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Topic: Conditioned and Unconditioned Response

Submitted To: Sir Usman Tariq

Submitted By: Haseeb Khalid MBH19060

MBA 2nd

University Of Punjab

Executive Summary
Purpose of this report is to analyze the theory of conditional and conditional response by
systematically exploring literature which is present. Aim of the systematic literature review is to
explore the theory of conditional and unconditional learning along with pointing out
development which has taken place in theory over time years particularly focusing on its
potential application in the subject area of organizational behavior. Conditions and unconditional
response can be described a behavior that are arising from certain stimuli provided to a person. If
response emerging in a person arises naturally than it is described as unconditioned stimuli
whereas conditional response is a form of learned response as shown by a person. Application of
the theory has been explored in three key domains which includes applying classical
conditioning in advertising and applying in training and development of workforce. Application
in advertisement includes adding certain stimuli in advertisements through which link can be
created with a specific emotional cue. This is known to carry further impact on buying behavior
of consumers. Potential uses which can be found in the workplace include inducing cues in the
workplace through which working of employees can be directed towards a certain direction. Care
should be taken while applying the concept of classical conditioning given that certain cues are
also known to backfire on the company which created negative outcomes for the company.
Although the model has not been refuted yet, strong potential is still present for building on the
theory similar to attempt which was made by Bayesian in his theory.
Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................1


Research Scope................................................................................................................................3

Research Aim...............................................................................................................................3

Research Objectives.....................................................................................................................3

Research Questions......................................................................................................................3


Research Design..........................................................................................................................3

Search Strategy............................................................................................................................4

Ethical Considerations.................................................................................................................4

Systematic Literature Review..........................................................................................................5

Research Papers Selected............................................................................................................5

Factors Affecting Process of Conditioning..................................................................................9

Teaching and Motivating Workforce Through Conditioning....................................................10

Classical Conditioning in Advertisement..................................................................................12


Systematic Literature Review on Conditioned and Unconditioned Response

Purpose of this report is to analyze the theory of conditional and conditional response by
systematically exploring literature which is present. Conditions and unconditional response can
be described a behavior that are arising from certain stimuli provided to a person. If response
emerging in a person arises naturally than it is described as unconditioned stimuli whereas
conditional response is a form of learned response as shown by a person. Olson et al, (2001)
asserted that occurrence of certain behavior can be strongly linked with individual knowledge
possessed by a person as well as motivation to perform. Learning tends to bring about change in
behavior of people and can help steer it in a desirable direction. For this reason, understanding
conditioned and unconditioned behavior can play important role in managing working of
employees in the workplace. Carrying out systematic literature review will help to understand
basis of this theory and development which has taken place in this theory over the years. This
will provide a base using which further research can be carried out on this topic in the future to
explore its practical application in the case of industries.

Research Scope
Research Aim
Aim of the systematic literature review is to explore the theory of conditional and
unconditional learning along with pointing out development which has taken place in theory over
time years particularly focusing on its potential application in the subject area of organizational

Research Objectives
 To explore the concept of conditional and unconditional response
 To highlight changes that have taken place in this theory over the years
 To point out criticism and support for this theory in literature
 To determine latest studies that have application in organizational context

Research Questions
1. What is the conditional and unconditional response theory?
2. What is the basis on which this theory has formed?
3. What developments have taken place in this theory?
4. How has the theory been criticized in past years?
5. What kind of developments have been made in this theory?
6. Does this theory still have application in the contemporary business environment?
7. Which areas require further research for gaining better understanding?

Research Design
Purpose of this report is to explore the theory of conditional and unconditional learning
which has been present for several decades. Since the topic has been present for number of years,
it can be expected that it has gone through seasoning through several years of research for which
significant body of literature would be present on the topic. Secondary data analysis will be used
in which current literature present on the topic will be obtained and analyzed. Collected data will
be analyzed through qualitative analysis which will help to better understand main findings of
the research. This will help gain stronger insight into various variables present which are
carrying influence without falling into quantitative figures that would require going into deeper
detail. Time scale of the research is not planned to be defined for which broad timeframe will be
covered. Qualitative data will make it easier to scan through various research paper and come up
with answers for the particular questions set out.

