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Rangers of the Shadow Deep Mission

As you and your trusty companions are reveling in your victories and telling tales of battle and lost
friends, a page of the King interrupts the celebration. “Urgent news has come to my Grace!” he
emphatically says. “King Arethic demands an audience at once!”

The page escorts you through the palace to a well-furnished room behind the throne room. King Arethic
is leaning over a table staring down at a map. Without looking at you he proclaims “your feasting and
rivalry is premature Ranger! I have just received word that red magic is happening in Shadow Deep and
there are beasts wearing red badges running rampant on the borderlands. Are you sure that you
vanquished this red sorcerous? It seems she may still be alive. You must go and investigate this threat!”

Qunorim Evil Wizard

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

6 +2 +0 12 +8 22

Red Robes of Protection, Rouge Staff of Teleport, Spellcaster XP 20

Gnoll Fighter

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

6 +2 +0 11 +0 10

Hand Weapon, Light Armour XP 3

Gnoll Archer

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

6 +1 +2 11 +0 10

Dagger, Bow or Crossbow, Quiver, Light Armour XP 3

Gnoll Sargent

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

6 +3 +0 11 +0 12

Two-Handed Weapon, Light Armour XP 3

Red Guard Man at Arms

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

6 +2 +0 12 +0 12

Hand Weapon, Light Armour, Shield XP 4

Red Guard Archer

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

6 +2 +3 11 +0 10

Dagger, Bow or Crossbow, Quiver, Light Armour XP 4

Red Guard Captain

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

6 +4 +0 11/12 +0 14

Two-Handed Weapon, Light Armour XP 4

Temple Guardian

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

6 +2 +0 11/12 +2 10

Two-Handed Weapon, Light Armour (Armour 11), Hand Weapon, Light Armour, Shield (Armour 12) XP 3

Temple Guardian Archer

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

6 +1 +1 11 +2 10

Bow, Quiver, Hand Weapon, Light Armour XP 3


Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

6 +3 +0 12 +0 14

Large. Two-Handed Weapon XP 5


Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

8 +1 +0 10 +0 6

XP 2


Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

6 +4 +0 10 +5 18

Infected. Regenerate, Silver Allergy (+2 damage), Expert Climer.


Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

6 +1 +0 10 +0 1

XP 1

Skeletal Knight

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

6 +3 +0 13 +0 1

XP 2

Giant Spider

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

6 +0 +0 8 +0 5

Animal, poison, no movement penalty on rough ground or climbing. XP 2

Giant Fly

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health

6 +0 +0 6 +0 5

Animal, Flying, Disease

Scenario 1: Pull Me Under
As you and your companions make haste back to Traxel, the abandoned village you had defeated the
red sorceress, you feel in your bones that you are in the sights of enemies. You can’t see any signs or
hear anything. You just feel eyes watching you. You feel uneasy. Traxel is how you left it. Except the
giant red tree in the center of the village has burned and only a black trunk remains. Tired and weary,
you make camp in the village. To the east you hear the howling of wolves. They sound close. Let’s gather
our belongings and see what they are up to.

The scenario is complete after 10 turns or when all remaining heroes move off the table on the top side.

Set Up: On a 30”X30” Table, place a river 4” from the left edge. Designate 2 fords 6” from top and
bottom edges. Place trees on the left side of the river at the 15” and 3” from the top edge. Place a Red
Guard Archer by both trees. Place 3 4-6”/4-6” bogs or swamps and scatter trees and scatter terrain (no
bog/swamp should be closer than 9” to the starting point. Place a clue marker by the far tree on the left
side. Place 2 clue markers in random bogs/swamps. Place 2 clew markers by random trees/terrain. Place
two wolves in the top right corner of the table.
Event Cards

Red 2 2 Gnoll Fighters appear at the center of a random table edge.

Red 3 River Swell: there is a rise of the water in the river. Any creature or hero
crossing at the fords will have to make a TN8 swim roll or will be swept 4”
down the river and will lose 2 points health. If failed will re-roll next turn. If
swept off the table the creature or hero drowns. If washed into the other ford,
re-roll TN8 agility roll.

Red 4 A Swamp Zombie emerges from 1 of the random bogs/swamps.

Red 5 A dense red fog bellows out of the bogs. – 3 missile attacks 2 turns.

Red 6 A werewolf appears by one of the random clue markers.

Red 7 A Giant Fly emerges from each bog/swamp.

Red 8 Swamp Zombie emerges from a random bog/swamp.

Red Jack Red Lightning Strike! A random hero faces a +5 attack.

