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External Wall Insulation

A wall does many things, only one of which is to hold the roof up. Since the 1970s the wall’s role in
keeping the heat in has become increasingly important. And, following numerous grants rolled out for
cavity insulation, 2014 saw the Government offer grants towards both internal and external wall
insulation in the form of the Green Deal.

But no form of wall insulation, including external wall insulation, is without its challenges — not least of
which is dealing with moisture.

(MORE: What is the Green Homes Grant?)

The Issue of Moisture Penetration

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The potential exists for moisture to enter a wall from both sides: rain on the external skin and moisture
from people and the activities they undertake (cooking, drying clothes, washing, breathing, etc.) on the
internal skin.


Prior to the widespread introduction of the cavity wall, the housebuilder generally had a choice to build
either an impermeable wall that stops moisture penetration to both surfaces, or to build a breathing
wall that allows moisture to penetrate (to a degree) and be evaporated away. A solid brick wall will tend
to be the former and a stone wall will tend to be the latter.

The cavity wall by comparison is an impermeable wall in that the cavity is intended to form a ‘barrier’ to
prevent moisture penetration; any rainwater entering the wall is evaporated away by air movement in
the cavity.

Many modern insulation materials are usually non-permeable and will be rendered or clad to prevent
rainwater penetration. However, they do not stop moisture reaching the internal surface of the wall
from people and what they do — and that can mean that more ventilation is needed in the house to
remove the moist air before it gets to the walls.

Dew Point

The dew point is the point where air meets a temperature that causes the moisture to condense out of
the air as water. The temperature will change through a wall as it moves from the outside ambient
temperature to the internal temperature.

Ideally the dew point will occur either on the external surface of the wall, where moisture can evaporate
away, or in the ventilated cavity (if the wall has a cavity), where the same thing happens. In most cases,
it is slightly inside the external surface.
Adding insulation to a wall will change the place where the dew point occurs. The effect of external
insulation is to warm the wall and this in turn moves the dew point outwards, towards the colder
external air, thereby reducing the risk of condensation appearing on the internal surface.

There is, however, a danger that the dew point will occur between the insulation and the wall, or
actually in the insulation. Most external insulation systems deal with this challenge through the inclusion
of a vapour barrier between the wall and the insulation, but it is worth checking with your

Insulating with cork 

Solid Stone Walls

Solid stone walls tend not to be ‘solid’ at all. They usually have a rubble-filled ‘cavity’ between two stone
skins. The natural dew point will be between that ‘cavity’ and the external surface, where any moisture
can either fall out of the wall to the ground or evaporate away. External insulation has no great impact
on this. The dew point will move a little further outwards and any internal moisture penetrating the wall
can still be dealt with within the wall.

However, stone walls tend to be breathing walls and maintaining this breathability ensures that the wall
continues to operate as designed. In this case, using a breathable insulation – wood fibre, cork or the
like – with a lime external render makes good sense.

This cork external insulation system from Ty-Mawr is breathable 

One ideal solution would be a 90mm layer of wood fibre board – Diffutherm, Pavatex or similar –
mechanically fixed to the wall. These materials are ready to accept render. A 20mm thickness of hemp-
lime render would be applied in two 10mm coats. The hemp-lime can be coloured to suit or painted
with a lime wash.

An alternative would be a 70mm rigid foam insulation (Kingspan, Celotex or similar) again mechanically
fixed to the wall and then clad with a sand and cement render, timber cladding or whatever other
weatherproof layer is preferred. This option will be considerably cheaper but means the wall is no
longer breathable — which may or may not matter. If the wall is in good condition and there is no sign of
damp penetration, and the interior is well ventilated, then turning it into a non-breathable wall will
have little impact.

Solid Brick Walls

The quality and permeability of bricks varies widely. Spalling – where the surface of a brick flakes off – is
a fairly common sight and an indication of freeze-thaw, whereby moisture penetrates the brick, freezes,
and in turn leads to this flaking.

As with stone, adding external insulation will have little impact on the performance of the wall (except
its thermal performance, of course). In this case a brick wall is not a breathable wall and therefore any of
the rigid foam insulations will suit. As with stone walls, the insulation can be mechanically fixed to the
wall and clad with render, timber, etc.