Search Strategy
Strategy that will be used for searching past papers will be defined in this part through
which criteria can be setout for inclusion and exclusion of papers. This analysis approach is
known as systematic literature review in which critical analysis is carried out of number of
research papers which directly relate with the topic (Boell & Kecmanovic, 2015). Various
sources are present from which data can be collected such as research papers, textbooks, articles
etc. Focus will be to collect data that is directly related with the topic through which particular
answers to research questions can be obtained. Although number of secondary data sources are
present, focus will be on collecting data from academic literature as it would carry out proper
analysis on the research topic. Topic has been around for significant time as it was introduced in
1897 by Pavlov, a Russian physiologist who caried out research on dogs. Research papers
written in the last 30 years will be analyzed for which filter dates will be applied from the year
1990 to 2020. Such filter will provide access to recent researches that have been carried out on
the topic. Following are the key sites that will be used for looking up papers:

 Science Direct  Emerald Insight  Scopus

 Discover  Elsevier

Certain keywords have to be used while looking up researches in the database for
which key words can be pointed out. Different mix of the keywords will be used for
looking up data in search engines and coming up with the required literature. Following
key words will be used for looking up the topic area:

 Conditional and  Classical  Theory base

unconditional Conditioning  Criticism
response  Conditioned  Development
 Conditioning response  Application
 Unconditioned  Organization

Ethical Considerations
Collecting data through secondary source removes number of limitations that are applied
on the researcher such as taking consent of participants. Carrying out research is important as it
adds towards previous knowledge but certain ethical boundaries also have to be kept in mind so
that they are not violated. Data will be collected through research papers which are made
publicly available for which right to use the data will be present. Data collected from different
researches will follow proper citation through which credit can be given to researchers where it
is due and not fall under the citation. Research will make sure that facts are presented in the
finding which attempt to gain answers for research questions as objectively as possible.

