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RESEARCH GROUP It is expected that this activity will become a forum for friendship to High efficiency in manufacturing systems has a direct impact on
INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG build academic networking, collaborate, create positive academic reducing production costs, which in turn will reduce product prices.
atmosphere, motivate and encourage those who are doing research, and Low production efficiency is caused by long production cycle times.
provide inspiration for IE students/lecturers throughout Indonesia in Long part waiting time of parts is one of the causes of the long
searching for research topics. production cycle times. Thus, reducing part waiting time is
important because it contributes directly to increase production
The Webinar Series activity will be held online from 7 August 2021 to 19
The problem of long part waiting time occurs frequently in
PRODUCTION PLANNING AND March 2022. The Webinar Series is scheduled every Saturday for 1 hour
at 09:00-10:00 WIB manufacturing systems, affecting the fulfillment of due dates that
has been agreed with the customer. Currently, it is difficult to fulfill
CONTROL: ISSUES AND due dates agreed with customers. In fact, on-time delivery can
increase customer loyalty, a key to success in market competition.
RESEARCH TOPICS Therefore, there are two things that must be considered, i.e.
reducing waiting time of parts on the shop floor and on-time
delivery at the due date.

To ensure the fulfillment of the due date, a backward scheduling

approach can be used, i.e. determining the schedule of jobs starting
Registration: from the due date and then moving backwards towards time zero.
This approach can result a schedule that does not exceed the due
date, but does not guarantee that flow time is minimum. Halim and
Ohta (1993) developed a new criterion regarding the flow time, i.e.
INFORMATION: the so-called actual flow time, the time spent by parts in the shop floor from the starting time of processing to the delivery time. It is
Instagram: @kksm_itb assumed that the arrival of the part can be arranged so that the
arrival of the part is right at the time it will be processed, and the
delivery of the part is performed on the due date.

The actual flow time uses the concept of backward scheduling, so

CONTACT PERSONS: that minimizing the actual flow time of parts is essentially
Rinto 0853 2447 0036 (WA only) minimizing the time spent by parts is on the shop floor and at the
Pratya 0821 1888 0075 (WA only) same time ensuring that it does not exceed the due date. Thus, the
use of the actual residence time criterion can guarantee on-time
delivery during the due date, and the problem of part waiting time
In Collaboration with: can be overcome. The criterion of minimizing actual flow time has
been widely used in batch scheduling researches conducted by
several alumni of the Industrial Engineering ITB doctoral program.
For this reason, it is considered necessary to organize the
dissemination of research results through Webinar Series activities.

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