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Week Number Software / App Development Concept Introduction Technology Used Functionality Developed

Software Installations, GIT concepts, I/O

Basic Data Types, Operators for Data Core Programming & Version Management - Logical Programmings, Data
manipulation and Comparison, Types, Statements, Exception Handlings, Logging, File IO, Source Control
Week 1 Basic Python Linux Commands, GIT, Python
Conditional Statements, Loop Structures, Management with Coding Standards. All Programs and Application
Operations on String Variables, Developed will be in GIT Repository
Data Storage Objects, Functions,Importing
Modules, File Handling Operations,
Exception Handling, Object Oriented
Data Structure - Developed Data Structure Programs (without using
Week 2 Python Data Structures Array, Dictionary, List, Sets,Tuple, Strings Python 3.7, Data Structures
Libraries) like Arrays, Dictionary,List, Sets, Tuple, Strings

Linear Algebra - Matrices and Vectors,

Addition and Scalar Multiplication
Matrix Vector Multiplication, Matrix Matrix Linear Algebra - Solved problems like addition of matrices, scalar
Multiplication multiplication, matrix and vector multiplication, matrix-matrix multiplication,
Inverse and Transpose of Matrix inverse and transpose of matrix using python
Linear Algebra
Week 3 Python, Array Data Structure
Probability & Statistics
Probability & Statistics - Dependence, Probability & Statistics - Solved problems like finding
Independence, Conditional probablity, dependent/independent probability using python, Solved finding corelation
Bayes's therom, Random variables, coeficient problems
Continuous distribution, Normal distribution,
Central limit therom, Correlation

Core Libraries - NumPy, Pandas

Python libraries Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Solved problems using Numpy and Pandas. Plotted various types of graph
Week 4 Python Libraries
Visualization Libraries - Matplotlib, Seaborn, Seaborn, Plotly using visualization libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly

Identified which type of problem it is - supervised/unsupervised,

Python Libraries Numpy, Pandas, Python, reinforcement,
ML Overview and Data ML Overivew, ML Types, Different data
Categorical data encoding, Feature Scaling, Applied different data preprocessing steps like handling missing data,
Week 5 Preprocessing preprocessing steps, Simple Linear
Missing data manipulation, Mathematics categorical data, feagture scaling etc.
Regression Regression
behind simple linear regression Predicted apparent temperature based on humidity data. Predicted Y value
for random X value
Solved regression problems using multiple linear regression, predicted
apparent temperature for given temperature, humidity, wind speed, visibility,
Regression - Multiple Linear Regression
Multiple Linear Regression Mathematics, Solved classification problems using Logistic regression and KNN, - 1. Based
Week 6 Regression/Classification Classification - Logistic Regression, K-
Logistic Regression Mathematics, KNN Maths on bank customer data, predicted whether cutomer will subscribe to term
Nearest Neighbor (KNN)
deposit or not

2. Based on given users data like his work area, qualification, marrital status,
predicted whether user will make more than 50k a year or not
1. Based on bank customer data, predicted whether cutomer will subscribe to
Python Libraries Numpy, Pandas, Python, term deposit or not using single and multi layer neural network
Single Layer Neural Network, Multi Layer
Categorical data encoding, Feature Scaling,
Week 7 Neural Networks Neural Network, Forward Propagation,
Missing data manipulation, Mathematics for 2. Based on given users data like his work area, qualification, marrital status,
Backward Propagation
Neural network predicted whether user will make more than 50k a year or not using single
and multilayer neural network

1. Based on bank customer data, predicted whether cutomer will subscribe to

term deposit or not using single and multi layer neural network used gradient
Python Libraries Numpy, Pandas, Python, descent and stochastic gradient descent to optimize the model
Gradient Descent, Stochastic gradient descent, Categorical data encoding, Feature Scaling,
Week 8 Optimization techniques
Anamoly Detection Missing data manipulation,Cost function, 2. Based on given users data like his work area, qualification, marrital status,
Gradient predicted whether user will make more than 50k a year or not using single
and multilayer neural network used gradient descent and stochastic gradient
descent to optimize the model

1. Predicted salary based on experience

Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib
Simple linear regression, Multiple linear 2. Predicted number of bikes getting shared based on temperature of the day
Sklearn - Regressor, LabelEncoder,
regression, Polynomial Regression, Support 3. Predicted profit of the company based on different expenses
Week 9 Regression using Scikit Learn train_test_split, OneHotEncoder, SVR,
vector regression, Decision Tree Regression, 4. Predicted number of bikes getting shared on different parameters like
Random Forest regression season, working day, temperature etc.
5. Predicted salary based on position

