Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ Amsterdam: Tổng Hợp Các Chuyên Đề Tiếng Anh

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Phần 1: Grammar Points.

Phần 2: Vocabulary, Word Choice, Word Form, Prepositions
Phần 3: Đọc Hiểu - Reading Comprehension
Phần 4: Viết Lại Câu - Sentence Transformation
Phần 5: Pronunciation
Phần 6: Các Đề Thi Thử

Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ Amsterdam – Vì Một Khát Vọng Cống Hiến - 0982.473.845 (Thầy Hải)- Pg 1

1. THÌ HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN (Present Continuous Tense)
I. Usage: ( Cách dùng)
- Diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra ngay tại thời điểm nói HOẶC đang xảy ra ở hiện tại
Ex: Please don‟t make so much noise. I am working.
Where‟s Mary? – She’s having a bath.
-What are you doing now? - I am cooking.
-At present, my younger sister is teaching English and (is) studying medicine.
(Hiện nay, em gái tôi đang dạy tiếng Anh và học y khoa)
* Thường dùng với các từ/cụm từ chỉ thời gian như:
now, right now, at the moment (lúc này), at present (hiện nay)

- Diễn tả một hành động đã được lên kế hoạch cho tương lai
Ex1: A: What are you doing on Saturday evening?
B: I am going to the theatre.
Ex2: We are leaving tomorrow.
- diễn tả một hành động gây bực mình, khó chịu
Ex: you are always making noise.
II. Form: (Hình thức)


S + be + Ving



B/ Spelling: ( Cách thêm “ing” sau động từ)

 Động từ tận cùng bằng “e” (e câm) thì bỏ e trước khi thêm “ing”
Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ Amsterdam – Vì Một Khát Vọng Cống Hiến - 0982.473.845 (Thầy Hải)- Pg 2
Ex: live - living
come - coming
Riêng tobe - being

 Động từ 1 âm tiết (hoặc 2 âm tiết trở lên mà có âm nhấn ở cuối) tận cùng bằng 1 phụ âm, có 1
nguyên âm đi trước thì ta nhân đôi phụ âm tận cùng trước khi thêm “ing”
Ex: run - running
begin - beginning
Nhưng: meet - meeting ( không gấp đôi t vì có 2 NÂ e đi trước)
 Động từ tận cùng bằng “ie” thì đổi thành “y” rồi thêm “ing”
Ex: lie - lying
die - dying
 Động từ tận cùng bằng “l” mà trước nó là 1 nguyên âm đơn thì ta cũng nhân đôi “l” rồi thêm
Ex: travel - travelling
gravel - gravelling

CHÚ Ý: Các động từ:

Love, Like, Dislike, Hate, Loathe(ghét), prefer (thích hơn), Believe , Detest (ghét cay ghét
đắng), Fear(sợ), Respect, , Trust , Want , Wish , Desire , Know , Perceive(nhận thấy, nhận
thức, lĩnh hội) ,Notice(chú ý) , Understand , Forget , Remember , Recollect (nhớ lại, nhớ ra)
,Consist( gồm có) , Contain(bao gồm,chứa đựng) , Concern(có liên quan) , Belong , have (có)
Possess(sở hữu) , Own , Owe , Concern , Matter , Appear(có vẻ), Look (có vẻ), Feel (cảm
thấy) Seem (dường như), Smell (có mùi), Taste (có vị), Sound (có vẻ), Mean (có nghĩa là),
Signify (có nghĩa là), See (hiểu), Realize (nhận ra), Recognize (nhận thức), Hold (chứa
đựng), Keep(tiếp tục), Admire (khâm phục), depend (phụ thuộc), suppose (giả sử), need,
weigh (cân nặng) …… Không dùng ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn và bất kỳ thì tiếp diễn nào

Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ Amsterdam – Vì Một Khát Vọng Cống Hiến - 0982.473.845 (Thầy Hải)- Pg 3
a. công thức:

Dạng câu S = He / She / It / N số ít S = I / You / We / They / N số nhiều

Khẳng định S + has + V3/ed + ….. S + have + V3/ed + …..

S + has not + V3/ed + ….. S + have not + V3/ed + …..

