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Department of Mechanical Engineering MCQ for Regulations 2017

short to achieve steady-state thermal

EE8353 - Electrical
2. Which motor is preferred for Jaw crushers?
Drives and Controls

c) Belt slip ring IM

d) DC shunt motor

Engineering - Third Answer: c

Explanation: Belt slip ring IM is preferred
Semester for the operation of Jaw crushers. A high

starting is provided by the Belt ring IM. Slip
rings are used to add external resistance.

Anna University -

3. A high starting torque is offered by the Belt
Reg. 2017 a) True

b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: The Belt Conveyors can
provide continuous-flow transportation. The
UNIT I INTRODUCTION amount of material transported on a conveyor
system depends upon belt speed, belt width.


4. Which starting method is the worst method
TYPES OF ELECTRIC DRIVES - in Induction motor?
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE a) Direct online starting

CHOICE OF ELECTRICAL b) Autotransformer starting

DRIVES - HEATING AND c) Reactance starting
d) Star-Delta starting


DUTY Explanation: The Reactance starting method
is the worst method in an Induction motor. It
uses the concept of the potential divider. The

1. Which duty cycle has on load and off-loads

losses are very high in case of Reactance
a) Intermittent duty starting method.
b) Short time duty

5. Induction motor is also known as

c) Continuous duty with constant load
d) Continuous duty with variable load
a) Frequency changer
Answer: a b) Frequency remover
c) Time period remover

Explanation: Intermittent duty cycle has

frequent on load and off-loads period. The d) DC machine
on-load period and off-loads periods are too

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Department of Mechanical Engineering MCQ for Regulations 2017

Answer: a frequency is 2 Hz.

Explanation: The Induction motor is also a) 50 Hz
known as frequency changer. The stator b) 49 Hz
frequency can be changed using the slip c) 45 Hz
concept. The rotor frequency of IM is d) 51 Hz

slip×(stator frequency).
Answer: a
6. The capacity of the Crane is expressed in Explanation: The frequency of the stator side

terms of tonnes. is high as compared to the rotor side. The
a) True stator frequency is (rotor frequency) ÷ slip =

b) False 2÷.04 = 50 Hz.

Answer: a 10. Calculate the resonant frequency if the
Explanation: Cranes are used to carry or lift values of the capacitor and inductor are 4 F
the heavy loads. The capacity of a Crane is and 4 H.
expressed in terms of tonnes. 1 tonne is equal a) .25 rad/sec

to 1000 Kg. b) .26 rad/sec
c) .28 rad/sec

7. 1800 second rated motors are used for d) .29 rad/sec
a) Heavy duty cranes Answer: a
b) Light duty cranes Explanation: During resonance condition
c) Medium duty cranes XL=Xc. The value of the resonant frequency
d) Intermittent duty cranes is 1÷√LC=1÷√16=.25 rad/sec. The voltage
across the capacitor and inductor becomes

Answer: c equal.
Explanation: Medium duty crane motor is
used to develop high starting torque. They 11. Calculate the value of the angular
provide the output for a specified interval of acceleration of the Heavy duty crane using

time without exceeding a specified the given data: J = 5 kg-m2, load torque = 30
N-m, motor torque = 80 N-m.
8. Calculate the frequency of the rotor side of a) 10 rad/s2

the IM if the value of slip is 0.34 and the b) 20 rad/s2

supply frequency is 70 Hz. c) 30 rad/s2
a) 23.8 Hz
d) 50 rad/s2
b) 22.7 Hz

c) 24.5 Hz Answer: a
d) 23.1 Hz Explanation: Using the dynamic equation of
motor J×(angular acceleration) = Motor
Answer: a

torque – Load torque: 5×(angular

Explanation: The frequency of the rotor side acceleration) = 80-30=50, angular
is low as compared to supply frequency. The
rotor frequency is slip×(supply acceleration=10 rad/s2.
frequency)=.34×70=23.8 Hz.

12. Calculate the value of the angular

9. Calculate the frequency of the stator side of acceleration of the machine using the given
the IM if the value of slip is 0.04 and rotor data: J = .541 kg-m2, load torque = 10 N-m,

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motor torque = 2 N-m. TOPIC 1.2 SELECTION OF

b) The machine will fail to start
c) 30 rad/s2

d) 51 rad/s2
Answer: b FACTORS

Explanation: Using the dynamic equation of
motor J×(angular acceleration) = Motor 1. Which test is used to determine the

torque – Load torque: .541×(angular conditions where electric motors are being
acceleration) = 2-10=-8, angular used?
acceleration=-14.78 rad/s2. The load torque is

a) Thermography
greater than the motor torque. The motor will b) Geography
fail to start. c) Seismography
d) Anthropology

13. The direction of the single-phase IM can
be reversed by using which one of the Answer: a

method? Explanation: Thermography is used to detect
a) By interchanging the supply terminals heat patterns. It uses an Infrared rays camera.
b) By removing the capacitor This test is used to determine the conditions
c) By changing the direction of auxiliary where electric motors are being used.
winding current
d) By removing the main winding 2. What is the range of size of the motor (kW)
for efficiency nearly equals to 90%?

Answer: a a) 15-150
Explanation: The direction of the single- b) 0-2
phase IM can be reversed by changing the c) 3-15
direction of auxiliary winding or main d) 150-250

winding current.The net torque developed in

the IM is ImIasin(Φ). Answer: a
Explanation: As the size of the motor
14. Which motor is preferred for overhead increases its speed decreases. The range of

traveling cranes? size of the motor (kW) for efficiency nearly

a) Intermittent periodic motor equals to 90 % is 15-150. The efficiency
b) Continuous duty motor increases as the size increases.
c) Slow speed duty motor

d) Short time rated motor 3. Calculate the heat loss in the electric motor
for time interval 0-5 sec using the following
Answer: a data: Ia=2 A, Ra=.8Ω.

Explanation: Intermittent periodic motor is a) 16 J-sec

preferred for overhead traveling cranes. b) 14 J-sec
Cranes require high starting torque for a short c) 12 J-sec
interval of time. Intermittent periodic motors d) 10 J-sec
have low synchronous speed.

Answer: a
Explanation: The heat loss can be calculated
using the Joule law of heating effect. The

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value of the heat loss is Ia2×Ra×t=4×4=16 J- Answer: b

sec. Explanation: The most common cause of
motor failure is low resistance. Overheating,
4. 1 Btu/h is equal to ___________ corrosion can damage the insulation of the
windings which leads to low resistance.

a) .641
b) .334
c) .293 8. Full form of THD is ____________
a) Total harmonic diverter

d) .417
b) Total harmonic digital
Answer: c c) Total harmonic distortion

Explanation: One British thermal unit is d) Total harmonic discrete
equal to .293 Watt. 1 Btu/h is the amount of

Answer: c
energy requires to increase the temperature of
Explanation: THD stands for total harmonic
one pound of water by 1℉.
distortion. It measures the harmonic distortion
in the signal. According to IEEE-1992, only

5. Overloading can be prevented using
_____________ 5% of THD is valid.
a) Over-current protection

9. Calculate the compensator rating required
b) Speed protection
for a sec(Φ)=1.
c) Over frequency protection
d) Oversize protection a) 0.64 P.U
b) 0.21 P.U
Answer: a c) 0.57 P.U
Explanation: Overloading can be prevented d) 0 P.U
using over-current protection. It will detect

Answer: d
the over-current and interrupt the supply.
Explanation: The compensator rating can be
IDMT over-current relay can be used for the
calculated using the relation QP.U=√1-
protection purpose.
cos2(∅)=0. This per unit value VAR

6. Full form of IDMT is _________ compensator is required to improve the power

a) Inverse definite minimum time factor of the system.
b) Inverter definite minimum time

c) Inverter definite maximum time 10. Calculate the value of Voltage ripple
d) Insert definite minimum time factor if the Form factor is 1.1.
a) 45.8 %
Answer: a b) 46.2 %
Explanation: IDMT stands for Inverse

c) 47.5 %
definite minimum time over-current relay. It d) 49.9 %
has both the characteristics of inverse over-
current and definite time over-current relay. Answer: a

Explanation: Voltage ripple factor measures

7. The most common cause of motor failure is the harmonics on the DC side of the
____________ converter. The value of voltage ripple factor
a) Overloading is √F.F2-1=45.8 %. The form factor is
b) Low resistance

c) Contamination
d) Over-Heating

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11. Calculate the value of THD if the Answer: a

distortion factor is .8. Explanation: Electric motors are placed in
a) 76 % enclosures to protect them from dust and
b) 75 % contamination. There are seven most common
c) 74 % types of enclosures. For example- Open Drip

d) 73 % Proof.