Logistic Regression, Numpy, Pandas,

K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), Matplotlib - ListedColormap 1. Predicted whether user will click on ad based on his estimated salary and
Support Vector Machine - SVM, Sklearn - train_test_split, StandardScaler, age using all classifiers
Classification using Scikit
Week 10 Kernel SVM, LogisticRegression, confusion_matrix, 2. Predicted whether HIV - 1 will cleave in the central position (between
Naive Bayes KNeighborsClassifier, SVC, GaussianNB, amino acids 4 and 5) using all classifiers
Decision Tree Classification, DecisionTreeClassifier,
Random Forest classification RandomForestClassifier

Analysis Tools - Confusion Matrix, Accuracy

Paradox, CAP Curve Analysis, False Positives
and False Negatives 1. Created group of mall customers based on their annual income and
Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib
Analysis Tools, Clustering and Clustering - K-Means clustering, Hierarchical spending score
Week 11 Sklearn - train_test_split, StandardScaler,
Reinforcement Learning clustering 2. Applied K-Means clustering on US census data
confusion_matrix, KMeans, sch
Reinforcement Learning - Upper Confidence 3. Studied different analysis tools and their uses
Bound, Thompson Sampling, UCB Vs
Thompson Sampling

Association Rule Learning - Apriori

Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib
Association Rule Learning, Error Reduction Techniques - Bias Variance 1. Based on users transaction predicted next item they will buy using Apriori
NLTK - stopwords, PorterStemmer,
Week 12 Error Reduction Techniques, Trade off, Learning Curves, Validation Curves 2. Predicted whether user review is positive or negative
Sklearn - CountVectorizer, train_test_split,
Natural Language Processing Error Analysis,Regularization Techniques 3. Studied different error reduction techniues
GaussianNB, confusion_matrix
Natural Language Processing

Deep Learning Concept, Neuron, Activation

Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib
Sklearn - LabelEncoder, train_test_split,
Artificial Neural Network using How Neural Networks work, How Neural
Week 13 OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler, Based on customers data predicted whether customer will exit the bank or not in six months
Theano Tensorflow and Keras Networks Learn, Gradient Descent, Stochastic
Gradient Descent, Backpropagation,Theano
Keras - Sequential, Dense
Tensorflow and Keras

Week Number Software / App Development Concept Introduction Technology Used Functionality Developed

Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib

Sklearn - LabelEncoder, train_test_split,
What is CNN, Convolution Operation, ReLu OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler,
Week 14 Convolutional Neural Network Layer, Pooling , Flattening, Full Connection, confusion_matrix Predicted cat and dog from given set of images
Softmax and Cross Entropy Keras - Sequential, Convolution2D,
MaxPooling2D, Flatten, Dense,

Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib

Dimensionality Reduction - Principal 1. Based on wine ingredients predicted customer segments, reduced
Sklearn - train_test_split, LabelEncoder,
Component Analysis, Linear Discriminator dimensions using PCA, LDA and kernel PCA
Dimensionality Reduction OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler,
Analysis, Kernel PCA 2. Based on user age and estimated salary predicted whether user will buy or
Week 15 Model Selection confusion_matrix, PCA, LogisticRegression,
Model Selection - K-Fold Cross Validation, not - validated using K-Fold and Grid Search model selection techiques
XGBoost LinearDiscriminantAnalysis, KernelPCA,
Grid Search 3. Based on customers data predicted whether customer will exit the bank or
cross_val_score, GridSearchCV
XGBoost not in six months
xgboost - XGBClassifier

1. Classified the images into different classes from the CIFAR-10 dataset
Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib consisting of 60000 32x32 colour images in 10 classes with 6000 images per
Sklearn - LabelEncoder, train_test_split, class
Week 16 Random Problems Problems on ANN, CNN, NLP, OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler, 2. Predicted whether review is positive or negative for 50000 movies
confusion_matrix 3. Done Twitter sentiment analysis
Keras - Sequential, Dense 4. Done Age Detection of Indian Actors from the dataset of images of actors
BridgeLabz TRACK Score
Engineer Name Buddy Engineer Ideation Engineer Ideation Lead Start Date End Date

T R A C K Total
Sign Remarks
S. No Week 1.5 0.5 0.5 1 1.5 5

1 Week 1

2 Week 2

3 Week 3

4 Week 4

5 Week 5

6 Week 6

7 Week 7

8 Week 8

9 Week 9

10 Week 10

11 Week 11

12 Week 12

13 Week 13

14 Week 14

15 Week 15

16 Week 16


Note: T = Timeliness, R = Regularity, A = Attitude, C = Communication, K = Knowledge


