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Course: Paradise

Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII

Topic : Rational numbers
DPP No. 1
Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)
Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)
1. Which parts contain the fractions in ascending order ?
11 16 19 16 11 19 19 11 16 16 19 11
(A) , , (B) , , (C) , , (D) , ,
14 19 21 19 14 21 21 14 19 19 21 14

2. Let x, y and z be distinct integers, that are odd and positive. Which one of the following statement cannot
be true ?
(A) xyz2 is odd (B) (x – y)2 z is even
(C) (x + y – z)2 (x + y) is even (D) (x – y)(y + z)(x + y – z) is odd

3. Which one of the following is true ?

(A)  is a rational number. (B) All rational numbers are irrational numbers.
(C) All real numbers can be represented on a number line.
(D) is a rational number.
5 7 1 2
4. The difference between the largest and the smallest of the fractions , , , , is
8 12 3 5
1 5 7 13
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 24 24 21

3 3 3 3
5. Arrange , , , in ascending order. Express the least number as a percent of the greatest number.
11 9 16 10
The answer is
1 1 1
(A) 56% (B) 56 % (C) 56 % (D) 56 %
3 4 2

6. Which of the following statement is incorrect ?

(A) Absolute value of – is a positive Rational Number
(B) There can be Infinite rational number between two given rational numbers
(C) Zero has a multiplicative inverse
(D) |a| = – a
7. Identify a non terminating Rational number
16 3 4 5
(A) (B) (C) (D)
25 8 60 26

8. Find two rational numbers whose absolute value is

9. Find the absolute value of

7 15  1 7   5 35  1 5
(i) (ii)  (iii)    (iv)    (v)   
11 17  3 3   4 16  3 6

4 2
10. The quotient that you get after dividing the reciprocal of the sum of   by the sum is the
15 5
multiplicative identity. True or False

PAGE # 1
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Rational numbers
DPP No. 2
Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)
Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)
7 13
1. The sum of share of two persons, Ravi and Rahul is . If Ravi’s share is , then the Rahul’s share is :
8 16
8 16 6 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
7 13 13 16

2. Rational number that does not have a reciprocal.

(A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 5

5 1
3. The sum of two rational numbers is . If one of them is , then the other
9 3
9 2 1 2
(A) (B) (C) (D) –
2 9 9 9

4. The additive inverse of is
13 17
(A) – (B) 0 (C) 1 (D)
17 13

1 3 11 13
5.  ,  ,  and arranged in descending order are :
5 10 15 20
13 3 11 1 13 11 3 1 13 1 3 11 13 1 11 3
(A) , , , (B) , , , (C) , , , (D) , , ,
20 10 15 5 20 15 10 5 20 5 10 15 20 5 15 10

6. If a & b are positive integers and x = 2 × 3 × 7 × a, and y = 2 × 2 × 8 × b, and the values of both x & y lie
between 120 & 130 (not including the two) then -
(A) a – b = – 3 (B) a – b = – 1 (C) a2 + b2 = 25 (D) a2 + b2 = 36

7. Which of the following is the possible value of the sum of two positive integers whose product is 12.
(A) 8 (B) 13 (C) 7 (D) 15

8. The product of two numbers is 80 . If one of them is 13 , find the other.
9. Write the additive inverse of :

4 5 4 5
10. Compare  and 
3 8 3 8

PAGE # 2
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Rational numbers
DPP No. 3
Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)
Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)
1. Which property of multiplication is not involved in the following :
1 1  1
32    8  4    8   4    8  1  8
4 4  4
(A) Associative property (B) Multiplicative inverse property
(C) Commutative property (D) Property of 1

2. If a , b , c are three non-zero rational numbers , then the false statements is

(A) a ÷ ( b ÷ c ) ( a ÷ b) ÷ c (B) a ÷ b is a rational number
a b
(C) a ÷ ( -a) = -1 (D) ( a - b ) ÷ c  +
c c

3. How many rational numbers exist between any two distinct rational numbers?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 11 (D) Infinite numbers

5 5 14
4. Subtract the additive inverse of from the multiplicative inverse of   .
6 7 15
2 2 3 3
(A)  (B) (C) (D) 
3 3 2 2

3 3
5. If a triangle has a base of 10 cm and a height of 15 cm, what is its area ?
4 4
9 9 21 9
(A) 1500 cm2 (B) 75 cm 2
(C) 84 cm2 (D) 150 cm2
16 32 32 32

3 6
6. By what number should 2 be multiplied to get 1 ?
5 7
5 5 1 1
(A) 1 (B) (C) 1 (D)
7 7 7 7

7. Which of the following statements is always true ?

x–y xy
(A) is a rational number between x and y. (B) is a rational number between x and y.
2 2
x y 5 2
(C) is a rational number between x and y. (D) lies between and 1.
2 6 3

5 7 1 2
8. Find the difference between the largest and the smallest of the fractions , , , ?
8 12 3 5
3 5
9. Find 10 rational number between and .
5 4

10. The number 2.525252........ can be written as a fraction, when reduced to the lowest form. Find the sum of
the numerator and denominator ?

PAGE # 3
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Squares & square roots
DPP No. 4

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. The least number which must be added to 893304 to obtain a perfect square is :
(A) 1613 (B) 1614 (C) 1610 (D) 1612

2. Which number is NOT a perfect square?

(A) 64 (B) 196 (C) 288 (D) 400

3. The smallest number by which 980 must be multiplied so that the product is a perfect square is
(A) 7 (B) 5 (C) 3 (D) 6

4. The smallest number by which 1152 must be divided to make it a perfect square is
(A) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (D) 7.

5. Of the numbers 0.16, 0.16 , (0.16)2 and 0.016, the least number is
(A) (0.16)2 (B) 0.16 (C) 0.016 (D) 0.16

6. 3 ab is a perfect square number where ab the following may be true ?

(A) 3 + a + b = 10 (B) Value of a may be 6 , 2
(C) Value of b may be 1 , 4 (D) None

7. If (a2 + b2 + 2ab) = 16 and the value of b = 2 than find the values of a.

(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) – 6 (D) 6

8. At a parade 17 boys are standing in each of the 17 rows. Find the minimum number of boys to be taken
out of the parade so that the number of boys in each row is same as number of rows.

9. Find the least number which should be multiplied by 352 to make it a perfect square.

10. A General wishing to arrange his men, who were 335250 in number in the form of a square that were 9
men left over. How many were there in each row?

PAGE # 4
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Rational numbers, Squares & square roots
DPP No. 5

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. Which of the following is not correct?

(A) 0.4096  0.64 (B) 40.96  6.4 (C) 0.04096  0.064 (D) 4096  64

2. The number of square numbers between 1000 and 2000 is :

(A) 44 (B) 25 (C) 13 (D) 10
 2
3. The value of  248  52  144  is :
 
(A) 256 (B) 8 (C) 16 (D) 4

4. Find a four-digit number of the form aabb which is a perfect square :

(A) 7799 (B) 7766 (C) 7755 (D) 7744

81  256  39
5. Simplify : .
169  49  2
(A) 6 (B) 8 (C) 4 (D) 2

6. Perfect square of an even number is always divisible by

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 8

7. What number should be added in 500 so it becomes perfect square

(A) 25 (B) 29 (C) 76 (D) 81

1 3 8
8. Ruchi bought 2 kg potatoes at Rs.10 per kg and 1 kg tomatoes at Rs. 16 per kg. How much money
2 8 11
did she give to shopkeeper ?

