3 Ways of Approaching Curriculum - 1978681234

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3 Ways of Approaching Curriculum

Curriculum as a Product
This curriculum must contain the set of defining documents that will describe what are
the student should be capable of.
It must describe the what are the related areas to be experienced by the students within
the course, and the intended outcomes of experiencing these activities.
Contents are carefully chosen and precise.
Teacher has control over what is taught.
Curriculum as a Process
Curriculum refers to the interaction between instructors, learners and knowledge.
This curriculum passes through different steps
1. Situational analysis
2. Formulation of objectives
3. Selection and organization of content
4. Teaching methodologies
5. Evaluation
Teacher enters a particular schooling and situation with an ability to think criticality in
Teacher and students enter a particular situations with an uderstanding of their rule
and the expectations others have of them .
Curriculum as a Content of Knowledge
This curriculum refers to the facts, concepts and principles that are taught and learned in
a specific academic courses, rather than to related skills.
It focuses on the content of the knowledge that the teacher will transfer to dairy
student using appropriate teaching method.
It is often used for traditionalist to make a curriculum as a concept to be included in
syllabus or in books.

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