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Spring 2003 • Volume 9 • Number 2


A Publication of Gas Technology Institute, the U.S. Dept. of Energy and Hart Publications, Inc.

4 Very High-Speed Drill String Communications
Network: An Enabling Technology
A new technology solves drillstring-coupling problems, making downhole data
transmission a reality.

Liquefied Security, Economy and Capacity—A Salt
Natural Gas
Cavern-Based LNG Receiving Terminal
Storage New research indicates salt caverns could provide a cost-effective storage method
for liquefied natural gas.

Sour Gas
12 Process Engineering for Natural Gas
Treatment using Direct-Injection
H2S Scavengers
Design, troubleshooting and optimization of direct-injection H 2S scavenging systems
pose many challenges. Gas Technology Institute and others from the oil and gas
industry are working together to develop engineering test data and modeling software
needed to effectively address these tasks.

Stripper Well
18 Consortium Selects 13 New Projects to
Aid Stripper Well Operators
The recent war with Iraq reminded Americans of the need for the United States to become
less dependent on foreign energy sources.

25 Gas: A Messenger from
Subsurface Resources
A detailed chemical and modeling analysis of a 77-mile by 124-mile area of the offshore
Louisiana Gulf of Mexico shows how gas venting from deep sources alters shallower
hydrocarbons and carries information that could guide exploration.

Hydrate Flow
28 Understanding the Mechanisms of Hydrate
Nucleation and Inhibition
The Hydrates Flow Assurance Facility at Gas Technology Institute provides tools for
understanding the mechanisms by which hydrates form and grow.

Items of Interest
03 Editors’ Comments
34 New Publications
35 Events Calendar

Managing Editors
Monique A. Barbee
Rhonda Duey C O N T E N T S
Hart Publications
Editors’ Comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Graphic Designers
Sharon Johnson Downhole Telemetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Cory Patterson
Hart Publications Liquefied Natural Gas Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Editors Sour Gas Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Brad Tomer
Strategic Center for Natural Gas
Stripper Well Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Joe Hilyard
Gas Technology Institute
Hydrocarbon Migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Subscriber Services
Hydrate Flow Assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Marcos Alviar
Hart Publications New Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Publisher Events and Contact Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Hart Publications

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2 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


Research Highlights Old, New

Fields for Development
In the ongoing search for new natural gas technologies, projects run the gamut from understanding
hydrocarbon migration to getting the most out of the least productive wells.

his issue of GasTIPS contains

T a veritable smorgasbord of
research initiatives aimed at
developing technology to find and
develop domestic gas reserves. No one
technology holds all the answers, and
these projects represent the work of
thousands of bright minds attacking the
problem from every conceivable angle.
On the exploration side, an article from
Cornell University describes a study that
has discovered and documented the Stripper wells are getting attention as a host of new technologies attempt to squeeze out the
effects gas can have on oil through a remaining reserves.
process called gas washing. Modeling of
variations in n-alkane presence from the enables the improvement and increase of operators across the United States a
north end of the Gulf of Mexico study underbalanced drilling technology, which forum to discuss with technology devel-
area to the south end indicates this varia- can be used to increase drilling speed and opers the operating problems they face
tion is expected from the changing pattern decrease formation damage. in their daily operations. The SWC
of sediment deposition. The study indi- Many of the projects discussed deal recently held its third annual meeting
cates the chemistry of the gas and washed with production issues. A key concern in and accepted 13 proposals for full or
oils carry information on the current the United States is the vast number of partial funding, which also are discussed
pattern of subsurface petroleum migra- stripper wells. A stripper well is defined in this issue.
tion relevant to exploration for subsurface as a well that produces less than 10 b/d Other articles deal with hydrate inhi-
hydrocarbon resources. of oil or less than 60 Mcf/d of gas. bition, the treatment of sour gas and the
In drilling news, a new product called These wells are important to the energy potential for using salt caverns to store
IntelliPipe®, developed jointly between security of the United States, as they liquefied natural gas from offshore
the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), represent 15% of the oil and 7% of the installations. We hope you’ll find this
NOVATEK and Grant Prideco, promises gas produced. Therefore, continued pro- issue of GasTIPS informative. Please
to replace mud-pulse telemetry in pro- duction from these wells is increasingly contact the individuals listed at the end
viding high-speed information from dependent on new technologies, which of each article to obtain more infor-
downhole during the drilling process. will keep them economical. mation on specific topics. If you have
The availability of this real-time data Recognizing that most stripper wells any questions or comments, please con-
allows for bi-directional feedback and are operated by smaller independent tact managing editor Rhonda Duey at
control for downhole steering assemblies operators who have neither the funds ✧
to more accurately locate and place the nor the staff to develop new tech-
well in a targeted reservoir. Also, the effi- nologies, the DOE through the National
ciency of drilling operations can be Energy Technology Laboratory devel-
optimized, costs reduced and safety oped and sponsors the Stripper Well
improved. The technology potentially Consortium (SWC). The SWC offers

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 3


Very High-Speed Drill String By John D. Rogers, Ph.D., P.E.,

US DOE/NETL; David Pixton
and David Hall, NOVATEK Inc.;
Communications Network: Michael Jellison, P.E. and
Brett Chandler, Grant Prideco.
An Enabling Technology
A new technology solves drillstring-coupling problems, making downhole data transmission a reality.

he quest for high-speed data trans-

T mission has been a Holy Grail in

the exploration and drilling disci-
plines since the inception of the ability to
evaluate the downhole-drilling environ-
ment and accurately characterize the for-
mation being drilled while precisely navi-
gating wellbores to targeted reservoirs in
real time. Since 1939, technology has been
proposed to provide data from downhole
to the surface. The technical barrier has
been the couplings between the discrete
pipe sections comprising the drillstring.
For more than 60 years, the oil and gas
industry has struggled with the problem
of a drill pipe connection, or “tool joint,”
that would stand up to the wear and tear
of hostile drilling conditions and opera-
tions, yet provide a reliable and rapid
data transmission connection. Largely Figure 1: The above coupler permits data to be sent across the connection and through a
because of this stumbling block, develop- high-speed cable attached to the inner-pipe wall.
ers turned to a technology called “mud
pulse telemetry” in the mid-1970s. data system in early 2000 and formed a
Mud pulse telemetry eliminates the Downhole Internet: new corporation called IntelliServ® to
need to hard-wire pipe and electrical con- The Solution commercialize the system. In 2001,
nections and transmits data as pressure In 1997 NOVATEK in Provo, Utah, was NETL partially funded the spin-off tech-
pulses through fluid circulated to clean funded by the U.S. Department of nology development of a high-speed
the cuttings out of the wellbore. But the Energy’s National Energy Technology downhole communications (telemetry)
excruciatingly slow pace of mud pulse Laboratory (NETL) to develop a steerable system now referred to as IntelliPipe®.
telemetry – 3 to 10 bits per second – Mud Hammer System. As part of that The key to the new system is a unique
often means data resolution and tool reli- research, a high-speed data transmission non-contacting coupler embedded in
ability is so poor the driller cannot make s y s t e m w a s n e e d e d . N O VAT E K connections between 30-ft sections of
crucial decisions in real time. Often, addressed that need and found a large drill pipe (Figure 1). The concept allows
time-consuming operations are required technology gap existed and would the IntelliPipe to be used like regular drill
to retrieve the downhole data, or drilling require substantially more resources than pipe without any special handling of the
has to stop while other procedures are a supporting project task would allow. pipe by the rig hands.
employed to confirm the low-resolution Additionally, in accomplishing the The concept is to passively link dis-
data pulsed to the surface. Additionally, research, a better mode of data transmis- crete components together into a down-
underbalanced drilling (UBD) operations sion was identified. Grant Prideco, the hole communication network. Identified
utilizing foams and gases cannot be used world’s largest drill pipe manufacturer, as IntelliCom™, this link is comprised of
with the current mud-pulsed system. began working with NOVATEK on the a ring-shaped transducer that transmits

4 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


controls the flow of information. A

key device called the IntelliLinkTM
controls the flow of information and
boosts the data signal strength
(Figure 6). This important compo-
nent is housed in a modified full-
length joint of drill pipe and includes
a large through-bore to allow for low
fluid friction pressure losses and
Figure 2: The non-contact feature of The technology is applicable to all
IntelliCom’s ring-shaped transducer link types of threaded drillstring assem-
allows it to be embedded and protected blies, including reamers, jars, stabi-
within drillstring components. lizers and other subs. Rotating joints,
such as swivels and downhole
data to another component without motors, do not impair the use of the
direct electrical contact (Figure 2). This IntelliCom technology. A data swivel Figure 3: Mated segments of these double-
makes the system much more reliable sub at the top of the drillstring allows shouldered drill pipes provide the connectivity
and robust than other hardwired teleme- the transmitted signal to be redirected for the high-speed data network of IntelliPipe.
try concepts tried in the past and orders into a drillstem data server and distrib-
of magnitude faster than the current mud uted even to the World Wide Web after Increased efficiency, cost reduction
pulse system. encryption for access by company person- and improved safety is possible since the
The unique geometry design of Grant nel. network allows for more precisely locat-
Prideco’s line of eXtreme Torque® (XT) ing stuck pipe, monitoring drillstring and
drill pipe provides an ideal location for Enabling Technology bit vibration, actual downhole rotation
the IntelliCom components (Figure 3). and Benefits of the speed, weight on bit, monitoring pres-
An armored data cable running the length IntelliServ Network sures up and down the well for kick
of the drill pipe completes the data path The real-time characterization of a reser- detection, and seismic look-ahead data
between the IntelliCom links or mated voir during the drilling process is one of transmitted over the network.
tool joints (Figure 4). the premier applications of the IntelliServ The IntelliServ network potentially
IntelliPipe is the basic building block network. These include LWD, MWD enables the improvement and increase
of a modular downhole data transmis- and SWD. The availability of this real- of UBD technology, which can be used
sion line. Once the transmission line is in time data allows for bi-directional feed- to increase drilling speed and decrease
place, information may move between back and control for downhole steering formation damage. The network is not
various members of the drilling assembly, assemblies to more accurately locate and affected by the type of fluid used to
much like information can be shared by place the well in a targeted reservoir drill a well, unlike current MWD, LWD
several users on a network or Internet. (Figure 7). and SWD telemetry systems. Therefore,
The components comprising this “Internet”
can be at the surface, at the bit or any-
where along the drillstring. Just like the
Internet, addressable nodes can be
defined along the drillstring. These nodes
can be individual tool joints or control
devices including jars, motors, bits,
measurement-, logging- or seismic-
while-drilling (MWD, LWD and SWD)
sensors as well as other downhole tools
(Figure 5). At each node identifiable
events can be correlated to a particular Figure 4: The data cable completes the path for information to circulate between the IntelliCom
region of the well. links and tool joints.
Proprietary software and hardware

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 5


better productivity in under-pressured for the duration of the testing. A data Further Developments
and/or fluid sensitive reservoirs using rate of 2 megabit/sec was established Currently, this project is entering the
UBD is possible. through the system for all tests. Total third and final phase of activity, which
string length, including the bottomhole is to get a complete drilling string into
Status of the Technology assembly, was 4,531ft. In this string, five the field, establish high-speed commu-
Initial tests of the prototype were con- IntelliLinks were used as network nodes nications with third-party down-hole
ducted in a 1,000-ft well at IntelliServ’s test and data collection sites. tools and prepare the system for com-
facility in Provo and at a 2,000-ft well at the Full-scale tests have been supplemented mercial introduction.
Gas Technology Institute’s Catoosa test site by bench-top laboratory testing. For example, Development efforts are underway to
in Oklahoma. Full-scale tests have included seals used in cable connections have been improve the flexibility and capabilities of
multiple makeups (50 to 150) to full torque tested in a pressure vessel at simulated the IntelliServ drilling network software
on several joint pairs. Data transmission borehole conditions of 391˚F and and hardware. A key area of focus is inte-
rates are approaching 2 million bits/sec. 25,000psi. Such testing continues in an gration of existing downhole measure-
Additionally, actual drilling tests have effort to further improve the transmission ment and logging devices with the
been concluded at the U.S. Department range and drilling robustness of the system. IntelliPipe hardware and network system.
of Energy’s Rocky Mountain Testing The process of inserting a wire perma- Cooperative efforts with major tool man-
Center near Casper, Wyo. A 6,000-ft nently inside a joint of drill pipe requires ufacturers are underway. Other new
already-drilled well was chosen for this certain modifications to be made to the tools and applications for the network
test. A drillstring comprising 121 joints pipe. These modifications have been ana- also are being developed.
of IntelliPipe, IntelliLinks and Intelli- lyzed by Grant Prideco engineers using A second key area of present focus is
Heavyweight™ (3,827ft) was success- predictive FEA and laboratory testing and improving the passive transmission range of
fully run in the well and able to establish have shown the pipe strength and integrity the system. As mentioned above, the pres-
communication along the entire string of the pipe is unchanged. ent system has demonstrated transmission
of 1,000ft prior to needing a boost
in signal level. Improvements to
transmission line efficiency and
electronic module sensitivity are
expected to bring as much as a
five-fold increase in this passive
range. Work to bring about these
improvements already has begun.
A third area of focus is to
extend the transmission line to
other drillstring elements includ-
ing jars, drill collars and miscel-
laneous subs. Work in each of
these areas is progressing. As a
matter of particular interest,
IntelliServ is working closely
with a major manufacturer of
drilling jars, and a design for
a wired jar is expected to be test-
ed soon.
Finally, further work is needed
to increase the high-pressure
and high-temperature capabil-
ities of the IntelliCom compo-
nents and the network elec-
tronics so these may be used in
Figure 5: IntelliPipe is the basic building block of a modular downhole data transmission line. the deepest wells and under the
most severe drilling conditions.

