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Chapter 17 Case Application 1 (pages 616)

17-14: Using what you’ve learned from studying the various motivation theories, what does
HKDL’s situation tell you about employee motivation? (Duyen)
Hello everyone, I’m from team 8. I will present a case application. 
- The theories we look at in this section represent the current explanation of employee motivation
includings Herzberg's two-factor, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory, McGregor’s Theory X and
Theory Y, and Three-Needs Theory: to analyze the employee motivation methods of Hong Kong

Herzberg's two-factor theory : also known as motivation-hygiene theory

Let’s move to the first theory. According to PoM, it proposes that intrinsic factors (motivators) are related
to job satisfaction, while extrinsic factors (hygiene factors) are associated with job dissatisfaction. 

 According to PoM, motivators are achievement, recognition, work itself  responsibility,

advancement, and growth. The Walt Disney Company offers a comprehensive total rewards
package that helps employees have better lives

For example: There are special recognition programs which include quality of work, length of service.
Thus, the staff are able to gain satisfaction from working. Also, they can enjoy special extras which are
complimentary theme park admissions, employee discounts and many other unique advantages. 

 Hygiene factor are supervision, job security, salary, work conditions,

 The Walt Disney Company provides employee base salaries with the total compensation
opportunity and health and wellness benefits. 
 Besides, the employee can have 11 paid holidays per year, vacation, sick pay and short-
term disability. 

=>However, according to PoM “Managers in HKDL who sought to eliminate factors that created
job dissatisfaction could keep people from being dissatisfied but not necessarily motivate

Maslow's hierarchy of need Maslow's theory:  

Now, I’m going to talk about Maslow's hierarchy of need Maslow's theory: managers use this theory to
motivate employees do things to satisfy 5 basic employees’ needs

 For Physiological needs:  HDKL managers provided a fun environment for the employees so
that they are comfortable in their working. The company offers competitive salaries to give
employees the basic needs for living. They also provide paid annual leave, maternity leave,
marriage leave and examination leave overtime payment for frontline overtime eligible positions
 In terms of Safety needs: Hong Kong Disneyland values the safety of all employees. It is
committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment to prevent accidents. Hong Kong
Disneyland provides a clear rule and regulation to employees. 
 Social needs:  The employees of cast members learn Disney culture in a number of ways such as
training and socialization. These are associated with a feeling of belonging. This helps strengthen
teams and enhances workers' sense of belonging.
 Esteem:  Cast members are welcome to share any feedback employees may have with the Cast
Advisory Council (CAC). The CAC meets regularly to listen to cast member feedback and make
suggestions to improve the working environment 

=> The results show that cast members in HDKL take pride in their roles and they are motivated and in
their roles. 

 For Self-actualisation: Employees can receive an average of 35 training hours, and 380,000
hours of professional and technical training to the entire workforce during the year to help
employees become knowledgeable cast members, and have fun with their guests. 

McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y is the next part in my presentation.

 Theory X is a negative view of people that assumes workers have little ambition, dislike work,
want to avoid responsibility, and need to be closely controlled to work effectively. 
-For example, according to the spokesperson of Disneyland, employees have to strictly obey the rules for
their behavior. What's more, with reference to the article by Jason Garcia 2010, Disney has issued a new
policy banning employees from texting while driving on the job. 
 In contrast, Theory Y is a positive view that assumes employees enjoy work, seek out and
accept responsibility, and exercise self- direction
-For instance, Disney focuses on creating a culture in which employees can flourish and find meaning in
their work. Furthermore, HKDL also conducts employee surveys to better understand its staff.

The last section is Three-Needs Theory: These are the need for achievement, the need for power, and
the need for affiliation. With the open communication and freedom feedback for employees that HKDL
provides as we mentioned above, that meets the need for affiliation. Moreover HKDL also meets the need
for achievement by the things we mentioned in Maslow and Herberg theory.


In conclusion, the company clearly has motivation factors, which increase the job satisfaction of the
employees and keep them motivated to work hard for the company. Moreover the company makes sure to
train and upskill the employees.

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