Cavity Walls

In cavity wall construction, the cavity will (almost certainly) be ventilated — it is how it does its job as a
cavity. But that does mean that heat from the house penetrating the internal skin to the cavity will be
exhausted into the atmosphere by that ventilation. That then makes any external insulation almost
useless as most of the heat has been lost before it gets to the insulation.

If cavity-fill insulation fails (and there are plenty of stories of it failing) it is because the insulation allows
rainwater to penetrate across the cavity. In this case, external insulation with a weatherproof render will
prevent the rainwater entering the wall and subsequently makes cavity-fill insulation a useful thermal

Splitting the necessary thickness of insulation between cavity-fill and external is a sensible idea. The
cavity will typically be 50mm wide; add 20mm external insulation, in the same way as for solid walls, and
the wall will achieve a good U value.

Jablite’s EPS (expanded polystyrene) Dynamic External product for retrofit external wall insulation

Reveals, Cills and Eaves

External insulation will add thickness to the wall, most evident at the reveals and eaves. Eaves width can
be a deal-breaker in that if the eaves are not wide enough to accept the insulation, the cost of extending
the eaves can outweigh the benefit of the insulation. Whether cills fall into the same category will
depend on the width and type of cill, and the cost involved in moving or extending it.

In addition, it is usually impractical to return the insulation into window and door reveals, as there is
seldom sufficient door or window frame width to comfortably accommodate the external insulation. Not
insulating the reveal will leave a significant cold bridge, negating a good proportion of the value of the
insulation. There are thin insulation options, like Spacetherm aerogel from the Proctor Group, that, at
10mm thick, can be used on a reveal to help overcome this challenge.
U Values

A 225mm solid brick wall will have a U value of around 1.20W/m². A 450mm stone wall will be virtually
the same, and a brick cavity wall about 1.50W/m². The requirement under Building Regulations is to
reduce that to no more than 0.30W/m². That means:

 50mm injected foam cavity-fill plus 20mm PUR external gives 0.28W/m²

Solid Wall

 100mm EPS gives 0.31W/m²

 70mm rigid foam gives 0.30W/m²

 110mm mineral wool, wood fibre, hemp batts gives 0.30W/m²

External Wall Insulation Costs

The cost will be higher than internal wall insulation. A three-bedroom semi is likely to cost £5,000-9,000,
with a larger detached home in the region of £8,000-15,000. There are proprietary systems that require
specialist installation, but there are also materials from builders’ merchants that are a lot cheaper.

Whichever is used, there will be a cost involved in erecting scaffolding and removing/replacing all of the
pipes and cables that are fixed to the wall that cannot be avoided.

Is Planning Required for External Wall Insulation?

Whatever else external wall insulation does, it will change the external appearance of the house. In
most cases that will mean gaining planning consent before undertaking the work, so do check with your
local authority from the outset. For homes in Conservation Areas and for listed buildings it is quite
possible that consent will not be forthcoming.

Under Building Regulations, if 25 per cent or more of a wall is to be insulated externally, it is typically
necessary to bring the entire wall up to current standards — which makes sense in that, if you’re going
to go to the efforts and expense of insulating externally, then you may as well do it well. The thermal
performance of the insulated wall must have a U value of no more than 0.30.

Is External Wall Insulation an Option Worth Pursuing?

So, in summary, there are a number of issues to be addressed prior to installing external wall insulation,
but the benefits are numerous, including:

 Reducing heat loss and energy bills

 Reducing draughts and increasing the sense of comfort

 It does not disrupt the house while being installed

 It does not reduce internal floor area

 It allows walls to contribute to thermal mass (the ‘tea cosy’ effect)

 It improves weatherproofing and sound resistance

 It increases the life of the wall

 It reduces condensation on internal walls

External wall insulation is expensive but effective. Adding it as part of a larger project will reduce the
cost, plus it does not need to be done to the whole house; an attractive front elevation may be more
suitable to internal insulation, while less attractive side and rear elevations can be insulated externally.
But even with the higher cost, the advantages external insulation offers over internal mean that it is
difficult to disregard.

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