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Answer & Explanation

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1.What makes this a descriptive study?
Descriptive studies in which the researcher does not interact with the participant include
observational studies of people in an environment  and studies involving data collection
using existing records for example in this research the investigator used the existing
medical records of community A and community B
2.What type of data collection method was used in this scenario? What type of
collection methods are usually used in descriptive studies?
Descriptive studies, in which the researcher interacts with the participant, may involve
surveys or interviews to collect the necessary information. In this scenario, the investigator
used both surveys and interviews. This is because  surveys allows a large sample size.
Surveys are an efficient way of collecting information from a large sample and are easy to
administer compared with an experiment. Surveys are flexible in the sense that a wide
range of information can be collected. Since surveys are a standardized measure, they are
relatively free from several types of errors. Only questions of interest to the researcher are
asked, codified, and analyzed. Survey research is also a very affordable option for
gathering a large amount of data. Interviews on the other hand are a type of data collection
technique in which the researcher asks questions to elicit facts or statements from the
interviewee and thy go hand in hand with surveys.
Other types of data collection in descriptive study is; Observation and Case study
3.Why did the researcher collect information about the lifestyle of community
residents? What about the type of businesses present in each community? Medical
Lifestyle is one of the risk factors of cancer .Notably, it has been argued that between one
third and half of all cancer cases may be avoided by primary prevention. Lifestyle factors
implicated as causes of cancer and cancer mortality, which are considered as main targets
for prevention, include smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, diet, and physical inactivity.
The important lifestyle factors that affect the incidence and mortality of cancer include
tobacco, alcohol, diet, obesity, infectious agents, environmental pollutants, and radiation.
This is the reason why the researcher collected the information on lifestyle for easy
comparison of the two communities.
The type of business present in the two communities has an impact on the lifestyle which
is a risk factor of cancer as this will explain more on the type of products they are selling for
example bars (alcohol) or cigarette business.
Medical records information is important because the researcher will know if there had
been previous records of people with cancer  each of the communities. A parent can pass
on the genetic mutation and increased risk even if she or he never develops cancer. A child
who does not inherit the abnormal mutation cannot pass it on. If you inherit a mutation that
increases cancer risk it does not mean you are destined to get cancer. It means your risk is
higher than average. Therefore this information was important for the study.
4.Can the investigator establish that the chemical plant and cigarette smoking are the
cause for the higher rate of cancer among those in Community A?
Yes, Cigarette is one of the number one risk factor for lung cancer. In the United States,
cigarette smoking is linked to about 80% to 90% of lung cancer deaths. Using other tobacco
products such as cigars or pipes also increases the risk for lung cancer. Tobacco smoke is
a toxic mix of more than 7,000 chemicals. Also Certain chemicals, including benzene,
beryllium, asbestos, vinyl chloride, and arsenic are known human carcinogens, meaning
they have been found to cause cancer in humans therefore this increased the rate of cancer
among those in community A.
5.Can the investigator establish that lower smoking rates and the absence of a
chemical factory explain the lower rate of cancer among those in Community B?
In community B the lower rate of cancer was because the people in this community had
lower smoking rates as compared to community A. There was an absence of  a chemical
plant which would contribute to higher rate of cancer although both communities had a
tendency of delaying hospital checkup.
Step-by-step explanation
Cancer is the name given to a collection of related diseases. In all types of cancer, some of
the body's cells begin to divide without stopping and spread into surrounding tissues.
Cancer can start almost anywhere in the human body, which is made up of trillions of cells

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