Systematic Literature Review

Research Papers Selected
No. Authors Title Research Aim Findings
1 Clark & Squire Classical Conditioning Research explores the Results found that trace
(1998) and Brain Systems distinction present conditioning can play somewhat
between conscious and role in studying awareness of
non-conscious mind non-human animals but could not
play the same role in case of
2 Montgomery & Classical conditioning Explores the placebo Placebo response was found to
Kirsch (1997) and the placebo effect effect which is created be strongly mitigate by the
due to linkage created expectations of the person where
between conditional verbal information reversed the
and unconditional effect
3 Shors, Weiss & Stress-induced Aim of the report is to Stressors showed to have positive
Thompson facilitation of classical explore the difference impact on the conditioning of
(1992) conditioning seen in genders when males whereas negative impact
using stressors for was witnessed in females
conditioning indicating that stressors should
not be used
4 Baccus, Baldwin Increasing Implicit Implicit self-esteem is Research paper provides insight
& Packer, (2004) Self-Esteem Through viewed as an into the cognitive foundations of
Classical Conditioning automatic response self-esteem which impact nature
which is explored in of a person. Mental networks can
the current study as also store such findings in the
part of a computer form of positive or negative
game. associations of self
5 Bouton & Moody Memory Processes in Article explores the Main findings of the report at
(2004) Classical Conditioning role of context, that animals tend to associate
retrieval and behavior with a reinforcer rather
interference in than linking a conditioned
classical conditioning stimulus with unconditioned
as well as providing a stimulus. Classical conditioning
overview of short-term is a rich approach which can be
and long-term used for studying learning,
influence that is seen emotion and memory where it is
on behavior. important to study behavior
which goes beyond animals’
6 Ludwig, Sutton Evaluating the TD Study explores the role Potential of the TD model was
& Kehoe, (2015) Model of Classical of temporal difference explored which showed that
Conditioning algorithm for despite its brought application in
predicting the learning different areas, even this model is
that would take place not totally free from drawbacks
from certain events
7 Courville, Daw Similarity and Purpose of the report Findings of the research include
& Touretzky Discrimination in is to propose a correlation with the constellation
(2015) Classical Conditioning generative and stimuli which show that range of
probabilistic account experimental phenomena are
of configural learning present which can account for
phenomena in classical similarity and different present
conditioning between different variables
8 Olson & fazio Implicit Attitude Report aims to point Results showed that attitude
(2001) Formation Through out how attitudes can present towards novel objects
Classical Conditioning develop through were strongly influenced by
implicit covariation paired unconditioned stimulus
detection present in where the attitude related
classical conditioning conditioning test were discovered
paradigm in both implicit and explicit
9 Schmajuk & Experimental Different studies have Results of the research show that
Larrauri, (2006) Challenges to Theories challenged the attentional associated models of
of Classical accuracy of classical classical conditioning can play
Conditioning conditional model role to explain the results of other
where current study studies that have challenged the
explores the reported adequacy of traditional model.
extinction of blocking
10 Limbad (2013) Application of Research aims to find Additional features of
Classical Conditioning the application of advertisements were found to
Theory in classical conditioning have positive influence on
Advertisements model in product choice of customers as
advertisements for they generated positive cues
gaining attention of which became associated with
customers the product through classical
11 Usman and Ogbu Application of Achieving cooperation Findings indicate that both
(2019) Conditioning Theories between various staff classical conditioning as well as
of Learning in members in an operant conditioning theories
Education and Staff organization can be a play important role in enhancing
Training challenge for which learning activity/ Finding
current study explores potential use of such theories can
the role of significantly help in enhancing
psychological inputs learning, retention and recall.
in enhancing learning.
12 Li, (2013) Application of Study of pain has been Conditioning principles have
Conditioning often caried out given been applied in number of cases
Paradigms in the that it leads to in order to better understand the
Measurement of Pain reflective response but concept of pain. Suggestion has
pain effect has often been made to combine models of
been ignored in studies pain with the traditional reflex
for which research has based models through which
been carried out to neural underpinnings of pain can
explore this area. be understood better.
13 Furze & Bennett, Using the Principles of Research aims to It was found that incorporating
(2011) Classical Conditioning replicate the process young people with ability to
to Learn Event through which quickly acquire and disseminate
Sequences learning takes place in information is important further
biological agents and development is needed in the
help them to learn classical conditioning approach
through classical through which its proper
conditioning. application can be made.
14 Bekinschtein, Classical Conditioning Study has been carried Results found that people gave
Shalom, et al, in the Vegetative and out on people somewhat response towards
(2009) Minimally Conscious suffering from aversive conditioning where it
State consciousness partially pointed out that patients
disorders checking are moving towards the process
whether they can learn of recovery.
behavior despite being
15 Symonds & Hall, Avoidance, Anxiety, Clinical context has Number of importance
(2012) and Aversion in the been defined based on intervention strategies have been
Clinical Setting the theory of classical proposed for the clinical setting
conditioning which using which one can better treat
aims to define context patients which are suffering from
on which patients start medical problems.
to show aversion
towards themselves.
16 Widiastuti, Conditioning Using Potential application It was found that readiness of
(2019) Thorndike Model of Thorndike model in students to learn in the classroom
class learning is was weak for which different
explored which is strategies have to be applied by
formed on the basis of teachers through which learning
classical conditioning process can be supported.
model Thorndike model showed strong
application in current scenario.
17 Hesslow, Classical Conditioning Different models Findings of the study are that
Jirenhed, et al, of Motor Responses which create parallel fiber to Purkinje cell
(2013) implications for synapse are not depressed as
classical conditioning LTD could not account for
are explored with Purkinje cell.
recent physiological
18 Babel (2019) Classical Conditioning Classical conditioning Results of the studies indicate
and Placebo Effect was referred to as a that expectancy may not always
mechanism for be seen as part of the placebo
placebo effect but effect but rather the placebo
number of other effect can be caught up
studies have emerged consciously or unconsciously
which are explored in through classical conditioning
the research
19 Kutlu & Attentional, Article aims to Large number of basic properties
Schmajuk (2012) Associative, and introduce a new real- that relate with classical
Flexible Configural time model in classical conditioning were explained
Mechanisms in conditioning which using the SLGK model which
Classical Conditioning combines number of combines number of important
important elements components.
such as attentional,
associative and
configurative models
20 Baharuddin & Implementation of Study aims to identify Results showed number of steps
Suyadi, (2012) Classical Conditioning the role of in which classical conditioning