6 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


Figure 7: With the IntelliServ network, the efficiency of drilling operations

can be optimized, costs reduced and safety improved.

2002 Society of Petroleum and can be corrected during normal tripping

Engineers Annual Confer- of the string. Field testing of the system is
ence. Initial commercial expected to continue throughout 2003.
application of the Intelli-
Serv system is anticipated Conclusions
during the fourth quarter IntelliServ is one of the most enabling tech-
of 2003. nologies to be developed recently for the
A major effort and key petroleum industry. The impact is far reach-
to all this work is field ing. The technological advancement expect-
qualification of the system. ed in the overall drilling process will result in
IntelliServ is seeking oppor- faster well drilling, thereby reducing well
tunities to field-test the costs. The “smart pipe” itself is the building
data transmission system block of a downhole “Internet system” that
Figure 6: The software and hardware inside the IntelliLink in low-risk applications. will allow for the first time high-speed bi-
(inset) help control the flow of information. Such testing, though not directional communication with various
without risk, is seen to be tools, and allow economic reservoir charac-
Introduction and fairly benign to normal drilling operations, terization and precise navigating of a well
Commercialization to the since the test will largely consist of while drilling in real time.
Petroleum Industry handling drill pipe. System failures encoun- For more information, please contact
Official introduction of this technology tered in the testing, if any, are expected to John Rogers at,
to the petroleum industry occurred at the have minimal impact on the drilling process (304) 285-4880. ✧

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 7


Security, Economy and By Michael M. McCall,

Conversion Gas
Imports, LLC
Capacity—A Salt Cavern-
Based LNG Receiving Terminal
New research indicates salt caverns could provide a cost-effective storage method for liquefied natural gas.

alt caverns provide an inte- Process to Use Salt Caverns to Receive variable demands in the gas grid. The

S gral link in the logistical

requirements of the natural
gas, natural gas liquids, petrochemical
Ship-Borne Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

addition of LNG receiving to cavern stor-
age would allow the storage facilities to
be replenished during periods of con-
and refining industries in the United The DOE cooperative research project on tinued high demand or to replace declin-
States. The purpose of this paper is to which this paper is based indicates that ing gas production.
present preliminary results of seminal salt cavern-based receiving terminals in LNG imports are expected to become an
research involving the use of salt caverns onshore and offshore locations on the Gulf increasingly important part of the U.S.
in the receipt of seaborne liquefied Coast could be built at reduced capital cost energy supply, and the capacities to receive
natural gas (LNG). The research is con- and have less than half the operating costs, LNG securely, safely and economically
ducted under cooperative agreement significantly higher delivery capacity, must be expanded. This research confirms
with the U.S. Department of Energy’s shorter construction time and be much the feasibility of salt cavern LNG-receiving
(DOE) National Energy Technology more secure than conventional liquid tank- terminals onshore and offshore. Such ter-
Laboratory (NETL). based terminals. The research describes an minals can be quickly built and provide
Cooperative Agreement: onshore LNG-receiving facility in south- additional import capacity into the United
DE-FC26-02NT41653 west Louisiana (Figure 1) and an LNG- States, exceeding 10 Bcf/d in the aggregate.
Project Title: Examine and Evaluate a receiving facility built 50 miles offshore in The performance of work under this
Vermilion Block 179. The con- agreement is based on U.S. Patent
siderable natural gas infrastruc- 5,511,905 along with pending U.S. and
ture in this area in offshore gath- foreign patent applications. The cost-
ering, and onshore intrastate sharing participants in the research are
and interstate pipelines has con- the NETL, BP America Production Co.,
siderable capacity available to help Bluewater Offshore Production Systems
meet increasing gas demands in (USA) Inc. and HNG Storage LP.
the United States. There is a sig-
nificant body of knowledge and Conventional Tank-Based
practice concerning natural gas LNG Receiving Facility
storage in salt caverns, and there A typical tank-based facility will have
is a considerable body of knowl- insulated tank storage capacity for cargo
edge and practice in handling from two to three ships or about 5 Bcf to
LNG, but there has never been 8 Bcf at standard conditions (250,000 cu m
any attempt to develop a process to 380,000 cu m in liquid form). The
whereby the two technologies can terminal will always have an LNG inven-
be combined. Salt cavern storage tory in its storage tanks to keep every-
is infinitely more secure than sur- thing cooled down. Typically, the high-
face storage tanks, far less suscep- pressure pumps and vaporizers are the
tible to accidents or terrorist acts units’ limiting send-out as the facility can
and much more acceptable to the receive a cargo in 24 hours but takes from
Figure 1: The Liberty LNG Terminal would connect to seven community. Salt cavern natural 3 days to 6 days to discharge that volume
major natural gas pipelines having a takeaway capacity gas storage is known for its as gas to the pipelines. There are four LNG
of 3 Bcf/d. very high deliverability that is terminals in the United States of this
instantaneously available to meet design, one of which is being refurbished.

8 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


All have announced expansion plans,

but collectively the expanded terminals
fall far short of the projected imports of
LNG by 2020. Various alternate designs
using cryogenic tank storage on floating
vessels, shipboard regasification units or
gravity-based structures generally take
this same model and move it to sea.
LNG cryogenic storage tanks are
expensive to build and maintain. Several
cargoes scheduled to be received after
Sept. 11, 2001, have been delayed
because of security concerns. There is
therefore a need for a more secure, more
economical and higher-capacity way to
receive, store and distribute LNG imports
than has been done in the past.
Figure 2: Salt cavern natural gas storage offers very high deliverability that is instantaneously avail-
Salt Cavern-Based LNG- able to meet variable demands in the gas grid.
Receiving Facility
The application of conventional salt cavern capability to allow acceptable ship The design work done to date shows
storage technology, augmented by new discharge times the transfer system, regasification and stor-
technology in the area of pumps, heat • a heat exchanger design that will age options are fully feasible. The design is
exchangers and facility design, could economically warm the LNG at high independent of the volumes of gas desired
marry LNG and salt caverns into a highly pressure and high volumes and the geographic location. Although it is
secure, economical and flexible method to • navigable waters sufficient for an new, all of its components are proven and
expand the importing nation’s energy sup- LNG carrier to approach have been used in terminal and offshore
ply. In the Liberty LNG Terminal, the ship • salt formations suitable for cavern loading systems for some time.
unloading occurs 35 miles from the cavern development
storage site. In a conventional terminal, the • a pipeline infrastructure sufficient to LNG Pumps
liquid storage tanks must be in close prox- carry large volumes of gas to market. LNG pumps sufficient to boost the pres-
imity to the ship discharge site, and con- sure of the ship’s discharge from about
siderable inventory is maintained between Mooring and Offloading 50psi to cavern injection pressures of
ships’ calls (Figure 2). A conventional International Society of 2,000psi to 2,200psi have been contem-
There are a number of salt formations, Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators jetty plated by the major cryogenic pump-
offshore and near shore, or navigable and mooring configuration alongside a makers and cross no technological barri-
waters where caverns could be solution- navigable waterway was chosen to fit the ers from pumps widely used. Such
mined and developed into LNG-receiving requirements of the onshore Liberty LNG pumps, however, have not yet been con-
terminals. Salt cavern gas storage facili- site. For the offshore application, the structed and tested to industry’s satisfac-
ties have very high deliverability instanta- research describes a new design developed tion. Unloading rates between 283 Mcf/hr
neously available to the pipeline system, by Bluewater Offshore Production Systems and 353 Mcf/hr can be achieved with
far higher than LNG vaporization capaci- (USA) Inc. for the offshore mooring and multiple pumps and are the design basis
ties in conventional LNG terminals. LNG transfer system, the regasification for the research design facilities.
and the storage of the gas in offshore salt
Critical Elements caverns. The system is developed for non- LNG Heat Exchangers
The major critical elements revealed in dedicated tankers, offshore operations and Conventional designs of heat exchangers
the research are: gas storage, and a high operational avail- can be utilized to warm the resultant
• a method to moor and offload an ability, even in severe weather. The near- high-pressure LNG, but capacity limita-
LNG ship shore facility comprises a single point- tions and energy consumption dictated a
• LNG pumps sufficient to create cavern moored discharge point, a regasification new approach resulting in the patented
injection pressures and volume unit and a storage facility. Bishop Process Heat Exchanger.

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 9


The Bishop Process warms LNG using lock, which are problems with two-phase Measurement of the Froude Number
a heat exchanger and stores the resulting gas-liquid flows. occurs downstream of the high-pressure
dense phase natural gas in a salt cavern, The effect of confining the fluid to the pump systems and in the heat exchangers.
discharges it to a pipeline or both. The dense phase is illustrated by an analysis Process simulations using a computer
heat exchangers use seawater as the war- of the densimetric Froude Number, F, that program and the finite element modeling
mant. The combination of the high-effi- defines flow regimes for layered or strati- conducted as part of the research project
ciency heat exchanger and the inherently fied flows: indicate the heat exchange occurs as pre-
energy-efficient storage operation using dicted, icing is controlled and energy
salt caverns indicate the total energy con- consumption for the system is signifi-
sumption in a salt cavern-based terminal cantly lower than experienced in conven-
would be equal to about 0.35% of the tional liquid tank terminals. Field tests to
throughput volumes compared with as confirm the mathematical representa-
much as 3.0% in a conventional tank- tions are expected to be performed.
based terminal. Here, V is fluid velocity, g is acceler-
To accomplish heat exchange in a hori- ation due to gravity, D is the pipe Salt Formations and
zontal flow configuration such as the diameter,  is the fluid density and ∆ Storage Location
Bishop Process, it is important the cold is the change in fluid density. If F is The Liberty LNG Terminal described in
fluid be at a temperature and pressure such large, the terms involving stratification the research uses two existing salt caverns
that it is maintained in the dense or critical in the governing equation of fluid that have been solution-mined in a salt for-
phase so no phase change takes place in motion drop out of the equation. As a mation in Calcasieu Parish, La., capable of
the cold fluid during its warming to the practical example, two-phase flows in holding 16 Bcf of natural gas or the equiv-
desired temperature. The dense or critical enclosed systems generally lose all alent of cargo from about six ships.
phase is defined as the state of a fluid when stratification when the Froude Number The Vermilion 179 site would
it is outside the two-phase envelope of the rises to a range from 1 to 2. In this require the mining of caverns in an
pressure-temperature phase diagram for application, the value of the Froude existing salt formation located about
the fluid. In this condition, there is no dis- Number ranges in the hundreds, which 1,000ft below the seabed. This case
tinction between liquid and gas, and den- assures complete mixing of any den- study locates the salt cavern storage
sity changes on warming are gradual with sity variations. These high values are facility in Vermilion Block 179, a well-
no change in phase. This allows the heat assured by the fact that in dense phase known salt formation in water about
exchanger of the Bishop Process to reduce flow, the term ∆ in the equation 100ft deep. This is sufficient for the
or avoid stratification, cavitation and vapor above is small. drafts of any known and contemplated
LNG carrier. The rights to develop a
salt cavern storage facility in U.S. terri-
torial waters are obtained via lease
from the U.S. Minerals Management
Service. Such a lease would be granted
on a “non-interference basis” with any
existing or future mineral exploration
and production lease on the same
blocks. This research describes the
development of six caverns, each ini-
tially of 2 million-bbl capacity but
maintaining a wash string in operation
so that while in operation and during
time they could be continually washed
to greater capacities, depending on the
needs of the operator. These caverns
could hold about 12 Bcf of dense
Figure 3: The Vermilion site would connect to the three largest offshore gathering systems in the Gulf phase natural gas at 2,000psi and
of Mexico, Bluewater, SeaRobin and Texas Eastern, and have takeaway capacity in excess of 2 Bcf/d. could be developed and placed in
operation in 12 months. They could

