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71 alleviate The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate her pain.

The increase in violent crimes is allied to the ra te in

72 allied
73 allowance I have no allowance until attending unive rsity.
74 alms They had to beg alms in order to feed their children.
75 alphabet The Englis h alphabet has 26 letters.
76 alternate The weather alternated between r ain and sunshine.
77 altitude The airplane flies at an altitude of 2, 000 mete rs.
78 amass She amassed a fortune by specula ting on the stock change.

79 amateur Look at what you have done ! You are just like an amateur !
Don’t make ambiguous statement when you communicate with
80 ambiguous
None of these famous people had no ambition in success when
81 ambition
they were young.
82 amend The Parliament has decided to amend some legisla tion.
83 amiable Everyone enjoys talking with that amiable old man.
84 amplify The influences of this incident we re amplified.
85 analytical Why not try the analytical r easoning ?
The teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and a
86 analogy
87 anatomy They a re in the research of the anatomy of the frog.
The write r is ve ry critical of the mistakes made by our
88 ancestor
89 anchor They anchored their boat close to the shor e.
90 anecdote I am fond of collecting anecdotes.
91 angel Mary is so kind and beautiful that s he is the angel in my dreams.
92 anguish Hearing the news she died, I feel great anguish.
93 animate Animated by fresh hope, he started again.
94 anniversary We celebrate our wedding anniversary every yea r.
95 anticipation In anticipation of the possibility of rain, he took an umbrella.
The holiday itself was r ather an anticlimax after all the
96 anticlimax
excitement of planning it.
97 antique In his house there a re many antique things.
The pa rents ar e full of anxiety because their nine-year-old
98 anxiety
daughter has not come back from school a t 8’clock p.m.

99 apparatus Put the laboratory apparatus in orde r before leaving the lab.

100 appealing Going to somewher e unknown seems to be an appealing idea.

101 appetite I have an amazing appetite for lea rning now.
102 applaud All the audience stood up applauding for his ex- cellent speech.

103 appliance A mode rn family cannot do without electrical appliances.

After careful discussion experts gave an appr aisal of the ancient
104 appraisal

vase : 60, 000.
105 appreciable Ther e will be an appreciable inc rease of our sala ries.

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