Answer: b

Explanation: THD measures the harmonics
distortion in the signal. The value of THD is

√(1÷D)2-1=75 %. The value of the distortion UNIT II DRIVE MOTOR
factor is Ior.m.s÷IR.m.s. CHARACTERISTICS

12. Full form of VRF.
a) Voltage ripple factor TOPIC 2.1 MECHANICAL

b) Voltage revert factor CHARACTERISTICS OF DRIVE
c) Volume ripple factor MOTOR - SPEED
d) Volume revert factor

Answer: a
Explanation: Voltage ripple factor measures
the harmonics on the DC side of the SP
1. The speed torque characteristics of the dc
motor is best described by following the
converter. The value of voltage ripple factor
is √F.F2-1. The form factor is Vr.m.s÷Vavg.

13. Second lowest order harmonic present in

3-Φ fully controlled rectifier is __________
a) 5th

b) 7th
c) 3rd
d) 2nd

Answer: b
Explanation: Only 6k±1 order harmonics are
present in 3-Φ fully controlled rectifier. The

second lowest order harmonic is 7th harmonic

for k=1. Third order harmonics are absent in
3-Φ fully controlled rectifier.

14. Electric motors are placed in __________

to protect them from dust and contamination.
a) Enclosures
b) Open environment

c) Moisturizing environment
d) Hot environment

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Answer: a
Explanation: The speed reduced slightly due
to armature drops practically.

2. Mark the correct option which affects the

terminal voltage of a dc shunt motor.
a) Armature reaction
b) Source voltage variations

c) Compensating winding
d) Any of the mentioned

a) Answer: c

Explanation: If the dc motor has
compensating winding, flux will remain
constant regardless of load.

3. For a dc shunt motor of 5 kW, running at
1000 rpm, the induced torque will be

a) 47.76 N
b) 57.76 N
c) 35.76 N
d) 37.76 N
c) Answer: a

Explanation: Torque = Power/(speed in

= 5000/(2*pi*1000/60)
= 47.76 N.

4. The flux and the internally generated

voltage of a dc machine is a ________
function of its magneto-motive force.

a) non-linear
b) linear
c) constant
d) inverse

Answer: a
Explanation: The flux and induced emf are
non linear function of its mmf.

5. It is advised not to run dc series motor with

no load. Why?
a) Because zero torque at no load will make

speed infinite
b) Because zero torque as no load will not let
d) machine start

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c) Because infinite torque will be produced

d) None of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: If the torque is zero in dc series

motor then the speed will be infinite causing
the damage of the machine permanently.

6. Identify the speed torque characteristics of
a dc series motor.



Answer: a

Explanation: It is inverse in nature. At start it

is infinite due to zero flux.

7. Choose the best option which identifies


about the below characteristics.



a) (1)series motor (2) Cumulative compound


motor (3) Shunt motor

b) (1)Cumulative compound motor (2) series
motor (3) Shunt motor

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c) (1)Cumulative compound motor (2) Shunt

motor (3) series motor
d) (1)Shunt motor (2) series motor (3)
Cumulative compound motor

Answer: a
Explanation: Shunt machine has almost
constant speed while the series varies as

inverse relation with torque.

8. How will the speed torque characteristic of
a dc shunt motor and cumulatively compound c)

dc motor perform at no load?


Answer: a
Explanation: The shunt motor has speed
characteristic of linearly falling
characteristics as the load increases the speed
also falls.

9. The speed torque of the differential

compound dc motor is shown below. What

conclusions can be made?


a) This is an unstable machine

b) There is regenerative increment in the

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c) This is impractical to be used Answer: a

d) All of the mentioned Explanation: At no load, armature current is
zero, so the internal generated voltage is 250
Answer: d V. So 5 A will be the shunt field current at no
Explanation: This is basically an unstable load.

scenario which makes the machine unable to
be used. 13. The torque characteristic is best described
for a dc series motor with respect to armature

10. It is impossible to start a differential current is?
compounded dc motor.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a
Explanation: It is so because of the unstable
speed and torque characteristics. At starting,

armature current and series field current are
high. Since the series flux subtracts from

shunt flux, series flux actually reverses the
magnetic polarity. This motor will typically
be still or turn slowly in wrong direction a)
while burning up because of excessive b)

11. A student is given a differential


compound motor and he has been asked to

make it start. How will he try?
a) By shorting series field at start
b) To run as shunt motor at start

c) By making rated current at start

d) All of the mentioned

Answer: d

Explanation: At starting, the flux should be

rated so that there is no abnormal situation

12. For a 100 hp 250 V, compound dc motor

with compensating winding has a field
current of 5 A to produce a voltage of 250 V
at 1200 rpm. What will be the shunt field

current of this machine at no load?

a) 5 A
b) 5.6 A
c) 4 A c)

d) 0 A d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: a
Explanation: After saturation, flux becomes
constant. After that we observe a linear

14. The torque vs armature current of a
differential compound motor in the strong
field is?



Answer: a
Explanation: Initially it will act as dc shunt
motor but as the speed increases it starts
behaving like dc series motor.

15. A dc shunt motor is connected to the

source through 3-point starter. Suddenly if we
starter handle is moved fastly from off to on

b) position, then the _________

c) a) motor will draw large current
b) motor will not start
c) motor will burn

d) all of the mentioned

Answer: d

Explanation: As the starter is placed very

rapidly from off to on the resistance seen by
the machine will be very less and it will draw
a large starting current.



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VARIOUS TYPES OF LOAD AND example of constant type loads in which

DRIVE MOTORS torque variation is independent of speed. The
speed-torque characteristics of this type of
load are given by T=K where K is a constant.
1. Load torques can be classified into how

many types? 4. Torque inversely varies with the speed in
a) Three the windage load torque component.
b) Two a) True

c) Four b) False
d) Five

Answer: b
Answer: b Explanation: Torque varies with a square of
Explanation: Load torques can have two

speed in the windage load torque component
types. They are active and passive load whereas in coulomb torque component torque
torques. Active load torques are able to run is constant.
the motor under equilibrium conditions and

their sign remains the same even if the motor 5. What type of force handles for active
rotation changes but passive load torques torques?

always opposes the motion by changing their a) Strong nuclear forces
sign with the change in rotation of the motor. b) Weak nuclear forces
c) Gravitational forces
2. Rolling mills exhibit what type of load d) Electrostatic forces
torque characteristics?
a) Constant torque characteristics Answer: c
b) Linearly rising torque characteristics Explanation: Gravitational forces are

c) Non-Linearly rising torque characteristics responsible for active torques. Active torques
d) Non-Linearly decreasing torque due to gravitational forces can be obtained in
characteristics the case of hoists, lifts or elevators and
railway locomotives operating on gradients.
Answer: d

Explanation: Rolling mills are an example of 6. Passive torques always oppose the motion
non-linearly decreasing torque characteristics of the driven machine.
because torque and speed exhibits inversely a) True

proportional relationships and power are b) False

Answer: a
3. What is the relationship between torque Explanation: Passive torques are due to

and speed in constant type loads? friction or shear and deformation in elastic
a) Torque is independent of speed bodies. They always oppose the motion,
b) Torque linearly increases with increase in restricting the motion of the machine.

c) Torque non-linearly increases with an 7. Among the following which one exhibits
increase in speed linearly rising load torque characteristics?
d) Torque non-linearly decreases with an a) Elevators
increase in speed b) Rolling Mills

c) Fan load
Answer: a d) Separately excited dc generator connected
Explanation: Speed hoist is a perfect to the resistive load

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Answer: d c) Eddy-currents
Explanation: Separately excited dc generator d) Electric braking
connected to the resistive load is an example
of linearly rising load torque characteristics as Answer: d
the torque increases linearly with an increase Explanation: Braking methods based on

in speed. friction, electromechanical action, eddy-
currents, etc. are independent of the motor but
8. What is the condition for the steady-state sometimes electric braking is better justified

operation of the motor? owing to its greater economy and absence of
a) Load torque > Motor torque brake wear.

b) Load torque <<<< Motor torque
c) Load torque = Motor torque 2. DC motor is still widely used in tractions

d) Load torque < Motor torque due to its excellent braking properties.
a) True
Answer: c b) False
Explanation: According to the dynamic

equation of motor, load torque must be equal Answer: b
to motor torque so that motor should run at a Explanation: Dc motor is used in tractions

uniform speed. If load torque is greater than because of its excellent braking
motor torque, the motor will fail to start and if characteristics and ability of smooth
load torque is less than motor torque, the transition from the motor to the generator
motor will run at a higher speed which can mode and vice versa. Also, characteristics suit
damage the shaft of the motor. perfectly for traction application.