10 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


subsequently be enlarged to 4 million

bbl each for a total storage capacity of
24 Bcf at a subsequent additional cost
of less than $2 million.
There are more than 1,000 salt
caverns being used in the United
States and Canada to store hydro-
carbons. Storage in salt caverns
exceeds 1.2 billion bbl of hydro-
gen, natural gas, natural gas liq-
uids, olefins, refined products and
crude oil. In the United States, the
salt cavern storage sites form a
logistical connection between the
gas, gas liquids, refining and petro-
chemical industries. The entire
inventory of the Strategic Petroleum Figure 4: There are several onshore and near-shore cavern sites that could be used for LNG storage.
Reserve, more than 600 million bbl
of crude oil, is contained in salt caverns. SeaRobin and Texas Eastern, and have considerations end, and the gas is trans-
Salt caverns have high send-out capac- takeaway capacity in excess of 2 Bcf/day ported in conditions standard to the nat-
ity, are very secure, and very inexpensive (Figure 3). More than 20 additional sites ural gas pipeline industry.
to create and maintain compared with were evaluated that combine salt forma- The natural gas would be injected
surface tanks, particularly cryogenic tions suitable for storage cavern develop- directly into the caverns and/or the con-
tanks. A difference between the opera- ment in proximity to existing pipeline necting pipelines with appropriate pres-
tion of salt caverns used in LNG-receiving capacity, indicating that multiple loca- sure control as necessary. The entire
and conventional natural gas storage is tions could be developed to accept virtu- cargo would be handled this one time,
the high rates of injection into the cav- ally any level of LNG imports that could leaving only enough LNG on site to keep
erns compared with most facilities. be required in the future (Figure 4). the pumps cold.
Conventional natural gas storage in salt The operation of the salt cavern storage
caverns uses compressors to boost the Facility Operations caverns, their maintenance and inspection
pressure of inlet gas to cavern injection at The LNG ship mooring at the Liberty would be identical to those practices in the
rates generally between 500 MMcf/d and Terminal would be identical to that used 100-plus natural gas storage caverns in
1 Bcf/d. This application would involve at a conventional tank terminal. The off- operation in North America and Europe.
injections at 3 Bcf/d to 4 Bcf/d, which is shore Vermilion 179 terminal would use For more information, contact author
accommodated by multiple caverns and a mooring and offloading system that has Michael McCall at mike.mccall@conversion-
well design. A significant energy savings been designed for safe offshore load-, (713) 781-4949 or James Ammer
occurs in pumping LNG compared with ing/unloading of LNG to and from non- a t j a m e s . a m m e r @ n e t l . d o e . g o v ,
compressing natural gas. A geomechanical dedicated LNG carriers in wave heights (304) 285-4383. ✧
temperature and rock mechanics analysis up to 15ft and flow rates up to 353 Mcf/hr.
conducted as part of the research project All LNG ships are equipped to offload Acknowledgements
indicates that injections to the caverns and LNG cargo with shipboard pumps at Grateful acknowledgement is given to the
withdrawals from them at the design rates about 50psi and -260˚F. U.S. Department of Energy and its com-
described are within salt tolerances. At unloading however, rather than ponent agencies, the Strategic Gas Center
direct the LNG to surface tanks for stor- and the National Energy Technology
The Pipelines age, the ship’s discharged LNG would be Laboratory, for commissioning the coop-
The Liberty LNG Terminal would con- boosted by high-pressure LNG pumps erative research agreement under which
nect to seven major natural gas pipelines to about 2,000psi to the heat exchang- this work was done, and to funding par-
having a takeaway capacity of 3 Bcf/d. ers. Seawater heat exchangers would ticipants BP American Production Co.,
The Vermilion site would connect to the warm the natural gas to design tempera- Bluewater Offshore Production Systems
three largest offshore gathering systems tures of 40˚F. From the discharge of the (USA) Inc. and HNG Storage LP, which
in the Gulf of Mexico, Bluewater, heat exchangers, all low-temperature have participated in it.

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 11


Process Engineering for By Kevin S. Fisher,

CrystaTech, Inc.; and
Dennis Leppin, Raj Palla
Natural Gas Treatment and Dr. Aqil Jamal, GTI E&P
and Gas Processing Group.
using Direct-Injection
H2S Scavengers
Design, troubleshooting and optimization of direct-injection H2S scavenging systems pose many challenges.
GTI and others from the oil and gas industry are working together to develop engineering test data and
modeling software needed to effectively address these tasks.
atural gas producers, domes- costs and/or the severe restrictions on ling the direct-injection scavenging

N tically and abroad, have

increasingly targeted lower-
quality gas resources for development.
space and weight encountered with off-
shore applications. While the direct-
injection method offers these advan-
process. The potential benefit of such
an effort is substantial, considering the
estimated $50 million/year spent on
This trend continues to drive the tages over batch application of liquid or H2S scavenging chemicals in the United
industry to search for better, more solid scavenging agents in large tower States alone.
cost-effective and environmentally contactors, the ability to predict the H2S scavenging research has been
acceptable methods for treating sour performance of the direct-injection sys- conducted primarily by independent
gas. For economic reasons, hydrogen tem or achieve treatment specifications research organizations such as GTI,
sulfide (H2S) scavenging has emerged without excessive chemical usage is fre- product development groups within H2S
as the technology of choice for gas quently a challenge. For these reasons, scavenging agent manufacturing compa-
with low H 2S concentrations, for Gas Technology Institute (GTI) and nies or companies that use the products
example, less than 200 ppmv. others in the industry have directed to treat their gas. For example, a group
Operators frequently select the research during the past decade to of several companies involved in North
direct-injection method of applying H2S develop an improved understanding of Sea gas production sponsored a project
scavengers because of the lower capital the fundamental mechanisms control- to develop a better understanding of

Figure 1: The basic direct-injection scavenging installation consists of a chemical injection pump, a means of introducing the scavenging agent into
the natural gas pipeline, a length of pipe to allow for gas/liquid contact, and a downstream device for separating spent or excess scavenging agent
from the gas .

12 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


how scavenging applications might be However, for situations where contact higher capital costs because there are
made more efficient. As a follow-up to time is relatively short, some benefit may fewer standard cubic feet of natural gas
this proprietary work, GTI, on behalf of result from advanced contacting devices. to amortize the capital, and therefore
three gas producer companies, began a Scavenging liquids may be partially costs per standard cubic feet are higher.
joint-industry project (JIP) in 2001 to removed downstream using gravity sepa- As a result, direct-injection scavenging
gather specific engineering test data to rators and/or coalescing filter/separators. becomes more favorable for these oper-
develop a software package to improve For facilities with existing sparged- ations because of the lower capital
techniques for designing, troubleshoot- tower contactors, some operators may costs. For example, direct-injection scav-
ing and optimizing H2S scavenging sys- prefer to fill the towers with water and enging has been used to successfully
tems. This package expands on the use them to remove spent scavenging treat slightly sour gas (10 ppmv to 20
capabilities of an existing GTI software agent from the treated gas, effectively ppmv H2S) from underground natural
product, Scavenger CalcBase™ (GRI- polishing the gas and increasing the effi- gas storage systems that operate for
96/0482), developed to allow rapid ciency of the system. only 4 months during the year.
screening of H2S scavengers for particu- Economics—The economics of treat- When gas must be treated offshore,
lar applications. The first phase of the ing natural gas with nonregenerable equipment size and weight greatly affect
JIP project will be completed in 2003. scavengers strongly depends on the con- treatment costs. The large size and
This article provides an overview of the centration of H2S in the gas stream. For weight of tower contactors largely
issues faced when designing or optimizing relatively low concentrations, capital cost makes them prohibitive for offshore
direct-injection scavenging systems and becomes the dominant factor, favoring operations, leaving only the direct-injec-
describes GTI’s collaboration with the continuous direct-injection applications tion option. In addition to the size and
industry to develop test data and model- over the more expensive tower-based weight limitations, the handling of spent
ing software to support these activities. method of application. As H2S concentra- scavenger becomes more difficult off-
tion increases, the scavenging agent cost shore. All these factors tend to favor the
How is Natural Gas Treated becomes dominant, favoring solid-based use of liquid scavenging agents in a
using Direct-Injection H2S agents that, in many cases, have lower direct-injection configuration for off-
Scavenging? costs per pound of sulfur removed. shore application. In some cases, spent
Method of Application—Continuous For preliminary analyses, scavenger- liquid scavenger can be blended with
direct-injection of scavenging agents treating costs can be estimated using produced water and disposed of via
into a natural gas pipeline is usually published data. GTI’s Scavenger CalcBase injection wells or discharged to the sea
applied near the wellhead (after separa- program provides a method for quickly after treatment.
tion from produced water and hydrocar- estimating capital and operating costs The cost for disposal of spent scav-
bons) or at centralized treating facilities for several H2S scavenging processes. enging agent varies widely depending
prior to dehydration. The basic direct- The program is intended primarily for on how these wastes are regulated by
injection scavenging installation consists initial screening of processes using the governing authorities. In some cases,
of a chemical injection pump, a means algorithms based on design equations the spent scavenging agents must be
of introducing the scavenging agent into provided by scavenger vendors. handled and disposed of as a hazardous
the natural gas pipeline, a length of pipe Other important factors include proj- waste, greatly increasing disposal costs.
to allow for gas/liquid contact and a ect life, seasonal operations, installation A careful study of applicable regulations
downstream device for separating spent location (offshore vs. onshore) and for a particular site location is an impor-
or excess scavenging agent from the gas spent scavenger disposal costs. A short tant part of the scavenger-selection
(Figure 1). Piping tees, quills or atomiza- economic project life or seasonal opera- process. It should also be noted that
tion nozzles are used to introduce the tions tend to penalize technologies with while scavenging agents themselves
scavenging agent into the pipeline.
Atomization nozzles enhance mixing
when gas velocities are low. While static
mixers have been used to enhance
A careful study of applicable regulations
gas/liquid contact, test data from GTI’s for a particular site location is an important
test loop in South Texas have raised
questions about the benefit of using part of the scavenger-selection process.
static mixers for this application.

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 13


may not be hazardous, the spent scav- pipes and contactor vessels are gen- the use of iron-sponge has declined
enging agent could become hazardous erally larger in size. during the years, in part because of the
because of the concentration of contam- • Variations in flow rate—Direct-injection pyrophoric nature of the spent scav-
inants such as benzene or mercury systems are vulnerable to changes in enging agent.
removed from the gas. flow rate. The H2S removal perform- For direct-injection scavenging sys-
Gas Stream Characteristics—Most ance drops off severely as flow rate tems, the potential for exposure to toxic
H2S scavenging agents are designed to (and thus gas velocity) is reduced. materials is highest during maintenance
treat gas over a wide range of pressure, Tower-based contractors allow for operations or when handling spent
temperature, composition and flow con- better turndown of gas flow rates. scavenger material. Pump repairs, change-
ditions. However, several gas stream GTI patented a contactor in 2000 for out of atomization nozzles, or repair
characteristics should be evaluated care- direct-injection applications whereby and maintenance of spent-scavenger
fully during the process design phase. the turndown ability is improved to handling equipment are operations that
• Water saturation—Natural gas is allow operation over a large range have the potential for exposure. During
usually treated before being dehy- (e.g., a factor of ten or better) of gas these times, high levels of volatile organic
drated; however, it is sometimes flow rates. compounds may be present, and operators
necessary to treat a dry gas using • Onshore vs. Offshore—For onshore have more potential of coming into direct
scavenging agents, for example, at a applications, providing adequate contact with a scavenging agent or the
terminal handling offshore produc- length of pipe to promote good spent scavenger material.
tion being brought ashore through conversion of the scavenger and to Process design considerations—Many
a sour gas line to avoid platform reach H2S outlet specifications is factors, including some site-specific,
processing. Water-based scavenging usually not difficult. For offshore require careful consideration during the
agents, such as solutions of triazine operations, adequate pipe length is process design for a particular direct-
and iron oxide-based scavenging usually not available, and it may be injection H2S scavenging system. The
agents, generally require the gas to necessary to treat high temperature following discussion provides a check-
be saturated with water to prevent gas after a compressor. list of several items that need to be
formation of unwanted solid by- Environmental and Safety Considera- addressed during the process design.
products and to achieve the tions—Numerous federal, state and local Inlet and Outlet Knockout
required H2S level. regulations in the United States and sim- Separators—Vendors of H2S scavenging
• Oxygen content—Oxygen is usually ilar governing authorities in many other agents frequently recommend the use of
not present in natural gas unless countries regulate the disposal of spent an inlet knockout separator to remove
gas is collected from wells under a scavenger material. In addition to vary- water and/or free hydrocarbon liquids
partial vacuum. In these systems, ing by jurisdiction, the regulatory from the gas before treatment. The pres-
oxygen sometimes leaks into the requirements depend on the scavenging ence of excess free liquids has the poten-
gas and may cause the formation of agent selected and the levels of other tial to increase scavenger usage and
elemental sulfur in beds of iron potentially hazardous components pres- treatment costs because of the addi-
oxide-based scavenging agents, ent in the natural gas stream. tional scavenger required to react with
resulting in a higher than normal All sour natural gas treating processes the H2S present in these liquids. Outlet
pressure drop across the bed. Oxygen share the common hazards (fire, explo- knockouts usually are recommended to
may also cause the formation of cor- sion and worker exposure to H2S) asso- prevent entrained liquid droplets from
rosive nitrogen dioxide when a ciated with handling high-pressure com- reaching downstream glycol dehydra-
nitrite-based scavenger is used. bustible gases containing toxic levels of tors or other process equipment that
• Temperature—Low-temperature gas H2S. In addition to these areas of con- could be adversely affected.
can cause scavenger reaction kinetics cern, other potential hazards associated Length of Pipe for Contact—The
to slow down and affect system with the use of H2S scavenging agents length of pipe available for gas/liquid
performance. High temperature can include eye and respiratory irritation; contacting in direct-injection applica-
cause the scavenger to break down benzene, formaldehyde and toxic metals tions is an important design parameter.
and form corrosive products. exposure; and height and confined In general, longer pipe lengths result in
• Pressure—H2S scavenging is more space entry hazards. improved H2S removal and reduced
difficult at low pressures because Formaldehyde and caustic are not chemical consumption.
the partial pressure of H2S is lower used much because of the related Atomization—The importance of
for a given concentration and because health and safety problems. Similarly, atomizing the scavenging agent as it is

