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Mathematical Excalibur Vol. 1, No.

1, lan-Feb, 95 Page 4

Olympiad Corner
(continuedfrom page 1) From Fermat Primes to Constructible Regular Polygons
Problem 3. (Romania) Tsz-MeiKo
For any positive integer k, let f( k) be the
number of elements in the set {k+l, k+2, Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665), an decided to devote his life to mathematics.
..., 2k} whose base 2 representation has amateurmathematician,once guessedthat After his death, a bronze statue in memory
precisely three 1 s. all numbers in the form 22"+ 1 are prime of him standing on a regular 17-gon
(a) Prove that, for eachpositive integer m, numbers. If we try the fIrst five n's (n = 0, pedestal was erected in Brauschweig-the
there exists at least one positive 1,2,3,4), they are in fact all primes: hometown of Gauss.
integer k such thatf(k)=m.
(b) Determine all positive integers m for
22" + 1
which there exists exactly one k with Which regular polygons are
f(k)=m. 0 3 constructible? From Gauss's result, we
1 5 know that the regular triangle, pentagon,
Problem 4. (Australia) 17-gon, 257-gon and 65537-gon are
Detennine all ordered pairs (m,n) of 2 17
constructible. (How?) We also know that
positiveintegerssuchthat 3 257 regular polygons with 7, 11, 13, 19, ...
4 65537 sides are not constructible since they are
n3 +1 primes but not Fermat primes. In addition,
mn -1 It was later discovered by Leonhard Euler we know how to bisect an angle and thus
(1707-1783) in 1732 that the next Fermat regular polygons with 4,8,16,32, ...or 6,
is an integer. number (n = 5) can be factored as 12, 24,48, ...sides are also constructible.
s What aboutthe others? Is a regular 15-gon
22 + 1 = 641 x 6700417
Problem 5. (United Kingdom) constructible? The answer turns out to be
andthus not a prime. The story would have
Let S be the set of real numbers strictly yessince 1/15 = 2/5 -1/3 and thus we can
ended here if without an ingenious
greaterthan-1. Find all functions/." S -+ S divide a circle into 15 equal parts. What
discovery by Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-
satisfying the two conditions: about a regular 9-gon? It can be proved
1855). that a regular 9-gon is not constructible.
(i) f(x + f(y) + xf(y)) = y + f(x) + yf(x) for
all x and y in S; Can you find a general theorem on which
In 1794, atthe age of seventeen,Gauss
(ii) f(x)/x is strictly increasing on each of regular polygons are constructible?
found that a regular 'p-gon" (a polygon
the intervals -1 < x < 0 and 0 < x. with p sides), where p is a prime, is
constructible (i.e., using only ruler and Are there any other constructible p-
Problem 6. (Finland) compass) if and only if p is a "Fermat gons (where p is a prime) besidesthe five
Show that there exists a set A of positive prime" (a prime number in the foim22" + 1). mentioned? This question is equivalent to
integers with the following property: For He proved this by considering the solutions asking whether there are any other Fermat
any infinite setS of primes there exist two of certain algebraic equations. (The primes. To date, no other Fermat number
positive integers mEA and n $"A eachof interested reader may refer to the book, has been shown to be prime, and it is still
which is a product of k distinct elementsof "What Is Mathematics?" written by not known whether there are more than
S for some k ? 2. Courant and Robbins, Oxford University five Fermat primes. Perhaps you can
Press.) The young Gauss was so discover a new Fermat prime and make a
overwhelmedby his discovery that he then note in the history of mathematics.


Right: A photo of the six members of the Hong Kong

Team and one of the editors (far right) taken at the
Shatin Town Hall after the closing ceremony of the
35th International Mathematical Olympiad.

