Personal Credo

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I believe that everyone in this world deserves a chance in being able to study, because education
is one of the most important things an individual needs. The ways this is possible in my opinion
is that as individuals we develop peace and unity as human beings, where racism and social
injustices would not be a problem or tolerated.

Yes in this world there many are many problems, but what I see that stands out is the fact that
there are millions of people out there that are not able to study. The reason behind this is because
they do not have the funds to do so or have the resources to study. Which in my side makes me
feel disheartened, because there might be a possibility that this person who is not able to afford
education may have the potential to be able to change the world and make it a better place.

As an individual I believe that peace and unity would be a solution to this problem. I think once
our world develops these characteristics it would allow many problems to be solved and make
the lives of the future generations easier for them. Yes I know that this is a hard thing to obtain
with all the hatred around the world but I do believe that one day this problem will be solved

Another thing I personally believe in is that our country will one day achieve unity as a
community and become a first world country and gain development. I say this because I have
faith that the younger generations will one day become great leaders and possibly change the
country we live in, in today’s generation and make it a better palace.

A possible way this could happen is if the country would do its best to invest in the younger
generations, like improve the education systems of the country and believe in them that the
student will one day succeed in the future.

I also believe that it is never too late to learn or to study. No matter how old you are or how late
you are, I believe that there is no reason that you should stop learning, that if you pursue it, you
will be able to gain knowledge and pass it down to the younger generation.
If there is one thing I learn about this pandemic, it is no matter what situation you are in, there
will always be a way to get where you want to be, yes there will be hardships in the process but I
believe that an individual can face it and get through it. This pandemic may be hard for all of us
but this doesn't mean it could stop us. And if a persons in a bad situation I believe that the lord
will be the one to guide that person.

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