9. Choose the correct one. (* stands for 3. Which of the following is not the method

multiplication, J represents the moment of of electrical braking?

inertia, w represents angular speed). a) Plugging or counter-current
a) J*d(w)/dt = Load torque – Motor torque b) Dynamic or rheostatic
b) J*d(w)/dt = Load torque + Motor torque c) Regenerative

c) J*d(w)/dt = Motor torque – Load torque d) Eddy current

d) J*d(w)/dt = Load torque * Motor torque
Answer: d
Answer: c Explanation: Eddy current is the electrical

Explanation: J*d(w)/dt = Motor torque – effect or response of the system, which is

Load torque is the dynamic equation of the reflected mechanically at brakes to reduce the
motor. Motor torque will try to aid the motion speed of the motor. Thus, eddy current is not
of the motor, but load torque will oppose the an electrical brake, it is mechanical one.

motion of motor that’s why it subtracts in the

equation. 4. Which of the following is the plugging
method of braking?
a) Reversal of field connections

TOPIC 2.3 BRAKING OF b) Reversal of armature connections

ELECTRICAL MOTORS c) Addition of equal and opposite field
d) Removal of field circuit from current
1. Which of the following is the best braking machine circuit

a) Friction Answer: b
b) Electromechanical action Explanation: Plugging is method where

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connections are reversed at a given instant. Answer: b

Because of the problem of interrupting highly Explanation: If the switch is kept ON near to
inductive field current and the time needed zero speed, motor will have braking torque
for the field current to build up in opposite acting in opposite direction greater than the
direction, it is a common practice to reverse electromechanical torque. Thus, motor will

armature connections. come to rest and for the next instant motor
will start rotating in opposite direction.
5. Which of the following is correct formula

for braking torque in plugging? 8. Plugging is used in ____________
a) n (ka2/Rb) a) Small motors only

b) Small and medium powered
b) n2 (ka2/Rb) c) Only in large heavy machines
c) n-1 (ka2/Rb)

d) Everywhere
d) (ka2/Rb)
Answer: a
Answer: a Explanation: Plugging is used in small scale

Explanation: Braking torque is equal to applications only. The large initial current and
braking power divided by speed of the motor. high mechanical stress restrict the application

T= [(nka )2/Rb]/n. As, Braking power is of plugging in large machines. So, in order to
balance stress this method is used in small
equal to Ea2/Rb/n. By solving for the braking
machines only.
torque from the above equation, we get n
9. Which of the following is dynamic
6. Electrical braking of any variety becomes a) Reversal of field connections

less effective as ________________ b) Reversal of armature connections

a) Speed increases c) Addition of equal and opposite field
b) Speed decreases d) Removal of armature circuit from current
c) Independent of speed machine circuit
d) Depends on supply voltage

Answer: d
Answer: b Explanation: Reversal of the connections of
Explanation: Braking torque of the DC armature is the method called plugging. In

machine is given by n (ka2/Rb). Here, dynamic braking we remove the armature

braking torque is directly proportional to the circuit and connect it to different resistor,
speed of the motor, so as the speed decreases with field circuit still connected to the
the efficiency of electrical brakes which is external supply.

dependent on braking torque decreases.

10. Braking time in the dynamic braking is
7. Plugging is applied in a motor, if we don’t the function of _____________
make the switch OFF what will happen?

a) System inertia
a) Motor will come to rest as a result of b) Load torque
plugging c) Motor rating
b) Motor will come to rest and will start d) All- system inertia, load torque and motor
rotating in another direction rating

c) Motor will burn

d) Nothing will happen Answer: d
Explanation: In dynamic braking, when

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brakes are applied the armature is c) Will Run at lower speed

disconnected from machine circuit and d) Burn due to heat produced in the field
connected to the braking resistor. Now, at this winding
point motor is driven by kinetic energy
gained earlier, dissipating power in braking Answer: d

resistor. Explanation: In case of parallel field
connection, it won’t rotate at all and will start
11. In dynamic braking, when braking is humming and will create vibrations, as a

applied system acts as ___________ torque produced by positive and negative
a) Freely running machine cycle will cancel out each other. DC motor

b) Motor with slow speed will be heated up and it may burn.
c) Generator

d) Motor with same speed in opposite 2. What will happen if the back emf of a DC
direction motor vanishes suddenly?
a) The motor will stop
Answer: c b) The motor will continue to run

Explanation: The armature is disconnected c) The armature may burn
from the supply and then a braking resistor d) The motor will run noisy

Rb is immediately connected across it. The
motor acts as a generator, driven by the Answer: c
inertia and stored kinetic energy dissipating Explanation: If back emf vanishes suddenly,
power in Rb. This is a simple method of motor circuit will try to retain back emf by
bringing a motor nearly to a standstill. drawing more current from supply. If
supplying unit didn’t trip down by this time,
12. In which of the following electrical excess current in armature may heat up the

braking method, energy is supplied back to armature.

the supply?
a) Plugging 3. What will happen, with the increase in
b) Dynamic braking speed of a DC motor?

c) Regenerative braking a) Back emf increase but line current falls.

d) In all electrical braking b) Back emf falls and line current increase.
c) Both back emf as well as line current
Answer: c increase.

Explanation: In plugging energy is wasted in d) Both back emf as well as line current fall.
braking resistance which is equal to starting
resistance while running as a motor. In Answer: a
dynamic braking energy is generated but it is Explanation: In case of DC motor, the speed

not fed back to supply. In regenerative is proportional to the back emf (Ea ∝ N). So,
method energy is sent back for reuse. with the increase in speed, the back emf also
increases. Therefore, armature current is also

decreased, in case of series motor, armature

TOPIC 2.4 DC MOTORS: SHUNT, current is equal to the line or load current.
4. Which part will surely tell that given motor
1. What will happen if DC shunt motor is is DC motor and not an AC type?

connected across AC supply? a) Winding

a) Will run at normal speed b) Shaft
b) Will not run

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c) Commutator b) Speed
d) Stator c) The voltage across the terminals
d) Cannot be determined
Answer: c
Explanation: All other parts except brushes Answer: a

and commutator are same in AC machine Explanation: From the equation of torque
when outer looks are only taken in generated in a DC machine, we know that in
consideration. Commutator is used only in both DC motor and DC generator, current

DC machine for providing mechanical drawn is directly proportional to the torque
rectification and not in AC machine. required by the machine.

5. In DC motor, which of the following part 8. Which power is mentioned on a name plate

can sustain the maximum temperature rise? of a motor?
a) Field winding a) Gross power
b) Commutator b) Power drawn in kVA
c) Slip rings c) Power drawn in kW

d) Armature winding d) Output power available at the shaft

Answer: a Answer: d
Explanation: Maximum temperature rise can Explanation: Name plate of the motor shows
be sustained by field winding, as it is not rated values i.e. rated speed, rated current,
involved in rotary parts. Field winding is rated voltage. It also shows output power
present away from rotary parts of the available at shaft when all other quantities are
machine, so temperature rise in the machine set to rated values.
will not produce any effect in machine

rotations. 9. An electric motor is having constant output

power. So, motor will have a torque speed
6. Direction of rotation of motor is characteristic _______________________
determined by ____________ a) Circle about the origin.

a) Faraday’s law b) Straight line parallel to the speed axis.

b) Lenz’s law c) Straight line through the origin.
c) Coulomb’s law d) Rectangular hyperbola
d) Fleming’s left-hand rule

Answer: d
Answer: d Explanation: In case of DC motor for the
Explanation: Flemings laws can be constant output power, Ea×Ia = T×ω. As T×ω
summarized as whenever, a current carrying = Constant, so the torque speed characteristic

conductor comes under a magnetic field, is in the form of rectangular hyperbola, which
there will be a force acting on the conductor represented as xy= constant.
and on the other hand, if a conductor is
10. Which of the following quantity will

forcefully brought under a magnetic field,

there will be an induced current in that decrease if supply voltage is increased?
conductor. a) Starting torque
b) Operating speed
7. The current drawn by the armature of DC c) Full-load current

motor is directly proportional to d) Cannot be determined

a) Torque

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Answer: c 13. The armature shaft of a DC motor must be

Explanation: When supply voltage is able to withstand ______________
increased full load current will decrease in a) Bending moment due to weight of the
order to keep output power constant, which armature.
will decrease torque at that moment, while b) Any unbalanced magnetic pull on the

starting torque will remain as it is, armature core.
irrespective of any change in supply voltage. c) Twisting stains due to transmission of

11. In which of the following case we will get d) Bending moment, unbalanced magnetic
maximum power? pull and twisting stains

a) Ea = 2 x supply voltage
b) Ea = supply voltage Answer: d

c) Supply voltage = 2 x Ea Explanation: The armature shaft must be
able to withstand any unbalanced magnetic
d) supply voltage = 4 x Ea pull on the armature core, bending moment
due to weight of the armature and

Answer: c commutator, twisting stains due to
Explanation: For a motor, from power transmission of torque, for a good and long

equation it is known that, run application of motor.

14. In DC machines the residual magnetism is

present. The order of residual magnetism is
a) 2 to 3 per cent
b) 10 to 15 per cent

c) 20 to 25 per cent
d) 50 to 75 per cent

Answer: a

Explanation: In a DC machine residual

magnetism is present and it plays very
important role in starting of any DC machine.
It’s present because of the previous

application on the same motor, it also

provides some no-load voltage.

15. Sparking is discouraged in a DC motor.


12. Sometimes motor has to be de-rated. a) True

a) True b) False
b) False

Answer: b
Answer: a Explanation: Sparking at brushes and
Explanation: Derating refers to the operation commutator segments lead to damage of
of equipment at reduced capacity/power or commutators, which is the main
speed. Derating in motors can be caused due distinguishable component in a DC machine.

to the following reasons- Frequency, Voltage, So, it is advisable to fasten the commutation
Ambient temperature, Altitude. speed and avoid sparking.