Phủ định
Has not = hasn‟t Have not = haven‟t

Hay Has + S + V3/ed + ….. ? Have + S + V3/ed + ….. ?
Câu nghi vấn

Wh-word + has + S + V3/ed +

Wh-word + have + S + V3/ed + ….. ?
Wh-word QUESTION ….. ?
Wh – word : từ để hỏi
Wh – word : từ để hỏi

b. Cách dùng: Thì hiện tại hoàn thành diễn tả 1 hành động hay 1 sự việc:
 đã xảy ra nhưng không rõ thời gian
 bắt đầu trong quá khứ và vẫn kéo dài đến hiện tại
 lặp đi lặp lại nhiều lần
Dấu hiệu : thường đi với các trạng từ: never, ever, once, many times, several times, before,,
already, yet, since, for , just = lately = recently, so far = up to now = up to the present
in the past … years ( months, weeks, days), in the last… years,
sau so sánh nhất, sau cụm từ this is the first ( second…) time.
-For + (khoảng thời gian)
-Since+ ( mốc thời gian trong q.khứ)

Ex: She has seen that movie twenty times.

I have studied English for 7 years.
She has not seen that movie yet.
Has she seen that movie yet?
This is the best story I have ever read.

Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ Amsterdam – Vì Một Khát Vọng Cống Hiến - 0982.473.845 (Thầy Hải)- Pg 4
A. động từ tobe
S = I / He / She / It / S = You / We / They
Dạng câu
N số ít hoặc N số nhiều
KHẰNG ĐỊNH S + was + …. S + were + ….

S + was not + …. S + were not + ….

Was not = wasn‟t Were not = weren‟t

Hay Was + S + ……. ? Were + S + …….
Câu nghi vấn

Wh-word + were + S + …….

Wh-word QUESTION Wh-word + was + S + ……. ?

 Động từ “tobe” chia ở thì QUÁ KHỨ ĐƠN sẽ biến đổi thành 2 dạng ( Was, were )

B. động từ thường
Dạng câu Cấu trúc

KHẲNG ĐỊNH S + V2/ed + ….

PHỦ ĐỊNH S + did not + V0 + ….

Hay Did + S + V0 + …. ?
Câu nghi vấn

Wh-word QUESTION Wh-word + did + S + V0 + …. ?

CÁCH DÙNG: thì quá khứ đơn diễn tả hành động xảy ra bắt đầu và kết thúc tại thời diểm rõ ràng
trong quá khứ.
Dấu hiệu: thường có các trạng từ : last Monday/ week/ month…., ago, yesterday, in + năm ở
quá khứ ( in 1999), from năm ở quá khứ + to + năm ở quá khứ ( from 1990 to 1999), during +
năm ở quá khứ ( during 1990), in the past.
- I saw a horror film last night

Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ Amsterdam – Vì Một Khát Vọng Cống Hiến - 0982.473.845 (Thầy Hải)- Pg 5
-She lived in Hanoi city 5 years ago.
-I didn’t see a horror last night
- Did you see a horror film last night?


Dạng câu Cấu trúc

KHẲNG ĐỊNH S + be + V-ing …..

PHỦ ĐỊNH S + be + not + V-ing …..

Hay Be + S + V-ing ….. ?
Câu nghi vấn

Wh-word QUESTION Wh-word + be + S + V-ing ….. ?

Use: QKTD diễn tả hành động đang xảy ra trong quá khứ. Thường kết hợp với mệnh đề when
và while
- Be = was / were
Ex: I was watching TV when she called.
We were studying while she was making dinner.
My mother was reading at 9 o‟clock last night
My mother was not reading at 9 o‟clock last night
Was your mother reading at 9 o‟clock last night?

Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ Amsterdam – Vì Một Khát Vọng Cống Hiến - 0982.473.845 (Thầy Hải)- Pg 6
I. Chia các câu sau ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn.
1. They (go) _________ to school.
2. Lan and Hoa (have) _________breakfast.
3. My father (read) _________ a book.
4. The students ( do) _________their HW.
5. They (brush) _________ their teeth.
6. Mr and Mrs Smith (travel) _________to Hanoi.
7. My sister (not do) _________her homework. She (sleep) _________
8. His parents (not work) _________in the factory. They (do) the gardening.
9. The girl (not do) _________ the housework. She (watch) _________TV.
10. Nga (read) _________a book now?
11. They (play) _________ a game in the yard?
12. The children (wash) _________ their clothes?
13. Your mother (travel) _________to Danang now?
14. What Mr Hung (read) _________ now?
He (listen) _________to the radio.
15. She (travel) _________ to work by car?