From left to right are: SueD Yun-Leung, Chu Hoi-

Pan,Tsui Ka-Hing, Wong Him- Ting, Ho Wing-Yip.
Poon Wai-Hoi Bobby, and Li Kin- Yin.
Mathematical Excalibur Vol. 1, No.1, lan-Feb, 95 Page 4

Olympiad Corner
(continuedfrom page 1) From Fermat Primes to Constructible Regular Polygons
Problem 3. (Romania) Tsz-MeiKo
For any positive integer k, let f( k) be the
number of elements in the set {k+l, k+2, Pierre de Fermat (1601-1665), an decided to devote his life to mathematics.
..., 2k} whose base 2 representation has amateurmathematician,once guessedthat After his death, a bronze statue in memory
precisely three 1 s. all numbers in the form 22"+ 1 are prime of him standing on a regular 17-gon
(a) Prove that, for eachpositive integer m, numbers. If we try the fIrst five n's (n = 0, pedestal was erected in Brauschweig-the
there exists at least one positive 1,2,3,4), they are in fact all primes: hometown of Gauss.
integer k such thatf(k)=m.
(b) Determine all positive integers m for
22" + 1
which there exists exactly one k with Which regular polygons are
f(k)=m. 0 3 constructible? From Gauss's result, we
1 5 know that the regular triangle, pentagon,
Problem 4. (Australia) 17-gon, 257-gon and 65537-gon are
Detennine all ordered pairs (m,n) of 2 17
constructible. (How?) We also know that
positiveintegerssuchthat 3 257 regular polygons with 7, 11, 13, 19, ...
4 65537 sides are not constructible since they are
n3 +1 primes but not Fermat primes. In addition,
mn -1 It was later discovered by Leonhard Euler we know how to bisect an angle and thus
(1707-1783) in 1732 that the next Fermat regular polygons with 4,8,16,32, ...or 6,
is an integer. number (n = 5) can be factored as 12, 24,48, ...sides are also constructible.
s What aboutthe others? Is a regular 15-gon
22 + 1 = 641 x 6700417
Problem 5. (United Kingdom) constructible? The answer turns out to be
andthus not a prime. The story would have
Let S be the set of real numbers strictly yessince 1/15 = 2/5 -1/3 and thus we can
ended here if without an ingenious
greaterthan-1. Find all functions/." S -+ S divide a circle into 15 equal parts. What
discovery by Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-
satisfying the two conditions: about a regular 9-gon? It can be proved
1855). that a regular 9-gon is not constructible.
(i) f(x + f(y) + xf(y)) = y + f(x) + yf(x) for
all x and y in S; Can you find a general theorem on which
In 1794, atthe age of seventeen,Gauss
(ii) f(x)/x is strictly increasing on each of regular polygons are constructible?
found that a regular 'p-gon" (a polygon
the intervals -1 < x < 0 and 0 < x. with p sides), where p is a prime, is
constructible (i.e., using only ruler and Are there any other constructible p-
Problem 6. (Finland) compass) if and only if p is a "Fermat gons (where p is a prime) besidesthe five
Show that there exists a set A of positive prime" (a prime number in the foim22" + 1). mentioned? This question is equivalent to
integers with the following property: For He proved this by considering the solutions asking whether there are any other Fermat
any infinite setS of primes there exist two of certain algebraic equations. (The primes. To date, no other Fermat number
positive integers mEA and n $"A eachof interested reader may refer to the book, has been shown to be prime, and it is still
which is a product of k distinct elementsof "What Is Mathematics?" written by not known whether there are more than
S for some k ? 2. Courant and Robbins, Oxford University five Fermat primes. Perhaps you can
Press.) The young Gauss was so discover a new Fermat prime and make a
overwhelmedby his discovery that he then note in the history of mathematics.


Right: A photo of the six members of the Hong Kong

Team and one of the editors (far right) taken at the
Shatin Town Hall after the closing ceremony of the
35th International Mathematical Olympiad.

From left to right are: SueD Yun-Leung, Chu Hoi-

Pan,Tsui Ka-Hing, Wong Him- Ting, Ho Wing-Yip.
Poon Wai-Hoi Bobby, and Li Kin- Yin.

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