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8/14/2019 Beautiful Mathematic


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8/14/2019 Beautiful Mathematic


The formula behind fractals.

The simple formula, first used by Benoit B.Mandelbrot was this :

Z = Z2 + C

Seemingly very simple, but it contains possibilities for an extremely complicted

output when given interation possibility, and it has also an imaginary part. This
imaginar part involve use of complex numbers in C, in the terms of “i”, which
equals the square root of -1.
Complex numbers follow their own rules that sometimes differ from those of real
numbers. Because of their unique properties, they are often used in fractals that
are graphed in the
complex planes.

The so called Mandelbrot

set is one example of a
fractal that is graphed in
the complex plan.

Looking close with a magnifying glass

along the periferical border (sharp
picture), one will see just the same
structure as in the main picture, a unik
kind of a repetition. 2/5
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Julia sets exist in the complex plane, where the horizontal axis represent the real

numbers, and the

Julia sets here vertical axis
sourrounds represents imginary
the Mandelbrot set. numbers. An assortment of 

In the equation (x=x2+ C ), the C for Julia sets
are more sophisticated, having a complex number
involved. This imply infinite possibilities for the

developing of fractals.
The two fractal examples shown here was
achieved by different values for the C in the
equation, and shows what influence this had for
the image of the fractal pictures.

More thrilling pictures can be achieved by

laying in colours , and the colour distribution
will depend on how many iterations used.

Where to learn more.

When Benoit B.Mandelbrot in 1975 published his

først book about fractals, the interest increased 3/5
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rapidly. Few years later (1978) came his book “The Fractal Geometri of 
Nature” .

This book is far from easily read, and you should be well
skilled in mathematics and its formulations to get a profound

advantage from
extensive job reading
waits the! book. With it’s 468 pages an
for you

For those who prefer a more spontanus meeting with beautyful

fractals and less heavy mathematics, the book The Beauty of 
Fractals is recommended. It was publishet
in 1986, with 199 pages and 185 figures, many
in colour.

Where can you just play with fractals ?

You have a fine opportunity for doing this by downloading a freeware program
called Fractal Forge.

You find it in Google, just try this :

Fractovia - Fractal Forge Fractal Forge v.2.8.2 is freeware. You can use it to draw your
own fractal images, and explore Mandelbrot Set's branches. Now it's easier and
faster than ... –

When you has got in on your screen, just click in upper left corner and then on
File and Open file. Then you get 30 different fractals you can play with.
Chose one of them, and Open it. Wait for some seconds, and then click in
upper right corner. This should bring you a menu, and click on Data. Now
you can enter into the formula, and change iterations etc. etc., and then
click on Start to see the result. Good Luck ! 4/5
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Do you just want to look at beautiful fractals ?

An excellent collection can be found in Sekino’s Fractal Gallery, try it on

the address . 

Take a look at four of them :

Skien, 7. febr. 2010

Kjell W. Tveten 5/5

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