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d) 5
MOTORS. Answer: b
Explanation: There are basically 3 kinds of

1. How many steps are involved in the single phase windings. They are concentric,
construction of single phase induction motor? progressive and skein.

a) 3
5. How are the poles and pitches in the
b) 4
concentric windings?
c) 5

a) single pole, different pitches
d) 6
b) different pole, different pitches

Answer: c c) different pole, single pitch
Explanation: There are 5 steps in the d) single pole, single pitch
construction of the single phase induction
Answer: a

motor. They are stator, stator windings, rotor,
Explanation: The concentric windings have a
starting switches, electrolytic capacitor.
single pole for a common centre. They have

2. What is the lamination used for the stator? different pitches for each individual coil.
a) cast iron
6. What is the form of the progressive
b) die cast aluminium alloy frame
c) cast iron or die cast aluminium alloy frame
a) double layer diamond coil windings
d) cast iron and die cast aluminium alloy
b) single layer diamond coil windings
c) multi layer diamond coil windings

Answer: c d) three layer diamond coil windings

Explanation: The stator is made up of a
Answer: b
block of laminations. The block of
Explanation: The progressive windings is
laminations are made up of cast iron or die
one kind of the stator windings. They are in

cast aluminium alloy frame.

the form of the single layer diamond coil
3. What type of coils are used for winding the windings.

single phase induction motor generally?

7. When is the skein winding made use of?
a) rectangular coils
a) when small amount of relatively small size
b) square coils
wire is used
c) cruciform coils
b) when large amount of relatively small size
d) circular coils

wire is used
Answer: d c) when large amount of relatively large size
Explanation: The slots house the starting and wire is used
d) when small amount of relatively large size

running windings. The single phase induction

motors are generally wound with concentric wire is used
Answer: a
4. How many kinds of single phase windings Explanation: Skein winding is one of the 3

are present? kinds of single phase windings used. It is

a) 2 used when small amount of relatively small
b) 3 size wire is used.

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8. What kind of motor employs the skein b) copper

winding made use of? c) steel
a) maximum horse power single phase d) wood
induction motor
b) fractional horse power single phase Answer: a

induction motor Explanation: The rotor consists of a block of
c) minimum horse power single phase slotted laminations. The slots form a series of
tunnels that are filled with aluminium in its

induction motor
d) zero horse power single phase induction molten state.

12. What type of operations are used in the
Answer: b starting switches?

Explanation: The skein winding is one of the a) mechanical operation
3 kinds of single phase induction motor. The b) electrical operation
skein winding is used when fractional horse c) centrifugal operation and mechanical
power single phase induction motor is used. operation

d) centrifugal operation
9. Which winding is mostly used winding in

the single phase induction motor? Answer: c
a) circular winding Explanation: The starting switch is used to
b) concentric winding cut the auxillary winding when the motor
c) progressive winding attains 75% of the full load speed. The
d) skein winding switches operate in both the centrifugal as
well as mechanical operation.
Answer: b

Explanation: The concentric winding is the 13. The ac electrolytic capacitor is formed by
most widely used winding. It is also the most winding two sheets of etched aluminium foil.
flexible winding of the windings used in the a) true
single phase induction motor. b) false

10. What is/are the advantages of the skein Answer: a

winding? Explanation: Modern capacitor start motors
a) low cost to wind employ ac electrolytic capacitors. The ac

b) low cost to insert electrolytic capacitor is formed by winding

c) permits some freedom of choice of two sheets of etched aluminium foil,
distribution separated by two layers of insulating paper,
d) low cost to wind, low cost to insert, into a cylindrical shape.

permits some freedom of choice of

distribution 14. The electrolytic capacitor and insulator
unit is impregnated using ethylene glycol or a

Answer: d
Explanation: The skein winding is the low a) true
cost to wind and to insert. It also permits b) false
some freedom of choice of distribution.
Answer: a

11. What material is used in the tunnel of the Explanation: The electrolytic capacitor and
rotor of the single phase induction motor? insulator unit is impregnated using the
a) aluminium

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ethylene glycol. It is also impregnated using Answer: a

the derivative of ethylene glycol. Explanation: DOL starters are limited to the
small rating motors where distribution system
15. What is the range of the power factor of (mains supply) can withstand high starting
electrolytic capacitors? currents without excessive voltage dips. For a

a) 2-4 large rating motor, ranging from 5 HP to 25
b) 4-6 HP, oil immersed DOL starters are used
c) 6-8

which provides insulation against sparking on
d) 7-9 contact points, increases the life of starter.

Answer: c 3. A three-point starter is used for _________
Explanation: The minimum power factor of a) Shunt motors

the electrolytic capacitor is 6. The maximum b) Shunt as well as compound motors
power factor of the electrolytic capacitor is 8. c) Shunt, compound and series motors
d) Not for DC motors

Answer: b
Explanation: 3-point starters are used only

for shunt and compound motors, they are not
METHODS used for series motors. Three-point starter is
employed where motor field current can be
varied in a narrow range and so does the
TOPIC 3.1 TYPES OF D.C motor speed.
4. The starting resistance of a DC shunt motor

is generally ______
1. Why starters are required in a DC motor? a) low
a) Back emf of these motors is zero initially b) Around 0.5 kΩ
b) These motors are not self-starting c) Around 5 kΩ

c) These motors have high starting torque d) Infinitely large

d) To restrict armature current as there is no
back emf at starting Answer: a
Explanation: Starting resistance of a DC

Answer: d shunt motor and DC compound motor is low.

Explanation: At the time of starting (n=0), Well, that’s the reason why we use starters in
the induced emf of a motor is zero such that a DC motors, in order to limit the armature
current drawn by armature, from rated current flowing through the armature and to

voltage supply would be Ia= V/Ra. Since protect machine circuitry.

armature resistance is very low, armature
current drawn is very high and will damage 5. In a manual shunt motor starter relay

the machine. positions are ________________________

a) Over load relay is connected in series and
2. For which motors DOL starter can be no volt relay in parallel with the load
used? b) Over load relay is connected in parallel and
a) Up to 5 H.P no volt relay in series with the load

b) Up to 10 H.P c) Over load relay and no volt relay are both

c) Up to 15 H.P connected in series with the load
d) Up to 20 H.P

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d) Over load relay and no volt relay are both c) Series with armature
connected in parallel with the load d) Parallel with armature

Answer: a Answer: c
Explanation: In simple manual shunt motor Explanation: In shunt and compound motors

starter like 3-point starter over load relay coil starting the shunt field should be switched on
is kept in series with DC mains while no volt with full starting resistance in armature
coil is kept in parallel with DC mains. Both circuit. A short time delay in this position

the coils are equally important in a motor allows the field current to build up to the
starter circuit. steady value of the inductive field transients.

6. What will happen if DC motor is used 9. A starter is required for a 220-V shunt

without starter? motor. The maximum allowable current is 55
a) Heavy sparking at brushes A and the minimum current is about 35 A.
b) It’ll start smoothly The armature resistance of the motor is 0.4 Ω.
c) Will not start at all What will be the number of sections of starter

d) Depends on load resistance required?
a) 5

Answer: a b) 4
Explanation: It would cause intolerably c) 6
heavy sparking at the brushes which may d) 8
destroy the commutator and brush-gear.
Sudden development of large torque will Answer: c
cause mechanical shock to the shaft, reducing Explanation: I1=55 A, I2 =35 A
its life. Such heavy current cannot be So, γ= Ratio of upper limit to the lower limit

generally permitted to be drawn from the = 55/35 = 1.57, R1= 200/55= 4 Ω

source of supply.
Now, γn-1 = 4/0.4 = 10. By substituting γ
7. Motor will start quickly when used without value, we get n = 6.

a) True 10. γ is given as 1.585. Resistance at
b) False maximum allowable current is given equal to
4 Ω, what is the 5th step resistance?

Answer: a a) 0.235
Explanation: The only thing in favour of b) 0.370
direct starting must be mentioned here. Since c) 1.476
the torque of the motor with direct start is d) 2

much higher, the motor starts much more

quickly. As a consequence, the Joule input Answer: a
per start is much less than that with resistance Explanation: γ is given as 1.585. So γ-1 is

start. equal to 0.631. R1 is provided and it is equal

to 4 Ω.
8. In shunt and compound motor starting the
shunt field should be made on with full r1= (1-0.631) * 4 = 1.476 Ω
starting resistance in ____________ r2= 1.476*0.631= 0.931 Ω, similarly

a) Series with field calculating till r5= 0.235 Ω.

b) Parallel with field

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11. Four-point starter is used when resistance the current will be high for a large
______________ amount of time and it will cause the machine
a) Motor field current is varied in narrow to burn.
b) Motor speed is varied in small range 3. A 100 hp, 250 V, 350 A shunt dc motor

c) Motor field current is varied over wide with an armature resistance of 0.05 ohms. To
range limit maximum starting current to twice the
rated of its value, what will be the number of

d) Can be used anywhere
stages of starting resistances?
Answer: c a) 3

Explanation: Three-point starter is employed b) 2
where motor field current can be varied in a c) 4

narrow range and so does the motor speed d) 5
while four-point starter is used when motor
field current can vary over a wide range and Answer: a
so does the motor speed. Explanation: n = log(Ra/Rt)/log(Imin/Imax);

Rt = Vt/Imax = 250/700 = 0.357 ohms
= log(0.05/0.357)/log(350/700)

= 2.84
4. Which of the following express the starting
current nature of the dc motor?
1. A starting resistance is inserted at the
starting in an induction motor as well as dc

a) Induction motor has to control starting
torque whereas in dc motor, it is done to
avoid large current
b) To limit starting current in both the

c) To limit starting speed
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: For both the machines the
purpose is different.