Red Queen A brilliant blue flash. The creatures suffer a loss of one action for one turn.

Red King An Ogre appears in the center of the top edge of the table.

Red Ace Red Fireball! A random hero faces a +5 attack.

Bog/Swamp Clue Markers

1-2 Treasure

3-7 Swamp Zombie! A Swamp Zombie rises out of the swamp. Hero must make a
TN10 Strength roll or get pulled under the water and suffer a d6 roll of damage.

8-12 A large bag. If pass a TN12 perception roll, go to notes 101.

13-15 Swamp Zombie! A Swamp Zombie rises out of the swamp. Hero must make a
TN10 Strength roll or get pulled under the water and suffer a d6 roll of damage.

16-18 Treasure

19-20 A magic sword. You find a sword with a blue handle. +1 fight.

Tree Clue Markers

1-2 You find a scorched body. Take a TN8 perception roll. If passed go to notes 102.

3-7 Zombie! The lump on the ground turns out to be a Zombie.

8-12 You find a conjurer tied to the tree. He has 5 Health, a staff, a heal spell and
an amphibious Spell

13-15 You find a Scroll. If you pass a TN12 Read Runes roll, go to notes 103.

16-18 You find a pair of old worn gloves. If you pass a TN10 perception roll go to notes

19-20 You find a Spear with a silver Spear head.


Assuming the rangers have survived, proceed to Scenario 2. All figures that survived regain 5 Health (not
past their maximum Health. Heroes who dropped to 0 Health and make a Survival roll regain to 8 Health.
Rangers gain experience points for the following achievements:

• +3 XP for each Gnoll killed.

• +4 XP for each Red Guard killed.

• +2 XP for every Zombie Killed.

• +2 XP for every Giant Fly Killed.

• +2 XP for every Wolf Killed.

• +10 for each Werewolf killed.

• +6XP for each clue marker uncovered.

• +10XP if you find the Conjurer and he survives. The Conjurer will join your company with 8
Health. a staff, a heal spell and an amphibious Spell

• +5XP if your party finds the scroll and pass the perception roll.

• +5XP if you found the bag and passed the perception roll.
Scenario 2: Under a Glass Moon
You have worked your way out of the boggy, swampy land and ender a stretch of broken forest land. A
bright glassy moon rises. Its brilliant light illuminates a tall hill and on the hill is a large werewolf. He lets
out a chilling howl and then is answered by many howls in the distance.

The scenario is complete after 10 turns or when all remaining heroes move off the table on the top side.

Set Up: On a 30”X30” Table, place a river as the border of the left edge. Placed a large hill in the center
of the table. Place a werewolf on the top of the hill. Place a Red Guard Archer on either side of the hill.
Place scatter trees and scatter terrain. Place a clue marker top of the hill. Place 4 clue markers by
random trees. Place 3 wolves on the top edge of the table.
Event Cards

Red 2 2 Werewolves appear at the center of a random table edge.

Red 3 A Gnoll sergeant and a Gnoll Archer appear in the center of the bottom edge of
edge of the table.

Red 4 2 Wolves appear at the bottom edge of the table.

Red 5 A (Roll a D6) appears at the base of the large hill.

1: Guardsman (Friendly) M6, F+3, S+0, A12, W+2, H10

2: Gnoll Fighter
3: Conjuror (Friendly); Spells: Magic Bolt and Heal. M6, F+1, S+0, A10,
W+2, H10
4: Red Guard Man at Arms
5: Barbarian (Friendly) M6, F+4, S+0, A11, W+3, H14
6: Archer (Friendly) M6, F+2, S+3, A11, W+2, H10

Red 6 A werewolf appears at the bottom edge of the table.

Red 7 2 Wolves appear on the right edge of the table.

Red 8 Two Red Guard Archers appear on the center of the top edge of the table.

Red Jack Red Lightning Strike! A random hero faces a +5 attack.

Red Queen A brilliant blue flash. The creatures suffer a loss of one action for one turn.

Red King A Werewolf appears in the center of the top edge of the table.

Red Ace Red Fireball! A random hero faces a +5 attack.

Clue Markers

1-2 You find a silver dagger with a moonstone handle.

3-7 A Giant Spider comes down from the tree.

8-12 You find a boy tied to the tree. He has 5 Health. Go to notes 201

13-15 A Giant Spider comes down from the tree.

16-18 2 Heath Potions.

19-20 You find a quiver with 6 arrows with silver arrowheads.