9. Find the least square number divisible exactly by 4, 5, 6, 15 and 18.

10. Find the least number of six digits which is a perfect square. Find the square root, of this number.

PAGE # 5
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Squares & square roots
DPP No. 6

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1 The value of 0.01 + 0.81 + 1.21 + 0.0009 is

(A) 2.03. (B) 2.1. (C) 2.11. (D) 2.13.

2. If x = 15 and y = 20, then x2  y2 is equal to :

(A) 25 (B) 35 (C) (15  20)2 (D) 625

1 1
3.  equal to
16 9
7 25 5
(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these
12 144 12

4. If 6084 = 78, then 60.84 is :

(A) 7.8 (B) 0.78 (C) 78 (D) 0.078

5. Find the approximate value of .
(A) 0.70 (B) 0.75 (C) 0.65 (D) 0.8

6. If 5(x – 1)2 = 180, then x can be

(A) 7 (B) – 5 (C) 5 (D) – 7

7. Square root of any number is ___________

(A) Always positive (B) Always negative
(C) Positive or negative (D) Question does not provide sufficient data or is vagus.

8. Find the greatest number of six digits, which is a perfect square. Find the square root of this number.

9. A man born in the first half of the 19th century was x years old in the year x2. Find the year in which he was

10. If squared difference of two consecutive rational numbers is 31. Find the numbers.

PAGE # 6
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Squares & square roots, Cubes and cube roots
DPP No. 7

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. Find the value k so that 200 × k is a perfect cube.

(A) 5 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 7

2. Choose the correct statements?

(A) 392 is a perfect cube
(B) There is no perfect cube which ends with 4.
(C) If a and b are integers such that a2 > b2, then a3 > b3.
(D) If a divides b, then a3 divides b3.

3. Find the smallest number by which 2560 must be multiplied so that the product is perfect cube.
(A) 25 (B) 5 (C) 15 (D) None of these

4. The cube of a two - digit number may not have________.

(A) Four digits (B) Five digits (C) Six digits (D) Seven digits

5. Which of the following statements is true?

(A) Cubes of all even natural numbers are even
(B) Cubes of all odd natural numbers are odd
(C) Cubes of all negative integers are negative
(D) All of the above

6. Which of the following is true about Ramanujan number ?

(A) It is the sum of cube of 10 and 9 (B) It is the sum of cube of 1 and 12
(C) It is multiple of 7 (D) It is prime number.

7. Which of the following is true about perfect cube ?

(A) Number of factor is multiple of 3. (B) It may be negative.
(C) It must be negative. (D) It may be positive.

8. Find cube of 12 using column method.

9. Using prime factorization, find which of the following are perfect squares.
(i) 128 (ii) 343 (iii) 729 (iv) 1331

3 3
1 1
 2 2 2 
   
10. (i)  5  (12 )  (ii)  62  (82 )2 
     

PAGE # 7
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Cubes and cube roots
DPP No. 8

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

3 3
1. Find the value 0.027 + 1.44 + 0.125 .
(A) 1 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 2

2. Cube root of – 9261 is :

(A) ± 21 (B) 21 (C) – 21 (D) none of these

3. Three numbers are in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3. The sum of their cubes is 18432, then the greatest number is:
(A) 8 (B) 512 (C) 36 (D) 24

4. The cube root of is____.
12 12 15 13
(A) (B) (C) (D)
17 15 17 15

3 3
5. If 18  2.621, then 0.018 is :
(A) 0.2621 (B) 0.02621 (C) 262.1 (D) 26.21

6. 16  x 2 = 4 , find x.
(A) 2 (B) – 2 (C) 1 (D) 0

7. Find the average of S, where S = 13 + 23 + 33 ............. + 93.

 30 
(A)   (B) 225 (C) 5 × 45 (D) None
 2 

0.027 0.09
8. Evaluate 3  –1
0.008 0.04

3 3 3
9. If 729 = 9, then find the value of 0.000729 × 0.729

10. Two cubes have volume in the ratio 1 : 27. Find the ratio of the area of the face of one to that of the other ?

PAGE # 8
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Linear equation in one variable
DPP No. 9

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

x  3 3x  1 2  x  2 
1. If    2 , then the value of x is
2 4 3
61 61
(A) (B) 5 (C) – 5 (D) 
11 11

(3x  1) (2x  3) (x  3) (3x  1)

2. Solve for x : + = +
16 7 8 14
(A) 5 (B) 10 (C) – 14 (D) 12

2x  3 3x  1
3. The solution of 
2x  1 3x  1
1 1 8 8
(A) (B)  (C) (D) 
8 8 3 3

4. = 46 __ 66 , then value of x is
(A) 468160 (B) - 468168 (C) 74272 (D) - 74272

5. A linear equation in one variable has

(A) Only one solution (B) Two solutions
(C) More than two solutions (D) No solution

17(2  x)  5(x  12)

6. The value of x in = 1 is
1  7x
(A) integer (B) whole number (C) natural number (D) rational number

x2  9 5
7. The value of x in =–
5  x2 9
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) -2 (D) 5

2x  1 9
8. Solve 
3x  2 10

x  2x 
9. Solve : –5 2   =4
3  3 

(x  2)(2x – 3) – 2x 2  6
10. Solve : 2

PAGE # 9
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Linear equation in one variable
DPP No. 10

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)
1. A woman bought a certain number of eggs at 5 a rupee, and as many at 7a rupee, and sold them at the
rate of 12 for two rupees, loosing rupee one by her bargain. What number of eggs did she buy?
(A) 210 (B) 240 (C) 140 (D) 280

2. Length of a rectangle is 8 m less than twice its breadth. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 56 m. Find its
length and breadth.
(A) Length = 16 m and breadth = 12 m (B) Length = 13 m, breadth = 15 m
(C) Length = 14 m, breadth = 17 m (D) Length = 18 m, breadth = 21 m

3. A weighs 25 kg more than B and B weighs as much as A. How much does each weigh
(A) 20 kg, 45 kg. (B) 60 kg, 85 kg. (C) 50 kg, 75 kg. (D) 75 kg, 100 kg.

4. Find three consecutive integers such that four times the first plus one- half the second minus twice the third
is equal to 24
(A) 11, 12 and 13 (B) 12, 13 and 14 (C) 13, 14 and 15 (D) 10, 11 and 12

5. Steve Vai agreed to work one year for $45000 plus a very expensive guitar. Steve quit after 7 months and
received $20000 plus the guitar. How much was the guitar worth ?
(A) $15000 (B) $16000 (C) $17000 (D) $18000

6. Ram has total 50 coins of Rs. 1 and Rs. Rs.2. He has total amount times the number of coins rupees
Ram has then , the number of coins he has ?
(A) 30 , ` 2 coins (B) 20 , ` 1 coins (C) 40 , ` 1 coins (D) 10 , ` 2 coins

7. The angles of a triangle are in ratio of 3 : 4 : 5. Which of the following are the smallest and largest angles ?
(A) 60° (B) 45° (C) 75° (D) 90°

8. The digit at the ten’s place of a two digit number is three times the digit at one’s place. If the sum of this
numbers and the number formed by reversing its digits is 88. Find the number.

xb xb
9. Solve : =
ab ab

10. Each side of a triangle is increased by 10 cm; if the ratio of the perimeter of the new triangle and the given
triangle is 5 : 4, find the perimeter of the given triangle.