Engineer Name Ideation Engineer Ideation Lead Start Date End Date

Week Software / App Actual

Leaves Rating Sign Remarks
Number Development Technology Used Functionality Developed Week
Core Programming & Version Management - Logical
Programmings, Data Types, Statements, Exception Handlings,
Week 1 Basic Python Linux Commands, GIT, Python Logging, File IO, Source Control Management with Coding
Standards. All Programs and Application Developed will be in GIT

Data Structure - Developed Data Structure Programs (without using

Week 2 Python Data Structures Python 3.7, Data Structures
Libraries) like Arrays, Dictionary,List, Sets, Tuple, Strings

Linear Algebra - Solved problems like addition of matrices, scalar

multiplication, matrix and vector multiplication, matrix-matrix
multiplication, inverse and transpose of matrix using python
Linear Algebra
Week 3 Python, Array Data Structure
Probability & Statistics
Probability & Statistics - Solved problems like finding
dependent/independent probability using python, Solved finding
corelation coeficient problems

Python libraries Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Solved problems using Numpy and Pandas. Plotted various types of
Week 4 Python Libraries
Seaborn, Plotly graph using visualization libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly

Identified which type of problem it is - supervised/unsupervised,

Python Libraries Numpy, Pandas, Python, reinforcement,
ML Overview and Data
Categorical data encoding, Feature Scaling, Applied different data preprocessing steps like handling missing
Week 5 Preprocessing
Missing data manipulation, Mathematics behind data, categorical data, feagture scaling etc.
simple linear regression Predicted apparent temperature based on humidity data. Predicted Y
value for random X value

Solved regression problems using multiple linear regression,

predicted apparent temperature for given temperature, humidity,
wind speed, visibility, pressure

Solved classification problems using Logistic regression and KNN, -

Multiple Linear Regression Mathematics, Logistic
Week 6 Regression/Classification 1. Based on bank customer data, predicted whether cutomer will
Regression Mathematics, KNN Maths
subscribe to term deposit or not

2. Based on given users data like his work area, qualification,

marrital status, predicted whether user will make more than 50k a
year or not

1. Based on bank customer data, predicted whether cutomer will

subscribe to term deposit or not using single and multi layer neural
Python Libraries Numpy, Pandas, Python,
Categorical data encoding, Feature Scaling,
Week 7 Neural Networks
Missing data manipulation, Mathematics for
2. Based on given users data like his work area, qualification,
Neural network
marrital status, predicted whether user will make more than 50k a
year or not using single and multilayer neural network

1. Based on bank customer data, predicted whether cutomer will

subscribe to term deposit or not using single and multi layer neural
network used gradient descent and stochastic gradient descent to
Python Libraries Numpy, Pandas, Python,
optimize the model
Categorical data encoding, Feature Scaling,
Week 8 Optimization techniques
Missing data manipulation,Cost function,
2. Based on given users data like his work area, qualification,
marrital status, predicted whether user will make more than 50k a
year or not using single and multilayer neural network used gradient
descent and stochastic gradient descent to optimize the model

1. Predicted salary based on experience

Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib 2. Predicted number of bikes getting shared based on temperature
Sklearn - Regressor, LabelEncoder, of the day
Week 9 Regression using Scikit Learn train_test_split, OneHotEncoder, SVR, 3. Predicted profit of the company based on different expenses
DecisionTreeRegressor, 4. Predicted number of bikes getting shared on different parameters
RandomForestRegressor like season, working day, temperature etc.
5. Predicted salary based on position

Numpy, Pandas,
1. Predicted whether user will click on ad based on his estimated
Matplotlib - ListedColormap
salary and age using all classifiers
Classification using Scikit Sklearn - train_test_split, StandardScaler,
Week 10 2. Predicted whether HIV - 1 will cleave in the central position
Learn LogisticRegression, confusion_matrix,
(between amino acids 4 and 5) using all classifiers
KNeighborsClassifier, SVC, GaussianNB,
DecisionTreeClassifier, RandomForestClassifier

1. Created group of mall customers based on their annual income

Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib
Analysis Tools, Clustering and spending score
Week 11 Sklearn - train_test_split, StandardScaler,
and Reinforcement Learning 2. Applied K-Means clustering on US census data
confusion_matrix, KMeans, sch
3. Studied different analysis tools and their uses

Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib 1. Based on users transaction predicted next item they will buy using
Association Rule Learning,
NLTK - stopwords, PorterStemmer, Apriori
Week 12 Error Reduction Techniques,
Sklearn - CountVectorizer, train_test_split, 2. Predicted whether user review is positive or negative
Natural Language Processing
GaussianNB, confusion_matrix 3. Studied different error reduction techniues

Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib

Artificial Neural Network Sklearn - LabelEncoder, train_test_split,
Based on customers data predicted whether customer will exit the
Week 13 using Theano Tensorflow and OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler,
bank or not in six months
Keras confusion_matrix
Keras - Sequential, Dense
Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib
Sklearn - LabelEncoder, train_test_split,
OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler,
Week 14 Convolutional Neural Network confusion_matrix Predicted cat and dog from given set of images
Keras - Sequential, Convolution2D,
MaxPooling2D, Flatten, Dense,
Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib 1. Based on wine ingredients predicted customer segments, reduced
Sklearn - train_test_split, LabelEncoder, dimensions using PCA, LDA and kernel PCA
Dimensionality Reduction OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler, 2. Based on user age and estimated salary predicted whether user
Week 15 Model Selection confusion_matrix, PCA, LogisticRegression, will buy or not - validated using K-Fold and Grid Search model
XGBoost LinearDiscriminantAnalysis, KernelPCA, selection techiques
cross_val_score, GridSearchCV 3. Based on customers data predicted whether customer will exit the
xgboost - XGBClassifier bank or not in six months
1. Classified the images into different classes from the CIFAR-10
dataset consisting of 60000 32x32 colour images in 10 classes with
Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib
6000 images per class
Sklearn - LabelEncoder, train_test_split,
2. Predicted whether review is positive or negative for 50000 movies
Week 16 Random Problems OneHotEncoder, StandardScaler,
3. Done Twitter sentiment analysis
4. Done Age Detection of Indian Actors from the dataset of images
Keras - Sequential, Dense
of actors
Concept Clarity Checklist
Engineer Name Ideation Engineer Ideation Lead Start Date End Date

Concept Introduction Date Sign Remarks

Basic Python, Python DataStructures - Week 1, Week 2

1 GIT, Coding Styles, Naming Conventions, Software Installations

2 Generics Programming, Data Structures Concepts

Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics - Week 3

Addition of matrices, scalar multiplication, matrix and vector multiplication,

matrix-matrix multiplication, inverse and transpose of matrix

4 Dependent and Independent probability, Correlation coefficients

Python Libraries - Week 4

5 NumPy, Pandas, MatplotLib, Seaborn, PlotLy

ML Overview and Data Preprocessing - Week 5

6 Supervised, Unsupervised, and Reinforcement Learning

7 Handling missing data, Categorical data, Feature Scaling

Regression - Week 5, Week 6

8 Simple Linear Regression

9 Multiple Linear Regression

Classification - Week 6, Week 7

10 Logistic Regression

11 K-Nearest Neighbors

Neural Networks - Week 7

12 Single Layer /MultiLayer Neural Network

13 Forward propagation, Backward Propagation

Optimization Techniques - Week 8

14 Gradient Descent, Stochastic gradient descent

15 Anomaly detection

Regression using Scikit Learn - Week 9

16 Simple Linear Regression, Multilinear Regression, Polynomial Regression

Concept Clarity Checklist
Engineer Name Ideation Engineer Ideation Lead Start Date End Date

Concept Introduction Date Sign Remarks

17 Support Vector Regression

18 Decision Tree Regression

19 Random Forest Regression

Classification using Scikit Learn - Week 10

20 Logistic Regression

21 k-Nearest Neighbor

22 Support Vector Machine, Kernel SVM

23 Naive Bayes

24 Decision Tree

25 Random forest

Analysis Tools - Week 11

Confustion Matrix, Accuracy Paradox, CAP Curve Analysis, False positives and
False Negatives

Clustering, Reinforcement Learning, Association Rule Learning - Week 11, Week 12

29 K-Means Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering

30 Upper Confidence Bound, Thompson Sampling

31 Apriori

Natural Language Processing and Error Reduction Techniques - Week 12

33 Natural Language Processsing

Bias Variance, Trade Off, Learning Curves, Validation Curves, Regularization
34 Techniques

Artificial Neural Network using Theano Tensorflow and Keras - Week 13

Deep Learning Concept, Neuron, Activation Function,
26 How Neural Networks work, How Neural Networks Learn, Gradient Descent,
Stochastic Gradient Descent, Backpropagation,Theano Tensorflow and Keras

Convolutional Neural Network - Week 14

What is CNN, Convolution Operation, ReLu Layer, Pooling , Flattening, Full
Connection, Softmax and Cross Entropy

Dimensionality Reduction Techniques - Week 15

33 Natural Language Processsing

34 Principal Component Analysis

35 Linear Discriminator Analysis

36 Kernel PCA

Model Selection and XGBoost - Week 15

37 k-Fold cross validation

38 Grid Search

39 XGBoost

Random Problems - 16

40 Choosing proper alogrithm

Fellowship Checklist

Engineer Name Ideation Engineer Ideation Lead Start Date End Date

Work Items A C K Score
Date Sign 0.5 1 1.5 3 Remarks

Basic Python, Python DataStructures

Developed Programs on list, creating histogram from list, concatenation,

number of occurence of specific character in a string, retrive file properties

Developed Data Structure Programs like Arrays, Dicitionary, Sets, List,

Tuple, String.