14 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


injected varies by application. When gas

velocities are low, pipe lengths are short,
or when large pipe diameters are used,
atomization can significantly improve
performance. In other situations where
long pipe lengths are available and gas
velocities are high, atomization has little
or no effect.
Water Saturation—Water addition
is sometimes required if the gas is not
saturated with water at the temperature
and pressure where scavenging treat-
ment is applied. This situation some-
times occurs when gas is heated before
treatment or when previously dehy-
drated gas is present in the feed sour
gas. In the case of triazine-based liquid
scavengers, the reaction products are
intended to stay dissolved in the spent
scavenger, where they are ultimately
separated from the gas stream for dis-
posal. However, if the gas is subsatu-
rated with water, enough water may
evaporate from the scavenger solution Figure 2: The GTI software modeling package reports the H2S profile over the length of pipe along
to cause unwanted precipitation of with other quantities of interest such as the chemical usage, e.g. liters of scavenging agent
solid reaction products in the pipeline. per kg sulfur removed.
Some operators operate a small water
injection pump upstream to add the
required amount of water to saturate GTI and Industry Sponsors Theoretical models of the direct-
the gas. Develop New Process injection process require knowledge of
Scale Inhibition—The formation of Modeling Software the following:
scale is a consideration when hard water GTI, acting on behalf of JIP partici- • reaction stoichiometry and kinetics
may contact highly alkaline scavenging pants, is developing a new software- between H2S, CO2 and the scaveng-
agent formulations. This may occur if modeling package to make process cal- ing agent
the scavenging agent is diluted with culations for direct-injection H2S scav- • physical solubility of H2S in the
water before use or if hard water is enging systems. In 1998, GTI pub- scavenger solution
injected to maintain water saturation. In lished a set of equations largely based • liquid- and gas-film mass transfer
other cases, the spent scavenger may be on empirical correlation of field data coefficients
commingled with other sources of hard that could be used for direct-injection • interfacial surface area available for
water in downstream separators and systems. The new model being devel- mass transfer.
produced water facilities. oped is more mechanistic in nature and Once the above quantities are known,
CO2 Interference—Carbon dioxide is based on rigorous modeling of the the H2S absorption can be calculated based
(CO2) does not normally present a major two-phase flow hydraulics, mass trans- on the following mass balance equation,
problem because the most commonly used fer and chemical kinetics. Further, the which is at the core of the new model:
H2S scavengers react selectively with H2S. new model will be incorporated into a
However, CO2 is known to react at least user-friendly program with a graphical
partially with triazine-based scavengers and user interface. The program will not be
does compete for the scavenging chemical. made available to the general public where
In these cases, chemical consumption but will be available to the JIP partici-  H S = Mole fraction H2S in the gas

may be increased as a result of high pants and potentially to other parties phase
levels of CO2. expressing interest in it. G = Molar gas velocity, lbmol/hr/ft2

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 15


Figure 3: This diagram shows the design of the laboratory direct injection test rig commissioned in June.

z = Pipe length, ft coefficients, and enhancement factors GTI Constructs

K G = Overall mass transfer coeffi- used to describe the enhancement of High-Pressure Test Flow
cient, lbmol/hr/ft2/atm mass transfer in the liquid phase Loop in Des Plaines
a = Interfacial area for mass transfer, because of rapid chemical reactions Laboratory Facility
ft2/ft3 taking place in the diffusion film near GTI is in the process of constructing a
P = Pressure, atm the gas-liquid interface. laboratory direct-injection test rig to
The model solves these equations and study H2S scavenging of natural gas
This equation is a first-order linear reports the H2S profile over the length of under controlled conditions. A schematic
ordinary differential equation and can pipe (Figure 2) along with other quantities diagram of the laboratory test rig is
be solved using standard numerical of interest such as the chemical usage, for shown in Figure 3. This setup is made of
techniques (for example, a fourth- example, liters of scavenging agent per schedule 80 carbon steel pipe with total
order Runge-Kutta method) as long as kilogram of sulfur removed. A full report of contact length of 240ft. The entire struc-
the function ƒ(z) can be evaluated at all intermediate quantities such as mean ture is housed inside a 20-ft x 12-ft fume
each point in the pipe. Evaluation of droplet size, interfacial areas, gas and liquid hood equipped with a carbon adsorp-
ƒ(z) requires an estimation of the inter- film coefficients, kinetic rate coefficients, tion bed. The unit has a maximum gas
facial area, gas and liquid mass transfer etc., also is available. flow of 0.6 MMscf/d under once-through

16 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


is experienced in field operations and

certified regarding H2S safety.
Through the course of the various
scavenger projects GTI has been
involved in during the past decade,
the organization has amassed a large
database on direct-injection scaveng-
ing that has proved useful for design
and troubleshooting of applications.
In late 2003, GTI will be offering par-
ticipation opportunities in a follow-
up JIP to the current program that
has focused on developing a model
for direct injection scavenging.
Testing new scavengers and contac-
tor devices in the new testing system
at Des Plaines, Ill., as well as in the
field system in McAllen, Texas, and
improving the computer model are
all on the table for the program work
scope, which the participants will
finalize. GTI also is interested in car-
rying out projects directly for clients.
Recent work has included design of
direct-injection scavenging installa-
tions based on the GTI patent at
Figure 4: Construction of the negative pressure chamber is already complete. storage field installations, and field-
testing of proprietary scavengers is
and recycled flow conditions at temper- disposal, recycled and/or sampled as being discussed with several clients. GTI
atures up to 319˚F and pressures up to necessary. This unit will allow GTI to continues to offer and support the GTI
1,100 psig. collect significantly more data under a Scavenger CalcBase program for tower
During a typical test, pure methane wider variety of conditions and more applications of scavengers and will devel-
or nitrogen gas will be mixed with precisely control the test conditions. op a commercial version of the direct injec-
appropriate amounts of pure H2S gas The purchase of various equipment tion model in the future. ✧
and the mixture will be continuously items such as compressor, gas-liquid For more information on GTI gas process-
fed to the system and metered. The separator, heater, cooler, carbon beds ing products and services, or to join the JIP
scavenger will be fed from a pressur- and storage vessel is complete. The con- described in this article, please contact
ized tank in lieu of pumps and metered struction of the negative pressure cham- Dennis Leppin at GTI. Portions of this arti-
using a rotameter. The scavenger will ber (Figure 4) and compressor room are cle were reproduced from an earlier GasTips
be injected into the pipe loop using a completed and the work on building the article from the Fall of 2000. For a complete
small nipple, quill or atomization nozzle pipe loop is underway. The setup is listing of published test data, literature refer-
from a pressurized storage tank. Gas- scheduled to be commissioned by the ences and related information, the reader
sampling taps are provided at conven- end of June 2003. is referred to Fundamentals of H 2 S
ient intervals. The gas and liquid exits Scavenging for Treatment of Natural
the system and enters a separator. The GTI Offers Services for Gas, by Fisher et. al., published in the pro-
gas then proceeds to a booster com- Testing of New Scavenging ceedings of the Ninth GRI Sulfur Recovery
pressor, which compresses the gas back Agents and/or New Mass Conference, 1999. Additional detailed
up to inlet pressure. Any additional Transfer Devices information on scavenging has been com-
components to achieve the desired GTI is set up to carry out research projects piled in the collected proceedings of the GRI
composition are added back to the gas. related to H2S scavenging for interested Small-Scale Sulfur Recovery Conferences,
The spent liquid will be sent to parties. The staff involved in these projects GRI-00/0085.

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 17


Consortium Selects 13 By Gary Covatch, NETL

New Projects to Aid

Stripper Well Operators
The recent war with Iraq reminded Americans of the need for the United States to become less dependent
on foreign energy sources.
educing the dependency on Technology Laboratory (NETL) devel- Field Testing of the Vortex Oil
R overseas countries would
require finding new resources,
but it would also need to include main-
oped and sponsors the Stripper Well
Consortium (SWC). The SWC offers
operators across the United States a
and Gas Unit for Downhole
Applications – Vortex Flow LLC
In 2002, Vortex Flow was awarded a
taining production from wells producing forum to discuss with technology grant by the SWC to research, design
in the United States. Because many of developers the operating problems they and lab-test a downhole tool using the
the oil and gas fields in this country are face in their daily operations. patented and patent-pending vortex
mature, the production from these wells The operators play an integral part in technology. The technology takes a dis-
has declined and will continue to do so. developing and selecting projects for organized single or multi-phase flow and
Sooner or later, most of these wells will funding, assuring the relevance and transforms it to a spiral flow with an
fall into the stripper well category. timeliness of the research. A presentation associated boundary layer that runs
A stripper well is defined as a well of each proposal is provided to the SWC along the inside wall of the pipe. The
that produces less than 10 b/d of oil or members, which allows all members to vortex flow created by the technology
less than 60 Mcf/d of gas. Numbers ask questions and comment on the pro- reduces the friction that causes pressure
released by the Interstate Oil and Gas posed work. The actual selection of drops as fluids (gas or liquids) flow
Compact Commission for 2001 show projects is made by the Executive Council, through a pipe. The object of applying
there are 403,459 stripper oils wells in which is comprised of seven elected mem- the technology in a downhole setting is
the United States producing an average bers from the SWC membership. the reduction of pressure drops in a tub-
of 2.15 b/d of oil and 234,507 stripper gas The SWC held its third annual meeting ing string. Initial tests have shown the
wells producing an average of 15.8 Mcf/d May 5-6, 2003, in Pearl River, NY, where tool has the potential to reduce pressure
(IOGCC 2002). Stripper wells operate on 27 proposed research projects were pre- drops in tubing strings, thus increasing
the lower edge of profitability and sented and reviewed for possible SWC production of gas and oil in low-flowrate
because of that, when wells owned by funding. Of these, 10 proposals were stripper wells.
majors reach that level of production, accepted for full funding and three pro- Several tool designs were manufac-
these companies usually sell them to posals for partial funding (Table 1). A total tured and later tested at Texas A&M
small independent operators with lower of $1.156 million was committed by the University. Initial tests results indicated
overhead or more regionally-specific port- SWC for the co-funding of these 13 projects. the final tool design reduced the pressure
folios. These wells are very important to A brief description of each of the projects drop up the tubing string and reduced
the energy security of the United States, selected for 2003 is provided below. the required gas flow needed to lift
as they represent 15% of the oil and 7% of The SWC has provided $2.25 million in liquids up the wellbore.
the gas produced. However, continued co-funding to support a total of 26 projects The objective of this project is to field-
production from these wells is increasingly in its first 2 years. All the first-year projects test the tool developed in the 2002 project.
dependent on new technologies, which have been completed and are scheduled to In this project, eight downhole tools will be
will keep them economical. be released to the SWC in June 2003. The installed in operating wells and the produc-
Recognizing that most stripper wells second-year projects are nearing comple- tion data collected, analyzed and compared
are operated by smaller independent tion. A brief description of the projects with pre-tool production data to determine
operators that have neither the funds funded in 2001 and 2002 as well as the tool’s effectiveness. The ability to trans-
nor the staff to develop new tech- additional information about the SWC fer the Vortex technology to a downhole
nologies, the U.S. Department of is available on the SWC Web site at application will allow for greater tech-
Energy through the National Energy nology leverage and will provide a simple

18 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


means of improving production from and the maintenance costs large and annular space between the injection
many operating stripper wells. increasing. The problem the operator string and the production string. The
faces is how to upgrade the production process is controlled using a sensor and
Chamber Lift—A systems at low enough capital cost that motor valve at the surface.
Technology for Producing the typical well can show a reasonable The project was broken down into three
Stripper Oil Wells: Stage II – economic return on investment. phases: a laboratory prototype, a field test
The Pennsylvania State University In 2001, the SWC funded the devel- and a computer modeling of the process. To
Arguably, the largest expense with the opment of a chamber lift system as an date, the laboratory studies have been com-
operation of most stripper oil wells and alternative to existing lifting technologies. pleted with synthetic oil and begun with
many stripper gas wells is the lifting The concept of the system is that gas is field crude. Field tests have demonstrated
costs associated with the removal of fluid injected into the oil column via a small- the feasibility of the technique and the com-
from the wellbore. The predominant diameter tubing string set in the produc- puter modeling of the process begun. This
artificial lift method used is rod pump- tion tubing. This gas then displaces the project is a continuation of the 2001 project
ing. Much of the equipment is outdated accumulated fluid to the surface via the in which additional laboratory tests with

Project Topic: Organization

Field Testing of the Vortex Oil and Gas Unit for Downhole Applications Vortex Flow LLC

Chamber Lift – A Technology For Producing Stripper Oil Wells – Stage II The Pennsylvania State University
(Penn State)

Low Cost Wireless Communications-Based Pressure and Temperatures Tubel Technologies

Gauge for Production Optimization Applications

Design and Construction of a Low Cost Portable Oil/Water Production Testing Unit Advanced Resources International

Produced Water Treatment: Developing a Project to Market a Program to Texas A&M University
Allow the Sale of Treated Oilfield-Produced Brine for Beneficial Use

Building and Testing a New Type of Compressor for Stripper Well W&W Vacuum & Compressors Inc.
Production Application

Plunger Conveyed Chemical System for Plunger Lift Wells Composite Engineers

Enhanced Real-Time Propellant Activation During Downhole-Mixed Fracture ReatimeZone Inc.