PAGE # 10
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Quadrilaterals
DPP No. 11

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)
1. The angles of pentagon are in the ratio 1:2:3:5:9. The smallest angles is :
(A) 72º (B) 45º (C) 54º (D) 27º

2. The sum of the measures of the external angles of any polygon is ____.
(A) 180º (B) 360º
(C) 540º (D) Depends on the number of sides

3. ABCD is a quadrilateral. If AC and BD bisect each other, then ABCD must be ______.
(A) Square (B) Rectangle (C) Parallelogram (D) Rhombus

4. If a quadrilateral has two pair of equal adjacent sides equal and the unequal opposite sides, it is called __ .
(A) Parallelogram (B) Square (C) Rectangle (D) Kite

5. The sum of the interior angles of a regular polygon is twice the sum of its exterior angles. the polygon is :
(A) a nanogon (B) a decagon (C) a hexagon (D) a octagon

6. Which of the following is a parallelogram

(A) Rhombus (B) Rectangle (C) Kite (D) Trapezium

7. Diagonals bisects each other at 90º is followed by

(A) Rhombus (B) Rectangle (C) Square (D) Parallelogram

8. Figure HELP shown below is a parallelogram. It is given that OE=4 cm and HL is 7 more than PE, find OH


9. In a parallelogram ABCD, diagonals AC and BD intersect at O and AC = 12.8 and BD = 7.6cm. Find the
measures of OC and OD

10. In the given figure ABCD, if AB = 15 cm, BC = AD = 13 cm and CD = 25 cm, then find height AE

PAGE # 11
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Rational Numbers, Squares & square roots, Cubes and cube
DPP No. 12
roots, Linear equation in one variable

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1.  expressed as a rational number with numerator 4 is
4 4 4 4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
12 7 7 12

 91125 
2. The value of 6
  is _____.
 216 
(A) 4.5 (B) 5.5 (C) 6.5 (D) 7.5

3. By what least number 4320 be multiplied to obtain a number which is a perfect cube :
(A) 10 (B) 25 (C) 20 (D) 50

4. Twelve years hence a man will be four times as he was twelve years ago, then his present age is
(A) 20 years (B) 25 years (C) 28 years (D) 30 years

5. Ram's father is thrice as old as Ram was 2 years ago. Five years from now, Ram's father will be 6 years
more than 2 times of Ram's age. What is Ram's present age ?
(A) 45 years (B) 27 years (C) 54 years (D) 17 years

6. A perfect square number can never have the digit _______ at the units place.
(A) 8 (B) 7 (C) 2 (D) 3

7. A perfect cube number can have the digits _______at the unit place
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 7 (D) 8
8. Find the value of 1372 x 3 1458 .

9. The perimeter of a kite is 82 cm. The length of one of its side is 4 cm less than twice the length of another.
Find its sides.

10. Solve and give the positive value of x which satisfies the given equation :
(2x + 4)2 – (2x – 5)2 = 26x

PAGE # 12
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Quadrilaterals DPP No. 13

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)
1. From the figure, parallelogram PQRS, the values of SQP and QSP are :

75° 60°
(A) 45°, 60° (B) 60°, 45° (C) 70°, 35° (D) 35°, 70°
2. If angles P, Q, R and S of the quadrilateral PQRS, taken in order, are in the ratio 3:7:6:4, then PQRS is a :
(A) Rhombus (B) Parallelogram (C) Trapezium (D) Kite
3. If two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio 3: 2, then the measure of the angles are __ .
(A) 108°,72° (B) 72°,36° (C) 100°,80° (D) 144°,36°
4. ABCD is a parallelogram. 'P' is a point on AD such that AP = AD and 'Q' is a point on BC such that
CQ = BC. Then AQCP is a :
(A) parallelogram (B) rhombus (C) rectangle (D) square
5. ABCD is a quadrilateral. If AC and BD bisect each other, then ABCD must be ______.
(A) Square (B) Rectangle (C) Parallelogram (D) Rhombus

6. Which of the following is correct statement ?

(A) Rectangle is a parallelogram. (B) Opposite angles are equal in parallelogram.
(C) Rhombus is a special type of square. (D) None
7. Which of the following is correct about kite ?
(A) Diagonal are perpendicular. (B) Two disjoint pairs of consecutive sides are equal.
(C) It is a type of rectangle. (D) It is a parallelogram.
8. In the figure, ABCD is a parallelogram, DL  AB and DM  BC. If AB = 18cm, BC = 12cm and DM = 9.3
cm then find DL .

9. In fig. RISK and CLUE are parallelogram .Find value of x

10. In the adjoining figure, AP and BP are angle bisectors of  A and  B which meets at P in the
parallelogram ABCD. Then prove that 2 APB = C +  D ?


PAGE # 13
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Quadrilaterals DPP No. 14

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)
1. A diagonal of a rectangle is inclined to one side of the rectangle at 25° the acute angle between the
diagonals is :
(A) 25° (B) 40° (C) 50° (D) 55°

2. ABCD is a rhombus in which the altitude from D to side AB bisects AB. Then A and B, respectively are
(A) 60º , 120º (B) 120º , 60º (C) 80º, 100º (D) 100º , 80º

3. If one angle of a quadrilateral is of 60º and the remaining three angles are equal, then each of the three
equal angles is
(A) 90°. (B) 100°. (C) 120°. (D) 180°.

4. ABCD is a quadrilateral. AB = BC = CD = DA and A = B = C = D = 90°. Then ABCD can be called

(A) Rhombus (B) Square (C) Parallelogram (D) Trapezium

5. A trapezium in which non parallel sides are equal is said to be __ .

(A) Right trapezium (B) Equilateral trapezium
(C) Isosceles trapezium (D) None of these

6. Which of the following quadrilateral diagonal intersect at 90° ?

(A) Rhombus (B) Square (C) Kite (D) Rectangle

7. In a square ABCD, the diagonals meet at point O. The  AOB is

(A) Isosceles triangle (B) Equilateral triangle
(C) Isosceles triangle but not right triangle (D) Right triangle

8. Diagonal DB of a rhombus ABCD is equal to one of its sides.


Find the value of A.
9. In the given figure, ABCD is rectangle then find a , b , c & d.

10. ABCD is a parallelogram. AB is produced to E so that BE = AB. Prove that ED bisects BC.

PAGE # 14
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Rational Numbers, Cubes and cube roots ,Linear equation in DPP No. 15
one variable , Quadrilaterals
Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)
Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)
1. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Cubes of all even natural numbers are even (B) Cubes of all odd natural numbers are odd
(C) Cubes of all negative integers are negative (D) All of the above

2. The cube root of is _________.
2 3 4
 3   3   3   3 
(A)   (B)   (C)   (D)  
 32   32   32   32 

3. The sum of one half, one third and one fourth of a number exceed the number itself by 12. The number is :
(A) 72 (B) 144 (C) 180 (D) 244

4. The angles of a pentagon in degrees are x, (x + 20), (x + 40), (x + 60) and (x + 80). The smallest angle of
the pentagon is :
(A) 88º (B) 78º (C) 68º (D) 58º

5. If ABCD is a parallelogram  BAE = 30° and AE & DE are angle bisector. Find  DEF

(A) 90° (B) 45° (C) 60° (D) 75°

6. Which of the following is incorrect statements ?

(A) Cube root is always positive number. (B) 3 information is sufficient to construct quadrilateral.
(C) Unit digit of perfect cube cannot be 7. (D) Sum of cube of even and odd number is even.

