The Neverland: My Favorite Flower

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My Favorite Flower


Precious Jewel L. Sese

Around 1000 AD, tulips were first cultivated in Turkey and were brought over to Europe in the 16 th
century that became really popular a century later. But before it cultivated in turkey and before it became
popular, there was only a single fragile snow-white tulip. She was the mother of all tulips and indeed she
was very beautiful. Other flowers would often get jealous to her for she has all the attention of bees,
butterflies and everybody just loves her. They all think she was happy for she was the perfect flower but
they didn’t know that she would get lonely sometimes especially when they all go home with their
families leaving her all alone and they don’t know how much it makes her unhappy. Every night, she
would see this images flashing through her mind, images where she sees other tulips like they were her
family but when she opens her eyes it all appears like a dream. She would always ask the heavens above
on why was she the only specie of her kind and if this is the price of being beautiful then she would rather
be ugly than to spend a lifetime being alone and she just don’t see any perks of being lonely. Although,
she didn’t get tired of being a flower and being one already makes her happy but she also wants another
flower to have her side or to be her family, any flower will do and it was like her prayers were answered
as the starry night started to shine upon her.

“I thought you wanted this.” The light said “Wha-What do you mean? I never wanted this, can’t you see
how miserable I am?” the tulip irritatingly said “That was also what you said back then that you were so
miserable around those tulips” the light mockingly said “Tulips? That means I had a family, b-but where
are they?”

“How could you forget your own kind? Didn’t you said you want them gone?” the tulip was confused as
the light keep on beating around the bush but images that were supposed to be her memories kept on
repeating through her like a broken record making her remember everything. “I-I-I was horrible, n-no I
was atrocious for wi-wishing my family to be gone and f-for forgetting them” the tulip cried “Well, it
must mean you have enjoyed the popularity you’ve been feasting if you have forgotten them” the tulip
cried harder and tears kept on falling “I-I’ll be back tomorrow and I hope you could think this through”
but the flower has already decided and this time she’ll make it right so she fixed herself and with all her
might she pleadingly said, “Please, please I want them back and I’m sorry for being self-centered, I’ve lost
count on how many centuries I was alone and I could not take this extreme sadness anymore even if you
have to punish me I’d gladly accept it but just please take

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