Stimulation Process for Low-Permeability Stripper Wells

Pressure-Volume-Temperature Study of the Interaction of Nitrogen and Crude Oil Penn State

Sonication Stimulation of Stripper Well Production in East Gilbertown Field, Tech Savants Inc.
West-Central Alabama

Restimulation of Three Under-Stimulated Shallow Gas Wells Coupled with the Lenape Resources
Installation of Pumping Equipment to Accelerate Post-Stimulation Fluid Removal (partially funded)

Locating the End of Tubing for Efficient Production of Gas Colorado School of Mines
(partially funded)

Modification of the GOAL PetroPump for Open-hole Applications Brandywine Energy & Development Co.
(partially funded)

Table 1: Projects Selected for Funding by SWC in 2003.

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 19


Stripper wells are important to U.S. energy security, representing 15% of the oil and 7% of the gas produced.

field crude will be performed as well as com- goal of this project is to develop a low-cost as a surface module to acquire the transmitted
puter modeling and additional field tests gauge based on an existing commercial signal from downhole and process the data.
necessary to define its applicability. high-end wireless gauge developed by Tubel The new wireless gauge can be deployed
Technologies to monitor pump perform- anywhere in a production and injection well.
Low-Cost Wireless ance, monitor fluid level to optimize lifting The gauge will utilize low-power electronics
Communications-Based operation and to lower lifting costs, and and sensor technology to acquire and process
Pressure and Temperatures monitor bottomhole pressure to optimize in real time well data related to production
Gauge for Production drawdown and for buildup tests. The and formation parameters. A battery pack
Optimization Applications – buildup tests will provide reservoir pressure will provide power for operation of the sys-
Tubel Technologies information for the optimization of the tem downhole, and the battery operational
Hydrocarbon producers are faced with sig- hydrocarbon production. life is expected to be in excess of 5 years.
nificant challenges to maintain a well’s oper- This project will research, develop and
ational and production cost-effectiveness test a lower-cost, high-reliability, real-time Design and Construction
because of large changes in electricity rates in wireless gauge composed of compressional of a Low Cost Portable
different parts of the United States, volatility acoustic waves-based wireless communica- Oil/Water Production
of oil and gas prices, and unexpected tions transmitting data in real time. The data Testing Unit –
requirements for intervention in the wells. will be transmitted through the production Advanced Resources International
Optimization of the processes required to tubing, strain gauge pressure sensor and a There are many marginal waterflood
produce hydrocarbons constitutes an ongo- temperature sensor for measurements of plays operated around the country, such as
ing concern in the oil and gas industry. The downhole pressure and temperature, as well Oak Resources Inc.’s properties in Carter

20 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


County, Okla. As a matter of course, routine stimulation, which utilized proppant Locating the End of Tubing for
production testing of all wells is a standard concentrations that current technology Efficient Production of Gas -
practice necessary for obtaining oil-water considers inadequate. This limited entry Colorado School of Mines
production ratios. However, standard low- technique often resulted in uncertain frac- Removal of water and hydrocarbon
cost methods often lead to erroneous meas- ture geometry and a range of results. After liquids from gas wells is increasingly
urements because of low sampling fre- completion, standard practice fluid recov- recognized as an important topic for
quency and the non-homogeneity of the ery operations normally resulted in the low-permeability gas reservoirs. A key
production fluids. This non-homogeneity majority of completion fluid remaining in factor is the location of the end of tubing
often occurs because of variations in the pro- the wellbore/fracture years after the initial (EOT) in the casing relative to the vari-
duction stream related to the flow regime completion. As a result, a large number of ous gas-bearing formations that have
and its composition. Although production wells exist that have only produced a been completed. If not removed, liquids
testing units are available with the capability small fraction (often less than 20%) of the in the casing will cause two detrimental
of increased sampling frequency, thereby originally estimated gas-in-place with con- consequences. First, the backpressure of
reducing the error because of fluid homo- servative drainage estimates. Such wells accumulated water on the perforations
geneity (increased sampling in shorter time may generally be identified by their ability causes decreased production rate. Second,
frames yields a significantly more represen- to build shut-in well head pressure to with- back-flow of water from the casing
tative composition), these units can be cost- in 75% to 80% of original shut-in pressure, through the perforations to the forma-
prohibitive (up to $50,000) to the marginal oil yet they may exhibit a very low flow rate tions can produce a “water block” that
operator. As a result, the operator often must soon after the initiation of production. prevents gas flow. There is little agree-
sacrifice accuracy for cost savings. In an effort to demonstrate these ment in the engineering community on
To meet this need, the Advanced reserves are economically recoverable, the appropriate location for the EOT.
Resources International project team will Lenape Resources will re-stimulate To address this problem, the Colorado
conduct a thorough review of possible three shallow gas wells in its Lakeshore School of Mines will conduct a literature
unit components, highlighting their field, Chautauqua County, NY. The fol- search on the technology and begin concept
advantages with regard to cost and relia- lowing steps will be performed as part development for future model development
bility. This will culminate in a design rec- of the project: for properly locating the end of tubing for
ommendation to Oak Resources Inc., • perforate a selected small (10ft to effective production of gas. The work also
which will critically review the design 15ft) pay interval with a high per- will include flow loop testing.
prior to prototype construction. Field-test- foration density (four shots/foot)
ing will be concerned with sampling pro- • pump a hydraulic fracture treat- Produced Water Treatment:
duction streams from about 30 oil wells ment containing about 60,000 lb of Developing a Project to Market
with the new unit as well as the units proppant at a maximum final sand a Program to Allow the Sale of
employed by Oak Resources. concentration of at least 6 lb/gal Treated Oilfield-Produced
of fluid Brine for Beneficial Use –
Restimulation of Three • immediately install pumping Texas A&M University
Under-Stimulated equipment with surface facilities A public/private/academic partnership
Shallow Gas Wells sufficient to handle increased fluid led by Texas A&M University has been
Coupled with the volumes created to identify mechanisms to pay
Installation of Pumping • collect production data and report for the treatment costs incurred in desali-
Equipment to Accelerate results to SWC. nation of oil field brine. This project will
Fluid Removal –
Lenape Resources
Tens of thousands of gas wells were com- A public/private/academic partnership led by
pleted in the Appalachian basin in the
1970s and 1980s. The majority of these Texas A&M University has been created to
wells were completed using the so-called identify mechanisms to pay for the treatment
“limited entry” perforation technique – a
limited number of perforation spread costs incurred in desalination of oil field brine.
out over hundreds of feet of a target inter-
val – coupled with a hydraulic fracture

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 21


demonstrate that an unconventional letter endorsing the A&M program and flush production followed by decreasing
source of fresh water can be obtained by pledging to work with local and state agen- well pressure and yield of oil and gas.
produced water treatment/desalination cies to implement projects. These wells, like many others, fall with-
to provide fresh water for beneficial use. The project’s objectives are: in a relatively short period into the cate-
This unconventional source of fresh • to identify market mechanisms that gory of stripper well production. Down-
water can then be used for industrial provide incentives to those willing hole pressure in these wells declines to a
purposes to substitute for scarce fresh to pay the costs of developing this point where the well is no longer able to
water resources planned for community new and unconventional source of lift the fluid in an unassisted manner to
water needs. The value of this new fresh water the surface. Often in these multi-zone
resource makes it important to encour- • to demonstrate treatment/desalination completion wells, an uphole zone will
age oil and gas operators to institute of oil field wastewater for re-use. act as a thief for downhole higher-pres-
such practices where practical. New technology used to process the sure producing zones, further complicat-
This partnership consists of the aca- water produced with oil and gas opera- ing their operation and production. In
demic researchers at Texas A&M Univer- tions removes impurities and creates a ongoing stripper well production from
sity, manufacturer Tarlton Supply, oil fresh water resource that can be used for these wells, beam pumps, tubing velocity
and gas producer Burlington Resources beneficial purposes. The project will strings, tubing and plungers, and other
and the staff at the Texas Railroad consist of short- and long-term field test- conventional techniques often are employed
Commission. Tests will be conducted at ing with full-size process trains to gather with some finite success. Most of these
the Burlington Resources facility sup- operations data on the desalination techniques do not allow the well to produce
porting their drilling operations in the process. This information will then be itself down (gas and oil) to something close
Barnett Shale play in North Texas. Water used to present the case for underwriting to the formation pressure. The net result of
produced from fracturing will be treated. the costs of this treatment. this is non-captured reserves and higher
Once treated, the fracturing fluids can operation cost for gas and oil produced.
then be re-used for subsequent well Modification of the The objectives of this project are to
operations. This eliminates the need for GOAL PetroPump for perform the engineering design required
transporting fresh water from the Trinity Open-hole Applications – to apply the unique operational effi-
River and the need to haul recovered Brandywine Energy & Development Co. ciencies of the GOAL PetroPump with
brine to offsite disposal wells. It is During the past 2 decades within the state-of-the-art reworking of openhole
expected that this cost savings in water Appalachian Basin, several tens of thou- oil and gas wells. This project will build
handling plus the value of the fresh sands of shallow oil and gas wells (100ft upon the successful results of previous
water resources saved by re-use will be to 300ft) have been completed using projects in which the GOAL PetroPump
sufficient to pay for brine treatment/ open-hole techniques with multiple was developed for cased holes. The
desalination. Estimates show more than notched, fractured and produced zones. GOAL PetroPump is an elegant solution
40 million gal of fresh water could be These wells are often configured with 7-in. for the automatic lifting of fluids from oil
saved in the Fort Worth Basin alone. to 85/8-in. steel casing cemented through and gas stripper wells. The simple design
In 2001, the SWC funded Texas A&M the water table aquifers, then open rock of the tool’s onboard valve control
efforts to remove regulatory roadblocks hole wellbore (61/4-in. to 77/8-in.) to the allows it to free-travel within the well-
preventing beneficial use of treated pro- total depth of the well. These wells fol- bore, accumulating a predetermined
duced water. The regulatory agency in low a similar production performance volume of fluid above the tool, closing the
Texas for the oil and gas industry (Texas history as their predecessor-cased wells, self-actuating valve and delivering that fluid
Railroad Commission) recently has issued a that history being several months of to the surface. The tool is “smart” in both
directions, dropping downhole when pres-
sure at the wellhead is low or reduced by
New technology used to process the water downhole fluid accumulation. The tool is
smart uphole as well, using below-tool for-
produced with oil and gas operations removes mation pressure to lift the tool and fluid
impurities and creates a fresh water resource (oil/brine) to the surface, subsequently free-
floating in the wellhead lubricator and
that can be used for beneficial purposes. allowing downhole pressure/gas to flow to
the process unit. At such time as pressure

22 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


has declined below tool control pressure, necessary to compress the amount of gas Plunger Conveyed Chemical
the tool drops once again, repeating the the well is actually producing. This System for Plunger Lift Wells –
automatic pumping cycle. capacity control feature is a major selling Composite Engineers
Testing of the GOAL PetroPump Tool point for a majority of applications. The As more demand is placed on the aging
under an existing SWC project in cased- ease of sizing makes one pump appro- gas wells in the United States, there is a
perforated stripper wells has demon- priate for various volume requirements. need to better preserve the integrity of
strated 1 1 / 2 - to three-fold improved This feature will be particularly beneficial these wellbores. Many deep, marginal
production at a fraction of the service to applications where compression require- gas wells have been sold off to smaller
necessary to operate other stripper well ments fluctuate or where volume can only independents that cannot afford to
operating systems. The current tool is be estimated and may vary drastically, as in replace tubing strings, repair casing leaks
designed to operate in downhole condi- gas well compression. or even add packers to patch these older
tions of brine, oil, gas and condensate The Weatherbee Pump provides the fol- wells. Without mechanical failures, these
under rigorous in-well chemical and pres- lowing advantages as compared to existing wells will continue to produce gas for
sure conditions. The tool will operate in products of similar output capacities: years. Research suggests 87% of plunger
well conditions with pressure ranges of • substantially reduced size and weight lift wells fail because of mechanical fail-
30psi to 600psi, lifting 0.1 bbl to 40.0 bbl of • the versatility of the volume control ures, such as holes in tubing and/or cas-
fluid per tool cycle for 41/2-in. cased wells. mechanism ing. These problems are mostly because of
• reduced energy requirements corrosion and aggravated tubing wear
Building and Testing • less maintenance and lowered from plunger/tubing abrasion. In the
a New Type of operating costs past, many attempts have been made to
Compressor for • ability to operate the pump with apply chemicals to plunger lift system
Stripper Well input shaft turning either clockwise with little success.
Production Application – or counter-clockwise In this project, a simple and inexpensive
W&W Vacuum & Compressors Inc. • ability to reverse the direction of flow chemical plunger lift system will be devel-
A novel type of variable capacity com- without disconnecting the pump or oped and field-tested. It is projected only
pressor has been developed to solve changing rotational direction of the simple modifications will be required for
compressor problems encountered in input shaft the plunger lubricator cap and plunger.
low deliverability gas production opera- • ability to perform a dual function Both components can be swapped out on
tions. The Weatherbee Positive Displace- similar to one-half motor and one- existing systems with common tools in
ment Compressor/Vacuum Pump, a half pump/compressor. less than an hour, typically. It is believed
patented device, has the largest volume The objectives of this project will be the proposed system modification will
displacement-to-size ratio of any device to evaluate the new compressor concept preserve the integrity of the wellbore
in the world. The spherical geometry by constructing a model and testing it mechanics and in some cases extend a
design provides the largest internal vol- in a controlled environment. Once the well’s ability to produce at a lower gas-to-
ume-to-surface area ratio possible so prototype model has been proven, it liquids ratio based on today’s common
that with each 360° revolution almost all is expected an additional project will ratio calculations. Scale, paraffin, hydro-
of its internal volume is displaced. be undertaken to test the pump in a gen sulfide, etc., can be treated on a con-
The Weatherbee Pump also has a field application. tinuous basis with this system.
unique design feature in its capacity con-
trol mechanism, which allows the rate of
the device to be changed to meet
increased or decreased demands without
The Weatherbee Pump also has a unique design
increasing the rotations per minute of feature in its capacity control mechanism, which
the input shaft. This volume control fea-
ture works like a throttle on an engine; allows the rate of the device to be changed to meet
set on high it can easily handle high vol-
umes, and by throttling back the mech-
increased or decreased demands without increasing
anism, volumes are reduced, thereby the rotations per minute of the input shaft.
saving on energy usage and operating
costs. This device uses only the energy