2. Considering a human handed control
system for the dc motor speed control, if the
resistance wire cut out too slowly, then the

a) starting resistance would burn
b) field winding would burn
c) speed will rise steeply

d) any of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Due to the slow cut off the

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(ii) Mechanical shock at shaft

(iii) Source current fluctuations

(iv) Burning of the field winding

a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
b) (i), (iii)

c) (ii), (iii), (iv)
d) (i), (ii)

Answer: a

c) Explanation: All the observations can be
seen due to large starting current in dc motor.

6. The shunt motor starters that can be used

is/are ___________
a) 3-point and 4-point starter

b) 5-point starter
c) 4-point starter
d) 5-point and 3-point starter

Answer: a
Explanation: Both 3-point and 4-point
starters can be used.

7. How does the speed build up takes place in
a dc motor with time?

Answer: a

Explanation: This is due to the resistance

steps used in the speed control mechanism.

5. Following are the observations due to large


starting current in dc motor.

(i) Sparking at brushes

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Answer: b
Explanation: The direct-on-line starter can
not limit the speed by limiting the current.

9. Thyristor controlled starter is preferred

over DOL starter due to _________
a) lesser losses
b) controlled direction

c) least resistance offered
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: a

Explanation: A thyristor controlled method
is more efficient as it has lesser resistance and
losses while operating.

10. For a 7.46 kW, 200 V dc shunt motor with
full load efficiency of 85% has armature

resistance of 0.25 ohms. Calculate the value
of starting resistance in ohms for a current 1.5
times of the full load current.
a) 2.788
b) 3.038
c) 2.688
d) d) 2.588

Answer: a
Explanation: Full load current =
7460/(200*0.85) = 43.88 A

Starting current = 1.5*43.88 = 65.883 A

R = V/I = 200/65.883
= 3.038 ohms
Starting resistance = 3.038 – 0.25 = 2.788


11. The effect of fringing increases as we


a) increase air gap

b) decrease air gap
Answer: a
c) increase in flux density
Explanation: Due to subsequent addition of

d) introduce more ferric core material

the step resistances in the dc motor, the speed
build also occurs like steps. Answer: a
Explanation: Fringing is the effect in which
8. The direct-on-line starter is used to start a
the magnetic flux lines bulge out of the flux.

small dc motor because it limits initial current

and it is introduced at the air gaps.
drawn by armature circuit.
a) True
b) False

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12. The post effects of the armature reaction Answer: a

is _________ Explanation: Time of commutation = brush
a) main field distortion width/peripheral velocity
b) shift in MNA = 1*60/(pi*50*1000)
c) reduction in main field = 0.382 ms.

d) none of the mentioned


Explanation: There is no such post effect of SQUIRREL CAGE AND SLIP
armature reaction. The armature reaction RING INDUCTION MOTORS.

phenomena affect the working condition only.
1. An induction motor can be said analogous

13. If the students give a forward shift of 10°
to _________
to the dc generator, then it _________
a) transformer
a) reduces flux per pole
b) synchronous motor
b) improves flux per pole

c) universal motor
c) increases the flux density in core
d) stepper motor
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Answer: a
Explanation: An induction motor has similar
Explanation: A generator given a forward
operation as a transformer.
brush shift will get its flux density reduced at
the pole as the flux will be in the opposite 2. A 3-phase induction motor with its rotor
direction. blocked behaves similar to a _________

a) transformer under short circuit of

14. A dc machine is run at rated speed in
secondary terminals
forward direction and then in backward
b) transformer under open circuit of
direction. It is observed that, speeds of the
rotation are different, then it leads to the
c) synchronous motor under slip test

conclusion of _________
d) synchronous motor under open circuit
a) incorrect brush placement
b) incorrect pole and core alignment Answer: a
c) incorrect field supply

Explanation: It is analogous to transformer

d) all of the mentioned under the shorted terminals of the secondary.
Answer: a 3. No load current in induction motor is 10-
Explanation: Given at the same speed of 20% of full load current and the no load

operation, if the speeds are different then the current of transformer is 2-6%.
brushes are placed in not aligned manner. a) True
b) False
15. For a dc machine, its commutator has a

diameter of 50 c rotating at 1000 rpm. For a Answer: a

brush width of 1 cm, the time commutation Explanation: The air gap in induction motor
taken by the machine will be _________ is more prominent than transformer and so
a) 0.382 ms

the flux requirement will also be more.

b) 0.456 ms
c) 0.573 ms 4. The rated current in induction motor for a
d) 0.312 ms three phase system is 100A. What can be the

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no load estimated current for the machine? Answer: a

a) 12 A Explanation: At no load the lower power
b) 20 A factor is low and lagging in nature.
c) 30 A
d) 5 A 8. Mechanically air gaps in induction motor

are kept very low to avoid _________
Answer: a a) lower power factor
Explanation: No load current in induction b) lagging nature

motor is 10-20% of full load current. c) magnetizing current
d) all of the mentioned

5. The no load current of the transformer is
very less due to _________ Answer: d

a) mutual flux having low reluctance iron Explanation: Air gap is kept lower to avoid
core the low value power factor, lagging behaviour
b) mutual flux having high reluctance iron and to reduce the magnetizing current.

c) leakage flux having low reluctance iron 9. The low no load power factor _________
core a) reduces full load operating pf

d) leakage flux having high reluctance iron b) increases full load operating pf
core c) reduces full load excitation voltage
d) increases full load excitation voltage
Answer: a
Answer: a
Explanation: It is due to the low reluctance
path, the flux requirement is low in the Explanation: The low no-load power factor
transformer. reduces full load operating pf.

6. The no load current of the induction motor 10. An induction motor when started on load,
is high due to _________ it does not accelerate up to full speed but runs
a) long and high reluctance path between at 1/7th of the rated speed. The motor is said
to be _________

stator and rotor

b) mutual flux having moderate reluctance a) Locking
path between stator and rotor b) Plumming
c) leakage flux having low reluctance iron c) Crawling

core d) Cogging
d) leakage flux having high reluctance iron
core Answer: c
Explanation: Running stably at low speed

Answer: a around 1/7th of normal motor speed is known

Explanation: It is due to the higher as crawling.
reluctance path, the flux requirement is low in
11. The great advantage of the double

the induction motor.

squirrel-cage induction motor over single
7. At no load induction motor has possible cage rotor is that its _________
power factor as _________ a) efficiency is higher
a) 0.2 b) power factor is higher

b) 0.5 c) slip is larger

c) 0.65 d) starting current is lower
d) 0

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Answer: d
Explanation: The outer cage has higher
resistance and low reactance while vice versa DRIVES
for the inner cage. So at starting the current is
confined to outer cage with the reduction in

starting current improving the torque. TOPIC 4.1 SPEED CONTROL OF
12. The rotor of 3-phase slip ring induction MOTORS

motor is fed from a 3-phase supply with its
stator winding short circuited having rotor
1. The PWM control of DC motor varies

rotating clockwise at a speed of Nr, then the
a) linearly with speed

a) speed of air gap field w.r.t. stator is Ns-Nr
b) inversely with speed
c) parabolically with speed
b) speed of air gap field w.r.t. stator is Ns-Nr
d) exponentially with speed

c) speed of airgap field w.r.t rotor is Ns Answer: a
clockwise Explanation: In PWM technique duty ratio is

d) speed of airgap field w.r.t. stator is Ns-Nr a linear function with respect to speed.
2. Ward-Leonard system of system of speed
Answer: a control is not recommended for _________
Explanation: The air gap field of stator = - a) constant speed operation
(Ns-Nr). b) Wide speed

c) frequent-motor reversed
13. (I) Even at no load a large 3-phase
d) very slow speed
squirrel- cage induction motor is started at
reduced voltage than rated. Answer: a
(II) If a large 3–phase squirrel-cage induction Explanation: Ward-Leonard system of

motor with no load is started at full voltage, it system of speed control is not recommended
will be damaged. for constant speed operation.
a) I is true, II is false
b) I is true and II is also true

3. Mark the wrong option. Which of the

c) I is false, II is true following cause and effect behaviour in speed
d) I and II are false control is correct when field resistance is
Answer: a

a) Decrease in flux
Explanation: Large current of short duration b) Increase in armature current
are not harmful to induction motor but it may c) Increase in EMF
cause voltage drop in the power supply. d) Decrease in speed

Answer: c
Explanation: When field resistance is
increased, emf actually decreases, not

increases due to fall in flux.

