 kg tourist hikes from sea level up to the top of Diamond Head, which is 160 m
above seal level, how much will they have increased their potential energy?

32) What is the kinetic energy of a 5 kg rock falling through the air at 4 m/s?

33) Assuming 100% efficiency, how much energy is required for an 800 N person to climb
10 m?

34) About how efficient are humans at converting energy into work?

35) If a rock falls from a cliff, at what point are its kinetic energy and its potential energy
the same? Ignore air resistance. Assume the potential energy is relative to the bottom of
the cliff.

36) If a 5 kg rock falls 5 m, starting from rest, what is its velocity? Ignore air resistance.

37) In the diagram, the ball's velocity is 3 m/s, and the

height of the ramp is 2 m. What will the ball's
velocity be at the bottom of the ramp? Ignore

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38) In the following setup, similar to our lab activity, find the distance D the ball will travel
in the air before it hits the floor. h = 0.8 m. H = 20 m. Unlike our lab, ignore friction
and rotational kinetic energy (do not
use 0.66). h

39) Ignoring friction, if Galileo had dropped one ball and slid the other down a ramp to the
ground, both starting at the same height, the dropped one would have hit the ground
first. How would their speeds have compared just before hitting the ground?

40) If two rocks are launched through the air at the same speed, but one has twice as much
mass as the other, how do their kinetic energies compare?

41) If two identical baseballs are thrown, but one is going twice as fast as the other, how do
their kinetic energies compare?

42) If you're driving your car at 50 mph instead of 25 mph, how much further will it take
you to stop?

43) Where is the ball's kinetic energy the least? Ignore a

e) all the
friction. same

44) How much power does it take to lift a 500 N load 20 m in 5 s?

45) The evil monkey is using a 2000 W motor to lift a 200 kg piano up 5 m. About how
long will it take him?

46) Where do most of the Calories you consume go?

47) = y = Simplify your answer.

48) In a slice of pepperoni pizza, there are 43 g of carbohydrate, 14 g of fat, and 17 g of

protein. What percentage of the Calories are from fat?
a) 34%
b) 11%
c) 15%

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d) 9%
e) 28%

49) Which of the following is NOT a source of food Calories?

a) carbohydrates
b) vitamins
c) lipids
d) protein
e) b and c

50) What are nutrients used for?

a) energy
b) growth
c) maintenance
d) all of the above
e) none of the above

51) What foods are made ONLY of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen?
a) carbohydrates
b) lipids
c) protein
d) minerals
e) a and b

52) When you drag a box across a level floor, you do work on the box. After you stop, the
work you did has changed into
a) kinetic energy.
b) potential energy.
c) thermal energy.
d) all of the above.
e) none of the above.

53) Assume you can accurately measure the total kinetic, potential, and thermal energy of a
baseball at two different times while it is flying through the air. If you find that its total
energy has decreased, what does that mean?
a) Your measurements must be wrong because energy is conserved.
b) Its thermal energy has decreased.
c) Something else has gained energy.
d) Its temperature has decreased.
e) Its KE + PE has decreased.

54) How much thermal energy is created when a 3,000 kg SUV brakes to a stop from 20
m/s on a level road?
a) 1,200,000 J
b) 600,000 J
c) 60, 000 J

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d) 30,000 J
e) 90,000,000 J

55) According to the Law of Conservation of Energy, which of the following is NOT true?
a) Energy can't be created or destroyed.
b) The total KE + PE of a system is always the same.
c) Energy can transfer from one object to another.
d) Energy can change forms.
e) E = KE + PE + TE

56) If you lift a 10 kg bag of rice 1 m up onto a pantry shelf, and you are 10% efficient in
converting energy to work, how much energy have you lost to heat?
a) 100 J
b) 90 J
c) 900 J
d) 10 J
e) 1000 J

57) What is NOT true of heat?

a) Heat is how much energy an object contains.
b) Heat is a form of energy.
c) Heat always flows from higher temperature objects to lower temperature objects.
d) Heat is energy moving from one object to another.
e) Heat is energy transferred due to a difference in temperature.

58) Which is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules in an object?
a) work
b) thermal energy
c) temperature
d) heat
e) Joules

59) In what two ways can the energy of a system be changed?

60) A thermos, which keeps hot food hot, or cold food cold, is fighting which law of
a) Newton's 1st Law of Motion
b) Newton's 2nd Law of Motion
c) The Law of Conservation of Energy
d) The 1st Law of Thermodynamics
e) The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

61) Explain the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (entropy) in two ways.

62) If you consume the meat of a grazing animal, about what percent of the energy
originally consumed by the animal do you get to use for external work?

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a) 0.1%
b) 1%
c) 0.01%
d) 5%
e) 10%

63) In round numbers, the US has what percentage of world population, and consumes
what percentage of world resources?
a) 10%, 50%
b) 5%, 50%
c) 5%, 30%
d) 1%, 10%
e) 3%, 40%

64) Why can life on Earth continue to get more organized despite entropy?

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# Answer Concept
W/P 3 variables
√(2gh) proportions
c source of energy
b Calories
c energy is required for bodily
d work is Fd
a only force in the direction of
motion counts toward work
e work done on an object to raise it
is the same regardless of path
b PE = mgh
b KE = mv2/2
c PE = Fd
b human efficiency
c Total E = PE + KE
e PE -> KE = mv2/2
d KE -> PE
10 m PE->KE, projectile motion
e PE -> KE
b KE  m
d KE  v2
b KE  v2
d PE -> KE
b P = W/t
a t = W/P
b most human energy goes to
normal body functions
the sun source of energy
energy Calories
2500 (2000 ok) energy is required for bodily functions
120 J work is Fd
0J only force in the direction of motion counts toward work
same work done on an object to raise it is the same regardless of path
160,000 J PE = mgh
40 J KE = mv2/2
8,000 J PE = Fd
10-20% human efficiency
halfway down Total E = PE + KE
10 m/s PE -> KE = mv2/2
7 m/s KE -> PE
8m PE->KE, projectile motion

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# Answer Concept
the same PE -> KE
twice the mass means twice the KE KE  m
twice the velocity means 4 times the KE KE  v2
4 times KE  v2
a PE -> KE
2,000 W P = W/t
5s t = W/P
Body functions most human energy goes to normal body functions
0.32x proportions
a Calories from food, percentage
b nutrients
d nutrients
e food composition(?)
c energy takes different forms
c conservation of energy
b conservation of energy
b conservation of energy
c conservation of energy
a heat
c temperature
∆E = W + Q, work and heat 1st Law of Thermodynamics
e 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
Any two of: 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
 heat goes from hot objects to cold objects
 a tendency to disorder
 energy is required to create order
 the statistical odds of something happening the
way you want are low
b Loss of energy in the trophic
c global energy
constant influx of energy from the sun entropy

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