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A rough draft of project of Constitutional Law- I

“Affirmative Action Policy”

Submitted to: - Dr Anirudh Prasad

Faculty of Constitutional Law- I

By: Kinjal Keya

Roll No: 2121 3rd Year B.A. LL.B. (Hons.)


Owing to its vast diversity in terms of people, India has always faced fragmentation between
different sections of Society. There is no denying to the fact that minorities in our country has
always faced social injustice by the hands of people who considered their caste to be superior
than that of minorities. Be it education, employment or chance of getting even a small benefit
from the government, they have always faced discrimination.

Affirmative Action Policy refers to a set of policies and practices within a government or
organization seeking to increase the representation of particular groups based on their gender,
race, sexuality, creed or nationality in areas in which they are underrepresented such as education
and employment.

This article discusses the brief history of the policy, its implication and its effect.


1. To assess the historical condition that led to the formulation of Affirmative Action Policy
in India
2. To assess the existing situation of Affirmation Action policy for Minorities in India
3. The determine the availability and effectiveness of the Affirmative Action Policy in India
4. To explore the need for reservation in minorities in India
5. To explore challenges faced in effective implication of Affirmative Action Policy
6. To suggest the need of changes required in the policy with evolving time


The tentative set of hypotheses for this research are as follows:-

 HYPOTHESIS 1- The effectiveness of Affirmative Action Policy
 HYPOTHESIS 2- There is a need of Affirmative Action Policy
 HYPOTHESIS 3- Affirmative action is required to secure Economic Equality in the

The method of this research work is Doctrinal in nature.

1. Introduction
2. Historical Background
3. Minorities Defined
4. Need for the Policy
5. Effect in Different Sectors
5.1. Education
5.2. Employment
5.3. Governance
5.4. Health
6. Challenges Faced in Effective Implication
7. Conclusion

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