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106 apprehend The thief was appr ehended in the act of stealing a car.

107 approval Do these plans meet your approval ?

The total number of death in this cr ash approximately mounts
108 approximately
to 5, 000.
109 apt She is one of my most apt students.
110 aptitude He has an unfortunate aptitude for saying the wrong thing.

111 arbitrary The choice of players for the team seems completely a rbitra ry.
112 arc I like the arc of the rainbow.
113 arduous The work is arduous and the hours a re long.
114 arrogantly She usually walks arrogantly before us.
115 ascend We watched the mists ascending from the valley below.
116 ascertain The police ar e trying to ascertain exactly who was at the pa rty.
117 ascribe He ascribed his failur e to bad luck.
118 aspiration He has serious as pirations to car ee r in politics.
Kennedy was assassinated in the same day one hundred yea rs la
119 assassinate
ter than Lincoln.
120 assault The car of city traffic is a steady assault on one’s nerves.
121 assembly Public assembly are limited in this country.
122 assert She asserted her innocence.
123 assessment They made an assessment of this house.
His assets included s har es in the company and a house in
124 assets
Children in school are expected to assimilate what they have
125 assimilate
been taught.
You wouldn’t normally associate to these two writers — their
126 associate
styles are completely different.
127 assumption The theory is based on a se ries of wrong assumption.
128 assurance She shows remarkable assur ance on stage for one so young.
129 astonish His dea th astonis hed me.
130 astray He had been led astray by undesir able friends.
131 athlete Most first- class footballers ar e natur al athletes.
132 attachment Most girls feel a strong attachment to their family.
133 attain My goals in university a re to attain at least ten certificates.
134 attendant She formerly worked as a museum attendant.
135 attractive She has an especial face which is very attractive.
136 attribute The phenomenon can be attributed to such a fact.
137 auction The Army is auctioning off a lot of old equipment.
138 auditor I am a loyal auditor of your program.
139 aural The young lady ma rried an aural surgeon.
140 authority He gave me the authority to collect the money.
141 autobiography He has just completed his autobiogr aphy.
142 autonomy Branch manage rs have full autonomy in their own ar eas.
143 automatic All the machines in this factory a re automatic.
144 auxiliary When the doctor does an operation, he needs several auxiliaries.

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