4. The effect of field resistance speed control
SOLID STATE SPEED on a shunt motor speed torque characteristic

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is? c) not have signicant effect on speed

a) d) no effect

Answer: a
Explanation: At low speed increase in

armature current caused by decrease in emf,
will not be enough to compensate for
decrease in flux in induced torque equation.

6. Small DC motors have best speed control

by _________
a) armature voltage control

b) field resistance control
c) any of the methods
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: For the small dc motors it is

difficult to vary the speed using their field

7. To implement armature voltage control, it

must be ensured that _________
a) it is used on separately excited machine
b) b) it is used on shunt machine

c) it is used on series machine

d) any of the mentioned machine

Answer: a
Explanation: It must be separately excited

mahcine to implement the armature voltage


8. The armature resistance speed control is

best illustrated by which of the following?

d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a
Explanation: Field resistance speed control

will make the speed above the base speed


5. At a very low speed, increase in field


resistance will _________

a) decrease the speed of motor
b) increase the speed of motor b)

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c) above, above
d) below, below

Answer: a
Explanation: For armature voltage control,

armature current is increased so as to reduce
speed below base speed. In field control flux
is reduced so the speed would be above base


10. How does the power varies with the
variations in the speed, for a dc shunt motor?



d) b)

Answer: a c)

Explanation: As the field resistance increases

the speed decreases.

9. Armature voltage control works for speeds

_____ base speed and field resistance control

works well for speed _____ base speed.

a) below, above
b) above, below

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c) it ran normal
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: Due to the wrong usage of the

fuse wire, it could not sustain the current and
in few seconds it was blown off.

13. Run-away for large DC machine is
avoided by using _________

a) a turn or two of cumulative compounding
b) compensating winding

d) c) stablizer winding
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: b

Explanation: The runaway in large machine
is avoided by using compensating winding.

14. Why does DC motor sometimes run too
fast when under-loaded?
a) Due to weak field
b) Due to high line voltage
c) Due to brush-shifted to neutral
d) All of the mentioned

Answer: a
Answer: a
Explanation: After the base speed is attained,
Explanation: All of the reasons cause the dc
the power consumed becomes constant as the
motor to increase in speed when under
speed remains constant in a shunt machine.

11. The torque limit of speed for a shunt

motor _________ TOPIC 4.2 ARMATURE AND

a) remains constant till base speed FIELD CONTROL

b) remains constant after base speed
c) varies linearly after base speed
d) varies inversely till base speed 1. Concentrated winding differ from
distributed winding with the concern of

Answer: a _________
Explanation: The torque limit of the shunt a) identical magnetic axis
motor remains constant till the base speed. b) two magnetic axis

c) no magnetic axis
12. A laboratory group was working with a d) physical spacing
set of 3-hp shunt DC motor. But there was a
mistake that it was fused with a 0.3A fuse Answer: a
instead 3A fuse. Then it was started Explanation: Concentrated winding have all

_________ turns on one magnetic axis.

a) a flash occurred instantly
b) it ran for 3s and fuse was blown

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2. DC machines have ________ windings and yb = coil sides/P +or-1 (m)

synchronous machines use ______ windings. Here m is such that to make yb an odd
a) closed,open integer.
b) open, closed
c) open, open 6. The commutator pitch for a simplex lap

d) closed, closed winding is equal to _________
a) 1 and -1
Answer: a b) 1

Explanation: All the commutator machines c) -1
use closed winding as it has nothing to deal d) 2 to -2

with reactance. In ac machines, the winding
can be converted Answer: a

to star to delta and vice versa. Explanation: It is either 1 or -1.

3. We can place closed windings in 7. A 200V dc machine has 4 poles and 40

_________ coils, having simplex lap winding. The

a) ac commutator machine number of commutator segments which
b) stepper motor required in the given machine will be?

c) ac machine a) 40
d) dc machine b) 20
c) 80
Answer: a d) 26
Explanation: Closed windings are placed
only in commutator as it does not need any Answer: a
reconnections later. Explanation: It is a simplex winding and so

one segment of commutator will be needed

4. Which of the following machines can be for each coil.
used to place open slot winding?
a) ac machine 8. Commutator segments in a DC shunt
machine is equal to the number of _________

b) ac commutator machine, ac machine

c) dc machines a) coil sides
d) all of the mentioned b) turns
c) coils

Answer: a d) slots
Explanation: Only ac machines are used for
open type of winding inside the machine. Answer: a
Explanation: Commutator segments are

5. The simplex lap winding has the range of placed as per the coil sides in the machine.
winding pitch of _________
a) (-2,2) 9. We can employ dummy coils in a DC
b) (-1,1) machine to _________

c) more than 2 a) compensate reactance voltage

d) less than 1 b) reduce armature reaction
c) provide mechanical balance to the armature
Answer: a d) improve the waveforms generated inside

Explanation: For a progressive winding, the commutator

forward pitch – backward pitch = winding

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Answer: a operation. But if it has be replaced as it

Explanation: Dummy coils are placed inside unused component in the machine, then we
so that to provide mechanical support to dc must _________
machine and they do not take part in the emf a) S/P/2 should not be an integer
development. b) S/P/2 should be integer

c) S/P should be integer
10. In AC machines we should prefer double d) S/P should not be an integer
layer winding over single layer windings

because _________ Answer: a
a) it requires identical coils Explanation: If slots per pole pair is not

b) it is economical to use integer than all the winding will be completed
c) it offers lower leakage reactance without adding any dummy coil.

d) all of the mentioned
14. While doing regular checks on the dc
Answer: a machine with the lap connected winding, it is
Explanation: Double layer winding enables reported to have ammeter fluctuations, this

more usage of the space and lesser air gaps so can be due to _________
the leakage flux also reduces and efficiency a) different air gaps under poles

improves. b) variable reluctances in the core
c) irregular design deformations
11. For an electrical machine with C number d) all of the mentioned
of coils and P poles, the distance between the
coils connected by an equalizer ring is? Answer: d
a) C/P Explanation: In a lap winding configuration,
b) C/2 if the machine as air gap variations due to the

c) 2C/P design aspects, it will give circulating current

d) C/2P in the windings.

Answer: c 15. A 6-pole lap wound DC generator has a


Explanation: Backward pitch for an developed power of P watts and brush voltage
equalizer ring = number of coils/pole pairs = of E volts. Three adjacent brushes of the
C/P/2 = 2C/P. machine had been found worn out and got
open circuited. If the machine is operated

12. With a P-pole DC machine with armature with the remaining brushes, voltage and
current Ia, the current per brush arm for a lap power that could be obtained from the
connected windings is? machine are _________
a) Ia/P a) E, P

b) Ia/2P b) E, 2P/3
c) 2Ia/P c) E/P, 2P/3
d) Ia/4P d) E, P/3

Answer: c Answer: a
Explanation: Current per brush (lap winding) Explanation: Taking Kirchoff’s law into
= total armature current/Number of pole study here, the voltage across the winding
pairs. will remain same.

But the current will reduce in the overall

13. For a given dc machine it is advised to winding as the resistance has increased, so
use the dummy windings for a stable power will decrease by 1/3.

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16. Consider a dc machine having its c) DC motor

armature wound in lap fashion having 12 d) AC generator
coils and each resistance 0.1 ohms. If it is
measured resistance between two adjacent Answer: d
commutator segments, the result will be Explanation: Whole unit of Ward Leonard

_________ speed control unit consists of various units
a) 0.092 ohms like DC generator, DC motor, AC motor,
exciter circuit and various pots which are

b) 1.1 ohms
c) 1.8 ohms used for carrying out smooth operation.
d) 0.92 ohms

3. In Ward Leonard speed control method for
Answer: a lowering the speed of the motor

Explanation: There are 11 resistance which ______________
are in parallel to one resistance. So taking the a) Reduce armature voltage
equivalent resistance of 11 series connected b) Increase armature voltage
resistance and the one single resistance of the c) Increase field current

commutator segment. d) Decrease field current
R(eq) = 0.1||1.1 = 0.0917.

