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Discourse Ethics Reflection

Reflecting the topic concerning discourse ethics left me with a lot of lessons learned. It
made me think that all of us have common sense wherein we’re knowledgeable of what is right
and wrong. People have character in which they seek to know what is right and wrong but on
the other side, people also have different understanding on what right or wrong. This could vary
on different ways. But, how is discourse related to ethics? Discourse happens when there is an
existing conflict in which one idea clashes with one another at the point of misunderstanding.
Discourse comes in the way to try to resolve the conflict. Rational consensus is where
discussion happens in a way that both sides are willing to agree with, come to a consensus
where everybody is willing to live by. Though, it’s only a temporary fix but it’s something that
everybody wants or could accept for the time being.
With regards to discourse, it also made me reflect on the differences Habermas and
Kant’s ideologies have when Habermas outlined the Principle U and D. Habermas is heavily
influenced by Kant, but he believes that while Kant’s intention is right, he’s looking at it
backwards because for Kant, one person alone could determine what the moral law is and that
law became binding for everyone. But for Habermas, this isn’t the case. Habermas introduced
the Principle of Universality wherein instead of sitting alone and asking question/s, one should
take that maxim to the other, discuss it through discourse and once all had consensus and
agreement, then that becomes universally binded. Additionally, Kant gave us that imperative of
respect with his version of the golden rule, to treat humanity as an end, never as a means only.
Treat everyone with a sense of respect and dignity. Well, Habermas argues the best way to
handle that is through the Principle of Discourse. Thus, to show proper respect is to make sure
that everyone who is expected to abide by the law has the voice in creating it. We must never
be expected to follow a rule that we ourselves didn’t help to create.
Furthermore, this topic made me realize that when we are disagreeing with each other,
we need to be productive. Meaning, building off each other’s arguments, basing opinions with a
fact, and trying to hold back emotion/s. This is because we’re not having a petty argument,
we’re trying to learn and follow each other’s thoughts from facts. Moreover, we also have to be
equitable. Everyone gets a chance to talk, take turns, because it’s easy sometimes to dominate
a discussion. Most importantly, we need to respect each other’s thoughts and feelings. In order
to discuss things with each other, there needs to be a high level of respect going on, since we
all have thoughts, opinions and more importantly, feelings. As much as possible trying to not
hurt each other’s feelings and be kind, collected and considerate with each other while having a

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