7. If sum of digits of a number is multiple of 3. Cube of number is divisible by

(A) 3 (B) 9 (C) 27 (D) 81

8. If sum of age of father and son is 42. 5 years ago Father’s age is 15 times the age of son. Find the
present age of son.

9. The denominator of a rational number is greater than its numerator by 3. If 3 is subtracted from the
numerator and 2 is added to its denominator, the new number become 1/5. Find the original number .

10. In the given figure, ABCD is a rectangle. BM and DN are perpendicular to AC from B and D respectively

(i) AB = CD ? why ?
(ii) Is  BMA =  DNC ? Why ?
(iii) Is  BAM =  DCN ? Why ?
(iv) Is  BMA   DNC ? By which congruence condition ?
(v) is BM = DN ? Why ?

PAGE # 15
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Playing with numbers DPP No. 16

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)
1. The ratio of a number and the sum of digits of that number is 4 : 1. If the digit in the units place is 3 more
than the digit in the ten’s place. What is the number ?
(A) 37 (B) 38 (C) 36 (D) 40
1 1
2. If 2 is added to a number and the sum multiplied by 4 and 3 is added to the product and then dividing
2 2
the sum by 1 , the quotient becomes 25. What is the number.
1 1 1 1
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
2 2 2 2
3. What number comes next
10, 17, 26, 37, 50, ______ ?
(A) 127 (B) 69 (C) 65 (D) 62
4. If 42573 k is divisible by 72 then the value of k is _______.
(A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 5 (D) 17
5. Find the value of A, B, C, D
× C
(A) A = 1, B = 2, C = 5, D = 6 (B) A = 2, B = 3, C = 6, D = 9
(C) A = 3, B = 4, C = 7, D = 6 (D) A = 4, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2
6. The sum of a rational number and its reciprocal is . Find the number.
2 2 3 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 4 2 4

7. The sum of the digits of two digit number is 15 and the difference between the digits is 3. What is the two
digit number
(A) 69 (B) 78 (C) 96 (D) 87

8. Find the value of A in the addition.


9. A number when divided by 5 gives a number which is 8 more than the remainder obtained on dividing the
same number by 34. Such least possible number is

10. The ones digit of a two-digit number is 3 and the sum of digits is 1/7 of the number itself. What is the
number ?

PAGE # 16
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Rational Numbers, Squares & square roots, Cubes and cube DPP No. 17
roots, Linear equation in one variable, Playing with numbers

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. One dividing 12400 by a number, we get 76 as quotient and 12 as remainder. What is the divisor
(A) 162 (B) 164 (C) 172 (D) 163

2. = 1 then find the value of x.
1 x
1 2 3 3
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 3 4 7
 2
3. If   of a number is 20 less than the original number, then the number is_.
(A) 60 (B) 40 (C) 80 (D) 120

4. The square root of 2 is
35 33 17 23
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 1 (D) 2
64 62 62 62
5. The sum of the digits of the smallest number by which 8748 is to be divided, so that the quotient becomes
a perfect cube is
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 5 (D) 6
6. A boy writes all the numbers from 10 to 99. The number of zeros that he uses is ‘a’, the numbers 5’ that he
uses is ‘b’ and the number of 8’s he used is ‘c’ than -
(A) a + b + c = 47 (B) a – b + c = 9 (C) b + c – a = 29 (D) a – b – c = 19
7. Choose the correct option
(A) The sum of two perfect square is a perfect square
(B) The product of two perfect square is a perfect square
(C) The square of 2.8 is 78.4
(D) The square of 86 will have 6 at the unit place.
3 3
8. Find the value of 968  1375

9. Divide 534 into three parts such that the second part will be 32 less than twice the first, and the third will be
18 more than the first.

10. Find the value of 1191.16  70 129.96

PAGE # 17
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Quadrilaterals, Playing with numbers, Algebraic expressions DPP No. 18

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

2 3
1. Find the value of the expression (81x2 + 16y2 – 72xy), when x = and y = .
3 4
(A) 1 (B) 9 (C) (D) 3

2. If x = – 2, y = 1 then value of (4y2 – 9x2) (16y4 + 36 x2y2 + 81x4) is :

(A) 46592 (B) – 46592 (C) ± 46592 (D) none of these

3. If ABCD is a isosceles trapezium in which AB || CD. Which of the following is true.

(A) A = B (B) A = C (C) B = C (D) A = D

4. If the difference between the sum of digits at odd places and at even places is 0, the number is
(A) divisible by 2. (B) divisible by 3. (C) divisible by 5. (D) divisible by 11.

5. If two adjacent angles of a parallelogram are (5x – 5)° and (10x + 35)°, then the ratio of these angles is
(A) 1 : 3 (B) 2 : 3 (C) 1 : 4 (D) 1 : 2

6. Which of the following is incorrect statements ?

(A) diagonals of rectangle intersect at 90° (B) square is a special rectangle
(C) rhombus is a special square (D) none

7. A four digit number aabb is divisible by 55. Then possible values of b is/are
(A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 0 (D) 7

8. If  4 where A, B, C, D represents different digits. Find A, B, C, D.

9. If  || m and BCDE is a parallelogram. Find EBA.



10. The perimeter of a parallelogram in 30 cm. Its one side is 9 cm. Find the other side.

PAGE # 18
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Algebraic expressions, Algebraic identities DPP No. 19

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. If x = 10, then find the value of x2  4x  4 .

(A) 100 (B) 144 (C) 12 (D) 10

1 1
2. If x – = 6 , then x2 + is ____________.
x x2
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8

3. If 3x – 7y = 10 , xy = –1, then the value of 9x2 + 49y2 is _________.

(A) 58 (B) 142 (C) 104 (D) –104

4. If a2 + b2 = 117 and ab = 54, then find the absolute value of is
a b
(A) 10 (B) 17 (C) 14 (D) 5

(a  b)2  (a  b)2
5. If a and b all non-zero rational unequal numbers then is equal to
a2b  ab2
1 2 4 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
ab ab ab ab

 1  1
6. If  x 2  2  = 6, then the value of  x  x  is
 x   
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) – 2 (D) None

7. If a2 + b2 + c2 = 250 and ab + bc + ca = 3 find a + b + c is

(A) 16 (B) – 16 (C) 15 (D) – 15

 1 
8. Expand :  2x  
 3x 

9. Evaluate using identities :

(i) 107 × 103 (ii) 1022 (iii) 1052 – 952 (iv) 272 + 132 + 2 × 27 × 13

1  1
10. If x2 + 2
= 23, find the values of  x   .
x  x

PAGE # 19
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Algebraic identities DPP No. 20

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. The area of a square is (49x2 + 28x + 4). Its side is :

(A) 7x + 3 (B) 7x – 2 (C) 7x + 2 (D) 5x + 7

2. If 9x2 + kxy + 16y2 be a perfect square, then k’ s value is :

(A) 20 (B) 24 (C) 28 (D) 32

3. The factors of 5x2 – 19x + 12 are

(A) (5x – 4) (x – 3) (B) (5x – 4) (x + 3) (C) (x+2) (5x – 1) (D) (5x – 6) (x – 1)

4. The factors of a4 – b4 will be -

(A) (a2 – b2) (a2 + b2)2 (B) (a + b)2 (a2 – b2)
(C) (a + b) (a – b) (a2 + b2) (D) (a + b)2 (a–b)2