in PAI Learning behavioristic theory was applied for teaching students
referred to as classical such as making the classroom
conditioning in Islamic atmosphere comfortable followed
Education by other cues which prepared
students for learning.
21 Schachtman, Effects of Large number of Number of factors have been
Walker & Conditioning in advertisements are identified which carry influence
Fowler, (2011) Advertising seen to link stimulus on effectiveness of marketing
with product or brand such as involvement, placement,
name to create music and level of processing in
effective value. This an advertisement. Other cases
strategy is explored
focusing on
conditioning strategies
applied in advertising.
22 Pornptakpan, Review of Classical Effort is made to Although number of effects are
(2012) Conditioning Effects understand to what seen on consumer behavior on
in Consumer Behavior extent does classical classical conditioning, they can
conditioning carry also be left ignored if proper
influence on buying research methods are not applied.
behavior of customers. Such factors can be linked with
lack of contingency and less
23 Kirsch, Lynn, et Exploring Role of Modern theorists view Results indicate that although
al, (2004) Cognition in Classical the cognitive and both operant and classical
and Operant conditioning theories approaches to conditioning are
Conditioning to be rivals for which means through which response is
the study explores role generated, they can also be
of higher-order acquired through observation or
cognition in through verbal guidance.
24 Schreurs & Imaging Learning and Different types of Number of conservation of
Alkon, (2001) Memory imaging experiment mechanisms are seen to be
are explored through present and integrated with each
which learning and other creating a variety of
memory can be structure and processes which
studied add towards complication
25 Weiss & Ruiz Operant and Classical Commentary of a Final conclusion that is drawn by
(2014) Conditioning: seminary aiming to the speaker is that interconnected
Comparison, explain the connection holistic approach should be
Intersection and which exists between adopted which moved focus
interactions operant and classical away from structure of discrete
contingencies present behaviors but rather shed light
in natural as well as onto environmental factors in
artificial environment which behaviors occur.
26 Taylor (2002) Classical Conditioning Explores how classical Exploration is made of
conditioning provides theoretical as well as empirical
a framework for basis of the theory seeing how
understanding several different variables carry impact.
emotional and
behavioral response.
27 Martinez, Use of Virtual Reality Application of virtual Results showed that acquisition
Maldonado & in Classical reality is explored as a of stimulus through the use of
Loreto, (2010) Conditioning conditioned stimulus VR became a more negative
device and carrying stimulus rather than acting as a
out conditioning. positive stimulus.
28 Brown & Alix, How Does Classical Creating a familiar Different colors were projected
(2020) Conditioning Through environment can carry for students in the classroom
Use of Colour Signals positive impact on without explaining meaning.
Impact the Classroom learning of individuals Particular type of behavior was
Management for which classical and seen developed in students
operational linking with different light
conditioning signals which directed towards
approaches are expected behavior.
interwoven into
learning policies.
29 Murphy & Operant Conditioning Detailed book has Chapter analyzed provides
Lupfer, (2014) been composed which overview into different subfields
is focused on operant which are present in behavior
and classical analysis. Different experts have
conditioning worked on different segments
principles. Book is which relate with their own area
divided into four parts of expertise.
and describes the
models, theories and
constraints of classical
30 Courville, Daw Bayesian Theories of Bayesian approaches Correlation analysis has been
& Touretzky, Conditioning in classical carried out in different variables
(2006) conditioning carries which are present in the research.
out reexamination of Findings help to understand
classical issues. process of conditioning through a
Research aims to different angle and also constrain
develop statistical the statistical theory of animal
account for carrying and human learning.
out conditioning.
Factors Affecting Process of Conditioning
Significant development has taken place in the traditional methods of conditioning
leading to the development of modern behavioral theories. Status of behavioral theories as a
subject matter has not gained adequate attention (Weiss & Ruiz, 2014). Three different
conditioning models have been introduced which include habituation, classical conditioning and
operant conditioning. Habituation links with only a single event whereas classical conditioning
forms link between multiple events (Li, 2013). Different steps are present which a person goes
through in the process of conditioning which mainly include acquisition, extinction,
reacquisition, blocking secondary conditioning, inter-stimulus interval and intermittent stimulus
facilitation and conditional inhabitation. In order to solve non-linear problems which are present
relating to conditioning such as negative patterning and occasion setting, need is present for
combining different conditioned stimulus into new stimulus (Kutlu & Schmajuk, 2012).
Classical conditioning techniques have strong application in modifying behavior of people but
differentiated response is seen achieved based on differing characteristics of people. Shors, et al,
(1992) showed that use of stressors showed positive response in the case of males but hindered
the conditioning process in the case of females. Findings may indicate that estrogen plays
mediating role in impacting impairment in the case of associative learning. This means that
women that have lower levels of hormone will give stronger response to conditioning process.
Some character of a person can be seen arising automatically being a part of the non-conscious
self-esteem of a person. Positive and negative associations can develop between different
stimulus which presents opportunity as well as challenge (Baccus, Baldwin & Packer, 2004).
Crossing of different conditional stimulus with other unconditional stimulus also need to be
reviewed given that it can lead to cancellation effect. Classical and operant views of conditioning
have often been viewed as different elements from each other. As much research has not been
carried out which goes beyond the cognitive and mechanistic view of items where some
indications are present that learning process is not based on conditional learning at all (Kirsch,
Lynn, et al, 2004). Two factor theory was introduced in the 60s for explaining how the behavior
of organism varied where it was proposed that fears are acquired through classical conditioning
whereas its persistence is ensured through operant conditioning which shows how these two
forces act together to mold behavior. Levels and intensity of stimulus which are used for carrying
out conditioning can also vary to significant extent for which differential effects are seen.
Stimulus needs to be reinforced from time to time through which its extinction can be prevented
or else the desired response will not be scene overtime. Time is given critical value in Pavlovian
conditioning where organisms are not seen to encode the certain durations of stimulus (Murphey
& Lunfer, 2014). Theory of Bayesian provide a stronger approach towards conditioning and
claim that particular statistical approach is followed in response that is generated by
organizations. Animals are seen to start with a world model of things which can be regarded as a
clean slate following which further development is made in the model. Certain limitations are
present in this approach as it is known to scale up only to certain known parameters. Courville et
al, (2006) pointed out that changing contingencies present in the external environment lead to
alteration in response form animals. Bayesian learning provides a rich approach which uses
computational and inferential approach in conditioning.