All Codes are Checked In to GitHub. Using Features to create Branch,

Merge Brach between Main and Dev Branch, etc

4 Follow Proper Code Convention, Comments, Structures and Formatting

Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics

Solve problems like addition of matrices, scalar multiplication, matrix and

5 vector mulitplication, matrix- matrix multiplication, inverse and transpose
Solve problems like finding dependent/independent probability, finding
correlation coefficient

Python Libraries

Solved problems using Numpy and Pandas, Plotted various types of

graphs using libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn and plotly

ML Overview and Data Preprocessing Steps

Identified which type of problem it is - superviesd, unsupervised or


Applied different preprocessing steps like handling missing data,

categorical data and feature scaling


10 Predicted Y value based on random X values

Predicted apparent temperature for given temperature based on humidity


Predicted apparent temperature for given temperature, humidity, wind

speed, visibility, pressure


Based on bank customer data, predicted whether customer will subscribe

to term deposit or not

Based on given users data like work area, qualification, marital status
predicted whether use will make more than 50k a year or not

Neural Networks

Based on bank customer data, predicted whether customer will subscribe

to term deposit or not

Based on given users data like work area, qualification, marital status
predicted whether use will make more than 50k a year or not

Optimization Techniques

Based on bank customer data, predicted whether cutomer will subscribe

17 to term deposit or not using single and multi layer neural network used
gradient descent and stochastic gradient descent to optimize the model
Fellowship Checklist

Engineer Name Ideation Engineer Ideation Lead Start Date End Date

Work Items A C K Score
Date Sign 0.5 1 1.5 3 Remarks
Based on given users data like his work area, qualification, marrital
status, predicted whether user will make more than 50k a year or not
using single and multilayer neural network used gradient descent and
stochastic gradient descent to optimize the model

Regression using Scikit Learn

19 Predicted salary based on experience

Predicted number of bikes getting shared based on temperature of the


21 Predicted profit of the company based on different expenses

Predicted number of bikes getting shared on different parameters like

season, working day, temperature etc.

23 Predicted salary based on position

Classification using Scikit Learn

Predicted whether user will click on ad based on his estimated salary and
age using all classifiers

Predicted whether HIV - 1 will cleave in the central position (between

amino acids 4 and 5) using all classifiers

Analysis Tool

28 Studied different analysis tools and their uses

Clustering, Reinforcement Learning, Association Rule Learning

Created group of mall customers based on their annual income and

spending score

30 Applied K-Means clustering on US census data

31 Based on users transaction predicted next item they will buy using Apriori

Natural Language Processing and Error Reduction Techniues

33 Predicted whether user review is positive or negative

Studied different error reduction techniues


Artificial Neural Network using Theano Tensorflow and Keras

Based on customers data predicted whether customer will exit the bank or
not in six months

Convolutional Neural Network

27 Predicted cat and dog from given set of images

Analysis Tool

28 Studied different analysis tools and their uses

Natural Language Processing and Dimensionality Reduction Techniues

Fellowship Checklist

Engineer Name Ideation Engineer Ideation Lead Start Date End Date

Work Items A C K Score
Date Sign 0.5 1 1.5 3 Remarks

33 Predicted whether user review is positive or negative

Based on wine ingredients predicted customer segments, reduced

dimensions using PCA, LDA and kernel PCA

Model Selection and XGBoost

Based on user age and estimated salary predicted whether user will buy
or not - validated using K-Fold and Grid Search model selection techiques

Based on customers data predicted whether customer will exit the bank or
not in six months

Random Problems
Classified the images into different classes from the CIFAR-10 dataset
37 consisting of 60000 32x32 colour images in 10 classes with 6000 images
per class

38 Predicted whether review is positive or negative for 50000 movies

39 Done Twitter sentiment analysis

40 Done Age Detection of Indian Actors from the dataset of images of actors
Fellowship Extra Notes
Engineer Name Ideation Engineer Ideation Lead Start Date End Date

Sr. No Date Name Sign Remarks

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