5. (0.99)2
(A) 0.9999 (B) 0.9801 (C) 1.09754 (D) 0.8888

6. If x + y = 25 and x2y3 + y2x3 = 25 what are the values of xy

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) – 1 (D) – 2

7. The factors of a3x + a2 (x – y) – a (y + z) – z

(A) (a + 1) (B) (a + 2) (C) (a2x – ay – z) (D) (a2y + z + y)

8. Factorize :
x2 1  1  1
(i) –2 (ii) 16 (a – b)3 – 24 (a – b)2 (iii)  x    6 x    9
9 4  x  x

9. Divide 12x3 – 8x2 – 6x + 10 by (3x – 2). Also, write the quotient and the remainder.

10. Factorize : 20x2 – x – 12

PAGE # 20
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Algebraic Identities, Algebraic expressions, Exponents and DPP No. 21

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. If 2x – 2x – 1 = 4 then xx is equal to
(A) 1 (B) 27 (C) 8 (D) None

2. If 25n–1 + 100 = 52n–1 than value of ‘n’ is

(A) 5 (B) 2 (C) – 2 (D) – 3

3. If the product of two numbers is 10 and the sum is 7, then the larger of the two numbers is __________.
(A) – 2 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 4

4. If a – b = 4 and ab = 45 find value of a3 – b3

(A) 605 (B) 603 (C) 704 (D) 604

5. If a + b + c = 6 and ab + bc + ca = 11, find the value of a3 + b3 + c3 – 3abc.

(A) 20 (B) 16 (C) 18 (D) 22

6. If 5(x  2)  5 ( x  2) then the value of x is
(A) – 2 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) – 3

5x  2 y
7. = 53 × 24
(A) x = 6 (B) x = 0 (C) y = 7 (D) y = 1

8. What must be subtracted from x4 + 2x2 –3x + 7 to get x3 + x2 + x – 1 ?

9. What must be subtracted from 8x4 + 14x3 – 2x2 + 7x – 8 so that the resulting expression is exactly divisible
by 4x2 + 3x – 2.

10. Find the value of the expression :

1 1 1
a b ac
+ bc b a
+ c a
1 x x 1 x x 1 x  x c b

PAGE # 21
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Squares & square roots, Cubes and cube roots, Linear equation DPP No. 22
in one variable, Quadrilaterals ,Playing with numbers

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. 0.0025  2.25  0.0001 equals

(A) 0.000075 (B) 0.0075 (C) 0.075 (D) 0.00075

3 72.9
2. is equal to
(A) 0.5625 (B) 5.625 (C) 182 (D) 13.6

3. A two digit number becomes five - sixth of itself when its digits are reversed. The two digits differ by 1. The
number is
(A) 45 (B) 54 (C) 56 (D) 65

4. The measures of the angles of a quadrilateral ABCD are respectively in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 . Which of the
following statements is true?
(A) AC = BC (B) AB || CD (C) AD|| BC (D) None of these

2x  1 7  3x ab
5. The value of x when a = ,b  and = 1 is________.
3 4 5
(A) 4 (B) 5 (C) 3 (D) 2

6. Perfect square numbers between 250 & 300.

(A) 289 (B) 269 (C) 256 (D) 266

7. Every perfect cube is -

(A) Always positive (B) Always negative
(C) Positive or negative (D) Question does not provide sufficient data

8. A steamer, going downstream in a river, covers the distance between two towns in 20 hours. Coming back
upstream, it covers this distance in 25 hours. The speed of water is 4 km/h. Find the distance between the
two towns.

9. PQRS is a rectangle whose diagonals intersect at point O. If OP = 4x – 1 and OS = 2x + 7, find the value
of x.

10. Nine persons went to a hotel for taking their meals. Eight of them spent Rs.12 each over their meals and
the ninth spent Rs.8 more than the average expenditure of all the nine. What was the total money spent by

PAGE # 22
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Algebraic expressions, Algebraic Identities, Percentage and its DPP No. 23
application, Playing with numbers

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. I sold two watches for Rs. 300 each, one at 10% loss, and another at 10% profit. What is the loss
percentage or the profit percentage that resulted from the transaction ?
(A) (+) 10% (B) (–) 1% (C) (+) 1% (D) (–) 10%

2. The number which is exactly divisible by 99 is _______.

(A) 3572404 (B) 135792 (C) 913464 (D) 114345

3. The least value must be given to x so that the number 91876x2 is divisible by 8 is_____.
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

4. Divide a12 + a6b6 + b12 by a6 – a3b3 + b6

(A) a6 – a3b3 + b6 (B) a6 + a3b3 + b6 (C) a6 + b6 (D) a6 – b6

5. If a + b = 7 and ab = 12 find the value of (a2 – ab + b2) is

(A) 14 (B) 15 (C) 13 (D) 17.

6. Which of the following expression has degree 3 as well as trinomial in nature.

(A) 4x3 – 2y + 3 (B) y3 + 3x + 9 + x2 + y (C) z3 – z2 – x2 – y (D) z3 + z2 – 1.

7. If 4x2 + y2 = 40 and xy = 6 then find the value of 2x + y

(A) – 8 (B) 4 (C) – 4 (D) 8

8. Multiply (2x2 – 5x + 4) by (x2 + 7x – 8).

9. Divide 25x4 – 20x3 + 3x2 + 2 by 5x2 – 3x + 1

x y z
10. If = = , then find the value of (x + y + z) is
(b  c)(b  c  2a) (c  a)(c  a  2b) (a  b)(a  b  2c)

PAGE # 23
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Percentage and its application DPP No. 24

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. The salary of Ram is 30% more than that of Madan’s salary. By what percentage is Madan’s salary less
then that of Ram’s ?
1 1
(A) 30% (B) 23 % (C) 25% (D) 21 %
13 3

2. Ram’s salary was reduced by 50%. Again the reduced salary was increased by 50%. Then, what will be
the % loss in salary ?
(A) 20% (B) 25% (C) 30% (D) 35%

3. Mohan purchased 50 dozens of toys at the rate of Rs.384 per dozen. He sold each one of them at the rate
of Rs.36. What was his percentage profit ?
(A) 12% (B) 12.5% (C) 13% (D) 13.5%

4. In a bus depot, it was found that the number of buses acquired in 2007 is 6 more than that of in 2006 and
40% more than the number of buses acquired in 2005. Number of buses acquired in 2005 and 2006 are
the same, how many buses were acquired in 2007 ?
(A) 33 (B) 27 (C) 21 (D) 15

5. If half of x is y and one-third of y is z then :

(A) z = 6% of x (B) z = 16.66% of x (C) z = 60% of x (D) z = 30% of x

6. A man purchase some number of articles at Rs. 5400 and he sells rd of them at 5% profit. At what
possible profit percent did he sell the remaining to gain more than 13% overall.
(A) 31.5% (B) 32% (C) 29% (D) 39.5%

7. A bought a tape recorder for Rs. 8,000 and sold it to B. B resold it to C, each earning a profit of 20%. What
of the following is true
(A) A and B earn the same profit (B) A earn more profit than B.
(C) A earns less profit than B. (D) C earn more profit than A and B.

8. The C.P of 20 articles is equal to S.P. of 16 articles. Find the gain or loss percent.

9. A student scores 40 marks in an examination and fails by 26 marks. If the passing percentage is 33 then
find the maximum marks in the examination.