Assuming the rangers have survived, proceed to Scenario 3. All figures that survived regain 5 Health (not
past their maximum Health. Heroes who dropped to 0 Health and make a Survival roll regain to 8 Health.
Rangers gain experience points for the following achievements:

+3 XP for each Gnoll killed.

+4 XP for each Red Guard killed.

+2 XP for every Giant Spider Killed.

+2 XP for every Wolf Killed.

+10 for each Werewolf killed.

+6XP for each clue marker uncovered.

+10XP if you find the boy and he survives.

+5XP if you are joined by an ally and he survives.

Scenario 3: Learning to Live
After surviving the valley of the werewolves, your band moves further into the shadows. You hear
movement to your right. As you spring to ready, a voice calls out, “hail! Enemies of the shadow are
friends of ours.” Three men approach. “I am Ser Winslow and these are my cousins Reginald and
Leonelle. Our fathers have been captured by the Red Wizards and we are in pursuit.” You agree to travel
with them along the trail. Just as your day’s journey was ending and you were looking to camp, you see
a red glow in the forest. You must investigate.

Set up: 30”X30” table. 6” from the top edge, in the center, place a large bonfire. Just in front of the
bonfire, place Qunorim the Red Sorcerer. Within 3” of Qunorim there are 2 Red Guard. Place 3 noble
looking prisoners by the bonfire. At 10” from the back edge and 6” from each side edge, place small
fires or braziers. Behind each brazier, place a Conjurer and in front place a Red Guard. In the center of
the table place a tree. Arrange scatter trees and hills throughout the table. Place 2 Red Guard Archers on
either side of the center tree12” from top edge of the table. Place a clue marker under the center tree
and 4 other clue markers by trees on the top side of the table.

The Knight and Swordsmen who joined you will be honor bound to rescue their fathers at all costs.

Ser Winslow, Knight: Move 5, Fight +4, Shoot +0, Armour 13, Will +2 Health 12

Magic Sword +1

Reginald, Swordsman: Move 6, Fight +4, Shoot +0, Armour 11, Will +2 Health 12

Silver Sword

Leonelle, Swordsman: Move 6, Fight +4, Shoot +0, Armour 11, Will +2 Health 12

Magic Sword +1
This scenario will end with the vanquish of Qunorim.

Special Rules: Qunorim and the conjurers will stay within 3” from their fires. The Red Guards will stay
within 6” from Qunorim and their conjurer they start by.

If the bonfire and the braziers are burning after round 5, one prisoner will levitate over the fire and fall
into the fire dying. The next prisoner will follow on turn 7 if the braziers and the bonfire are burning and
the last on round 9 if the bonfires and braziers are burning. If a Conjurer is killed, his brazier will go out.
If the bonfire and one of the braziers are burning after round 7, one prisoner will levitate over the fire
and fall into the fire dying.

Qunorim can only receive damage from magic or silver weapons on normal hits or by natural TN17+
attack roles with normal weapons. If by missile attack and the player wins but rolls a <=16, the narrative
will be that the arrow caught fire and turned to ash in the air. If struck by a normal weapon in melee
combat with a hit below 17, the weapon will seemingly go through Qunorim as if through mist. If he is
defeated, go to Notes 301.

The Red Conjurers will make a spell each turn they are not engaged in a melee attack. Use the following
chart for a D20 Roll (spells can be reused).

1-4 Circle of Fire: Creates a 2” diameter circle of fire. Any figure moving through this
circle suffers 2 points of damage and must make a Will Roll (TN12). If the hero
fails the roll, the Hero will suffer an additional 2 points health damage.

5-8 Fire Ball: A ball of fire shoots from the brazier at a random member of the Heroes.
Anyone within 2” of the target face a +3 attack. (Must be in the line of sight)

9-12 GLOW: For the rest of the game, all shooting attacks against the random member
of the Heroes are at +3.

13-16 HOLD: The random member of the Heroes must make an immediate Will Roll
(TN16). If it fails, it may not force combat for the remainder of the turn, and it

loses its next activation. This spell has no effect on large creatures or undead.

17-20 Fire Ball: A ball of fire shoots from the brazier at a random member of the Heroes.
(Must be in the line of sight)
You will draw a Red card the sorted deck every turn Qunorim isn’t engaged in a melee. Qunorim will
make a spell each turn he is not engaged in a melee attack. Use the following chart:

Red Ace Circle of Fire: Creates a 3” diameter circle of fire. Any figure moving through
this circle suffers 2 points of damage and must make a Will Roll (TN12). If the
hero fails the roll, the Hero will suffer an additional 2 points health damage.