Bài 1: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc:

1. She already ( watch) ______________ this movie.

2. He (write) ______________ his report yet?

3. We (travel) ______________ to New York lately.

4. They (not give) ______________ his decision yet.

5. Tracy (not see) ______________ her friend for 2 years.

6. I (be) ______________ to London three times.

7. It (rain) ______________ since I stopped my work.

8. This is the second time I (meet) ______________ him.

9. They (walk) ______________ for more than 2 hours.

10. You (get) ______________ married yet?

Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ Amsterdam – Vì Một Khát Vọng Cống Hiến - 0982.473.845 (Thầy Hải)- Pg 7
BÀI 2: Chia động từ thì hiện tại hoàn thành
1. I (not work) today.
2. We (buy) a new lamp.
3. We (not/ plan) our holiday yet.
4. Where (be/ you)?
5. He (write) five letters.
6. She (not/ see) him for a long time.
7. (be/ you) at school?
8. School (not/ start) yet.
9. (speak/ he) to his boss?
10. No, he (have/ not) the time yet.


EX 1: Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc.

1. My sister (get) …………………. married last month.

2. Daisy (come) ………………….to her grandparents‟ house 3 days ago.

3. My computer (be ) …………………. broken yesterday.

4. He (buy) ………………….me a big teddy bear on my birthday last week.

5. My friend (give) …………………. me a bar of chocolate when I (be)………………….at school


Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ Amsterdam – Vì Một Khát Vọng Cống Hiến - 0982.473.845 (Thầy Hải)- Pg 8
6. My children (not do) …………………. their homework last night.
7. You (live) …………………. here five years ago?

8. They (watch) …………………. TV late at night yesterday.

9. Your friend (be) …………………. at your house last weekend?

10. They (not be) …………………. excited about the film last night.

EX2: Chọn đáp án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D) để điền vào chỗ trống.

1. They __________ the bus yesterday.

A. don‟t catch B. weren‟t catch C. didn‟t catch D. not catch

2. My sister __________ home late last night.

A. comes B. come C. came D. was come

3. My father __________ tired when I __________ home.

A. was – got B. is – get C. was – getted D. were – got

4. What __________ you __________ two days ago?

A. do – do B. did – did C. do – did D. did – do

5. Where __________ your family __________ on the summer holiday last year?

A. do – go B. does – go C. did – go D. did – went

III. Use the Past form of the verbs:

1. Yesterday, I (go)________ to the restaurant with a client.

2. We (drive) ________ around the parking lot for 20 mins to find a parking space.
3. When we (arrive) ________ at the restaurant, the place (be) ______ full.
4. The waitress (ask) ________ us if we (have) _________ reservations.
5. I (say)________, "No, my secretary forgets to make them."
6. The waitress (tell)_________ us to come back in two hours.
7. My client and I slowly (walk) _________ back to the car.
8. Then we (see) _________ a small grocery store.
9. We (stop) __________ in the grocery store and (buy) _________ some sandwiches.
10. That (be) _________ better than waiting for two hours.
11. I (not go) _________ to school last Sunday.
12. She (get) ______ married last year?
13. What you (do) ______ last night? - I (do) ______ my homework.
Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ Amsterdam – Vì Một Khát Vọng Cống Hiến - 0982.473.845 (Thầy Hải)- Pg 9
14. I (love) ________ him but no more.
15. Yesterday, I (get) ________ up at 6 and (have) ______ breakfast at 6.30.
IV. Complete the sentences using the past simple form of the verbs.
1. I _____ at home all weekend. ( stay)
2. Angela ______ to the cinema last night. (go)
3. My friends ______ a great time in Nha Trang last year. (have)
4. My vacation in Hue ______ wonderful. (be)
5. Last summer I _____ Ngoc Son Temple in Ha Noi. (visit)
6. My parents ____ very tired after the trip. ( be)
7. I _______ a lot of gifts for my little sister. (buy)
8. Lan and Mai _______ sharks, dolphins and turtles at Tri Nguyen aquarium.(see)
9. Trung _______ chicken and rice for dinner. (eat)
10. They ______ about their holiday in Hoi An. (talk)
11. Phuong _______ to Hanoi yesterday. (return)
12. We _______ the food was delicious.(think)