10. If 20% of 60% of a number is 144, then find the number.

PAGE # 24
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Compound Interest DPP No. 25
Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)
Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. A sum invested for 2 years at the rate of 15% pa compounded annually fetches Rs.3225 as compound
interest, the sum is :
(A) Rs. 20000 (B) Rs.10000 (C) Rs. 4410 (D) None of the above

2. In a certain time a sum of Rs.125000 amounts to Rs.148877 at the rate of 6% p.a. compounded annually.
The time period is :
(A) 2 years1 (B) 3 years (C) 4 years1 (D) None of the above

3. Abhay lent Rs 8000 to his friend for 3 years at the rate of 5% per annum compound interest. What amount
does Abhay get after 3 years ?
(A) Rs. 8500 (B) Rs. 9200 (C) Rs 9261 (D) Rs 9561

4. Find the compound interest on Rs 1000 at the rate of 10% per annum for 18 months when interest is
compounded half-yearly.
(A) Rs 157.625 (B) Rs 167.625 (C) Rs 187.625 (D) Rs 197.625

5. The difference between the compound interest and simple interest on a certain sum of money at 10% per
annum for 2 years is Rs 500.Find the sum when the interest is compounded annually.
(A) Rs. 40000 (B) Rs. 50000 (C) Rs. 60000 (D) Rs. 70000

6. Ratio of 3 years of CI and SI of one year on a certain sum of money is 3.64 : 1, then rate percent become
x% find all the possible factor of x and select from the options.
(A) 4 (B) 7 (C) 5 (D) 8

7. At what rate will rupees 32,000 yield a compound interest of Rs. 5044 in 9 months, interest being
compounded quarterly.
(A) 5% per quarterly (B) 20% per annum (C) 6.5% per quarterly (D) 26% per annum.

8. The population of a town 2 years ago was 62500. Due to migration to cities, it decreases every year at the
rate of 4% per annum. Find its present population.

9. In a factory the production of scooters rose to 48400 from 40000 in 2 years.

Find the rate of growth per annum.

10. Simple interest on a sum of money for 3 years at 6 % per annum is Rs 2400. What will be the compound
interest on that sum at the same rate for the same period ?

PAGE # 25
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Direct and inverse variation DPP No. 26

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. The speed 48 m/sec, when converted into km/hr is :

(A) 172.8 km/hr (B) 175.8 km/hr (C) 1728 km/hr (D) 1758 km/hr

2. 12 laborers can construct a road in 20 days. Then 30 laborers can construct the same road in x days. Find
the value of x from the given proportion.
(A) 12 : 30 :: 20 : x (B) 30 : 12 :: 20 : x (C) 30 : 12 :: x : 20 (D) None of these

3. If 4 workers can dig 20 m long ditch in 6 days, find out the part dug by 2 workers in a day (in metre) ?
2 2 2 3
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 3 (D) 1
3 4 3 2

4. If 14 kg pulses cost Rs. 441, what is the cost of 22 kg of pulses ?

(A) Rs. 627 (B) Rs. 649 (C) Rs. 671 (D) Rs. 693

5. If 20 men can build a wall 56 metres long in 6 days. What length of a similar wall can be build by 35 men in
3 days ?
(A) 49 metres (B) 36 metres (C) 52 metres (D) 42 metres

6. Which of the following are not vary inversely with each other ?
(A) speed and distance covered (B) distance covered and taxi fare.
(C) distance traveled and time taken (D) speed and time taken
7. If two quantities x and y vary directly will each other, then
(A) remains constant (B) xy not remains constant
(C) x + y remains constant (D) x – y remains constant

8. Suppose 6 kg of salt contains 6 × 107 crystals. How many crystals are there in
(i) 7 kg of salt (ii) 3.5 kg of salt

9. Mr. X is making a wheel using spokes. He wants to fix equal spokes in such a way that the angles between
any pair of consecutive spokes are equal. Help him by completing the table.

Number of spokes 4 6 9 12 15

Angle between a pair of

90 60 x1 x2 x3
consec utive spokes

10. On a certain credit card, customers earn a percentage of their purchases back as rewards. The percentage
earned is directly proportional to the average balance on the card. With an average balance of $ 2,000, the
reward percentage is 1.5%. What is the percentage with an average balance of $2,500 ?

PAGE # 26
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Playing with numbers, Algebraic expressions, Algebraic DPP No. 27
Identities, Construction of quadrilaterals, Playing with numbers

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. (2a + 5b) × (a – 3b) = ?

(A) 2a2 + ab + 15b2 (B) 2a2 + ab – 15b2 (C) 2a2 – ab – 15b2 (D) 2a2 – ab + 15b2

2. The two adjacent sides of a rectangle are 5x2 – 2y2 and x2 + 2xy. Find the perimeter
(A) 12x2 – 4y2 + xy (B) 12x2 – 4y2 – xy (C) 12x2 – 4y2 – 8xy (D) 12x2 – 4y2 + 4xy

3. Divide (– x6 + 2x4 + 4x3 + 2x2) by 2 x2

(A) – x4 + 2x2 + 4x + 2 (B) – x 4  2x 2  4 2 x  2
1 1
(C) – x 4  2x 2  2 2 x  2 (D) – x 4 – 2x 2 – 2 2 x – 2
2 2

4. By how much is a4 + 4a2b2 + b4 more than a4 – 8a2b2 + b4

(A) 12a2b2 (B) –12a2b2 (C) 2a4 + 2b4 (D) None

5. A 3 -digit number ‘cba’ is divisible by 9 if _______.

(A) a + 2b + c is divisible by 9 (B) 2a + b + c is divisible by 9
(C) a + b + 2c is divisible by 9 (D) a + b + c is divisible by 9

6. Given possible expression for the length and breadth of the rectangle whose area is 25a2 – 35a + 12 .
(A) l = 5a – 4, b = 5a – 3 (B) l = 5a + 4, b = 5a + 3
(C) l = 5a – 3, b = 5a – 4 (D) l = 5a + 3, b = 5a + 4

7. Find the value of k if (x – 3) is a factor of k2x3 – kx2 + 3kx – k.

(A) k = 0 (B) k = 1 (C) k = 3 (D) k =
1 A
 A
8. If , where A and B are single digit number such that B – A = 3, then find the values of A and B
B 6

9. Construct a rhombus PAIR, given that PA = 6 cm and angle  A = 110°

10. Construct a parallelogram ABCD in which AB = 4 cm, BC = 5 cm and  B = 60°

PAGE # 27
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Percentage and its application, Compound Interest, Exponents DPP No. 28
and Powers, Direct and inverse variation

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. If a certain sum of money at SI becomes 8 times of itself in 3 years. In how much time it will be 64 times of
(A) 24 years (B) 27 years (C) 28 years (D) 31 years

2. A dealer professes to sell his goods at cost price and uses an 880 gm weight instead of a kg. What is his
percentage of gain :
(A) 13.13% (B) 13.33% (C) 13.36% (D) 13.63%

3. A and B together can complete a work in 12 days. A alone can complete it in 20 days. If B now does the
work for half a day daily, then in how many days A and B together will complete the work ?
(A) 15 days (B) 20 days (C) 45 days (D) 30 days

22001  21999
4. The value of , is _______
22000  21998
(A) 2 (B) 10/3 (C) 21000 + 1 (D) 10

5. A, B and C can complete a work, working alone in 10, 15 and 20 days respectively. If all of them work
together to complete the work, what fraction of the work would have done by B?
4 1 1 6
(A) (B) (C) (D)
13 2 3 13

6. If the SI on a certain sum of money @ as 6 % per annum for 4 years is Rs. 440 less than its principal.
Find the SI and principal
(A) Principal = Rs. 600 (B) Principal = Rs. 650 (C) S.I. = Rs. 160 (D) S.I. = Rs. 150

7. Both x and y vary inversely with each other, when x is 10, y is 6, which of the following it not a possible pair
of corresponding values of x and y ?
(A) 12 and 5 (B) 15 and 4 (C) 25 and 2.2 (D) 45 and 1.3

8. Find the value of x:(4-1 + 8-1) ×(3- 1 - 9-1) ÷ = 5x

9. 11 oranges are bought for Rs. 10 and 10 oranges are sold for Rs. 11. The gain (or) loss percent is

10. A can do a piece of work in 80 days. He works at it for 10 days and then B alone finishes the work in
42 days. The two together could have completed the work in ?

