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The functions of this kind of drills a re adapted specially for

33 adapt
exploring oil.
34 additional I was often given additional homework because I learned quickly.
Chairman Jiang will address all the people in China before the
35 address
Spring Festival to celebrate it.
36 adept The old ga rdener is adept at growing flower.
37 adhere A patriot is adhered firmly to his own country.
We work in the same company, but his office is not adjacent to
38 adjacent
39 adjoin The playing field adjoins the school.
40 adjustable The seat is convenient for it’s adjustable.
Head teache rs are more involved in administration than in
41 administration
42 admission Please keep off, you have no right of admission to the club.
43 ado It was all much ado about nothing.
44 adoption This text of economics is in adoption in China.
You always adore the other people’s achievements but not the ha
45 adore
rd work, which is your the biggest disadvantage.
46 advancement The job offers good opportunities for advancement.
47 advantageous This work is advantageous to your study.
With the advent of the new chairman, the company began to
48 advent
49 adverse The storming wea the r is adve rse for them to sail.
50 advisable Do you think it advisable to wait ?
51 advocate I advocate a policy of gr adual reform.
52 affection One should have affection for his par ents.
53 affiliate The college is affiliate to Beijing University.
54 affirm She affirmed her innocence.
55 afflict Sever e drought has afflicted the countryside.
56 affluent He r rela tives a re all ve ry affluent.
57 agency He opened an employment agency by himself.
58 aggressive Aggressive nations threaten world peace.
59 agitation He is in great agitation of the future.
60 agony They s uffe red the agony of watching him being burnt to death.
61 agreeable I found him most agreeable.
62 agreement They a re not in agreement on this problem.
63 aircraft An aircr aft is a machine flying in the sky.
The bride was going through the aisle of the church to the priest,
64 aisle
accompanied by her father.
65 alcohol Don’t touch alcohol or you will form a bad habit.
66 alert The sentry is alert to eve ry possible danger.
What is inter esting is that the mathematician was not good at
67 algebra
algebra when he was at a grade school.
68 alien She is alien to me, because I have never seen her before.
69 alignment The soldiers a re all in alignment.
70 allege We we re alleged to have brought goods into the country illegally.

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