stimulus Extinction
Interaction fo
Stimulus wiht


Teaching and Motivating Workforce Through Conditioning

Number of factors are known to play role in translating the learning of person into
particular performance outcome. Qualitative nature of conditioned stimulus is known to have
potential for generating variety of response in people. Concept of behavior system also needs to
be taken into account as it also plays important role in influencing response that would be
generated from stimulus (Bouton & Moody, 2004). Temporal-difference model is another
approach in which prediction can be carried out of expected response to an unconditional
stimulus. Carrying out prediction of the expected outcome from a stimulus can better help tone
response according to need. Attitude formation influences how people evaluate various items and
objectives which are present in their surroundings often determining whether the positive and
negative feelings. Classical conditioning can help to develop a certain type of attitude towards
elements in the workplace that would be generally undesirable. Operant conditioning theories
also play role when carrying out training and development of employees within an environment
which resembles classroom. Effort should be made to respond to answers of the learner
immediately through which the reaction time can be reduced and help the learner to get swift
answers to the questions which he feels the need for gaining answers. Such theories may seem to
have little application but in reality, they have strong potential application (Usman & Ogbu,
2019). Classical conditioning has also been strongly linked with the behavioral approach of
teaching. Research was carried out by Baharuddin, et al (2020) to explore how behaviorism is
used for carrying out teaching if Islamic studies. Viewpoint presented relating to such approach
of learning is that instrumental control originates from the environment where conditional factors
based on the environment tends to carry significant impact on learning process. Applying of
classical condition does not take place in a single step but rather require the combination of
various strategies through which atmosphere can be created which is supportive of learning.
Institutions and schools can apply this approach by making it a part of policies and procedures
which are applicable. Technological developments taking place over time are also present new
methodologies and approaches through which conditioning can be carried out such as through
the application of virtual reality device. Martinez et al, (2010) explored potential application of
such devices and found that it has strong application especially in areas where cognitive load and
target perception is an important factor. Realistic models are present through the VR device
which are perceived as pleasing by the user making it easier to convey core messages.
Limitations of such model include the difference in preference and taste among users for which
program would have to be tailored according to need. Brown et al (2020) focused on the
potential application of different lightings in the classroom to induce certain type of expected
behavior from students. Results revealed that being exposed to certain colors even only for a
single period started to show change in students’ behavior with that particular color. One
limitation that is faced of this approach of conditioning is that rewards have to be used through
which positive attitude can be developed towards stimulus and achieve the desired behavior.
However, such method of using lighting as a stimulus can also find application in the world by
placing different colored lights as cures and use it to generate certain type of behavior in