Exercise 1
1/ My wife and I (be)_____________ there several times in the past.
2/ We (study)___________ almost every lesson in this book so far.
3/ He (visit) _______________his friends recently.
4/ She (do)_______________ her homework already.
5/ Tom, I (not see)________________ you for ages ! Where have you been ?
6/ He is the most kind-hearted man I ever (meet)______________.
7/ There (be) _______________3 accidents on this street in the past 3 days.
8/ Is this the first time you (visit) _______________our beautiful country ?
9/ Scientists (find) ____________cures for many illnesses in the last 50 years.
10/ My uncle's health (improve) ____________ since he (leave) ____________India.
11/ I (buy) ____________ a new shirt last week but I (not wear) ____________ it yet.
12/ I (not see ) ____________ Lan since we (leave)____________ school.
13/ Minh (be) ____________very tired when I (see) ____________ him yesterday.
14/ My father usually (work) ____________ 8 hours a day, but yesterday he (start)
____________ at 9.00 a.m and (finish) ____________at 9.00 p.m.
15/ It usually (rain) ____________ a lot in summer but it (rain) ____________ a little last
Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ Amsterdam – Vì Một Khát Vọng Cống Hiến - 0982.473.845 (Thầy Hải)- Pg 10
16/ -When John (leave) ____________ home ?
-He (leave) ____________ 5 minutes ago.
17/ What you (do) ____________ last Sunday ?
- I (have) ____________a holiday in New York.

Exercise 2: Chia động từ trong ngoặc ở thì hiện tại đơn/ hiện tại tiếp diễn/
quá khứ đơn/ quá khứ tiếp diễn/ hiện tại hoàn thành/ tương lai đơn :
1.Be quiet ! The baby ( sleep)…………………
2. The sun ( set) …………………………in the West.
3.Mr Green always ( go)…………………. to work by bus.
4. It ( not rain ) …………..…….in the dry season.
5. They ( have ) …………..…….lunch in the cafeteria now.
6. She ...................... (go) camping tomorrow.
7. The doctor sometimes (return)…………………….. home late.
8. He ( write)……………….. a long novel at present.
9. Look ! The bus ( come)………………..
10. The earth (move)………………… around the sun.
11. What you (do) …………… 8 p.m yesterday?
12. His uncle ( teach) …………………English in our school five years ago.
13. The old man ( fall) …………….as he (get)……………… into the bus.
14. When I saw him, he (sit) …………….asleep in a chair.
15. She ....................... (visit) her aunt next week.
16. Last Monday, while I (read)……………… a book, the phone rang.
17.They ( not speak)……….……. to each other since they quarreled
18. I (try) ……………to learn English for years, but I ( not succeed)……….………… yet
19.I (not see) …………………her since last week.
20. John( do) ………………..his homework already.

Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences.

1. He ............... in London for two years and then ............... to Paris.
A. has lived/ has gone B. lived/ went C. has lived/ went D. lived/ has gone
2. ................. your hair long when you .................... at school?
A. Did you wear/ are B. Did you wear/ were
C. Do you wear/ were D. Do you wear/ have been
3. My brother ................... several novels. He .................. his fifth tragedy.
A. wrote/ has just finished B. writes/ has just finished
Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ Amsterdam – Vì Một Khát Vọng Cống Hiến - 0982.473.845 (Thầy Hải)- Pg 11
C. has written /has just finished D. wrote/ is just finishing
4. John ................for two weeks. He is trying to give it up.
A. didn‟t smoke B. doesn‟t smoke C. isn‟t smoking D. hasn‟t smoked
5. I .............a new car last year, but I old car yet, so at the moment I have two cars.
A. bought/ didn‟t sell B. bought/ haven‟t sold
C. have bought/ didn‟t sell D. have bought/ didn‟t sell
6. Tom .......... to England two years ago. He ...........there for a while and then ............ to Canada.
A. went/ worked/ went B. went/ has worked/ went
C. went/ has worked/ has gone D. went/ was working/ went
7. ............. the door before you left the house?
A. Do you lock B. Have you locked C. Did you lock D. Were you lock
8. He ................. his job last month and since then he ............. out of work.
A. loses/ was B. lost/ was C. lost/ is D. lost/ has been
9. I ................ tennis when I was at school. I very much.
A. play/ enjoy B. played/ enjoyed
C. played/ enjoy D. have played/ enjoyed

Trung Tâm Ngoại Ngữ Amsterdam – Vì Một Khát Vọng Cống Hiến - 0982.473.845 (Thầy Hải)- Pg 12

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