PAGE # 28
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Visualising Solid Shapes DPP No. 29

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)
1. The name of the given shape is

(A) triangle. (B) triangular prism. (C) triangular pyramid. (D) square pyramid.

2. Which of the following solid shapes has the side view ?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

3. Number of vertices in triangular prism are

(A) 2. (B) 5. (C) 6. (D) 8.

4. A cube has
(A) 4 faces. (B) 6 faces. (C) 8 faces. (D) 10 faces.

5. Manya is building prism using straws and balls of clay. How many straws does she need to build a
pentagonal prism?
(A) 18 (B) 15 (C) 20 (D) 13

6. A triangular pyramid has

(A) 4 faces (B) 4 edges (C) 4 vertices (D) 6 edges

7. Which solid figure has 8 vertices

(A) cube (B) cuboid (C) Triangular prism (D) Square pyramid

8. Write the number of faces, number of vertices and number of edges for following
(i) cube (ii) cone (iii) sphere (iv) rectangular pyramid

9. Explain the pentagonal prism with diagram.

10. Write the name of solid shapes which has same number of faces and vertices and draw the figure.

PAGE # 29
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Visualising Solid Shapes DPP No. 30

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. The common name of a square prism is :

(A) Cuboid (B) Cube (C) Pyramid (D) Polygon

2. A sort of skeleton-outline in 2-dimension, which, when folded forms a 3-D shape is a

(A) cube. (B) net. (C) pyramid. (D) sphere.

3. A rectangular pyramid has ............ faces.

(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 5 (D) 4

4. If the number of faces and vertices in a solid are 7 and 10 respectively, the number of edges are :
(A) 17 (B) 15 (C) 19 (D) 13

5. Which is the net pattern for a triangular prism.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

6. Which of the following is another name for triangular pyramid

(A) Polyhedron (B) Triangular prism (C) Tetrahedron (D) Pyramid

7. Which of the following is polyhedron

(A) Cube (B) Prism (C) Pyramid (D) Sphere

8. Name the solid that would be formed by each net :

(i) (ii) (iii)

9. How many triangles will the net of hexagonal pyramid contain ?

10. Given here is the net of an octahedron with numbers 0 to 7 on the faces.
6 4 0 2
7 5 1 3
Enlarge these on a cardboard to make a model.
(i) How many faces, edges and vertices does this solid have?
(ii) Check whether Euler’s rule is true for the octahedron or not.

PAGE # 30
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Squares & square roots, Cubes and cube roots , Linear DPP No. 31
equation in one variable, Quadrilaterals

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)
80  112
1. The value of is
45  63
3 1 7 3
(A) (B) 1 (C) 1 (D) 1
4 3 9 4

59.29  5.29
2. equal
59.29  5.29
(A) 1 (B) 0.65 (C) 0.45 (D) 0.54

3. 1728  324 
(A) 30 (B) 6 (C) 4 (D) 32

4. The ratio of the present ages of two brothers is 1 : 2 and 5 years back the ratio was 1 : 3. What will be the
ratio of their ages after 5 years?
(A) 1 : 4 (B) 2 : 3 (C) 3 : 5 (D) 5 : 6

5. CDEF is a square. Find x.



(A) 142º (B) 92º (C) 113º (D) 83º

6. Every perfect cube is -

(A) Integer (B) Whole number (C) Rational no (D) Natural No.

7. What number must be added to 840 to make it a perfect square ?

(A) 1 (B) 60 (C) 121 (D) 81

8. Two opposite angles of a parallelogram are 6x – 17º and x + 63º. Find the measure of each angle of the

9. Find the least number which is a perfect square and which is also divisible by 16, 18 and 45.

10. In the following figure, ABCD is a rectangle and its diagonals meet at O. Find x, if OA = 2x + 4 and
OD = 3x + 1. Also find BD.

PAGE # 31
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Rational Numbers, Playing with numbers, Algebraic
DPP No. 32
expressions, Algebraic Identities

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)
1. On dividing 8x2y3 by –2xy, we get quotient ___________.
(A) –4xy2 (B) 4xy2 (C) 4x2y3 (D) 4xy

2. The least value of x so that 97215x6 is divisible by 11 is__________.

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 5

3. 21436471 is divisible by _______.

(A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 7 (D) 9

y 8 5 y
4. The value of y in  1 9 1 5 is
9 y y 2
(A) 6 (B) 7 (C) 9 (D) 8

5. Find the following product (7a – 5b) (49a2 + 35ab + 25b2)

(A) 343a3 (B) 343a3 – 125b3 (C) – 343a3 – 125b3 (D) 343a3 + 125b3

6. Which of the following are like terms.

3 2 2
(A) 5x2yz, yzx2 (B) 7ab, – 3a2b, ab
5 3
(C) 5xyz, xyz (D) 9 abc2, 9ac2b, 8a2bc

7. Which of the following algebraic expressions are binomial ?

(A) – 8x2y3 (B) 9x2y – 10xy (C) 3x2y2 + 4xy + 3z (D) 10x2y + xy

8. A certain number between 10 and 100 is 8 times the sum of its digits and if 45 be subtracted from it the
digits will be reversed. Find the number.

(x  1)(x  2)(x 2  9x  14)

9. Simplify :
(x  7)(x 2  3x  2)

10. If we delete the numeral occurring in both the numerator and the denominator of the fraction , we don’t
26 2
change its value because  . What other fractions consisting of two digits figures in the numerator
65 5
and denominator can be similarly reduced?

PAGE # 32
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Mensuration, Introduction to graph DPP No. 33

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)
1. In the figure shown, two tangent semicircles with a radius equal to ‘x’ are inscribed in a square. What is the
area of the shaded region ?

(A) 4x2 (B) x2 (C) (2 – )x2 (D) (4 – )x2

2. If the area of a square of side r, a circle of radius r and an equilateral triangle of side r be S1, S2 and S3
respectively, if A = 3S1, B = S2 and C = 9S3, then
(A) A > B > C (B) A > C > B (C) B > A > C (D) C > B > A

3. The ratio of areas of two squares, one having double its diagonal than the other, is _____.
(A) 3 : 2 (B) 4 : 1 (C) 3 : 1 (D) 4 : 3

4. If the abscissa of any point is zero then that point will lie
(A) on X-axis (B) on Y-axis (C) at origin (D) None of these

5. Find the volume of a cube whose total surface area is 486 cm2
(A) 700 cm3 (B) 729 cm3 (C) 297 cm3 (D) 800 cm3

6. The parallel sides of a trapezium are 40 cm and 20 cm. If its non-parallel sides are both equal, each being
26 cm, then
(A) Area = 720 cm2 (B) height = 24 cm (C) Area = 640 cm2 (D) height = 20 cm

7. Choose the correct statements

Statement - 1 : Point (2, – 3) lie in IVth
Statement - 2 : The perimeter of square is given by (4 × side)
Statement - 3 : Ordinate is positive above x-axis and negative below x-axis.
Statement - 4 : Abscissa of any point on x-axis is zero.
(A) Statement - 1 (B) Statement - 2 (C) Statement - 3 (D) Statement - 4

8. Area of a trapezium is 91 cm2 and its height is 7 cm. If one of the parallel sides is longer than the other side
by 8 cm, find the length (in cm) of the smaller side.

