P5 4

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Part 5, Continuing Case: Starbucks, pages 626-629

P5-4: Look at the description of the types of people Starbucks seeks. What individual behavior
issues might arise in managing these types of people ? (Think in terms of attitudes, personality, etc.)
What work team issues might arise ? (Think in terms of what makes teams successful. Hint: Can a
person be self-motivated and passionate and be a good team player ?) (Hien)
Hello everyone, I’m from team 8. I will present a Starbuck case. First, I will talk about the types of people
Starbucks seeks: 
- Starbucks recognizes that what it’s been able to accomplish is due to the people it hires. Moreover,
Starbucks also states that it wants employees who are “adaptable, self-motivated, passionate, creative
team players.” This “ideal” Starbucks partner should have individual strengths and should be able to work
as part of a team according to the textbook. 


-Organizational behavior is the behavior or actions of individuals and groups within organizations
(Coffey, Cole, and Hunsaker, 2010). According to exhibit 15.1,  under the surface are other elements that
managers need to understand - elements that also influence how employees behave at work. 

Individual behavior has 3 main issues:

Firstly, I will explain why adaptable person become issues:
 According to M B T I test, "adaptable" people are high in "perceiving". They are flexible,
spontaneous and tolerant. Furthermore, during a difficult period of change and development for
the firm, their attitudes grow more challenging. As a result, managing this group of people would
require decision making training. 
 - Self-motivate: 
 Self-motivated people are those who can motivate themselves to accomplish their job duties. This
is similar to job involvement and employee engagement, where employees actively and e thu si á
tịc ly contribute to their work. People like this tend to be "passionate" about their job, hence they
have such a strong urge to do it because the employee that was passionate during good times,
may have little motivation during bad times. As a manager, this could present a challenge because
that attitude could carry over and start
 A motivated and i má gìn nơ tịp individual, for example, may be particularly am bi search.
Instead of that, in an effort to rise, they might sacrifice the ethical norms. 
- Passion and creativity: 
 However, passionate people can be very emotional and persistent when it comes to whether
things should be done one way or the other, as they care about their work so badly. They can be
low in ờ ri na bồ lịst (by the Big Five Model) as they are passionate in what they are doing and a
firm believer in their viewpoint, which leads to trusting issues and cooperation (co ọp por ray
tion) problems. 
=> Last but not least, finding someone with all of these traits can be unrealistic. It can be hard for a very
passionate employee to be adaptable to their team's different views and be a good team player. And for
the same reason, it can be hard for this person to open up to new viewpoints and become creative. Within
a team of such passionate people, it might be impossible for everyone to agree with each other. On the
other hand, if everyone is a creative team player, they can all adapt to everyone else and not be passionate
or đì sai sịf about their course of actions.
Second part of the question is work team issues:
One of the highlight factors to consider when making teams successful is successful human resources
management. Based on the PM textbook, managing people successfully means understanding their
attitudes, behaviors, personalities, individual and teamwork efforts. However, it also has some
shortcomings. (there are three main problems: a passionate or self-motivated employee might not be a
good team player, creative team players issues, an employee could basically say it is their way or no
Firstly, I will analyze first work team issue:
 A passionate or self-motivated employee might not be a good team player. 
- They will tend to focus on their own work, avoid proper communication and kâu ô đe nation with their
team in order to achieve their individual targets. 
=> The result from this will not be good also the service to the customer. Many members of the team will
sometimes misunderstand each other since they might have different opinions toward an idea, this might
lead to conflict between them, or even rái vồ rỳ or dispute.
 Creative team players issues: 
- Creative team player is 2 things, "creative" and "team player". "Creative" people can be "in tiu í tion
over sensing". They like to do different things and solve new problems, unlike "sensing" which prefers
routine, standard and practical work only. These people can be impractical in how they do their work and
too high in risk-taking trying to seek innovation. However, because they are team players, they can be
overly interdependent. It would be hard for them to make a sole decision or to focus power as a leader
within the group. 
 An employee could basically say it is their way or no way. 
=> Consequences: This could create tension within the team, and Starbucks could lose the unique
culture they value greatly. One way for the manager to promote a better culture despite these individuals'
unwillingness would be to force collaboration. Starbuck has solved a part work team issue.

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