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 23


Enhanced Real-Time propellant-laden fluid into the reservoir the phase behavior of nitrogen-oxygen
Propellant Activation During fractures and then subsequently pumping gases in the presence of hydrocarbons. To
Downhole-Mixed Fracture a second oxidizer-laden fluid into said accomplish this, extensive laboratory tests
Stimulation Process for Low- fractures, with the option of pumping a will be conducted using a conventional PVT
Permeability Stripper Wells – fluid separation pad as deemed necessary apparatus. In order to generalize the results
ReatimeZone, Inc. by the operator. This simple well comple- of these experiments, the resulting data will
The objective of this project is to develop and tion system is safe and easily utilized at be used to develop a computer program
demonstrate enhanced reservoir stimulation the wellsite and will enable dramatic characterization of these fluids in the pres-
processes for stripper wells. Proprietary and improvements in reserve recovery effi- ence of oil. The need for this generalization
previously untested experimental processes ciency, safety, cost savings and overall is to provide to the producer a tool that
will be tested that utilize a novel, chemically reservoir fracturing success in terms of would permit the design and optimization
induced in situ fracturing process combined obtaining extended fracture propagation. of the projects involving these fluids.
with hydraulic fracturing stimulation. The field tests for this project will be per-
One process includes the downhole formed in the Permian Basin. Sonication Stimulation
blending of a mixture of propellants and var- of Stripper Well Production
ious activator agents or oxidizers, which are PVT Study of the Interaction in East Gilbertown Field,
pumped separately (and safely) for reaction of Nitrogen and Crude Oil – West-Central Alabama –
and generation of secondary fracturing energy The Pennsylvania State University Tech Savants Inc.
in the hydraulically induced reservoir frac- Membrane-generated nitrogen has several This project will evaluate the use of sonica-
ture. The propellants may be safely pumped applications in the oil field. It is commonly tion as a stimulation tool in oil wells.
down the casing for later staged admixture used in energized fluid drilling and work- Sonication energy, produced by converting
with oxidizers to generate an energy release overs, and in secondary and tertiary recov- electrical energy to mechanical energy,
in the near wellbore and formation fractures, ery projects. The nitrogen created using enters and moves laterally within the oil-
concurrent with hydraulic fracturing. Thus, membrane technology is non-reagent bearing formation being stimulated, increas-
secondary fractures are generated to aug- grade and contains oxygen as its principal ing the mobility of the oil through the
ment the primary induced fractures created contaminant. The amount of oxygen gen- addition of energy, by lowering the oil’s
by hydraulic fracturing. Theoretically this erated in the separation process varies from viscosity and (perhaps) by cleaning the
process should result in significantly greater near-zero mole percent to as high as 5 mole wellbore and perforations.
fracture length extension and enhanced percent and is a function of adjustment to To demonstrate the effectiveness of using
hydrocarbon flow to the wellbore. operating parameters of the equipment. sonication to stimulate production, three
The proposed admixture of propellants However, the reality of the process is that field tests will be performed in the East
and oxidizers, including encapsulated or the lower the amount of oxygen in terms of Gilbertown field in west central Alabama
time-delay propellants and activators, mole percent, the lower the volume of gas using various combinations of power inten-
occurs concurrent with ReatimeZone’s generated. In most field operations, the sity and frequencies. Following each of the
patented downhole-mixed stimulation operators attempt to generate the maxi- field tests is a 6-week period where the
process, whereby one stimulation compo- mum volume of gas the physical condi- impacts of the test are evaluated in terms of
nent is pumped down the casing while the tions permit. Limitations generally are from increased production of oil and water, varia-
second stimulation fluid (gases and/or increased corrosion of tubular goods tions in production during time and the lat-
proppants may be included in either fluid) and/or the increased tendency for the for- eral extent of the impacted zone as reflected
is pumped down the tubing and blended mation of emulsions in produced fluids. in nearby wells. The final report will contain
downhole. A second activated propellant Therefore, the objective of this project is all the data and test procedures, economic
fracturing approach includes pumping a to develop a fundamental understanding of data, conclusions and recommendations. ✧

For more information, please contact author

Gary Covatch at,
The objective of the ReatimeZone, Inc. (304) 285-4589.
project is to develop and demonstrate enhanced
reservoir stimulation processes for stripper wells. Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Com-
mission, 2002. Marginal Oil and Gas: Fuel for
Economic Growth, 2002 Edition.

24 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


Gas: A Messenger from By Dr. Larry Cathles,

Cornell University

Subsurface Resources
A detailed chemical and modeling analysis of a 77-mile by 124-mile area of the offshore Louisiana Gulf of
Mexico shows how gas venting from deep sources alters shallower hydrocarbons and carries information
that could guide exploration.
lean-burning, energy-rich nat- is expected from the changing pat-

C ural gas is an increasingly

desirable hydrocarbon resource.
Gas can be retained in a basin for hundreds
tern of sediment deposition.
Modeling also shows the gas
washing and observed decrease in
of millions of years (as in the Anadarko) oleanane and increase in sulfur-bear-
yet vents almost continuously in active ing bensothiophenes to the south
basins such as the Gulf of Mexico Basin. (the next clearest chemical trends in
Five years ago, the Gas Research Institute the study area) are possible only if
awarded a research contract to Cornell very little petroleum is retained in
University to examine the way gas migration conduits between the
moves in the deeper portions of a very source and the surface. The washing
active basin. Could the capillary forces seems to take place in the deepest
that arise when gas is present in grain- sand in any area, for example, the
size layered sediments produce the very first sand encountered by upward- Figure 1: This figure shows the location of the
low permeability surfaces, called seals, migrating hydrocarbons. The analy- GRI study corridor in the offshore Louisiana Gulf of
that divide basin interiors into compart- sis shows the petroleum system in Mexico Basin. The base is the top of salt compiled
ments of variable and often very the northern Gulf of Mexico is a from 2-D seismic data. Strata interpreted from 3-D
high overpressure, and could this flow-through system in which only seismic data at four locations also are shown.
affect gas and hydrocarbon migration? about 10% of the petroleum that SMI 9 is ChevronTexaco’s South Marsh Island 9 salt
Laboratory experiments reported from a escapes from the source strata is piercement-related field, SEI 330 in Pennzoil’s
previous GRI-funded study suggested retained in basin sediments and more (Devon Oil) South Eugene Island Block 330 field,
this was possible (Shosa and Cathles, than 90 wt% is vented into the and the southernmost stratigraphic package contains
GCSSEPM, 2002). But could it be ocean. The venting is happening ConocoPhillips’ Jolliet field.
demonstrated in the field? today through hundreds of seafloor
To be sure to catch all relevant processes, sites, and known reservoirs have been filled GoCAD project that is included with the
the GRI study cast its investigative net over very recently. Therefore, the chemistry of six-volume final report available from
a large (79-mile by 124-mile) area of the off- the gas and washed oils carry information GRI (GRI-03/0065). Corridor source
shore Louisiana Gulf of Mexico (Figure 1). on the current pattern of subsurface petro- rocks have a generative potential of
What was caught was not so much an leum migration relevant to exploration for 1,400 billion bbl of oil and 8,600 Tcf of
improved understanding of seals, which is subsurface hydrocarbon resources. gas; 2.6 billion bbl of oil and 45 Tcf of gas
commented on only briefly in this article, have been discovered. The top of overpres-
but a clear view of unanticipated and pos- The Offshore sure (12 lb equivalent mudweight surface),
sibly more important processes. The study Louisiana Study Area determined from mudweight data in 2,131
discovered and documented the dramatic Figure 1 shows a GoCAD image of the wells, is a highly irregular, spiky surface
and systematic effects gas can have on oil top of salt (gray surface with spiky salt that cuts thousands of feet across stratig-
through a process called gas washing. In domes) in the study area, which hence- raphy in many areas (Figure 2). Many,
the north of the study area, more than 90% forth will be called the GRI Corridor, and but not all, of the spikes are related to
by weight (wt%) of the n-alkanes in reser- stratigraphic layers from four sites where salt domes. Temperature gradients can
voired oil have been carried off by gas. The 3-D seismic data from the industry was change from about 65˚ to 76˚F per 0.62
pattern of washing decreases in a regular acquired and interpreted. The stratigraphy, miles over distances of about 31 miles in a
fashion to zero in the southern end of the all chemical analyses, and selected physical checkerboard pattern, which would dra-
study area. Modeling shows this variation and petroleum data are assembled in a matically affect hydrocarbon maturation.

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 25


in faults and shear the n-alkanes has been removed by gas

zones bounding salt washing in the northern end of the
sheets and diapirs. Corridor (Tiger Shoals). All the oils there
Once established, they have break numbers of ~24 and show
persist and become ~90 wt% oil removal. The washing
increasing methane- intensity decreases in a reasonably regu-
r i c h . Aw a y f r o m lar fashion from north to south. No
spikes, the top of washing is observed at the south end of
overpressure surface the Corridor.
could be a phase The chemistry of the Corridor oils is
boundary, and its extensively discussed in the report cited
depth might be at above. After gas washing, the next
least partly con- most process-significant aspect of the
trolled by petroleum oil chemistry is the clear presence of
Figure 2: A subset of the data defines the 12 ppg equivalent pressure chemistry. Sufficient oleanane in the north but not in the south
surface (white points) displayed against the krieged representation of data to test this pos- and a dramatic increase in sulfur-bearing
the same 12-lb mud surface. The yellow square is South Eugene sibility was unable benzothiphenes to the south. This result
Island Block 330. The krieged surface represents the pressure data to be assembled. The is interpreted to come from the matura-
reasonably well but fails to capture the full height of the peaks. temperature pattern tion of two source beds: a carbonate
is significant and inter- Jurassic one that extends uniformly across
esting. The general the Corridor and a silicate Eocene one
Chemical analyses of 138 un-biodegraded temperature distribution in the corridor that extends across only the northern half
oil samples show remarkably regular is that expected. Local anomalies are par- of the Corridor. Eocene-sourced oils
trends in gas washing (Figure 3) and tially related to salt and variations in sedi- should contain oleanane, since their
source-related biomarker indices. mentation rate, but that is not their full source is younger than mid-Cretaceous
The spikes in the top of overpressure explanation, and they remain enigmatic to and plants containing oleanane had
surface complicate relating this surface some degree. Oil chemical variation turned evolved, and should be sulfur-poor
to hydrocarbon phase separation of a out to be the most interesting, surprising because iron from the shale will precipi-
relatively constant composition petro- and process-significant data. tate sulfur as pyrite in the source. Jurassic-
leum. Leak zones appear to be localized sourced oils, on the other hand, should be
sulfur-rich because carbonates contain
Hydrocarbon Chemistry insufficient iron to precipitate the sulfur
Gas washing is measured by as pyrite at their source and are too old to
comparing the mole fractions of contain oleanane.
n-alkanes in an oil with the dis- The importance of these observations
tribution expected if the oil were becomes clear when the evolution of the
unaltered. In unaltered oils, the Corridor is reconstructed and petroleum
mole fraction of n-alkanes decrease generation and migration modeled. The
exponentially with carbon num- Jurassic source lies at about a 9-mile
ber, Cn. Figure 3 shows the n- depth in the Corridor. Unless the petro-
alkane mole fractions in one leum retention in migration conduits
Tiger Shoals oil peel off from the above the source is less than ~0.5% of
Figure 3: A total of 138 oils are analyzed for gas washing exponential trend at n~24. The the pore space in the sediments, no
(left). The percent mass depletion of n-alkane compo- shaded zone is the missing oil. petroleum can escape the surface. The
nents ≥C10 is defined as the gap between an unaltered In this case, the missing oil rep- migration fraction must be smaller than
oil with exponentially decreasing n-alkane mole frac- resents about 90 wt% of the this because oil and gas are venting at
tions and the sample oil (shaded area). The graph on original Cn>10 oil. The north- hundreds of seafloor localities. For the
the right shows the regular decrease in the percent of south profile in Figure 3 plots oil to have an Eocene signature, such as
n-alkane mass removed by gas washing from north the n-alkane removal in 138 containing oleanane and being sulfur-
to south across the GRI Corridor. unbiodegraded oils cross the poor, the later-generated Eocene oil must
Corridor. More than 90 wt% of displace the earlier-generated Jurassic oil.