9 Draw the graphs of the lines represented by the equations x + y = 4 and 2x – y = 2 in the same graph.
Also, find the coordinate of the point where the two lines intersect.

10. A semicircular region and a square region have equal perimeters. The area of the square region exceeds
that of the semicircular region by 4 cm 2 .Find the perimeters and areas of the two regions.

PAGE # 33
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Exponents and Powers, Percentage and its application, DPP No. 34
Compound Interest, Direct and inverse variation

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)

1. When simplified, (x–1 + y–1)–1 is equal to _______.

xy 1
(A) x + y (B) (C) xy (D)
xy xy

2. The value of x + x(xx) when x = 2 is

(A) 10 (B) 16 (C) 18 (D) 36

3. The price of a Maruti car rises by 30% while the sales of the car come down by 20%. What is the
percentage change in the total revenue? [Revenue = Price × Sale
(A) – 4 (B) – 2 (C) + 4 (D) + 2

1 1
4. Find the percent worth of Rs. 9950 due 3 years, hence at 7 % per annum S.I. Also find the true
4 2
(A) Rs. 8000, Rs. 1950 (B) Rs. 8000, Rs. 2450 (C) Rs. 8500, Rs. 2750 (D) Rs. 8200, Rs. 2650

5. Two cyclist start from same place in opposite directions. One goes twoards north at 18 km/hr and other
goes towards south at speed of 20 km/hr. What time will they take to be 95 km apart ?
(A) 4 hrs 45 mins (B) 2hrs 30 mins (C) 5 hrs 16 mins (D) 2 hrs 20 mins

6. 2 men A and B start from Delhi and Agra at same time towards each other, after meeting on the way they
1 1
cover their remaining journey in 7 and 6 hr. respectively. Find the slower speed if faster speed is 40
9 4
km/hr. more than slower ? and also the difference between their speeds.
(A) 600 km/hr  A (B) 40 km/ hr  A – B (C) 40 km/hr  B – A (D) 840 km/hr  A

7. The rate of SI for Ist 3 years is 6%, for next 4 years it is 7%. And the period beyond 7 years it is 7.5% per
annum, if a man invest Rs. 18800 for 11 years, then choose the correct alternatives
(A) Rate of 11 years = 76% (B) Rate of 11 years = 74.2%
(C) SI = Rs. 14288 (D) SI = Rs. 14671

8. If 5 5 x 53  5–3/2 = 5x + 2, then find the value of x

9. A train starts from Jaipur at 10 : 00 am and reach Delhi at 3:00 pm. Another train starts from Delhi at 11 am
and reach Jaipur at 6 : 00 pm find the meeting time.

10. A merchant buys goods at 25% off on list price. He desires to mark the goods so that he can give a
discount of 20% on the marked price and still get a profit of 25% on the selling price. What percent of the
list price must he mark the goods?

PAGE # 34
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Mensuration, Introduction to graph, Data handling DPP No. 35
Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)
Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)
1. ABC is a right angled triangle with BAC = 90. AH is drawn perpendicular to BC where H lies on BC.
If AB = 60 cm and AC = 80 cm, then BH = _________.

60 cm 80 cm

B x H 100-x C
(A) 36 cm (B) 32 cm (C) 24 cm (D) 30 cm
2. The abscissa of a point is distance of that point from :
(A) X-axis (B) Y-axis (C) Origin (D) None of these
3. If both co-ordinates of any point are negative then that point will lie in :
(A) First quadrant (B) Second quadrant (C) Third quadrant (D) Fourth quadrant
4. The figure shows a cuboid with a volume of 180 cm3.
4 cm

9 cm

(p + 3) cm
What is the value of “p” ?
(A) 2 (B) 18 (C) 36 (D) 72
5. The final marks in mathematics of 30 students are as follows :
53, 61, 48, 60, 78, 68, 55, 100, 67, 90, 75, 88, 77, 37, 84, 58, 60, 48, 62, 56, 44, 58, 52, 64, 98, 59, 70, 39,
50, 60
If 40 is the pass marks how many have failed :
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 7
6. Choose the correct statements
Statement - 1 : The size and number of groups depend on the difference between the minimum and
maximum values.
Statement - 2 : A bar graph is a pictorial representation of the numerical data.
Statement - 3 : The width of the bar is significant in histogram in bar graph width is not important at all.
(A) S - 1 (B) S - 2 (C) S - 3 (D) None of these
7. In the given pie-chart which colour not cover the half portion of the whole pie chart

60° Green

(A) Blue (B) yellow (C) Red (D) Green

8. How many bricks will be required for a wall 8 m long, 6m high and 22.5 cm thick, if each brick measures
25 cm × 11.25 cm × 6 cm ?
9. Construct a histogram for the following frequency distribution :
C.I. 5 - 12 13 - 20 21 - 28 29 - 36 37 - 44 45 - 52

Frequency 6 15 24 18 4 9

10. Construct a histogram from the following distribution of total marks obtained by 65 students of IX class in
the final examination :
Marks (mid-points) 150 160 170 180 190 200
No. of students 8 10 25 12 7 3

PAGE # 35
Course: Paradise
Subject – Mathematics Class - VIII
Topic : Probability DPP No. 36

Instructions : Single choice objective (Q.1 to Q.5)

Multiple choice objective (Q.6 & Q.7)
Subjective questions (Q.8 to Q.10)
1. Probability of getting a face card
12 3 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
13 13 13 4
2. Probability of getting a Red King card
1 1 2 5
(A) (B) (C) (D)
26 52 13 8
3. In a single throw of two dice, the probability of getting sum more than 7 is
7 7 5 5
(A)  (B) (C) (D)
36 12 12 36

4. Two dice are thrown together. The probability that sum of the two numbers will be a multiple of 4 is
1 1 1 5
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9 3 4 9

5. When two dice are thrown, the probability of getting a number always greater than 4 on the seconds dice
1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) None
6 3 36

6. When a dice is thrown which number may be outcome

(A) 2 (B) 8 (C) 6 (D) 0
7. When a dice thrown two times. The number of outcome which is not possible
(A) 12 (B) 24 (C) 36 (D) 30

8. 1500 families with 2 children were selected randomly and the following data were recorded :
Number of girlsina family 2 1 0
Number of families 475 814 211
Compute the probability of a family chosen at random, having
(i) 2 girls (ii) 1 girl (iii) no girl.
Also, check whether the sum of these probabilities is 1.

9. A number from 1 to 20 is chosen at random. What in the probability of getting

(i) a prime number (ii) multiple of 3. (iii) multiple of 2 (iv) multiple of 2 and 3
(v) multiple of 2 or 3

10. All the red face cards are removed from a well shuffled pack of 52 cards. A card is then drawn at random
from the remaining pack. Find the probability of getting
(i) queen of black suit (ii) a heart
(iii) a jack of red suit (iv) number 7 of black

PAGE # 36

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