5 Research Ethics 2

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Research is a scientific investigation into a specific problem for the purpose of finding

solution to it.

Research involves a systematic process of finding solution to the problem that is expected to
result in advancing knowledge to the society regarding the study under investigation.

A researcher is an individual or an organization that tries to unveil solution to the problem

that is currently under investigation. A researcher is required to possess necessary skills to
perform the research process effectively. Skills required by researcher include problem
solving, Analysis, dissemination and critical thinking skills.


Ethics refers to moral principles or values that generally govern the conduct of an individual
or group

Research ethics are a set of principles about how researchers and research organizations
should conduct themselves when dealing with research participants, other researchers,
colleagues, the users of their research and society in general.

Ethics in research include a diverse set of values, norms and institutional regulations that help
constitute and regulate scientific activity.

Research ethics is one of the factors that contribute to the quality of a good research.

The main challenge in research ethics is the conflicts of interest between the researcher and
the researched. The researcher may be excited about his research, and he is in need of
collecting in-depth high quality data from those most closely affected by the matter
undergoing research. However, there is a risk that the researcher may be tempted to consider
unethical research practice in order to try to obtain some of the data.

Research ethics are applied in every stage of the research including include problem
definition,stating research objectives/ hypotheses, literature review, choice of research
design,questionnaire design, data collection procedures, data editing and cleaning, choice
ofstatistical methods, data analysis, conclusions and recommendations, and even referencing


There should be informed consent from participants before they take part in a research.
Informing them will help them to understand exactly what they are being asked to do, and
what the risks are, before they agree to take part.

Information sheet is mostly used to provide participants with information about the study. The
information should be clear and simple to understand covering aspects such as telling
participants why they were selected to be invited to take part, telling them the level of
anonymity and confidentiality that a researcher guarantee and the expected matter that they
will be required to provide information.


A researcher should not put pressure on individuals to participate in the research process.
Incentives should not be used to the individuals who do not want to participate, if an
incentive is used it needs to be only a token, and not enough to encourage someone to
participate who would really prefer not to take part.

For example if individuals fails to complete the questionnaire, A researcher needs to make a
request to participant for him to finish the questionnaire


Autonomy means the freedom to decide what to do, A researcher needs to respect that and
provide autonomy to the participants.

Researcher need to make participants aware that they are free to withdraw from the study at
any time, without giving a reason. They must also be able to request that the data they have
given be removed from the study.


Care is clearly needed in research on vulnerable groups such as young children, and with
people who are ill. Vulnerability may also be on other contexts like students; employees;
dependents; or people with particular traits that could be subject to prejudice.

Anonymity is all about protecting the participants’ identity. Researcher should make subjects
understand whether the research results will be anonymous or no.

If it is anonymous, Researcher needs to provide anonymity to the participants who provided

data regarding the study. It’s all about making the data anonymous by removing the
contributor’s name. If there is no anonymity, the provided information can easily be used to
identify individuals who participated.

Confidentiality concerns about protection of the collected data. Where the aim of the research
is specifically to access private feelings, stories, and concerns. Researcher needs to respect the
provided information from participants and ensure them regarding how the safety and secrecy
of their provided data will be taken with concern.


Researcher needs to avoid any matter that will result in causing physical or emotional harm to
his subjects. Matters such as being careful on word sensitiveness and difficult questions
during an interview. Using wrong words or wrong questions may even result to conflict
between the participants and the researcher.


Objectivity vs. subjectivity in the research is an important consideration. Researcher need to

be sure of his own personal biases and opinions and not get in the way of the research. He
needs to give both sides fair consideration.


When doing a research a researcher needs not to take advantage of easy-access groups of
people such as children simply because they are easy to access but rather choosing subjects
basing on what would most benefit the research.


A researcher need to be open and honesty. He must Share data, results, ideas, tools, resources
used in a research as well as be open to criticism and new ideas.

1. To respect and cause no harm to the participants. Research ethics also exist to stand as
means for protecting the participants. For example in Tanzania there is National health
research ethics committee that is responsible for ensuring health research proposals are
reviewed to safeguard the dignity, rights, safety and well being of research participants.

2. To ensure that research is conducted in a way that serves interests of individuals, groups
and/or society as a whole.

3. It promotes the aims of the research such as knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error. For
example, prohibitions against fabricating, falsifying, or misrepresenting research data by
promote the truth and avoid error.

4. Ethical consideration in a research promotes the values that are essential to collaborative
work such as trust, accountability, and mutual respect. The research often involves
cooperation and coordination among many different people in different disciplines and
institutions, hence promoting the values are essential for collaborative work.

5.Research ethics also help to build public support for research. People are more likely to fund
research project if they know they can trust the quality and integrity of research.

6. It promotes a variety of other important moral and social values, such as social
responsibility, human rights, and animal welfare, compliance with the law, and health and

7. It ensures that researchers can be held accountable to the public. For instance, federal
policies on research misconduct, conflicts of interest, the human subjects’ protections, and
animal care and use are necessary in order to make sure that researchers who are funded by
public money can be held accountable to the public.

There are various conciquences that will result if a reasearcher violates the ethics in a
reseach.The consequences are as follows

1.If ethics are violated it will couse repondents to feel denigrated and this may create anger
and hostility in the participants hence jeopadizing future cooperation.

2.Violating ethics will also couse the public’s confidence in research projects and creditibilty
of those who engage to be weakened.

3.It weakens researchers respect for their participants and undermine their own integrity and
commitment to the truth due to the practise of violating ethics.

4.Violaton of ethics may also lead to distrust to honest investigators by participants who
follows the ethical considerations.

All in all research ethics is applied in every stage in a research process and it involves
considering what is wrong or right and then doing the right thing in a research process which
is one of the factor regarding the quality of the research.Hence attention to research ethics is
very critical.

Globus publishing, BerlinCarter McNamara: Complete Guide to Ethics Management

Y.K SINGH (2006): Fundamentals of research methodology and statistics

Business Research Methods: 2007 2nd Edition Oxford University PressSocial Research

Ethical guidelines: 2003 (Pearson: 1995-2010 Prentice Hall)


Globus publishing, BerlinCarter McNamara: Complete Guide to Ethics Management

Y.K SINGH (2006): Fundamentals of research methodology and statistics

Business Research Methods: 2007 2nd Edition Oxford University PressSocial Research

Ethical guidelines: 2003 (Pearson: 1995-2010 Prentice Hall)

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