26 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


conversely areas where oils are

comparatively unwashed must
connect to migration pathways
that transmit relatively little gas.
Structures along major migra-
tion conduits will have a
greater probability of being
filled with hydrocarbons.
Thus, analysis of the gas wash-
ing pattern could help guide
Kilometers Kilometers exploration to structures more
(a) (b) likely to be filled and more
Figure 4: The gas-oil mass ratio of hydrocarbons migrating at the present day (a) is compared with the likely to be filled with oil or
fraction of the oil in the migration conduits that is Eocene oil (b). gas. Washing may have other
economic implications. For
example, washing may cause
This is possible only if the migration escape at a few localities along the faulted asphaltenes to precipitate in the sub-
pore fraction is less than ~0.05%. If this margins of minibasins. surface, and gas-washed oils may
is the case, all the chemistry fits nicely. therefore be less prone to precipitate
Figure 4 shows at a migration pore frac- Conclusions and Implications them in seafloor transmission pipes.✧
tion of 0.025% the oil at Tiger Shoals (in Oil chemistry requires the petroleum
the north) is 89% Eocene and 51% system in the northern Gulf of Mexico Acknowledgements
Eocene in the middle of the Corridor. basin to be a flow-through system in The Gas Research Institute (GRI) carried out
Furthermore, because the Jurassic source which very little hydrocarbon is this research at Cornell University, with a
is now generating gas, the gas-oil ratio in retained between the source and the chemical analysis subcontract to The Woods
the migrating hydrocarbons is high enough surface, and almost all (>90%) the Hole Oceanographic Institution also supported.
in the north and middle of the section petroleum that escapes its source vents Many researchers and students worked on the
(Figure 4b) to wash the Eocene oils as into the ocean. About 30% more hydro- project during its lifetime. They are co-authors
observed. For 90 wt% oil removal, about carbons than have been produced and in the GRI report. Steven Losh and Mike
4 lb of gas are required to wash each pound consumed by humans throughout the Wizevich at Cornell, and Jean Whelan and
of oil. The migrating gas-oil ratio decreases entire petroleum era have vented into Lorraine Eglinton at Woods Hole were the
to the south such that we expect no gas the ocean from the small Corridor. principal contributors to the work summarized
washing at the southern end of the Admittedly, this occurred during a fairly here. Peter Meulbroek discovered and mod-
Corridor, as observed. long period of time (about 10 million eled gas washing of the type described in his
A final matter of importance is that years), but clearly humans and nature Cornell Ph.D. dissertation. The author would
equation-of-state modeling of the washing are promoting the same basic process also like to acknowledge the exceptionally
process indicates that the break number (the venting of hydrocarbons). able guidance and support of Robert Richard
(Figure 3) is a direct measure of the Because so much gas is required to Parker, the GRI project manager for most of
depth at which the oil is washed. wash the oils as observed, the washing this project. Further information is available
Combining this with Corridor geology process reflects major aspects of the from the final report (which includes a
at the four sites where 3-D seismic data subsurface flow system. Overall, the GoCAD project and spreadsheets of all
suggests the gas washing occurs in the pattern of washing in Figure 3 is regu- data), GRI-03/0065. Information is also
deepest sand at any locality. Hydro- lar, but significant variations in wash- available from the author, Lawrence M.
carbons can be delivered at the rate ing intensity occur in its mid-section. Cathles, Department of Earth and
needed to fill known reservoirs as The variable washing in this area must Atmospheric Sciences, Cornell University,
recently as geologically indicated if reflect variations in flow and mixing in Ithaca, NY 14853, (607) 255-2844,
collected from areas ~10 miles to 12 miles the migration conduits. For example,; and Robert
in radius (the scale of the salt-with- areas where oils are relatively intensely W. Siegfried, Associate Director Earth
drawal minibasins in the area). Gas and washed must connect to subsurface Sciences, Gas Technology Institute,
oil mix in the deepest sand, and the oil zones where gas is preferentially trans- (847) 768-0969,
is washed there. The hydrocarbons then m i t t e d c o m p a r e d w i t h o i l , a n d robert.siegfried@ g a s

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 27


Understanding the By Dr. Ram Sivaraman,

Gas Technology Institute

Mechanisms of Hydrate
Nucleation and Inhibition
The Hydrates Flow Assurance Facility at Gas Technology Institute (GTI) provides tools for understanding the
mechanisms by which hydrates form and grow.

atural gas hydrates, which

N occur in permafrost and sub-

sea sediments or in thick lay-
ers on the deepsea floor, are now consid-
ered as a potential energy source for the
future. The U.S. Geological Survey esti-
mated in 1995 that U.S. hydrate
resources total about 320,000 Tcf. On
the other hand, gas hydrates also can
cause serious operational problems
when they form “slugs” inside gas pipe-
lines, plugging valves and other trans-
port facilities.
Traditionally, methanol and glycols
have been used by the industry to inhibit
hydrate formation in pipelines. When
these “thermodynamic inhibitors” are
injected in very large quantities – 30 wt%
to 60 wt% – they alter the chemical
potential of the aqueous or hydrate
phase and cause hydrate to dissociate
(dissolve) at lower temperatures or
higher pressures. However, use of thermo-
dynamic inhibitors can cost $60,000/d.
There are some new-generation hydrate
inhibitors described in the literature
(Kelland et al; 1995), including, “kinetic
inhibitors” (KI) and anti-agglomerants
(AA). The inventors of these materials
have made claims about their value, but
the industry has largely continued to use
methanol as an inhibitor. There is not yet
sufficient confidence in new-generation
inhibitors to warrant their wide use in
deepwater field operations.
Kinetic inhibitors do not affect the
thermodynamics of hydrate formation;
instead, they delay hydrate nucleation
and growth. They can be beneficial in Figure 1: GTI Acoustic Resonance Spectrometer
some cases. Anti-agglomerants prevent

28 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


the aggregation of hydrate crystals,

which allow these tiny crystals to be
pumped through a gas line or valve
without plugging. Both can be effective
at low concentrations.
Understanding the mechanisms of
hydrate nucleation and formation will help
improve knowledge of hydrate inhibition
and can lead to development of efficient
new inhibitors that can substantially reduce
the costs of inhibitor treatment. GTI’s
Hydrate Flow Assurance Facility is
equipped with state-of-the art instrumenta-
tion and analytical equipment that can help
the industry evaluate the potential benefits
of various inhibitor treatment options.

GTI Research of the Impact

of Low-Dosage Inhibitors
(LDIs) on Hydrates Figure 2: Acoustic Resonance Spectrometer control system.
The solution to gas hydrate problems lies in
the development of new-generation hydrate
inhibitors. Industry prefers to use inhibitors
at low-dosage levels in order to comply with
stringent environmental regulations and
control costs. GTI has developed a world
class hydrate flow assurance facility
equipped with state-of-the art technologies
in three laboratories at its corporate head-
quarters campus in Des Plaines, Ill. In this
facility, GTI has proven capabilities for
screening for the best low-dosage KI or AA
and can help identify cost-effective inhibitors
for use in deepsea pipeline operations.
An article published in the summer
2002 issue of GasTIPS described the broad
use of laser imaging technology at GTI for
hydrate management. The focus of this
article is GTI research on the kinetics and
mechanism of hydrate formation and dis-
sociation, with and without inhibitors. GTI Figure 3: Liquid nitrogen cooling system control.
has a variety of acoustic (Figures 1-3) and
calorimetric tools (Figures 8-9) for con- offers powerful insights into many The high-speed digitization of acoustic
ducting this research and has used these aspects of gas hydrates research. When spectra of a reservoir fluid, which has
tools to study the impact of thermo- acoustic waves are propagated through a gone through hydrate phase transition,
dynamic inhibitors, KI and AA at various gas mixture confined to a sphere at allows researchers to understand events
dosages on hydrates formation. reservoir conditions, the signal output at that occur very rapidly. The acoustic
the receiver carries all the changes it has technique is preferred for murky reser-
Laboratory Measurements gone through during the phase transition voir fluids that cannot be studied
Acoustic Resonance Technology of the mixture and provides valuable infor- using optical techniques to detect hydrates
Update—Acoustic resonance technology mation of hydrate onset and dissociation. onset. By analyzing the acoustic signatures,

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 29


Figure 4: Second radial mode resonance frequency peak. Figure 5: Acoustic determination of hysteresis of natural gas hydrate
formation and dissociation.

Figure 6: Comparison of current data for natural gas hydrate with models. Figure 7: Comparison of current data for gas hydrate with 20 wt%
methanol with literature data and models.

powerful insights into the evolution of into the sphere in which the gas mixture second radial mode (Figure 4) with a
the event may be realized. Acoustic data is confined to the reservoir pressures. high signal-to-noise ratio. All this equip-
analysis can provide quantitative data The second transducer (receiver) receives ment is interfaced to the computer to
valuable for developmental research. the acoustic signal that has gone through control test operations and acquire data.
The acoustic tool at GTI is an auto- the phase changes along with the gas The temperature is controlled by a pro-
mated 25mm spherical acoustic reso- mixture when the temperature condi- portional temperature controller and
nance spectrometer developed for preci- tions were changed. The system is measured by a 100-ohm platinum resist-
sion sonic speed measurements in live shown in Figures 1 through 3. The sys- ance thermometer. The pressure is
reservoir fluids. The system is capable of tem control has a function generator that measured through a Ruska differential
pressures of 0 to 42 megapascals (MPa) excites the transmitter through an ampli- pressure gauge coupled with a pressure
or 6,000 psia and has a temperature fied sine wave signal and generates controller. Custom-made software has
range of 450˚Kelvin to 225˚Kelvin. The acoustic waves inside the sphere. The been developed at GTI and integrated
heart of the system is a 25-mm sphere signal received is amplified by a low- with LabView.
with two transducers. One transducer noise amplifier and then sent through a The digital image of the radial mode
(transmitter) propagates acoustic waves Lockin amplifier to pick out a clean signal is stored along with temperature

30 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


and pressure data. Because of the sym- The hydrate onset was
metry of the sphere, radial resonance determined to be 51.73°F
modes prevail rather than the tangential (10.96°C) at a frequency of
modes. The second radial mode was 17,410Hz and a pressure
identified and tracked during cooling of 1,154 psia, as shown in
and heating runs. The software tracks a Figure 5. A close compari-
selected radial resonance mode during son of GTI laboratory
the temperature changes of the sphere results with literature data
suspended in a vacuum-jacketed bath. ( Ng and Robinson, 1985)
The cooling and heating of the systems and various models (HYSYS,
associated with the equipment have 2001, Sloan 1990) shows
been modified to accommodate the agreement (Figures 6-7)
dynamic measurement mode using liq- for a system without and
uid nitrogen heat exchange coils, fins with methanol thermody-
and double-walled vacuumed stainless- namic inhibitor, respectively.
steel jackets for better temperature con- Calorimetric Measure-
trol and low heat losses. Temperature ments Update—GTI estab- Figure 8: Differential Scanning Calorimeter at GTI flow assurance
and pressure measurements along with lished calorimetric meas- laboratory.
the radial mode frequencies are moni- urement capabilities at
tored in real time and recorded by the
computer. The second radial mode reso-
nance signal obtained for the natural gas
mixture is shown in Figure 4. Figure 5
presents the hysteresis of natural gas
hydrate formation and dissociation as
determined from the acoustic data. The
acoustic frequency vs. temperature trace
is the replica of the sonic speed vs. tem-
perature for the second radial mode from
the following sonic speed relation for a
gas confined in a sphere (Raleigh, 1896;
Moldover 1986):
2 π a f20
v 20

Where v is the sonic speed in meters/sec-

ond, a is the radius of the sphere
(25mm), f20 is the frequency of the sec-
ond radial mode and γ 20 is the respective
eigen value (7.72525184) for the sphere.
The sharp change in the frequency at the
onset of hydrate phase transition is
because of the sharp sonic speed change
at the entrapment of natural gas by the
water molecules to form hydrate crys-
tals during the cooling process.
During the heating process at the hydrate
equilibrium temperature, the dissociation
is completed and the mixture goes back to
a single phase, confirmed by the overlap of Figure 9: The robotic arm and sample tray assembly of the Differential Scanning Calorimeter.
the traces in Figure 5.