Red 2 Fire Ball: A ball of fire shoots from the bon fire at a random member of the
Heroes face a +5 attack. (Doesn’t have to be in the line of sight. Just on the

Red 3 GLOW: For the rest of the game, all shooting attacks against the random
member of the Heroes are at +3.

Red 4 HOLD: The random member of the Heroes must make an immediate Will Roll
(TN16). If it fails, it may not force combat for the remainder of the turn, and it

loses its next activation. This spell has no effect on large creatures or undead.

Red 5 Fire Ball: A ball of fire shoots from the bon fire at a random member of the
Heroes face a +5 attack. (Doesn’t have to be in the line of sight. Just on the

Red 6 WEAKNESS: The target of this spell must make an immediate Will Roll (TN18). If
it fails, it suffers -1 Fight, -1 Shoot, and -1 Armour for the rest of the scenario.

Red 7 SLOW: The target of this spell must make an immediate Will Roll (TN18). If it
fails, it suffers -3 Move (to a minimum of 1) for the rest of the scenario.

Red 8 Fire Ball: A ball of fire shoots from the bon fire at a random member of the
Heroes face a +5 attack. (Doesn’t have to be in the line of sight. Just on the

Red 9 Burning Mark: The caster may place a glowing rune anywhere within 6”. As
soon as any Hero moves within 2” of this rune, it explodes. All Heroes within 2”
of the rune suffer a +5 magic shooting attack.
Red 10 Fire Ball: A ball of fire shoots from the bon fire at a random member of the
Heroes face a +5 attack. (Doesn’t have to be in the line of sight. Just on the
Event Cards:

Black Ace A werewolf appears on the bottom edge of the table howling and foaming at
the mouth. If he wins a combat in melee, the hero will have to pass a TN10 roll
or be infected with the werewolf germ. Will become a werewolf in 3 turns
unless receiving a healing spell or potion.

Black 2 Smoke fills the forest. Vision for the heroes is limited to 6” for 1 turn.

Black 3 A red fog descends on the village. -2 on missile attacks.

Black 4 2 Red Guard Archers appear on the top edge of the table.

Black 5 The tree in the center of the forest catches on fire and any heroes within 4” will
take 2 points of damage and must make a Will Roll (TN12). If the hero fails the
roll, the Hero will suffer an additional 2 points health damage.

Black 6 3 wolves appear in the center of the bottom edge of the table.

Black 7 2 Gnoll Sergeants appear on the right edge of the table.

Black 8 A Red Guard Champion appears on the left edge of the table.

Black Jack The flames from the bonfire rises above the trees and then breaks up into many
fireballs. Every member of the hero team faces a +3 attack.

Black Queen Two werewolves appear at a random table edge.

Black King A brilliant blue light flashes through the sky. The monsters and Red Guards
must take a TN15 Will test of lose one action this turn. Qunorim and
automatically passes the test.
Clue Tokens

1-3 Treasure

4-7 Silver Dagger with a Blue Handle

8-10 Keys If Ser Winslow, Reginald or Leonelle are alive go to notes 302. If they have
all perished,

11-13 Wolf’s Bane

14-17 Herb

18-19 Magic Item

20 Magic Sword

Qunorim vanquishes with a brilliant red light and horrid otherworldly screams. Any of his allies still on
the table leave the table towards the shortest direction.

• +3 XP for each Gnoll killed.

• +4 XP for each Red Guard killed.
• +2 XP for every Wolf Killed.
• +10 for each Werewolf killed.
• +6XP for each clue marker uncovered.
• +10XP for each noble prisoner survives.
• +5 XP for each Red Conjurer you kill.
• +20 Points for killing Qunorim.


101: As you rummage through wet leather bag, you notice a hidden pocket in the bag. And in the bag is
a pouch full of Wolf Bane.

102: You find a body of a man that has been severely burnt. You roll him over and notice a pendent
made of silver. The silver has been etched with the Sigel of a noble house of Lorenthia.

103: You find a parchment rolled up in a leather tube. On the parchment was a list of names with some
marked out. You are strangely familiar with some of the names. They are names of Lorenthian nobility!

104: You find a worn pare of leather gloves. When you try them on, your hands feel strong and

201: You untie a boy in fine clothing (despite the wear). He immediately tells you that you have to
hurry. That his dad has been arrested by a red conjurer and his father is someone that they would burn
if you don’t rescue him quickly.

301: Qunorim begins to screech and glow red. He then turns into a red flame for just a moment and
then the flame extinguishes and all that is left is ashes on the ground he stood on.

302: You are told that these are the keys to Ser Winlow’s father’s gates and dungeons.

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