Answer: a
Explanation: In Ward Leonard speed control
TOPIC 4.3 WARD-LEONARD method, speed can be reduced under base
CONTROL SYSTEM - USING value by reducing armature voltage. By
CONTROLLED RECTIFIERS increasing field current speed can be reduced
AND DC CHOPPERS - but this is not employed in Ward Leonard

4. Reducing the armature voltage will give us
1. Ward Leonard method is ___________ _______________
a) Armature control method a) Variable torque speed control

b) Field control method b) Constant torque speed control

c) Combination of armature control method c) Variable and constant both can be achieved
and field control method d) Cannot comment on torque
d) Totally different from armature and field

control method Answer: b

Explanation: As seen from speed torque
Answer: c characteristics, reducing armature voltage
Explanation: Ward Leonard method is the will reduce the speed of the motor below base

combination of armature control method and value but torque will remain same. Thus,
field control method, which can also be called reducing armature voltage will give constant
as voltage control method. This is the most torque speed control.

efficient method of speed control over wide

range. 5. In Ward Leonard speed control method for
increasing the speed of the motor
2. Which of the following component is not ______________
used in Ward Leonard method? a) Reduce armature voltage

a) AC motor b) Increase armature voltage

b) DC generator c) Increase field current
d) Decrease field current

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Answer: d b) Lower than rheostatic control method

Explanation: In Ward Leonard speed control c) Higher than rheostatic control method and
method, speed can be increased above base shunted field control method
value by weakening of the field, which can be d) Depends on load
done by lowering field current value. By

increasing armature voltage speed can be Answer: c
increased but this is not employed in Ward Explanation: Unlike all other methods,
external resistance is not added in the circuit

Leonard method.
of control system. Thus, efficiency of Ward
6. Reducing the field current will give us Leonard control method is always highest at

_______________ various different speeds.
a) Constant torque and variable power speed

control 9. Ward Leonard method is an ideal choice
b) Constant torque speed control for motor which undergoes frequent starting,
c) Variable power speed control stopping, speed reversal.
d) Constant power speed control a) True

b) False
Answer: b

Explanation: As seen from speed torque Answer: a
characteristics, reducing field current will Explanation: Absence of external resistance
increase the speed of the motor above base increases efficiency. Also, when the generator
value but power will remain same. Thus, emf becomes less than the back emf of the
reducing armature voltage will give constant motor, electrical power flows back from
power speed control, with variable torque. motor to generator, is converted to
mechanical form and is returned to the mains

7. Speed-power characteristic for Ward via the driving ac motor. This aspect makes
Leonard speed control method Ward Leonard method perfect for given
_________________ application.
a) Will start from origin

b) Will start from some positive value on 10. Starting gear used in Ward Leonard
power axis method___________
c) Will start from some positive value on a) Is of small size
speed axis b) Is of large size

d) Depends on other parameters c) Size depends on application

d) Is absent
Answer: a
Explanation: Speed power characteristic of Answer: d

DC motor is plotted when, Ward Leonard Explanation: No special starting gear is

speed control method is employed. For speed required in Ward Leonard method of speed
equal to zero, which is less than base speed, control. As the induced voltage by generator

we get constant torque but variable power is gradually raised from zero, the motor starts
operation. Thus, power will start increasing up smoothly. Speed reversal is smoothly
from origin. carried out.

8. Efficiency of Ward Leonard method is 11. To get the speed of DC motor below the

____________ normal speed without wastage of electrical

a) Higher than rheostatic control method but energy we use __________________
lower than shunted field control method a) Ward Leonard control

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b) Rheostatic control together

c) Any of the Ward Leonard or rheostatic d) Cannot be determined
method can be used
d) Not possible Answer: a
Explanation: We get the speed below the

Answer: a base value by reducing armature voltage,
Explanation: Ward Leonard method of speed which is the simple method of reducing back
control is most efficient method of speed emf which is proportional to the residual

control in all aspects. We can get constant magnetism. Thus, lower limit of speed is
torque operation and constant power imposed by residual magnetism of the

operations as well, with this method. generator.

12. Speed control by Ward Leonard method, 15. The disadvantage of the Ward Leonard
can give uniform speed variation control method is ___________
_______________ a) High initial cost
a) In both directions b) High maintenance cost

b) In one direction c) Low efficiency at high loads
c) Below normal speed only d) High cost, high maintenance and low

d) Above normal speed only. efficiency

Answer: a Answer: d
Explanation: Speed control by Ward Leonard Explanation: Ward Leonard speed control
method, gives uniform speed variation in both method requires large number of building
the directions and above and below of normal blocks like generators, motors. Thus,
speed as well. Speed reversal is carried out installing cost and maintenance cost of the

smoothly by this control method. whole unit is very high. Apart from cost, it
gives low efficiency at very high loads.
13. Ward Leonard control is basically a

a) Voltage control method

b) Field diverter method
c) Field control method UNIT V CONVENTIONAL
d) Armature resistance control method


Explanation: Ward Leonard speed control
method is combination of rheostatic series A.C. DRIVES

control method and shunted armature control

method with field control as well. Thus, it can TOPIC 5.1 SPEED CONTROL OF
be called as voltage control method also.

14. In Ward Leonard control of DC motor, the MOTOR

lower limit of speed is imposed by
____________ 1. A three-phase slip ring induction motor is
a) Residual magnetism of the generator fed from the rotor side with the stator winding

b) Core losses of motor short-circuited. The frequency of the current

c) Mechanical losses of motor and generator flowing in the short-circuited stator is

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a) Slip frequency c) 5.487 kgm2

b) Supply frequency d) 5.018 kgm2
c) The frequency corresponding to rotor
speed Answer: b
d) Zero

Explanation: The moment of inertia of the
disc can be calculated using the formula
Answer: a
Explanation: The relative speed between I=mr2×.5. The mass of the disc and diameter

rotor magnetic field and stator conductors is is given. I=(54)×.5×(.455)2=5.589 kgm2. It
sip speed and hence the frequency of induced depends upon the orientation of the rotational

e.m.f is equal to slip frequency. axis.

5. Calculate the moment of inertia of the thin

2. An 8-pole, 3-phase, 50 Hz induction motor
is operating at a speed of 720 rpm. The spherical shell having a mass of 73 kg and
frequency of the rotor current of the motor in diameter of 36 cm.
Hz is __________ a) 1.56 kgm2

a) 2 b) 1.47 kgm2
b) 4
c) 1.38 kgm2

c) 3
d) 1 d) 1.48 kgm2

Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: The moment of inertia of the
Explanation: Given a number of poles = 8.
Supply frequency is 50 Hz. Rotor speed is thin spherical shell can be calculated using
720 rpm. Ns = 120×f÷P=120×50÷8 = 750 the formula I=mr2×.66. The mass of the thin

rpm. S=Ns-Nr÷Ns = 750 – 720÷750 = .04. spherical shell and diameter is given. I=
F2=sf=.04×50=2 Hz. (73)×.66×(.18)2=1.56 kgm2. It depends upon
the orientation of the rotational axis.
3. Calculate the phase angle of the sinusoidal

6. A 50 Hz, 4poles, a single phase induction

waveform z(t)=78sin(456πt+2π÷78).
motor is rotating in the clockwise direction at
a) π÷39
a speed of 1425 rpm. The slip of motor in the
b) 2π÷5

c) π÷74 direction of rotation & opposite direction of

d) 2π÷4 the motor will be respectively.
a) 0.05, 0.95
Answer: a b) 0.04, 1.96
c) 0.05, 1.95

Explanation: Sinusoidal waveform is

generally expressed in the form of d) 0.05, 0.02
V=Vmsin(ωt+α) where Vm represents peak
Answer: c
value, ω represents angular frequency, α

Explanation: Synchronous speed,

represents a phase difference. Ns=120×50÷4=1500 rpm. Given a number of
4. Calculate the moment of inertia of the disc poles = 4. Supply frequency is 50 Hz. Rotor
having a mass of 54 kg and diameter of 91 speed is 1425 rpm. S=Ns-Nr÷Ns=1500-

cm. 1425÷1500=.05. Sb=2-s=1.95.

a) 5.512 kgm2
b) 5.589 kgm2

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7. The frame of an induction motor is made of rotor?

_________ a) 30 revolution per minute
a) Aluminum b) 40 revolution per minute
b) Silicon steel c) 60 revolution per minute
c) Cast iron d) 50 revolution per minute

d) Stainless steel
Answer: d
Answer: c Explanation: Supply frequency=50 Hz. No-

Explanation: The frame of an induction load speed of motor = 1000 rpm. The full
motor is made of cast iron. The power factor load speed of motor=950 rpm. Since the no-

of an induction motor depends upon the air load speed of the motor is almost 1000 rpm,
gap between stator and rotor. hence synchronous speed near to 1000 rpm.