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 31


Figure 10: Comparison of low dosage methanol effects on tetra hydro Figure 11: Comparison of the effects of a proprietary inhibitor on tetra
furan hydrate. hydro furan hydrate.

the GTI flow assurance facility for because of safer drilling and increased samples were taken in the 10-mg to 15-mg
three reasons: gas production with minimum down- range from all solutions and sealed in
• cost-effective control of hydrate for- time. DSC measurements help researchers 40-µL aluminum crucibles. Then the
mation in subsea production and better understand how hydrates form crucibles were loaded in a robotic tray
fluid-transportat i o n n e t w o r k s , and dissolve, leading to new tools that in a sequential order. Insertion tempera-
t o provide an acceptable margin of can help operators of pipelines and ture of samples was kept at 77ºF (25ºC).
safety for hydrate inhibition over a storage systems keep the gas flowing to One by one, the samples were cooled
range of subsea conditions customers and ensure the safety of to –58ºF (-50ºC) to form hydrate and
• improved characterization of hydrates gas-industry workers. Research results then heated back to 77ºF to dissociate
as an energy resource, based on will also help the industry develop the hydrate, at a 41ºF (5ºC)/min rate.
research to improve hydrate detection environmentally friendly and low-cost The tests were repeated to get concor-
capabilities and to better understand new inhibitors to control hydrates. dant values. Heat flow vs. temperature
mechanisms of hydrate formation The calorimetric tool installed at the and time were recorded for each sample.
and dissociation in laboratory-formed GTI flow assurance facility is a Mettler A trace analysis program was used to
hydrates representative of Gulf of Toledo DSC 821 with a robotic arm evaluate onset and dissociation temper-
Mexico hydrates assembly (Figure 8-9) that can handle ature of THF-water hydrate from the heat
• the collection of heat capacity data about 35 samples in a single loading. flow vs. temperature data for samples
for field samples from the Gulf of Special high-pressure sample pans are with and without inhibitor. The results
Mexico, Alaska and the Cascadian used for field-sample heat-capacity were analyzed to evaluate the impact of
Margin. measurements. The system was cali- inhibitors in controlling hydrate. A close
The differential scanning calorimeter brated by melting pure indium and bis- comparison was made of the efficiency of
(DSC) is a powerful tool to examine muth and by freezing pure water. Tetra methanol, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, polyvinyl
the impact of inhibitors on the nucle- hydro furan (THF) forms a Structure I caprolactam and an anti-agglomorent
ation, growth and control of hydrates. It hydrate similar to that of methane (at different and low dosages) on Structure
is of great value in determining the effi- hydrate, so calorimetric study using the I THF hydrate (Figures 10 and 11). The
ciency of various inhibitors in the con- model THF hydrate system is analogous results indicated that 20% methanol was
trol of hydrates at low dosages, infor- to the study of methane hydrate for all able to suppress the onset of crystallization
mation that could translate into millions evaluation purposes. A predetermined by 60.8ºF (16°C). However, 1% of PVCap
of dollars for a producing company amount of THF and water mixture (1:17) was able to suppress the hydrate

32 GasTIPS • Spring 2003


Figure 12: Time temperature transformation curves comparison of the Figure 13: Heat capacity vs. temperature data of a DSC scan for a field sample
effects of PVP inhibitor on nucleation of tetra hydro furan hydrate. from the Gulf of Mexico showing ice and hydrate.

onset by 44.6°F (7ºC). The selected anti- measurements completed for a field the plug dissociation time as a function
agglomerant was also effective enough hydrate sample from the Gulf of of pressure and structure.✧
to suppress the hydrate crystallization Mexico supplied by the U.S. Naval
by 53.6°F (12ºC). Research Laboratory. References
Hydrate nucleation and growth kinetics Raleigh, J.W.S.: “Theory of Sound,”
have been investigated through time Field Testing and Future Plans Dover; New York. Sec.331 (1896).
temperature transformation (TTT) curves Field tests at the recently completed Moldover, M.R.; Mehl, J.B.: Greespan,
using the DSC, with and without 0.5% GTI/CEESI hydrate test loop at Nunn, M.J.: “Gas-filled spherical resonators:
of PVP kinetic inhibitor. The experiments Colo., will begin soon, with the meas- Theory and Experiment,” J Acoust. Soc.
were performed by rapidly quenching the urements of gas hydrate formation and Am.79, 253 (1986).
sample to the experimental temperature dissociation with and without low Ng, H.J, Robinson, D.B.: “Fluid Phase
and the subsequent time until crystal- dosages of methanol, using the GTI Equilibria,” 21, 145 (1985).
lization was measured. When performed laser imaging tool installed on the HYSYS, Hyprotech, AEA Technology:
over a range of temperatures, the results loop. GTI subcontract work for a “Process modeling using HYSYS work-
will give rise to the TTT curves as shown DOE/CEESI project, Hydrate Control in shop course book” (2001).
in Figure 12. The TTT curves separate the Gas Storage Wells and Gathering Lines Sloan, E.D., CSMHYD software, From:
nucleation and growth kinetics. The during Rapid Withdrawal Operations, Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gases, New
minima or the “nose” of the TTT curve has begun. York: Marcel Dekker, Inc. (1990).
indicates the maximum growth rate. An addition of a T64000 Raman Spec- Kelland, M.A., Svartaas, T.M., and
So the best performance of an inhibitor trometer to GTI’s Hydrate Flow Assurance Dybvik, L.: “Studies on new gas hydrate
is measured on the basis of the amount of facility is in progress. The installation inhibitors.” SPE 30695.
shift of the nose of the curve to longer will be completed during the summer Koh, C.A.: “Controlling natural gas
times and lower temperature. Comparison 2003. This will enable GTI to make real- hydrate formation and decomposition. Final
o f current crystallization data for the time structural transition measurements report.” Contract No. 5094-260-2839. Gas
THF model system with and without in natural gas hydrates, from Structure II Research Institute, Chicago, IL March (2000).
the kinetic inhibitor shows good agree- at low pressures to Structure I at high
ment with literature data (Koh et al., pressures, and to understand the plug For more information, contact Dr. Ram
2000) as shown in Figure 12. Figure 13 dissociation kinetics. Test results are Sivaraman at alwarappa.sivaraman@
presents the most recent heat capacity expected to help the gas industry predict

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 33



for non-members, plus shipping and meter analysis; and service applications
CHARACTERIZATION USING handling. of microseismic technology as a diag-
PASSIVE SEISMIC ILLUMINATION Document number GRI-03/0016. nostic tool for the petroleum industry.
Research by Lawrence Berkeley National 74 pages. Final Report. The field experiments described have
Laboratory for Gas Research Institute Order by E-mail from helped producers optimize hydraulic
(GRI) investigated the potential of using or call fracturing and field development.
multicomponent surface sensor arrays (630) 406-5994. Price: $35 for GTI members; $60
and passive seismic sources in the form for non-members, plus shipping and

of local earthquakes to identify and char- EVALUATING POTENTIAL handling.
acterize potential fractured gas reservoirs ECOLOGICAL IMPACTS AT E&P Document number GRI-02/0216.
near seismically active regions. In their SITES: A COMPILATION OF 141 pages. Final Report.
work on passive seismic fracture detec- SCREENING CRITERIA Order by E-mail from
tion, researchers developed models for Use of screening criteria for risk manage- or call
studying elastic wave propagation in ment decision making at hazardous waste (630) 406-5994.
reservoir structures containing multiple, sites helps operators to focus attention on

finite-length fractures. They also pur- sites that may truly benefit from the eco- HYDRAULIC FRACTURE
sued an imaging method for fracture logical risk assessment (ERA) process. DIAGNOSTICS
location and characterization using multi- However, not every site needs an ERA. This report provides details about the
component, passive seismic data recorded This study is the first published, coordi- development of the theory, hardware and
on a surface array. nated effort to identify precedents for software for hydraulic fracture mapping,
Price: $35 for GTI members; $60 for using screening criteria useful for risk plus efforts to develop improved micro-
non-members, plus shipping and handling. management at exploration and produc- seismic and downhole tiltmeter hydraulic
Document number GRI-03/0036. tion sites. The criteria evaluated fall into fracture mapping technology. These tech-
21 pages. Final Report. three broad categories: environmental per- nologies are used to map treatments in
Order by E-mail from formance criteria, wildlife exposures and natural gas wells in order to optimize or call regulatory protection. stimulation and field development. For
(630) 406-5994. Price: $35 for GTI members; $60 example, work on microseismic monitor-
for non-members, plus shipping and ing included evaluation of existing third-

handling. party seismic arrays; development of soft-

MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK Document number GRI-02/0006. ware needed to transform a research
Designed for use by producers, this doc- 60 pages. Final Report. system developed by Sandia National
ument presents data on the practices and Order by E-mail from Laboratory into a robust, field-ready pack-

costs associated with produced water or call age; and investigation of microseismic
management in oil and gas basins in (630) 406-5994. source mechanisms. Tiltmeter research
five Rocky Mountain states (Colorado, focused on development of new tools to
Montana, New Mexico, Utah and DEVELOPMENT OF STIMULATION permit wider application, improvements
Wyoming) and five Mid-continent states DIAGNOSTIC TECHNOLOGY to offset-well tools and upgrades to
(Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan This report summarizes 11 years of the current software analysis package.
and Oklahoma). About 250 producers development (1991-2002) of stimula- Appendices describe related field evalua-
were interviewed. The document also tion diagnostic technology in the areas tion work as well as subcontractor reports.
summarizes pertinent federal and state of in situ stress, natural fracturing, stim- Price: $35 for GTI members; $60
regulations. Management methods ulation processes and fracture diagnos- for non-members, plus shipping and
reviewed include injection, evaporation, tics. Work done during this lengthy handling.
surface disposal, reverse osmosis, program included stress, natural-fracture Document number GRI-02/0231.
freeze-thaw evaporation and downhole and stimulation analyses; M-Site 123 pages. Final Report.
gas/water separation, as well as other experiment work; development of micro- Order by E-mail from
recycling/reuse strategies. seismic diagnostic processing algo- or call
Price: $200 for GTI members; $250 rithms and software; downhole tilt- (630) 406-5994.

34 GasTIPS • Spring 2003



U.S. Department of Energy’s National
MOUNTAIN NATURAL GAS ENGINEERS (SPE) 2003 Energy Technology Laboratory.

America is confronting an energy dilem- Oct. 5-8, Denver
ma aggravated by peaking and declining This event at the Colorado Convention CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION ON
production in its traditional natural gas Center will include presentation of more LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS (LNG)
provinces. The gas-rich basins of the than 500 technical papers in 13 topic March 21-24, 2004, Doha, Qatar
Rocky Mountains are home to a areas on subjects ranging from drilling, This triennial conference is sponsored by
“Persian Gulf of Gas” that is centrally well completion and well stimulation to Gas Technology Institute, the International
located, minimally explored and just formation evaluation, reservoir monitor- Gas Union and the International Institute of
beginning to be harvested. ing, and management and information. Refrigeration, with additional sponsorship
Details at More than 200 exhibitors also will take support from many large corporations and
part. Details at organizations involved in the LNG industry.




Sept. 23-25, Houston Feb. 8-11, 2004, Phoenix CONFERENCE (IGRC)
The GasWeek conference is a unique This is the second Gas Technology Nov. 1-4, 2004, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
blend of business and technology issues Institute-sponsored conference and exhi- Held every 3 years, IGRC is recognized
that impact the industry, from pro- bition designed to showcase new and worldwide as the major forum devoted
duction through consumption. Experts developing natural gas technologies to the exchange of the most recent
throughout the industry will address from across the industry. To be held at natural gas research, development and
high-level strategic sessions and in-depth the Pointe South Mountain Resort, the demonstration results. This will mark the
individual sector challenges. conference is co-sponsored by The ninth presentation of the IGRC.
Details at Strategic Center for Natural Gas of the Details at

Gas Technology Institute (GTI) IPAMS/GTI Office U.S. Department of Energy
1700 S. Mount Prospect Road 518 17th St., Suite 620 National Energy Technology Laboratory
Des Plaines, IL 60018-1804 Denver, CO 80202 Strategic Center for Natural Gas
Phone: (847) 768-0500; Fax: (847) 768-0501 Phone: (303) 623-0987; Fax: (303) 893-0709 3610 Collins Ferry Road
E-mail: E-mail: Morgantown, WV 26507-0880
Web site: Web site:
GTI E&P and Gas Processing Center 3555 N.W. 58th St., Suite 400 National Energy Technology Laboratory
1700 S. Mount Prospect Road Oklahoma City, OK 73112-4707 Strategic Center for Natural Gas
Des Plaines, IL 60018-1804 Phone: (405) 942-2334 ext. 212 626 Cochrans Mill Road
Phone: (847) 768-0908; Fax: (847) 768-0501 Fax: (405) 942-4636 Pittsburgh, PA 15236-0340
E-mail: explorationproduction@ E-mail: National Petroleum Technology Office
GTI/CatoosaSM Test Facility, Inc. One W. Third St.
GTI E&P and Gas 19319 East 76th Tulsa, OK 74103-3519
Processing Research (Houston) North Owasso, OK 74015 Web site:
222 Pennbright, Suite 119 Phone: Toll-free (877) 477-1910
Houston, TX 77090 Fax: (918) 274-1914 Office of Fossil Energy
Phone: (281) 873-5070; Fax: (281) 873-5335 E-mail: 1000 Independence Ave., S.W.
E-mail: Washington, DC 20585
TIPRO/GTI: Phone: (281) 873-5070 ext. 24 Web site:
TIPRO/GTI: E-mail:

Spring 2003 • GasTIPS 35

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