Difference Model

Application of VR
Using Lighting in


Classical Conditioning in Advertisement

Classical conditioning has been thoroughly study for application in the field of marketing
due to its potential to gain attention of the viewer with the addition of certain cues that help form
a relation between conditioned stimulus in form of product and unconditioned stimulus in the
form of music (Limbad, 2013). If content of the advertisement is able to generate positive
feelings in the viewer than it significantly increases the chances of customer making purchase
decision in that scenario. This would indicate that consumers are influenced by large number of
invisible cues rather than taking in content of the advertisement in a vigilant manner. Babel
(2012) stated in his research that conditioning can involve both conscious as well as unconscious
learning where expectations can be acquired by variety of conditioning strategies and other
procedures. Keeping this in view, different type of exposures can be presented to customers in
advertisement through which emotional cue can be linked with the advertisement. Schachtman,
et al (2011) carried out research to explore the impact of conditioning theory in advertisements
and how it impacts perception of viewers. Conditioning theory not only helps to devise strategy
for conditioning but also at the same time provide guidance on how viewers process
advertisements which they see. Certain pitfalls are also present in application of conditioning in
advertisements which should be avoided. Example can be taken of scenarios in which lack of
motivation of viewer prevented any important message from being communicated. Additional
cues can also be present which have not been identified in marketing trial that can carry impact
on perception of viewer. Caution needs to be taken by marketers when they are applying
classical conditions in practical advertisements as number of stimuli could be present in the
research which is otherwise left ignored. Lack of evidence is also a problem relating to the
impact of classical conditioning on consumer behavior (Pornpitakpan, 2012).

Detailed analysis has been carried out of literature which revealed that number of models
have been developed which build on the classical conditioning model but no major research is
present which can refute the theory in its basis. From this, it can be said that strong scope is
present for applying this theory to understand behavior of animals and also amend behavior
through which desired outcome can be achieved. Application of the theory has been explored in
three key domains which includes applying classical conditioning in advertising and applying in
training and development of workforce. Application in advertisement includes adding certain
stimuli in advertisements through which link can be created with a specific emotional cue. This
is known to carry further impact on buying behavior of consumers. Potential uses which can be
found in the workplace include inducing cues in the workplace through which working of
employees can be directed towards a certain direction. Care should be taken while applying the
concept of classical conditioning given that certain cues are also known to backfire on the
company which created negative outcomes for the company. Although the model has not been
refuted yet, strong potential is still present for building on the theory similar to attempt which
was made by Bayesian in his theory.

Bąbel, P. (2019). Classical conditioning as a distinct mechanism of placebo effects. Frontiers in

Psychiatry, 10, 449.

Baccus, J. R., Baldwin, M. W., & Packer, D. J. (2004). Increasing implicit self-esteem through
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Courville, A. C., Daw, N. D., & Touretzky, D. S. (2006). Bayesian theories of conditioning in a
changing world. Trends in cognitive sciences, 10(7), 294-300.

Furze, T. A., & Bennett, B. (2011). Using the principles of classical conditioning to learn event
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flexible configural mechanisms in classical conditioning. Learning & Behavior, 40(3), 269-291.

Li, J. X. (2013). The application of conditioning paradigms in the measurement of

pain. European journal of pharmacology, 716(1-3), 158-168.

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advertisements. International Journals of Marketing and Technology, 3(4), 197-207.

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Olson, M. A., & Fazio, R. H. (2001). Implicit attitude formation through classical
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Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 32(1), 1.

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