Speed of rotor field=1000 rpm. Speed of rotor
8. The slope of the V-I curve is 5°. Calculate field with respect to rotor = 1000-950 = 50
the value of resistance. Assume the rpm.
relationship between voltage and current is a

straight line. 11. Calculate the active power in a 487 H
a) .3254 Ω inductor.

b) .3608 Ω a) 2482 W
c) .3543 Ω b) 1545 W
d) .3443 Ω c) 4565 W
d) 0 W
Answer: d
Explanation: The slope of the V-I curve is Answer: d
resistance. The slope given is 5° so Explanation: The inductor is a linear

R=tan(5°)=.3443 ω. The slope of the I-V element. It only absorbs reactive power and
curve is reciprocal of resistance. stores it in the form of oscillating energy. The
voltage and current are 90° in phase in case of
9. In an induction motor, when the number of the inductor so the angle between V & I is

stator slots is equal to an integral number of 90°. P = VIcos90 = 0 W.

rotor slots _________
a) There may be a discontinuity in torque slip 12. Calculate the active power in a 788 ω
characteristics resistor with 178 A current flowing through

b) A high starting torque will be available it.

c) The maximum torque will be high a) 24.96 MW
d) The machine may fail to start b) 24.44 MW
c) 24.12 MW

Answer: d d) 26.18 MW
Explanation: When the number of stator slots
is an integral multiple of a number of rotor Answer: a

slots the machine fails to start and this Explanation: The resistor is a linear element.
phenomenon is called cogging. It only absorbs real power and dissipates it in
the form of heat. The voltage and current are
10. A 3-phase induction motor runs at almost in the same phase in case of the resistor so the
1000 rpm at no load and 950 rpm at full load angle between V & I is 90°.

when supplied with power from a 50 Hz, 3- P=I2R=178×178×788=24.96 MW.

phase supply. What is the corresponding
speed of the rotor field with respect to the

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generally expressed in the form of

V=Vmsin(Ωt+α) where Vm represents peak
value, Ω represents angular frequency, α
CONTROL, SLIP POWER represents a phase difference. The average

value of a sine wave is zero because of equal
and opposite lobes areas.
1. In the rotor voltage injection method, when

an external voltage source is in phase with the 4. R.M.S value of the periodic square
main voltage then speed will ___________ waveform of amplitude 72 V.
a) 72 V

a) Increase
b) Decrease b) 56 V
c) Remain unchanged c) 12 V

d) First increases then decrease d) 33 V

Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: R.M.S value of the periodic

Explanation: In the rotor injection method,
when an external voltage is in phase with the square waveform is Vm and r.m.s value of the
main voltage net voltage increases and the trapezoidal waveform is Vm÷3½. The peak

value of slip decreases and the value of rotor value of the periodic square waveform is Vm.
speed increases.
5. In the rotor voltage injection method, when
2. A 2-pole, 3-phase, ______ Hz induction
an external voltage source is in opposite
motor is operating at a speed of 550 rpm. The
phase with the main voltage then speed will
frequency of the rotor current of the motor in

Hz is 2.
a) Increase
a) 9.98
b) Decrease
b) 9.71
c) Remain unchanged
c) 9.12
d) First increases then decrease
d) 9.37

Answer: b
Answer: d
Explanation: In the rotor injection method,
Explanation: Given a number of poles = 2.
when an external voltage is in opposite phase

Rotor speed is 550 rpm.

with the main voltage net voltage decreases
Ns=120×f÷P=120×f÷2 = 60f rpm. S=Ns-
and the value of slip increases and the value
Nr÷Ns. F2=sf. S=F2÷f. Supply frequency is of rotor speed decreases.
9.37 Hz.

6. The rotor injection method is a part of the

3. Calculate the average value of the slip changing technique.
sinusoidal waveform a) True

x(t)=848sin(1.65πt+2π÷0.68). b) False
a) 0
b) 78 V Answer: a
c) 15 V Explanation: Rotor injection method comes
d) 85 V under slip changing technique. It uses an

external voltage source to change the slip

Answer: a value. The load torque remains constant here.
Explanation: Sinusoidal waveform is

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7. The slip recovery scheme is a part of the c) Low at the light and heavy loads both
synchronous speed changing technique. d) Low at rate load only
a) True
b) False Answer: b
Explanation: At heavy loads, the current

Answer: a drawn is high due to which active power
Explanation: Slip recovery scheme comes component increases. Increase in active
under the synchronous speed changing power component increases the power factor

technique. It uses an external induction of the machine.
machine to change the frequency value. The

load torque remains constant here. 11. At low values of slip, the electromagnetic
torque is directly proportional to

8. The slope of the V-I curve is 9.1°. ___________
Calculate the value of resistance. Assume the a) s
relationship between voltage and current is a b) s2
straight line.

c) s3
a) .16 Ω
b) .26 Ω d) s4

c) .25 Ω
Answer: a
d) .44 Ω
Explanation: At low values of slip, the
Answer: a electromagnetic torque is directly
proportional to slip value. Due to heavy
Explanation: The slope of the V-I curve is
resistance. The slope given is 9.1° so loading slip value decreases which increases
R=tan(9.1°)=.16 Ω. The slope of the I-V the ratio of R2÷s.

curve is reciprocal of resistance.

12. Calculate the time period of the waveform
9. If induction motor air gap power is 1.8 KW v(t)=12sin(8πt+8π÷15)+144sin(2πt+π÷6)+
and gross developed power is .1 KW, then 445sin(πt+7π÷6).
a) 8 sec

rotor ohmic loss will be _________ KW.

a) 1.7 b) 4 sec
b) 2.7 c) 7 sec
c) 3.7 d) 3 sec

d) 4.7
Answer: b
Answer: a Explanation: The fundamental time period of
Explanation: Rotor ohmic losses are due to the sine wave is 2π. The time period of z(t) is

the resistance of armature windings. Net input L.C.M {4,1,2}=4 sec. The time period is
power to the rotor is equal to the sum of rotor independent of phase shifting and time
ohmic losses and mechanically developed shifting.

power. Rotor ohmic losses=Air gap power-

Mechanical developed power = 1.8-.1=1.7 13. Calculate the total heat dissipated in a
KW. resistor of 44 Ω when 0 A current flows
through it.
10. The power factor of a squirrel cage a) 0 W

induction motor is ___________ b) 2 W

a) High at light load only c) 1.5 W
b) High at heavy loads only d) .3 W

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Answer: a d) variable dc with variable frequency is

Explanation: The resistor is a linear element. obtained
It only absorbs real power and dissipates it in
the form of heat. The voltage and current are Answer: a
in the same phase in case of the resistor so the Explanation: Voltage controllers convert the

angle between V & I is 90°. fixed ac voltage to variable ac by changing
P=I2R=0×0×44=0 W. the values of the firing angle. The available
ac obtained has the same fixed frequency as

14. The value of slip at which maximum the input ac.
torque occurs ________

a) R2÷X2 3. Earlier then the semiconductor technology,
___________ devices were used for voltage
b) 4R2÷X2

control applications.
c) 2R2÷X2 a) cycloconverters
d) R2÷3X2 b) vacuum tubes
c) tap changing transformer

Answer: a d) induction machine
Explanation: The maximum torque occurs

when the slip value is equal to R2÷X2. Answer: c
Explanation: A tap changing transformer can
Maximum torque is also known as breakdown
give variable ac from fixed ac without a
torque, stalling torque and pull-out torque.
change in frequency.
TOPIC 5.3 USING INVERTERS 4. The AC voltage controllers are used in
AND AC VOLTAGE __________ applications.

a) power generation
REGULATORS - b) electric heating
APPLICATIONS. c) conveyor belt motion
d) power transmission

1. AC voltage controllers convert

a) fixed ac to fixed dc Answer: b
b) variable ac to variable dc Explanation: In electric heating, variable ac
c) fixed ac to variable ac supply is needed. The devices are fired

d) variable ac to fixed ac appropriately to apply enough temperature.

Answer: c 5. In the principle of phase control

Explanation: Voltage controllers convert the a) the load is on for some cycles and off for

fixed ac voltage to variable ac by changing some cycles

the values of the firing angle. b) control is achieved by adjusting the firing
angle of the devices
2. In AC voltage controllers the c) control is achieved by adjusting the

a) variable ac with fixed frequency is number of on off cycles

obtained d) control cannot be achieved
b) variable ac with variable frequency is
obtained Answer: b

c) variable dc with fixed frequency is Explanation: Switching devices is so

obtained operated that the load gets connected to ac
source for a part of each half cycle.

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6. A single-phase half wave voltage controller 8. The below shown controller circuit is a
consists of
a) one SCR is parallel with one diode
b) one SCR is anti parallel with one diode
c) two SCRs in parallel

d) two SCRs in anti parallel

Answer: b

Explanation: As it is half wave, it consists of
one SCR ( the control element) in anti parallel

with one diode.

7. In the below given voltage controller
circuit a) half wave controller
b) full wave controller
c) none of the mentioned

d) will depend upon the firing angle

Answer: a
Explanation: As it consists one diode and
one SCR only, the control is only in one cycle
(the positive half in this case), hence it is a
half wave controller.
9. The below given controller circuit is a

a) the positive half cycle at the load is same

as the supply Vs
b) the negative half cycle at the load is same
as the supply Vs

c) the positive and negative half cycles at the

load are identical to the supply
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b
Explanation: As T1 is triggered at an angle
α, the conduction in the positive have cycle a) half wave controller

will start at α. In the negative half cycle, the b) full wave controller
diode is forward biased and load is connected c) none of the mentioned
as it is to the supply. d) will depend upon the firing angle

Answer: b
Explanation: As it consists of two SCRs, it is
a full wave controller.

10. In the below given voltage controller


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b) only the positive cycle can be controlled

c) both the cycles can be controlled
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: c

Explanation: As it consists of two SCRs, it is
a full wave controller and both the half cycles
can be controlled by varying their respective

firing angles.

a) only the negative cycle can be controlled


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